Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1906, p. 3

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The. Sheerest Most delicate fabric med by Dy-0- 1g e for coloring at home No acids--no poisons te Se. ' Just use with eo mmon salt The one package colors Any mi ivés rich shades--even and iii shades that scorn the sun aay ital a and def, Mrs." Maxwell, 287 plu. to us tannot |, the poy "at - the ontreal, Que., writes DY-O-LA gives every ave used it on mixed Makes dyeing-day di Wf so good. At the dry You can have $i for the k vhich dves ixtures © pope Toe. mixtures perfeetly) Send 2c. stam a5 p for he card to The Toma 3 0., Limited, Montreal, Street and g a Says: satisfaction. Is," "0t. No dye gEist's, practically cost of all a new one } dyed: oq n-Richardsoy Can, A SNAP len's Racoon Coats Regular $50 Line or $37.50 Cash These are our 6wn manufac- ture and natural color Y. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street ingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store) rand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand Goqrral Station JAGGAGE 3: FREE POP B PTOI LLee _CUT THIS our ¢. COUPON 12 The 18 Letters Must Accom pany Answer. yy IT AND PROVE WHAT WE SAY. JAMES SWIFT & CJ. hs More Room! , of Winter Goods, piles not want both just now, pace in any department s stock. We prefer that st, and go quickly, so put s for Monday's shopgers f DRESS SUITINGS viz, -- .» 35¢. and some as high as 10c, or longer. Take your choice on gular 40c., 45c., 50c. and 5c, lot. It is a shame to sell them e more room. all sorts of goods in |x 1, also a few short lengths al price of this lot on ight Snap kerchiefs, designs, Leautiful e got a bargain--you get the ponent? I Bold in the | Buwilights! IRR EE 00000000 We are potegoing to say regarding the fact that our curlers did not der natural envy, and a few oe things in the breasts of com- petitors this year, as they did last, that fhe better team or players won. Not #t all. We'll just state the case that the better prac ised teams and vers won. You cant get much in- fo shape at the roarin' game with the mercury flirting gaily with the fifty mark. Considering the attempts at a practice they had, it's pure genius that made them make any showing at alt and--we Lope they 1 all see it in this light. : The members of the Ladies' Auxil- sary of the Hotel Dien, are projecting a bamar which promises to much more attractive, in every way, than any former undertaking of the ladies of St. Mary's cathedral congregation, The bazaar will begin on Monday, February 12th, the formal opening, + by the mayor, taking place in = the evening. It will last till Friday. Over fifty: women are engaged in the good work, and the display of all raleable things will be very large and attrac- tive. It is to ° bespeak a hearty support of this good work, » . » - needless A most popular spot in town, these dave, with the very small people. is the ' miniature slide at Mrs. Hiram Calvin's. Here to the everlasting de- triment of overcoats and overstock- ings, and to the permanent acquis tion of pink cheeks and happy hearts, a dozen or so small people daily slide. aud snowball and tumble to their heatt's content. - - * The students at the residence finish- ol the evening of the concert, day, by an impromptu dance, which their friends among that tion of Queen's that 'has not a resi- dae to distinguish it by, were ask- od to assist. It made a jolly finale. of - * - Tues ab sec Colonel and Mrs. |. T. Taylor gave a little dinner on Thursdey eveningg when their guests were Colonel and Ns. Kent, Major and Mrs. Grant, What Sulphur Does For the Human Body in Health and Disease. The mention of sulphur will recall to many of us the early days when our® mothers and grandmothers gave us out daily dose of sulphur and molasses every spring and fall. J was the universal spring and fall blood purifier,"" tonic and cure-all, and mind you, this old-fashioned rem: edy was not without merit. The idea was good, but the remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to be taken to get any effect. Nowadays we get all the beneficial effects of sulpbur in a palatable, con- centrated form, so that a single grain is far more effective than a tablespoon: ful of the erude sulphur. ln recent years, research and experi: ment have proven that the best sul- phur for .metiginal use is that obtained from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold i drug~stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They are small chocolate coated pellets and con- tain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly concentrated, ef- fective form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur in restorin, and maintaining bodily vigor an health; sulphur acts directly on the iver, and excretory organs and puri: fies and enriches' the blood by the prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this . when they dosed us with sulphur and mo- lasses every spring and fall, but the crudity and impurity of ordinary flow- ers of surphur were often worse than the disease, and cannot compare with the modern comcentirated preparations of surphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers is undoubtedly the best and most widely used. a 'hey are the natural antidote for ver and kidney troubles and cure Constipation and purify the blood in a way that often surprises patient and physician alike, Dr. R. M. Wilkins while experiment- ing with sulphu: remedies soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was su- perior to any other form. He says: For liver, kidney and blood troubles especially when resulting from consti pation or malaria, 1 have been sur- prised at the results obtained from Biuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients wufiering' from boils and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I have re- peatedly seen them dry up and disap- Pear in four or five days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a proprie- tary article, and = sold by druggists, and for that reason tabooed by many Physicians, vet 1 know of nothing so safe and reliable for constipation, liv- ¥ aud Kiduey troubles and especially Je of skin disease as this At any rate people who sre tired of nills, cathartics and so-called blood purifiers," will find in Stuart's Cal cm Wad, ws an ers a far safer, more palat EE "Make your stomach | he akredded whole wheat Toast. MADE Ontario wheat--tikes the place of white flour bread and crackers and ten times more nourishing--a natural remedy or ti and all stomach and bowel troubles. Try it toasted with butter. : Send for the "Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid. CANADIAN SAREDDED WHEAT 00., Limited, Riagura Fale, Ont. Toronto Office, 32 Church St. 1 Dunlop. "past four to seven. . leisurely ~ manner, instead of being hurried, through, 'The pretty prizes were won by Mrs. W. T. Connell, and "T1x%ple took part in the games. > * - - I Milly Freer, are delighted to see her UIT | IN CANADA of the DIA OO00MRed TOOHIO HOE t and rman St Leslie, Miss Maud Betts, and Major : - * "~ - 'The Reading Club will meet at Mrs. Forbes Torrance's, on Monday. - - - - Mrs, William Gill will entertain at tea on Tuesday afternoon, from half - . - Mrs. Felix "Shaw was hostess of a most enjoyable euchre party on Thursday, when six tables were in play. A pleasant feature of the even- ing was that the games went on ina Mr. W. T. Minnes. Supper was ser ved at quartettc. tables after the games were over. : - » . . Mrs. Richmond's tea on Thursday was a very informal little affair, for a few of Mrs. Hobart's and Mrs, W. N. McKay's close friends. e-¢ -0 4 Mrs. R. C. Carter gave a very jolly bridge, on Thursday night, for her visitor; Miss Stewart. Sixteen young The dance at the Royal Military College will take place on Tuesday of next week, February 13th. . . - . Take a cup of St. Valentine's tea at Mrs. Samuel Birch's, Bagot street, next Wednesday afternoon, poured by the Young Ladies" Guild of Quéen Street Methodist. church, Home-made delicacies for sale. ~ - . - Mr. and Mes, Fane Sewell, formerly of Vancouver, B.C., but now of Tor- onto, are spending a few days with Mes. E. J. B. Pense. Many old friends who remember Mrs. Sewell as Miss again. Miss Jessie Roberts, Adolphustowa, is visiting Mrs, Clarke Wright, Col borne street. (] Mclean, who has bein Mrs. RG. visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Wart man, Perth, has returned home. - - . . Mr. Wills Jameson went up to Na- panee, to-day, and will return on Tuesday. Miss Lettice Tandy left to-day for Buffalo and 'Dunkirk, 'and a short visit to her brothers in Schenectady. She will be gone about three weeks. The: Rev. David Jenkins of Pitts burg, has been spending a day or so with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Betts, Miss Laura Smith did not leave for Montreal, vesterday, as she intended, but went down there to-day. » Miss Trixsy Sanderson, who is now with Mrs. Daniel Gordon, is having the rather amising experience of be- ing takin sister, who was visiting heré a few months 2 Miss F. Sutherland will leave early next 'week for Montreal gto visit Mrs. Roberton. After spending some time with tbat hostess. Miss Sutherland will go to Mrs. J. Gu During her dapghter"s absence, Mrs, Sutherland wR stay with @gother daughter, Mrs. Thomas Mines, = °F Miss Gabrielle Roy is the guest of Miss Loretta Swift. Mr. C. C. MacTavish retwned, to Deseronto, this morning. after paving a short visit to his parents, Rev. Dr. for he and Mrs. MacTavish, at 103 Lower Union street Mrs. A. E. Lambert and daughter, Clergy direct: west, have gone to vieit her sister, Mrs. Clarké Taylor, in Gananoque. Mps, J. J. O'Connell, of Napanea, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Kingston, the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. W. Coates, -. * - . Mre. Frank Phillips roturned on Thursday from Lowell, Mass., and is staying with her sister, Miss Span- genburg. Miss Helen, Taylor came up from Perth. on Thursday, to visit ber sis- ter, Mrs. Felix Shaw. Miss J okepbine Charpentier will leave for her home in Ste. Hyacinthe on Monday. - we . Miss Carrie Wilson left on Thursday night for Listowel, to visit Mrs. Ga bel there, for some weeks. Miss Annie Goodearle left to-day for a fortnight's visit in Pembroke. Miss Carrie Edmison, who has been ill in the general hospital. was able to leave there vesterday, and is now visiting Mrs. Thomas Donnelly, where she will remain till she is quite strong again. : The many friends of Miss Luella Knapp, Johnston street, will be pleas. el' to fearn that she has passed the senior organ examination at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and is expwoted home shortly. Mrs. Charles N. Greaza, of St. Paul, Minn., arrived in the city, last night, and will spend the next few weeks with Miss E. V. Greaza, Wel. lington street. Miss Beatrice Tandy returned from Hamilton to-day. Mr. 8. M. Anglin, Battersea, has been sporgling, a few days in town, and Will We "here till the early part of the week, ce " » After the hockey match, last night, a 'number of girls and some of the hockey men had a dance and" supper given them by a thoughtful hostess. - . . Miss Boyd, of Brockville, and Miss Oma Taylor, of Gananoque, are the guests of Mrs. Thomas Southworth, of 76 Howland avenue, Toronto. Ld - - . ement is announced .of : ----- Nevill, of Bloor street west, Toronto, to Dr. Egirton Ryerton. The mar xi will take place in Baster week. Miss Helen M and Mrs. George G. Moore, Toronto, to Mr. Robert George Dawe, C.E., son of Hon. Dawe, minister of marine and Ssheries, Newioundlang. Miss Ethel Grace Scott, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John J. Scott, Mcleod street, Ottawa, to Mr, Herbert Lionel Geene, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Geene, of Palm: erston Road, Ipswich, London. The marriage will take place in June. TO HAVE TEST CASE In Begard to Touring American Vessels, : Detroif, Mich., Feb. 10.--A Washing- ton despaich says a friendly suit to settle a doubtful point of law regard: ing the towing of American vessels in home waters, by a foreign tug, will be shortly filed in Michigan by the United States attorney for the castern a request to the department of jus- tice by the department of commerce and labor, the case in point being the Canadian tug Florence, whose master was charged, at Port Huron, with operating in American waters without a license, therchy subjecting himself to a fine. The law is specific in its proyision that no foreign tug -shall tow American vessels in home waters, except when a part of the trip is made in foreign waters. The master of the Florence claims that in passing from Lake Eric to Lake Huron he was in foreign (Canadian) watets, while ia the channel opposite Amherst. burg. The department of commerce maintains the exception is only in the case of foreign tugs towing from a foreign to a United States port or vice versa. STOMACH TROUBLE, The Agonies of Indigestion Can Be Cuwed By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. All over the land there are people whose lives had been made miserable through the pangs of indigestion, who have been restored to the enjoyment of health through the use of br. Wil tiams' Pink Pills. One of these is Wil- liam Moore, of Welland, Ont. Mr, Moore is the manager of the electric light plant in that town and stands mgh in the estimation of the citizens, He says: "'It is really a pleasure to speak in favor of Dr. Wiliams' Pink pills. For four years prior to 1903, 1 suffered great torture trom indigestion and stomach trouble. I could not cat solid food without experiencing great agony, and for over two years 1 bad to resort to a milk diet. I had grown emaciated and almost unfit for active work. 1 was treated hy doctors and took advertised medicmes, but with out any lasting benefit. Une day a friend urged me to try Dr. Wilhams Pink Pills. 1 began their use, but 1 must confess that it was. without much hope that they would cure me. see an improvement, and this gave me encouragement. pills. until 1 had: taken when I was completely" red and Pills, as misery as they saved me from Mok Pills make new, rich that they have to cure such such wonderful power ailments as indigestion anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, heart troubles, kidney and liver troubles, and the special ail medicine dealers or hy box or-six he The Dr ville, Ont. CONVICT THE WINNER. at World's Fair. Lincoln, ' Neb., Feb, 10 Campbell, a convict at the penitentiary, the prize of magazine for correctly naming the at or at the St. Louis exposition This is the story vouched for by A. state disinclined to discuss the matter. brought to the three months ago from and sentenced to serve n year. His term in allowance, will expire September 15th next. Kingston Business College. J. Gracy left, Wednesday, to act a Northern Ontario railroad. Miss Edit Hadley has secured a position © a writer company, Toronto. Bridge has been appointed grapher with Gould & Co., city. Mis the Kingston Hosiery Co. E. Howard the G.T.R. office, city. It Quiets the Cough This is one reason Ayer". thon gd tion. It sop. the eu ad tear of useless co does more -- it controls the infsmmation, quiets the fever, heals, Ask your doctor about lt; as he says. © Tur {Sar a d pfiective preparation. Mie § The Nevill, daughter of Dr oure, daughter of Mr. district of that state, as the result of" After taking a couple of boxes 1 coukl 1 continued using the eight boxes, able to cat any kind of food I desired. 1 shall always praise Dr. Williams' Pink such only a dyspeptic knows. | red blood ments of women, voung and old. But mail at 50c. a es for 82.50 hy writing Williams® Medicine Cao., Brock: Said to Have Guessed Attendance Charles probably is winner of £25,000 offered by a Campbell is a young man wha was penitentiary less than Webster | county on conviction of embpmlement| prison, with good conguet stenographer with the Temiscaming & stenographer with the National Type- Miss Hazel steno Mable Nobes is now stenographer to has secured an excellent position in Lh 4h FLLERBECK a BRIDE COULD THROW HIM Y- TWICE. Stns, Within the Hour Limit--Dispute as to Body Being All on Mat | --Exhibition Wrestling and Bo Bouts. E Russell Ellerbeck, Watertonp, N.Y, formerly of Glenvale, came out of last night's wrestling match at the Grand Opera House with the purse of SHO, tucked away, down deep in his pants pocket, John Mcbride, Niagara ralls, the opponent, failed to throw Edler , three times within the hour, and thus: forfeited the pusse abd door re ceipts. There was a good audience composed entirely of the stern sex, the "'gods' and balcony being fairly well filled, but the occupied seats in the "pit" were few and far between. The Queen's-McGill hockey match proved too strong "a counter-attrac Lon. The chief Teature w# the wrestling matoch, John MeBride vs. Russell Eller beck. . The 'matéh came' about through a challenge published in the Whig two weeks ago by Fllerbeck, and ac cepted by McBride, 'who being so much heavier than his opponent agreed | to throw Ellerbock, three time within | an hour or forfeit the money ; if El | lerbeck threw MeBride once, he was to be the winner. This Ellerbeck failed to do. McBride threw Elerbeek twice, Twenty-eight minutes amd forty-five seconds had elapsed 'when McBride got in his first throw, by, a half' Nelson and a body fall. Fifteen minutes rest | was given after the fall. In the second bout McBride got his fall in thirteen minutes by a hali Nelson and an arm hold. When the contestants set to for the final effort in eighteen mm: | utes the excitement grew to feverish | heat as the minutes closed in. The | gallery worked itseli into a high pitch iii of excitement 'at every favorable | movement for "Kid" Elerbeek. With the conclusion in the Glenvale boy's favor, the House went wild! Ellerbeek has been thained by the famous Haw: key. He is very tricky and clever, de spite the fact thai he was so much lighter than his opponent; he put up a good fight. McBride had a powerful strength to aid him in throwing his man, but Ellerbeck 'was smooth as an cel, and likened unto a wild cat at tacking an ox.' Ellerbeck worked with remarkable agility. Much comment was made on an ag: reement made between the two wrest lers before commencing. 1t was decided the body must be all on the mat be fore a fall could be counted; this is! contrary to all rules of wrestling. Had it not been for this McBride would surely have won, as at least a dozen times "he had" thrown Ellerbeck, but the fall was not connted, the entire body not being on the mat. The handi cap was a big one for MeBride to give | such a well-trained opponent, | Michael Hawkey, Glenvale, brother of the well-known wrestler 'Joseph Haw- | key, was rofereg, Much intiisst was shown by the crowd in the two peliminatics, a box- ing bout/axd a wrestling atch, A. EF. Kennedy refereed 'the wrestling match | between Samuel Norris and Rilodeau, of "A' Battery. The time Gunner might add that my wife has also used | limit was to be twenty minutes to al the pills for troubles that afflict her | fall. and if no fall 'a fresh start to bo | sex, and has been fully restored to | ade. Norris got the first fall, but it | health. being a flying one, there was dissatis- | Bad blood, poor blood, watery | faction because it-was not a pin fall. | blood, is the cause of nearly every | and the two men took the mat for a ailment. that afflicts mankind. It is | goond time. The "'setito' had barely | because every dose of = Dr. Wiliams' re-commenced when Bilodeau claimed a strangle hold, and Norris left the mat "1 The referee ruled that it + | strangle hold, but gave was not a ox i no decision, | The match was not finished An. exhibition sparrine three rounds proved fively mateh of William Cee and Charles Blakley, were the two vou must get the genuine pills with | posers. Some lively fistic work was the full nam Dr. Williams Pink | chown and the 'audiencé. were plainly Pills for Pale People, on the wrap: | pleased with this feature. As it was per around each hox. Sold bv all exhibition and friendly work caly, no decision was given out, but had it Leet other than it was, Rlakley would have won on ponds, Sergt. McGowan acted as master ai ceremonies, and official timekespe SEIZED AN ISLAND Crofters of Barra Seize a Nearby Island. Edinburgh, Feb, 10, The crofters of Barra Island, in the Hebrides, have | seized the neighboring island of Vat | ersay and declare their intention to! vesist hy force of. arms any attempt to dislodge them, The Barra men for Galusha, son of Secretary of State ; | Galusha, who knew Campbell at Red | years haye claimed the right to culti | Cloud, Neb., and is partly confirmed | vate Vatersay, but have been unable ! by the prisoner himself, and Warden | to get the necwssary "permission from | Beemer, of the penitentiary. The the amthorities, and now they have warden, however, said Campbell was seized the island, bave apportioned it into small farms, and have distribut od them among themselves, It pays to buy the best goods, get the "Albert si quality," at Chown's drug store. The customers at Gibson's Red Cros Drug Store enjov hot Bovril these cold in rubber guaranteed h % i davs, Dispensid frat hero, | $ret Lennox and iheton council has appointed Heoury: Alen a high school s | trustee for Newburgh, § 5 Cured her Fatner's Drunkenness by oa Simple Remedy. Saves her father trom a drunkard's grave, Free sample of Samaria Tasteless PrescripUen checks nie "and leads 19 a compiale cure. « < remedy was Listeless sad could be given es € which 1 gave him i Tis tea, pleased 10 say he never ." How glad Yam that 1 we all are have Is sealed envelope. Core sacr 'conBAMANRL Address SAMARIA REMEDY Co jig, fortes Chasse, Jordan St, Toronto. Cand " dious line, set it down at once as "Ten- | along with the birch-bark canoe. | the snowshoe has been modified and { Vancouver .. TURDAY FEBRUARY 10. * TTT OUR SMALL IGNORANGCES. | Some Things That May Prove Reflec- tions on Our Cultures. A great deal of the charm of polite conversation consists: not in what is said but In what is implied--not in expressions, but in allusions. . A light reference to some classical story--a quiet glance at some page of history-- « half-line from some loved poem-- gives not only grace to the remarks of the speaker, but mest to the attention of his audience, Seldom does a verse or a couplet fail to "bring down" the British House of Commons; reporters seldom omit to write ("hear") after-a line from Horace, Virgil, Shakespeara or Milton. And the listener who says 10 himself, "Ah." the ""Georgics," "Ham. let," or "LiAllegro," feels himself to. as cultured a person as he who uttered the quotation. : We resent the impertinence of foot. notes ard even of inverted commas when an allusion is made in print, and we understand it; such helps to mem- ory or to knowledge are reflections on our culture; and yet when we make close inquiry of ourselves, we are shocked to find how ignorant we an concern; allusions. Many persons seem to think it quite safe to conclude that any quotation is taken either from, the Bible or Shakespeare. Again, others, when they hear a very melo- nyson." How many of us know wha made English the beautiful saying, "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb"; and how many can name the source of "barbaric pearl and gold." and "thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks in Vallombrosa®? Not long ago, an English writer wish- ed to verify the line, "When wild in woods the noble savage ran" Several volumes of reference failed him, and no friend could help him, umtil he saw the words on an American advertise- ment of the Yosemite Valley, with the reference given to "The Conquest of Granada," Part I, Act 1. scene 1; and then. further search made him aware that "The Conquest of Granada" was one of John Dryden's dramas. In the year 1881 a volume called "Petites Ignorances de la Conversa- tion" by Charles Rozith, was publish- ed in Paris by P. Ducrocq; and in 1887, "Quizsism, and Its Key" by Al- pert P. Southwick, appeared in its 6th edition at Boston, while in the same year the second edition of "Queer Questions, and Ready Replies," by 8. Grant Oliphant, shone out to enlighten the same city. The 'two = American books are very similar, and the French one Is not wery unlike them. . Much information for readers may be gath- ered from all three, though much In all three. lis nearly useless.--Montreal Standard. . Canadian Stands First Sergt.-Major Isaac Mooney, son of Mr. Isaac Mooney, 65 Hamilton street, Toronto, has the honor of having won the highest certificate of qualification ever obtained by a colonial from the Imperial School of Gunnery at Shoe buryness, England. Sergt.-Major Mooney, whe is now attached to the Halifax garrison, was educated at the Bolton Avenue Public School. He ac- quired proficiency in artillery branch of the permanent corps during a term of service in the Quebec Garrison Ar- tillery. 'In 18! Wi with aN A nd suc- cessfully endured the hardships of the Teslin trail. On his return to the east he embraced the opportunity which of- fered itself and volunteered for the Second contingetit. As squadron ser- geant-major he participated in the bat- tle of Little Harts River, where he dis- tinguished himself in common with the whole contingent. The honors he has recently won at Shoeburyness reflects credit upon the Canadian forces. Mr. J. Allen Baker, M. P, It may not be generally known that Mr. J. Allen Baker, who has again won Finsbury (East) London, is a Canadian by birth. He belongs to a Quaker fam- fly prominent in Islington during the days of Fox and Penn Mr. Baker was born in Ontario, but went to England over thirty years ago, and is now ac- tively engaged in business in the riding he represents. For ten years he has sat on the London County Council, has voted steadily for Labor, upheld fair contracts, and has been the enemy of monepolists. As chairman of the Tramways Committee he has done much for the improvement of the com- tort of London's millions. Mr. Baker first won East Finsbury last June in a spirited bye-election, ee e---- The History of the Snowshoe. The snowshoe is one of the best of our Indian legacies. It was undoubt~ edly invented a long time ago and has come. down to us from the unknown Like the canoe, though in & lesser degree, improved by the white man, The shape of the bows and the manner of put. ting in the rawhide filling varies in different parts of the country. Those made by the Indians show their tribal design as to their moccasins, but gen- erally spesking, snowshoes are made tor the particular condition of the country where they are to be used -- Outing. Area of Canadian Cities. Acres Winnipeg ds meaner rEn. ore 12,750 TOrONLO ...cop sssesassesccres « 10,797 Fredericton « 10,790 St. John ... 9.160 Montreal . 302 «s 5,00 London .... 4.37% Hamilton 3,990 ottawa... 3.365 Brantford ..... . 2077 Charlottetown « 2400 Kingston .. «+ « 2107 Quebec .. . . . MM Victoria «.oveeicnn ane « L874 The Spirit of Grab. What is the proportion of the lace who are clear white? How many are not interested in grafts, or in gambling: how many professional men are charging what their services are worth, and no more; how many in busi- ness would refrain from charging a bigger profit if they thought they could get It: how many laborers think or care whether their labor. ls worth the wage of not? The prevalling spirit is reach for all you can get---Bobeay- "geon Independent, popu- A Judge Named. Ottawa, Feb. 10. ~The recent chang es in the cabinet are gatetted to-day. Judge Dunlop has been appointed to succor] Judge Routhier an deputy jodge in the admiralty wn the ecehe | ot ee, Heng Mod: quer court of Canada, { { plumbing system of thirst. 75¢. Monday they go at 39¢. Special sale 35c, yard. full 36 inches wide. Special on Monday 6c. yard. Also Stenc PLUMBING BY-LAW, The Chief Clauses That the Draft Contains. The chief clauses in the plumbing bylaw before thé city council are these : Before proceeding to construct, re construct or alter any portion of the drainage, or plumbing system of any house, the owner or his agent shall f1+ in the office of the city engineer, an application: for a permit to do said work, which application shall he accompamed by a plan and descrip tion of the work proposed, showing the whole drainage system from its connection with the street sewer to its termination above the rool . Every plan shall be accompanied by a specification or abstract thercof stating the nature of the work to be done and giving the size, kind and weight of all pipes, traps and fittings and a description of all closets and other fixtures No part of such work shall be com menced fintil such plan shall have been approved by the inspector 'of plumbing and a permit issued by him for pro ecding with such work. The plan of said work and the speci ficat abstract thereof so filed shall be examined by the inspector of plumbing and a permit issued or refus ed by him within two days of the filing of the application, and if issued such permit shall valid for six months from the date of issue, No permit shall be issued hy the in spector of plumbing upon such appli cation unless the plan and specifica tion or abstract thereof filed therewith comply with the provisions of this by- law No master plumber, plumber or workman engaged by the owner of any construct, fe-construet or portion of the drainage or house shall do any work in connection with 'such construction, re-construction or alter ation at or upon any such house until such plumber, plumber or workman has satisfied himself (by its production to him) that a permit has been ised by the inspector of plumb- ing to do such work. 2 yy mor be house to alter an any master Bought New Horses. Inveraty, Feb. tL--The infant child of CHILDREN between meals, at school recess, « anywhere and anywhen, find nutrition anc sustenance in PETER'S SWISS MILK CHOCOLATE. Irresistibly delicious. Whole= some as bread and butter. Lamont, Corliss & Co., 27 Common Street, Montreal. EE ---------------------------------------------------- Pillow Shams and Gable Covers, 39¢. la; Special sale of-Pillow Shams and Table Covers day in White «nd fancy openwork designs, every ¢n? worth' Gurkis6 Bath Bowels, 10. Monday '25 'dozen 36-inch 'Turkish Towels to go on Monday moraing ac 10c. each. Special sale per yard. > # Pure Joinen Babling, 35¢. Monday 300 yards of this extraordinary Pure Linen Tabli i three-quarter bleached, full 70.inches wide, worth 65¢. np Mill Remnants White Cotton, Ge. Monday 2000 yards extra quality clean Remnants of t The James Johnston Store 180 WELLINGTON STREET. ! MEESINEE 'We have been Br ee Wri a wall Sothe OS 911-18 King SW Toronto. pd Does not create on M "y . 12 dozen in all each, 2 hE smooth White Cotton, he regular roc, cottons. f at it; same address, sinos 1891. Steel Stamps, Co Beals. " Ring ps cad ite -------------------------------------------- CRACK RINKS GO DOWN : To Defeat in the Winnipeg Bon- | spiel. b Winnipeg, "Feb. 10.--The end of the first woek's play in the Winnipeg o bonspicl will find nearly all the com: § petitions well under way." Many "ofS the renek rinks went down as the re- X esterday 's play. For the firsts the spiel, the Dawson boys * out of the ¢ = dingwall by Lloyd, of Owm Sound. ¢ D. M. Braden's crack Winnipeg Thistloy rink is now the only untefeated rink at the bonspiel, and judging by the form that rink is showing, it should § just about carry off the grand aggre: § gate, and one or more of the trophies, § In the international, Canadians won * threo of the four games for a lead of nine points. Perhaps the most inter esting game was that between Rennie § and Dunbar of St- Paul. The latter scored only on four ends, for a wi § sil time ir tasted defeat, being put of six, while the Toronto rink, skif ped hy Thomas Rennie, gave a cle exhibition of the roarin' game, scored a total of 136 points, getting three on the third and sixth ends, Moscow Getting Sociable. § Moscow, Feb, 9.~Social gatherings * are quite the rage now. Mra. Byers ton Vanluven entertained a number of friends on Thursday evening. Some of the men from here attended the 3 races on Thurstlay, in Sydesham, Irs Amey, who has been confned to the | house for some time, is able to Be 3 ont again. A number of the young people attended the concert in Wilt n given by the Hiawatha guartette, '@ Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. 6G. W. Lamp kin spent a few days last week visits ing friends at Morven and Sillsville, a Take vour prescriptions to the debg store that the physicians tel ) prescriptions to. That's Gibson's Red Crose Drug Store: "Phone 200. E. M. Young, barrister, Picton, on behalf of Ezra Ellis, is suing the | Standard Ideal company, Port Hope, $5,000 damages for injuries to his eyes. A TO eR RI Wo Ws LA Mr. and Mra. W. Duff, died on 8 night. It contracted a cold which de veloped intos pneumonia, and the lit tle fellow lasted only a few days. The funeral, which was conducted' on Tues: day, was strictly private, attended hy only a fow immediate relatives. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved parents in this their hour of deep trouble. Many were 'shocked to hear of the sudden death of Wella Crowe, who was asphy- xiated at his howe in Manitoba. His remains are on the way. home, Mrs. W. Bruce ix very low again with pacu- monia. Thomae Arthur has disposed of his grey team and purchased a hand: some team of blacks, Mrs, F. Ferguson has been absent visiting her mother at Svdenham. Miss Lulu Freeman hak re- turned to her home at Wilmur., Miss Maggie Clarke, Battersea, is sy ing a week with Mrs, Thomas Arthur. Re vival servide. ace still being condneted in the Holiness Movement church. Much good is being done,

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