Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1906, p. 3

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en Dyeing To-day aven't you often beard say this, and then seen her hold a pair or blue, red or black hand. 1 to the nail-ends--on to stay for ay or two ? : y dl her mot to do it any more, or there's DY=0 L=A | alle the colors of this only two (green and purple), rostain the hands or kettle. With , vou can use a little more care s. Geo. A" Larmor, Iroquois wis "delighted. with DY-0 EA your neigh splendiv is. dhead of any other "to use--and does not il pleasing thing about DY.o --one pachage dyes any pure or ed goods; wool, cotton, silk, cote ectly. ' bur druggist has it* Package 10 ------------------------------------------.. "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are ow, is the time to fi] our coal bin with best uality SCRANTON COAL rom ) P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. BVT BTV VTLS ! VERSAL MEAT CHOPPER", vers in' Sets, : New, Easy Washing Machine Iss' Shears and Razors all guaranteed at Chan's Hardware Store, -- Cotton Root The only safe effectual monthly medicine on wi Women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for ordinary cases, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 de rees stronger for Specia) . 3 , § k's 3 a pound ; take no >o0k Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario, ut It lust Go- s the order we give re- ling our stock of Win- Goods in all lines-- ol Blankets, Comfor- , Heavy Tweed Suit- , Wool Underwear of y deseription for men, en, girls or boys, ses' Ulsters and Coats, ies' Walking Skirts, at discounts from ) to 50 Per ent. Off e Price. 1c point to decide is you opea "for a'great [G SNAP so, come direct to and we will show ome bargains that are to open your purse 3S. UMAN & SHAW 0000000000 CUT THIS OUT 0UPON 4 The 18 Letters Must Accom- )yany Answer. STANDS FOR FAME AT WE WIN EVERY . YEAR Pevene 0000000000000 0000000000¢ _-- THE DAILY 3. PILES CURED QUICKLY AT HOME why Suffer Agony Any Longer When You Can Get a Quick, Sire Cure For Your Piles py Simply Sending Your Nume and Address ? Trial Package is Sent Absolutely Free, in. Plain Wrapper to Everyone Who Writes. themselves consider a per ind cure of piles by a surgical 3 s very donhtiul, and resort "when be operation I i to it. onl¥ when the patient has «desperate from long continued oh i gony. Bat the operation pal 'i v_hit as exeruciating and iy as the disease "Besides, it is ng and expensive, and 2 Fhe 'wont rfl Pyramid Pile Cure makes an operation unnecessary. You care self with' perfect case, in your own home, and for little ox: 1d Pile Cure gives von instant nediatelv-- heals all sores reduces congestion and in- nd takes away all pain, ation. Just a little is usually sufficient give a permanent cure, Peramid Pile Care is prepared in the and n flammation itehing if alm form of suppositories - sed they: ean he wplied directly to the parts without ineonvenior or Interrupting vénr wav. Work in _& » a tral treatment fervone who sends name a We do this to prove what we say ahout this won addr derful remedy 8 true. have tried the ' sample ment, and vou are satisfied, vou get a full regularssized treatment ABANDONS A BRIDE|___ == mons amv. eral Notes én the Sports of WOMAN OF 80 SUES FOR A Frank HO ven. hockey this " FORTUNE, season after all, 'By strenuwous persua- --------. sian on the part: of the Olitawa Hoe key club the great centre has consent ed Syrian Pedlar of Twenty: Five and by , Flattery and | ed to again put on skates, Toronto Telegram : Yale has a sur- Cajoling He. Got Her Pro. | Plus of nearly $100,006 on sporting perty | ventures, and as most of the profits : ; nit i seed t New. York, Jan. '9 The Herald | come from football it is opposed to the spirit of Yankee thrift to abolish savs, Mrs. Margaretta | J. Abukalil, 3 the good old game. . eighty years old; charging abandon Nal Star: Mills, in the goal for ment, on the part of her young hus | qerons: was superb. Mills has 'been in hand, after he obtained from her pro- 4 hey the game jor years, but last night he perty. worth $200,000, as shé further | b x his life. He v alleges, has brought an action against | played the Some lh bagi Gabriel Abukalil, who is the proprie. | Stone Rr ; k 3 : » WK RrOPEie- | patrick 'and' Gilmour, and Kept the tor of two restaurants in this city : ! 4 : : | score down. aml is thirty vears™ old. to recover A unique Jaint s made by property transferred to him and 10 a ie comp Aint, ae my Y . Owen Sonnd against Referee Punkley, compel him to vender an accounting i ¥ . of his trust : © who officiated in the game with Op She: surprised her friends and rela. (Angeville, It was alleged that Te wore tives in. Buffalo by marrying .the 8 Sweater of the same color as Or young Svrian in February, 1904, and angeville, and that he repeatedly vow she avers, after he obtained her coached Orangeville and interfered foFtune he abandoned her, leaving her with Owen. Sound. ' practically - penniless. She is living The committee that was named to with friends in Brooklyn, residing in. the toinette. (lark H. Bufialo, is counsel man, At the time she hecame with the Syrian was selling curios and oriental trin Kets in Ruffalo. She hecame interest od in him, she says, and chanced to inform Wim Of hor property interdsts in West Sences; N.Y., where she own «1 land worth than £200,000. look after the business of sending, the Hamilton runners to Athens, Greece, has disbanded. The cause of disband ing was due to jealousy on the pact of the athletes chosen to go, as well as the difficulty over the trainer, Sher- | ring, the loag distance runner, says | he will go anyway, { At Pittsburg, while he is Hotel Marie An Timmerman, of for the aged wo acquainted five years ago, he Pa., the Toronto Varsity hockey team and the Car- | hegie Techs played one of the most | YICIous gameg ever seen in Duquesne | Gardens. It was one long wrangle and more He professed areat afiection for her, | clash from - the opening bell to the she avers, and wished hor to become | end, and the game ended in a freefor- his wife, notwithstanding in their ages, she alleges "thas if she the great He told her, weinld- marcy all, in which most of the from each team took part. different' oecdsions members On seven difierence Duquesne h the game was stop- him he. would assume the manage- | ped by the referee, who threatened to ment of her property so that her in { rule both teams off, and Manager Me- come. would he increased. and it | Swigan, of { ! t Gardens, sent a would relieve her 'of the cares and | word to the ice that if there was an of Pyramid" Pile Cure at your drug: | wonbiles of business matters. He was | other row among * the players that for 50¢. 1 he hasnt 1, send | so persistent in his protestations of | oth teams would forever be barred " money and we will send You love, that she 'hocame engaged to | from playing - at the garden his the treatment at once, by mail, in him in 19m Immediately after their | didn't Seem to have any effect on the slain sealed package. engagement, the aged wom 2 ros, | a a : pair 4 pack 4 od iatidlrnds ' {gag i u n rol l man charges, | teams, for the players went after Send your name and a « a Ww otattery, eajoling, coaxing, impor- |, ch othe vith their Kev 'stick oy Bl his lon hr 1 ) I iba other with their hockey sticks ance for a trial of this marve or jumities, © undue influence and false | harder than ever quick, *sare care. Address Pyramid siatemenits, he induced her to assign | Lond roe T i Cd. 11710gPyramid Building. i 3 . 5 R h | London Free Press: The showing of Dr O.. ' » yramic smlding, i to: him property, mortgages, money, the teams in the eo twhile § i x . ; 8 0 rs p n . Mich. i to endorse notes and hecon surety rsiwhile Home 0 An LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effedt Jan. 3nd, 1906. Trains will leave and arrive at Olty Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST Arr. City No. 1.15 am " 3.05 a.m. " . 947 am "1 lntern'l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m * 1Mail .. ..3.19pm. 3.51 p.m. * Local i. . 7.03 pm. 7.38 p.m, GOING EAST Lve. City Arr, City No. 8 Mail ... ... 1.4Sam. 22%a.m. * 2Fast Exp. 2,26 am. 3.05 a.m. " 16 Local 8.16 a.m, 847am. * OMail ... ..12.16 noon 12.46 p.m. " 4Vast Exp. 1.00 pm. 1.99 p.m * 12 Local ... ....708 p.m. 7.38 p.m Nos. 1,2, 3. wand' 4 nim daily. Nos. & ind 8 run daily except Monday. All other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Joba. Halifax, Boston and New York, or Q.S. 5. COMPANY BE Reached -- RMUDA by 'n 48 hours from New York "Hermcd Dew Twin Screw Steamship tem I udian, 5,500 tops. Sailing every WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK 1 y " PRIETORIA ** 8,800 tons, sails Moin inna "Olt ern, the . ; Islands, Trinidad, Jamaica | 100d is ensured: and you are protected Carves Statue Of Oom Paul. i cruive "34. the Bahamas. Rates for this against colds, fevers and contagious Berlin, Jan. 23.--An elaborate st tiie f SpibYing 80 days. twenty days | and infeetions diseases fof "He Pp re hie in Tropics, $150. Su ants da) 0 a J tv | © the ate Oom. Paul Kruger, onde For beauty' of sce : As a family medicine to Prompuly | ocidént of the Transvaal. is to le of cis y nery and perfection + I is to le Climate "this trip is unsurpassed. For'| cure the most fottucn ills of File there | oped in white marble twice life size vassage ang TLOPhICts giving rates of i& no preparation that can be com-|;| 3 " ' eon Passage andl 1) information ly to i bl y i y-Liv hy a Young s ulptor of ni een from A: BE. of TERBRIDGE & 00.." Agente pared with Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Loraine, Albert Comer, of Saarge. fwapee Stemmshin Company 38 ] Pills. In every ugighborhood there are muna, son of a painter on china. The Ho New York ARTHUR le who have proven the merit i ae AHERN, Seer rk people who have pro already completed model repre Ti tg 3h a matn, or $0 I of this medicine, Ask 'them. ! el . represents J Agents J GILDERSLERVE, Kingston. ud ALLAN LINE verges -- ful working order, the purity of writes : "l was troubled with kidney disease for and was unable to obtain relief. A all that was fast and scientific in On- for him on his ten vears' e of . P 4 taro a at 320000 4 rk place restaurant hackey- Toronto, Is; coming - in ky for considerable roasting" from the Wien she would refuse to take any Eastern Ontario writers, who have ap- fubther advances to him she says he | Parently just awakened to the facet that, senior hockey would ridicule and revile her on ae- ? universe has count of her age and threaten her. 3 He left her, she alleges, in West Se. | been nothing Venty-cighth street, to go to the | hockey Marie Antoinette to live, calling upon | in that hub of the for a number of years more than intermediate under a different title, qfontreal will have a new rink next her -oceasionally, she save, for the | Winter that. will he "the best over." nurpose of 'demanding money, and | Jt is ~ intended primarily for publie threatening" her with financial ruin | skating, and hockey will he nrovided and bodily injurv During the last | for also. Skating room for a thousand «ix months, she savs., he gave her | and seating accommodation for six only. 840.and now'he has possession | thousand is what the nlans call for. of her tranks, furniture and clothing. | Te new rink will Ke located on Give street, and will be completed next Long Life. September, Toronto will have a new If you are anxious to live to a green | rink in 1921, when the street railway old age take care and keep your blood | pure, Impoverished blood is account- able for nearly all bodily ills. Take jpde's Iron Tonic Pills and vou will find 'your health benefitted, hlood puri- fied and nerves strengthened. In boxes 250. franchise expires, says the Globe. COMMIT MANY CRULLTTES. Convoy to Starvipg Mohamed ) gthes { ans is Frustrated. Sold only at, Wade's da store, | Elizabethpol, Transcaueasia Money hack i not, Sayisiactory. =, A autor tive] here from Ag Y dam with despatches descri ng the re Sporting Baronet Dead. peated attempts made by the authori London, Jan. 23.--Sir Jan, James Perey ties to get a convoy of provisions to | pico EE ullman Accommodation, Tickets, illir: Rar . y io rap) wlth ; ; | ad all op Parra ry te Yilta, fort e we i Rese wn in racing the starving and beleagured Moham- | NEWBORO ACCIDENTS. . P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston | 81% muitary eircles, « ied Sunday: He | incdans of Shusha, Transcaucasia. 4 es : and Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont won the Derby twice--in 1890 with | The convoy set out three times with { John Pierce Lost a Leg by it Be. A infin and in 1903 ith, Rocksand, a strong escort of troops. Mohamme | ing Crushed. sir James servi with the Imper | dans, volunteers and auxiliaries but | Newboro, J 2.-T } rontanve. 3 aT frie me ' es, | y Jan, WN ie past week KincsToNg EMBROK Ycomanty in uth Africa. He' was | qq intercepted by the Arnienians has been one of accident, On Wednes RAILWAY lorty-one Years of. age, holding the mountain passes. The day, while sawing wood at the home E ----t ------ whole district around Apdam is har | | of Thomas Dier, al . i ' Yi 3 0 8 'r, about two miles from IN CONNECTION WITH ; Cape Vincent Steamer. .. | ried by Armenians and others, who are | here, John Pieree had the misfortune CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Until further notice, steamer wil perpetrating horrible atroeities, not 1 to have his foot seversd by the cog ---- lave for Cape Vincent at 2 p.m. {ving any quarter to the wounded or \ plaid mohair makes this smartly | wheels of a horse power machipe, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON due : - « = [to women or children, |: nple design, the lines of the pattern) which he was driving. Doctors Pros 12:89 E for Ottawa. MM. It is finny how a girl of sixteen al hi: Mobammedans are greatly en !hiing in dark blue upon a pale blue | ton and Stott were summoned and it treal, aa Sry lor Dia PRT ways wants to look like one of twen | raged at the attack made on the cele: | ground, and following a bias design. | was found necessary to amputate the Boston, Toronto, Chicago. Denver. Ren- {ty ®ix and one of twenty-six like one | brated shrine of Karaphirim. After a | The shoulder se ams ave broad rather | jimh about four ine hes below the knee frew, Sau Ste. Jar, Duluth, Rik of sixtéen, savage conflict, the Armenian attackers than long, and th front © is pleated | Thy patient ix improving as rapidly as Portiand es Francouyer, Sse, . broke and fled, leaving fifty dead or ! into this, the pleats stitehed down as could be expected : : Purit of wounded, far as the bust, and. then relea to On Thursday William Hutchings § pm.--Local for Sharbot Lake, i y ---------- make the necessary fullness. The fas was moving a rse power machine founecting with C.P.R. east and west. | The Toronto Street Market. ening is in the back, and concealed | and hee, fell une r-the machine. The 8:10 .m, ~Mized, for Renfrew and in- I he Blood Toronto, Jan. 22.-Wheat, white, | inder a box pleat of medium width. | hind wheels passed over his legs had termediate points, z 2 : inst Di | bush., 78e.: wheat, red, bush., 7Rec.; | The sleeve is the uspal shirt design, ly bruising them, but no bones were The Best Protection Agains 18-1 heat spring bush; 76cg wheat, | but with a longer and more closely woken, His many friends- hope to see P Obtained By Usi > pring, ; 3 , . Pai I Ah br Y many friends. hope to se Assengers leaving Kingston at 13:30 ease--Obtain y Using | goose, bush., 72.; oats, bush,, 393¢. | fitting cuff than last | season's blouses him around soon again. Bruner, in Ottawa at 500 pm Dr. Chase's to 0c harley, bush. Ble; pe displayed. The rollar i of the mo-1"4 wumber from hers attended the ®.: Boston, 7:30 a.m.; St. John, - bush., 75c.; rye, bush, 76¢; hay, | hair, and shaped with the uinal littl opening of the Athens Model school. B., 11:56 .a'm. Kidney Liver Pills | iimothy, ton 20 to $10.50; hay, mixed, | featherbones in the hack sides and Miss A, Wright, junior assistant in Tull' yariichinre mt Hy. & Ps aid GP ton, 86 to 8% straw, per ton, $10.50; | front. : f-the public school, is dangerously il, R. Ticket Offic rie Stee + Ein od = alsike, No, 1, bush., $6.25 to Sieh -------- | Coasting is the popular pastime here ton, Sxatie i If you enquire into the cause of | 2 35.25 to $5.75: No. 3, $4.50 to 8. Corn Is Dear. this winter. W. P. Richards, who has n SONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. sickness pain and suffering, you will oice, No. 1, bush., $ £7 The loss of tie and comfort «caused | been on a vis t to friends at Onk Leaf *h Pass. Agent Gen, Supt find that fully nine-tenths of it re | timothy, bush., $1.50 t, 89; dressed { by a corn mikes it dear to keen, Bet: | for some time returned home oh Wed I - " . I . aa)ee tf, : rhe iV | hogs, '88.75 to 89.95. a ples, wr fer invest in Putnam's Corn Extrac: | ne sday evening. William Bass and %On sults from derangements of the liver, | . PI ¥ : Ba : * kidneys and bowels, « i bbl, ¥2 to 83.95 eggs, per dozen, | tor and cure that corn. Putnam's. is' | Charles attended the A M.S. opening | 0 un 2 dal way This was the truth¢ arrived at by 27e, to 30c.; butter, dairy, He, to painless and acts in twenty-four hours: { on Tuesday, and the annual meeting N Dr. Chase when he began experiments butter, creamery, 27¢; to 30d; | use no other thun Putnam's. of the Delta Fair AssociatiBn mem wr Short line for Tweed, Napanee. - he discover f Dr. | chickens, per Ib., to 13c.; fowl, k - bers on Wednesday. Dr. Scott, who Deseronto,. and all local points, Trai which led to the discovery of Dr. ' an Wm 3 -teave City Hall: Papo Foun 8. THA | Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. per lb, Ye. to 1 turkeys, per fly, | "Piles," itching, bleeding or Pro- | has been the guest of Dr. Preston re CONWAY, Ament BQ. nN lg The liver and kidneys are intimately | 15c. to 17c geese, per th, lle. to |truding, are enred by Dr: Crinps' pile | turned home on Saturday eee ern } velited a8 Blters of 'the blood, and | 12c.: cabbage, per dozen, 30c. fo 464 she regularity boweis depends | tuuliflower, . poy n, Tie. to Kl Ti PO on the healthful action of 'the liver. | tatbes; per bag, 5c. to 90¢.: celery, Hence it happens, that when the liyer per dozen, 35¢. to 40¢.: onionz, J pér and kidneys are made healthy and! bag, £1.20 to 81.9% beef, hindgifart vigorous by , the influence of Dr. ers, $6.50 to 87 forequarterg, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills such dis-! $4.50 to £5.30: choice, carcase, %6 fo eases as biliousness, liver complaint, | £6.50; medium, carcase," $5.25 To $5. kidney disease, indigestion and con- | stipation soon entirely disappear. With the liver and kidneys in health- the mutton, per cRt., 8750 to $8.50. veal, per ewt.,, 88.50 to, £10: lamb, per ewt,, 80 to $10.50, | | 3 ----pe tai. | the aged statesman which he seldom wore, ered with orders given ervigns., Next Mys. Joseph Lutton, Belleville, Ont., very much | a lopg time in the regalia his breast eoy- by foreign bio May it will be placed people admirably. They act effective ly, but WHIG, TUESDAY JANUARY ee mm RESTRICTED. BY CHINESE, | Foreign Seéttlaents Must Differ | in' Stal us. | Pekin, Jan, 22.--It is now proposed l by thd Chinese oVPramay that all | foreign settlements "in. ( hina fo be opened in the future mist differ in status from the old treaty ports. It is pointed out that these treaty ports i are practically foreign' territory and that "therefore théy are able 10 dis te the Chinese claims jor damages. | The riots at Shanghai where China | was debarred from maintaining troops | to keep order; are mentioned. It is the plan of the government to restrict greatly the privileges of for vigners, 'Lhe throne to-day promul gated regulations for the adminiswra tion of the vecently opened port of Chinnanfu. These © rgulations are modelled somewhat on the German system in operation. at Kinochau and will: be enforced in all new settle ments. They provide that no lands can bw purchased by foreigners, that the leases of lands to foreim tenants shall he restricted to thicty years, and that the rentals shall be fixed )y: the government, It is further pro vided that the Chinese authorities | shall control the policy of these settle ments, levy the taxes and control the postal and Seleftaph systems and the | public works. These rules are In office and work all over to ap aly to the opening of Man huria hy | + - Chinese under the treaty with tingly, no matter if Japan, The throne has commanded ! the viceroys to submit reports re garding the number and nationality of the wisstonarier in their districts @ A POWER DAM. Costing $280,000 Will Go 'Up Near Goderich. Goderich, Ont., Jan. 2,-A. power dam, 'costing 225,000, nerate 2,57 horse-power, on. the Maitland River, abour, four miles from the town | of Goderich, probably will menced within a few monihs moters have. just completed financial arrangements, making this announce ment possible, "The power will roba | bly not only 4 be used for industrial | power, but alsa to run the town's wat i er and light plant, and possibly 4 | system of radial railways, IN ALGONQUIN PARK. he con The pro the following : to go to work. reguin my health. The G.T.R. May Erect Hotels | Shortly. Ottawa, Jan:- ¢ | wright and other officials' of the G1, { R. waited upon the government, to- | day, to obtain the latter's views re garding the erections by the railway, of hotels in Algongwin Lark. This is a government reserve, and permission must be obtained" before any hotels can he erected. An agreement likely | will be reached between the parties. glad to indorse it. strength | cordial invitation to Plain Tailored Shirt Waist. | | ime -- 'C. HL POWELL | CARPENTER AND JOBBER [103 Raglan Street. ointment. 25. Mahood's Dray Store Services were conducted in the M..' Most ui as are inea re efPivk mood | thedier hh} as far as good fortune is concern Maud--" 'Beaty js only skin deep | noon ihstead of evening as usunl, Rey William Pearson @nducted revival ser Belle -- "Ya, and I've found ont that | vices "in Croshy on Sunday evenine those beauty advertisers are deep | The Smith's Falls stage leaves here sking," : '| every evening about eight o'clock in | stead of in the morning ax formerly | Many have commencid their ite har Old Folks bant Stand [ vet. The ice ds not as thick as usual g p i | The Newborn Westport hockey match advertised to take place in Weatpors {on Sundae evening resulted in no ' . | gnine The Westport bovs failed to Which Destroy the Linings of the | ken rertain promises made hv tela Intestines and Weaken the {vhone, and the locals refitsed to play tok Mr. Clackson, a, western horse bhuver 5 a nurchased a number of horses here re cently , In preparing hie famhoys Lills, © Dy ------------ Hamilton was careful 6 make them Delay In Building Battleship. mild. On this account they sdit oli | Washington, . C.. Jan. £3-While the Louisiana, dister whip of the "Con necticut, is ul last accounts. slightly the latter , very gently. In -Sgmstipati mn ! they never fail; evim the worst cases |! . . in advance of Young women who work the gitl is the bread winner of tho with dull pain and dragging sensatic utterly unfit for work.. These are the sure signs of female irregularities which 'kill beauty and youth. dia E.Pinkhamis Vegetable Compound builds Health' and strength for all women who wor creales the vitality that makes work easy. grateful lefters written by working girls to Dear Mrs, Pinkham :--Overwork an with & segiected cold, brought oi a fe I tried chan factory, shop, write her for advice. We're going 35 only Boys and beavers, Reclrs, bl Thursday sizes from U%4, 2M | Regular price $2 and $2.50, store or kitchen girls are at this land, and, alas | far beyond their strength. . are especially liable to female ills. . Too often family and she must toil unremit- her back does ache, her limbs and abdomen throb ns, and dizzy spells d long hours at the office, together male trouble until nally I was unable ge of scene and climate, but found that 1 did nog' oH I then thought of a friend who had taken Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when her health was in the seine condition that mine was, | and stralgliteway sent out for a bottle, | batore 1 really begnn to improve, but afte aad when I had finished the sixth bottle | work again. I certainly think your med I finished that and took two more r that my recovery was very rapid, was well and sable to go back to icine worthy of praise, and am Indeed . MiLE. ALMA ROBITAILLE, 78 rue St. Francois, Quebee, Que. Oh, if Canadian girls who work would onl i one life to live, and make the most of Mrs. Pinkham extends to every working girl who is In ill health a Such létters strictly confidential, and from her vast experience Mrs. Pinkham | ably has the very knowledge that will help you--and may save your life, : Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Curcs Where Others Fail FA "to let" you hgve first chance of : securing the greatest bargains 'in 4 the way of : Clothing, Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, 2 Furs, Etc, a --- ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th The following sp:cial lines will be offered : ue cheviots, | 29 $1.19 k and are wedty. ' It From the thousands of Mrs. Pinkham we quote y reaiize that they have but their precious health and ake her are always kept prob- " i i : 5 @ x aE Wy We Min's Heavy Cardigan Tarkots, w R. gular price 81.25. ; i Phureelagr L.......o00000 anit gop? 2 & © Heavy Black Dill duck elsewhire for £14 Thursday only; Odd Sulte, English Worsteds, latest cut and patterns, single and double brogeted Reon lar pele XT 81 : Yours on Thursday for . 83.95 Shirts, sold a 60 . 69. Bargains for the Ladies 10 Men's Heavy Wool Fancy Sweaters, Regular price %1.95 Thyredny FRE Ble, . si iy Men's Scotch Wool Shivts, only. Regular price $1.25, Thursday. .... 30006 Bovs' and Bris' Fane chiefs, worth 5¢., at v Handker- 2. . fa, Pat ey Large and Heavy Grey Worse: Blank- ets, 'worth $1, at, per pair... $2.00 i 2D < White. Quilts worth 82, in (slight ly : sailed), 150 Large Tapestry «Table Covers were too vessel," the . rs over the grave of the dead' preside are cured promptly. i val constructors insist that the -- ROYAL mary STEAMERS, friend advised the use of Dr, Chase's ¢ South Ao ad president Dr. Hamilton's' Pills stimulate the pa n Helis th SN Ye ok rs Corintage. From St" Toba From fialitas Kidney Live Pills ol Ply vt nSont Hea. SL . faction of the hustends Jum Sicily {var ail bi Sw. a ,'T'nthian, Sat. J, . woven of very great benefit to me. to establish. good health. wy Hush |) re y Sila, Sits Feb. KE Mont Jn. 20. 4 used a number of boxes of this : Capt. Douglas Dead. out all poisenous matters .and make | ahead i the konigiana, An effort will Pro Sat. Fen 10. Mon. Feh. 12° | axeellent medicine and feel it a duty, Winnipeg, Jan. 23. Capt. Douglas, | 1h. stem clean. Py toning up the | be made tn Hacalvia the reasons oe . ROSTON To CA, Feb. 190. 10 Yecommend it to other sufferers. one of the best knew hotel men of hver and + kidneys, they make the | the Apparent So uy in Hie Wor at Y * Mongolian a. ao a7 "My mother thigks there is no bet- | the west, died om Sunday. Deceased blood rich and pare. Headaches stop, | Navy yard. Theré have heen some , de HALIFAX TO LONDON AND Aver ter tonic than Dr.*Chase's Nerve Food was formerly raptain of a vessel on Lhe complexion grows rudgly. appetite | lays in the delivery of armor, énd delay | Pomeranian Al P HAVEE an® others of my friends have 'used the great lakes and commenced his { braces, you get willl and stay well, | other materials, but 'the same delay Jr Py HANLEY, , t ar Rr 3 thig food cure with splendid results," | sailor carcer on those waters fifty- Foo! ' : affected the private shinbuildine | See ontpot. OW Pa GIiong Ur. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, * one seven yeprs ago. No medicine brings such abundant '| plants. It Js true, that some slight al | -- rence Street. pil a dose, 25c. a box, at all dealers good health as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Iterations in the plans of the Louisi- | The i m1 or Fd m, Bates & Co., Toronto. At Picton school boar Rehert Dav: Can you afford to put of ising them | ana have heen mage, but it is asserted by. the smal ate offen committed Pagn cannot exist where Dr. Chase's jon was declared to he the choien as any longer? At all dealers, 25¢, per | that © the smallest fools, : Batkache Plaster is applied. i cligirman for the current year, xan a . . box, or five for $1. they insignificant to | cause apy serions delay in the work. at... [1 'worth 82, at... tries SHOG © 1 ---------- i 2 » 2 is 1500 yards Linen. Roller. Towelling, | 500 paits Men's Heavy Homemade * worth We, at .... .coconi Be Waol Socks, worth 25¢., ata... 15¢, Hundreds of other bargains will be offered . = "at the same liberal rate. : 4 The Montreal Bankrupt 180 Princess Street. on F. X. COUSINEAU, General Manager. -Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. A Stock " 0., : ; a

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