Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1906, p. 3

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----v Soon ) the stock-taking ains all along the 1d slashed down 10 t. The largest re- ton must be whip- space of time, and ins, bargains, Past o be forgotten en- some new money- ady visitor to this know all our bar. ioned in our even- he store and look-- f only togee, we'll notice thes& three our store has shown last year or so as Patrons have come he fact that here at y of the latest styles favorably with that nishings exclusively. ovision can be made mfort of all members hem a supply of sty- a few leaders : TOCKINGS, ribbed or plain ree following prices we feel 8 in the city, | 49c. NGS for small children, ankles and double knees, 7 STOCKINGS, sizes 41 to 7 », pink, cardinal and tan. me make with six fold knee i r the husky little chaps who kings in no time. Sizes for ing to size from ic. )WCKINGS, the nearest make ny on the market; and giv n Ic. ne English cashmere, scam ribbed or plain, at 'KS at 35¢. This make is ve found it quite as good the men's furnishers. ¢ 25 Umbrellas y spend for a nice Umbrella m the large and handsome, aidlaw's. found inferior; will be re with fancy horn and wood now found only in the high 235. shmeres ww Tea-gowns, in cardinal, cam, considered exceptionally \W & SON Kingston, WEATHER Good Kinds rubbers, are strong, dura- Par Lui 25¢. made of light steel, siips er easily, adjustable, per "SHOE STORE - 5 > + 2 : : i! # - 2 HE DAILY BRITISH UARY 4, 1906 KINGSTON ST THURSDAY, J ~ DAILY MEMORANDA, ~~ | I /3| FORESTERSREEELIIOUS. LORD STRATHCONA ; ® ¥ MO! Ay Dh enti Toronto, Ont., Jan. a pms Rufus Rastus.," Grand Opera 'House, - t Want Brantford. to Control | Is on a isit to Ca t a a A ay 8.15 p.m. Money. Tinisters. : ee ee The sun rises Friday at 7.35 a.m. and 4.--Lord Strathcona, " sets at 2.36 p.m Winhipeg, Jan, 4.-A new law of the Ottawa, Jan. rd on e pli | 'anadian Crler of Foresters, a | ------ Canadian high , commissionet, arrived | at the last mecting of the high rt, | at noon, by C.P.R. in Mr. McNichol's ise is courage na o knows 9 « y fo J 2 Jet, Pail Supt private car, Metapedia. He is here to w i itis tie Sours ro : : nh Raw Rojestvensky S Assertion | wont, it hoon ee tients oo v the | FindsThat D avgherty see the premier and Sir Richard Cart Surprises Everyone. | The plan for Viola Allen, opens at box « lice, Friday morning Mést men say they intend to do alot cession of western 'members, who wi'l | Took 3100 000,000. wright on business affecting his of of things they never intend ta. do. {fight to the last ditch Lefore the con : y . fice. trol of moneys collected here joes s | The untermentioned officers of the The scarcity of good cooks may be due into the hands of the: castera orga ordnance stores corps were posted to - to the overproduction of lady novelists. {2ation, in which they have not © wn stations : Lieut.-Col. J. A. Morin, to F | Tr n 1 t | r ie A wan may owe somcthine to himself, NOT A | EVEL- Jenew. No. 7 'section, Quebet Lieut. I). E. \ bt. {he chances. pre Je o¥es mere lo By the new legislation, Saskate Prideaux, to No, 2 section; Toronto other peopl - % t adage TL wan, Alberta and DPritish Co atis, (temporarily)x Lieut. N, C. Gillin, to A Few Specials Left a THis day N IN RUSSIA WOULD BE- | which since 180 formed the westtra | GIVE PEORIA a SOROOL BOARD | gun wharf, Halifax, (temporarily). ) 4 high district court, have Leen put une For striking Oscar Lepine, a ployer In Mahogany and Quarter-Cut 8 discovered. 1492 1 2 hewn LIEVE IT, SAYS WITTE. der jurisdiction of high court with STARTLING REPORT. on an opposing hockey, team, a player Oak Dressers and Stands, from = ain Sud > nites is ioe | Beadquarters at Branticed, and in fu Lebreche, was, fined $15 and costs, ly i e bride. of course, loo i + od i : a 3 Kk : : $20 to $55; also a few OChiffomn- | In frill and lace and ruffle. ~ British Charge d Affalies De [ture the entire business will ke con | Statement Will Try to Show | Magistrate ('Keefe, this morning. Vis | Only the compesitor befFins "'setting 'em up' as soon as he gets a Job. Second Canad South 187 history leit queen i for $§ : A uine-spot was the groom. unsoen, . ducted from Ontario SE a i Be i pes ARd lost within the shuffc mands Explanation From The officers he aim that the law | Titnois Ednicator Was Ope'sf Terry the sine wd ened all the China Cabinets, from $12.50 to Lansdorfi--Measures Will Be | wus passed illegally, and will either the World's Greatest Swind- dt Ey Pa ir hl 3 = ; Taken to Clear Up the Matter. | press the matter in the outs or lers--He Kept up the Stealing | (0 "(i li4 (here be rough play in | gd Parlor Cabinets, from $7.50 to St. Petersburg, Jan. 4.--Admiral Ro- wprlle, Fle, Witniper : has Behte For Years. 5 matches. Labreche: struck a enh ¢ to disbursed. money 3 whnelits « $35, Solid Mahogany. Robt. J. Reid Two doors above Opera House Chicago, Jan. 4.--Startling disclo- | head with hig stick. sures will be made in a report on the Udefaleation of former Superintendent BRAINS OOZING OUT. of Schools Newton C . Doughtery, -- which will be presented to the Peoria | No Indiaftions of Comymission of jestvensky"s charge that the British admiral concentrated his ships at Wei- Hai-Wei, expecting to receive an or der to destroy the Russians, in: the event of Admiral Togo proving un- insurance from here. OUT AT NICHT Which do svou dos? Telephone 577 equal to the task, has aroused con- | school board. The school man will be Crime. Throw your Opera Cloak over your . : | : siderable sensation ifi diplomatic cir- shown to have' been one of the great |. Montreal, Jan, 4.-VWilliani Riggs shoulders ? 4 | cles, all the more so as 'Admiral Ro- | est swindlers the world ever has ¥ : 5 aged gixty-five, an old soldier, was found dead in his apartments, this morning, at Deémontigny and Si Charjes Barromo streets, with his|. Or do you just wink you could do brains oozing out of a wonnd in the ane of the two things ¥ ear. An aged female companion Was If You Wear Our Shoes Shingle Juxuriously into your Fue Lined Coat ? . ! known. The report, which is being prepared by the Everett Audit.Co., of Chicago, embraces an investigation of the re cords and accounts of the last seven years, and will' show a total shortage jestvensky's letter was published with | the permission of the minister of mar ine, and no doubt is entertained that it avill be the subject of diplomatic representations to Great Britain. Mr. Spring-Rice, the British charge d'af YOU ARE USING THE FINEST in- a { Some stores sell these thin in FOOTWEAR TO BE HAD IN | | faires, who is waiting for instructions | of more than 2600,000 in that time. taken in args in an uhtexicaind rrady-made form. Really that's not THE CITY. Lamp Art. from his government, demanded an This is more than the wildest coniee- |b Liied his pension money. There the best way to buy one. Lam Utilit explanation from _Foreign Minister | ture previously had made the steal in were no indications as to the cause of 66 95.99 Pp 1 y- Lamsdorff, vesterday, of the statement | the whole twenty-five years of Dough- k 1 d es 3 dicati Opera. Cloaks, Evening Wraps, Fur. Wear Allen S Our assortment of B.. & H.1 contained in the admirals letter. | | ertv's trusteeship. During this time; it crim, having been commied, han Lined Conta Shanld se made to over. was never so complete, he St. Petersburg correspondent of ! will be shown, the accounts of the . ; ' Miiary Bosimdxers i hth | = font I | the Daily Telegraph says bo. in con {| Peoria public schools never received $ Broom, of . the Bangor and asin that case you, may choose' 84 Biol St. Sign of Golden Bool. | thor: duriens | Cone aon ) prover suditing. The auditors are still a railway, was elected presi: Luloth. the fur and the trimmings | {at work on the books, and from a Sent aX. D. Sort nary ) vou like Best. { preliminary survey of the whole task he Lanadian anc. New Junglant:: rai , s vo fe is known that the shortage for | VY Passenger Agents' Association, fig doh hate {0 take he co has: s da ' a ] ® taking measures to clear up the mat- | | cighteen years will exceed $1,000,000, soda, Ne Xt summer's rates were ar- it togethet. TEE un t¢r, but he added it was self-evident JOHN DUK OF TORONTO. O | One of the most interesting features ranged without change. > versation with Witte, stated that the vou all*about them | | emperor and his ministers alike were | stonished at Admiral Rojestvenskv's | ..ROBERTSON BROS.. allegati Count Witte said he was | MARE-TC-ORDER Persian Lamb Jackets ure to acknowledge the tion which the minister of marine, he | and is the youngest d degreé Mason | operations. In none of the last seven Watertown, N.Y., Jan. 4.--0n Christ: | of others, said. had not noticed until it appear. | in the World, <. it is said, did he steal less than | Mas day Mrs, Emma Flower Taylor equalled. It is our ple Mission Successful. { Chicago, lll, Jan. 1. The third an ------------ pital if the other hall could be raised | self 'whether or not the garment | receipt of many Kindnesses from the good | J ondon, Jan. 4.--A despatch to th nual cat show under the awdpices of | WOMAN WHO EARNED $500,000. | by subseription. The debt amounts to cost more than you would have to. 19 06 { that no level headed man in Russia A ithoweh aly: A WCate to. veurs an. | of the report is an analysis which will Hospt You don't have to own a wrap or = Select Your Skins. | would attach importance to -allega- |, hough only 89nd deeree of Masonry | show the magnitode of Dougherty's ospital Donations. costume. _ that is like thousands £ «u| Greetings |." it Quality, Style and Fit Un- ree ngs ed in print. ilesed For Oh te 250,000, and in the last three years he | announced that she would pay half of Your individuality may be manifest | Cats Displayed For Charity. got away with $300,000, the outstanding debt of the City Hos- | cd-and it depends 'entirely upon your McKAY FUR HOUSE : oe pie of i€iugston during the Wat voi Central News from St. Potersburg | the National ed Hub opened here bo | $18,500. Already 200 has been rais- [oy for a ready-made article, nd we take this opportunity of thank- | avg the mission of Mon Orke f. se | day mm a store building ~ncay ne Ai | Beran at Age of Twelv Now In- | od, half of which was given by Mrs. ; y pay ir them all most heartily. We hope On or { ditorium, on Wabash avenue. This ex; z ere Smartest. Taylor to match the $1,000 given by As we say this matter of cost' lis to' the Baltic provinces to restore or BROCK STREET. that the trade which has passed between | or, has been completely successiul | hibition of cats has caused more stir 5 ] A. R. Flower, 8500 by George . C. Sher- with voursel. You may spend money -- |us has been ws satistuctory to them as | qq QL 0 Street. railwac tot and aroused more interest than any Indianapolis, Ind, Jan, 4.-Mrs. man, .and S100. riven by. W. H. Mgore. | freely ag vou please, for we have m-------- [to us, and that the same good feeling a 'atou sweet rallway 1s vious exhibition of tht kind in Flora Davis, of Shelbyville, known Meo E. 8 Goodale i I the materials from which to fashion | will continue during the New Year repos lo be n the hands of Xe i re. owing to the fact the the | among travelling salésmen and whole sl 0 Tor tf Ent Yi BOVE } the most georgeous garment J evolutionists N t ot s fi y © g lv 4 1 Of n > % Th a t . We wish you good health and a pros- | rey ivy my . \ k ANNLY be felt] 5 of the show will be used to] 00 dealers as the most successful terior to pny hieh % m 1 hi Sir a Ry ind ig EE rrars | verous bright New Year. | In Year to what is taking place in i : it ehildien: of this city. iness woman in the state. and es- | rior of the hospital, which wark is Or you may. plax with us somot ing cured their policic "and protection | Sapiia. Al cqmmunioation is sus] 4 fivee Poe i the chai h we made [timated to be worth $500,000, all of now well under' way. that is beautifil and distinctive, and t inanciahy strong Co's | Jas. Redden Q Co. | pended beyond Omsk. {rie ea thi 47 or A oy ake: the { which she earned herself, was married Car Build Part Tn Prgland rut. the cost [ht a thoroughly 3 "1 BITE = ye A}. INARE Lie is evening to arry . satisfactory % SWIFT » aygmmase N| importers of Fine Grocories | It Was Frustrated. shibition interesting and mires on or nd real citate dealer," | Montteal, Jan. AC. J. Shih si pid ny INSURANG | London, Jan, 4.--A St. Petersivirg | to children. Not only have the. ex- Mrs. Davis was aj ral anager of the i : 4: on TTR ARITA G EO. NOBES despatch. says a plot by anarchists to | tended (BR soap of the exhibition Jb. baie tev, Por Kil anda assistance | "tario' gation company, has re. 4 ~ --ni assassinate the czar was frustrated by | ine lading classes open to besiiiit OSL of a friend, opened a millinery store | turned from England, The company hy 5 | accident. Trusted artillery officers are | an ats of every kind an descrip Lon a' small scale 1 Shelbyville. She intend hefore lo buildin a sister ust come MUST BE a SOLD Plumber and Steam fitter implicated. The chief conspirators are | Hon. i herp are special classes for cats | yttended the bli schools in the | ship to the rv ner ay as We are Sbcwing homtily] ma- HE variety Tiover. Fue. os | Orders Promptly Attended To! (wo students, who, with the army "of exhibited hy children, pet eats With | yygning and attended to her store | well as a freight and passenger hoat terials--Al Furs and a great and. WOO BLOVES, 17 Division Street. P ficers have béen arrested. Fhe plot was | of without pedigree and freaks Bee Sin the afternoon, and later, when she | for .the Montreal Toronto-Hamilton range of Trimmings for the Never Was In Hamilton. Ranges. Also a lot of Furniture and | | discovered bv one of the office ing | Sides a large number of cats exhibited} had accumulated a small sum of | line. He is now of the opinion that at ; arpe ol ing che anus discovered hy one er 8 . s a x > 2 ese ments, Carpets, everything cheaper than usual. | "Phone 635. } » oarefully any plan of the Tsarkoo |. Py: 10t al ov there are many enter: | money she arranged to recite at night | least the hull, engines, and boilers mh hg of the gat - > Te i a---- ne m------------ ee » « y Ls i } i Ps piven. TUKRK'S SECOND-HAND STURE x | Selo palace ed by exhibitors from Cleveland, | to her teachers and devote the day to | can be built in Fngland and the upper stimates given 2 808 PRINCE 5S STREET FOR SALE. [The St. Petersburg correspondent of | 0/ct, Detroit, Cincinnati and «ther her business. When. she was nineteen | works added at Sorel, 9 mS -------------- --ee {A WHEEL Fn INY ALID'S CHAIR. | he Times denying: rumors that the 1 Among. the varer Kinds exhibit: | she was hedd of the largest business | FOR SALE OR TO-LET. Sa ans Aunly COIL | Minister of Interior Durnvo will re. | *d are Siamese, Persian, Angoras and | in Shelhyvilk i Came Over The River . he : + cat special class h ¢ Sver rs ago she "hase p rt STONE Hot st ; ON COLI Lig E nr. eee lee ie Minister Witte savs that hd : A il class has been i ral 3 age We yrar hated ome { Windsor, Ont,, Jan. 4.-The more i orchard and bastys House recently A WOMAN'S INVENTION. the financial situation in which the A ; Shalbvrville. and entered into competi | rigorous enforcement of * the marriage renovated. Good hous stahles ---- government is most vilnerable neces ' ; : : Sra vith the older .murchaimts, and 1 heense laws has not had much effect RN. 1. chitke 4 price, | A Beveled Rail Joint to Prevent ates the retention of Count Witte, | President's Diplomatic Reception Laon with Ly : Te | on Windsor as a Gretna Gre ¢ Do. | HUNTER. In on December 30th, $1.800, or $10 per month 10 rent oy ; . | ] since then her store has heen en : as a Gretna Green for De 905, to Mr. and Mrs. George Huis be session at one Avply J Me | Jolting. There will be need ol all the count oe wi hilton : hi , Jan : Th Baal wool ttwwen and-she HOW om troiters fan tn £m She l BHted Stephen street, nu son. 2 . ' Store : 0 s <t Jose] We { Mrs I. | resources to provide S1,125,000,000, re ite House ill once ¢ ot he he f clark | States side of the ine. Six hundred : ston. Ont ph. a 006° in Nw oats i$ n 4 plo the largest number of clerks in | Ba ' em |) Crawford, of has "just | 4 tired, in 1906, in s country v hose oon of a bril hunt « ficial event, when 11h Fo Le understood that Mr. | and wo marriages wers performed DIED, : invented a rail joir mis y | credit is impaired and a portion of ) the members of the diplomatic corps | OL pelle (he active man- | during the six months ending December titis City, on Wednesday, on ead | od rely tliminate u great annove her inhabitants will not pay taxes | Will gather there this evening to at f ; i iter thei | 31st, making the total for the vear a Ard, 1904, . George Mili, = i iy nina : at @ hie to oar 1 i : tond the t 'official vo \ ge of her business after their rc { little wv 1,200. Th doth od eighty-three wears. 5 A a N v . OOK. APPLY TG) to travellers on r: nel wha Ig] Oy on een an STAtion dis im ; TIES NIG. TON ] i to the! turn from their bridal «trip, or aie i IlajopAN of She Funeral from his son's residence, 1 Cor. King and Barrie streets i the 1 of dan CSS am evolutionary propaganda. omatic corps given the pres) # res were of couples from he University Ave. Friday morning a < | . . . 1 ; | oth id 10.30 o'clock : i 10 o'clock wre | in the new year ihe members of Bride's Father Made To Pa { other side. 0.30 o'clock : service, o'clock. A i. LAL NDR Te TH Ned the : 5 the diplomatic corps attended th ride's alu yr nba nil (Ottawa and Peterbpro papers please ospital M called the ravford | Likely To Cause Bloodshed. Poinalie rope atlendeg the Xe London, Jan. 5A Swansea lectur . en Cony.) might lo very aptly | g *etorsh Jon 4 " | gular New Year's recep nm Mor a : ip | Carrie Nation 1ashing. SCHOLES, ~On Jasuary 8rd, 1906, TOLL COLLECTOR, ON vied the joint without the jolt. Mes, | St Teter b Are Jan A general day, but th Year's | *T Who recently "returned from a inp n T I Sh a. od Irene Manche, dnughter of James for No. a Toll (hte 1 } sytion that] of th council and | Lut Lt recomnis : CUE 0 Germany tells a story of a mar- | ouston;. lex,, Jan, f.-rs, Larrie Scholes, aged twenty-two years and RE I R. rd claims i i hey invention | Rs all delegates the proletariat or- | 0 i 1 Be a Be a specilical | oo custom which she witnessed | Nation continued her "joint smash four wonths. : Peliow Wi : 1 overcome the everlasting elie oF } a in Bior ORE x iy diplomatic function t ix more of a iis . . i acr"' eTAiR p Funeral from her late residence, Fellows ston Stat : ee nd iolting which ds oun of the lan ations is in sceret session per general character, althong i there. A woman was throwing jugs, | ng cru ade and mado assaults on Corners, Friday worning, at 10 me ey . or g jo! Sn I | feeting plans to. turn the anniversary be sidered hl s 3 fe., out of her house onto the cob- | several saloc She' was ejected from o'clock: Frionds and acquaintances A GIRL ASSIST WITH Gl 3 | unpleasant fed M1 travel over Whe | of January Wd (Red Simday), when | P® considered highly 1m) biet This was the signal for| one by physical force. At another a respectfully invited to attend, atl on ud I ry. Cor | Talis 1 mn all lines. It con- | (he post serious rioting in St. Peters. | 10TeIgn Yeprese Le basket | | door was slammed on her and tocked, FAIRFIELD. --In Kingston, Aust pS tween D and | sista n ing the ends of | surred. int lie of . tend. The di the neighbors to bring along basket . Brd, 1906, Andrew H. Fairfield, West Sus. baliveen 5 an tl rail I | of hopping the i NL inl a i of national whi h veral fuls of old bottles, tins, and earthen catching her skirt and holding her pri eldest son of the late Harmon Faire ie fhe Tai Ty > a 1 the shops, factories | Which severa . o soner until she released herself by ir field, of Ernesttown, 3 ---------- mee rails square the ends. as thentrez will he cldsed course of ove have a dis. | WA to keen up the din, The explan- lust 1 olding: hor' hatchet, ™ Funeral from the residence of Thos. DL GENTLE) TO n Li ing them toge t i 1 p i tinetly diplomatic ol ter ation was that there was ta he a dustriously wielding her hatche Fairfield, Frnesttowe. on Saturday suits pressed and cleaned plates: \ te 3, dar Boe THIIWRY SOFVNY OR 4 : Trace \a re marriage of one of the daughters, | police have decided to arrest her and forencon, 8th. fnkte wt 10.800 eluek, | a > Mates to 1 s » dequier BEC among we 1 terest Y ie x ta 3 o hu Log would have the pt Red ne in which fatit Svent f the ih ial n at | from that house on the following | have her tried on an insanity eharze. to Cataraaui Celnetery uy 5, with a very . RE hair. | the Wh 1 Eg { 1 f morning, and ag the bride's father ha | stm e-- I™ MARRIED, day ! : ) wpe on their the ite H e. The ret diplomatic YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE, AGED nl # Point; amt wou gh the streets, | dinner will given nt the White agreed 'to replace all. the broken ute Dr. 8. I, Robins Retires. | | ronp_r ELD the 19th ber. 18 or 19. Must be au tapering cle togetior. onc aver, ried out. as | House a week from 1 dn ils with new articles, an easy way of Montreal, Jan. 4.Dr. 8. P: Robins, |" 1908 "at 85 Ri BE bt ; curate at fig t g the other, and wou hold | scipit ble getting vid of ericked and damaged | who since 15853 has been prineipal of Hargh, In » . Fs ecipitute blood -- i; hos. B. Peter, iD J Steady eu i in place by means of bolt ; crockery was adopted | Metill Normal school, Montreal, has fhe Be daughter of fie i ---- ion I'he Crawford joint wil protiatily lo | . Corporal Tann er Vicits Watertown tendered his resignation. He is one Henry Fiel writer to he Bifuat VER vi 3 SHR 3 | six or seven fe i ength, ong _--e Wate Ja i . {of the oldes ctive educ % Patrick vhnstone or BA PERSONS TO GROW MUSHROOMS, | six of n fect in len u \ an. 4.-This is a Horton Denies His Story. the o t active educationists in for us during winter. Waste cellar ough to give space for three or A Blackmailing Letter. hanno: tin. vetorats of She Hed S oh % : E the province, . having. beet bora iu Oxon. 3 ® DE ot, more ties to.suppert it. This. is | Rome, Jan. 4.--Cardinal * Vincent | Civil 8 citv. The Joe 'nl., hich 'H an He v's K 0. 119823, and being first connected with manure, which, when treated than the old = way, since no | Vannutelli, archpriest of the Librarian | Spratt t oirand Army of | PY a n n amilton amd 1 n Io | Metiill Normal school as teacher in : cording to instructions, emits abso \ Necessary. | Basilica, received a note whieh was | the Repablic, undertaken to raise | KNUW Mars ari nor the peop "11857. Advanced age caused his retire ROBT. J. REID, trated | roktet : | posted in Rome, on December 30th, | funds for tl rpose of erecting a whom } uid kitied but, : 1 ment : ] strate ooklet arte x. 13: cata J p x } Jo ton, dope-iend, made this | { 4 ¥ te teal Suppl BRIDE CAPTURES BURGLAR. | threatening the publication of compro r soldiers amd ohn Alor : : ha r BoD Ty | sing Jette rs, said to have been writ n who ive | admission 'at the county jail. His face Toe Leading Undefeiusy | MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUME Holds Man at Bay With ~ Knife len by the cardinal, if he did not send showed traces of drugs, and was wan | ing Trade, pays $5 day aiter eom 000 live (22001, addressed to the ini nher the ina jon} juan, and when he said he had | Flint, Mich., Jan. 4.--John Horton, 'Phone 877, 223 Princess Sts Vieting dl i ut Chica rr Until Help Comes. { 1 "CG. ELT torhe leit at the post- 'the. movement vith a fair whi how Fyne without deuse wines last Thurs. | who made confession that the woman y HO as ited to Unidn "and Paris, Jan. S5.--During a Weddin " until called: for. The: cardinal opened in. 1 name of President dav Toht he \ the clue to his pé- | found dead near Hamilton, Ont. on Muster, Diimburs Sssacigtion, Post | heenkiusy jn a restaurant nea ag handed the letter to the police, who, | Roosevelt, by Gen. 0. . Howard, | markable "confession. . [ Ogtober 10th, last," was his half-sister; Hs bing. Schools, New York, Chicug] Buttes hafimont, the bride, Mme. | J cied a well-dressed man, who ask- | and netted" ahout $2,000, In farther "I found the circular at' Detroit, and | Mes. Harts, and that she was murd- go. Ills. Cincinnati, 6, St: Louis? | Berthe Jushel, Jot the party fos oe po for a letter with the initials *C. {ance of this movement the post has I thought they were after me," spid | i by his partner, because she lad Mo. Free catalogue a br from her home, close hy The wisoner, whost\name is kept | arra 1 for large meeting this Horton, "1 hit the pipe in a Chinese | threatened to expose a counterfeiting stig : Tl to show to a relative of her h wd, be and who protests his eh even at h Corul. Jawes Tan | laundry and drank absinthe apd used | scheme, to-day, admitted that he had = She found EB burglar helsing bimaelt} pr pri sv that when the blackmailing let- | ner, onlin vin hist of the Grand | cocaine," otal . j never been in Hamilton. " EE riers | freely to the family goods in one o s posted in Rome he was i Army «of the Republic, will deliver the Horton was completely wnstrung. | Sed: STORAGE, DWELLINGS, OFFICE lio roams, Picking up a knile that lned FT Was postee nn T BR 2D tol ¢ > NH aw ate : | Stores, etc. McCanh"s Real Estate! the roams, jekang up a kn) ae Ronee he landed on reaching | principal address. He will arrive late { Rising In The Cameroons Arency, 51 Broek street. on the able, fhe PO ot al the) Italy from New York, in the afternoon : and will be escorted Killed By Coffin's Fall. | Berlin, Jan. £=Tt is now known ------ ee -- burglar and ordered him not to move. = to the meeting hy committe of i i o a CPR * + BRICK SHOP AND RESID! BL NO. | gh then shricked aloud for help, ad cut OF ner of th poet ml } Paris, Jap. 1.--A singular accident hat the ing against the Awd Princess street : moderate rent hon it ceme--iainted. The burglar Head -Cut . took place in the Rue de Rennes. An | Wn the South 8METOONS 18 RCTIOUS, § ession ~ immediately. Apply to | when it cam ol t Lol B81 Windsor, Ont, Jan. £.-Mu% Mul mdertaker's anployes 'was se sscending | Nine important fribes. numbering 10,- JFUS ya Ste GY any rrr Em join] vahill., a well known Windsor charac New Boat Promised. the stairs of a house with a coffin con- | 000 warriors, are de Hevastating a dis Dosttively the leratat aod bak coloted oF "* JOLLEGE STREET, NEAR UNION Pi in hay. pay Ey met shorking--denth~at- Woo --sit--ithntineea band ldo nue iaining the. ody ofa men whe had, | ee ot dares Ars thon re he 4 + HOLL EGE Ree. In good. renal the 'wedding party.» sf slee. He was run over. by a freight | nounced that President Fr Aerts teennicd rooms on the third floor. On | i oe d I TTA Ne nn : m 10. rooms, stable and out 2 guses,. 1 Ii vo mali ohRerver i Iaraway train in crossing the Michigan Central | Ni i, of the Niagara, St, Cathar. | réac hing the second landing he made a |it nminén Hanger. * ASHE ne, gE OF immediately. look in a hs ovis. after calling her | 1racks and was horsibly Sungled, fis in Foronto nitnn ard Nut fale Sap ta Jit in ' a | Has N Not Resigned. rug Stora a ai hi To eal being completely severe and! gation company, wi place another | The coffin fi upon his head, and he SAI tii LR, Lo a pet name, it means that she is try-| howd ot ai off at the ankles. He! «tamer on tht route between Toronto | wase- killed oniright. He leaves a wid- | Windsor," Ont., Jan. 4.-The crew of ina to reall vem of en | ws borniin Ireland forty-eight ears | add Port Dalhousic in 1997. 1 will be ow and six children. | the Vigilant deny the story that -------------- etme | 00 at 'identical term « 1 ago, but has resided in Essex eounty | built by the Canadian Shipbuilding | Capt. Dunn has resigned his position, A @OLD LOCKET, SET WITH |dearment the past, . a | eb ull his life |. company. An Actor To Run. | Ottawa authorities declare no recent hurseshos of pearls amt e chain. i Mis By Ina Prown, RB Revi e | ---- pian . iy fondon. Jan § Parliament may) appointments have been made to the from the wink first, the 3X br ¥ J ¥ w - BR. Devlin, M.P., was the.un y. Ald. G Rerys To Appl, contain an tay before many weeks | "THR. In Clyde 's Comedy of RE TT 3 well on { choier he nationalist con mire fan * erron, are ont. During the course of the next .p" 3 : i 2. SR ul ad Si pIUIY ome ee Fronted) at Galway. Ireland, to be | counsel for Ald ony sail he in-| few weeks it will probably be an- | ny tn Chomo's Te Cros drug sir Th T f the Tow LADIES GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN | po Cot col me 1 in St. Thomas' candidate in the coming elec tended to appeal to the _ supreme | nounced that Ben. Nathan has heen | the other. day. She ehioved a * hot e oast 01 e with Sinton engraved, on front of n ecemher ith [8 | court against the indgment of Justices | chasen to contest vne of the Birming 1 poveil, It" AP 10) With notable Company 'Including. watch and WC a. baek | e Vice Fle wr. Be Five or ¢ix feet of snow has fallen | Davidson and Robidoux in the ¢ ham divisions in the liberal interests. pls wh : i ng. of Irving. Conway Tearle, Harrison Hun monogram C. P. Howe. ] w. N.Y. wire | in New Mexico, and zero weather is | tested election case, o Tapa Re Ey . +e -- a Re fassard Short, Norman The Kindy retu aareied on Weds bs cansing much suffering among natives - e Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be in Tor One day yob ued vour overshoss, Fanny Addison Pitt, €. Tesi All : ; 1 aborere who worthy of their | gud Indians Tast week Peter Purvis, Yonge Ponto about the middle of Fehrnary, And nest vou want a boat. Prices=28¢c.. 0c. Tho, $b! The Central Prison pie hn Lire usual think their hire honld | J, Wesley Allison has purchased 1 { Mins, disposed of his farm to AL} He will addreds (he University std | Livingston's custom clothing sale] Box seats and 8 rows of Orchestiay , NE isirates are 1 nam | be hizher x | Morrisburg: Leader, Root, Raeliport, i mls only lasty fifteen days, See adv ty Seat sale" opens Friday, January ore to impston instead, n : . a x 3

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