earnings for the third Shs, wire »1,0u8.0.0, an ine $20Y over the a tr on tev thouse, with a capacity for wil thon a malt a r, for os new Hw in- fo bo the Francs t's " for $50,000,000 of packine Prooucts for Germany havd Leen cancelled in United States, as the gots cannot Le delivered Lelore the re- | goes into effect. Dividends had by metal mines and Worss on American continent in 1905 Fi, to 286,721, di mines Incorporation these panies have dee clared dividends of 2404, "509, HH9. Permits. for ne erection of hiaildings to cost nearly L000 were iovued York during the year 1905. is an inerease of more than $100.000,600 over the vear vrecodine, A compilation hy the Mining World ob Chicago shows that the production nf and netals in the United ~ the receipts . the Winnireg Street Iway 'Co. shay raat BY earnings for the Sear je I december Sat, 1005, amounted an an The city is entitled to five per cent. of Abie amount namely, 47 2.58, payable on Feruary 1st, Prodi of bet wivar mw tne i this Year from the two [actories 3 keep in the province nearly $1.- ao which otherwise would have one out for for i-n sugar, said D. A. Gordon, MP. president of the Willa ture. Sh ar Uo. Mr. Gordon's fectory, which has' comnleted its sewson's run, made hy 200.000, pounds of suear, to iT uce which required A3.000 tons of a Rtaducton of that factory in § 11904" wax only 7.200] Pods. -------------- An Up-To-Date Institution. Thin is the dvrdiet given hy all the young people who "are attending the Frontenae Business College, Clergy wireet. As one young mmn expressed himself : "It is a ploasure to spend the evenings in a school equipped as oirs is and with a staff of teachers vager to help vou." Day and even- ing classes, Moderate rates. T. N, Stockdale, principak Cape Vincent Steamer. Until further notice, steamer wil) leave for Cape Vincent at 2 p.m. sill cure 'the 15e. Best's "Short Stop. worst cough quickly, 20 Per Cent. Discount The largest and finest as-| sortment ever offered to the] Kingston public. © Your atten-. tion is drawn to the high qual- cotton. Gowns Drawers Chemises THREE RUSSIAN STANDARDS Officer and Two Privates Wrap Treasured Flags About Their ' 'Bodies and Hide Them From Japanese. During Period of Captivity. y } - Veteribuey. Jan. 27.~An inspic- ing story of the preservation of the standards' of three of the Russian re- giments at Port Arthur was revealed today, when an officer and two pri- vates called on Gen, Danilofi and pre- sented 10 him the colors which, dur: jug their long sojourn as prisoners, they had concealed from the sharp eyed Japanese. When Port Arthur surrendered the men stripped the colors from the stafls and concenld them lLeneath their uniforms, wearing them around their bodies by night and by day un til. they boarded a steamer for their return to Russia, General Daniloff promised to present the colors to the emperor, who, he aid, would suitably reward those who had so faithfully upheld the honor of their country's flag. Same Persons Im Prison. London, Jan. 27.-The St. Peters burg correspondent of the Times ea bles : The newspapers here publish col- umns shout atrocities by soldiers at the Bt. Nicholas Lunatic Asylum of 1,500 inmates, where 700 perfectly sane wrsons had been interned hy the po- fice on account of revolutionary ten- dencies. The police have a right under the provisions of a minor state of riage. prevailing in all the large cities of the empire to send anyone to a lunatic asylum for an indefinite period. Soldiers brutally maltreated not only the hapless inmates, but many mem- bers of the asylum staff for reasons unexplained. 2 Reaching An End, The paci Winden, Livonia, Jen. 27.--1h fication of 'the Baltic provinces is ¢ emptor --_-- The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Part of Peterbore was flooded by the' giving way of canal bark. ; James Nicholls, collector of and a t Walkerton, is di Rotabe W > 5 ey Turnberry township, was struck by a falling tree and killed. ns Lachute was defeated by Vankleek Hi, in O.HA. hockey, Friday night, by nine to ten. "John Stewart, a hookkeeper for Broadfield & MeMahon, was run over by a York radial ear at the Mimico bridge a and received injuries frompwiich The departure from Halifax of the battleship Dowuigion, which brought the bo . - Raymond Prefon- taine from ot a | to Canada, has "been hastened by orders from the ad miralty, ALDERMAN D. J. MILLAN, Whose majority, in Cataragqui Ward was increased Ly the recount. WOMAN'S CURIOSITY WINS. reaching the final stage so far as the Agrarian movement is concerned. Nearly twenty-five revolutionists have been shot, several thousands are un: der arrest and five thousand rifles have been captured by the troops. Al ether the revolutionists, i this heer, burned 200 castles valued at four million dollars, WIN FOR HAWKEY. Glenvale Wrestler Deféated Burns at Watertown. Watertown, Jan. 2%.--~About 1,200 pouple attended the Hawkey: Burns wrestlibg match in the armory last night. Hawkey was sullering from grip, but proved himself equal to his reputation, showing more science and speed tham his opponent, who was fully fifteen pounds heavier and a lit tle stronger. Both men come in the heavyweight class, Hawkey weighing in at 166 and Bums at about 180, After fift minutes Hawkey got a deadly vido Soller from a half Nelson and fairly held his man in a grasp that could not be shaken, giving him the first bout. In.the second bout Burns back heeled and threw Hawkey by a double-back bar, and Burns was awarded the bout making the match a tie to this time, It was nip and tuck for eighteen minutes in the third bout, during which time the defensive shifted, Haw key at all times proved too scientific and fast for his more powerful op ponent. A double back barlock was se cured which brought Burns slowly, but surely down, . The hall gang with ap | again boenuse Hawkey was off the mat. Inside of w minute Hawkey ob {tained the same hold with the same ety and won .the match, J. Powers, in behalf of Harvey Per of Buffalo, challenged Hawkey for any kind of a purse, and in behaif of Fred Beels, of Chicago, challenged Hawkey to a handicap match for any part of $1000, -in which he agreed to | have Hawkey thrown six times i of an hour mside ity of workmanship, the gener- woos som somes. ous fulness in every garment| and the superior quality of Night Clothes All That Inmates Saved. Ont, Jan. 2% Fire, this week, totally destroyed a large hotel in tha village of Maynooth, in the | northe rm part of this county, with all is contents, The inmates had a nar {row escape and lost everyithing except | their night apparel, as all were when the fire broke ont. J, Belleville, asleep Lafleur was the proprietor of the hotel and 1 Roddy the owner of the buildine. Both | are heavy losers, as the insurance in both cases was small, Difficulty was experienced in preventine the spread of | the fire -------- Lift Lock Report Scandal. Ottawa, Jan. 27.--The report of Me Holgate, C.K. of Montreal, embody ing the results of his mvestigation the complaint that the lift lock at Peterboro' was improperly constructed, is said to disclose a most serious con dition of affairs. It is alleged, if rum or be Aree, that no comprehensive plans were prepared, amd that work was daulty and earvied on in sort of haphazard way without pre per supervivion. The lift lock now leaks badly, and, although the blund ors made are not irreparable, the ye. pairs will involve a considerable sun of money, plause but the referee made them try into the a The minister would not talk -------- Twenty-Five New Stars Discover- ed By Miss Leavitt. New York, Jan. 27.--The Journal | publishes : the following from Cam- bridge, Mass.: The discovery of twen: ty five variable stars by. Miss Henri etta 8. Leavitt, by a recent examina- tion of plates taken with a twenty- four-inch telescope, was announced to day by the Harvard Observatory, Six of these stars are in the constellation of Orion, three in Virgo and sixteen in Cygnus, All plates are of extremely fine qual- ity, the images of at least 200,000 stars having been caught with a clear- ness which will permit of comparisons. 4. 4 STRONG FOR PENSE 5 @ + A final word. The re- y * turn of Pense can be se- 4 7 cured by good hard work ¥ by his many friends. Get up and hustle. Come to +» # the Whig Hall to-night for i + final instructions. The i #. citizens of Mr, Pense's life- long home, we hope are 4 strong for him. They trust «+ % and honor him and will give him their confidence 4 again. + * + +4 BANISHED THE BIBLE. Justice Tierney Thinks it De- secration to Use It There. New York, Jan. 27. mimicipal court has abolished the his court SUVS "1 have Justice Tierney in the Bronx of the Bile in ¥ plnining his action, he ol a ved the Bible in my court It was a desecration to use it there. The ling words from the months of witnesses made a mockery, a travesty. 1 wag hrought 1 ' ! th vinceation rem from use its use shocking. to find mim ealling upon the Deity to witness the truth of what they sav. 'so help my God," with a Tie in their hearts. and upon the lips by which they profaned the Good Book "I now swear or affirm a witness with uplifted hands, hut it reallv has no significance my mind.' | would prefer to let every person tell ds or wr story without oath or affirma tion: 'and then do the best T can to ward ascertaining the tenth." s---------------- | CHARGED WITH FRAUD. Arrested in Connection With a | Note Case. | Belleville, Ont Jan. 27. Morris Crofts, a commercial traveller, whose home is in Peterboro, and who is em ployed by a Peterboro firm, was ar rested at Madoe, yesterday, by Con stable Duffin, of this city, on a war rant charging obtaining te hin with fraudulently attempting to nego to the value of $100 he- J. C0 Moore, of Queens was brought to the county and afterwards released on Sth. His and notes to He jail here fonging "ire bail to appear on Febraary employer went as bondsman. Queen's, Alumni At Regina. Regina, Jap. 26.-Thore ment among the is a move A eraduates many ies were brutally "assanliod last night and § of (eens University now residing in the INCORPORATED WITH CAP' TAL OF 52,500,000 Many Other Companies Are Also Incorporated--Order-in- -Council Passed Dividing Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Ottawa, Jan. 27.--The Canada Starch company, Cardinal, has been incorporated, with capital here of $2,500,000. The incorporators are: George FF. Benson, Montreal; James J. Warren, Toronto; Joseph Ruddy, Brantford; Wiliam = Strachan and Charles R. Hosmer, Montreal. Godiroi Langlis, M.P.P., G, Deser- ries, J." U% Emard, RC 4. M. Wil son, J. M. Fortier, 1. N | Dupuis, and S. Lichtentein, of el have been incorporated as the Abitthi Mining Mining company, with a capital of £10,000, The Loders Lime company, with a capital of £100,000, has been incorpor- ated to operate Jime and cement works in Alberta. The incorporators are : James 8. Irwin, Hugh Fleming, Sanford Fleming, Ottawa: James Cape, and C. H. Gore, Winnipeg. No ices of application to parliament for pinch bills are given as follows : By the. Minnesota Canadian Bridge company, to bridge Rainy river at Fort Francis; by the Essex Terminal Ruilway company, for an extension of timé; by the Bell Telephone company, for an increase of capital; by the ( dian Bible Socioty Auxiliary, to the British Bible Society, f incorpora British Canadian Loan and Investment company. for a wind- ing-up act, and by the Alberta Rail way and lrrication company, for an extension of time. An order-in-council has heen passed, di.iding. between the provindes of Al- tion; by the berta and Saskatchewan, the school lands fund of the North.West territor is as it stood September last amounting to $2881. The province of Alberta gets #44,758% and the prov. ince of Saskatchewan $2 3 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. W. D. Boyce, Denver, is at the Randolph. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Woodruff, Syd- enham, spent the day in town, Abdominal supporters for men wd women at Chown's Drag Store. Mrs. J. F. Knapp, Johnston street, entertained a number of friends, last night,at her residence. "Varsity sprang a surprise on McGill last night in Toronto, by winning the intercollegiate hockey match by tem goals to six. Victoria ward residents are eager for the capture of the fellow who is ac costing and attacking ladics on the streets at night, Quite a large today, noon, and Bagot strees, concert given by Cabin band. Floral tributes from King and Miss M. ong those on the Principal Sheraton, lege, Toronto. The steamer crowd was attracted. to the corner of Brock to hear the band the Uncle Tom's Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, were am casket of the late of Wyclific Col New Island Wanderer came from Cape Vincent, at noon, by way the head of the island. le wa: met with in the Battean channel and the harbor, but it casily gene through, Miss Faith ly entertained Queen's College friends at her Univ avenue, on Thursday ne. Games were played by the young people, after which a delicious lunch was served. Dancing the enjoy alls feature for the remainder of the jolly evening. of was ple asant of her home, even Davidson very about fiftee " sity was McIntyre To Blame. What do the ratepayers think of be ng put to $521 extra expense this year by their Donald M. Me Intyre, whose forcing. another" election upon Kingston this city that amount of The city has to for the regis tration and the poll oO " 2501 ' solicitor, costs money, pay have streets, henefit NECESS the Mclntyre's It this gone orale repairing is used up for Mr. in this hye-election. ary expenditures like increase Kingston's taxes. 1s un that Without A Precedent ! I'Motel Dieu, to-day Whig reporter, On ar spaper man was handed hill. "It's no questions,' A patient enlled for vival the ne dollar 1 ask at a a one conscience said the to get anv partien the hill Lk Tt the a strange mood without a precedent heeome conscience moneys: and mwable lar the of hospital in rather Surely this that one stricken donor receiver is should for money owed a paper, The Rally To-Night. Mr. the Every worker for | at the rally i night. Penge is want Whig hall to Jack nev rte I Wigg--1| going the pace, a brick. Wagg lireproof kind. The management les, Cal.) street car to raise the wages voluntarily. Any barber will tell you that who shaves himself tapidde ix admit that but Well, hope of the Los Ange lines has decided of its employees n man is. his own worst enemy, The people "who Keep their troulsles of the matter, wither would he say | city to organize a Queen's alm | as- to Shemseites lac hemp their (rime what th Nort of Ne: Holoate oy A510 oremni project a Riches adorn the house, and virtue tained. "Until the cabinet have token {take definite <hape in the immediate seofs the pecs, uy and dealt with the report," he fature. and if the organization is «of observed, "I. deems it advisable to fected the ovent will be edehrated In say nothing. holding a banquet, at which Principal Gordon will be invi speak. : Has Taken Action. 3 a gg Toronto, Jan. 27. «Fred. Hearsha, Two Ladies Assaulted. the Chicago printer, who has figured Brawtford, Ont. Jan. 27.1 recently in extradition proceedings is od To nd 1 1 Sn So ------r Ee -------------------------- we -- Mothers, You Need Not Make Your) 4» 1 Ya The time when it wis necessary for mothers to plan work themselves to produce the fine wear for the * Jittle tots is past. The last few years have seen great advancements in the manufacturing industries and now "Baby" can be clothed | far more daintily and with much less expense and trouble by pur: chasing all the little articles made up and ready-to wear. This section of our display was given particular attention thisfly: ar, and mothers are cordially invited 'to come and exam- ine to their heart's content, An carly 1nspection should be made while the asortment is complete in all its variety, so dat the little ones may get the choicest. Come on Monday. The Montreal Sta terious Mr. Ladd V our city. We will above amount to & or boy wearing one kin's M. J. & L. Collars, 'who is f enough to catch him lar price of M. Quality is 2o0¢., $ Special price this during] our great Ten Days' Saleg -18c¢. E.P.'Jenkins; Clot! [eS ee Nh "aa gs SH) } _ Amongst the Infants' Wear Let us start with just the little infants' wear and give descriptions and prices. Notice the very extensive rang: of values and let us remind you that uality has beer the great chacracteristic throughout our entire White Sale. INFANTS' DRESSES, finest nai nsook, trimmed with embroide lace, full width and length, some finished with deep hem ---- tucks, others with frill of embroidery or lace and cluster -- el tucks. Our White Sale prices from . . 09%. as high as $1.90 MORE SNAP SANTRY > ot * 0 Boys Neal I'rame Dwe INFANTS' UNDERSKIRTS, to match dresses in material and | "Sivec wel location. some finished with deep hem and three small tucks, bette we ay ere) ene, 1) trimmed with lace or embroidery. Our White Sale pr $500 Buys Large Stone Dwell Baru from 81.95 a, etc. = *Q. REAL ESTATE A FLANNELETTE AND FRENGH FLANNEL BARRICOATS, SWIFT'S: **ALSuRANG the approved les which all mothers would make DA -------- selves, Our White Sale prices only 10¢., 00 BE BABIES' PANTEES, at our White Salo prices only 95c. and We Make a Spec BABIES KIMONAS, long and short styles, at our White Sal 01a only. ....... . od Al Fitting Feet - If you have diffic fitted with Shoes come Wear "All Military Bootmah Everything the Children May Need When . the children are first shortened, and a new and dainty assortment needed, mothers will do well -to purchase their needs here from a stock a; extensive as could be found. Not only will it save money, time and labor, but 'mothers will be S4Brock St. Sgaef assured of their own children's dresses comparing favorably A Y.W. C. with those of any others. Class at 7.30 in Boiling and Steaming, dishes to illustrate, Saturday at 1.30 p Dresses MOTHER HUBBARD DRESSES, of . Culture for gi white lawn or nainsook, are very pop to 9 years of age. ular for this first change. Made in a WANTED. great variety of qualities and trim mings, with leg 0' mutton sleeve and 4 HOUSEMAID; GOOD V fancy voke. Some colored ones among bly 45 Kipp St. in 1b our assortment, marked at our White A IENERAL SERV Sal: prices, from ..... Taily. Awply 2 W GIRLS AT 65c. to $3.25 3 Bros. Mica Wo . 's8 Street. Underskirts hes VIE : Halliday = at The #'H CHILDREN'S PINAFORES, of fin -- A COOK, APPLY IN p white lawn, made and "completel ing to Mrsy Howard - West street, finished in a very neat and ple o a t---- SUNLIGHT SOAP COUP: style. In sizes for all ages from 2 t oaps given in exclu coupons by Messrs 3 11 years. | Our White Sal pii Co., 178 Princess St., -------------------- ee from GENTLEMAN . TO HA Suits pressed and cleane hand ; also bring your an up-to-date swt 1 way's, 181 Brock stree rr e-------------------- MEN AND BOYS TO day after pt practical our 1 35c. to 85c. Drawers CHIL DRE N'S WHITE finest justiuction schools, Cradua nh. Po sitions DRAWERS, of every & tail Some trimmed with hems and three small tucks, others of hizher prices trimmed with small cam brie frills, and many with narrow lace edging or small pattern em = ] Linge ne te ' DWE 1S broidery. Our White Sale prices on Hai from Brock street. -------------- es cobs BRICK SHOP AND REX 851 Princess street : Possession immediate Steacy & Steacy. 18c. to 50c. CHILDREN'S "PETTICOATS AND . TH DRAWERS, of white fannet fo THE RESIDENCE ON between secasonsawear, mall for Si ea gs To ages from 1 to 14 vears sion ay 1s ---- oh street n FOR SALE Tree TWENTY SHARES OF Stock of the Fronten: John Laidlaw Son| pany , will sell rig F.B." care Whig offic -- RN CVSS Ban THE KESWICK i Splendid proposition SERA -------- ce cr-- wife. Easy Terms. } epi For iaformati €. apply at BEST PWO HUNDRED in Froesttown, six 1 oe fruit dairy | ti drained, forty N Brisco and Napanee. rice TUG EDMOND AND B now laid up hi whorg' Canal : tug McGibbon bother som dry lumber. Tett aud Bro., Bedfor This is Siac Tate time and every day we throw out a few Genuine Bargains. 1 lov of Ladies' Patent Oxford Shoss, regular $1. 59, for LOST. LIBERAL REWART recovery of A plain toe, $1.00 _ ' BUSINESS OPPOT QRALT WILL BROI 1 lot of Ladies' Dongola Kid Lace Boots, regu- 1 25 ee Te of ie ee Det % Ri » y . ad brought to pay 1 one to six in suing J, W. Cun. KO. the cor in the : ¥ tally am ous values, A » Ie reside rion of the city. lot of . . . 3 tunity to mal LL 2 Be Nei fu Sn EL | Requests the support or]! 1° dade Dongola Oxford Kid Tip, reg [0 Hei tah = | not before they een: badly b «50 - - - - - othe fast oo he had been acauitted by a ' tered about the rd ren ba is bat all Lovers of Fair Pi : : : : to vou ne CMake a meting 1a thw cate. {one TT charged "with the of Y In| lot of Ladie. Jersey Leggi - Ses Torontn. a 8 ng in the case. enee, 3 . ! > e: 1 € 1 ES -------- > his campaign for re-elec- $1.25, for - y 3 gg ng ' high, regular 79 OL t-- ver ii against the pr Few persons ars able (a achisse | tion to the Legi i 4 Red Cro 3 : : a achieve , 9! 2 tig. Lr , . ' isi the} * SETS] lative As i ve.