Ea 4 = UNCLE Sqp75 CANT 2023 Barer} pr AR Forty-Three Cows Produce 369. 147 Pounds. The milk records of sp, i given by The onda Orthorn eqn Journal show th, ot es L ® Stee i | milk animals, The pong aug well ; «| these records were om which ii taken forty-three cows that had calved dur ur consisted of SHORTHORN MIX REE LK RE -- CORps, 1904, and the tot al production , 1 d on was 362.117 pounds Of She Jorty-three cows eight were first : ieifers. The 4 fe The. avergpe Per cow 842 gallons. The days in milk was 490, est number was 159 est number of poiing per cow was 41.3 amd the lowest | | Phese cows were Line hotns and were re ered in the her wok of the Lin Assdciation. and. the smg bests Worms In Pigs. Peters, of the Nebraska exp gives the Dr ment station, rections for treating worms in pigs Coal ereosote, one ounce: wat ninety-nine ounces, One 0 weighs sixteen ounces. Une the mixture is the do grown animal and is | fe lowing ounce for a i r administe with the mcraing fo If it is nee sary to drench the animal, us 4 drenching tube made dinary tin funnel a three feet long, inch in diameter. of ths funnel by taking an or ro rabber tube h to half an rt the lower md one-ei Inse in' this rabber tui place the rabber tube in the nin mouth and allow it to biteonit, vour the drench into the funnel. | better to place a picce of metal the end of the rubber tube, so that th animal may. bite on it conti without stopping the flow by pinch ing the rubber tube. Blood Poison From Corns. Is sure to follow if you use a mor or 'irritating corn salve. The one sale remedy is "Putnam's ( 1t is safe, absolutely suf guaranteed, errier ngs are shown, acid car--and sible, you'll be ys that will, of holiday buying Elores' in ir xious to help [OLIBAY GIFT GIVING al things make the most Jresents. he Jack ts ors, latest style $1.00 to £1.50 éces | ildren, lected . $4.50 ta 825.00 latest de mps with all $ | | | | EE -- of milk per dyy In Red Shor Water, pint of water of Red Shorthorg greatest number of "YEAR 72. E P. Jenkins Clothing Co. hristmas shown such elegance in chaste Neckwear. customers have derfully pleased with their NO. 294. } 1 All our been won- DAILY MEMORANDA, City Council, 8 p.m. Skating Club at Rink, 8.30 p.m 14th Band annual meeting Meeting, 8 p.m Masters and Mates Entertainment, Y.L.U B.A. 8 p.m Hall, 8 pam Preside: < The greatest art of life is that of live ing. . | Nothing worries worry worse than i worl , 'Prentice Boys' Concert and Dance Whig Hall, 8 p.m. The sun rises Tuesday at 7.29 a.m. | and sets at 4.25 p.m He is a wise man who knows how hig | a fool he is without experimenting | Isaac Zacks, t Princess St. Cloth- | ier, is cutting pri for Christinas w ek. Once break a promise and no matter how hard you try to mend it the mark will always show | There are people whose enemies have | done more for them (though unintention- | ally) than their friends | This day Wn history avery abolish- | ed in 1 St Kruger made | { IS IT TO BE A NEW eo ba Dinner Set : i * | A , County Loan ~& Savings company, {solar eclipse was so large that the selection. hen the whole executive committee of | and aith' covering up its chronic de limited. tale an assignment, on carth could be dropped into the cexi labor unions was arrested, and | fits in the interest on the immense lav, for the benefit of its creditors [ty with a clear space of a thousand 3 3 . he en ew Sis dolst. by. he 2 firGesedy of the foreign -- an order for liquidation was | miles around it solve the railway union. The revelu- | Joanne, which are at last exhausted 8 " . 1 : ans, ¢ + » "ze! v Ww 8 E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. FOR tionaries regard these facts as' a de | The rich, it is further declared, have | granted by Judge Teta gS atu iy 3h sheik he Maggs CHRISTMAS? | liberate provocation by the govern: | glriady taken warning and are con: | gay. The Yutjunul Feuu u py y has Sir iver, an Lond Colvin bas seleul \ 3 6 x { i . . . Taz o no u THE GREAT TIE HOUSE { ment, which hopes to precipitate the | verting thelr property into securities medintely took cation of the as- | would be incapable of warming the é Of course you want one. We have | struggle hefofe disafiection has spivad wil gold, and sending Shim in geld. Judi ze Toetzel named Neil Me: | garth. The next oclipse to touch Eng a ' . | throughou Te army. 1s difheu O ne great =tep of the revolutionar- " r t upervise the | vi ye on June \ the largest and most complete line we | see how the challenge can be evaded, ics, which throws down the gauge o : weap oy olticin} relares to re the Jn, NT Sis Oliver, will boon 4 to : of > have ever shown. aod the Lr ahahilities ar Shut agen: | battle to the government, was prepars i the court, The reason for | ci it will have to be up at five wal strike wi w lmmediately pro ed with much secrecy, so that the au si : § z . i ------------------------------ . 3 \ ? . ignment de | 3) You can get a beautiful set, good | claimed on the railways, that will | thorit'es wers taken off their guard the haste in making the a o rd o'clock in the morning. "Perfect Workmanship nough | tabl pread to every other industry I did not even attempt to prevent given, because of many of the writs ------------------ ono 1 for any table Spread ' hey dustry. | and did not ever um to © Pe | or : a Dal : ye N "day. ' BBED. Many of the revolutionists be- | its publication in the newspapers. The bei Te réhuble tle digs chad, "TRUE PROPHET MO liev hs his i we o revolutic r+ Jonders expect i DOR Choicest Materials For $ 0 tow 5 poi this Nill prove 1 d ath rey Jutinnary slcadets wipes 16 will bie all litigation, and the interests of the g y SUE Rotiee 'owed Jy THRNAR'S BRU AION chareholdérs are now in the hands of od: to Cold. a decided unwillingness to resort toa | a'l this has been foreseen, The lead, the liquidators who have stated their 0 : 3 Ah) s low S strike 9 : og ans al fore i e ' 3 A combination to be had in| Lots lower. Lots higher. trike. ; : ers laid the'r plans deeply before is- | BA HCE CE CE aid from the | Wellington, Kan., Dec. 18.--George Warrants have hoen issued against | swing the manifesto. New committees ty and Toronto railway company to Huffman, representing himself to bo our shoes. ROBERTSON BROS the itors of all the papers which | of the various organizations have heen or Ah up the new residential district the "true prophet" of Christ, was EL) me | published the revolutionary manifesto. | el cted in the third and fourth degrees. its Py High Park. Patience on the | tarred and feathered at Perth, Kuns- Wear "Allen's'"' eee | All exevpting Prof. Pessen were able | Hf one set of committees is put behind art of the shareholders, is counseled | 0s. After the punishment was applied | es vasssssasvesssvranang | fo de surety for 10.000 roubles, | the , another will take its place iow ause there will be no Hasty sacrifice | the man walked all night in his new | and were 1 ed. Prof. Miliukeff | and carry on the work, ress, reachi Renfrow, Oklahoma. Military Bootmakers | ane & 3 . v's lands, and, therefore, | dress, reaching y . we y Biowakets som) Jewelry $4 in hiding. Prof. Hessen was unable te : ok the Songz . land iter | next /momings.. * He suffered greatly Tire anf enol Go ot J 3 $ {find the money, because the banks were | LABOUCHERE RETIRES. a I from cold. For threo months Huffman ------------ | Sygdestions closed. His' publishers vainly offtred wie ap) ply .n alkington MADE TO ORDER 1 ! J 3 p Parli t © lived with a family nam "AU : re estate alue z r OUST as N | t For Christmas $ {real estate, valued at forty thousand | Has Been. in Parliamen ver Government Can Inquire. and induced the head of the household { . ! pounds. All the comic papers have been Forty Years. ith W. F. White, | to believe that the world would end in . { What, more suitable thana € | Liao to cense publication. "The 'Ne After a conference with W. F. White, five vears. He: finally induced Talking: Watch ; yoo Vea 4h Ee ; of the National Trust Co., Attorney:{ live yearn A splendid showing in 14k VON remya is the only paper pub . : ton to give up all his earthly posses: Pearl Hrooches, Bar Pins, Pend- lished, this morning, which failed to General Foy, 'made the following sions to help regenerate the world, Select Your Skins. Ad Reon BS ind Lockets print the re volitionary manifesto. statement } iy. ithe, gah " 0 help Faget » Ladic Nee ins & L 8, | > " ao reason wh p | in 14k.. 10k.. and Gold Filled A man has heen arrested near Dur ses. nO. X HTHOUSE MEN. | "Gents? Vest Chains and Lockets, | novos house with a bomb Yor let mnt examiner and auditor should not L1G: ou Quality, Style and Fit Un-|¢ "Ube. in Gola, and Gola § | tr boxes in St. Petorshurz and Mos will proceed with Bhs ee thy | To Lake Erle Region Wire Re- | i girs a ae - la i nvesti ration, nolwiths ) Filled, all styles cow have been destroved i 8 i : an a > 0d . » : 0 r equalled. The | best, assortment of Ladics ¢ | A traveller from Dvinsk tells me winding up Didar Any shatohthies haved RoR dent atd_Gents' RINGS . { that the whole provinees of Livonia would have the right to Investig Detroit, Mich, Dec. 18.--~Prosiden shown. rule. Pievos. n | 1} Nn the hooks and aflairs of the company Livingstone of the Lake Carriers' Av cKAY FU OUSE wool he fu Yo ate wider ars. The Letts at his own expense; and the appointee sotiation will nd ¢ th to-day, | varieues. : 1 t a régim rag 8 i' Hat, Hair, and Clothes Brushes on me 2 Faint ol Sragcuns and of the government may do he Mme, take the 'en the Bar Bais i thony a ve x (0 3 BROCK STREET. IO Oy firrors nud. Toilet Sets. § ors. They al wrecked: a military Thero are co many small sharchoifiors lightship and il the Colchest- -- GUN METAL LOCKETS train | throughout the province and other | "igh thouse, and the lightship at the Cigarette, Curd, and Postage FTA ater Bt Petcrabi despateh'] | parts of the dominion that they can-| ob ot shoal, Lake Erie, all Can- Stamp Cases ' etersbury espateh | Croases, Poncils Match Boxe: | save: The government evidently 'anti |4 | ot he expected to Ja thin, hak adian lights, and 'also from. the ten REWARD es and J imar Lusiers, {cipates a battle royal. and Was made | | n my opinion the ge ¥ Ey United States lightships in Lake St. Will be ample it you take ad- Nf] Si a ape Rutven' Tn its dispositions accordinglv, It fulle | | properly do it for them, The work of | (io rangements having been made vintage of the Pr {¢ ule nderstands that the proletariat will | the government auditor will he no with both governments to keep the cred in the : $ oe 1 mbrellas } give blow far Blow, aid answer tie | doubt embarrassed by the books and {9 lights going until the last boat had now being d feather She Baas 3 sti 3 ¢ " « of the York Loan Co. being : ecur ) SWIFT Rial, ESTA $ lisa fersest Phe Sorkien's HENRY LABOUCHERE wise d f the provisional liquid: passed. S INSURANCE AGENCY § | # mith Bros } councils and the league oi leneues. on ) hore | i" the hands o 1 al liquid -- 9 . Satiuds night 1 decinrati | London, Dec. 18~Henry Labouchere, | sors, 1 have no doubt the liquidators WANT SMALL STEAMER | ¢ 350 King Street. i a) i to | . ig foi di | the well-known editor and Tiberal | will facilitate the government officer 1 i. a sty o hegin imme ber of parliament for Northamp ery : in their power," -- irae ---------- . : oH member { parhiamen r ! Pl in every way in their power, | ¢ Marriage Licenses Issued onsequently, by an imperial | Member of BArAREEE oC Cr Te. | : Between Leamington and Pelee B000000000000000000008 | ¢ | pub lished this morning, all gov- | 0. © 5 T dinment at the coming | Island. R | @sssssssocnns | s and' prefocts throug Howt the | i ' | To Keep Down Expense. 0 Dee. ~The SR. J. FREE, CONTRACTOR §|® >>> >> ans =e®| nd preicets throughout "the | UH VUNG ing ge mi | To, Koop Down Expense. |p qingten, Ont, Dh 0 . | Ty OF CANADA | pI ho are cut of hy lelesranh. | tha reason 'for his vetivement. He firs tl, a h | town Souncll has sent a hm to 0 Estinates elven for all kinds of & | IN THE EXCHEQUER COURT {are clothed with most di tatorial antered patliainent forty years ago. e made to keep down expense 'whic Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, postmaster- Nason work. Plastering and | The Quebec Admirality District | powers, heing authorized. without con | paisa | will accumulate' quite fast Shough, by general, : asking the government to ement 'Work of all descriptions. . Plain { Q Yoterst { ai a " { es, clerical staff, ete o | JONATHAN 1T AYLOH Plaintif snl i. Potershu o declare a LEFT HIM. | on of taxes, nl fla heidy of $3,000 a year to a @ 94 Division St. "Phone 402 § | 5 i and if a BIG FOTUNE | offices of the National Trost company | Erant a subsidy o ay | "H id { lege, ANC. al necrssary, mar -- o Y to ad 5 11 steamer, to make daily trips be- " | ut Montreal, Winnipeg and Edmon- | hal 8 > Boos DOO | E SS. "ORION i aq I I toads nu : | Heir to $2,000,000 Could Scarcely it oi, ol hY AR it in work- | tween Leamington and Pelee Island. rp ee LH virtue of a Commission of appraise tt ph 2 wh PE Lt or Rr Credit His Good Luck. hin ont the liquidation. A staff of | 1 ix said the islanders have been cut - Sats lean his action eaders « e proletariat organization | : : ] fn . » n- MUST BE SOLD ment 4nd so) Pr ge ; : DP | were arrested, on Saturday night, the Paris, Dec, 185.--A Paris commercial | the National Trust company will oe ph fram vamprunieation vith " main large variety of first-class Hall | BY PUBLIC AUCTION WILL BE SOL resourcefulness of the council of work: | traveller name M. Louis de Boubee, | cupy the present offices of the York ant ol the as yen al t * the Tun oe Sheet-lIron Stoves, Pug, Box | ~ On Wednesday day of December, | (CIEE Cd by the fact that in | aged twenty-cight, has just been left | Loan at Ronctavalles avenus. until the | fact that no vessel x nse " Nod nye Oy Sie an rer | Joss than an hour a new council, the {a fortune of $32,000,008 and the | work is got well in hand. without a government hous. s. Also a lot o Furniture anc | ah al : ! : 2 a of Vivens. {In building societies like the York Pm---------------- s, every thi hea b sual. head of which is M. Leniek.. editor of | splendid chateaw of Viven {In building soci he ry hing cheaper than usua V The Now Life. had feplaced the: old ft appears™that the Marchioness of |¢ ownty, Loan there were three classes ABOUT $40,000 INVESTED TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE and olected. succesding -s. In ad- | Vivens died recently, at the age of | of intrest permanent sharcholders, < Sos PRINCESS STREET dition to the general strike it is ex-| eighty-one. She had no near relatives | terminating 'shareholders, and credi By Windsor and Essex County fe o pected that the revolutionaries will | and her notary, after several dave' 1 Tors." It appears that creditors ran' . w inden a St ring | have oreiree to the old methods of | investigation, discovered that the | ghead of either permanent or termin : Foople. no = Ba ; kle. ab- | fivhting the government. Tt is stated | nearest heir wax the traveller, a cou- | ating shareholders, Terminating Windsor, Cnt, Dee. . By or 0 | in 1 that the t rrorist organization held a | sin three degrees removed. { shareholders rank next, and before Wigle, who is tving to protect » k | A eo eting. early this morning It was necessary to show M. Boubeo | permanent sharcholders. The liguida intarorty of investors in the York 4 SR a MG a Count Witte's life is considered to | the written proof of his inheritance | tor was unable to say anything as to ounty oan tampany, Saye a a BR i rE } BREN i | A J: MAXHAM - 5% & B,. | he 4 danger arid the annex 'of the | before he would beljeve the fortune | the question of contributors or the about £10,000 has been invested in the Streets : has} : I palace in. which. he i= residing is | had reverted to him. rights of the parties among them- cotpany by Windsor os ame Peo re -- -- -1 Quebec, Gth December, 1 ee » elves «this tier for the | ple meeting is to be held here this | --_ ee } heavily guarded. inn an | 68, 0 114 was a ma y 6 GENTY ' in | gral iam scitle . t ide 74 » AN 4 ao Jay WL ; | AUCTION § SALE ry "STOCK ------ Afficted Her In Confessing. | courts to decide. Waele by he Su edit ors to dec upon d bring your cloth g | SW : Ballston, -N.Y., Dee. 18.--~Mre. Hat | : , i tallow- | % N UCTED TO Moscow Soldiers Revolt. a ' , Way's "TON hock street. ie. *Gubiow 1 Pal ey ¥ \ iy Rt or at my | Berlin. Dee. 12.The Moscow corres | tie Munckton, on trjal charg red with Want Town To Themselves. RH er - roc in this City pon of the Lokal Ansieeer tole. | kiling her husband, took the witness | Newport, R.\.; Deo. 18.~At the last Sees Parents In Heaven. FEMALE 1 Acro | FRIDAY the & pi Stock of The fermeat: in the Moscow stand and it war brought out that | meeting ol the city coun i of New. Jokemo, Ind. Des 23=The. Som Vis "Duties to commenee early | the Frontenac Cere ral Company, amited ri over bad relations and 'nu the nig he contosse a le deputy | port a notice was PeceIve rom the | OF « a q ig , : ' 3 ' 6 0 « , \ + ro wh INN 4 Sit 2 . New y " ttended with Junuary. Apply, stating salary | of the par value of 8100 each NS prrogis resulted in. ar onen | sherifis she was given half a glass of | Rev. Dr, Braddin Hamilton, of New | reported to have bein a qualifications. to 15. Cuddy, Sec.- | made known at JOIN Ni rs, iAH v a Ros tof Cronin pen whiskey, and that the liquor affected | York, whose summer home is at Haw- | an astounding circumstance several . Juriowe, Pn | Auctioneer. ment. The Grenadiers freed their ar- | ber when she made the statements. thorn Villa, acting for a number of | hours before his doming. Bustin had nt ate = ¢ 1905. * : : he ummer residents of Newport, | ceased to breathe, and the sorrowing NAMES OF ANYONE WILLING tH 16th December { rested comrades by force, seized . the {the & r port, X 0 ura Save eee et eee : tas " iv i he Jdatives loft the room, weeping. On pictures of any historic event, enal with the stores of arms and | Strathcona Ill : Sailing Postponed | whosd names 'were not given in the | re ati ' WES i, IK Chingse ReStauram| o:yicl vith, tie gor pf aime and | Strathcona 11 ; Sailing Postponed | WIL, GINEL, I corel acon of | the. buen, some moments ater, he he ay he nate io, Jitu d De 91st uns hefore the barrac Later the |} London Du ! 0 fow tral a | the enarel assembly of Rhode Island supposed corpse was moving and talk- € eo BL { guns hetare 1h : A "1 has postponed, r a few dave, his + ra YR " Kingston." Kindly send word to Mrs Opens Thurs ay. C. 8 madiors issusd a series of economic | <r) Pome SA A la bill would be introduced to divide | ing. His words were : "Oh, why did 1 vi rena ssued § ¥ » sit to nada. Sir Thomas Barlow | § . A un. Johnston street. ne i pe are going out for any Meal, of | and political demands and the vom x Wr hden Stealing acs the | the eity of Newport, the southern sec: | come hack ? 1 was visiting with fath- MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PL MB- | ove na Lunch, do not foret to call at mand of the regiment was taken over hos w, but probably Stratheona will | HO? of the city, ih which most of the | er and mother. They talked to me and ne Trade, pays $5 day after com-| g3 3 Princess Street--83 | iv a committee of twenty elected hy | anil Inv th Campunia on the 22rd. Leottagers live, to hy known as South {I talked to them in she hidvinly pleting course of practical instruction | ERVICE the mutineers. ! His ilinoss is not of a serious nator, | Newport. The reasolis given for such realm. Why should 1 be called back to ne vr it fli HY fadwl FIRST CLASS 5) The men of the Astrakan Regiment | thaug) "the knee is slightly painfal {'metion are unjust taxation and the | earth ¥" Several hours later his wish ates mitted to « | though the knee 3 on i! : ] Plumbers. Assoviation; Positions se 1g LARGE SIZE T ABLES and the Cossacks refused to move | | failure of the city council to respect | was granted, and he passed peacefully : Roya Huse Uo; oT : hile x on trussels. good for | against the mntincers. The telegraph | . | the wishes af the summer residents, | away. Cine ry Ta: le Br acta IR vcs and houses for Christ: | and post - services have been largely | One Day In Jail {who are said to pay at least 63 per , nt ¥ o a stored. | Ottawa, Dee" I8.-0One day in jail | cent, of the taxes of the city. A simi- Cleared For Sarnia. TO-LET TURK'S SECOND- HAND STORE was the sents pursed on Mrs. Cle | lar action has been served on the city Winnipeg, Man Dee. 18.~A Fort . 808 Princess Stree | . wud 4 A Mrs. Cle-| , : bn 44 " . » a Yoliow Yarns. | ment hy uid re i Tuvish a do- | clerk, i It a he eved that the city | willtam dispatch says that the steam- STORAGE DWE LLINGS, OFFICES, LOST §{. Petersburg, Dec. 18.--The offiei | ment was arti on tice « orgs | sore} will strongly oppose a division or Nopeewah, the last vessel of the Ntores ¥ Real Estate ol at, Ye » ' PC. , ee. 4a | of theft and regeiving stolen goods. | of the city, Agency Tt. CHAIN | telegraph agency : states that reports | or husband, : Joseph Clement, was Seti dloared, trons that port for we NT ART AN AND Los ia trom conver- | published that Ihutsk, Siberia, has | _tenced to seven years in Kingston Fig Tax On Immigrants atnia on Saturaay., i ) MS WELL HEATED attached, an Woy ase return to this | been in flames, that fighting has ee-| 0s 0 ' { 3 ' e \ Ha 1 ch anprovenieats ee: Feamler plea T : od between local and wmutinons penitentiary, I Washington, Dec. 18--Bills have Clauss razors, razor strops, mani- ns College wiv Bo E -- p-- i : i : Dicer a Amy ea om ~------------------ | {rqops at Harbin, Manchuria; that an : Sa been introduced in the house 'impos- | cure sets and Schusors make most - hee enna WALLY, THE Li VOY AND GENTLE other mutiny has occurred at Viadi- | Fire In Girls' School. ing a howd tax of $10 on immigrants | acceptable 'hristmas presents. By SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO man. who found purse in Mihoods | Co nd that KKarkoff and Eliza- | Constantinople, Dee. 18. Barton | not coming from the Unite States' | Steachan's. Open every evening this Princess. stroet ; moderale rent Arapid etal te a Dflive | hethgrad are ablaze, are pure inven- | Hall, the American college for girls, | overseas possedsions; providing that week. session. immediatoly. Apvly to i hay es See Nitin in the subiirh of Seutari, was partial. { persons receiving rebate from railways "Beautiful packages" of high elass = - - | \ BUFFALO KOBE, BETWEEN THE | Tha proletariat leaders claim to have | ly destroyed by fire. The 'students, in| may be compelled to pav to the gov- candy,' MeCankey's and Huyler's, only' uo USE ON R STREET. 8 Military College and Lawless' | TH knowledge that the govern-| cluding n number of boarders, were in | ernment twice the amount of such re- at Gibson" * Red Cross drug stére. ms, good out buildin und fruit Corners. Finder wilt te Ample re j awe has just issued S125.000,000 in | hed when the flames wore discovered, | bates: fixing a maximum penalty of don, moderate rent or further warded iv returning to th e. MA ied . $10,000 fine or tin years' : : , . informa ppply aves Groo { r money, Under the provisions of lL All the inmates were rescued. y ie © LE imprison : NM bi 1 opty 1. Eyes Tote A TAN LEATHER PURSE { Pape «« law, the editor of every| 3 a {iment, or both, for fraudulent at- ROYAL SKATING RINK A § i BY ---- : < i ad : I ---- ---- ing a sum. of Money | paper whith printed the manifesto has Tracey Waddell, aged seventeen tempts to attain title to public lands. Opened Deo. 168th, 1906 COMFORTABLE STONE : pts, on Ontario or King is himself © lable 'to eight pars, Kon of John Waddell, of J. B M Skating Monday Wednesday and Fri- in e street. good sit mornine. Rew ir its > 4 V : mment god K1.500 fine, | & : ¢ Chath #2 ela I gq 4 1 | day evenings, weather overmiiting. Ad- with aodern ir this Office months mp 8 of the | Stringer & Co, Chatham, grain dea onvenic post card albus. are | mission. 16. Season Tickets. Adults, lately * renova red Oc i gti a ------------ | Now must come the test of the gov- | ory broke through the ice of the River | selling rapidly this_vear at R. Uglow | #1 ¥ Children, 50c. ing ch, and will ace . . " . ment's power Thames while skating, and was | & Company's. rent AH May. 1st A GOLD BRACELET, WITH ©1.0.J | ernme » Zama 2 pi NI eneraved oh locket. Fridhy night nt The burcan of the Moscow Zemstvo | ge wneud Fugineer H. Bbotl, dr, opped dead in HOUSE. TO-LET. ce i--e-- | Queen's COUT. OF oe 15 43 | conurest has recived Premier' Witte's] At Red Lake Falls, Min. Peter a street car in the CF: RB. subway, COLLEGE STREPT.-NBAR UNION "Never holare" was sich a be antiful Division St. and. receive reward. reply in the Zemktetist er d Martell, a blacksmith, his wife, two | Winnipe He' was the oldest firoman tone House; in good repair; ks » tinigters has dis- r 1: hier. were humed to the and out exhibit of Ny clase candy shown. in - which the council of w aon an" a dawg y rm Le in ha There are plenty of good friends for cussed, Fo ba --."e hat he = death by 5 fire which destroyed their | Jocks is girls, a lave lino by fav. ; " a * cotmeil Executive KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, (GREAT COUP Committee Of Labor Unions Arrested. | BUT NEW COUNCIL WITHIN AN HOUR REPLACES THE OLD ONE. Deliberate Revolutionaries Regard Arrest as Provocative Chal- lenge--Warrants Against Edi- tors--Two Regiments --Battle Royal Expected. London, Dee. 15--The rrespondent of the 'Limes cables vr date of yesterday: 'The policy pression reached a climax, >. Petershur un of last night, Routed 2 | duty is to. earry out the emperor's will, as expressed in the manifesto of October 30th, A Bold Manifesto. St Petersburg, Dee, 18.-The prole- lah organizations, through the "in- visible government," threw a bomb | Hl into the camp of the official gov ernment by issuing a manifesto, fol Jows ng the form of a regular imperial | doe agent, declaring the bankruptcy of | the "treasury, ordering the proletariat army to refuse to pay ig to insist on payment of Wages in gold or silver, and to withdraw all deposits from savings banks in- gold, The manifesto is a terrible indictment of the manner in which the bureaucracy has brought the county to financial ruin, a ing that | the goverome nf? Bquander 1 | not only the country's income, but the {pre ods of the fore gn lgans on rail | voads, the army and the eot, leaving the people Without schools or roads; % { ver, it is declared, there is no money | to feed the soldiers, and cverywhere | are insurrections of beggared and | starved troops and sailors. © The mani festo even charges the government with uring deposits. in the government sav. {ings banks to spec ulate on the bourse, DECEMBER 18, THE LIQUIDATORS: 1905. HAS ASSIGNED The York County Loan Company Quits. ARE THE NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY OF TORONTO. The Reason Was to Hold Off the Many Writs Returnable This Week--Some Time Will Elapse Before Creditors Can Be Ap- peased. Toronto, Dee. 18.~Crowded into a hot corner by the impertunities of the charcholders who were raining writs against them by the dozens, the York RIT IN| NAVIGATION ENDED. -- i Midland Harbor Will Shelter ' Many Boats. Midland, Ont., Dee. 18.~The end of the soason of navigation here came, this weok, with the arrival of the steambarges Plummer and Fairmont, although this scason, more the past®three months has been the most disastrous on the lakes for many voars: All the vessels running from Midland have returnid safely, each having had a successful summer's business. The which will winter in this harbor, includes some of the finest Cangdian freighters in the up- per lakos, les mamerous small eralt, tugs, dredges, ete. Seven large grain carriers, the Midland King, Mid land Queen, Tadousac, Donnacona, Plummer and Fairmount, are winter- ing here. SUN WILL GROW QLD. will Take 20,000,000 Years Says Sir Oliver Lodge. London, Dec. 18,--8ir Oliver Lodge, the great scientist, declares that one of the recent sun spots observed, in the Tarred and Feathered and Expos: Christmas selling: Sie DAINTY NECK PIECES « Silk, Chiffon, Ribbon and La from 25e. COLLAR AND CUEF SE gf Lives. Lace, ete., from PRIZE--A Maltese Scarf, Collar or Handkerchief. of these elegant run from 60c. to That deseribes our | tions of. Buglish, French and to $2. COLLAR AND CUFF SE of Plaid Silk, th faggot edge. very special at EMBROI DERED TAB COL- LARS of Muslin, from Te. to SL. »{Steacy See a our or ber, 1905, by Rev. Ryckman, HARTRICK~SMITH.~On 27th Nove Ww. erick Hartrick, at a { Xi ngs: KMAN.-- * Sioom Bernard Moris, Fg all of Hallowe) Funeral from Tuesday. attend. (Montreal Tw Are 'more and Mi never tire sizes :-- Jas. a ET SOMERVILLE. In Kingston. 18th, '1905, Annie reli Inte Francis Somerville, aged Ly-8iX yoars. Joseph Kennedy, quaintances are respectfully invited to and Toronto papers * please copy.) J AA ROBT. J. REIL The Leading Undertaker "Phone 577, Shakespearian Songs During I 10% SHH. others never their children, and receiv A Stockings at 10 cents. : Stockings at 20 cents. . Stockings at 40 cents. Stockings at 75 cents. Stockings at $1. Stockings at $1.50 Stockings at $2. DIED, ict of the sevens ¥ unersl, private. HAZLE --In Wo naton: op on Ree. 17 h, 1905, J. B. Jon ot John lnalect, "ilies nke Ontario avigation aged i twenty-six years ne months. the residence of 147 Frontenac St, at 8 pm. Friends and ac 222 Princess Queen's Universit yDramatie matio WILL PRESENT IN THE Grand Opera. Hous popular tha Ln poy a Them. Wo nave Importers not our