Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1906, p. 1

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-- HE ----------_------------ SI IRE 0 S-- ration quality of the cotton in garment of this latest, great. | best White Sale of ours was much more attention than her feature. We tried to sc. 1 assortment of White Wear, first - and foremost, would s being of the highest quali- ond to none in Canada, and ccess has been great a com- The hundreds of shoppers ironged our White Wear De- at last week spoke in hearty of their appreciation of this | the most splendid qualities, lusive and dainty styles, and ly any suggestion of extrava- rs, and if you come only to ated. ' Handkerchiefs hiefs-should--appeat to alt the eat force. Not only do they i it the quality i is of the finest arv. KERCHIEFS, of purest li v splendid soft make, the regula 2ic. To-morrow at 9.30 o'clock - = Sc HANDKERCHIEFS, . of same in favorite size. To-morrow at - = 9c. ettes has shown us many odds an pace, so must be cleared out at pretty designs in the famous A dar for Wrappers and Kimona - = Zc. Auslin ever been popular, but daint sometimes been fguntl wantin makes, all very clear and pw ding to the fineness of the muslin Sottons he very Lowest Prices." the highest order. it. is measured by purchases' mphsize the following : wes of good weight, but with a inches wide, of good weight ce which washes and wear vou to compare with any ot! we superiority of this make is vor ORlY. inna 2 om 10 to 30 inches, some cit wr's prices, which means a sa Ww & Son ains 1 Lace Boots, sizes 2/4 and 1.50 and $2.00, Your ives. $1.00 izes 235 and 3 .... 25C. , wide toe, low heels, worth disdain TH Lace Boots, felt lined and Sr $1.50 SHOE STOR: now .... -- e Great. | | en YEAR 73. NO. 20 BP. Jenkins Clothing Ce. ! 95 TO 50% DISCOUNT ON Overcoats. House Coats Dressing Gowns Ties BUY GOOD GOODS CHEAP B. P. Jenkius Clothing Co. "We Make a Specialty of Fitting" Feet If you have difficulty being fitted, with Shoes come to us. Wear '""Allen's"' Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. MUST BE SOLD A large variety' of first-class Hall Heaters, Sheet-Irom Stoves, Pug, Box and Wood Sioves; Cook Stoves and Ranges. Also a lot of Furniture and Carpets, everything cheaper than usual. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 898 PRINCESS STREET SNAPS" | $700. each buys 83 nice Frame Dweilings, Frontenac street $850 cach buys 2 neat Detached Dwellings, Pine street. £1,000 buys 2 Story Stone Dwelling, opposite Macdonald Park. SWIFT' REAL ESTATE ANU INSURANCE AGENCY REMOVED DR I. 6. BOGART To 102 Wellington Street. WANTED. eee TWENTY GIRLS AT ONCE, AT Kent Bros. Mica Works, foot of Princess street. TWO, FIRST- CLASS SALESMEN Good wages to right' on ; also parcel boys. Apply to Newman & A FEW SMART GIRLS ( AN HAVE cady work and earn. good pay Kingston Hosiery Co., King GOOD, BRIGHT BOYS, AT McGOWAN \IRa Mf'g., =~ Co., Cor. Rideau and streets. Good opportunity to the trade N § mins AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED BOOK- | keeper for wholesale house. State Sulary and give . references. Apply Y. 7. Whig office. A GENERAL SERVANT, MUST BE woud cook ; no wast or ironing A the evening N iC 130 Bagot street given in exchange for these neess St, Kingston GENTLEMAN TO HAVE THEIR Suits pressed and cleaned carefully by hand ; also bring your cloth and have An up-to-date suit made. Gallow- way' 8, 181 Brock street. X r general housework, family hid References required. Apply iw. (except Friday.) to > | 1 Dobbs, so Ali st corner ol MEN AND BOYS « o nitted to | 7 Coyne | 'hools Plumbing ew York, Chicago, ati and St. Louis. Free Cat- OFFICE, - WITH © VAULT, NO. a7! LL hrence street. Awnnly at McCann's, | Brock street. -- BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO. onsen incess street ; moderate rent. Ossession tol Steacy St imimedia ly. Apply TH i mE NUE ON COR. KING Me Donald's Monument. Street Se CS = TW; NTY SHARES OF THRE CAPITAL | Ock of the Frontenac Cereal Come pany will sell right, Apply n cure Whig office. TUG Nowiy ro Me 150M. gry Vett and Bro.. Bedferd Mills, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RO; ToLAND WAS A THEORY. RAT Hgigae and the Seine River a de mn Cobalt is a fact, an incon- stupendous fact. & won- BOGE man's cnn. Richest ang La ink o fond, © pining from Sead 4 three thousand per tow. » Sid of this wonderful dis. A tis free" Wills &. Co. makiog it thinks he is a good arguer, trovertiple depfut SI ripe Ih 1riet DEOMIses are Most men def n't Pe tat my Auction room, 'to-morrow mpraip 10.30 o'clock, John H. Mills, JThis day, in history :--British drdered to Canada, 1861 Fre Great born, 1712: Charles James Thursday ev 1 auspi EET ERELREAETET RY MR. y'elock a.m., the Parcel 1, consist of 5U2 Princess St Brick House, all modern conveni to Mrs. Hugh | AN GUT SOAP COUPONS, TOILET | hy Messrs J. Redden & PONSIBLE AND CAPABLE | JAR" OF EFFECTS OF Monti lack Walt | march diagonally opposite May 1st, 19006. Apply WANK" 168 UK10N ST. THE Silence of the late John Mudie, th without laree garden | For terms. efe.. apply | Death we . : foronto,: Jan. 21.--Rev FUMOND AND BARGE COLUM- now laid up high and dry in oro' Canal : tug cylinder 12x14, han boiler barge canacity lumber. Apply J. TP. | Sheraton, ointment. THE DAILY KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDA -------- AL PITH OF THE NEWS. : The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. DAILY MEMORANDA, -- Hosiery Company meeting, 8 p.m. Board of Werks'. 4 pan., Thursday "The Gingerbread Man," Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m takes many a tumble to keep of us humble : sun rises Thursday at sets at 5 pm is well to see the finish befgre you at a conclusion. a streak of yellow, is just 1 poisonouy ault on love than on promissory notes. Limestone Lodge No. 91.7 A 0.U.W pets Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. kind of scandal women about cet the Sale of 1749. Gods nd Godesses of Mythelogy Musical Program, St George's ving admission, lac Lamp Art: Lamp Utility. r assortment of B, & H. Lamps was never so complete, ' they range in price from 2 to $15, Every burner guaranteed perfect combustion renders odorless. Come in and we'll Tell vou all about them. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. fr rrrarrrsseresessaenl Men's Fur Coats $15 to $325 Our Special Fur-Lined Goat Made-to-Order Persian Lamb Collar Muskrat Lining Guaranteed Beaver Shell $50 John McKay Fur House 163 Brock St., Kingston | (Ieee TVOB Ne Auction Sale of Real Estate Ww. H WILSON HAS structed me to sell by auction on Thursday, Jan. 25 | Brock street, owing. my rooms, with coach-house and large tka lot arcel 4, consists « Victoria St., known as Law's Property, to be sold in lot or ink Ferms and condition at time of sale Further information, auply to Wilson WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. | ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF FINE SILVER, ETC. | THURSDAY, Jan. At the Rooms of John H. Mills zamhert. viz '--Silver * ' Knives ater - Ladies, ¢ Spoons, Dessert Sy Phino, Cheffonicr. Bureaus, Y.-W.C.A FRIDAY AT 2.30 P.M. CLASS IN COOKING Fee--$2 non-memt to members and LOST. COACH noe, WITH ------n "Piles," itching, bleeding or | truding. are cured bv n in blue blood you will often well to remember about is the kind too awful troops rick the Campbell and H. the net result of an addition of two to the 'house Hamar ; Foster Boulton--both , by a ma'ority of been majoritie: al candidate de atives were paying the expenses on ™ lalyor men, but conservatives syrongly deny Caldwdll, liberal, 7. conservative, 1, ha, Mr. Wyatt "als { fought even a stronger liberal seat in ivisi Nottinghamshire, | majorities in the past 116 to 2.0 He E. EN under majority i : 9.094: Wyatt, 5 last night, include + gain, one labor, and | Lanarkshire, over | liberal, who! held the | votes, and was, for defeating the | jopr.grN. COUNT VON MOLTKE, gained Newton divi | being 5.50M. Liberals Holden defeating -- 1,112, and in Totten STARVED TO DEATH. -e'% Levy w ridings decided vesterday, interesting fight w » Lord Dalmeny, a Rosehery, is fighting for |g, f asesasscse Though his utterances are svmpathe Irish eanse, and in line Dalmeny is held re father's strongly an and official Irish thousand. | »l 2," Brick House, situated Livingston Ave., with e Parcel 8. two uated on Colborne cast houses facing Chapman f 8 lots, situated v tons MAYOR OF WINDSOR. been signed by one he will not sane + | provincial seeretary) Sidevoard. Ranee," I Carpet, Chamber Set; quuntity Shot Trunks Pictures | Crockery, etc Piano at 11 aan. Sale at 10.30 a.m | Terms Cash wrer, and auditor. made, and up to | has been no intimation by the auditors | E. Boyle was. in Grimsby, yesterday, | that anything is wrong with the city's | and made a | would cost the city | He got a Riitiber of names of men £2,000 to make the audit said | alleged to have taken part in the af | to have been petitioned for. | fair. The bulk "of them, it ix said | were from Grimshy, but Winoua, JOHN H. MILLS Auctioneer eee ee eee se et DRESSMAKING All Skirts and Blouses reduced until | 1st. Work cheap for cash prices MISS GORMLEY, 251. Division St. | To Have Its Goer! Points Kitwn with a view to at rh Ottawa, It is | igh y | an that Ottawa is in better shape | Fernie, B.C., Jan inducements in the | and J. 4 shipping facilitios | lian, employed hauling sand to the - to offer natural | way of power and than almost any other city in Canada BRASS | color Reward for its return r Met arthy Cor. Montreal and Brock streets Charleston township, i | George IHL when the | puissant king were | fo ee voringy to prolong hig hold on | the scattering colonies Wish consti- | he United States. This clock is | Yq 49 oe old, and is hy | Victoria, B.C, Jan, 24<It wax re i | i | of Principal Sheraton. principal of Wycliffe [ lege, died at tdenty minutes to gi { 0 elock, this morning. Eo Galesburg. undergoing re Dr. Crinps' 9%0. Mahood's Drue Store. Globe Metal Polish has no equal. Sold wt Gibson' 2. Red stare. A dowd nofse is a «i Cross : the fest thing he on that the man jon of Peterboro county. Pwo French cruisers have sailed pre sumably for LaGuaira, \ enezucla. +1 The Ontario legislature has been summoned to meer on lL hursday, Feb rary 15th. ; Alexander 'Carter was acquitted at | OF NEW P RANI Torvonto.on 'a charge of manslaughtor | for the killing of Frederick Miller, Brantford's electric light plant was GREENWOOD AND | paralyzed by the flood and the city q was in darkngss last night. FOSTER BOULTON WON. J. J. Davéen, Sr. has presented A #{ to the British nation Scargeant's por- trait of EHem Terry as "Lady Mace Lord Dalmeny Fights in Midloth- |, 1) for Gladstone's Seat-- Legislation dealing with the usury! Irish Leaders Issue Manifesto | evil, in all probability, will be intro Him--Liberal Gains duced at the coming session of par liament, Thomas Gallagher, aged sixty two, ~Two mere Cana- | who died in St. Catharines, being v a + the commons fell | bachelor, has left property valued at were Capt, DoF. | 840,000 to his brother Patrick, whos Fraser Wyatt, both | (hepeabouts are unknown. This disposes of the The concessions granted by New | i young wife, received an anonymous let- | g Mim that his wife was vis young man while candidates in | qth Wales to the Pacilic Cable com pany, instead of lasting forever, as originally contemplated, will definite ly ecase at the end of five years Dr.' Miltan Baker, a Trinity gradu aged thirty rl Ho v Mason, anid took a thes a prominent adding part in sim gin, in the in liberal interest. Fain ringing from This time a labor can » field, but his candi- fated hy official la # the new govern 3.611 The M Mhomson, | a majority of The labor can { Helper of the famous genius of Lhe Seddon Aicating | Franco-Prussian sar, who buf besn ap the former conser | pointed chief of the General Staff of | [ the Germwn Army, succeeding Field | | Marshil Von Schlieffen. division of Lan Alden secured 2, Chatterton, who | Makes Many Things of Value, cad of 2.712. Liberals But Dies Penniless. " division, Leices London, Jan. 24.--"A very clover is elected by of great value, was a deseription given to the Southwark coroner v | terday of Axel Theodore Wadelen, of as | Swedish nationalityy who died penni are not vet re loss in Guy's hospital + had been in good circumstances Mr. Gladstone {but had peculiar ideas about ' the caused trouble. utilization of his inventions that led { him to sacrifice the profits they would x | have otherwise brought aim. Henry Campbell | Wadelen was a strong man, but had | starved himseli to « willing to work, but insisted on doing it in his own peculiar-fashion or not issued a manifesto | 4 » last Poel raion stall Irish: vote oum- | A NEW COUNCIL the purities ; 1 ihe Has Been Chosen For Town of % . COnsurYaLves, Essex. 159: labor, 31: | Essex, Ont Jan. 24.--At the muni nationalists, 2 ! cipal election his month Mayor Mc Dougall and the aldermen were elected by acclamation. Some of the a men neglected to qualify within the prescribed time, and Clerk Walter | will Make Enquiries Before Sac- | qccordingly, declared them disquah tioning Audit. fied. Mavor McDougall did not like Jan. 21.-1t is not this, and three of councillors re . Siunn sther eloetio at held what ground the peti igned. Ano lection, just resulted in the election of Clands ance, as mayor and new members of the council to take the plac 0 | those who resigned with MeDougal asking an audit | was made, and he knows against To Be Punish i dishonesty ix | Cock Fight order from the| St. Catharine Jan. 21.5 The au for an audit, the | thorities have decided to take stops include charges agaigst | looking to the punishment of the committee, treas- | persons who were responsible for A monthly audit is { holding a cocking main in Grimsby the present there | on January 20d. High Constable KR | Stoney Creek, St. Catharines, Beams i ville and Buffalo sports are also im A move is to be | plicated. to establish a' Buried In A Cave-In. Guilante, the latter an Ha is the owner of the time for the te el May Go To Pieces. west and had ifercased to eo gale. Satisfy Your Boy's Appetite. message from dhe Vancouver Inland | and her son. Clark ® , pork and heans, tasty and | coast, last night, said: "It is feared | sean | that there is little hope for those vith chili or tomato | who remain on the Yaleocia to-night," for she may breuk up in the gale," RITISH JANUARY 24%, INMAX'S GARB J. Johnston was elected warden | France has not yet announced ber | Fell Yesterday Before The | intentions regarding Veneacls. Liberal Scythe. Parisian Lady Is Shot By Friend's Husband. A DISGUISE ADOPTED {SO AS NOT THUGS' ATTENTION. Husband Thought "Smart Young in Jealousy Fired --The Lady May Not Recover. | tor shooting at and wounding a friend extraordinary civ. A few days ago M, Van Striben, who {ited by a handsome | , who is very jealous, , but returned sud unannounced, and i i have now | oo of 180, is dead, in Brantford, + of so many of their + gone down to de duced as her friend; another anonymous letter, telling him + bottom, of the matter, ) | hid himsa di in the shrubbery, At @ To wen o'c dol k a smartly dressed + man fell forward. and several neighbors, A TERRIBLE CHARGE Wife of Planter Accused. of Poison- wife of a wealthy REV, PRINCIPAL SHERATON ---- Died From Paralysis, Caused by Overwork. Toronto, Jan. M.--Rev, James P, Sheraton, principal of, Wycliffe Col loge, a promiaent figure in Foronto religions lie, and the loads £ of the low church wing of the Anglican church, died at bis residence, at 7:45, this morning. - Principal Sheraton had been ill since the middle of December, but his condition did not take a serious turn until about a week ago, when he grew worse, amd since four o'clock, vesterday afternoon, he had been unconscious, Death is belivved to have bedn largely the result of over-work, which brought on. paraly- sis. Mes. Sheraton was at the bedside when the end came. Principal Shera- ton had no children, The funeral will take place at three o'clock on Friday aftermoon. The service "will be held in convocation hall ®at Wycliffe College, and the Bishop of Toronto will read the ser vice. Several of the clergy also will take part in the service. The inter ment will be at Mount Pleasant ceme tery, NOT GUILTY. The Superintendent. Admits One Offence. Buffulo, N.Y., Jan. 24. --Superinten dent of Police Bull pleaded guilty, be- fore the police commissioners, this morning, to neglect of duty in the po- lice pension. funds scandal, but ples ed "wot guilty" to three othe charges. Mayor Adam refused to sit on the trial. The mayor has gravet charges to prefer in connection with the disappearance of the funds. ARTHUR JULIUS MAGNUS Shoots Himself Through the Dy- ing Instantly. Chicago, 11, Jan, 24,--~While his little daughter wax taking a piano lesson, in an adjoining room, Arthur Julius Magnus, vice-president of the A. Magnus and Sons company, dealers in brewers' supplies, and son-in-law of Adolphus Busch, of St. Louis, shot himself through the heart, and died instantly, Mr, Magnus had been in poor health, 'Dead' Man Goes For Walk. Rome, Jan. 24.--~A man named Gio vanella, residing at Magherno, near Povia, who had for a long time suf fered from an affection of the heart, was supposed to have died suddenly He was a bachelor and lived alone, Neighbors agreed to {watch body in turn, and candles were lit and placed around the bed. When the body was about to be placed in the coffin, the supposed dead man rose up and was astonished to see 50 many people and lights about him. The people present, cseaped; struck with terror, Signor (iovanella was soon quite well, and later went out for a walk, Brockville Officers Exonerated. Brockvitle: Ont, Jan. 24. Chief man and the inventor of many things ath, as he was Frightens A Pedestrian strange bed to ask | Will Fight Disfranchisement. thorough investigation treatment accorded to the | which has gained 24.-R. Mclwing iw already deprived { coke ovens, ere hacking the sleigh | to a tunnel, at the sand pit, here, yesterday afternoon, when the 'roof of Has King George III's Clock. | the tunnel eaved in. Guilante was Mich., Jan. 20.--Wil | caught between the heavy earth and a farmer living in | the sleigh and his chest was erush fed in. McBEwirg was near the edge and escaped with a broken leg. The Italian was alive, when extricated, but died on the way to the hospital. Trouble Is Feared. thors with Jurapite. | been winsome here ported from Carmanah, early this morning, that the wind, which bad been blowing heavily from the south cast, had swung around to, the south: on | and | were conveved to Cada cemetery, | They were accompanied by Mrs. Miller buy Gibson' = Bt sure | Jas. R.edden @ Co. Newman & Shaw's "Skirt Sale," | Burke, Sergt. Burng and Officer Cham aigne, of the local police foree, were | before the police commissioners, char gid with negligence by a local cob hler, who claimed his purse containing | a certain amount of cash was stolen | some time ago. The purse was found on Sunday, having been picked up and the officers' theory that it had been lost was held by the conmnission lors, who exonerated all three, Raided And Seized Machines. Montreal, Jan. 24. Six licensed sa loons were raided, this morning, in| Maisonveuve, by the police and eight slot gambling machines seized, The de | tectives worked from the centre and so prevented word of their coming be ing hruited in advance, When ar raighed before Judge Choquet, the accused pleaded 'not guilty" and were allowed on personal bail Legal Murder Bill. * Columbus, 0: Jan, M.A hill was introduced, vesterday, in the general assembly, under the provisions which | persons suffering from incurable dis eases, or from, injuries from which there is no hope of recovery, may be legally chloroforn to death, or kill shysicians may designate I { Again Adjourned. Toronto, Jan. 24--Joseph Phillips, dent «of the York ecointy Loan re i ht before the pe np I lice magistrate, this morning, on the | charge of conspiracy, but. was again | remanded for a week. Hig bail wax ro | newed. | "To Stay In Montreal. Ottawa, Jan. M.<It ie , announced | | that the governorgeneral and the Countess of Grey, and suite, will go | to Montreal, on Febroary 12th, fora | fortnight' sojourn, They will occupy | Prices--25¢c., Boe { | < . i | Lord Stratheona's residence, } { To Havé An -Audit. such headway that | | Toronto, Jan. 20. The attorney-gen i eral has granted the request of the | ratepayers of Finch, Stormont county, LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES, -- % Toronto, Ont., Jap. 22.~(10 a.m.)-- Fair and 'colder to-day. and on Thurs day a few local snow flurries, GREAT CLEARING SALE OF REMNANTS. Tobe continued Thursday. and F riday -- Owing to the disagreea- ble wet weather, which no! doubt has kept many shop- pers indoors, we have de- cided to continue our REMNANT SALE To- morrow and Friday. Remember This is a bonifide clear- ing Sale of Remnants in this store, in many cases marked at ed in any other painless way which Half Regular Prices DON'T FAIL TO ATTEN SALES FOR GASH. DISCOUNT STAMPS AS USUAL. Steacy's. 4 BORN. COLON In Pioton, on January 14th, . to Me. and Mrs, W. Wo Colton, " daughter R----------C. ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker "Phone 877, 222 Princess St. (@RaND OPERA Y_ NOUSE) TO=NIGHT Harry E. Converse and Mason Peotors Prosont THE BIG FANTASTIC FAIRVESQUE The Ginger Bread Man | Book and Lyrics By. Frederic Ranken, Authot of "The Ghugerons,' Jewel of Asin." Hapnyland, aides Music By A idwin Siokne, Com- waar of Jains and the Peamstulk. i ax Md, eli. "wich ie rooming cast | Helen sal . Rodway | Almvra Forrest Homerlind Nellie Lynch | Harriet Burt Lillian Leon | Charles Horne . M0 Augmented Orchestra, 25 IO0---COMPANY---10O 76c., $1, $1.50. Seats now on "ls. THURSDAY, Jan, 25th A Musical Comedy in Two Acts HIS HICHNESS THE BEY More Laughs and Music than All for an andit of the books of the | sthets combined. | municipality. i THE CALL taxation in order | ednstrue tion | here hants' guilds are fh te mined. ona | our Spenia Blend" Tea | number of users | = The price is 35¢. the pound. Importers of Fine Groceries. That i 18 heard everywhere for | a Musical Comedy Stars--10 Ons 50 oooverd including The Famous | Broilers and he Jen est Chorus on Earth. Twenty Big usical Numbers. Tan | ositive Song Hits. IPirst time anywhere at Dollar Prices. BREIL 95.50.7581 NeGHIR Seats now om sales |Ssturday, Jan. 27 Matt at 2.30, Bvanlng 3 8.4 | | | jReuirhth the Favorite, AL are 's Mammoth on Grows more extended day by | Uncle Tom's Cabin irand Sconi¢ and Electrical Effects, The. remain of the Ny William Mil | day as its honest worth becomes | iran Picking. ami {Fisntution. Scones, {known to the ever increasing 20 Sincers and Duncers, 10 Russian and Cuban Bloodhounds. { Hear the Grand Concert Band and | Orchestra at noon, corner of Brock and | Bagot streets, and 7.30 pan, in front | of Theatre. t Prices--Matinee, Children, 156. Adults, 25¢c Evening, 1c, 2Bc., 83¢., Keuts on. sale Thursday. All Next Week. MARKS BROS.

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