Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1906, p. 1

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ue '@abinets, from $7.50 to $35, Solid Mahogany. Robt. J. Reid Two doors above Opera House : Telephone , 577. | E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. { THANK YoU Another year has gone with its "ste cosses and failures, and we are mak- ing our plans for another year. One sales excelled all previous years, and our increased Christmas trade spoke volumes for our choice stock. Allow us to thank you for your loyal sup- port, and assure you your interests will not be neglected this year. We hope to serve you better than = we have ever done, A EO bo, H---- ow Wisk Phe Demon Fire nas no terrors for the Wise ones who have se- cured their policies and protection from the financially strong Co's represented by SWirT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY ERAS RE RS FRENCH CONVERSATION CLASS 3 L. GRANT, CERTIFICATED A (Tonic Sol-Fa), Piano, snch (Conversational cert, by Mdie, Lemery, "brevet superieur de 1' ademie de Paris") : also teache Voice {Behnke's System), and Elocution Fr. Conversation to start in January. Anul 1 street WANTED. Gan NT COOK. APPLY and Barrie streets COMP IY Cor. Kit 1% ee een ttt A LAUNRRESS, AT THE GENERAL Hospital. Applv to Mrs. Purvi GOOD' COOK. 24 Stuart St. IMMEDIATELY, A ply to Mrs. Breden en pe ee A GOOD GENE washing. " Ap Oliver, Cor TAL: SERVANT to Mrs. King and Gore © NO S COLL A SALARY _ on the Perth | and Fair, King to Ont. Apply ston Station GENTLEMAN ! suits pressed and cleaned carefully hand ; also bring your © an up-tosdate suit made. way's, 181 Brock street. Gallow- SALESMAN, ONE novelties for adver twenty-live er en you sold. Address Ra Co.., 142 Fifth Ave, tee ---------------------- YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE, AGED FUN or 19. Must be auick and ac- curate at figures, good penman. Steady employment. Apply in own handwriting, to Box Bd HAVING SOLD sing | ¢ onnnission t. "State and, McNally & New York. AND whole LIGHT or spare LADIES TO DO PLAIN sewine at home, time; eood pay: Work sent any distance. charees paid. Send stamp for full narticulars. National Mig. CO» Montreal. mt PERSONS TO GROW MUSHROOMS, for us during winter. Waste cellar space can be made earn from $15 to $20 er week. No earth required, only manure, when treated according to instructions, emits abso- lutely no odor. Send stamp for iliu- strated booklet and full particulars Montreal Supply Co. Montreal. nen MEN AND BOYS TO LFARN PLUMB- ing Trade, pays 85 day after com pleting course. of practical instruc tion at home or in our SC hools Graduates admitted to Union and Master Plumbers Association. Posi- tions gecured. Coyne Bros, Co Plumbing hools. New York, Chica- gO, 8 fincinnati, 0.. St Mo. Free catalogué DWELLINGS, OFFIC ete. McCann's Real 51 Brock street. STORAGE, Stores, Agency, mem ee BRICK SHOP AND RE 251 Princess stree Possession immed Steacy & Steacy. t: moder jatoly. Apply DOUBLE ROOM modern married ec Apply eee' A COMFORTABLE ( available immediatly viences, suitable for or two students Alfred street. NEAR iinet COLLEGE STREET. gtreet, Stone House. 10 rooms, stable and acres lang suitable for pasture. Possession Apply at Mcleod"s out houses. garden Drug Store. loth and have | and fmmedi- ely. 1 Many | delitedness for a sinking fund { from the cheapest to the best. -- veda nam LBC Of Strikers Bombarded By Artillery. THOUSAND PEOPLE BURIED IN MILL'S RUINS, AND KILLED. DAILY MiMORANDA, Warine Schoo! ope Sam: mew Work dirty. Gel Hospi Ww nem. 1 Hosp dd at Covered Rink, to-night from 8 to 10 pam. & sun rises Wednesday at 7.34 a.m. and eth at 4.34 om. ! You are not likely to hy drawing a long Bo A nies lv purse in the pocket he: "in ad" a enough 'to keep overnors, 4 p.m. slay the enemy thorn in the side. . a man mistakes a floating in Tvery one wants always to be able to work, but not always to have to. "It yom don't like certain persons, how you Rate to hear their money rattle ! 3 in history :=--Port Arthur 1905 ; General Wolfe born, a captured, 1787: Quakers Jamieson's Trans: WINE GLASSES (Clarets Ports Doubassoff Expects Moscow to Be Cleared of Revolutionists in Three Days--Plan to Corner and Kill Livonian Insurgents. St. Petershury, Jan, 2.-Gov.-Gen. Doubassofi telegraphed to, the govern- ment from Moscow that a large moet ing of revalutionigts and strikers at the Prokharofi cotton mill, ouside the city, was surrounded hy troops of all arms on Saturday. > The artillery opened a terrific bom- bardment, and made a large rent in the walls, which suddenly crumbled and the building came down in a heap. Hundreds, if not a thousand, persons were buried in the ruins, Doubassofi' regarded the Prokharoft mills as the stronghold of the revolu- HONORED PREFONTAINE. i The Funeral im, Paris Larguy Atlended. Paris, Dee. 2--Long before the hour set for the faneral services of the late Hon. Raymond Prefontaine in La Madeleine, large crowds en deavored to gain admission, but only ticket holders were admitted. Among those present were the British Ambas- gador and "staf; * M. Rouvier, prime minister of France; M. Doumer, presi dent of the ehamber of deputies; Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk; Secretary' Griffiths, vepresenting Lord Strathcona; Col. Hutchinson, Alphonse Lemieux, James Brodie Archer, Montreal, and M. 'Thompson, French minister of mating. The Canadian eolony in London and Paris was also largely represented, A very lagge 'number of wreaths wore sent from England and Canada, French friends also contributing many floral tributes, The catafnlque completely hidden under wreaths crosses. and anehors. ! The service was | conducted by the high priest of 1) Madcleine, assisted 4 by Canon Wanted $id in the choir M. | real, on Monday, from England. Plamontdon, Moggroal, sang the s lo. | I'he new Knox church and Sabbath President r, addressing the | school, Toronto, is to-cost. $170,000, gathering, eulog the sorviees of the William Phemister, mayor of Niaga- late Hon, M mtaine to Canada, | '® Falls, Ont, has been appointed and not Canada, but fo | Postmaster. England we. The sympathy Four business houses in Truro, Nova - * | Seotia, suffered a combined loss of $31,000 by five, Toronto customs returns for the year were $9,523,600, as against $9. 118501 in 190d, NEWS OF THE WORLD e---- Matters That Interest Everybody Over--Little was d 3. Gourlay, ex-M.P., ill in Hali- fax, is improvieg. Lord Strathcona arrived at Mont: . Everything in the Tumbler line tioni and he reports that Moscow will be entirely cleared of them in three days. . The governor-general that he prevented thousand | "Loyalists" who assembled, in the Sakolinki district, in the outshicts of 4 Moseow, from marching into the gity for the purpose of attacking the strikers, revolutionists and Jews, ' The police force of Moscow has been © increased by a thousand men; and the nightwatehmen hy, two thou- sand men. also reports | Large variety of Full and Half Crystal. ' ROBERTSON BROS "Perfect Workmanship Choicest Materials A combination to be had in our shoes. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot JMADRE-TO-ORDER several Corner And Kill. Riga, Dec. 20.--1t is said that the new povernor-general, with 32,000 additional troops is planning to up- root the revolutionary movement by surrounding Livonia and Conrlond and driving all the revolutionaries in- to a bag-shaped corner of Courland, | will be annihilated, = warships cutting | off all escape by sca. i | Qui is | | | | | | | { | i | Culture | GEO. NOBES| | | Carpets, everyt mo uave rue | TUR by | | | what {| | | Louis, | > Estate i Britain UNION in good repair, | * B.P, Jenkins Clothiag ©. Persian Lamb Jackets New Minister Of Justice. between Rica and Liban, where they | H The Lake Superior corporation, with a capital of $5,000,000, has received an Ontario charter. The value of building permits for the year totalled [$10,347 910, compared with $5,896,1205n 1904. The countil of St. Petersburg work- men have called off the strike in jav- cor of an armed uprising in the near future. The Japanese financial commission- er Tukabasi, declares that Japan in- tends to develop Korea, but not asa vassalage. Max Cohen, Toronto, was arrested on a charge of bigamy, and a warrant is out for the arrest of his elleged socond wife. i There are persistent rumors in St. Petersburg that Count Witte will be asked to resign in faver of the mini- | | Me. Small's Action Against Lor SEIZED 19 TRUNKS. a : , Rosslyn, i Montreal, "Jan, 2.--~Lord Rosslyn's trunks were seized at the Windsor ho- tel, 'at the instance of Mr, Small, thea. trical manager, Toronto, who 9 do satisty 4 dal a fom wupeeed lars for alleged non iment © contract. The an the nature of a ishee, and has proved an sunfortunate experience for his ship, owing to the fact that legal ad- ice has been given to the eficct that the alleged debt Was not It seems that Lord Rosslyn, actor about four ' ested now in mines, > -------------- MR. TORRANCE RETIRES, ------ New . Manager - for Deminion Steamship Company. Montreal, Jan. 2.--John Torrance, one of the oldest and best known ship- ping men in Montreal, has rosignodae' manager of the Dominion: Steamship company, and is succeeded hy James Thom, who has for some time been connected with the company. Mr. rance has been in this service for for: ty-five years, and for the last twenty years had been manager. He was am- ong the pioneers in the large shipping business at this port, and tired ows ing to advancing years, He was a firm believer in the class of steamers that accommodate both freight and passengers. David Torrance, whose name is still retained in the firm, was his father. PLEADED NOT GUILTY. ---- Said That Coupcil Not Favorable to License Reduction. Ottawa, Ont.; Jan, 2~~Alphonse La- roque, charged with the murder of James Burke, on New Year's eve, ap peared in police eourt, this morning, pleaded not guilty, and was rem for a week, The other four inmates of the shack where the killing took place are held as disorderly A Ottawa city council is not favorable to license = reduction and the allied churches got a black eye in ter- 8t. Petersburg, Jan, 2.--M. @kymof, a member of the senate, has been ap- | pointed minister of justice, im suc- | cession 10 M. Manukhin. Traffie hoe i been resnmped 1 Lok Winerta ur Mae reals wo Retate hi . £1 sifle and Fit Une papal 4d McKAY FUR HOUSE BROCK STREET. i bloodshed, Fhe railroad 'ser- vice has been re-established there. Men In Women's Clothing. 2 --Belated Moscow, most details of continue to CF COrres that the Vv exagger of course, e limits of en such limits | prin hat they To-day's recapitula a d to two | md a proportionate | 1. Mmnnv corpses clothing, have been which explains the number of women | fight London, Jan --1 } == | the uprising at The Standard Bank of Canada | arrive here. The Will collec | arents concur in oh ert | casualties have b BO : fated. The exact York County Loan and Saving Company | Dt never be { credulity + pass be ks and tes of the hnown, do were late { numbered 20,000 | tions vary fro | thousand killed, { number | in women's found in the ruins stories of a g taking part in Arrangements have been com pleted with the: National Trust Co., the liquidators, whereby the pass books and stock cer tificates will be collected and forwarded to Toronto without to the holders, | ipts will be given. hundr wounds of men expense s Proper rece} Premier Witte's Plan. 2. It is learn that Premier urging the emperor to promulgate a moderat® constitu for the double purpose of re-as _ | suring the liberals that the present war against the 'Reds does not mean reaction, and 'bloc ing the at tempt. which undoubtedly will be made when the 1 sembly con venes to transform hody into a constituent pssembly plan has other | the emperor jis show to accept it Plumber and Steam-fitter Orders Promptly Attended To 17 Division Street. 'Phone 635. T BE SOLD { St. Petersbur Jan jed from a hi 20 | Witte is strong tion, tional this k an inclination | norted who election 0s ca: tk is ple are | was. The | upon the | gow, and | illed . with | Dul.assaofl | ea of blood. | mg accounts sO r as MILLAN. ar : THO J. W n---- Of Damage. { 2.--In the Prokhoroff | e revolutionists made | 1, to-dayy after the re- | their ns. The insti- | alt with other revo- Presna district sur- efforts of the | were crushed, The | regiment ocenpied the | wout further fighting: The | wor of arrcsts made in the | ators was 130, The popula- eo district had been warned, able' to 'ediave before the yiment began. The guthbrities jored homes for women and without shelter. The ta property in the quarters te to millions of roubles. Mili soments continue to arrive. omments ties ap Komoka, Ont. Jan. on the GTR. track, of the depot, here, last ing ope west Henry Smith, { and Killed A variety of first-class Hall | Heaters. Sheet-Iron Stoves, Pug, Box Ranges. Also a lot of Furniture and hing cheaper than usual. 308 PRINCESS STREE' - z 3 | CARD or THANKS Passion Oi Blood | of | Cataruqui Ward.' who sui | burg correspondent of 1 me in Monday's contest, and all | blest: St. Petersburg « { A kderyman. d J. busy preparing lor eh ------ ls artain has been ru TING OF THE | the satirical journ 1] 3 ANNUAL MEE a Sawic 8 se ro in of Kingston Agricultural | caricatures - of A in the Village of Cataraaui 2 1 | The newspapers 1 tock, p.m... on WHDNESDAY, Junu- | of ing. horrible | MAS SPROULE, EDWARDS, | scenes' of bu erpetrated by | / "President troops, 8 | - of veritable pas- LOST. sion of bl appears to have PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED SPEC of inoffensive « suddenly becom- | tacles, yesterday morning, on Well- | ing seized with wom icidal mania, and Finder please return to 167 Welling helfrics, $4 aie Al within range. on street. SET WITH muy s and gold chain, | frem the rink past the college 10 Dr. | cotton Knight's. Alice St. Finder will re- | heir | | gator | lutior mile | reve evening, | Sen 3yron, Ont., was struck | que train. | to Wood Stoves, Cook Stoves and "we v a K'S SECOND-HAND STORE T PESIRE TO THANK THE London, Jan. 2.-T} Paters- | worked successfully fo my | everywhere resumed, ¢ NOTICE sanguinary drama will be held in the "Township | navigating a Vess . eye-witness 10th, 1906. y Sec.-Treas | frenzied bastly reprisals rivolutiona eee | CPEPL OVOT th tories are told | { ton, between Brock and Earl Sts taking poi ntaoe in church | tt hearts ot the: rink, or |. Moscow ceive reward at above address | bots h 9 While walk- | rend: | { Pr FR Manning C. Palmer, charged with | misappropriating funds of the Ameri { can Exchange National Bank, of Syra | cuse, guilty and s ntenced 1 to five years in Auburn prison Ihe United Irish League of Great have i a manifesto de ts and Rosebery ' was found who are ised minis efor | pormeing the unioni ites. | "Only fan k leit $2, bottles Gibson' 81. a few boxes of perfume Cross Drug Store. . by-laws = carried in tar on Monday. wal option puny plates ip On | greatest | charpes made against him. Tidest daughter Sof the late William Lawrence Bresso. of New York, who ve- came the wife of Lord Willoughby ue Freshy, on 6th. She is well. knay a New society and cousid- "ost, G1 woman. Rl eee said, was 8; i their Prefontaine was a patriot, @ Fe admired for his energy and perseverance Hon. Mr "Fhe profound iv | tions you on olemn occasion not my on t wl testify le for the His dian emotion overcome Passmore, collision Toronto, who with an express Bell, who was Westmoreland, England, have decided | death. { : : ; car, died of their will Canada a te of na that the Chamberlain proposals are Lemieux, in replying, said | tional He we truck by { ster of the interior, «\ The Duke of Devonshire declares | stoutly against Baliour's fiscal scheme, | and is confident that the government {will not frame a home rule bill, | The farmers of Cumberland and not in the interests of agriculture, While taking an oyster cocktail in | the Roblin Hotel, Winnipeg, C. EB. Fraser found a pearl which jewellers estimate at a value of $75 or $100. Frank Steuenberg, formerly. ver Pnor of Tduks, "was Kil Sat y { night by a bomb in Caldwell. Tt was | deliberately placed so as to cause his x, { As all the municipal and school elec- grief in which 1 am went by acclamation in Belle plunged would prevent me addressing | ville, the license commissioner decided this 2 if it was | that the barrooms need not close on duty behalf of the Cana- | Monday. governint to 1! my | Edward to _onr sentiments | was in a SErVices af Hon. | waggon, and John untimely death | (pck by a street | injuri Jona Moi ll Tl ' President Jordan Frown in (1c (lle 166 when | ord Cnivrsty, ba sano (ht sohere. and hind developed in him the recent discoveries in connection with 1 He had J ie death ol Nis. Stanford would soon Be mrad te sevare. the & ye made 'public. Entand an France to 2 theo | "0 Wome nto by, tablished oP the ties which bind these two coun { between Canada and New Zealand. For ( | Fngland this service Canada will give an annu- vo nations which he 18 salary of £10,000 and New Zealand a like amount W. CO. Boyle, aged forty-seven ac , x countant in the office of J. C. TO BE PROSECUTED. | dy company, limited, St. Paul street, | Montreal, and a native 'of Streetsville, ¥Ont.. died suddenly. Discouraged and despondent because | her hushand had lost hiz employmént, Mrs. John F. Ford, in New York, a bride of six weeks, ended her life by drinking carbolic acid. Walter Wellman has in the | sibned by the 'Chicago v of Japan, charging th find the north pole him with ca the loss of the Rus- | which Santos Dumont sian fleet, the lives of men | construct and navigate. and with negligence and. inefficiency. The. court of appeal auashed the con- The czar has granted the appeal of | viction of William Hendrie for keeping Admiral Rojestvensky to have a pub- | a disorderly house at the Woodbine. lie hearing. Rojestvensky declares he | The ease arofa out of the hetting on will be able to clear himself of the | the horse races there. 1 In Toronto elections Emerson Coatrivorth was cleeted mavor over PF. | R, Spence hy a majority of 4,007. The license #eduction hy-law was defeated mourning $ of Leland Stan- idea come to tries to anadln salute and | Casi- Admiral Charged With Causing Loss of Fleet. Jerlin, Jan. 2.--Dispatehes from St. Petersburg 8: that czar has dir- | ected the minister of marine to prose: cute Admiral Rojestvensky who com manded the Russi fleet annihilated by the Japanese battle of the the been commis- Record-Herald in an airship. of Paris will An which was | ir fing civie Municipal Ferry Costly. New York, ~ the privil- | 400 cul stantial majority. ege of owning its own ferry between | "poons fon, Joseph Chamberlain has New York and Staten Island the eity |, 00g pig al cotion manifesto in which is paying Sam a day, that being the | he expounds his fiscal policy and 'at- daily excess of receipts | fk the liberals as a "Pome Rule in the seven « since the city took " 1 . : » | Little E vernment, control. Iperease in the number of men Litt} gland Co employed on the boats, and wages as compared with the rate when the fer | rv was under private ownership, to-| gether with a reduetion of one-third | Man in the hours of labor, necessitating | three shifts instead of two, are respon gible for the deficit Jan For penses over "COAL OIL JOHNNY." i Made and Wasted Fortunes. Franklin, Pa., Jan. 2.--John Ww. Steele, known all over the United | Qtates as "Coal Oil Johnny" is lying | critically ill at his home on a farm Washipgton, Jan. 2- After hegin-| near this city. Physicians who are in ping his will with the words "Calling | attendance declare he cannot recover. to mind the uncertainty of human | He is sixty-four years old: life," and- the remainder of a stereo-1 "Coal Oil Johnny" made half a tvped paragraph. Elphonso Youngs, al dozen fortunes during the early - oil vich grocer, wrote: "Rats! This is! excitement in Pennsylvania. He too formal. All there is about 'it. is} always spent . money like water. this : At my death 1 want my ever Though known everywhere-for his lav- faithful and devoted wife, Amelia | igh extravagance, be is still well-to-do, Loretta 1. Youngs, to have and con- trol everything 1 possesss"" The will has just been filed: for probate. i Who "Rats" In His Will. toni cline Claims Half The Property. Ottawa, Jan. 2.--Alfred Larose, Hull the discoverer of the Cobalt mining > district, is the plaintiff in an action 2.~Local op- | in the high court against Duncan Me- by forty-eight | Martin, Montreal, to establish his emt Local Option Carried. Allenford, Ont., Jan. tion was carried here majority. . litle to onehalf interest in a mining | In Elinsore, local option was carried | loeation in the township of Coleman {by thirty six majority. . Lin the distriet of Nipissing. The de { Cataraqui, Jan. 2. ocal optien was | fandent claims the entire property. arried in Kingston township by twen- | 1p. shintiff asks for an accounting of y majority. ? ich he says acerved while he fully kept out of the pro- ( : | profits, wh | was: unlgw Thomas Eyles, a baker, was found i pariv. and demands also a division Wnt "on dead in bed at Stratford, . |THE RUDD day's contest. The council would prob- ably divide fourteen to ten against reduction. The council is strongly in favor of municipal ownership. eemt-------- EIGHT HOUR DAY BATTLE. 48,000 Printers Vote to add 10,- 000 Stiikers. New York, Jan. 2i<The 46,000 union printers of the conntry Whose national strike for an eight-hour day has begun have decided by a virtual mimo sovks | dol his | tobel collectable. | s Te Toronto; Fine and easterly rain in some localities Up News ed 5 Lar . port: of the 60,000 printers who, if estimated, will be actually on strike. The ten per -cent. assessment will amotint to between $60,000 and 870, 000 a week, which will be added to the $80,000 contributed by the Ameri- can Federation of Labor to the print: ers' eight-hour-day fund, t-------- / DECAPITATED BY TRAIN. -- = Man Supposed. to be Canadian Found on Tracks. Kingston, N.Y., Jan, 2. ~The decap- itated body of a mah was found lying by the side of the Ulster and Deleware railroad tracks near here, He, it » be- lieved, caught his leg in a fro of the track, and fell, 'hitting his oad on the rails, reridering him unconscious, A conl train then most likely passed over his neck, cutting off his head. From papers found i iti thought that he was a Canadian of the name of John Delong. A package of clean laundry was found in a pool close by? cient Likely He Was Drowned. Belleville, Ont, Jan, 2.~Krmest Coughlan, a thirteen-year-old boy of this city, is beljoved to have heen drowned in the, Bay of Quinte yester- day: He was out skating on the bay, yesterday afternbon, and was using a sail which carried him along at great anced. When last seen he was making the Prince Edward shore, on the ed of which there was open water. ¥n- quiry all last night and this morning failed to locate the lad, and it is fear- ed he is drowned. ' -- Demand Mayor's Removal. Terre Hante, Int. Jan 2.--At a spe cial meeting of the city council a formal demand was made for tho ro- moval from office of Mayor Edward J. Bidaman. The charges were signed hy representatives of the Munufactur: ers' Club and of the Young Men's Business Club, who assert that man has been wilfully and guilty of oppression, malconduct and malfeasance "in the discharge of his duties." in ---- On a cold diy you can enjoy of hot Bovril at Gibson's Red An Conipany close their January 1, 1 cided to discé ness. They advertised the good will for, sale, but. failed to purchaser. As she business. well, the instal replace to. Toraento. Mr. Norris, travelled. for the firm fora number of Jo is thoroughly experienced in the arncés business. His many ae int. ances and friends will no doubt be pleased to find him in his new posi: tin. The s¥ock in the locdl store being: revlenizhed by a special ship: ment of harpess that will be run off cheaper thei ever. : SER alin Ea RNESS 00.17; Lk 4 3 Call thoice. 4 By WT . Bo GILDERSLEEVE SK anuary -t of MW: HA Quetn street aged seven Funeral ey 0.80 o'clock ee t,o + i whe |Steacy Gildersicove,

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