Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1906, p. 9

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in Store for You NOT TASTED se it is infinitely super- Vig 30c. and 60c. per 1b, , ST. LOUIS; 1904. ee ------ ROWNE'S" ODYNE ONLY GENUINE). By all Grocer, Asthma, Bronchitis, ANY TVRIPIEQ admitted by the profession t. ha most wonderful and val > ever discovered. Salta veg: he best RSH: LBS; ig , ASTHM known for "coves, UMPTION, BRONCH]. slike a - charm | is the onl | DYSENTE L DIARRHOFA, Specific in CHOLERA, attacks of STERIL, PALPITA- he only pallistive in NEURALG EUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, JTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete. NE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware he genuine bears the words "DR. J the , Government Stamp of each ls. 13d. 2s. Od.. 4s. Gd each accompanies each bottle. , NPORT, Limited, LONDON, & CO., Limited, Toronto. G \LUE R $2.00 Boots at $2 00 ave ever offered. lucher cut and made to y Skating Boot is subject FREE OF CHARGE. and & Bro. RGAINS } ® ® ® WARE: ces slightly damaged, e D AWAY DOWN # to' get our shelves @ / r large stock of ®®e 20 Per Cent. Off 3 TEWARE is. still S @® . ® : : 351-363 King St. 8 s0eecee® rT) a a TAT TT du THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. Lve. City Arr. Git, No. b Mail .1245am. LlSamn 3 Express 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m " 11 local .... 9.15 a.m. 9.47a.m " 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.w. " 7Mail .. ..319pm. 35] pn " 15 Local ... . 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.n GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. Cit No. 8 Mail .., .. 1.48am. 222am ¢ « 9 Fast Exp. 226am. 3.05am " 16 Local ...... 8.16 a.m, 8.47 a.m sg Mail ... 12.16 noon 12.46 p.m 1 . Dr. Lyon's Jy Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. 'Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY TRAVELLING. TRL LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Jan. 2nd, 1906. Trains will leave and arrive at Clu Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST »- '" 4 Fast Tap. 1.00 pom. 1.29 p.o: " 12 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. gh Nos. 1, 2, 8, and 4 run daily. Nos. und un daily except Monday. All ne trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterhoro Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa; Quebec, Portland, St. John Halifax, Boston and New York: For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other imformation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Cor. Johnston and Ontario streets. Kingston. Ont. 3d KINGSTON iT { RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH days. Robert Niblock, conservative |nard is spending a few weeks in Na ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | candidate, was elected reeves; Messrs, | panee. Wilbert Hammond returned on ------ Bass, Campbell, Graham and McDon- | Buturday from a visit with friends in | TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- |ald for councillors, About 100 young | Belleville. Viiyers i Wr ud, Bs Tr oyvd, Chicago, at T. Hawkey's; Mrs. | 13:30. p.te ~Express. for Dttaws, M people from Lombardy and vicinity | J tier Rites ns St. Jobn, NB. Halifax drove over tor the Coutts' house at | H Natts pnd daughi r, Kingston, st | Roston, Toronto, Chicago. Denver. Ren | Rideau Ferry on New Year's evening arke's; Mrs mey and family few: Saute, Site. Jishe, Duluth, St 1 and spent a jolly time in dancing. Mr | Kingston, and Richard Ellerhec k, Har- aul, innipeg, ancouver, Seattle 8 : © 0 | towsmith, at J. D. Ellerbecl Miss a 2 Mrs, F e J § Portland, and San Francisco. and Mrs, King make ideal hosts. 13 N. Duggan at William Pillar's; D. J. i ami Kings G CoB i Shot are | The Westport Gownail. | anne and fh, Ningiom 86 x Westport, au, 2.--Mrs. Bs Roe, | Pueomto, at J. Wartman's. 8:10 a.m.--Mized, for Renfrew and in atertown, is the guest of her father, sons termediate points YM. J. McCann. The remains of Mrs. | Pe rea] . 8 Mrs. rth Road Personals. Mlarrington, an old "resident of Wost- | Ee : ! , i i 2.30 . . The C : Famers bine Kinon gt. ta | TL 20H oF MU et gwd, dan. 1 =The Clo terboro, 512 p.m.; Toronto, . 7:8t { resident. of Wisconsin, were Sa rht | Top ha iment. on Be Jane, Was po Bosten, 7:80 a St." John, J here last Frid The 1 : tae | well attended. A number from here N.B.. 11:55 a.m Jere as ricay. he remaips of Mr. |i 0k 5 the entertainments at Lati- Full particulars at K: & P: and C. F R. Ticket Office, Ontarlo Street. Fy CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR Gen; Pass, Agent Gen, Supt Bay of Quinte Railway New short 'line Deseronto, and all leave City Hall CONWAY, for Tweed, Napanee, local points. Trains Depot at 3.28 pm. F. Agent B. Q, Ry., Kingston. Q.S.S.COMPANY BERMUDA Reached 'in 48 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship ""Bermudian,'"' 5,500 tons. Sailing every ten days. FROM NEW YORK 8.8, "PRETORIA," 3,300 tons, sails 17th February, 1906, for Bermuda, the Windward Islapds, inidad, Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas. Rates for oc cupying 380 days, twenty days In the Tropics, $150, and upwards. of scenery and perfection this trip is unsurpassed. For pamplets giving rates of all information, "apply to UTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents I'or - beauty of climate illustrated passage and A 3 New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sey Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agent J. P. HANLEY, and J. P, GILDE RELE EVE, Kingston. ALLAN LINE "V***C5xbonnsmm ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, From St. John From Halifax Sicilia, Sat., Jan. 6. Mon., Jan. 8 i'retorian, Sat.. Jan. 13. Mon., Jan. 15 Numidian, Sat., Jan. 20. Mon., Jan. 22 Corinthian, Sat.. Jan. 27. Mon, Jan. 29 BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Sardiniar Sat., Jan. 17 HALIFAX TO LONDON ARD HAVRE Sarmatian Sat.. Jan. 20 Js P, HANLEY Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J: Py GILDER SLEEVE, Clarence Street. "EDW. J. B, PENSE Requests the support of all Lovers of Fair Play in his campaign for re-elec- tion to the Legislative As- sen bl /. MORICRERNCSE ROO] Clean, Honest: That §s_ the kipd we sell--The kiad you by bara if you waat » satisfaction a We are filling brders mow lor winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone No, 138, BOOTH &CO. (10OMOCTOBADSOUCIRAIIE Try Myers' for Fine COOKED | Smith's Falls; Miss Rena Dunham, E. | Joyceville, Dec. 26.---A meeting of the | Bryce, Smith's Falls; Miss Mabel Dun- patrons of Maple Leaf choese factory | pan, Miss Ruby Riddell, Toronto; was held, at the. residence of the pro- | Mice Pauline McCallum, Miss Inez Me- prietor, Mr. Agnew, on December 220d, | Callum, Valeyfield, Que.; Stephen | for the purpose of settling up business | Nichols, Michigan. for the season. The amount of milk taken in for 'the season was 1,385,018 Collins Bay News. pounds, waking 137,336 pounds of i ? LPN | Collins Bay, Jan. 2.--P. Nugent, an cheesd. 'Average price paid for cheese, | a) id his . i | old. and respected resident of this | 10.62 cents per pound, 94.15 cents per toy a x hundredweight, $18.83 per ton. Aver: | vicinity, died on Friday morning. De- hun g 1 ceased leaves besides his wife, two age amount of milk for "making, 10.09 | daughters, Mrs. A. McAuley and Mrs, pounds. The patrons contributed: lih- W. MeAulov. both of Railton. The re- erally towards making a suitable pros mains were placed in Railton vault wt to the cheesemaker, Mr. Orr, who | yr 700 pla . ow 3 Miss Aikens, our school teacher, haa | given general satisfaction. * has given gene al satisfa B Leen reengaged for the coming year. \. Smith, formerly of this place, now of Cleveland, spent the Christmas holidays here with his mother, Mr - Cole Lake Items. Cole Lake, Dec. 30.--A Christnias en- tertainment was held in Kennedy's | |, Smith. A number from this. vicin- school housé on the 200% of this | | ity attended CC. Redden's sale, Front mogth. The building was fairly crowd- Road, on: Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ed, and it was a decided success. The | 1 Gardhouse spent Christmas with tree was loaded with presents for the | y in in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. O. children, The programme consisted of | Buck and two children, Sillsville, are dialogues, drills, solos and choruses Ly | visiting Mrs. Meacham. J. Losce, the school. At the close of the enter- {Queen's College, spent the holidays tainment, Miss A. Lemmon was pres- | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Losce ented with a very handsome works | The writer wishes the editor and pro box, apd address from her pupils. | prictor, and his staff a happy and Miss Wheeler, Bellrock, and Miss Elsie | prosperous New Year. Moir made a flying visit to Mrs, 'Me- | Mahony, Miss Eva Taylor has been | Glenvale Gleanings. engaged 'do teach this school for next | Glenvale, Jan. 2.~The Christmas | year, | entertainment. . given by the Sunday --------_---- school on December 21st, was a « de- Lombardy Locals. | cided success. Although the weather Lombardy, Jan. 3.--Miss Anna | was very unfavorable, about $18 was Dooher returned from Almonte on | realized, K. Walker has moved to his Tuesday having spent the holidays | farm at Murvale. Milton Gibson and with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. O'Brien. Mrs. | Russell Pillar, spent Christmas under M. H. MReenan, ; with little son, of | the parental roof. Owing, to the Sault St. Marie, are visiting her mo- | absence of Rev. Mr, Milligan, there | ther, Mrs. Thomas Breen. Mrs. M.|will be no service in the I'resbyterian Dooher has gone to Westport for a few | church next Sunday... Miss Annie leco- | McGowan, Bedford, who died last Fri- | day, were brought "here, on Saturday, and placed in St. Edward's vault. Michael McCann, Ottawa, and Mrs. Burnes, Ogdey phurg. were the guests of mer and Sydenham, Christmas weck. Two weddings took place here on the { 27th, one at the home of William Ennis, when his eldest. daughter May was united in marriage to Robert G. "A year ago | had a bad attack of | engaged to téach the school the com la grippe and all the doctor's pre- | ing year. Mrs. M. B. Hawley is visit scriptions proved of no avail. 1 was ing Jrie nds at Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. told tory Dr. Chase's Syrup of E. Lasher spent Sunday at Empey Linseed "and Turpentine and found it {Hill with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. a great blessing, as it thoroughly R. Suclter visited at B. Rose's. Thurs. cured me. | told my doctor that 1 day last. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hayeock intended to recommend it to all my {ook their New Year's dinner with friends. k would not be without 'it in Mrs. W. Haveock. (. D. Hamm spent the house for manv times its cost." Christmas day with his sister, Mrs. Tt is impossible for a doctor to pre-| R. Briscoe, Napanee. G. 8. Madden scribe for man a more effective treat- | was in Napanee Tiesday. Miss Flos ment 'for croup, bronchitis, whopping sie Dunlap was home Monday. George cough, asthma, coughs and colds than Haveock was electod school trustee Pr. Chas's Syrup of Linsecd and Tur- Roland Cooper is cutting wood for W. 'MEATS. pentive. 25¢. a bottle, at all dealers, | McAvoy on shares. Albert Martin has l on' the sick list who are able to be returned after Sperling several months Verona and : $5.50 to 85 rs, 83.55 to 85.60; a copy of the "Verona Gazette" fort FEI 10 ay; : pigs, <5: 'etase nt 'nightly. Elisha' Martin lost a fine} gq =f kA A 40g a hog last week, presumably by hog|" Sheep and lambs--Receljits, 800. Ac .chdlera. William Asselstine is the tive: lambs. 26.25 to : $9 10 few." 8S. roud possessor of the watch raffled | 1x) oon dine. S65 "gn at has 4d W D. Percy, on Christmas 15 5 lings, $6.50 to hi or thar , . : » ee De 1 OWeR, 0. >. Rev. 8. Gunter, is holding special ser- on i 8 to 5 iy Een vices at his Revnoldston appointment. : $7.50 to $7.75 Miss Muriel - At Chicago. The annual school meeting was held Clicag ) 2) be Recek i i iti cago, 5 «Rec - last week. Miss 'Bessie Phillips was | 4080 1 o8 irk Reesipits, re-engaged for 1906, for the seniorde- | 7". ° cady to hig common partment, the junior. chased am ybator Jom (Fe MA Stoekors and fecdors, $2.40 to £1.25. hig + AGING Jt Mm op Hogs Receipts, Mark ration the coming spring. Miss Cora steady; choice to prime heavy, | Tryon has returned from an extended to £5.32}; medium to good visit with friends at Petworth, The £5.20 to £5.271; butchers' weights, | Kamistiquia Sunlight company, limit- | gs 90 to : good. to choice, heavy, od, representative waited on our res] pica 85.20 to 85. 274; packing, £1.90 sidents indiviiually and collectively | 1, £5.25. with a view to illuminating our town Sheep-- Receipts, 15,000, Market some time during the coming spring. | steady to strony; =sheep, $1 to 8G; The Union hotel stall purpose giving a vearlings, 8 to 26.85;lambs, $7 to ball in' the near future. £7.00. s setae in tone. Quotations are $5 to $12 Present For A Minister. cach and 3¢. to 6le. per Ih. Sharbot Lake, Jan. 3.--The mém Sheep and lambs--Steady to firm bers of the congregation of the Me- | and trade was light on aecount of the thodist church, of this place, present small run. Exocort sheep are quoted ed their pastor, Rev. Elwood Lawson, | firm at $1.25 to R110 per cwt., for with a beautiful gold watch for a export ewes, £3.25 to R150 for bucks, Christmas present, Both Mr. and | and $3 wo £3.50 for culls, Lambs are | Mrs. Lawson live in 2 the hearts of their | firm at $6 to %6.25 for good and people throughout the mission and as 50 to 85.75 for poor. he enters upon the last six months of Hogs-- Quoted unchanged at $6.10 his fourth term in this field, we are [Per ewt., for-selects and 85.85 for fats already regretting that he must = so | and lights; sows, $1.40 to 84.75. soon' leave wus. The Sunday Sehool sociation; of North Addington and At Buffalo. | Frontenac will hold its fourteenth an {nual convention in the Methodist Receipts, 150, Fairly active and firm, | church here, on Wednesday evening prime steers, 8540 to $5.75; shipping fand all day Thursday, January 17th | steers, * $4.75 to $3.35%t butche and 15th. The general secretary of | $4.35 to $5.25; heifers, 83.25 to $1, Ste Sunday school work 'for Ontario, J. | cows, $2.75 to $1 bulls, $2.50 to Jackson, B.A Toronto, will be | 84,30: stotk heifc 2.25 to $3. resent at the three se.sions on Veals--Receipts, 23. Active and Thursday. Rev. W. H. Smith ex- | steady at £5.50 to $0.50, | changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Cox, Hogs--Receipts, 8,500, Slow at 5¢, to | Llevan, last Sunday. A number of | our villagers attended a surprise party fat J. H. Cannon's, Cle y last PRODUCE AND PRICES. week. Miss Mabel McConnell and Miss | I rtha Dodds returned to Kingston. | Prices At Present Prevailing in to eollege, this morning. Mr. and The City. Mrs. John Hetherington and Miss 1a, Kingston, Jan. 3.--The local pre spent Sunday at. J. Harris', Tich- | duce market prices this 'week are: : horne, R. Lawlor; teacher in Alex Butter -- Choice treamery 27¢ andria High . School, spent a few. |g 1b.; farmers' . butter in prints, days at Rev. E. Lawson's, this week. |: 2c. a 1b; wacked and voll but- The municipal elections were very lo cia 0h quiet. J! Thompson, our popular Eggs Now laid 30. to a dozen; | reeve, was re-elected hy a large ma second quality 5c to 270 > ' 0 v. J. Cobh, George Butler and $4 2 beef, enrcase, £5.50 to it at St. John, N.B., has returned. h McVeigh are the new councillors. Vood to choice, $3.75 to $4; far to NEWS OF NEIGHBORS: ut again are Mr. and Mrs, George in Manitoba. J. W. Walker, Rich { good, $3 to $3.50; common, $2.50 to : I ruckeriers. E. C. Sliter, Mrs. Frod. | mend, sold a fine lot of young cattle. £3; cows, $2 to $2 bulls, $1.55 Lo i -- "| Hayes. Leonard Lillie from Smith's | They were shipped from Newburgh. $2.25 and canners, 75 to $2.50, | Falls. is visiting friends, here. The | - > Stockers and feodire--Quiet, with V#HAT WHIG CORRESPOND- | cheese factory has closed after a re- | A Proud "A. P." Man. not many offering. Prices unchanged, 'RENTS TELL USS: ! cord breaker of a season, The proprie- Verona, Jan. 4.--The Christmas tree { Short: keep feeders are quoted at £3.60 | tor G. W. Dunham 'ranks with the held here on the 25th, was the bestin 7° 3 good feet vi at i po oy os: ry best. P. McCann, Westport, has the | years, many had to be turned away} nediin at Se. ld Y The Tidings From Various Points | contract for- eG Tackerber- | proceeds about £57. A number | from to $2.75. 'Goud stockers run at 32.50 , In Eastern Ontario -- What |ry's house. Miss Alice Tompkins has | hero attended the Forester's hall at ¥ Xa.30r ough to Anam nd ri People Are Doing And What | returned home after spending a few | Piccadilly last Friday night, H.R i T ol a: They Are Saying. days at T. DPercival's. Among the Wartelsky, our enterprising merc hant,| ° ned at 30 to 860 cach. ---- holiday visitors were Miss Dora Lil: | has connected himself with the as "e I Sh § A i r sold firowes | lie, Smith's «Falls: Ernest Williams, | sociated press printing company, and NE yu ering sc \ bie] A Successful Season. 10c. lower; heavy mixed and Yorkers' ity 'can. secure gratis lambs, Tryon, after a lengthy to prime steers, i COWS, $2.55 to R125; heifers, 20 to |; bulls, £2 to 81; calves, 82.50 to $2.90; and Mrs. Albert Wells for Timothy Griffith has pur Fast Bufiuis, N.Y, Jan, 2, <Cattle 3 choice cuts, 0c, to 15¢ A Hel | W 0: There'is help for every woman whe suffers from headache, en ness, depression, backache and other ailments during those times when Nature makes a heavy demand on her strength and vitality, Every woman should take | BEECHAM'S PILLS || to help her through these trying periods and to keep the system in a normal and healthy condition. The girl just enterinit woman= hood, and those of maturer years, find equal benefit from Beecham's ; Pills. Taken at the first sign of dgringement, they give prompt assistance. Read the special directiohs for women with every box. Sold everywhere io Canada and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents. Weather Demands Rubbers It will dot pay you to try to do without Rubbers. Rubbers are a necessity. Better to buy Rubbers than medicine. = Better buy "Cana= dian" Rubbers than any other. Try Us for Rubbers. ABERNETHY'S Useful Articles A large assortment of KNIVES AND FORKS from 70¢. up to $15 per dozen. : - RAZORS, goc. up to $5 each. Bissell. Carpet Sweepers. «STRANSKY" CELEBRATED AGATEWARE Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, "ARGENTINE" SILVER TEA & COFFEE POTS. « ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess Street. "Phone 35. OUR JANUARY SALE ! in their father, M. J. McC ann, at Christ- | § pi o o ; veal by the uarter, Se. to Se. mas. Municipal © nominations w Ritchie, fs Hi ee Nellie Death At Ernesttown. a lb.; outs, Be, v 15e: a Ib.; spring made "hy acclamation; ~M, Mulville, | od iri the hol' bonds "of Rin, Ernesttown Station, Jan. 3,~'Miss | lamb, from §3.50 to $4.50 cach; car- reeve, and DD. .G: Ripley, James Con- | The voung couple are well-known here + Hattie Fraser, died last Thursday ev- | case, 9c. Ibs by the quarter, 75c. to nolly, Dr. Singleton and Casper 8pea: | and have the best wishes of the com. | ing, December 25th, at her home | 81.30; cuts, 15c. a 1b; mutton, by the gle, councillors. | munity. The village is to have an- | Deres She had been a sufferer from | carcase, 8c. a Ib.; cuts, 15¢. a 1b; } . - | other general store, to be opened up tuberculosis for some time past, re- hogs; live weight, $6 per owt; car- Lansdowne Locals. lin. a few days. Matthew Sears, John | turning June last, from a sojourn in | case, 89 to $9.50 per cwt,; cuts, 1c. a Lansdowne, Jan. 3.~Clark. Mitchell, | Sears, Richard Harris and William | California, and Kept gradually grow 1b. Market very dull, for the past two years with E. EK. | Peters are home from the Cobalt sil ing weaker until the summons came. Vegetables. Potatoes, $1 a bag; Johnston, hus severed his connection. | ver mines. Owing to the absence of | She was the fifth daughter of the lat. | turnips, 15c. a peck; eabbage H. S. Merrill has arrived home from the pastor, no service was held in the | Allan Fraser, was of .a bright and | 5¢. to Tq a head; onions, &c. to 75e. the territories where he was engaged | Methodist church last Sunday. night. | cheerful disposition, beloved by all | bushel; coliry, 5c. a head, or from 40c in business the past summer, Sery 8. Darling. and sister have roturned | who had the pleasure of her acquaint to Sc. a dozen; pickling onions, 75c. a Harry, Sharpe has left for Toronto to |from visiting their brother in Al | ance. A consistent member of the peck; parsley, lettuce, parsnips, ete. take a course in Royal military | monte. Visitors: John Stoness and Presbyterian church, and active work 5c. a bunch; carrots, ete, 3c. a bunch; school. Harris Redmond, young son | family, Westport, at Jacob Stones'; er in both church and Sunday school, Bermudg onions, 5c. 4 1b; 6 Ibs, 25¢.; of G. 0. Redmond, is in Brockville | Miss FE. Hadey, at her parent Miss | her loss is deeply felt. Her end was squash, 10¢ each ; hospital, but is recovering. George | J. Clough at J. 8. Robérts'; Kev. | peace. Four sisters are left to mourn; Poultry Fowl, from 3e. to Te. a Randal also in 'hospital - is recovering | + John Waddell, Battersea, at Har- | Mrs. Clifie, Carléton Place; Mrs, Fras | P25 or ac a Ib spring chickens, after a serious operation. The = econ | ris: Edmond Asselstine, Latimer, at | er, Michigan; Mrs. James Miller, from 10c. to 70. a pair, or KX cert, by Miss Mallory, in aid of Pros. | William Wallace's; H. M. Shales at | Switzerville and Miss Hannah Fraser, | # Ih; young turkeys, 12je. a Ib byterian church, was a decided success | Cyrene Babeock's; P. Roberts and sis- | at home. The funeral service took | 80% 10c, a lh; dicks, 31 to 81.25 a financially and otherwise, Robert Cor. | ters Sydenham, at {heir parents'. + {place from her late residence Satuday | P&L loc. a ib ; : nett is very ill; no hopes of recovery. ee oon; and was: conducted by the | Flour and fed Flour, bakers -------- id Taken To House. Messrs. Glover and MheCann. strong. 22.140 to $2.50, farmers', 82.00 At Plum Hollow. J Seeley's Bay, Jan. 3.--George C.| Her nephews acted ad pall bearers. The to o Y; Hungarian patent, a 35 Plum Hollow, Jan. 3.--Among those Moore is slowly improving. Mrs. M, | remains were placed in C. Forwards to $5.1 te wi " 5 NY : 20S | 1B Preston, Elgin, is visiting friends | vault, to await interment in the fam th SO gorfmear, $1.50 to §1.65; | and renewing old acquaintances the ily plot, Union cemetery, later on. bran, $18 to 320 a ton; shurts, $21 THE DANGER THA | past few days. Mrs. J. Chapman 1s Miss Schoalis, teacher, has been re Be ton; straw, $6 to $8; hay, Ee rs ap 5 \ Ee $6 to 88; pressed, $7 to $9. visiting friends at Toronto the past! engaged at an advance in salary. Mr, Pruit ~ Ean Ne LURKS IN GOLDS | fow days. A good deal of interest was | Glover will be ordained in Bath Pres- |, r mk Ot "a0c a Soren; taken in the municipal elections here, | byterian church, Tuesday afternoon Ih IL % wd yz Me i Ors B LOB, ] And How Serious Results Can Be leeds being successful in electing their | Sunday school closed Sunday last for a : to A. a oN h Dg ar Avoided by Use of | three candidates. Mr. Dale an indi- the winter months, Fred. Franklin 1x to Me peck; Alncris grapes, 2. ) | gent person, without any fripnds or and bride returned last week from [y, "05.70 Ih; cranberries, 124c. to OR. CHASE'S SYRUP oF | relatives in this part of the country, their wedding trip, and will settle 15c. a quart; *swiet potatoes, de ta was taken to the House of Industry, | here. Jdohn Thomas is seriously ill. | 5. alb bananas, ( ' 1 + . . » a . a doen; LINSEED AND TURPENTINE | at Athens, last Tuesday, where hel Mrs George Forward is confined to leaoking figs, Bo, a Wi: eating pas could get taken proper care of. The the house with an attack of asthwa. | joc. to 150. a Ib.; dates, 10c. a lb. 3 | Seeley's Bay hockey team played its) Miss Spankie, Kingston, and . Mrs. | jhe', 950. : A i i ; | first game with the Delta team on New | Woodhams, Napanee, spefit New Year's Fish- 8 0 "™ ) Se There is one way in which the ravag- i Year's day at Delta. The Sane nS y day. with friends here, ih i oo lo fo oe Sons ion ig very Josten); | very rough one. Several of the. See Se. Ih: Chinook salmon, 25. Ih. HE nd Sat i By re sys Bay team getting badly bruised LIVE STOCK MARKETS Sague nay salmon, ec. a lb salt i g and one being completely put out of codlish, ic. to 15c. a. Ih; halibut, | While weak lungs undoubtedly pre- tines Guy Curtis refereed the game Cattle Prices Generally Steady at 0c. a lb; haddock, end and bull | a fair and impartial manner and . heads, 10c. a lh: smelts, 12ic. and disposal to hg trouble and consump: | hie decisi an Toronto. 15¢ 1} bl 3 tion, the beginning must always be| Qualev® sions gave satisfaction. The Tor J 2 With a liek or ox a 3:3 ploaters, 300 ; and | 20 | Seeley s Bay team won the game, "the oronto, Jan. 2 ith a light run {40c. a dozen; finnan haddie, 10c. a | By directing Vou Os ),. | Score being. 4 to 2: A return raibe of cattle and a good demand for but- | 1b.; red herring, 15¢. a box: y directing your attention to Dr. | (in po 1) 1} K chers', the ' market for that line was | oysters 10c 50c., and 60c, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- | Wil" be played here at Seeley's Bay in | fairl ye k \ ¥ di Jeu , n La tine, we make known to: vou the me | two or three weeks. The Lyndhurst | 2%" brisk and firm, Other lines were quart; malpicque shell oysters, $1.20 certain and 'effective means of rig and Seeley's Bay teams will play mext generally steady. The run of all | peck, 30c. dozen; blue points, 30c. a coughs' and edlds' and iy Saturday. James Moore, Ompah, has kinds was light and everything was dozen; ciscoes, 12)c.; fresh lake hers diseasrs as bronchitis, Mv tion | returned home after a pleasant visit picked up carly Receipts 30 cars, in. | ring, Se. a Ih; fresh sen herring, 10e pe preumonia. 1 with friends here and vicinity. cluding 584 cattle, 536 sheep and un doz.; mackerel, 15. an Ih; lobster, This is not a new medicine, not an | ---------- lambs, 16 hogs and 17 calves. 25c. a lb: kippered herring, 30c. to | experiment, but a preparation which Strathcona New i Export cattle, steady. Few cath He. a doz. . ; has suecessiully stood the test of time Strathcona. J 3 Ser | were offering, and all sold readily at Hides hese prices are given by hay a swooil the test, of time | os ona, Jan 3 he place has | steady prices. Choice are quoted at John McKay. Brock street : Beef of any similar treatment y | works. has been hi he cement | $1.50 4 $1.90; good to medium at x1 hides, Sie. a Ih. dairy skins, . T5¢ If we can only help von to realize | kiln und re emoved. The lime to £4.50; others at $3.75 to $1; bulls | to S0c. each; veal skins, 10c. to lle. i per mill are running. The | at $3.50. to. $1, and cows at 82.75 to | a lb; lamb skins, SOc. to 85e. each; the danger 'of neglecting coughs and paper mill employs quite a number. | 83.50. tallow, rendered, Ze. a 1b; tallow, at oe --_ Bot Fan oF Te Dia oon, Ruf, Sutcher cattle--Demand quite active, Tough, 2. » hi bores hides, 33, | mixture" the druggist may choose to sota next month. Nir, "Ne -- Nini ang Ste suly = Jight fun Pris hramb you ent, but--will tnsist- Gn get= non bof; Metts: Mak, Tere OL Showed a leu ney mote up. The, __ Curing Rheumatism. Fine Ca mediding with a feputation, | friends. Mr. and Mrs."H. Wagar spent 4 ahty ul 1 . tov thi ing bby ow The cure of rheumatism has heen such os Dr. Chase's Sy rup of Linseed | Christmas with Mrs. Wagar's "son. ara oy fale ek SN ro bi on difticult; and takes time even yet when PL | Fred Card, St. Thomas. Miss Lott up early. thiceked 10i8, . 0 5 | allowed to become chronic. But there Mrs. R. Hutton, 12 Claremont | and Mrs. Roy" Lott visited frends in | is no longer reason why any one strvet, Toronto, Ont., writes : | Deseronto last week. Miss Webster in | should doubt that rheumatism can be thoroughly cured. Dr. Hall's Rheuma- tic Cure has been tested in all sorts of cases of rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia and it has cured them. It removes rheumatic poison from. the blood, cleanses the entire system and removes every vestige of the' diseases, In ordinary cases results are surpris- ingly prompt. Price 50c, Sold only at Wade's drug store, This is the For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainly cures hard coughs, hard colds, bron- chitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak paration that cured Jeremiah Redden, | lungs. Ask your own doctor. If he 115, Lower Bagot street, Kingston, says it's , take it. If hie has any- thing 3 take that, Never butn vour bridges hehind vom, brid cid They will come in handy in case you find it necessary to refreat, EE IA pre- | Our Annual January Dis- |count Sale begins 2nd and | will be continued throughout | the whole month. ENAMELLED WARE 20% Off CUTLERY and many other lines will be offered in special \lots at BARGAIN PRICES. | Watch for our advt. daily. | | McKELVEY & BIRCH, | = 69 and 71 Brock. Street, Kingston. HAPPY NEW YEAR -~-Nothing- pleasanter-for eating than TOBLER'S MILK CHOCOLATE, sc. package. { 1 | 10C. and 20¢C. per a This is Stock=taking Time Turn your old Dross, Stereos, Eleciros, Type, Brass. Copper and other metals into money, Ship same to us and we wii allow you Highest | Market Prices. THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO, ONT."

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