Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1906, p. 4

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the commission' "| is not heroism and Of your discontent--if you try to Seb results from poor coal. which ust beens without heat. It you Soul for your furnace 'of us, fan Le Warki and contented. Bur coal buras with the least Waste, becuse it is ad Ht glves more than SAY others 0 to the it would 'lose rev-' the duty on refined . Anderson, alter discussing the technically and in a manner 'the commission. greatly appre- got down to plain statements a question by Sir Richard! that under the he advocated the con- LS would be able to get pounds of sugar for $1, while at t. they were allowed only twenty Sir Richard Cartwright, Who 7s the greatest expert on tariff revision in Canada outside of Mr, Fielding, said | that he agreed with Mr. Anderson. That was a significant admission. It jmeans that something may be expect od in the sugar line in the interest of- the people, and not without reason, The refiners have overdone their mon: poly. Heroes Are Very Scarce. Larnegie some years ago set apart | a large slice of his fortune so that from the accumulating interest upon it fitting rewards might be given to the heroes of the day, "There may be something amiss with definition of a hero," says a contemporary, and for the reason that so far, out of over Jeeven hundred cases, only nineteen Thave been found to receive gifts with © Me: Carnegic's blessing, What is the matter ? Risk and peck. » 3 3 oil * N berg, Specific acts of courage may be selected for ndmiration, but courage the commission does not seem to have had much diffi i foulty in distinguishing between them. Heroes are hom and not made, The men--or most of thew--for all time . have sprung into prominence and won ing moment, : Men cannot determine to be heroes, They may not have the fibre out of which heroes are made, and the open ing may never como to them to win 1 the fame they sook, The real heroes are scarce, and the percentage does not become the greater et. because a rich man condescends to help the cause by his prodigality. Realizing this it is time for a change, The gift of Carnegic"s millions to genuine philanthropy would do "| more good, Foy Nakes A Flop. My dear Foy is being reminded by his political opponents of how incon- sistent he has been on the patronage and offico question, He issued what appeared (0 be, at the time, a very remarkable letter, It. was addressed, in July last to Harford Ashley, the division court clerk in Belleville. Some one wanted his place, and Belloville, it' scoms, has had more than its proper share of place hunters. Mr. Foy wrote Ashley that be had taken a very active part in politics "during the past fow years," that he hud once, long long age, ben a liberal candidate, and that hé: had always worked for his party. All "of which was very indefinite. Ashley had been a liberal before he entered office, and a useful one, but when he ao cepted office he went out wi politics. Any ove in Belleville, who knew the man, knew this; But the attormey-general assumed that the charges were true, that they | applied to the time he was in office, and 'asked for his resignation. The same man approves of the up pointment of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt be cause he is a politician, and as the party boss has commanded the pa- {ronage and the men who dispense it. It can be said of th doctor, "You have been acuive in politics, you have run elections as a candidate, and you have worked hard for your party, Please hand in your reignation 1 The doctor in safe while the Present id | government is in power. But what happen when there is 'a change, will come in time. No govern: ever again rule or reign for 0 years in. this province, --_ -- | J mandate, : | the liquor and' temperance imterests, . ® Jaud of course this made him very bap. on fpy. There would, from time to time, be amendments to the liquor act, in ac cordance with his party promises, but the government did not have a man. date from the people to abolish' the bars. Nor will it ever have such a Local elections are not won apon | teauperance or prohifition tines, The time will never come when all other issuey will be dropped in a general' | election, and the people be asked to vole upon the abolition of the bars | and clubs. So it is safe {0 say that the govern- ment of Mr. Whitney will never be troubled with the cantankerous sui ject and ho will never be worried ab- out it, for has he not, as he intim. ates; --the--wmites and "support of the temperance people ! Reforming The Fairs, The managers will observe that the government has practically sounded the death knell of small fairs. The old condition of things, which went along for: so many years without change, will soun have passed away, and, according to the representations which have been made to the govern- ment, they will not disappear a day too sven. The province has been spending a sum of $80,000 4 year in grants, pre- sumably and ostensibly for the de velopment of agriculture. The money was divided among so many electoral district associations, and so that no part or section of Ontario would be overlooked, It was provided that the twwnship societies--withoiit number or location--should be added to a limited extent by the district society. In so the law, 1 w do not ake of any one a] me places aw, as it stood, practically encouraged shows which could be swept aside and not be missed. The proposal is to have fewer fairs, to observe the presence of them only in counties rather than on electoral division lines, and to give them grants of an. equal amount. The a : Bn ii grants will be based on the amount a nation's app aus by vir Ho OF I gotually spent "in promoting pro- pulse and that exercised at the becom- gressive agriculture," or "as prizes for strictly agricultural exhibits." The result will be a reformation of the fair associations and their plans. There will be more spent in legitinmie purposes in order to win the reward, and it will make the fair a farmers' institution solely, The only modification in favour of sports is that which deals with the races. These have always been at the fall fairs but under disguise. There has been "speeding," which is allow- able, and it degenerated into races of a more or less faulty kiml. The law is to be amended so that there may be racing, and called by its proper name. The legishation is only pro mised, of course, but under circum- stances which the government cannot repudiate, Editorial Notes, Peterboro is looking for one of the Normal schools, Peterboro, Peter boro ? Has anyone heard of it ? -- The mmnufacturers have undertaken to tell the government how well the farmers are getting on with a high tariff. Now listen for the Grange ? -- If pulpwood or pulp is to be made the local government Iberal than' the. Ross government. That fact will be presently establish- od, must be more em -- Rimouski iv giving all Quebee an object lesson in taxation. It proposed to assess all the church properties and to. collect the usual rates , Now watch the effect. -- R. L. Borden, at a funetion in Ot- tawa, expatiated oun electoral im- purity. He thought the liberals alone were guilty "of it. Tut, tut. Where has he been spending his vacation ? -- The provincial - treasurer is anxious that a deal should be made so that there may be reciprocity in the col: lection of snececession duties, Seeking 10 make the "robbery of the deal" more effectual, oh? The CP. R's expansion schemes involve an issue of forty million dol- lars of new stock. The tinental is determined that its com: petitors shall not outdo it in enter prise. More power to it. g here is something mighiy impres: first transcon- traffic, and he | Others. Who is the chief axeman now eek thinks electric power jars #an be sold in Toronto Jupsegron . Experts say eek, in fis calculations, has matter, names, because wo te the provincial office-holders 'and give their jobs to since Doe Nesbitt has' gone to glory ? Five pulpwood concessions have been cancelled 'by the Whitney government, The concessionaires could not comply with the conditions nord by the Ross government. Conclusion -- that these were not what they were alleged to be'by Mr. Whitney. EE ---------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. The Great Issue. St. Thomas p y theic own fines or do the peojile who have water pipes thawed out pay them ? PE + The Coal Man's Enemy. Brantford ousier: Remember manner in which the Whit government is saving your conl bill giving the province this mild winter. \ Aid To Health. 'Brantford Courier, If the idea that public offices are health producers gets" spreaving there will be no need in future to advertise "Twas All Prophet. T Eiiah Dowie complains that lijal wie ains tha plans failed because he couldn't get enough money. And yet some people had 'an idea that he was carrying on a business that was nearly all pro- phet, his --- Should Have Done It. Toronto World, Doc. Nesbitt should have insisted on a few of "the boys" receiving the ap- pointment of issuer of marriage li- censes before he himself passed to his reward, --- A Yell Wanted. Temiscaming Herald. The city of Temiscaming will never reach its destined pinnacle, never achieve its true fame ana glory, until it'has its own yell. It's the holler that counts. It is so wherever you turn, He's Humbugging Them. Humwilton Times; Whitney tells the temperance people that he has no mandate to abolish bars, and he doesn't propose to do anything in that direction. He got the temperance people to support him, and now he puts his thumb to his nose and makes signs at thom. INCREASE IN STAFF. Of the Old Reliable Kingston Business College. On account of the unprecedented growth of the Kingston Business Col lege, head of Queen street, the author- ities have found it necessary to in- crease the waching stall and out of many applicants, have selected W. H, Rarr for the position. Mr. Barr, for a number of years had charge of the penmanship and com- mercial branches in the Young- town, Ohio, schools and later was connected with one of the leading commercial schools in the dominion. One of Mr. Barr's branches will he writingd in which he is a specialist and h very successful record in this hranch for many years, will insure to the students of the old reliable Kings- ton Business College, "Success." -- That extensions of plant are in con- templation hy 'the Lake Superior cor- poration, to employ an additional 500 men, is stated by President C. D. War- ren, REMARKABLE CASE IN WINDSOR. Miss M. Counter, Windsor, Ont., Was Cured in Seven Days by the Ogonated Air Cure, Ca- tarrhoszone. Windsor, Ont., Febriary 10th--Miss Counter's case will prove of great in- terest to every one troubled with sore throat, bronchitis or weak lungs. When asked for a statement, Miss Counter said: "About seven years | contracted a heavy cold that settled on my lungs and resisted 'all treatment. After I had tried several doctors here and specialists in Detroit, without benefit, I went to my druggist, Mr, D'Avignon, and asked him for the Lest remedy he had for cold on the lungs. He recommended Catarrhozone which cured my cold in one week, It brought back my voice, and I have ever since been free from my old trouble. . For coughs, colds, and lung trouble 1 am sure that Catarrhogone is the best remedy. It goes right to the sore spot, gives quick relief, and makes a lasting cure." Catarrhozone cures because its heal- ing vapor ix inhaled to the very places that are sore and inflamed, Every portion of the m is treated with one single breath through the jn. haler. Catarrhozone goes where cough mixtures, sprays and. ointments can't go--reaches The root of the trouble. Doctors pronounce Catarrhozone one af tho greatest discoveries of the age. It has reduced the death rate from re- spiratory diseases hy thirtv por cent. during the past year. Tt is a modern scientific treatment for colds. coughs, catarch and consumption and should be in every home, Two months treatment consistine of a beautifully. polished hard rubber in. haler, dropper.: and Hai Ue. Nod under guarantee to eure op © conservatives are ealt- PARTIALLY WRECKED STAN- FOLD' BLOCK, MONTREAL. 13th Scottish Regiment's Ball in Progress--Dancers Remained Cool--No One Hurt by Crash- ing Glass. Montreal, Feb. 10.--The bursting of the boiler comnected with the heat: ing apparatus in the Stanfold block, on St. Catharine street . west, early this morning, partially wrecked the building, a large = stone ® front five #torey structure between Drummond and Mountain streets. King's hall, where balls &nd other social funrtions are held, is located in the block, and at the time of the ex: plosion a ball given by the 13th Seot- tish Dragoons was in progress. The dancers to the number of about 200 remained remarkably cool, despite the crashing of glass, and the fal ing of plaster whieh followed the explosion. As the windows were all blown out and the heating apparatus went on strike, the ball had to stop, although some went on. dancing for a short time after the crash in a spirit of bravado. Ome lady, standing near a window, was slightly mt by glass, but outside of that there were no causaltios reported. The damage to the building is con- siderable, a great deal of plaster hav- ing been dislodged. while plate glass fronts of the branch post office, the Eastern Townships bank's uptown branch, and a dry goods establish: ment having been blown out. tient AT THE GRAND. 'Peggy. From Paris" is the Night's Event. The famous author of "The Fables In Slang," George Ade. when he wrote--the Hook and lyrics of "Peggy From Paris," duplicated his earlier success. "'Fables In Slang" has amas ed thousands aml so has "Peggy From Paris," with its ludicrous situ- ations, ridiculond complications and most laughable Adesque lines. "Peggy From Paris" is a most amusing on- tertainment and anyone wishing to spend a pleasant evening can do no better than go to the Grand to-night, where it is produced. In the cast laying the principal parts will be ound : Arthur Deagon will be again séen in his original part, Reginald Hickey: .Julin West, as Peggy Plum- mer: Alice. Farrell, as Lutio Plummer; Olivette Haynes, as Sophie Blatz; Eva Beanett, as Lily 'Aon Lvoch; FE. H. 0'Connar, as Capt. Alonzo Plummer, Satterlée, as and "Gale Montague Fish. MRS. EVA FAY, At Grand, during all next woek. The terious Fays. The Fays are coming to the Grand Opera House for a week's engagement commencing Monday next. This visit was arranged owing to the very sue- A BURSTING BOILER CEYLON TEAONTH BIBBY'S Is old and aged, 'scientifically distilleg and blended, but when it once gets into the of the lover of good Scotch--the best in the world--it is not left to linger bottles! Ask for it and see that you get it SE ---------------- hands Whisky long in -- Oi WR WR wh, WR Wh, uh un, ¢ BIBBY'S ask. New Caps ! The Tailor In variety of selections and stand shoulder to shoulder with the best of them in high-class work--ig finish, in elegance of fit, in worth of materials--while naming prices fully one-half less than the best tailors Another advantage we can give you is the fact that our clothes are ready for immediate wear. Come in and see our display. We won't ask you 16 buy, for we will léave that matterwith you. , See Our Special $1 Full Dress Shirts New Collars, 2 for 25c. New Hats! BORN. cessful results, both fmancially and LINSDAY.--At Deseronto, on Jan. 8th, artistically, of their engagements to Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, a everywhere, There is mach talk in daughter Ottana in regard to the Favs' won RIE dérful tricks and: mind reading or HOLDBIUK MARRIED. m i . Ai The Rt i JOLDRICK--A LEX 2 JR .~On Jan mental tclépathy. The startling per Aalst, Elen, Youngest dnughter of formances have they city provoked' intense Their performances are surprising and enjovable. more so, in fact, to the skeptic than to the believer, thoroughly interesting entertaibment, and the best proof of this statement is the fact that the people are not satisfied with one visit, and the Fays have more extensions of engagements than any other attraction before the public. © Matinees for ladies only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. given in' that astonishment, Helped The Bashful Swain. A clergyman, who is absent winded, tells how he once unconseionsly helped a_bashiul swain. He was pondering something theological. when a neigh: bhor's daughter, walking bv with her diffident lover, ealld out to him : "Oh, doctor, we are just going for a ramble. Won't you join us ¥° "With pleasure. Do vou want the ceremony in a church "The bashful lover was sutldenly fired with an enthusiasm that four years of gnawing at his heartstrings had failed to arouse, and he fairly shouted : "Yes, yas. and if Maud consents, the sooner the bet- ter." Maud consented. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. und money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, 0c. J. R. Warren, Cobden, has been appointed clerk of the seventh divi son court of Renfrew, the position rendered vacant by the death «f Ro. ort Allen. Cripp's London lieves at store. Got something you want to convert into cash ¥ Announce it in the Whig's for sale colamn 20,000 people will read Pile Ointment ro |} onde, Wo. Mahood's drug --- Frost & Wood Smith's Falls. to go there, intend to remain in Toronto asked them It is a jJorp 5 SMITH. --At France Wants prospect of before Theis treat indeed to lovers of Shakespeare, William - Alexander, Yo John Boldrick, Tyendinaga DIED. AN.--At Deseronto, Jan. 27th Ernest Raymond Jordan, aged eleven years and four months SHATRAW.--At Deseronto, Jan, 92nd. Fretta Vivian Shatraw, aged five years' and one month. SAGER.--At Napanee, 4th Feb. Arthur son of Mrs. Robt. G. Samir ted twenty-three years. North Frederickshurgh, or Fel. 5th, William @G. Smith, aged sixty-four years SPEARING.~At Conway, Feh. 6th, Mrs Henry Spearing, aged sixty-threc years. CHANGE OF ATTITUDE. to Discuss Police Question. Berlin, Feb, 10.--A despatch from Algeciras intimates that the recent a favorable outcome of the Moroccan conference has changed. It declares that the French delegates have altered their wishing to discuss the polies question the bank question, instead of settling the latter first. It is con sequently inferred that a divergence of views will be shortly manifested, be cause, while Germany desires an in- Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding, | ternational settlement of the police iles. ggists are authorized to re | question, France aims at absolite preponderance in the eontrol "of the police throughout Mbrocco., ---- Grant Hall, Wednesday. "A well nigh perfect periormance'" Poston Transeript Ben Greet production. Herald said: "The never handled by dints spoke of a recent The Boston characters more faithful stu- of Shakespeare and: never to owe knowledes have finer conceptions heen given. Much could be written of this really wonderful company of players." ir con ing ta our city will mean a Perey 6. Reeves, Belleville, has ae: money ref by all druggists, RN de Lan od 3% Buy Pink Pills for Pale People Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, at | eepted a position in Livingston RB | store, ros tactics, suddenly" was the way in which the conservative were THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The Mens Wear Store 78, 80, 82 Princess St. @ wi an, gg, ull Cd, ad wie FOR SALE. A COUNTER, 10x2 FEET Goon condition. Apply London Life In surance Co., King street r Wade's Drug Store TWENTY SHARES OF THE CAPITAL Stock of the Frontenac Cereal Com- any , will sell right. Apply "Ri F B..""" care Whig 'office. a ------ rr comer a---------- cesar mesma 8 SHARES OF THE CAPITAL Stock of the Frontenac Loan and Investment Society Alin hil sell to you if you ca 3 Clergy street "THE ROWANS," 163 UNION SI the residence of the late Jobn Mud 8q., with or without laree wareen and orchard. For terms, et ap on the premises. ONE LARGE Glass Mirror branch Hat Mr smaller stands. 5 Adams, 338 Alfred stre i TUG EDMOND AND BARGE COLUM bia; now laid up high and dry Newhoro' Canal : tug cylinder 12x14 McGibhon boiler ; barge cane 4 I50M. dry lumber. Apt oa . Tett and Bro., Redford Mills, Onl: TO-LET. : : = DWELLINGS, "STORES, OFFICES ete, McCann 8 Reg! Estate Agents. 51 Brock street. a, A RIORN C6. NO: BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENCS N RL Princess street : moderate rent: Possession immediately. Apply Steacy & Steacy. a HOUSE, 202 WILLIAM ST. AT 1 RE: sont 'occupied hy ©. MH. Hooped Possession May Ist. Particulers @ Steaey & Steacy's. ML HOUSE, 202 WILLIAM ST. AT TRE sent occupied Ly O. H t Possession May 1st. Partie Steacy & Steacy's Y.W. C.A Sunday at Four O'clock Studies in he Gospel of Mark MISS MACEACHERN . - - Leader The aléction in Victoria, B.C. will take place on March 6th, the nomina tion will he one week varlier, February Wh, . Foo But Lydia Pinkham's Compound. ® Gibson's Red Cross Dmg Store. A ESEALED LEAD p ET. Itis never sold in bulk AGK- Ee 0 Ae GREE AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. Peruna Congress, Majors, C: Clergymei tions, and the humb] SE Wheorrrrrrnranen Ta FOUR 7 only, 24-INCH < and Navy, sizes 3 to $4.50 --- 1 "vy 3 only 36-INCH and Oxford, all $9.00 8 only, GIRLS' CO fourteen years, 23 only, WOMEN' Navy and Bl ainbals! ! SPENC 00 rcv vvacasans ------ Parlor Furnit and Couches Fancy Heavy Fringed Velo only ... oes . "The Newest T hing in Ver Rug, only Fancy Ce Three Parlor to close out at cost, JAMES REID, PRIVATE OR CITY AMB! EE -------- 00000000: FINAD G.A. BATE Insurance Br ALL KINDS OF FI ANCE AT LOWES District Agent Sun ) ance Company of 69 Clarence Street 5 OOO TOO roccoog > For Real or Insur Conspit with GRO. CLI} A165 Clarence Street. La 0000000000

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