FIST a a es' Nightgowns dies' Skirts | lies' Drawers Ladies Corset Covers Ladies' Chemise hildren's Skirts § Display of These Goods Il made of good quality of White Cotton, bought May before the rise in Cottons and Embroderies. @ orders taken. © Goods sent on approbation, = Cash or Credit. Coupons, or Premiums given at this THE 5 ¢. h. EOMION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE, 1 and Candle OFFICERS INSTATLED Sticks For your dinner ta- At Kingston Lodge No. 59, 1.0.0. F. by Visitors. Last evening thesofficers of Kingston Lodge, No. 5Y, were installed by D.D. G. M. Knight, assisted by P.D.D.G.M. Chadwick, both of Gananoque. The of- X ficers are : JPG. J, 8B. Derry; N.G., R. Stai- ford; V.G., Edw. H. Ball, Jr; R.S.. J. We can show you : Pollie; ¥.5., R the most desirable pat- terns in five light and single candlesticks at $8.50 We offer a particu= larly choice five light. SPANCENBERG sid, Diack; treasurer, S. C. Smith; R.S.N.G., W. Patterson: 1. N.G., N. Revnolds; R.S.V.G., G. Lit. the; L.S.V.G., W. Hipson; conductor, W. Davies; warden, J. Burke: R.S.S. D. Melntyre; LSS, F. A. Atkins; 1, Go. A. Milne; 0.G., 8S. Reynolds; chap lain, G. Lee. After the installation a musical pro- gramme was provided by Messrs. A, McMahon, S. C. Smith, 'F. Rutherford, Rogers and Brown. Refreshments were provided by Cate F. C. Hambrook, For anick delivery of parcels "phone 20. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Brandy snaps for Saturday. W, J. Crothers. ' Para ed tear Cd . R-LINED COATS | rapid rise in the Fur Market just now means u that values: the equal to what we are selling Cost. you a great deal more money another ; So An we are not telling you fairy tales when we eT] be wisdom to make yourself the present ned Coat this season. The investment itable one, : on hand and will sell at great reduc. -- ECT LEN NOX FIGURES LARGELY. to Be Unearthed in Toromto Civic Inquiry--Alderman Tries to Explain Matters, i Toronto, Jan. 12. The now eelehra- ted home of Architect E J. Lennox figured pin to-day in the evio irs Aon a contractor who held a contract on the new (ity hal, of which Mr. Lennox was architects testi. fil that Lennox still owed Kim for work done. This is the thied case that has been made publiz. Thomas Douglas, a roofer, testifed, this 'morn: jig, that Lennox owed him 8129, §74 ™ roofing work on the house done in 1809 or 1900. Ile explained that he regarded it as a contract account, be- cause Lenmox had done some work for his partner. A, Matthews, but in re ply to questions by Mr. Drayton, had to admit that Maithews had not beens his partner for some time, and that the account was still on his books against Lennox. 4 Alderman 0. B, Sheppard went into the box to testify regarding a state- ment made by John Kay. the carpet merchant, that an afflerman had come Pretty State of Affairs Continues en- | Swiit's DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. ----------------------" E DAY. J. /%- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters on Their Rounds. Dates and figs Jc., at Camovsky's B, W. Folger is wn Toronto on busi ness, a : 1% will"ére. any cough, Gibson's Cross cough syrup. ° Rj Cros hose or 15¢. Reform. of winter appears to be 'hroken once more. : Mr. and Mes. J. E. Williams, Win- nipeg, are in the city. Scranton coal, 13 letters. How many werds can you make out of them ? Buy Mathieu's syrup of 'tar and cod liver oil, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 8S. E. Gregory, of the. field battery, Canadian artillery, Antigonish, N.S. arrived in town to-day and is at the Randolph hotel. ' Miss Isabel Sherman, who plays the part of Lady Chartaris, in "Dora Trorne," is a Canadian, formerly re riding in Hastings county. The marine engineers will hold a | dance in the city ha!l on the 31st. 1 | Deslis, of the Grand Union hotel, has b en engaged as caterer. Fresh Huyler's and McConkey's high clase candies, only at Gibson's Red Cross drag 'store. Thomas Donnelly said to-day that while on general principles he has not New when presgated with his account, and asked, "Must. 1 pay this?" Mr. Shep- | pard stated that some 290 worth of : carpets had been ordered by his wife | from Jom Kay & Co. in 1897. In 1901 he got a letter * threatening act- ion, and sent his son over to see if the account was correct, and when he | found it was, paid it by cheque with interest. He had - no recollection of the conversation, but it had occurred though, probably, he meant had he personally to pay the bill instead of Mrs. Sheppard, who had ordered the carpets; Although the officials of the Crown ! Rank have repeatedly, and emphatical- Iv. stated that Edwin St. George Ban- wall did not steal more than frst announced by the bank, now that the arrest has been made, they are foreed to admit that Banwall got away with nearly £40,000, nearly half of which was negotiable money. The actual amounts! taken were : In bank notes and currency, $20,350.33; less ree turned, £1,000; total ; = signed notes, Sto, ae. 350.33. Amount received from Ban- wall, 838.000. The thousand dollars returned was a sum Banwall mailed to a chum in Toronto, 'as a present" and this young man banded 'the amount over to the/police. Banwell and his wife spent 21.350 in their flight; all the vest of the money is i } was grevovered. Banwall will be brought to Halifax. It is probable that a charee of theft will be laid against his wife as the bank officials believe that the woman assisted Banwall in carrying the money out of the hank. Andrew 1. Cottam, a member of the soparate school hoard, awd well known in business and athletic cireles, died, this morning, of heart trouble, after a short 'illness. He was forty seven vears of age. He was a liberal in polities, a life-long member of the Tarontp Rowing Club and an officer of the CANO, The estate of the late Henry Thompson, Toronto, has pail. in sue cession dues, $15,100, Nearly one hundred master {lumb ers pleaded guilty of conspiracy when theic cases 'came up in the court of assize to-day. They will be sentenced on Monday. The jowrnsymen plumb- ers pleaded "not guilty." A St. Paul, Minn., despatch savs: A company is being organized at Water- ville, Minn, hy ay Gustave Martsz, George B. Parks, C. F. Gibbs, and others fo open large farms in the Saskatchewan valley with the object of raising cattle, grain, horses and sheep, It 1s the intention of the com- pany to operate extensively in buviny and selling Canadian lands. John J. Thompson, for some twenty- five years connected with the passeng- er department of the Allan Line, died this morning. He was chief clerk and inspector of agencies of the Allan Line. Mr. Thomp¥en was secretary of the Royal Arcanum and a member of the Masonic order. On February 1st, John J, Beck, Fort Erie, will assume the position of sup erintendent of the Unitn Station, the retirement of William Gormally, the present superintendent, being rendered necessary through ill-health. Mr. Beek was formerly a conductor on the G. T. R., and then became night agent at the Union Station. From Toronto he went to Niagara Falls to act as ag ent there, and thence to Fort Erie and Rlack Rock. the position he at present occupies. The retiring superintendent, | Mr. Gormally, will be well provided | for. He has heen superintendent of the Unign Station since its erection. -------- OFFERED TO DISGORGE. Premier Has Not Decided His Policy. Montreal, Jan. 12-The Canadian Finance company, whose ex-manager, Max Roth, is now before the courts on charge of obtaining money under false pretences made a new move to-day. They wrote the attorney-general offer- ing to reimburse Roth's victims who has been charged for what are termed "bogus" telegrams and which were sent in order to force people to pay their loan money. The letter is ac- companied by a check for $330 and a statement that more will be fortheom- ing if necessary. Premier Gouin said to-day that he has not yet determined what steps to take! A GIGANTIC SWINDLE. --y Police Make Capture nection Therewith. New York, Jan. 12. Besides Charles August Seton, and Samuel Humph- revs, arrested in confection with the Norfolk and Western in Con- ohter men, aml announces that when Ia fourth is aaptured they will have in custody all who ean explain what was probably the largest swindle Wall street has known in many years, The five hundred fraudulent certificates re. Bucscnt a market value of about £4: ,000 5 > i LT Saturday cigar bargaing, all eigars, 4 for 95¢., at Cibson's "Cross drug store, Hoe Red 1 "Where did it go to?" | ' stock certificate forgeries, the police are holding three | favored junketing expeditions, he | thinks the mayor should be sent, on | behalf of the city, to attend the fu- neral of Hon, Mr. Prefontaine at! Montreal. Oranges, 2 doz. 25c., at Carnovsky's, Sweet potatoes at Carnovsky's, Have you tried our New England loaf ? It's all we claim it to be, and that is, the best bread in the city. If vou leave your arder the driver wil i call." Wo J, Crothers. > The Hamilton Spectator speaks of the theft of $16 from a grit editor in Kingston and enquires : "Where did it come from?" 'he concern here is Where it came f om is another story, and the editor | can prove he is no maser, Special value in toilet paper, Sa- turday, 5 large rolls, 2c. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM, ! Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. De. William Armstrong. an old dent of Toronto, is dead. The Hamilton lire-bug is large, and started another night. John Finch, a well-known contractor dropped dead while entering his house, Toronto. H. C. Bourlier, general passengér ag- ent of the Allan - Line for Ontario, has resigned, John Lottridge was given a verdict for $200 in his libel action against the Hamilton Herald. : The revolt in Esthonia is collapsing. The cavalry are operating up to the border of Livonia, . The tarifi commission, meeting in London, have published a summarized testimony as to Canadian preference. The ban under which the Auditorium at Quebec was placed by the Roman Catholic religious authorities has been removed. Lady Waryick, the "Socialist Coun- " addressed the dock laborers of West Ham in support of their parlia- mentary candidate, : Senator Brackett's resolution re- questing the resignation of United States Senator Chauncey M. Depew in the New York senate, was made a special order for next Tuesday. An agreement to limit the output and about twenty-six agreements bind- ing the manufacturers to comply with certain regulations in the trade were brought out at the tack combine in- vestigation. August Olsen, while standing over a charge of dynamite at Hawk Lake, that had hung five, was blown 150 feet into the air, and his mangled body was picked up with the leg. skull and jaw fractured. The superintendent of weights and measures. in New York has unearthed resi- still at fire last Skaters were out in full force at | the covered rink last night. The ice was only in fair condition, due to this continued mild weather. The 14th ban as always, played capitally, all the music being the very latest and catchy | airs, the first time they have been given locally. Alderman Millan has some requests to make on behalf of Cataraqui ward. He wants better light in some sec tions of the ward, where the lamps do not operate as brightly as they should and where many times they go out. Alderman Millan is also considering the question of a small park for Cat araqui ward, if a picee of vacant land can be got down on Rideau street. A PEER'S DEATH. Lord Foley leaves No Son-- Succeeded, by Brother. London, Jan. 12--Catholic England | has lost a shiping support in Lord | Foley, whose death occurred this week. Lord Foley was the son of the fourth baron and his mother was a daughter of the thirteenth Duke of Norfolk. | Born in 1850, he succeeded his father | at the age of nineteen years. 'He mar- | rid a daughter of Arthur Radford of | Berkshire, but leaves no son, and is succeeded by his brother, the Hon. | Fitzalan Foley. | The Foley family was brought into | prominence about the time of the par- liamentary war by a successful iron- master. His progeny married well, | served the state as soldiers and sail ors, gave to the House of Commons a speaker, Thomas F vy, whose great- | grandson was the first baron. In its | heyday the family had valuable estates on the north side of Oxford fet, | London, and the handsome snd unusu al width of Portland Place was in sisted upon by the Lord Foley of the | day in order to preserve the view from his house of the heights of Hampstead | and Highgate. The "third baron took to the turf and to Crockford's, ruin ing himseli and had to appeal to his | eldest son to cut off the entail of es tates worth-RI125000 a vear., whereun on the property was sold for a mil lion. The late peer 'was a comparatively poor man. Lord Foley's mother, who died in 1597, was one of the twel\e noble bridesmaids who attended Queen Victoria at her wedding in St. James' chapel royal in Fébruary, 1910. Not one of them now jsurvives, the late | Puchess of Clevelagd, mother of Lord | Rosebery, being the last to die. THE FIRST HONORS. ------ A Liberal Was To-Day Returned Unopposed. London, Jan. 12.--The general cloc tions opened this morning. The name | of the first member of the new parlia- | ment was announced at ten o'clock, as Sir Christopher Furness, liberal, re turned from Hartleboro unopposed. A little later the score was evened by | the ufiopposed re-election of Austin | Taylor, for East Lexeth. In the course of a day or two two more liberals will be elected withont a contest, Dan Gets Presidency. Peterboro, Unt., Jan. 12.--~The East- ern Ontario Dairymen's Association finished its business here, to-day, at noon. D. Derbyshive, Brockville, was re-elected presideat? R. G. Murphy, Brockville, secretary, and J. R. Dar- | gavel, M.P.P,, Delta, treasurer. The Steamers In Danger. Montreal, Jan. 12.~Captains of the Allan liners have reported to the head officials here that their vessels are in considerable danger in entering the | choice horse radish, 10e. bottle an organized system of fraud practis- ed upon the poor. Dishonest dealers in some cases are giving as low as 10} ounces for a pound. In an unfinished building in Brook- lyn two voung men were found dead and two others unconscious. To escape the cold they had crawled into the building and had been suliocated while they slept hy charcoal gas. Members of the learned professions of Germany have issued a communica- tion vrotesting against statements that ill-feeling now exists in Germany against England. The covering lettm has accepted with gratification. their assurances Keep The Milk Cool. Dr. W. I. Connell, bacteriologist at the Kingston Dairy School, explained at Peterboro, with the aid of a chart how | bacteria multiply as the tempera- ture goes up. The plain moral was that milk should be kept cool always. There was a discussion of several of the points raised and in replying Mr. Publow declared that if milk was kept cool it would take & half pound less to make a pound of cheese, and if the curing rooms w ooked after there would he a saving of one pound on every cheese. Safurday Sipedials. pickles, 10c. hottle; pickles, "13c. bottle; choice pickles, 15¢. bottle; choice to mixed mustard Choice chofee sweet | mato chutnee, Te bottle; choice to mato catsup, Ne. and Blane-Mange powder', all flavors, choclate and lemon pie filling, 10e, package, 3 for 25¢. Buy a package of Grieg"s White Swan breakfast food for breakfast, at Hopkinson's grocery, Murket Square, one door helow King, 15¢. bottle; No Bribery--No Toronto News I will not buy a single vote Said Mr. McIntyre. And Pense replied in fervent tones, That, too Cabs. ix my desire. Dear Kingston. lst us hand, Of vou the world will talk, Because reluétant voters will Hereafter have to walk, shake your Wade's Cold Cure. A scientific remedy in convenient tab- let form. Laxafive in its action. It cures colds "in twelve hours, It stops colds in the start if taken in time, It will prevent and cure la grippe in the same way. It is a convenient and eof fective remedy for headache and con stipation. In hoxes, 25 cents. Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if] not «satisfactory. How Registration Stands. At the beginning of the afternoon's session of the registration courts | about 950 voters had registered. Of these, 225 were from Sydenham, On- tario and St. Lawrence wards; 145 Cataraqui; 20 Frontenac 235 Rideau and 125 Victoria. The outlook for a total registration of 1500 is promis- ing. ----t es Opera House Events. January 13th, "Peck"s Bad Boy; January 15th to 18th, Pauline Ham- mond company ; Janvary 19th and 20th, the Britt-Nelson fight, moving pictures; January 22nd, "The County Chairman': January 24th, "The Gine erbread Man'; January 25th. "His Highness the Bev': January 27th, Al Martin's "Unclé Tom's Cabin." -------- News At Y.M.C.A. port of St. John. The Allans are, at present, considering the advizabilit, of changing their terminus to Halifax. Denied The Petition. Savannah, ' Ga., Jan, 12.--Judge Sper, today, denied the petition of counsel for Gaynor and Green, that that the men be discharged from cus. tody. . Hor Bowril is dispensed free to all customers at Gibson's Red Cross drug Store, = Lemons, 2 doz, Ve. at Carnovsky's. The - hoys' weekly religious will be held at Y.M.C.A to-night. The Young Ladies' Leaoue held a meeting last night and decided to hold a social for the boys of January 25th. meeting on the evening | | | | -------- | Bargains In Fine Furs. Our big clearing sale gives vou | Opportunity , | reduction, of quality. the to buy fine furs at a big Campbell Bros., the store © ---- High Shas castile soap, "Conti" Sold only at Gilson's R TOs ) Has eu { 3 drag store, i Toe kak UT THETIC 1 SI GR A T-- Good Word About Linen Stock-taking so far has shown us that we have too much linens of many kinds around. We've noticed three lines particularly gvercrowded, and although we paid the usual high price for the finest quality yet we'll sacrifice our profit to clear them. We simply don't want them. 0, you ? Linen Toweling §&00 yards of Linen .Towélling, 7) Z4C. inches wide and one of our unusa- ally strong close qualities, consid- | ered exceptionally good values at | . 10c., but yours to-morrow morn- | ing after %30, per yard... * Huckaback Towels Huckaback Towels, 19 wide. and 31 inches long | - These compose" a manufacturer's | A sample lot, and nothing more need - C be said to guarantee their ore) Ls 225 Linen inches Yours while they last to-morrpw morning after 9.30, cach Table Linen Half-bleached Table Linen, 35c¢c. | 260 vards \ 60 inches wide. Here's a chance for | Loarding-houses and others to st cure a supply of very covering at an price. Designs are all very os) fine table extremely low and dainty, usually selling price is 50¢., but yours to-morrow ing after 9.30, per yard ..... morn- A In Black Silks This is another depart mey® of this bright, up to-date store, in which will be found all the latest styles and shades a: quick lv as they appear on the market. Here the unsatisfied lover of fine silks has an opportunity to indulge herself in the purchase of anv desired silk, and always at the moderate prices. Just read and appreciate these lists :- French Taffetas, 20 inches wide Chiffon Taffetas ........0. a. . SE Gc. Our special Taffeta, full 26 inches wide, a rich deep color and most excellent wearing quality, our strong special at . Ss Poau de: Soles ......uian : wo T0c., 81, and $1.25 Louisenes dieses snive Srsarivias + aasteeearaerns DDG Pailettes ..... and Ti . de. and 99¢ India Silks . 3be. and 1%. White Silks, Too! Twilled Merve, 20 inches wide, for Waists, a great favorite and special of ours, at Japan Silks, genuine Habutai, five Taffets specials from , Very pure white and extra value at . Untearable Taffetas Mirror Silks Alo Louisencs and Pailet tos in finest pure quality. Decidedly New for Spring BURLINGTON TWEEDS This is the latest novelty offered, and destined to be one the very popular materials for Spring Suits and Separate Skirt Just a small direct importation been reccived. of fine effects in fancy mixed grey shades and three differnt widths. Ask to them, ------------------ nb LL. Swiss Spot Muslin WHITE SWISS SPOT MUSLIN has a | | : | i been have over daintiness and clearness of material found wanting. | popular, but sometimes be will be found some of the finest mal all very clear and puce with small neat spot, according the fineness of the muslin, per yard, 20c. to 35c. Ladies' Silk Mitts ® Bi \CK SILK MITTS, knitted from the best quality celii. Knitting Silk. A ppreciated by all who have wo | them, as the most com fortable hand coverings cover invent of Corti In plain and fancy designs and different sizes. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170 Princess Street, Kingston. ee ee m---- . = -- Se wp e-- MOCCASINS Men's 1st quality Buck, now $1.25. Ladies' 1st quality Buck, now $1.00. Boys' 1st quality Buck, now $1.00. Small Boys' 1st' quality Buck, now 75¢. Children's 1st quality Buck, now 65c¢, and 5° C. Men's Waterproof Black Moccasins, $1 50. Boys' Waterproof Black Moccasins, $1.25. Small Boys' Waterproof Black Mo:casins, $1. These last three kinds are light and scft and splen* cid wearers. . THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Miss Alice Roose for several years pi about girl in the w Nicholas Longwort of a home whos keep the president's prominently in the has been at any u her first formal be three vears ago. § worth and his bri ned_this all out i prégramme for the hosts of personal of entertaining, an Nicholas Longwort her step-mother as ess. Moreover, Miss this new role almo: her: marriage. The and her fiance lon they would postpo) ding journey until they "expect to vi the principal ei cordingly. the bric ly following the only a few days' end of the month probably find the Washington and d their own roof. Representative 1 husy for months home for his brid stands ready tod its appointinents, of its new. ulistres a new one--indeed twelve vears ago tions and arrange more perfectly ada he «couple, who a ¢ "designed at "This particular "hich the foremos pend her honeym Smee Not Just When you go t bie "Ozone" ask tion of Ozone ( This 'will give vo package of "Celer give vou the © "Ozone" in the you ghout twice monty af other b ! for fifty cents, ov for a dollar and well-known remed: We put "Celery our "Ozope," b kfigw "Celery Kit better results wit heécause no otl "Celery King" w that's the reason age free and th should 'never buy Ask for "Solu coupon King.) dollar at your d take any other | da vou won't "Celery King."