Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1906, p. 6

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in China say - The greeting of is an inquiry Rg stom Look after _ stomach well, the liver i hy i ness or Comstipation cannot exist when Beecham's Pills are used ac- cording to directions. For over 50 | years they have cured disordered stomachs, and are now a world-fa- mous remedy. They merit your "confidence, Sold Everywhere in Canadaand U, S, America. In boxes 25 cents. FEE a ; . a Light Pastry Delicious Cake come fo every home that nses Beaver * Flour. It's the _ greatest help any home 'cook can have because it is always "the same always the best for all baking. Beaver © Flour isa blend of Manitoba Spring. Wheat and tario Fall Wheat, It com. . bines the whiteness and light. ness of winter wheat, with the strength and nourishing food properties of spring wheat. No bleaching process required with the rade of wheat uscd. pr i _ Gail #150 and and Colt, $1.50 and |' Ba A | d PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 25¢ EW.GILLETT Sores 4 TORONTO, ONT. The Celebrated EPPS'S An admirable food, with all natural qualities intact. is excellent Cocoa main- taingd the system in robust hpaith, 1 Shablos it to resist rs extreme cold, 'The Most Nutritious and Nconomical. Covered Rink Rink Office will be med, pale ope on 's Land 1s in the where the soil is drained and well x ortation Yacilities are very im- fant factors. Hotel accommodation available to settlers arriving. A 18 being established for the care young trees, plants, etc. ¢ or graup in bu Will arrange for such per- J, rs who avi al rho ah gas Topertied to. a eet intorma a Tith, for the sale of Season Tickets and Lockers, for skating, on Dec. 14th, weather and ice ormiy y Skating on uesday, Thursday and | Friday evenings, from 8pm. tol p.m. Band Tuesday evening, 8 p.m.,.te 10 urday afternoon, pm, tod p.m. A Season Ticket 18 the best Xmwus present that you can possibly give your ] or a r 'SEASON TICKET RATE E.BONTER, H.W. RICH Mayager, : ¥ Sec. Treas. | TO MAKE HONEY FROM THE ve gls 1 They [like to hate Mr, Bridge tell where the 1 sickness and create health, |comb- gets its flavor. The comb is 00 ua 2.00 8.00 5.00 ow 00 mw! of 4 or § | 8.00 Family of 6 or 10 10.00 ARDSON, ° GRANULATED SUGAR, Says Another Writer to' the Whig ~How to Test the Simon Pire Article--Why We Shou.d:| Eat Honey, tor) :Re Mr. Bridge's letter, under date of December 26th, are you aware that large quantities of comb honey, sold 'in Kingston stores, are manufactured by bees from sugar ? As a beekeeper of ten years' experience (and I have made it a great study), I am afraid [ will have to contradict Mr. Bridge's statement. In the first place it is an impossibility to feed bees on sugar syrup during the honey flow, they will not even look at it, Bees are always looking for the very t they can get, Mr. Bridge says the comb' gives it a flavor. 1 would made from the same material the honey is made from, and it takes 16 pounds of honey to make one pound of comb, and you have to feed bees | six pounds of sugar syrup to produce one pound of comb honey. The comb in a onepound section weighs from one to two ounces, 'according to what 'kind of nectar they are gathering, With the bees gathering nectar from buckwheat the comb in one section will weigh about one ounce, basswood | one and one-half ounces, clover two ounces, I am not prepared to tell what it will weigh from sugar syrup. To feed bees granulated sugar for the purpose of making comb honey would be a poor investment, and you could detect it the instant you tasted ity for it would taste just Jike the sug- ar comb and honey the samé. In the United Btates the store-keppers get the pame of mixing glucose] with re- dracted homey, but the honey so treat- ed will not granulate. Nothing . but pure honey granulates so the trade calls for granplated honey, then they | knaw it is pure. The way to test honey in liquid to tell. whether it is pure honey or not, pour alehol on it, and if it is purg it will hold its color, and ii not pure it will turn white like milk; so-it-is very casy to extract some of the comb honey in Kingston and give it the al- cohol test, If Mr. Bridge had tried to get comb honey from his bees hy feeding sugar he would not have dictated the article in the British Whig, under the name LY WHIG, TUESDAY, ream omensens FROM CAPE VINCENT. Spectacle Man Needed After ; _ 'Moving Pictures. : 'Cape Vincent, Dec, 28.--A dance will be given by the sailors of this vill- age, January 2nd. The Potsdam Con- cert company gave an entertain- ment at this place Saturday evening. G. W. Phillips, Rose Hill, NY. spent Christmas with his parents in this village. H. Fitzgerald, who is attend- g the. Albany. Business College, spent Sydenham, Dec. 28.--(To the Edi b 'hristmas with his parents. The tug Little Mac, and scow, Paul, have been up for the winter at South Bay, Carleton Istand. The annual meeting of the Cape Vincent Fair Association ill be held Seturday, January 13th, 1 president, two vice-presidents, sec retary and treasurer will be elected. Summons and complaint and notice of pendency in &n action brought by N. J. Wilson against Emily Dutcher and others has been filed in the county clerk's office by Nellis' & Muzzy, the plaintiff seeks to obtain the partition or sale of certain real estate in the town of Cape Vincent, owned hy the late Allen Wilson. H. Thompson, Paul Smith, in the Adirondacks, is the guest of his step-son, J. LaRock. J. Hammond, who has been sailing on the upper lakes, has returned home. The scow, Allie C., is hauled out at the=foot of Esselstyn street, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Swarthout and son, St. Lawrence, spent Christmas with Mrs, Swarthout's parents, Mx, and Mrs. G., Kelly. Mrs, Dora Ross, Malone, is a guest in the family of her brother, C, Londraville. The Misses Ruth Sheley and Evelyn Marks, attending school at Potsdam, -are spending the holidays with relatives "and friends. A. Wiley, who is attending Colgate Academy, Hamilton, is spending = the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F,. J, Wiley. A. Gibson, Watertown, N.Y., spent Christmas the guest of Mr, and Mrs, L, Stone. Miss 13. Breston,- Potsdam, is visiting her parents, this village, ' On account of poor health, Mrs, Fournier has closed ber bakery at this place, Mr. and Mrs. T. Crabb, New York, are spending the holidays with' Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Crabb, Miss Ola Hinckley has returned to har home, Wolfe Island, after spending a few weeks in this village visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Fitzgerald. F. Grant, teacher of mathematics in the 'Gouverneur high school, and Nel- lie Grant, who is attending Syracuse University, are spending the holiday vacation with their parents, Collector and Mrs. W. J, Grant. The merchants of the village had a good holiday trade. Editor Wood, of the Eagle, spent Sunday and Christmas with Syracuse relatives. of "Adulterated Honey." If people would eat more honey they would live longer, look healthier, and be hetter natured. Tt is the only food that is already digested before going into the stomach. I have no axe to grind, no hopey to sell, and I have not sold any to the stores in Kingston. They don't pay price enough. I sold 1905 eromifor 124c. wholesale, but 1 can't afford to pay Alc. per 1b, for granu lated sugar to feed to hees to make ios Fe TAYLOR, {Curiosity Farm," 1 Svdésham, © We Late Me. A, Galbraith. Of December 23ed, at Croyden, there passed away one of braith, aged eighty:six years, She took very ill on December 14th, and word was at once sent to all her sans and daughters, who in a shert time were with her. there being three sons and two daughters, Messrs. R. (; braith and Andrew Galbraith, Cole- braok; William, at home; Mrs, R., Hag- gerty, Wellington, and Mrs, H. "Ball, Colebrook, who were all there to re. ceive a mother's last message of love. more truly was a missed, Preshyterian, happy in God's promises, The, funeral service was held in the Pres) vterian church at Reidville, on December 25th, Rev. 'Mr, ing, and the remains were interred in the vault at Centreville burial in the spring. In religion she to await Some Quaint Superstitions, SA man hdd better ne'er hoen born han have his nails on a Sunday shorn Lut them on Monday, cut them for health Cut them on 'l'iesday, cut them for wealth Cut them on Wednesday, cut them for news | Cut them on new shoes : Cut thewr on Priday, cut 'them for sor- row ; Cut them on Saturda heart to-morrow. Thursday, for a pair of ¥, See your sweet- "Friday night's dream On a Saturday told, Is sure to come true. Be it never so old." "'Grey-eyed, greedy Brow yed. needy Black-eved, never bln' Till it shame all its kin, According to must wear -- Something old and something new, Something barrowed and something Hue." "On "Thursday, at three, Look out and vou'll see What Friday will be." -- the old saying a bride New York Neighbors. Watertown board of trade is the largest cheese board in the world, Lewis counties, also representing 107,- 000 cows, giving an income last year of $1,800,000 for cheese, $400,000 for butter and $500,000 for milk, making an annual income from the dairy in- terests represented of about $2,700 000. Extensive improvements to be made /[by the Round Island Park association at Hotel Frontenac, will entail the expenditure 'of $100,000. The work is to be completed by June. 4 + The typhoid situation in Oswego is serious. Between sixty and seventy cases are reported, and it begins to look as-though there ig to be an epi- demic, ; ------------ A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Ttching, blind, bleeding, protruding, iles. Druggists are authorized to re und money if Pazo Ointment fails tq cure in 6 to 14 days, 50 ------ Mrs, Muggins---They say Mrs. Up- start's husband has untold wealth, tells evaryhody she meets. about it. niver breeak hy lettin' ut fall. Balti Inge. Sumetican., The. pugilist prefers a pound yention lo any amount of cure, | pa of our oldest and | MOSK" esteemed ladies, Mrs, A, Gal- Of all the old residents none will be | and died very | Spence, Tamworth, officiat- | with 120 paying members, representing | the dairying interest of Jefferson and | rs. Buggine Nonsense ! Mrs, Upstart Silence is whn av th' few tings we of pre At a stated convocation of Cape Vincent chapter, held Tuesday evening, { the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: H.P., H, R, Allen; Ki, C. B.: Wood; S., C.T. Sacket; reasurer, 8. 'S, Block; secretary, W. S. Vincent; C.H., G. A. Potter; P.S., F. R. Gardner; R.A.C., F. Johnson; M. ded V., H. B, Saunders; M. 20d V,, C. E. Bishop; M, 1st V sentinel, J. McCauley, Beginning Tuesday evening, January 2nd, there will be. religious services held at the Methodist, church, this vil- lage for four successive nights. A short sermon, appropriate to the occasion, will be given by the pastor. Good sing- ing will add interest to the meeting, together with prayer and testimony. 'Supervisor 'Bates is = proving himself to be one of the best su- pervisors that has ever represented this town on the board at Watertown. Through his efforts the tax rate of | this. town has heen lowered twelve peints over last year. Selter, son -of Dr. Masson, is spend- ing the holiday vacation with rela tives at Campbellford," Ont. G. Flake | and family have moved to Fox Creek. s Co Armswrong; | Me. Flake will have charge of I5 D Mayo's farm duving the winter. An old lady, by the name of Mary Dinnee, a resident of the lower gnd of the vil lage, died, Monday, aged seventy-four years. She is survived by two sons and two daughters. The funeral was held from her late home, Wednesday afternoon, Rev. CC. N. Tyndell officiat | ing. The remains were placed in the valut, Johii * Lundrigan, who came from New York last summergdo this vicin (ity, to work at farming, $d who de liberately smashed a plate glass win dow and door in Lanegar's salbon, during a spree, was sentenced, last week, to spend four months in the Onondaga penitentiary. For = some reagon, unknown, this Village has lately been the point of attack for all the moving picture machines in this part of the country, as th¥ watching of such pictures is very 'hurthul to the eves. The - next attack will probably be made by the travelling 'spectacle' man. Christmas passed off quietly in this village. During (he past week the churches have observed Christmas time by appropriate services, followed by the distribution of gifts td_/the Sunday school. scholars. Fhe river shows no signs of freezing at this place, and it is certain that it will be along in January before it would be possible to stop navigation between this port and Kingston. There is very little sickness in this vicinty at pre sent. The high school opens January Ind. Ontario Hose company will hold | its anmual election, Tuesday, January | 2nd. - Attorney F. Stowell will askume | the office of justice of the peace Jann | ary 1st. There is some talk of hold- ing ice races here during the winter. The Braun-Baker orchestra, of this village, one of the finest musical ar- ganizations in Northern New York: is | doin a large business. W. Dodge, | ¥ho as been suffering from a sprain- { ed ankle for some time, is able to he J out again. A very pleasant party was given by Mrs. I, Stone, Monday | might, in honor of her nephew, Alex- ander Gibson. Mrs. Fournier is at the { hospital, Watertown, receiving medi- ont treatment. ' . Rubber hot water bottles, from 59c. to $2. at Wade's Deug Store, | Hardup w--I tofd Miss Gotrox 1 | couldn't Nr without her. Borrowell money ? | Suppose she lost all her | Harduppe- Then T guess I'd have to, { MN in 2 Days box. 3% JANUARY 2. > PIPIN BOY Try it with a dash of Tomato Catsup G G HOT I. A When soiled,a sponge J Zor brush makes it clean again and no gd damage done. / IMustrated, 50 cts per year. Ethel KNOWN IN KINGSTON, --_-- His Embroidery Works at New townards, Ireland. The embroidery works of T. R. Lave J.P., of Newtownards, Fng land, se frequent visits to King ston have made him well known in this part of the country, are the subjects of a three column sketch in the North Down Herald, Bangor, Eng- land. The writer "wavs that Mr. La very, at present, bulks large} the public owing to Spicuous position as chairman of the urban council, which is undert aking the introduCtiog of a water and sev age scheme in the town of Newt ards. He devotes much time to out side affairs 'and to his abil 3 and perseverance in the public welfare the town owed much. Twentyfivé vears ago." Mr Lavery went from Lurgan to ewtownards with Mr. Sifton, who founded the Glen Printing Works, and tc leading part in the establishment continued in connection when ehanged hands ater business for hime successiul. He no le bpm We consider our which 'has proved employs Later he start about 200 girls in the manufacture of the choicest products of tray cloths, table cloths, hy spreads, ete, all beautifully ed Handker chiefs and la also turned out . Not only is work given inside the factory but Mr. Lavery employs over sixty "who do their duties at home. Mr. Lavery rot he of Davison Lavery bs the excellont manager of the es ishment. T. R. Lavery is married to a King- to. ston woman. The brick houses being erected on the corner of William and Barrie streets, are Mr. Lavery's pro perty, so that his interests not only centre in England but extend to Canada, tah- Curing Rheumatism. The cure of rheumatism has heen dificult, and takes time even vet when| = rs allowed t& become chonic. But there thoroughly cured. Dr. Hall's Rheuma- tic Cure has been tested in all sorts of cases of rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia and it has cured them. It removes rheumatic poison from the blood, cleanses the entire system and removes every vestige of the diseases, In ordinhry cases results are surpris- ingly prompt. Price 50c. Sold only at Wade's drug store. This is' the pre- ENAMELLED A E paration that cured Jeremiah Redden, 115 Lower Bagot street, Kingston, A 20% Off CUTLERY and many other lines will be offered in special en" |lots at. BARGAIN PRICES. LK Watch for our advt. daily. att. Our Annual January Dis- will be continved throughout the whole month. New Teachers. The following are the resnlis at the model school in Napanee. The Iollowing ob- tained full third chass t ficates ; William Anders Brisco, Gicorge H. Irooks, Farley, James C. Gibson, Fre Mears, Georze A. Snider, Luther A, Wagar, H. Faura M. Anderson, Tos Evelyn B. Clarke, Mary RB. Fj Harcilson, Myrtle Metall, Ota Si Mati b Welbanks, professional examination at th BIG VALUE | FOR $2.00 Ladies' Skating Boots at $2 00 i3 no longer reason why any one : should doubt that rheumatism can be count Sale begins 2nd and* "lll Home Needlework is a magazine : 1 --' that every lady should take. Issued 4 "times a year, 96 pages beautifully Bila Write for samp 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co, 14d, St Se 40 The best value that we have ever offered. Box Calf, heavy sole, Blucher cut and made to {stand the hard wear that every Skating Boot is subject SKATES FASTENED ON FREE OF CHARGE. J... H. Sutherland & Bro. 3 > cee ~ SALE | McKELVEY & BIRCH. 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Your Sunlig Money | by the dealer than o | from whom kui | ESE W | you find any pnt | Sunlig : it 5c. Bw Lever B TRAVELLING. = ATES OCAL BRANCH TIME » In Effect Oct. 8th, 19 3 ill leave und arrive Dosing wil Johnston street GOING WEST Lve. City 12.45 a.m. 3 Express b a.m. "'H Local .... > a.m. " 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 nook 7 Mail ... ... 3,1Y p.m. "16 Local . 703 pom, GOING EAST © Lve. City 8 Mail ... .. 1.45 a.m. 2 Fast Exp. 2.26 a.m. " 16 Local 8.16 a.m, " 6 Mail . 2:16 noon '" 4 Fast . 1.00 p.m. " 12 Local ... ... 7.03pm. Nos. 1,2, 8, and 4 run dail and 8 run_ daily except Monday. trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, No. 5 Mail Hamilton, Buffalo, London Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, Halifax, Boston and New Yor For Pullman . Accommodati and all other imformation, ap J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Cor and Ontario streets. Kingston, CCCI A: RAILWAY IN CONNECTION W; CANADIAN * PACIFIC F ay "5 TRAINS LEAVE KING! TI 4 --Express, for Ot tron; Quabee, St. doh. Nob Roston, Toronto, Chicage. D frew, Sault Ste. Mane, 1 Winnipeg, Vancouve Portland, and San Francisco. 8 pwm--Local for Shar connecting with C.I'.R. east 8:10 a'm.~Mix2d, for Ren!r termediate points Passengers leaving Kingste .m., arrive in Ottawa at eterboro, 6512 p.m.; Tor .m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m. .B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K: & ) R. Ticket Office, Ontario St Fa CONWAY F: A: FOL . Gena Pass, Agent 3 8 Bay of Quinte | New short line for Twee Deseronto, and all local me feave City Hall Depot at 3 CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry. Q. S: S. COMPA} i BER MU Reached in 48 hours fror by the new 'Twin Screw 'Bermudian,"' 5,500 tons. & ten days. WEST INDIA C FROM NEW YO S.S. "PRETORIA, 3,30 17th February, 1906, for | Windward Islands, Trinida fF Cuba and the Bahamas. Ri E cupying. 30 days, we E Ir 50 v For of cl this trip is unsu illus pamiplets givin i passage and all information A BE. OUTERBRIDGE & 39 Broadway, 'New York AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, ( Ticket Agents J. P. HA f J. P. GILDERSLEE K ALLAN LINE ""**"% ROYAL MAIL STEA From St. John F Sicilian, Sat., Jan. 6. M Pretorian, Sat. J N Numivian. N Corinthian, Sat., Jan. 27. ¥ BOSTON TO GLAS Is Sardiniar HALIFAX TO LONDON A Sarmatian . S Js P: HANLEY, Agent, Passenger Depot. J. F SLEEVE, Clarence Street. EOW. J. B. | Requests the su all Lovers of Fair his campaign for tion to the Legisl: sembly. : Ar ---------- ~ Tf a wan did not know b there wonld be no way te feelings when he bumped # rocking chair in the do)

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