Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1906, p. 6

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ther: ¢ of the of the issues of capital ugston thid 18th day of x *Roomms & NIOKLE, Solicitors. for Applicants. CULTURE PERLEY, A.C M. as ever all claswes " weidling velt, to Cofigressman worth, of Ohio. The the undeniable fact world loves 'a lover, democratio wavs, has ding &f Mis avent in the fall The weddlifig considered! tril his best positing their Tt had been number of guests present at the room to S30, hat attracted as m all soetions of th of ah eldest daughter of President Roose: Miss Roosevelt's father, coupled with that lover is the daughter of the ehiol exseutive of 'the cougtry and has on deared herself by hor naturalness aml toowevelt sense of the world, came quite noar being international an and, to some extent, that = charactor, although Roosevelt, with true demoeratio spirit, to prevent §t, The boginning of the ceremony had been fet for high noon, but the first carriages with guests began to arsive shortly "after clove o'clock, and when BISHOP SATTERLER the noon hour apmoached, there was an mibterruptod Hane occupants at pitable door of the Whits House intentled to limit the who werd to he wedding in the oaxt it is safe to sav of this eoim- anter- - country and 3 of the ceremony. i reserved for v'aited patiently the 1 The Wedding Ceremony. A few minutes before noon . Bishop Satterlee, of Washington, und Rev, Roland Cotton fumith, rectid of St, John's E; church, who were to to Epil hares assist in the sem § Fores , arrived in the East room on n po 4 their places within the en: closure of white ribbons, forming a barrier. around . the floral altar. A few minutes ater the bridegroom, 'ac- compunied by his host man, Thomas Neldon © Perkins, entered the room tion, _popila Nicholas Long popitdarity of that all the particularly if ha made the wed a national ovent, has assed President of carriages de the hos make Got a package of ahd recolour them. {ot weaves How Much of a Waist Will 10 Cents Buy? Might buy enough hooks or buttons, But, if You've some waists discarded oh account of the color, ten cents can | good-as-new, one dye is suitable for all sorts DY-O-LA more than other Altarn-- The Bride's Gown. and took 'their positions at the. side of the altar, where they awaited thé arrival of the bridal party. . The bridal party proper descended from the upper floor hy way of the private stairway, between the state diging-room and tho breakfast room and moved throfigh the wide corridor Shih tuts 150 feel from west 10 east in the mansion, to the East room. The bride leaned on her fatheé's arm and walked with stately and dignified steps, Mrs. Roosevelt walked with her kon Kermit, Miss Ethel with her brother Archibald and the bali: of the family, Quentin, was conducted by his cousin, William. 8. {'owles, Jr, the only son of Capt. and Mrs, Wil liam 8S. Cowles, the venerable Loe, the rs, ddeorge (', grandmother of bride, and Mrs. William 8. Cowles walked together, and were followed by the other members of the Les, Roosevelt and Longworth families, who had come from all parts of - the country to attend the wedding The. eight selected hy the bridegroom 'awaited the bridal warty at the f@ee ol the stairs and proceed them to the Fast room, where they ar ranged themselves, fone on vach side, forming an aisle. Fhey held white ribbons in such a way that they form ed an areh, beneath which the bridal party marched toward the altar. The ushers ushers wo Quiney Adams Shaw, of Boston: Frederick Winthrop, of © Now York: Francis R. Bunge. of Boston: Guy Norman, of Boston; B, A, Wal lingford, of Cincinnati The wadding ceremony was condnét ed in accordance with the ritual of the Episcopal church, Yishop Satter low officinting amd Rev. De. Roland Cotton Smith assisting in the cere mony. During the progress of the ceremony the boys' choir of St. John's church sang a number of fae reel selections, including Mr. 1. ng worth's favorite, "Be Thou Friihinl Unto Death.' from Hjah," aad a selection from the Seng of Solomon, "My Beloved Cometh" After the ceremony the ushers. who bad been guarding the abproach to the floral altar. formed in line ane preceded the bridal party on their re cessional, while the Maine band play- el an animated marek The Bridal Dress. Miss Alice Roosevelt looked Jovelv in her magnificent bridal costume. The gown was ent in Princess style, which is particularly becoming to the slentler and graceful figure of the bride. It was of pearl white satin, showing a design of roses, outlined in silver thread the plain Laek gromid. The material was specially woven in. one of the Paterson, N.J., silk mills and the design thon de strayed to prevent duplieation. The shirt was plain and tight fitting around the Kips and waist, with. no trinthing whatever. The hodice was tight fitting as far as the bust, where it draped softly in crosswise folds, the fronts fastening in alternate tabs, a vest of soft tulle, which rt d "of the yoke end of t . The transparen : on anges, Figs and Pruties ai press d--the foie separated rom the to 1 woody fibre--and concentra- ted. ~(and this is the secret of " Fruit-a-tives")-- one more atom of bitter prin- ciple from the orange peels is forced into the concentrated fruit juices. By this process --one of the most remarkable achievements of the age--the juices are made stronger, and many times more active medi: cinally. Finest tonics and internal antiseptics are added, and the whole evaporated and pressed into tablets. "Fruit. a-tives" are the greatest tonic, laxative and blood purifying medicine ever discovered. 80c. a box, ; At ull druggists. family. The slesves 'were of eliow length, heing finished with <oft ruffies of the lace. The train, fully ders, was of heavy white broche, lin- ed with plain whité satin and finish- al on the sides #nd at the bottom with ruches of chiffon. The hridal veil, another family heir. loom, was of soft tylle, falling al: most to the bottom of the train. It wax held by a spray of orange blos- soms, falling loosely over the coiffure, The bride carried ho flowers, but only a small, ivory bound prayer book. the same which Her mother carried at her wedding, After the wedding party had left the East room the invited guests formed in groups and gradually made their way to the famoug blue room where the wedding lincheor was to be Served. It was fully one o'clock when Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth made their appearance. When Mrs. Longworth returned to the guests, she wore a charming recep: tion gown of the richest white silk, cut low in the neck, trimmed with a bertha of rare lace, sleeves dropping off the shoulder into:a pull, finished with a babd of lace just about the elbow, The body of tha skirt and the bodice, was ornamented with heauti- ful embroidered butterflies of various sizes. The smaller ones in the upper pust of the dress were flat, while the arger ones toward the bottom of the dress had raised wings. The yong bride looked charting in the dich gown and radiantly bhiljipy. Off On The Tour. The wedding luncheon and reception lasted until three o clock, when Mr, and Mrs, Nicholas Longworth retired to prepare themselves for their de- purture on their wedding trip. An our later the newly married couple was driven to the Pennsylvania sta. tion, where the specigh Pullman "Republic," specially © fitted up the bridal trip, stood ready to ceive them. Mrs. Longworth lool charming in het tra rolling gown tan cloth, cat in princes: style and with a chart bolero jacket. The skirt was trimmed with folds of chiffon velvet of the same shade as whe cloth, The upper part of the waist and the sieeves were tan chiffon and lace. The little coat was trimmed with bands of velvet, With this costume she wore a tri-cornered hat of tan velvet, with a bird of paradise at the side, fastened with a tortoise-shell and silver buckle, The final destination of the trib was carefully kept secret, but it is under- stood that the couple will go probably to Georgia and will visit to the home they intend to spe at Palm Beach, The trip will only last about three weeks, as the session of makes it necessary for Mr. Longworth to return to Washington. After their return the voune couple will live g¢ car for south, pay a of her mother, Later nd a week or. more Fla, congress the John Davies Jones home on Eighteenth street and I street, and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, Se, will lake care of the hotiseheld to relieve the young and inexperienced bride of all household duties. 8 -- To Have A Longer Trip. After the adjournment Mr. and Mrs. to Eur of congress, Longworth intend to go We and spend some time in the capitals of the principal countries. It 1 expected that they will be presented at the various courts visited, although the death of King Oscar of Denmark will somewhat interfere with the ginal plans of the trip. The cour ori European : ts being in mourning, there will he little Gpportunity for the traveler® attend large court fupetions. They pro Pose to spend considerable time in Lon. don and Paris, where both have many friends and relations, or The lease of their house in Washing- ton runs two vears and then Mr. and Ask. yourself if Stomach, Liver and Bowels are in their best condition for the long winter, If not, you know what will put them right-- aud keep them right. A morning glass of Salt at the rent yoke was of real ross an lace, of the Too - 25e and 00¢ & bottle. At drugaists everyebare oe -3 pio . .: theee yards tong, bagan at (he shail: | knot Jnent as Wh, Liingworth: will go to Citieina: ti; where they will reside at the old Longworth mansion "Rookwood; which is a veritable museum, filled with the modt beautiful and costly art thea- sures, Everybody | realized that it was gq love match pure and simple and that neither considerations; of mbnéy nor state reasons. had anything to do with the relations between Miss Roosevelt atid her western admirer. Tt was this fast more than anything else that made the enga int and to- day's wedding events of such national interest, ---- Gifts Were Beautiful. It is extremely doubtful : whether r who was not a princess of nil I was ever so overwhelmed with wedding presents as Mrs, Long- worth. For weeks wedding gifts of every de scription have been flowing into the White House, until the library was ae tually filled with the gifts. They came from every part of the United States, from pvery corner of the world and varied in value from a few dollars to a king's ransom. Nothing gives strong proof of the popularity of the bride than the fact that the wedding presents sent to her from all parts of the world were by REV. ROLAND COLTON SMITH. i -------------------------------------- no means all sent by wealthy people or the heads of governments, Many of the gifts came from comparatively poor people, farmers in some, of the western states,. artisans and others richly endowed with worldly goods. From those sources the bride has rectlved enough victuals to feed a good sized family for a year. Among the gifte were potatoes, all kinds of vegetables and fruit, pumpkins, eggs, and even coal in generous quantities, A Satisfactory Growth. The ninth annual meeting of the shareholders. of the Trusts and Guar- antee company, limited, was held at the company's office, 141 King street west, Toronto, or January 31st, 1906. The reports of the directors was sub- mitted, showing that after the pay- ment of the two hali-yvearly dividends at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, amounting to $49,975.41, a balance was carried forward to profit and loss of 818,029.21, making a total of $118,- 342.80 at the erfedit of profit and loss account on December 31st, 1905. Thi amount -is over ten per cent. of the company's paid-up capital. The paid: up capital «he enmpany at the end of the r amounted to $1,037 883.71. The p it, the Hon, Mi. Stratton, pointed out that the gross carnings amounted to about $20,000 over the preceding year and that the growth of the company was exceedingly satisfac tory. The wag unanimously adopted, many of the shareholders ex préssing their confidence in the agement and continued success of company. The shareholders expressed regret at the death of the late man- ager, T. P. Coffee, and approved of the action of the directors in the pointment of James .J. rector and Mr. Coffee. At a subsequent meeting of the board of directors Hon. Mr Strat ton was re-elected president and DD. W Karn, of Woodstock, and €, of Guelph, vice-president. report man i the ap Warren as di manager in succession to RKloepfer, Great Bargains All Month. Look at Prevest's window 55 Brock street, for a fine display of new im. potted tweed suiting. Suits made to order for $15, guaranteed a first-class fit., They are really worth £20 a suit, Now time to der, and save money. 18 your leave vour or- -------- Pardon Our Blushes. A lotter received by the department of the Grand a gentleman living in one passenger Trunk from of the large eres on the Atlantic coast, who had taken trip via the Grand Trunk and Is Western connections to California, is filled with praise for the service experienced on the Journey. He *avs i "I have been a traveller for forty-two vears and have visited the principal parts of this continent, as well journey through foreign countries, and will candidly say that I have never received such good treat- I* experienced on the ( admirable irand Trunk. Your voadbed jx perfection, cars beawtiful and serupalonsly clean and the serviee on the dining cars equal to the most exclusive hotels in the country. T am not 'prone to flatter but when one can enjoy travel as - comfortably as line, 1 think evervhody male aware of it." on your should he A ------------------ Don't You Grieve } Stanton in Atlanta Constitution YOU Ston to grieve a minute when the rain is in the skies You shall see the brighter morning . the brighter heavens rise Bon't you think because it's winter we'll never have You shall reach the qreater gardens where the lovelicr voices sing ! N------ A homing pigeon, five months old at the time, was released on the lsle of Man in August, 6903, It was long ago given up for lost. At last it has returned to its loft in Liverpool. The German emperor has offered PF. L. Don't that Spring six large photographs of himself as prizes for industrious scholars and and save and b OF TAR AN trouble and after expense ? All Affection of the Throat ang Lungs Are Easily Cured Sooner or later (according to how long they have been by "MATHIEU'S SYRUP OF TAR AND COD No cold CAN RESIST er. It has a tonic effect on the whole system which enablss you to quickly throw off the worst cold. MATHIEU'S SYRUP OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL ected) IER why it is about the onl children. They commenced as i shi dually devel into nsumption not 1s a thorough cure for all the respiratory organs. It cures thoroughly and permanently. By its strengthening elects on the system it gives you the power to resist similar attacks. A few doses will be found 10 I have a very. beneficial and healing effect, 'The cure com. mences with the first dose. While its great soothing proper. ties on the sore chest and throat are very grateful. Children become fond of that combined with From all dealers. ROUGH NEGLE To neglect any cold is dangerous. and cheaper to cure a cold in its first stages. oa tting a bottle of "MATHIEU'S SYRUP COD LIVER OIL" Colds Are the Colds That Kill t chill, an insignificant hitis, South neumonia, Asthma Moreover it is easier . I the 35, vi worth all the pain, ts curative. pow- kinds of colds and ailments of it because of its pleasant taste, its wonderful building properties is y cough cure which is suitable for 38¢. large bottle. Discover Ketchikan Gold 'w on the below koffsky ered by 1832, at built hy der, was kofi redo sported lake and Kuskowir twenty-fiv the year! of the m and the prrpose ing the over Yukon tc was only alter It was only gold on Russians. they ever large gold in | try. Lukeen a vous and Case The tre been reduc Hamilton. His pil ticular. M writes "Last nervous My came mor ambition housewark found out the better anc tors had f Your ill- spondency past if yo They care orders, ] German elementary schools, 81 at all the Kuskowifn river, which joing the latter stream about the called Lukeen's Fort, wim river, twenty-five miles above the mouth of the destroyed by In 1832 Russian-American were at Sitka and supplies were tran thence to Way of Nushagak river, Tic-chic summer route and used only for the the winter } used they left the country. in 1832 that to-day as scale or thought to be the cord of gold being foun EE ---------- Startling Weakness Undermind Strength, Caused Ner- DR. HAMILTON'S Mandrake and Butternut Pills and promptly manent and satisfactory and health ran down steadily. | bottom of my trouble. Hamilton's Pills. some time; They effected cure and made me wel stop headaches ness--change health. Price THE L. J. MATHIEU CO., Proprietors, Sherbrooke P. (. EE ERNE, J A ---------- GOLD IN ALASKA. ed by Russian Trader on Anauk River. Mining Journal. as first discovered in Alaska Anavk river, a tributary of twenty-five miles trading post of Kalama- The Anauk river was discov- Ivan Simenson Lukeen in which time he built a fort, on the Kusko- Anauk. It was partly natives in 1841, and, re Kalamakofi, a Russian tra afterwards called Kalama ubt. the headquarters of Trading the company Lukeen's Fort by river down the Anauk river to the n river, ahd thence up stream e miles to the fort. In 1837 ¥ supplies were sent by outh of the old way Kuskowim river way abandoned as a of sending out the mails dur. y dog teams winter route the Russians from any point the » the outside (Sitka), and abandoned for the purpose It was on while one one of these trips the Russians discovered the Anauk, and it js known the Yellow river of the It is not known whether attempted mining on anv whether they found mying quantities but it is first time on re lin this coun was born of Russian and in Her Kidneys Exhauston, Langour, Melancholia -- Strange Cured by atment of sick kidneys has 'ed 10 an exact science by Dr, Is relieve from the first dose effect a cure that is per- in every par. rs. M.-P, Kenney, of Souris, summer 1 became weak and wemed to lose my grip. be- Ose and languid and had no to do even the slichtest « It was very fortunate | that weak kidnevs were at I took Dy. In a few dave I felt them steadily for a complete il after many doc- 1 used ailed." temper, low spirits and de- will soon be a thing of the u use Dr. Hamiltonjs Pills. the backache and urinal ths. nd nervous. sickness "into joyous 2c. per box, or five for dealers. [ Sheriff s Sale of Lands County of Frontenae, To Wit: In the County Court tween Mills & tiffs, and of Frox Cunningha John Reyner Defence writ of fier Under and by virtue of a facias issued "out of the i Court in the above mocutic snd to me directed, 1 have seized' and will offer for' sale by public auction, at my office in the Court Hous City of Kingston. in the Count Frontenac, on Saturday ] March, A.D. 1908, at o'clock, noan, all the est, and oguity of reds above named defendant in, to, and out of the f ed lands and tenements singular that certain parce lanl and premises situate a bee ine in the City, of King he County of Froutenac P { One tario on the north eid Taian Street, and composed of one-half of lot sixty-one, having a frontage Street of thirty-three feet & plan 'of gprdnance lots number nir mer farm, in_ the said w ioining lots twenty-t nd four of the first conc ship of hingston. as - vinelal Lan Sur W t Kingston, F with the easterly of . heuse and barn ected ere THOMAS DAWSON Sheriff, County Sheriffs 'Office, City of K 21d 18th. day of November 47-1t 8 effectual monthly Lc a aah wowen ca depend. Sold in two degrees strength--No. 1, 1 ordi for Special Sold by alt es stronge Jases, $8 per box k's Cob ists, Ask for Cook's C fr oot Compound ; take 20 substitute. ¢indsor. Ontari ~ Cook Madioine Co... Windsor. Un Spanish-American the Ross colony in ( was well educated at the Sit and proved to be an act officer. | Crete smrenis i tii He and intelligent keen ascended the Yukon rin St. Michael to Fort Gibl ; a Hudson's Bay company trading | = which was built by McMurray iv descended the Porcupin river 1M. Lukeen was the first man on nectod the Pelly river AY pel and the sea, He retum to. Sh Michael that fall. In 1% ht sian garrison at Kalamak in . charge of Dementofi i drawn, the United Stat pur chased Alaska from the R ne At Chaffey"s Locks ; 'Chafiey's Locks, Feb. 16 ae harvest is now over as ne one who required ice has supply. lee is about thick A new wharf has beer Terry Moore Island here, enable steamers to land h sa oon kept an the future. EA Edgers has | nine quite busy with his sawing pid in this vicinity and nearly ior sidents have a good supply ol the coming vear. Mrs, E. Fdgers arf Mrs. W. H. Fleming are | be around again after of severe illness. Miss ' has gone to Cleveland, Oh her sister, Mrs. R. J. Bums A ho sant time was spent last nt A party given by Mrs. A. W vy he petition. has been forwarded to Is ministér of railways i an through Mr. Gibson, of | oe, over tles vicon asking to have a bridge erecty the canal at Davis' station, wh from here, Members of the Up y boat club ate about to build tv gor housés and a large addition 10 be club house. There will be Set 4 and a 7 asoline launches : gasoline la fleet next spritgs skifis added to the Has Met kets Only. 25¢., { Lead Pac HIGHEST Free to You, « My S Free to You and Every Siste Suffering from Woman's of any charge structions to from wom: I want women about this cure--yeou, my oh your mot) nts, ter. you how tc sister. 3 3 h he \ selves at h hout the help Men cammot um What we wor stand woman's un know from ex; koow I Ke home tr peat is a safe and su Lencorrheea or Whitish Discharges, Displacement or Falling of the fuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also head, back and bowels, bearing do nervousness, creeping feeling up melancholy, hot flashes, wearin: snd bladder troubles where caus: messes peculiar to our sex. I want to send you a complot treatment entirely free to prove you can cure yourself at home, ea a member that it w treatment a co I wish to conti cents a week 1t will not interfe i. Just send me me how you s send. you the tr entirely free, in plain I will also send you WOMAN'S OWN" NE atory illustr: affer, and ho selves at home, E and learn to ¢ en when the d tion," ran any doctor, Len rreguia; and painful or hdies. "Plumpness and health a) from its use Wherever you live, T can refer y of your own locality, who know an er thet this Hom cures all wome asd makes women well, strong, mbest, Just send me ¥ dress, and the free ten d 1ys yours, also the booK. Write tc may not see this offer again. ¢ MRS. Box 11 Add M, SUMME Windsor, - Grand Union Rooms From $1,00 Per Opposite Grand Fontral BAGGAGE %:2 NTER N Short or a Tsusiness, il Service Course. Kingston Business | Limited Head of Queen Str Kingston « = « ( apartments, excellent tment. t ven hole year. C 3 J.B. McKAY, H. F. ME" President, P BUTT RTT VTE TT TET TG a " 'sass esessssesesase Booth FOOT OF WEST S 'Phone 133. EROS SPEC Grudit is a name tha comfort. lity is ¥Up the best, and price high, ° A. E. Herod, 334 Pri THE FRONTENA! LOAN & INVESTMENT § (ESTABLISKED}I8S President--Sir Richard C Money loaned on City and Jertics, Municipal and Co tures. Mortgages purchase ved and interest allowe: 8S. c. McGill, Maraging Office, 97 Clarence Street,

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