SN --- -- rr -- - m pees 6 you had such an opportunity to by Pp cos, as will be offered to the pub ic, { Re 5s DG & CO. MUST BE CLEARED OUT. The reputation of this firm for carrying only is well known, and when such a stock is placed on the market, at slaughtering prices, it meang ng public. When you consider that woollen goods of all kinds are advancing in price (the price of ® Montreal market being 35 cents per pound), over double what it was a year ago, this certainly is 3 ou to lay ina supply of wee 'apparel at a great saving. Remember, even though the price o wool next summer, it oy almost two years tors fe consumer will receive the benefit. Therefore we ag. vantage of this, YOUR LAST CHANG . _Bven if you have to borrow the mo do so, for it will bell you this stock must be cleared out; Wi MEAN IT. THR ORIGINAL COST WILL NOT BE erything must go. Remember this is a ¢omphratively new stock. No old shop "worn or moth eaten as it has always been the policy of thisifirmito clear out any lines that proved to be slow sellers, , we have not space enough to enumerafe everything. Values have not been-inflated for the pur- MEN'S, YOUNG C ommencing Saturday, ed o) We can prove in black and white all we state. 70d FI CE BG he 9 EB EE a ES 5 AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS. 8 and newest styles, as every overcoat in stock Aor this season's trade. : 'Overcoats for $11.50. 00 Overcoats for $9.75, r $12.00 and $12.50 Overcoats for $7.75. r $0.50 and $10.00 Overcoats for $6.25, $8.00 and $8.50 Overcoats for $4.95. $6.00 and §6.50-Overcoats for $3.65. AND CHIEDREN'S OVERCOATS. MEN'S FULL DRESS SYITS. z All sizes, 34 to 44. The coats are all silk lined, and the fit and finish are 'equal to the best custo tailors' work. Will be sold during this sale at $17.00. » g MEN'S REEFERS# Heavy Frieze, (Storm C ) 'tweed lined, sold - regular at $4.00, now, $2.45. : J The famous Kersey lined rubber, sold regular at $6.00. Men's Short Waterproof : $1.45. MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS. Boys' all wool Sweaters, fancy and' 'plain colors = at 39¢, 59¢ and 79c, Men's at the same prices. MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS. ~\ A good heavy jacket, regular price $1.00 for 69 cents. Regular $1.50 jackets for 99 cents. Regular '$2.00 jackets for $1.39. MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS. » fer for then, interlined with ale prige. $385. Lib ge (wool lined) at : . & Good strong working shirts, mice: dark patterns, regular 50c eer Men's Sheep lined Jackets § for $3.45. and 65c each. Sale price 39¢ each or 2 for ¥5 cents. eed Overcoats, sizes 22 to 27, 10 only coats. To ' Regular $6.50 Sheep lined s for $425. Regular $1.00 Shirts at 69¢ each, BOYS' R Sizes 22 to 28, Heavy weight Sale price $1.39. \ ix 5 Regular $3.00 Reefers, Sale price $195, 00 Overcoats for $2.95. Boys' Overc FERS. oats, sizes 24 to 29, regular $6.00 coats, ; je chevigt, regular price $2.00. ¥, MEN'S SOFT FRONT CORQRED SHIRTS--AI sizes. Regular 50c and 65¢ goods. at 39¢.gach. Regular $1.00 goods at 69¢ each. * ¥ FANCY TWEED OVERCOATS, | 3 Regular $4.00 Refers, ie y MEN'S STIFF FRONT, EANCY, COLORED SHIRTS, relat at $0.50 'nd $7.00. ~Sale'price: 1 fe. ME ) ALS, i ro 8.35 LL TOP. COATS. Only 12 dozen left (regulag: $1.00. goods) to clear at 49¢ each. $800 Overcoats. Sale price sigs. | Regular $80 ani S30 Cont Jor 30, MEN'S GLOVES AND MITTS. Regular $10.00 and $10.50 Coats for $6.45. MEN'S CURL COATS. Interlined with rubber, (storm collar) . A good warm driving coat, sold regularat $15.06. 'Sale price $9.85, . MEN'S FURIEOATS. b only, Coon Coats left. got to'gb. Five men will ¢ certainly get a bargain, %o come e d be one of the five. MEN'S TROUSERS: | 50 pairs only." Regular fi: goods, to be closed at 89 cents a pair. Heavy all wool erly pairts worth $1.50, Sale price 99° cents a pair. E . Regular $2.00 pants for $1.38, | . Regular $2.50 pants for $1.59. J . Regular $3.00 pants for $1.89, 48 1 BOYS' SHORT PANTS: All sizes 22 to 34. 56 pairs only, Corduroy: Pants (just the thing for school) worth 65¢ for 39¢ a pair. ; ' ' Regular 75¢ Solid Tweeds at 45¢ a pair. All $1.00 pants to go at 69c¢ a pai. MEN'S CAPS. 'All 50¢ caps to go at 9c each. All 75¢ and 90¢ caps to go at 59¢ each, All $1.00 and $1:25 capg'to go at 19¢ each. FUR CAPS. ' Wedge shape, in Black Coney"at $1.10. Persian Lamb, Elec- tric Seal, Rat and Nutrid at $2.35. Regular prices were $3.50 and $4.00 each. 4 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Good clean sanitary wool fleece and Scotch Knit Shirts . and Drawers, 75c per suit, ; Heavy all wool unshrinkable, regular $1.00 per garment. Sale price 69¢c. , ! Regular $1.25 per garment goods at 89 cents. Fancy Overcoats. Regular $4.50 and $5.00 coats * lar $6.00 and $6.50 coats for $3.95, ; MEN'S SUITS. Good solid all wool Tweed Suits, dark colors, neat patterns, worth $6:50 and $7.00. Sale price $3.05, © Men's and Young Men's all wool Tweed Suits, well made and trimmed, sold regular at $8.00 and $8.50. Sale price $4.95. fet's and Young Men's regular $9.50 and $10.00 suits. Sale Us All 50c and 60c gloves and mitts now 39 cents, All 75¢ lines reduced 'to' 59:cénts. All $1.00 lines to go at 79 cents! All $1.25 lines to clear at 89 cents. All $1.50 lines reduced to $1.10. MEN'S HOISERY. Heavy all wool socks at 11¢ per pair, Heavy wool (ribbed tops). at 15¢c per pair. All 25¢ and 35c¢ lines at 19¢ per pair. All 50c lines at 39¢ per pdir. : 5 . MEN'S'GOLLARS. All regular 15 cent collars go at 3 for 25 cents. (All the newest shapes in stock.) MEN'S NECK SCARFS. Way Mufflers (sweater frofits) all colors, plain and fancy at 19¢, 39c and 59¢ each. #5 - Silk fronts (made same as Way Mufflers) at 39¢ and 59¢ each. Silk and Cashmere Squares at 39¢; 59c, 69¢c; 89¢c, $1.19 and $1.39. Regular prices of these goods were 50¢ to $2.00 each. NECKWEAR, Shield Knots for double fold collars. Regular prices were 25c to 50c. Your choice now at 15c each or 2 for 25 cents. All 50¢c, 65¢ and 75¢ flow ends, four-in-hands and puffs to be cleared out at 39¢ each. SUSPENDERS. Men's fancy braces, regulaf 15c a pair for 9 cents. Men's heavy braces (sqlid feather ends) for 1ic a pair. The famous police brace at 19¢ a pair, All 50c, 65¢ and 75¢ braces to clear at 39¢ a pdir., MEN'S WOOL DRIVING HOQDS. * Only a few left, Just the thing for a real cold day. Regular . prices were $1.00 and $1.25. While they last, your choice for 50c. | | - 3 a Nn CH h A a] IDS A ng] | YT] Ces] [RR . I [R ; Fa (Rl 5 A yy tas y J Ro |= = HCE) EB: this is no Bankrupt Stock. It is RONEY & CO.'S STOCK which is being cleared out. This sale will open Y MORNING, FEBRUARY 10th, q FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. All sales Strictly C and under no considerati i goods k Mail orders will receive our best attention, on for the place, and oe you te owed out on 8 's and Young Men's regular $12.00 suits, sale price $7.95. 2 Jica's ang Young Men's regular $18.00 and $13.50 suits. Sale ' do 'sand Young Men's regular $15.00 and $16.00 suits. Sale 0; gi STOUT MEN'S SUITS. | g {All sizes up to 50 inches. Guaranteed perfect fitting. In '» Tweeds, Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds, black and blue Twills. © $10.00 Suits for $6.95. To $1200 for $8.45. $13.50 Si $0.05. $18.00 Suits for $10.45, ' Boys piece Short Pants and Norfolk Suits, sizes 98 to 34. . Regular $8.00 Suits for $1.85. Regular $4.50 Suits for $3.25. Ron Suse ad or as. for $3.95. Regular $7.00 and $7.50 Suits for $4.95. Regular $8.00 and $8.50 Suits for $5.95. 8h 1 dren's Pleated, Norfolk, and Fancy Suits all styles, sizes 0 28. $1.25, $1.49, $1.85, $2.95, $2.75 and $3.25. -- Regular prices for these are from $2.00 to $5.00, SAILOR SUITS, se I", From 75¢ to $3.00, : @ : "9am BEE E & ; Tim: P Bes Euao §iE Sy: 2 B "For imformation. appl ud an ANLEY, Agent. Cor. end Ontario streets. en IN CALA: RAILWAY INCONNECTION WIT GOIN WES Second-cluss one-way tick SPECIAL REDUCED on sale Feb. 15 to Avril Vaucony Beatle. 1 Porland » » coast poi Neleon, F aon 1 British . points FROM KINGSTO Proportionately low rates points. Full particulars at K. & P. R. Ticket Office Ontario Stree F, CONWAY, F. A. FOLG * Gen. Pass. Agent. G = % Bay of Quinte Ra - lS is. i or ew, jeave City Hall Depot at 1 DONWAY, Agent B.Q.Ry., K DONWAY, Agout B.G- Ry. B ALLAN LINE "V™"3%:4 ROYAL MAIL STEAM From St. John Fror Sicillan, Sat., Feb. 10. Mon. Pretorian, Sat., Feb. 17. Mon. Numidian, Sat., Feb. 24. Mon Corinthian, Sat., Mar, 3. Mon BOSTON TO GLASGO Siberian Sat HALIFAX TO LONDON AND Pomeranian Sat. Jy Py HANLEY, Agent, a, " Depot. x Pa E, Clarence Street: ARCHITECTS. Wi. NEWLANDS, ARCHIT , second floor over Mah store, corner Princes s a ts. Entrance on Ba ne, 608. ARTHUR BLLIS, ARCHII fico site of New Drill Hall Ber of Queen and Montreal POWER & SON, ARCHITE chant"s Bank Building, eo end Wellington streets. 'I HENRY P. SMITH, AR ete. Anchor Building, Mar 'Phone, 245. MONEY AND BUSIN RS LIVERPOOL. LONDON AN Fire Insurance Company, assets $01,187,215. In which the policy holde security the unlimited lial the stockholders. Farm a perty insured at lowes rates. Before renewing ol new husiness get rates ir & Strange, Agents. ee eter ete-------- 'R POLICIES COVER building and contents. thas company offers. Examine Godwin's Insurance Kmpo ot Square. ET ---------- MEDICALS. ee DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE Occupied by Dr. Ryan, | treal and Brock streets. DR. WILLIAM GIBSON, P Surgeon, etc. Late Res Surgeon, Kingston Gener; Office--232 King street. of of Mootreal. 'Phone. 48. Dapartment of Railways RIDEAU CANA 3 ALED TENDERS, on or y s indersigned, up to n February 24-1006, 1 bly and Delivery of the Bri ia ¥ Dimension Timber the Rideau Canal. on and after F The Department does mot. ) accept the lowest or any tend By Order, L. KX. J Department of Railways and x \Wa, 1st February Newspapers inserti thi ment without authority from Meat. will not be paid for i "ave esssecseae ENTER N -- cher Service: i She Kingston Business Limited Head of Queen 8 Kingston . . . ¢ Spacious a partments, ' Squipment, excellent graduates in demand, individual instruction O1t 4 $ JB memAY, mF Ww ¢ President. sa vaaassssass