Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1906, p. 3

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hen the bread or cake or pastry s from the oven light, crisp appetising, you are wont 10 rou have had good luck with baking. 2 reo, he 'good luck' idea is a relic e time when housckeepers pitted competency against poor flour, 0-day good baking isn't a matter ood luck in any home where jal Household Flour elligently used. 1 the hands of competent house- s it never fails because it is the est, lightest, purest and best ng flour to be had. 'the goodness of your baking is to chance, your grocer is giving the wrong' kind of flour, Ask Ogilvie's Royal Household. ilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid. )gilvie's Book for a Cook," con. s 130 pages of excellent recipe e never published before, Yo ercan tell you how togetit FREE, RSAL MEAT CHOPPERS, ps in Sets, ew, Easy Washing Machine ' Shears and Razors all guaranteed at han's Hardware Store. g Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--No: 1, for ordinary 3 No. 3, 10 de cases, §1 per stronger for Eanes, $8 per ._Sold substitute. ok Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontaria Skirt Ale -- 'ithout a arallel only LADIES WALK. SKIRTS, sample lot, to go a rush on Thursday. Read : LOT 1. 50 SKIRTS, $1.49 only Ladies' Walking Skirts, les, good quality cloth, latest 1s, well made, worth regular- 33 and $3.50. Thursday ing, while they last, $1.49. LOT 2. 00 SKIRTS, $2.49 only Ladies' Walking Skirts. best shades, Greys. Browns, Black, very best workman- design and finish, samples. 1 $4 to $6. Thursday morn- our choice for only $2.49. ese are samples and of course are many different styles ot more than three sizes m one design. ) WMAN & SHAW SPL erreed CUT THIS our © COUPON 6 The 18 Letters. Must Accom- pany Answer. STANDS FOR TON VE GIVE 2,000 LBS. ee ee ey ee rt. in. JAMES SWIFT & C0. | PY - THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY JA Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys, THE CIVIC INSURANCE Or Catarrh of Bladdér-and Don't Know It. y esident Newhof and War nt Richards Were promptly Cured By Pe-ru-nz. _B. Néwhot, 10 Delfimare street, President Montefiore end. f that | shon begat f0 ment excellent health now for ' ears ago. I mina -C. B, Newhot. suffered From Catarrh of Kidneys, Threatened With Nervous Collapse, "Cured by Pe-ru-na. Ar. F. B. Richards, 600 E Street, N. W., | Washington, D.C, War Correspondent, Exactly six years ago I was ordered to Cuba as staff correspondent of | the New York Sun, Iwasin charge ofa | sun Dispatch boat through the Spanish merican War, The-effect of the trop-| jeal climate and the mneryous sirain| ghowed plainly on my return to the Lassitude, depression verge of melancholia, and incessan Kidney trouble made me practically an | ¢ undesirable condition continued, despite the best of treatment. Finally a brother newspaper man,who like myself had served in the war, jy duced me to give & faithful trial to] In a short time the | Jassitude left, me, my kidneys resumed a 1 cabnot too strongly recommend -Peruna to those suffering with kidney trouble. To-day I am able to work as hard as at any time in my life, and the examiner for. a leading in- suraice company promounced me an S all dru, Ask for Cook's Cot A a nd thie no In Poor Heaith Over Four Years. Masonic order, writes CONCERT AT OMPAH. Successful--Saw a Robin Redbreast. 224A grand concert and supper was held in the town hall till the singing of Smith, Ih snecess of the evening Cox, on behalf of yhig made to the little important part in the life upon the track of 'a pact { shire. known to have been shot ent hounty on wolves our voung, people, last | gamez being the feature of A dainty supper winight, shored kidgey remedies without getting the desired results. ing a drug habit.. Pe'unha does not pro- Pe-ru-na Only Remedy of Real Benefit. | duce 'temporary results. It is per- Mr. John Nimmo, 215 Lippincott St, | manent in its effect. Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of that city and also a member of the and gradually eliminates catarrh by re- | moving the cause of catarrh. There are «I have been in poor health generally | a multitude of homes where Peruna has tor over four years. When I caught a| been used off and on for twenty years, bud cold last winter it settled in the Such a thing could not be possible if bladder and kidneys, causing serious | Peruna contained any drugs of a nar- trouble. I fook tworgreatly advertised | cotic nature. It has no bad effect upon the system, parture of our village doctor, W. A. week, but hope that wme. We fmith, who long heiore Owing to the extremely mild weataer, many of the. men a the shanti = 'being laid offi. Gillies Bros' mill, Ompah, is sent. W. Kellar. N. Waite and J. Tooley neve last i | cau, of our young lance held at Ardoch, jobbers anxious 10 see the weather: turn cold er, and unless are poor the Cold It provides prevent the vou, Just as elie { and for head boxes The remains i whose déath ec | taken oat Jo ward county, | mother, for intesgpent | son of the Mrs. dsrasl aged - sevent | The Renewal Was Left Over for o£ PRES. C. B. NEWHOF, Saffered From Gatarrh of Bladder. Peruna is the only remedy which was really of any benefit healty condition, and a complete eure | ome "f Have not had a trace of kidney | trouble nor a cold in my system." Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. Oné reason why Peruna has found pes nmnent use in so many homes is that it | contains no narcotics of any kind. Pe- | runa is perfectly harmless. It ean be used any length of time without acquir- Further ' Consideration--Dis- |, panies. A special meeting of the city council was beld at 9:30 o'clock this morning to take action in regard to refewing the civic insurance' which had been ciety. There were present Mayor sow- at and Alds. Bassam, Carson, Cooke, Couper, Craig, Eliott, Gaskin, Givens, Harkness, Hoag, Kent, Mec and Ross. This report was presented by Ak Kent, and was as follows : The Finance Report. panies : Company Agent Premium Standard, © A. Bateman £46 Anglo-American, T. J. 1 London Mutual, J Montreal, Canada, J. .ockRart Gardiner A. Gardiner among the tariff colnpanies : iritish-Amwerica, W. ll. Godwin $64.47 64 Alliance, J. P. Qildersleeve 47 Phoeunix (London.) H. Howard 64.47 Norwich Union, J. H. Macnee 64.47 Queen, Mills & Cunningham 64.47 toyal, Strange & Strange 64.47 Waterlop Mutual, J Swi 64.47 Northe G. J. Laturney 04.47 Sun. 7 Power 064.47 The total premium would bé $779, as against $717.55 in the Union As surance company. Ald. Kent moved, seconded by Ald. ar ---------- and as it is impossible to Wn reports t wrehed use » tablets (laxative). satisfactory. Hargrove Detroit, wer £2. | the aldermen and the council had hi AS { is dead aw | Singston should take a stand enow has purchased the resi livens that the report be adopted. It was moved in amendment by Ald, (Gaskin, seconded by Ald, Nickie, u the report of the finance committee be held over until the.next regular meet- ing, the 29th, in order that the alder- men outside of the finance committee, be enabled to study the situation and be in a position to vote intelligently. Mr. Wright stated that his com- any would no doubt give ten days' extension if the council asked fort. Ald. Rigney wanted some assurance 'rom Mr. Wright as to a further ex- tension, before he could vote on the amendment. In amendment to the amendment, Ald. Polson moved, seconded hy Ald. arson, that the report be referred back to the finance eommittee with instructions to communicate with Am- rican companies with a view to get- ting lower rates; and that the council draw to the attention of the attorney ceneral the existence of an insurance 'ombine operating, as the experience of this council has demonstrated, ad versely to the public interests, hy rea- son 'of the extortiongte rates it im- yoses and the prevention of free com- ing sprotection to the property they insured, but didn't contribute ope cent towards that protection. The city buildings were equipped recently with CONSIDERED BY THE CITY [fire protection, and 3€t there was no lowering 'of rates, Ald. Carson stated COUNCIL. that it didn't matter whether tarifl or non-tariff companies carried the citv's insurance, so long as the companies were good, Did the non-tariff compan »s pot. pay their losses * He favored cussion Upon the Exorbitant |giviag all the insurance to the non Rates Oharged by the Com- tarifi companies. The city could well go into municipal insurance, rates on the éity buildings were not exprbitant. He did not think the Am erian comunanies would reduce thezate . on the buildings. Ald. McCann aoreed cancelled by the 'Union Assurance so- |, time in which 16 "consider ter. A itl le eo Tienes the finanda renart as the beet solution Cann, Millan, Nickle, Polson, Kigney § of the question af the The . communication of the Union | (oriff companies holding them the saf company regarding cancellation. was | sof, He admitted that the rates vead: also another from the local present were. higher than some vears agent, CC, W. Wright, stating that the [06 hut the insurance comnanies had company did not desire to place the 115:t so much money in the hiv fires by council in any awkward position, and | Baltimore and Torento that they if necessary, would extend the risk | {5 peeoup themselves. Amer now held by them for five days long: | panies were not the hest for Canadians er. : to deal with. He wanted oilt-odos se The mavor = stated that the matter enrity and hemos deemed it best heing urgent, the finance committee | give most of the city's had considered it and had a report| the tariff companies. - ui Add Givens regarding the fovaw Thy "That the $45,000 fire insurance un- the tanrifi companies siflieed to aid der the policy cancelled by the: Union | hin an young against those compan Assurance society be placed as fol- | ies. It had been shown that the rates lows The sum of $13,500 divided [had been raised to recoup the cam equally among four non-tariff com. | Danies tor destruction of property in Jultgmores and oronte. Was hing ston to be throt{led and forced 10 muke good thé fire losdes "in Toronto and Baltimore ? Bik stonas a city, was a firstelass risk mn ay . ; n . ¢ ) ¢ 7 That $31,500 be divided equally and yet {t4 rato wor vear the insurance premiums colloctwd in ~ Kingston almost amounted to *220.000 'and yo the fire loss. was only 85.900. Look at the profit made by the compgnics ! Kingston's fire loss for the pa&t ten years was" in significant. The rates "for Kingston were not fairly "fixed. They were al most the sme ag those of Toronto, where the buildings were congasted and the fire protection inadequate. For instance grate of $1.05 a vear was charged on the aty buildings, while for his heuse, which he consider- the rate wad sixty-uve cents jor three council. (Laughtér.) He could not vetition by which the interests of thé ity may be safely guarded. Ald. Filiott stated that the finance 'ommittee was prepared to give the 'ouncil all the information it had with regard to the insurance matter. I'enders had béen received from both arifi and non-tariff companies, The 'ommittee, in the best interests of the ity, decided to recommend to the ouncil that $31,500 of the $45,000 he laced with the tarifiecompanies. as an and should be enred as | the safest. Then the commiftee hought it could easily afford to give 'he balance to the non-tariff compan to | 'es. The committee desired 10 give to | « the eity gilt-edged security for its c curing colds | thenrance constipation. In ---- Wade's drug Extortion Charged. Ald, Polson" said he was up against this same proposition thirteen years ago. Local insurapce men infhienced apitulated again. Ald. Polson held that the city should fight against the obbery of insurance companies, which were charging most exorbitant rates. I'he Union company had been" bull lozed into the surrender of. its policy 0) with ity bis company respec ion Of the ty, and ofiered to \ todd | protect-it for a further period of time. = | This offer should be accepted. The insurance should not be pareelled out among companies under coergion. As to the attorney-general, Ald. Polson said that perhaps to appeal to those in high places was not a hopeful task. If relief was to he obtained from the insurance combine, it must be done throigh the people and by the people He hoped the city would = not submit | to further "extortion. Ald. Kent stated that the rates of insurance for, Kingston were certginly worbitant. However, the questions . | raised by Ald. Polson could not be | considerad in a few days! It would take months. He thought the insurance should be placed at once. Afterwards the matter conld be dealt with more : (GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE, GENUINE & FREE Mion ADULTERAT! ww ane. UTHORIZED TO RETURN PUR TO ANYONE FINDING CAUSE FOR COM! 000 200000 Sunlight So than other spaps, but is best when used in the | Sunlight way. f 5c. Buyitand follow dvection: Ac. Lever Brothers Limited, Toro nto ap is better fully. - | Mr. Wright here Announced that he would extend the time to the council for ten davs. viz..- to February 4th. Ald. Elliott raised the question as | to the power of Mr. Wright io extend | the time, in view of the cancellation | of the policy by the head office, The { { | { latter had given five days' extension. { only | Ald. Givens declared that no acent | of a eovipany could pive extension. | The head office had to do that. v Mr. Wrioht stated thet he would he | responsible for the: additional five i davs . The mavor said that the city was safe till the 20th. and in the mean- tine the head office of 'the company poll he asked for further extension. Ald. Carson said that it was stranee that the city of Kinston. eauipped as it was bv a good fire deoartment. { should have to subunit to hicher rates, | The insurance companies were receiv- All: McCann hell that the tariff the council should have more mat Ald. Rigney said that he caprarted present time Ald. Givenr spoke Vin favar of the at had an com. to maurance to -- Kingston Made To Suffer. Ald. Ross said that the: statements Ald. Nickle pointed out that King increased, Last Aguin the Joeal rates were not fair. ed far more dangerous as regards fire, yeare. . Ald. Gaskin said that he was there to do the best thing for the citizens, The fact was that he and Ald. Pol son had been sent to look after the vote for a findnce yYeport which he did not understand. He wanted time to consider the insurmher question, for he was of opinion that some of the com- panies recommended" for insurance were not worth ' a eent. Ald. Gaskin, favored municipal insitvance, The rates now charged hy tompames were exor- bitant. Four veard go. he had paid $65 for ins rence on his building on Prinpess street, Now Hevstas held up for R140. "Things were getting to a point where the people had to rise up and rebel, . Ald. Polson elosed the discussion hy stating that the eowneil~ should help to hreak up the insurance. combine and save the city money. All. Polson's amendment to defer the insurance question till the megt ing of the council next week was car rid by a large majority, Council ad journcd at 10:15 o'clock. General Notes on the Sports of the Season. Torondp Telegram: Quevn's are fighting prof the CLR, while the OR. JL really got it in' the neck, are V jus loving the folks who jollied them in\sfe same old way. I'he professionals of the South of England defeated the amateurs of the south by one goal to nothing in a game which drew 10,000 spectators the football association handed over fund-for---the aman ployed in the professional hockey league, Houghton defeated the Canadian Soo by © to 4. During the contest, Taylor deliberately hit Blake over the head with his stick, and was fined $2 by Referee "Chaucer" Elliott, id addition to being put out of -the game E. "James, the American jockey, who for the past five vears has been rid ing in England and France, is now living in Toronto. He may stay in Ca nada this season to ride gm the north wn cirenit, after which he will either go baek to Fagland or to France. The three Doyle brothers of the Newmarket OHA. intermediate team have quit hockey for the season be: cause of the death of Eddie Doyle, one of the family, at Brantford, as the result of a railway accident at Berlin. This will weaken the Newmarket team considerably, and they mav have ° to drop out of the series, P. D. Ross, of Ottawa, has written Howard Wilson, the president of the E.CA HA, suggesting that the af fairs of the Stanley cup, of which he i= at present the trustee, he placed in future in the hands of a committee elected from the E.C.AH.A., the OH. A, and the Manitoba and North Western Hockey Association | The Manitoba Hockey League order- ed the Vietoria-Portage la Prairie game to be replayed, The basis of the Victorias' protest was that Portage had a Winnipeg resident Clade Tem ple, in goal. The league, however, has no residence rule, and the replaying of the game was orilered because the Por tage representation was quite will ing. Capt. Martin, of the Varsity hockey team states that the report of their game on Saturday wight against the Technical School, in Pittsburg, "Pa. game was strenuous, abounding in tripping and slashing, and Referee Schooley let the players get clean away from him, There was not, how ever, anything like the swinging for opponents' heads that the report would indicate, and there was no free fight or rowdyism Collega football in the middle west ern states has been dealt a staggering r---------------- Buy Cuticara soap at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 'Phose 230. TEL SUFFERN From liching and Bleeding Eczema = Pain Terrible--Body and Face . Covered with Sores-- Doctors and Medicines Failed, ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA " No tongue can tell how I suffered for five years with itching and bleed- ing eczema, until cured by Cuticura, and I am so grateful I want the world to know, for what helped me will help others. My body and facewere cove with sores. One day it would seem to be better, and then bregk out again -with the most terrible pain and itch- ing. I have becn sick 'several times, but sever in my life did I experience such awfal suffering as, with this ec- zema. [felt that death was near, and longed for that time when I would be at rest. I had tried many different doctors and medicines. without suc- cess, when my mother insisted that 1 try Cuticura. I felt better after the ~first bath with Cuticura Soap, and one application of Cuticura Ointment. 1 continued with the Soap and Oint- ment, and have taken four hotties of Sutienra Resolyent, and Consider my- self well, Any person ha any doubt abont this wonderful i can write to my address. Mrs. Altie Etson, Bellevue, Mich." And All Other Hehingand Scaly Eruptions Cured by Cuticura. Th izing itching asd Buming of the skip wh eczemd; the fright. ful scaling, as in psoriagis; the loss of hair and crusting Pp as i stalled head, from infancy to age; demand a remedy of 'almost 'super- human virtues to suctessfully co with them." That Cuticura Soap, Oint- i Shr hg beyond ail doubt: 3 = Chem. e Prove. = How to Cu pron" Ld Frm. Monda¥ Tor Tent. 0 TONGUE CAN ment, and Pills are such stands proven hlow by the representatives of the "Big Nine' of western colleges, who after two days' conference recommend ed many changes for football and oth of college athleties with a view of curbing prefessionalism. 11 was re commended Rat the games as played at present be abolished as ay inter collegiate and collegiate contest in the Yig Nine' colleges, that the con ference await from the American fool ball rules committee such modifica tions of the playing rules as will free the game from brutality and unneces sary danger. The Eastern Canggda Amateur Hoe key Association has adopted the fol lowing rules from the O.H.A. constitu tion : Referee must obtain list of play ers and substitutés--- if ny taking part in the game; this is to be suppli od hy the captaing of the competing teams, The referee shall sce that the time-keepers, umpires, and penalty time-keeper are in their. places before the commencement of a match, He <hall have power to appoint them; if the clubs cannot agree upon them, it rider hal have mnlets ¥ tral over the game, 'ihe referee shall report all cases of unpunctuality in teams, a!l men penalized, and the length of the sentence. The assistant referee will have power over rough play only. The penalty timekeeper must keep a record of all penalties tm- posed, and the games scored, and their seoreTs Miriam's Mistake. Boston Post, Miss Miriam Michelson, the novelist, was a few vears ago a reporter, Of her life as a reporter she said recently "1 usually had good luck. 1 was as- signed to gobd stories. 1 covered them well, and therefore, 1 liked the husiness, "Onpee, though, a horrible misad venture befell me, ' "I had interviewad a millionaire's wife, and] as the lady had been very kind and obliging, 1 wanted, in my article, to say only such things «as would please her, "In one paragraph 1 put the sen fence i " 'Immense diamonds' sparkled in her ho compositor and the proof reader Lannet" have beer ill, or something, for the next morning the sentence was #* 'Diamonds sparkled ia her im mense cars." : ------------ Morrow. ttok place from his late resi dence, Ratterden, and was very largely James Clark. ------ a, ------ 3 Be sure and=mark 'yoir-baliot he on police station last night. L3M, the net profits, to. the Quéen's b was an altogether distorted" one. The The funesal of the late Alexander NUARY 24. : PAGE THREE. If You Drink Whisky i Drink "The Whisky Popularized By Quality." THE SPORT. REVIEW. of piv _- 4 : Men's Fu Furs, The following sp.cial 35 only Boys' Reciors, blue cheviots, "and beavers, sizes from 24 fo 28, Regular price 82 and $£.050. Thursday ardssen 4skves . 31.49 25 only, Odd Suits, English Worsteds, latest éut and patterns, single and double breasted. Regular price $7.50 to 812, Yours on Thursday for....... $5.95 75 Heavy Black Drill Duck Shirts, sold elsewhere for $1, Thursday... ERGO SER OLE We're going "to let" you have first chance of securing the greatest bargains in the way of Clothing, Dry Goods, cd SON THURSDAY. JANUARY 25th rnishings Ete, © linés will' be offered" 2) Men's Heavy Cardigan Jackets. Regular price $1.25, Thursday oo wir vases i . 10 Men's Heavy Wool Faney Sweaters. Regular price 8].25 sR Thursday ovo seasapasssaasces SEM 69 Men's Scotch Wool Shirts, only. Regular price $1.25, TRUrSUBY . ccvsrcnnssiss repssimnssnsaras $0Y. 2000 Boys' and Girls' Fancy Handker- chiefs, worth Be, at "oR Bargains for the Ladies : 'iN i my Mw Kh * -- . - y Large and Heavy Gray House Blank: ets, worth $4, at, per pair ... $2.08 < 75 White "Quilty (slightly soiled), | 150 Large' Tapestry Table Covers, worth 82, at Vase $1.00 worth 82, at L....ocidiveneios S100 - v2 1500 yards Linen Roller Towelling, | 500 pairs Men's Heavy Homemade bi worth 10¢., at . . Be. Wool Rocks, worth 28e., at... 18e, Hundreds of other bargains will be offered Li at the same liberal rate. The Montreal Bankrupt Stock Co, ° 180 Princess Street. Bg F. X COUSINEAU, General Man ger. § Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. - : vill 1WINS WEDDED TWINS. French Artist Brotiers Have Strange Double Wedding. An extraordinary marriage took Jace in Paris recently, when the twin brotBes Charnteau, both of whom are pointers of repute, married the twin sisters Renaud, two beautiful girls, who are only eighteen years of age. The best men at the double wedding were another pair of twins, who are cousins of the twin bridegrooms Aiphone and Gabriel Charntean ar so absurdly alike that they have been the siatims of ludicrous mistakes all their lives, Their mother iy a widow, and on this accoumt one of the twins was excused military servibe, Wishing not to be separated from his brother, he went to live in thy town where his fin was quartered. He was arrested four times uring the first week, and. accused of appearing in pub lie without uniform. , He had the' greatest diffieulty in convincing the authorities that he was not the con seript. The brothers are =o fond of each oth- or that they had resolved never to piarry. But they both fell in love al- ost simultaneously. = Theif sweet hearts are also almost indistinguish: able, and mistakes ocenr so frequently that each twin began to dress for the first time in a different costume. Both couples will live in the same house. -------- Isaac Alguire, Athens, has been chosen warden of « Leeds and Gren ville. He is u native of the township of the Rear of Yonge and Escott, and is a son of the late Harmonious Al- guire, @ pioneer resident, Mr. Alguire has always resided in Athens, and has for years taken aw active part in the publie life' of that village. Several years ago he married. Miss Judd, Mallorytown, and his cosy home, in Athenf, is known far and near as one of the most hospitable residence in attended. The pall-bearers were : John flsath, John Arthurs, Latimer. John Mclean, Richard Lake, A. Ritchie and Collier Bros., Samuel and Dorland, tend to convert 'a portion of the preny jae into' an evaporator. Three tramps sought refuge in the frost, S------------E---- : Picton, have purchased the old #0ap | hours elapsed before assistance reach- works building at Napanee. They in- | od hime He is being carefully attended . The dice crop so far this year i5 aj offects of his hing immersion in the ° Conservative Rally ! CITY: HALL --ON--~ - SATURDAY wart Jan. 271h "HON. J. P. WHITNEY Premier of Ontario HON. J. LFOY =. = Attorney General" --AND=--- D. M. McINTYRE : * will Deliver Addresses : Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. Seats on platform. reserved for Ladies, ", Orchestra fn 'attendance. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT, 0 Wews of The District om Both 25 " Sides of The Line. George Hall, an old and pected resident of 4ilen Buell, is dead. He was born in Irland, 1826, and leaves a widow and two daughters. He was a Methodist and conservative. S. Albert Seeds,» Picton, will remove to Toronto in the course of a couple of weeks, having entered into part nership with Andrew Chalmers in the milling business in East Toronto. William Holland, Glenora, crossing from = his home. to Young's Point, Adolphustown, broke throw, the ice some distance from shore. "He strug- gled hard to release himself; but two » to, but at last accounts, it was doubt- ful whether he would recover from the icy waters,

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