Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1906, p. 3

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u do notgetthe genuine eckh brushes uriess } name is stamped ainly on the handle. famous line give such isfactory service that over Canada they are ferred to the products foreign workshops or sons. Insist on being pplied with Blood h or Poor our blood is rich then win. » no terrors. our blood is thin then 3 1" a terrible time. * Take 3st's Elixir of d Liver "Oil d you will suffer no more he cold. It puts lots of ich, cold-resisting blood in veins; Good for Asthma | Bronchial Affections. arge Bottles, $1.00 ly at » Best Drug Store BEST, Chemist and Optician incess Street. Ir cond : S ventory le DW in ll ving IDER-PRICES IN ALL PARTMENTS s of winter goods being sold st and less. It means a big g to your pocket-book. w about a Ladies' good Coat ? ones left higher, for only lave a few . $10 and ind up. can give you a Dandy Coat little girl at $1.49 and up less than half-price. beautiful array of Ladies' ng Skirts at $1.98 and up. our high-grade White and Blankets 20 per cent.'off. inch Dress Goods, 8 different s. Régular 30c., on sale at a yard. and 60 inch Tweed Suitings. lar $1, at half-price, 50¢c. a WMAN & SHAW MR a hh EATED NTH SWIFT'S SCRANTON COAL AMES SWIFT & CO. Telephone 135. 0000000000000 0000000003 : i ght soap is befter than other » but is best when used in the sBt way. Buy Sunlight Soap oflow directions. § 'Phone 59° THUR ELLIS RCHIT 32s site of New pHi a eal on mer of Queen and Montpeal Streets, a ---------------------------------------------------- POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's uflding, co! aad Walhrton' Streets, one 913, ------------------------------------------ 1ENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etoy, Anchor Building, Marke Square. 'Phone. 845. MEDICAL, a DR; McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr. Ryan, Corner Mon- treal and Brock streets. Brock - DOR, WILLIAM STRsoN, PHYSICIAN, | 'A supper to-night and things to sell; = | match and everyone was pleased with tuart, last year captain a Surgeon, os: Late Resident House Ding-dong I 1 do declare, + | the sportsmanhke feeling prevailing | manager of the Caluwset champions, £ JRson, Rinuston General Hospit- * , aL A | throughout the entire game, The two | and the first player ever barred from Bia' e258 Jing, stuect, spouts | Hore 10 g in va vaste fair. | teams lined up : the International Hockey IL. ha Te sind £8 RSE ang redise to SE) | Westmounts~E. Finnie, A. Brophy, | heen poinstat i The case onsid MONEY AND BUSINESS. or I wasn't donated for such a thing, forwards; W. Siaill, centre; L. Bro- | ered at a meeting of the m es of er eee | But m1 oh, my! How sweet that smells! | phe, M. Wright, defence five clubs of the Jeague, and it was STVERPOOL. LoNpo! % dr good for bells] " I A. Smith, H. Dunl 1 that the Dest interests of tl N AND GUOB wish were { hingston Smith, mitlop, for nat the Dest interests: of the asso Bwsurance Cempasy: A: 1 a sexton | wards; McFa centre; ©. Moxley, eo would' be served hy the big fel ane dol67.0 s: ss For a pull:the gave Fred, King, defence presence on one of the teams eh oy the POLY holders have fo | The bell swung out abave the pave, |: Refs 1. Mithes umpite, J. Bows, | Stuart will play with Fittsburg, and hi be 1 KBoldara, Farm an bie And at every swing he got the scent, ttn every play, i was eviaent the with kim that team should staad Fates. ore' Feawwing oid or, wiving And on he swung there, all content. Westmounts Rave a frst-class team, good chance of landing the penant new business, met rates from Suranae | Said down below good pas & Strange. Agents. 1 - ----- EE po ---- I PE WR Lg SOVER Jone 3 buildings ET ai. TLS *t Sesare Assignee s Sale VALUABLE C oiTY { PROPERTY THE UNDERSIGNED Wild, at his auction rooms, Brock street Kingston, on SATURDAY the 20th day of January 1006 nt twelve o'clock noon, the fallowine real ustate helonging to the cstate of Henry J. Wilkinson Part of lot on the corner of Mc on- treal und Prin streets in the City of Kineston, on; which is a st ry brick huitding : ground fledr § one Lemmon' anll one Can floor by the Board of duc to third floor as Lodee Rooms ¥ i conditions and further particu- ade. known, at time of sale Dated Petembier 20th, 1905. H. Il. HOW RD: JOUN H. Assiguce. MILLS, % A Public meeting of the Kingston will Le held on Electors o January 4th, 1906, in the To promote the Fiection of Mr Donald Melutyre to the Legislative As sembly. | Addresses will Le delivered hy | HON. W.J. HANNA, vincial Secretary. JOSEPH P. DOWNEY, Esq, M.P. P. and others. All Electors are Accotmodation platform for lad Chair to he t invi ted at 8 o'clock, $ "THERE 1S A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from ¢tP. Walsh's Yard $ BARRACK STREET. EMBOSSIN Headings Calling ENGRAVING Besides nil classes of Letter Pre ¢ Printing from a card to a volume, "Elmpool," Belleville Thorough courses in Music, Art, Lar uages, Physical Culturer. Highly E fied specialists in 'all departmen i Large new addition now Forty more boarders mav he re For perosnectus, apply to MISS F. E. CARROLL, Lady' Principal. A clean healthy Guaranteed produce " measuring one inch per month, Preve: falling and grey hair. Is a positive c for headaches, neuralgia, wczéma. Excellent for other temsorial purposes hirhest recommendation from the Uni States "Health Reports. Satisfact riven or money refunded. One bottle of this famous will be given away with each cash or Yor Dressmaking. best city references. Manufactured 'and scold by tonic. Received MME. E. ELDER. 253 Princess sreet KINGSTON Clar:nce Street, Opposite Cab Stand Removed from B. A. Hotel ZINES AND PAPERS "Phon 2 400 The ehief end of man, in-me meet, spoony lovers are a pair taales easily. seen through, SELL Auetioneer. 9 ELECTORS! THURSDAY EVENING CITY HALL M.P.P., Pro- fil ve provided on the Presasssessass cveavese ¢ : ¢: low, is the time to fill § ? ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Buvswessvenesvecsevranad Crests and for Paper and Envelopes Cards and Letter Heads THE WHIG, Kingston St, Agnes' School t Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario quali- ready for use. luxuriant growth of hair, dandruff and ¥ moustache and 66 PER IN " ited Hair Tonic Nash' s News boc, Gloves, but cut specially to | AlL THE LATEST MAGA | | #1 can't bear fat people," rases, seems to be (odmake hoth end THE CHURCH SUPPER.' i "Ding-dong | ** said the big church bell, Fingers tapping, tip to tip, - "1 have been asked by all who're here To say uato the sister dear, Who brought the coffee here to-night, That we consider it her right To thus be thanked in public wise -- She finds great favor in our eyes. Thought blushing Mrs. Jones, *' I knew do." Good deeds, you know, are only lent, And so she smiled in deep content. Fern Pot of Silver This 8-inch Fern Pot is a striking illustfation of the unequalled values Diamond Hall can offer customers through having its own factories. The article is of first quality silver plate in Colonial design -of hand pierced effect. With a lining of rich-colared green pottery, it sells complete for $5.00. And Diamond Hall would return the money if by any chance you were not satisfied. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED 134-138 YONGZ ST. TORONTO ONT. f po Te May all her dceds smell sweet as this * By which sho brings her neighbors bliss." | What CHASE & SANBORN'S brand would | Wd T WESTMOUNT Wo WON BASKET possible this year, good ico. i 1 | w te 'THE | DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY | 2. HE SPORT REVIEW! be BALL MATCH. vi she : fo ated Kingston hy 33 to 30-- ! ud The Contest Was Keen--Gen- | lac eral Notes on Sports. The fastest game in the Ine played here in many was | of hen the Wesumounts and icked am from the local Y.M.C.AL switched | by it | night, in | interested wether in the Ygum' on Saturday | ti with a fingl score of 33 to 30} of favor of the visitors, speetators witnessed the ate with the rams in 2 basket-ball | reluetazily games are controlled About. 150 | largely res Hof Tho team nshit of the as early in the season played sw that, the western yrtened as much as possible, mprovemwents in the playin < of the Canadian national rosse and hockey inv varias yverming Ontario, ava ave ti adopted in other section pion: The fact that ong the dor large and representative . as ning: the de spdor series. They hope that the Stanley cup games will bodies in these ilv and ns, al ad of by dose corporations is hati a dozen gate-money clubs, ponsible for this both in this provinee fortunate Ll OCCURRENCES 'RECOUNTED It was with that chien in schedule was ] ) eth, "Matters That Interest Everybod | Nothing Relieved His Kidneys Until He Tried | Bu-du ¢ 0 MARKHAM, Ont., Dec. 1, 190, with kidney trouble, scarcely walk and was unal much relieved. | "I had suffered for seven os Could ble | to attend to my farm. Saw " Bu-Ju" advertised, and after taking the first few pills, fel? After taking half a box, was able to do' a | full day's work. I know one box of "Bu-Ju'" saved me | $40.00 doctor bills. - "JaMES ABBOTT." Tt costs only 3c a day to take "Bu-Ju" --the kidney pill that never fails. All druggists have "Bu-Ju" ot will get them for you. WINDSOR, ONT. 1 ts to nts ure ion Juvenile KID GLOVES Made in all sizes and to fit all hands. Not merely reduced sizes of adult der fit the hands of children «from one year old and up- any Jv oxelpimed the thin ice as the pound girl began to put on of It isn't always slang for the mathe- matician to say, "Weal, 1 reckon, THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED i for their money. very jolly time wa 1 A Bar January 3rd. Nov OF THE WORLD IN BRIEF FORM, -- --Notes From All"Over--Little of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. The eich to patch up the quarrel between Mr. Redmond and Timothy M. Hoaly have failed, The trish party has decided to op- pose Mr. Healy when he seeks re-clec- ton dor North Louth: James Burke was murdered at Otta- wa, while attempting to force his way into a drinking dive. Dr. Baran Mumm Yon Schwartzen- stein, the German minister at Pekin, has 'been appointed ambassador of Germany at Tokio. At Paducah, Ry., Mrs. Vella Ghol widow of a prominent farm- er, shot and killed William Pryer in a dispute over a tree. China sends a commission of men Of high degree to study American politi cal and military, naval, educational and industrial methods, Flliott Longley, employed by the Imperial Cotton company, Hamilton, son?' the | A Scene in Mrs. Temple's Telegra m, at the Grand, on Wednesday, and good combination work, on th part of both teams, was a feature of Smaill, for the TRAITORS IN ISRAEL. 3 5 visitors, | A Jewish - Paper layed game, and 'Dunlop, for Overthrow. he loc ed the most baskets Lhe playing throughout was and Y.M.C.A. gave very clos them a hard run The Ladies" Auxilic teams ano the match: ~ H. ¥ a ted | ad" ching anil made ab eh, followed be i Jeol, TF. Stearn Montreal), Dunlop Smaill, Bews, and 'a 'fox other Won By Kingston Boys, The first hockey match of the sea- | | | the firs the two] ph are now contending ag Jewish OLserver: We have the authority of the thorn of the sons had kiliey the traitor Jews themselves, among ive treatment, let them keep in membrance this they must sever relations with idol rippers and orsh n their own body. can we sucpeed, how can we sson, to Suece Calls for Their Tal mud for saying that before God smote of Egypt, the] is 25,000,000, The Wherever the Jews amst oppress that first of all the | maret Mammon How | to be deserve n some of us are mere necompaniéd by his sister, was struck by a Grand Trunk train and instant Iv Killed. - In Ireland where labor candidates | are sound on the howe rule question the Irish are recommended (6 oo] them. Otherwise they should vote for | | comforlabl fool proleclion for § igor mn ba fer all winler wear--are- GRANBY RUBBERS are smart' and Irig, fit hike anew glove and are easy on he feel. GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON' the: liberals, Andrew Carnegie will spend the win ter at Dungeness, Georgia, the home | of his sister-in-taw, Mrs, L uey Car negie. 'Under southern skies he Will write his autobiography. American capitalists have revived the project of a railway tunnel we under n ! { tween Siberia and Alaska, hring Strait, The coat, as is psti mated would be $250,000,000, The Russian syh&d will appoint a committee of ite clesgy to meet similar committee of Protestant I pik . copal churchmen to obtain a clearer interpretation of the common reve] ook, At New London, and, a cook, was May Pierson, from Conn, ty to or a boarder, was thrown a window "on the second fom by an explosion of gasoline ously injured. Van A. Wilcox has arrived: at Angeles, Cal, on the home his tramp from the and seri- | wh stretch of | Atlantic to the Pacific, having walked just 165 days | since leaving New York, His average was alittle more than twenty-two miles a day. Ihe Union Steamship company, will | be operated in connection with the | Union Oil company. The capital stock | company will run | between Patifie coast ports and Panp me and the Orient, and also run teamers between Colon and Europe, Actionf hae 'heen taken by Mise Mar Metorgan against Peter of Ottawa, Danis, In 19M they were engaged married, the wedding to take place August 10th. He put. off the wedding, and in October last married son, in which a local team ha scramble wealth, 'which is to the | omeone else. Mise McGorgan claims i was, on Monday night, in Belle | present day what the image of Zeus S100 for actual {I and £2,000 dam {when St. George's Junior O.HA. won | was to the cause of anti-Semitism ?] 88%. : rom the Bellevil Y.M.C.A. on the | Because the Christian is jealous dest r f to ». It was a very the Jew make = living, ews are to st se fought game throughout | be prevented from iunniviating to wd hali tiwe the locals had gain America or to England, it is because jed but two goal hen the Y.M.C.A. | the laborers cowplain. that the mani were Mvet old Jelleville grants undersell their work. Why does was i xl a trifle rough and | the Russian peasant kill the Jew but one George's hoyvs thre that he is desirous to take away his times laid out. Strahan » a | hard-carned property ? 'How then, can good g in gos I Craw ed and | we Jews hope that God will help as, Grevelle a fast came on the forward | when we are shoulder to shoulder with line, Murphy starring in defence pedple who would deprive all that nn, come near them of their hard-earned General Notes On Sport. mite ? There are traitors among thee, Kenora "defeated Ottawa at Winni- | Israel, thou canst vot stand up before | peg by S to 6, thine enemies ! Like the old Matta 1. Br nts defeated Mont | thiss, disown the =coundrels and [real ntreal ic tyrants of thy own flesh and blood, The sun' reveals 1 arsi plaver, will those who, though of one race with Sa gently gtr play point for the lotos you, though alse Jews, yet they Nis " Fhe New Zealand footballars closed | would fleece every Jew whom circum ; their tour hy defeating wnsea 4 to 3 tances made helple in their grasp Kennedy, formerly Belleville, is | Like Mattathias, kill the own re playing right wing for th Winnipeg | creants first. | team, On the Pittsburg rink Yak defeated | THE DEMAND GREATER Brown Universit by 7 to0.: Roy THAN THE SUPPLY Schooley was refer --_-- 8 (Yi Over 30,000 balls are used a season | Every Male Graduate in a Posi- Ne tured by the husshall teams in. National : tion of Bethlehem . agreement" 8 Fhey 7 cost 81.25 . Jiris War of hut ahiec This shows the work the old reliable Blest els word ! Deir McCourt: who Kingston Busin College, head of Their gifts bestowed Wore x litadk.. to. tlk street, i a and "the \ Much ¢ reward hokey. Dut : : y in wh its graduates are held by Phen of. Desc 1 1ckey ) wel waded offi by the Ane I lin Lat' are now ull back in = Cornwall 7 DUSiD men Me wd will play with the Cornwall Fe ---- I'he eral League tean Prison Pinder Twine ay Winnipeg Tel TheArena rink | 2Phe binding-twine Plant at-Kiinsas 3h shat posse an bl vatem of | penitentiary © is, says ory ondent Who take to them lis grag lightin h incand nts of Country Gentleman, to be eularged aie love of Chist : lust re hein ised here ar to =ix- times ils pr t capacity, An- | George ur pr Lansdowne strings of licht lengthwi in the {| m onsumption of twine in Kansas | vink. «ll with reflectors, and the fi 5 out 20.000 000. pounds, Of this 1 the prison plant plies « 2.000, © wards-- Be sure to ask for® PERRIN KID GLOVES.® petulant- 250- her « «Club ha which will te hey are desirous the O.H.A. in the inter , ¢, with Port Perry, Ux bridge, Me - haw, and I Whithy these clubs consent to their admission ciation will have no objection { « a district winner is turned by ry lst | President Donley, of the Mani- | toha Ho ne, Jms sent a chal- | lenge to anley cup trustees on | Ask Your OwnDoctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anytliing better, then take hat, oaly get well as soon as possi- Doctors have ine for 60 years. J.C. AyorCo.. Lowell, Mase * » trust the rk 260,000 RensOn pri of on. state used about i annually Kansas I will employ the stat the "trust Are You Pale And Sallow ? Tts blood you want better, Wade's Tron Tonic Pills make, purify and eo h the blood, that sallow face into one of beauty, In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satisfactory. Vaccination Enforced. The board of health of the township chee have issn , enforeine \ of school ag a . and of tra raged. wd | is one cureecertain and sare--that wil vaccination at some previons time, "how's vours idea of charity symphonies to haven't any piano Io dpes ithe om ne wealth is ¢ a guar I re Try Again for Health .| Gin Pills Will Cure You ite . OR MONEY | REFUNDED of If you have wasted money on, doctors shes 11,000,000 | and vlant ie mn more blood and changing I a proclama of child all others cannot show markd of sneesssive taken medicive after modien without relief, of course on ae dig But don't give up. Tho s | make your kidneys well and. stiong. Here is a letter from an old ge tle man, 72 years of age, who had jus ot you: experience, but who was convince d thy he owed it to himself to at least try GIN PILLS. Read what he says: The Bole Drug Co. Bolssc vain. Mau Winnipeg, Man. Dear Sirs, I any now 72 years of age. I have been |! for about six or seven years. and have attended by difierent doctors, but 1 no help, { par ted faking ---- Rillney and I have taken several odd g found they helped me & little 7 started {o take Git Pills, and Yalicy ot cured me. I cannot say too mich abo hei and recommend them as a good kidney pi (Signed) WILLIAM CUMPS TON. Note that Mr. Cumpstone uot only found quick relief, but *'belicve they have cured me," J Try just ouce more. Give GIN PILI a fair trial. So sure are we that I PILLS are a positive care for all Kidue, troubles that we will lef you test them free. Send mame and address, and tell in x {o] What paper you saw this offer and we iit ' will send you a sample box of GIN 'PILLS free of charge, Gin T'il's arc sold by all druggists at SOc a box, of Stock- taking COMMENCING Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906 AND LASTING FOR TEN DAYS ONLY We will clear out our large st: ck of AGATEWARE and TINWARE at a reduction of 20 Per Cent. All Sales for Cash Only 1 Come early and get your choice. LEMMON & LT 351 and 353 53 King Street.' Of Warm Flannelette Underwear We have about 3) doz. of this nicely trimmed, Corset Cave pink blue, and white, prog , otk covers, while th last, 25c, We have also 52 pairs of Ladies' Flannelette Draters, deep frill of two toned embroidery, edged with silk, in closed. These Draw sidered cheap at THe. and %1, Our sale price for this week bbe, cither opencd ov ors Were tor Skirts, in the same but quantity rather warn Flannclette limited, We have I than 2 doz of these beautifully trimmed skirts loft, 95¢, ones for Se, 21 and R125 for Tb Flannel the Night Dresses, two choice styles, M r Hubbard vokes, tucked silk edges, ih on neck, front and cuffe, niece soft Suality, in colors pink, white, and blue, sizes range from MM to: 69, 75¢. ones for Bik hy Rubbers We 08 eee ane metals into money. Market Prices. 6 boxes for $27 EE a . vwurss ues |THE CANADA METAL CO, TORON1O, ONT. St for T™he™ ¥ CRUMLEY BROS. $0090 @90ee00 901008 We se e®es : Dainty [ode Are unsurpassed for excellence of material, wearing qualities and reliability. ® They are the most up-to-date production of $E@PsEEOOOEO [Boer the most modern Rubber Factory in Canada. p -- % WE ARE SOLE SELLERS 9 kHchermotls Shoe Stores YO SEO EMERAIED EERE ® EPEEve | This is Stock=taking 1 Time Turn your old Dross, Stereos, Electios, Type, Brass, Copper and other Ship same to us and we will allow. you Highest

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