THE DAILY tien joy Lif 1 health makes good na- If everyone had a sound ach there would be no pes- ts 'in the world. Do not v a weak stomach or a bag to rob you of the joy of g. Take EECHAM'S PILLS the world laughs with yoy, need then for rose-colored ses. Beecham's Pills start th vibrations to all parts of body, while putting a ruddy on lips and cheeks. There's th in every box. Health for ATARRH CURE More Bad Brgath (> » No 'My Nem Dis: oyery Quickly Cure A " Catarr 4 » fe Foun » A A } ! y man, woman and child, tet angerous, but it | &r, and their beauty, and the artistic | <ome one said she had never been at a ut it i splendid nl Haliwes =» hin Stineitici, and hoy oererottded while cham's Pills Catarril i : 1 tion, death and | way in which they were arranged | picer little tea. The tea-table was sures AN. a0 : Tom. cam us om i opeen house sho . causes i ones, loss of thinking and | added an enjoyment all their own to | beautifully arranged, with ved ond ruption as is possible, but they sigh { chestra, under Prof. .werry, was equal decay of DOTTE: (Jils ambition and en- he. 'afternoon: In the «o itvir A : as they think, and say no such agree "To anything heard at city balls. 'The reasoning be of appetite, in- | the aftérmvon: 'In the drawing-room | white tulips and Mrs. Phelan and h : : : ergy, often To a raw throat and | all the flowers 'were red, but in the | Mrs. J ; ment could be made in this country. | musicians were most liberal in their dyspepsia, S , { B, ral debility, idiocy and attention at' once. Catarrh Cure. It ene A J cure p- s Fee ie { < : think it shows the goal effect of | dancers, The refreshments were served "Everyw] ~ permanent cure, he with a mirror upon which stood a tall {par(y, last night, was very guecessful, A . A d n | Everywhere, In boxes 25 cents. system of 'the poison { (vital vase,' holding tulips, and {Twelve gst me Were in Anny and the Rlugeton 8 Shree: and tollege that i the ring room of the new rts oo 5 all who are | smaller vases containing the same | rounds were kept up until midnight, it has been "effected. 3 hiding, ne in i Sepa tment. rd s jus and loath- | flowers, whs placed against. the man 1 whet he daintiest of suppers was " terer Tuttle an is abla staf outdi Catarrh Cure ; l x y {when 03 Ne . PE FEE 0 4 PERI 4 eee | all previous efforts, Dainty tables e that case: of 'catarrh telpiece. Upon the latter, a basket | gorved. The first prizes were won by : Bl ith Mowers and dowd i ome tong standing or | fildd with 'red and white tulips in | Mays. J. W. Mitchell and Mr. J. J + ; > + dororat xi flowers, and - o Re he : 1 sell » Jal Juckugs careless profusion, SAW ads beautiful | Crawford. The consolation prizes so | ¥ bri h good 1 ngs. Spree) sink oy 8 . al eotay and the treat- hirden reflected in the looking-glass at [ pretty, that they might have been | & ie. merry rong. The decorations, ed y Wal 3 ail he! baek. The whole concepti f th tetnk pirat BF B a {| Young me arranged under the management of 11 he S you by return mail. the! baek, he whole conception o the | mistaken for first prizes, went to Mrs. | 2 . | nt Will Le SO eitively cure so that | fora arrangement was perfect. At--thedohm-Wright;--amd-- MAC Waggon the 4 | Mr W. Shes. surpassed anything | BAN . -- TITY wired AURS, nao | teatuble were Mrs. GY. Chown, and | er. After supper a dance finished the | & favors it. jemn give. It >» attempted at college Rito. w your IE Sahat, Mich out | Mrs. Alexapder Richardson, the form pleasant evening. Mrs. Linton had |# would be a ible grait. + college colors predominated, and in | eter bak er pouring coffee, the latter tea, lee | filled her house with tulips and carna- + Remember Selenda and + pae of the sitting out rooms two re ---- 1 | éream "was dispensed by Miss H. Bre- | tions and it was all very pretty. + workers fi Kingston's + | skeletons, in academic costume, were FREE den; and Miss May Ford, The girls | . . . - 4 institutions/ 9 se has al- % | the centre of much curiosity on the - conven, SE do { assisting © were Miss Ethel Minmes, |» Mrs. Samuel Marshall gave a merry. # ways done his level eat: + | part of the fair Se: A worl hunt the tr re. nailed frea in plain | Miss Flora Smith, Miss Emily Sears, | little party, yesterday, for about thir- | Hon, . y a es + Programme wou d avo he order pin Simv lv All in Your nume { Miss Eilie Robertson, and Miss Flor | ty little g and boys, friends of her 4 clares the y nt will 2% | they were tpica y medical, oli pd Pd addeess on dotted lines hulg ence Cunningham. Helping Mrs. dnd | son Arthur. Mrs. Fisher and Miss | 4 do justice 'to Ki ston & | many fuvorale mn J their and "wail hoy 5380 Main St. Miss Crothers entertain the guests in | Swales helped Mrs. Marshall, and the | # irrespective of its voice on + | uniqueness and wi I; no; doubt, be C. E GAVE Mich : i the drawing-room, were ~Mrg. James | little people had a jolly romp. The § % Monday. THe 'medi dical ¥ carefully treasured as, souvenirs of the ur business is increasi Crawford, Miss la Kidd, and Miss | smaller ones went to the dining-room | # building was | f¥omised + | occasion: And in copeludion let net { sing Mabel Dalton, The tea was altogether | first, and had tea and the larger chil. | 4 long since. + the patronesses be forgotten, Mrs, | * Gordon, Mrs, J. C. Connell, Mrs, W, greater rate than any dry ds store in Kingston. ------------ tt -------- y? Because we ¢sell the E NEWS. for the least money. GANANOQU Having Launches Built--Fishing and Ploughing. street, spent a few this week, builder, Jacob Middleton, Ring days in Brocky ille Willian building a new gitte, which will be portation of Ret to Hay Island "house. caught a nice string Tremont Park this week. { Several farmers in the township of Teeds, near here have been doing con siderable plonghing during the past \ contrast from last vear 0- I Gananoque, Jan. i--The benefit Y oy oe rt jor the Gananoque baseball C : at » operp house last league, held in the operg 1s ou an Buy ns was well attended. Mrs. TT | is 5 De- | fen's 30c. Black Cashmere Sox, less feet, last color, 18. a Pair hoat for need in the trans. and from the George Funnel of perch near Rogers, hoat adiess 98c. Black Sateen sts, neatly trimmed, for vreenee 00c.; all sizes week, qui at this time. Hogan's A ley and the Star Bachel 1 3 Fleece-lined S ors will meet for their first game of hildren s Fleece-lined Sleeping hockev this season; at the Maple Leaf S, any size, rink next Tuesday evening. ai o-nig : Charles Munroe is having a new To night 50.. twentv-¢ight foot launch, built hy W. Rogers, the hull being designed by W. ol . - Sheppard, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y \ few only Children's Coats, The engine i< twenty-five horse power. » $4.50 and $5.50, for Don Del'encier, who for several has heen engaged in insur ea seaveaey $1.98 ance 2 here, iz 'shortly to re- move Montreal where he will take a position in the head office of his he best 25¢. Pair of Ladies company - -k Cashmere ever shown n Patience-Kennedy. gston at the money. pretty wedding took place in St, s church, Gananoque, * Tuesday, Miss Emma Patience, Dulce » and Philip Kennedy, Kingston, A mitdl in marviage by Rev. Fa ther O'Gorman, The bride was attend ---- go ed by her sister, Miss Jenni Pa as best man, The bride was CUT THIS our © na suit "of brown ladies' ----------------enr-------------------- clot white silk waist, and re a to match. After the cere C0 P R n he conple drove to the home be bride, where hearty congratu ns were extended, after which all it down to a sumptuously prepared dinner," and the remainder of mg was: spent in dancing and The 18 Letters Must Accom=- ther ements. Both were the re n : ment WF Ih Ls he re pany Answer. cipients of many useful and costly presents, an indication of the esteem Which they are held. The young * will take up their residence in ton, Their Rheumatism Vanished. In the long period during which Dr. Hall's Rheumatic ve ah atic Cure has heen made STANDS FOR It has thoroughly cured thousands o ¢ It f : oa hese cases have been of every ¥a and degree of severity, The SERVIGE PROMPT, AND FOR 1 effective because it root of the disease. a migh trial matie er. the by Its actions POPP : , vase must be beneficial be- ROUNDS, i, oS even" Be ills i US, " is ac tions x bianiiid oa J ES SWIFT 2 co. i fit is , Progressive until the 'cure AM | : Jesiides ] rice 50. Sold only at Hn S 5 oe store. This is the pre- 060000000000 ) Jaratio al cared Henry Hasler, Deserves To Succeed. ¢ Brantford Expositor says Pens i P Oswald, Odessa, late of Riv- rves to succeed, not merely be 2 Cal. i i i o of his personal h, but be Jamaica Hoo BOW in Port. Antonio, personal worth, but maica. He is editor of a dailv paper c an already weak opposition in published 'there, and is also represent legislative assembly should not be N e Associated Press on th i er weakened bv the defeat of one He has i oe = : one 5 has promised us a letter most effective members. nevihas now a majority of forty. 1s sunny home, Melletta Lovst, Hawley. had a day, was very pleasant, as was Wed: nestlay's afiair. Mrs. W. L. the! very Youinia) Queen's men. " - er lies before us, so springlike was the house tulips. Théi¢ subtle fragrance filled the dining-room'_white and red set of each other's beauty, The tea-table ! of Miss and Mrs. W. T. Minnes, dispensing tea # coffee, while Mrs. J. U. Connell, {afd Miss Martha Minnes cut fees. A | very large number of young girls were { i them 1 ¢ | 1d in the 4 Buwilight helping the 'principals, | being Miss Crothers, Miss Winifred | Hague, Miss Julia Horsey, Miss Flor | ance Williamson, Miss Flora Smith, { Miss Belle Craig, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Emily Sears, Miss Norval Mae- donald, and Miss Grace Oldrieve. Miss Florence Bireh was the guardian of the drawing room, and saw that ev- erydne remaining there had tea. The decorations of the tea-table were ex- 1 : . | Mrs. Adam Shortt's tea, on Thurs Goodwin, and Mrs. John Watson were in the ' ; is weed "ftor): 1 wish to congratulate you on | arrangements worked long and faith: tearoom, and the guests were nearly el the result of the recent municipal elec | fully, and to them no small credit is I icollege 'students. A musical pros | ggicks IIHT Drom them glow tion. 1 think: it showed $e in- "due. The medical dance of "08, now i annie 'was taken part in by = Miss jo through pierced silver shades, over fluence of the Whig and certainly a event of the-past, will not be Srgot Cora Earke, My. D. A. McKeracher, ng silk. Jhade a brilliant mass of influence and the result was Jn the | ten, but remembered by all who had Mr. W/ A, 'Beecroft, and Mr. Skene. {color An orchestra in the dining: right direction, Federal politics "in | the pleasure of attending, as one of, After tea; some' of Miss Muriel | om added greatly \o. the pleasureof JING | elections leads to all sorts if not the best social event held in Shortt's 'friends; 'among the "not- | {hs afternoon . ; of evils. and Canadians usually - show | connection with college life during the outs," apd the younger girls still, ha { - . * their good sense in shunning it and | present session, Besides the embryo a little' dance, ~ their partners being | Mrs, Henry Skinnet v ere | 200 t other things not wholesome | doctors and their friends, many faces Mrs. Henry Skinner, gave a very }..¢ ill tie political boss. And for- | from beyond the city wore recognized small din at "Maitland House," last night, in honor of the Rev. H. P. - al Any one who was at Mrs. W. J. | o po : Ton 3 abl Almon Abbott. Her guests were the in the swim. in the festivities, The professors and Crothers' most enjoyable tea, ' on | Dean of Ontario and Mrs. Buxtdn 18 ' dav. ii . i 4 | % a And I have been showing the agree | their wives also attended in large num- Ihirsday, might have been excused for Smith, Miss , Laura 'Smith, Canon {0 : : fi i h 5 ai J NY : Xi * ment between ° the 'two parties fo | bers, to do honor to the occasion. lorgetting that we are only in Janu- | Qeare, and Mr. W. B. Skinner. elect 3 he: coun Dancing. of e . ituted : the ary, as yet, and that plenty of 'wint- « > le ensure a clean election in the coming ancing, of course, constitut v Mrs. Vére Hooper's little tea, yes- | terday, for Miss Laura Smith, was ex- { ceptionally bright and jolly, indeed, with the masses of beautiful eremy Taylor were in charge. » . - AM centred | "Mys. W. J. Linton's large -euchre very successful. . - dren followed. . Mrs. Alexander Laird is giving al Mise Florence Richmond returned oun little tea, this afternoon, for some | Thursday, from Attwood, where she of the voung girls, and a few of the | has been visiting Mrs. McKay. cadets. . » - . ." . Mrs. John Donnelly will entertain J. Crothe 8 ol at cards on Wednesday of next week, Florence's girl friends to an . . . . informal fittle tea, this afternoon. - - Myre. W. Mrs. Douglas Young has heen pay- ling a short visit to Mrs. Gwynne, Mrs. George Nieol gave an informal { Dunbar Road, Toronto. little tea, on Thursday, for a number ! * . . of her Catarayni friends. The pla- | sant little affair was in honor of Mrs. | { { | George Mahood are York. Mr. and Mrs. visiting in New Flynn, who with her hushand, has Mise Martie E. Milligaft ntiord, been visiting her mother, Mrs. Jon- | is the guest of Mrs, M. o awless, athdn: Knight, i &inte October. The 322 Johnston street. Miss Milligan house was. a perfect bower of flowers-- | a svery winsome girl and has wade o daffodils, prinfroses, - carnations; 'and | large nimber of friends since coming geraninms . cheing everywhere, in the | to the city. windows, on the small tables, at {| Myr. and Mrs. Flyan, who have been whith the guests had tea. indeed iy | visiting Mrs. Jonathan Knight, Uat- every available spot. Mrs. Nicol's | araqui, will leave for California next three young danghters, all drecead in | week, en route to their home in the pretty : white frocks, hi wl her, an] | western mining country. did it most ently. Miss Laura Smith, who has been . . * . 3 Aired | staying at 'Mishopscourt," will pay a 9 Allred Mrs. and Miss Macphail, visit to Mrs. Dahiel Gordon, next street, will receive on Tuesday. week. $ nu. >» * | Mrs. Conroy. and Miss: Loretta Mrs. R. No F. McFarlane will be at | gKinodley, have returned home after a home to her friends on Wednesday af- { vary' pleasant little visit in Boston. ternoon and evening, January 3lst, | x . & & @ i corner . of Johnston and Aberdeen | yo Apmour. of Montreal, is stay avenue. ine with Miss Gildersleeve. . * . s Miss Mamie Foote. who has been Mrs. James Minnes, Sr, was the | filling Miss Montgomery's lace at the hostess of a.-large tea vesterday. | Kingston General Hospital, has gone { which she cleverly divided by asking {to her home in Peterboro, for a t some of her guests at one hour, and | month's vacation some at, another. Thus a crush was | Mrs. Edgar Birch left for her home, avoided. Receiving with Mrs. Minnes | in Prescott, to-dav. were her two daughters, Miss Ethel | Mrs, Herbert Robinson and her cou- and Miss Lorraine Minnes, and their | sin, Miss Mair, have left Los Angeles, for beawtiful Pasadena, eight miles { from the big Californian city, and are delighted with it. They en pen cion with a Canadian, and are most welcome was cordial one. In the tea-room were Mrs, James Minnes, Jr., -- WHE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. a are | comfortable. While - the nights are | chilly. the diaphanous clothing re Few People Know How Useful it | quired by our July is the daytime {s in 'Preserving Health and | vcd down ther where the gardens Gre gan wilh ¥ Ne bio i Beauty, * | curiosities is the Pasadena ostrich feusly avervholy know that tliat | farm, visite to which hoth have been coal is the safest a st officient | disinfectant and puritier in nature, but | few realize its value when taken into the human system for the same cleans- | § purpose, i Charcoal is a remedy that the more | you take of it the etter; it is not but simply absorbs the | ying on -------------- Baby's Tongue Tells. Little tongues that cannot talk tell mothers just as plainly that their owners are not well. When baby's tongue is white, or coated, or vellow, drug at alt, iti especially. toward the root, it is a Eo and ISipusiLioe slyags pregent bo of stomach trouble, indigestion, ithe stomach any jutesiines a Ei or fevorishness, Baby's Own 'Fab faite out of ae re Sh ah alter | lets act like magic in curing these smoking, drinking or after eating on- | and the other minor ille of babyhood ions, and other odorous vegetables, | and childhood. They are as good for Charcoal efiectually clears and im- | the new-born baby 'as for the well proves thé complexion, it Wwhitens the | grown child, Absolutely safe and ab- feeth and further acts as a natural | solutely harmless. Mrs. C. F. Kerr, and eminently safe cathartic. Elgin, Ont., says: "baby's Own 'lah It absorbs the injurious gases which | lets are the best medicine 1 have ollect in the stomach i Towels; it | ever used for stomach and bowel disinfects the mouth and throat from troubles and destroy ing worms 1 the poison of catarrh.. could hardly feel safe without the All druggists sell charcoal in one | tablets 'in the house." Sold by all another, but probably the medicine dealers, or hy mail, at 25e. form or ro : best charcoal and the most for the a box, hy writing the Dr. Williams money is in Stuart's Charcoal Lozeng- | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. es; they are composed of the finest 1 " " powdered Willow charcoal, and other Got Their Wood Up. harmless antiseptics in tablet form or | Chafiey's Locks, Jan. 24. The snow rather in the form of large, pleasant | ix gone and wheels are on the go. The tasting lozenges, the charcoal being | farmers were fortunate in getting their mixed with honey. | season's wood supply hauled to their The daily use of these lozenges will | joors while the sleighing lasted." The soon tell in a much improved condi: | sawing machine, owned by Mr. Edg tion of the general health. better com- | ore is kept busy sawing wood every plexion, sweeter breath and purer | 4. . blood, and the beauty of it is, that | jo Mrs. no possible harm san result from their | | 4ishley, i. sontinued use, but on the contrary | pyijipstille, are calling on relatives reat benefit. ca x s and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ma- A Bufialo physician in speaking of | honey, Kingston, are visiting friends. the benefits of charcoal says: "1 ad Miss Mary Fleming, Newhoro, has re visé Stuart's Ch Miss Anna Bums, Oates, is vis A K. Regan. Misses Lena olan and Mrs. Kennedy, it is not in the public interest ant surprise the othe dev oh : ef Lomuges sul | turned home. Mrs. Eugéne Edgers is any further inereasc should be s presented by Rev T my Shen] patjents suffering a a lex: | °" the sick list. Mrs. W. N. Fleming, e of it. ¥ Rev. F. T. Dibb, | and bowels, and to clear the complex: | , . }.c heen very ill, is recovering. ormition of her services as or: t with, a dainjv old pendant set ad That Corn Very Long? ite casy to cure it with Putnam's + Extractor. Only takes twent) hours--no pain--dead sure cure. Putnam's; it's far the best. wociates . Electors, show isgus . s, your disgust a sriteful, selfish rotest by oo electing Pence i Af end Opponent, always. ar Hi or Shoulder by children at € races for men, women and le ballot is secret. Wo one . hown's Deug Store. tell how a voter marks his x. pearls and which the highly an- e breath, mouth anc believe the liver i by the dailv use ol five cents jon and purify th throat; I alfo greatly benefited them; they 'cost but fwentv- a box at drug stores, and althongh in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more a t better charbonl' in Stusrt's Chaicoal Soseng- . W. H. Fleming has purchased horse. Mr. Bartley is improving grounds of the Club House. a new the The only store that sells strictly Ji h clase candy. Gibson's Red Crass Prug' Store. Me Conkes's and Huyler's sell there, . . 1 A. B. Lowe, the Prominent Labor tonately this is a bad year for bosses contest, to some of Colorado's politi- must be at hand in Canada, They can SLLFHILEIPITRIRISIENN a WHIG, SATURDAY JANUARY 27. THE MEDICAL DANCE. Social Event to Be Long Remem- ; bered. ; After allowing it to lapse a session the medical students of the third year at Queen's decided to revive the an nual dance, and that much-heralded and looked for event took place last evening in Grant hall, A success it certainly was, in every particular, and the expectations of fair maids an stern men were realized to the fullSt extent. The commiitee in charge of Representative, Hopes That Kingston Will Re-Elect Him-- Wishes He Was Here to Vote. Denver, Cal., Jan. 23--(To the di. and the surrounding towns sent =a nd 1 am glad to sec Kingston right | quota of representatives to take part programme, and it is seldom that © was noticeably enjoyed by all present. The floor was in excellent jans, and they think the millenium so encores, often responding three and four times to the ceaxings of the But isn't it rather to our shame that ueh a thing should be needed. And 1 + . FIA CHES RT. Connell, Mrs: GG. Mylks.-Mrs.-L.A, - - Bogart and Mrs, DD. M. Mundell, re ceived at the entrance to Grant hall, and to use a familiar expression were as "good as good" to the vounger peo- ple present. At a seasonable hour the dance 'was brought to a close, and the happy throng departed homeward tived out, - but wishing the medical dance (ame more than once a year, I wish Mr. Pense success in the com- ing election, not because of any poli tical partizanship, but because 1 think a stromg opposition is a- surety of good government and a necessity under party government. The govern: ment previous to 1896, when the con- servatives seemed to think they had an unlimited lease of power and ex: travagance; ran riot, is in my mind, and with Nesbitt and Gamey trying, apparently with some success, to in troduce the, machine into the present Ontario government, a strong Opposi- tion seemi an impiediate necessity. 1 pave read somewhere, "no man ix safe who has nota faithful friend or a watchful foe." and this is certainly trae of governments. 1 wish 1 coyld Yon have not forgotten the spoile currender at Toronto hy the govern: ment. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. ---- News of The District wn Both Sides of The Line. George H. Howard has disposed of the Burroughs property, Westport, to be in Kingston on the 29th to cast a} |) R. DeWolfe, Hartington, for ¥2, vote. Another reason why, if 1 were (4g there, 1 would cast my vote for Mr. A ladies' curling club has been or Pense, because an extensive acquaintance with editors and report ers has given me a very high opinion of the fraternity, and It is as certain ganized in Arnprior, with Mrs. H. F. McLachlin president, and Mrs, J Goldie Cranston, secretary-treasurer, : : Word was received at Westport on as most certain things that an editor | Monday of the death at Bluefield will be a good, independent represen West Virginia, of P. 0. Donoghue, & tative. Even here in this corporation: | former resident of Westport. He was ridden state of Colorado, the editors c horn and brought up at Westport and are "as independent as one could wish fifteen years ago removed to Virginia and quite outspoken. So success to] when he secured a position on the one more of them and 1 trust on the | Norfolk & Western railway and at ¥; ; hi ; 4 Voth. the Whig rooster may have a | (he time of his death held the im modest little crow. Yours very truly, } portant position of engineer. HE Lowe, On January 24th the death occurred r. Lowe is in attendance at the | gt the residence of her son-indaw, International Broothethood of Main | James BE, McCann, Westport, of Mrs tenance of Way Employees at Denver. | P. (i, Démming, who has been in fail ; etme ing health for some time. The late Pense is the personal choice of near Mrs. Demming wax born at Addison, ls every voter Stand by vour 1-! Ont.. seventy-three vears ago and af ings no matter. what the inducement | ter leaving the place of her birth or pressure may be spent the greater part of her life in Gananoque, coming to Westport about os Pe Message of The Bee. a year ago to live with or daughter, Four children were born, of whom but one survive, Mrs. James EB. McCann, Westport. 'Her husband pre-deceased her vears ago, A message, | have got for you ; And every word of it is true My livi 1 wos foreed ng, to earn, leven As GF AR) wad 10 fvarn OF making white and sweeter honey, Than others sold for half the money. The Mild Winter Of 1832. My friends do spat about my profit ls ig Ti a Sitont came into the (We can't keep friends unless they stop] oflice the other day and remarked that Nin it.) : : as an average winter this was exceed w you might come along some day. | ingly severe. "Speaking of warm win- And in my dream, will hear me say; tors." sad © Je "Do vou recall the "Of sugar honvy, | haven't a drop; winter of 1532 7 In that winter 1 went For to that busines I've put a stop to school from December until March Of sugar honey, I never I am not ride barefoot, with nothing on but linen 1 made it, | mever did, punts and a cotton shirt. And it was It surely is a real mean shame, so hot sometimes during recess, that To put this black mark on my name! | took off my shirt. In that winter For I am innocent, and pure, Just like the honey in the store, 1 know ior my life, 1 had to pay, Christmas day, 1 picked eight quarts of ripe strawberries in a field opposite Tor m) my father's house, in, the town of Bw = did i, in snotfies way, lurner, and very ory had a sun © mere a made ° i Re Ee an Joa 20 men, rom nm i} stroke. It was so Warm that winter ght no suglr, don t you sec that they forgot to hold the annual 1 do oft attend; a helping hand, to a neighbor To funerals, And state legislater at Augusta. By gum!" nw od added our faithful chronicler, "1 never When I gone on a funeral job; sec sch nights as we had fer heat. 1 Ron : slept all winter 'thout 1 hel My honey hive, they come and rob clothes, an' the skeeters bit fearful?" Now the truth, I've really told to thee - I'm an honest, little; honey bee, Make Pense's majority a crushing Not Too Late. one and stop the rosts to the city tax --- . pavers, and the evils of unnecessary I'o register for a commercial or 1 campaigns. shorthand, course at the, Frontenac -- Business College, Clergy street. , : : a yg ! Best value in the city in tooth combine the est principles of indivi dual and clase instruction so that «tn "Best's." brushes at : . Carle Fi } . dents may enter at any time of the " fotin-Carlarrs, Fihortmg, wo nla vear without inconvenience to them gos > OH » Walker, p 1€ Princess street, selves op. schoolmates ~New <todents A biter from North Ray states that are enrolling each week in both our ha temperath there 16 twimt \ day and cvening classes. Staff and 1h b pera ors re. 8 nly. dd a : ' ree ; ae equipment Sacond to none. "Phone gros iow pepo There is a depth of three iv on the harbor now. I Fatalities From Diarrhoea. Conld often be avoided if Nerviline were used promptly. It is prepared specially for stomach and bowel trou bles--acts swiftly and thoroughly --re iif is immediate and the eure perman (n'. Doctors say no prescription could possitly be "more efficient than Nervi line, which is a protection against 680. T. N. Stockdale, principal inches: of Peat " - 5 Don't be induced by any means to vote against the pinta choice for member. BR Mr. and Mrs. D.. Fallon, Brock street, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of their wedding, Janu arv 2rd, had the pleasure of the re union of all their sons. Among the many plesenis treoived was a substan tis] purse from their sons. bottles, OUR principles of the business. When goods don't move fast help them, and at the same time you may profit by the cut prices. Hundreds of articles at bargain prices, are a couple of samples :-- ENAMELLED WARE, CUTLERY, McKelvey & Birch, cramps, colic, pain or gas in the stom- "High class. caramels," McConkey's, | ach. For nearly fifty years all drug: sold onlv at Gibson's Red Cross] gists have sold Neryifine in. Jurge 25e. PAGE THREE. wit WE RECOMMEND | Sh ant THE DEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. BOTTLED AZ THE SPRINGS, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, Under the "Scientific Supervision of Dr. Leo Liebermann, Royal. Councillor, Professor of Hygiene and Director of the Hygienic Institute, Royal University, Budapest. Sole txporters: THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ld., London. ~ JANUARY © SALE ONLY THREE DAYS MORE TO BENEFIT BY THIS GREAT SALE. # We have the courage to lose money in order to carrv out the we . for the next few days. Here Regular Special Toilet Paper ......... So. 2 for So. Royal Dome Black Lead ............. 8c. 2 for Bo. ETC., AT SALE PRICES FOR THREE DAYS LONGER. 69 dnd 71 Brock St., Kingston. FOR SALE Pavel, I. No. 122 University avenue, occupied by "Thomas Mills, 11. -- No. 180 Ontario street, occupied by Fenwick Hendry & Co. 11. --No, 178 Barrie street, near' Union, opcupied by G. 8. Briden, IV. = No. 219 Bagot street, near Clarence, occupied by W. Bowen, V. No. 28 Queen street, near Barrie, occupied by Mrs. W. Bena. V1. No. 370 Alfred street, north of Princess, occupied by C. E. do Car teret # VIL. = No. 372 Alfred street, north of Princess, occupied by Mrs. F. Cotter. VHE-No. 371 Alfred street, north of Princess, occupied by J. P. H, Ferris, IX. --No. Albert street, south of Union, occupied by Dr. George ¥. } Horsey : X Lot Albert street, near Farl. A fall lot deep, soil and first class drainage, xi. Several lots, known as the "Pigeon property," north. of Princess street. Good building lots; good drainage. X11. -- Several lots, west side Beverly street, near Union, All these propertics are desirable purchases. TERMS Twenty-five per cent. cash, and balance may remain: on mortgage at five per cent. for five years or less. Any of above properties will he sold subject to present tenancy. Pareels 6, 7 and 8 must ho sold en hloe. Parcel I. (Mr, Mills' residence) is open for rental for a term of years. Por session 1st May, 1006, . "Further particulars on application. MILLS & CUN OWNERS 70 CLARENCE STREET AT THE GRAND. SATURDAY MARKET. t-- "Uncle. Tom's Cabin" to Be | Eggs Plentiful--Fowl Prices High Here. Good Attendance. Al, W. Martin's. mammoth scenic The market, this morning, was one of the best in many respects, for the superiority of the produce offered; the full attendance of farmers and the cager briskness of the buying. The morning was so bright and crisp and the country rouds so good for tra volling, that it was an inducement for and clectrical spectacular revival of the great. and everlasting celebrated masterpiece of Harriet Beecher Stowe entitled "Uncl® Tom's Cabin," will hé given, at the Grand on Saturday, January 27th, matinee and, night. It \ pean the country people to come to the city. Eggs were very plentiful snd sold at 30c, and 35¢. a dozen. As several - farm women. remarked, "We cannot tell how eggs have become so plentiful as the hens are fot laying in any great quantity." There was a good supply of butter at 23e. to We. a Ib." All fowl was scarce, and. coni- manded high prices. A few turkeys were offered at from $1.50 to $2.25 each: chickens woré 5¢. to 81 a pair; fowl sold readily at #1 to 81.256 a pair. There were no ducks. It was just cool enough to bring out the butchers and meat was plentiful at stendy prices : Beef. 4de. to 6c. a Tha pork, Ye. to lve, a ib; mutton, Ge, to Sc; lamb, 9¢, to lle. The vegetable was first-class, An Old Resident Gone. the | SUPPLY Cabin, to-night Uncle Tom's nt Grand, ix one of the grandest, most interest Scene in ing , and heart-rending plays ever Forfar, Jan, 25. Mrs, Jane Lasher, played upon the stage, and it will widow of the late William Lasher, live forever in the memory of the died at the residence of her sonin: theatre-going public. Mr. Murtin, the | law, J. B, Ackland, on Sunday, 2st enterprising manager, hax taken great | inst, aged cighty-five years, The rain pains in staging and producing the | of Tuesday took away what little original version of Mrs, Stowe's beau tiful story; every year trying to ont. do the previous. The company this season numbers fifty white people," in cluding a chormis of twenty who will fill out the many pictires of the play and introduce many old and new songs, dances and plantation "shines" and give a grand band concert at the corner of Brock and Bagot streets at twelve o'clock noon, snow we had and everyone is driving wh Farmers took advantage of sleighing and got un their wood, Stock is wintering well, owing to the mild weather. W. I. Hales has moved into hix new house. Mrs. M. Young is in Athens attending her daughter, Stella, who is" ill with pneumonia. Many from here attended the funeral at DPhilipville on Sunday of Rev. J. P. Bunham, and again on Tuesday, of Mrs, Dunham, both of whom died of pneumonia, in Heuvelton, N.Y. Thom- as Myers has recovered from bis ill- ness. G.-W, Sexton, Deloraine, has been here buying horses. Marks Bros. Coming. The Guelph Herald says: "Shows may come and shows may go, but the Marks Bros." go on forever. They nev- er decline in popularity with the Guelph théatre-goers. This fact was They Work While You Sleep. fully evidenced at the opening per- Every reader will recognize 'the title ax the famogs cateh-line of Cascarets, Candy Cathartic, familiar to every household. "Work while you sleep,' was the motto of Maj. H. L. Kramer, the man who made Cascarets famous, before he recorded his wonderful sues formance on Monday evening, when the opera house 'wax crowded to the doors. The performance was satisfac tory in every respect and the special ties were all goog. The company will be here for entire week." This com re eh hr wonderful medisine 1 ' on wi VO . pany will open a week's engagement | oC 4 bighys 4 " at the Grand on Monday, January They say that Mal Ruatner suconeded 20th, presenting on the first night, by incessant work--phitek, not luck and that he not only worked while others slept, but worked while he slept himself, Now he lets newspaper advertising work while he sleeps, ------------------ There is very little change in 'the condition of Mrs. Sidney Warner, of Napanee. She has been conscious all the week, but unable to speak. Her physician has ordered strict quiet. Hope is expressed of her ultimate re "Louis Riel," and giving a change of hill nightly, between acts introducing high 'class specialties, moving pictures and illustrated songs. The goverament is not in jeopardy. It has forty-one major- ity. To send Pense back to the legislature will strengthen the weak band in opposition, thus helping good government. es than in any of the ordinars char i | coal tablets. Truss satisfaction at Dr. Chown's. Drug Stare, + The ballot is secret. No one | covery. can tél how =a voter. marks his Vote for Pense on Monday and paper. get your friends to do the same. ta APENTA