Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1905, p. 6

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from J; P, dan Swit. & Teale Masnwen g TELY RoR LLY BSON, PHYSICIAN urge Hoe late Resident House ¥ Apeston General Hospit- of a " We guarantees OUR milk to be AB. | SOLUTEL THIREE DAYS AT, FOR © A TIME . \ Thoman Fingers. Hazeldean, Ont. 1 BL, gy eo oy & gu at suffersh _ CURED HIM; from kidney trouble for sigh fmonths. | terrible pins across small of my back. NI Have tn. Stay in bed for three days at a time and eoulé not do any work, tried reversal remod/es bit of no "avail, and also asters but thoy were of no use, 1 p a hbor of mine advised me Bd, Kidney Pills. I was no much discouraged I told! him I we tired of trying Hppmiadien, but he turged mesto try ane box "0 1 purchased one, and before I was through using it, 1 found a:ohange for the better so I ages mare, and | have no trouble with m weys since, ad not be without Dan's Pills in my house." } » It is really not difficult to care kidney trouble in its fastutaqus, All you have to do is to give Doarfs Kidney Pills a trial, They ave a never. failing cure for all forme of kidney trouble, They quickly relieve the conjested, overworked kidueys, ard gradually bring them back to health. Doan's Kidney Pills 50 cents per Wox or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers vr The Doan Kiduey Pill Co., Toronto, Oat, The use of a Barometer The everyday convenience and "usefplness of reliable barometers is becoming | more and more recognized by Agriculturists and the ral public, A guaraateed Aneroid made by Short & Mason, i y Eng.) will 'be sent prepaid by A complete treatise on # Weather Instruments for the Home " will be mailed to your address for asc. or included free with any barometer. RYRIE BROS. wee LIMITED 134-138 YONGE ST. * TORONTO « ONT, =n ] An Honest . Guarantee $ Y pure; put up in sterilized bottles: It is the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot "Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts, . "Phone 567. C. H. POWELL Na Lal { |The Tidings.) rom *Vaiious Points iO eden They Are Saying. ---- Toledd News. Toledo, Nov. 15.-Misk A. Rape John Rape, were in Brockville, on [Mth Just. Martin Murphy visited Wrviends in Elgin recently. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Chant, Chantry, taken up their residence in the vil lage. Rov. Mr. MacDonald, Morton, occupied the pulpit jn the Presbyterian church here on Sunday last, ichael Smith returned last week from the North-West, where he hus spent the last couple of months, Wiss Annie Jor. don, Lombardy is the Quest at the home of Mes. Bilger, Miss 0. Lilhe, Smith's Falls, spent Sunday, in the village, RE, Williams, Smith's Falls, wos renewing acquaintances in Toled. ol Sinday last, J, Kennedy is spend ng a few dave the guest of friends in Hrockville, T, 'Wickware, Frankville, has leased the Commercial Hotel hore and will ta'ce- possession on the 20h inet, : and the ------ +A Memorial Service. Wiltcm, Nov, 15.--There will be no service in the Methodist church, next Sund iv, as quarterly and anniversary Srviges will be hold at Violet, both Jnorhing and evening. Rev. Mr. Craig Of Frankfort, ing. On Monday *Vening a platform weetiog will he the Newburgh choir Mill he present to furnish the music Darius Babcock and family will move to Kingston this week. They will he missed greatly in the Methodist church, ' where they have boen regular attendants, and faithful workers for years. A memprial sepvice will be held in the Methodist church, Sundag, Nov. ember 26th, for the late dohn Burley, 'who died at Watertown, N.Y, a fow weeks ago, sad was brought here for burial. Mr, Burley was a former re sident, Mrs. Charles Stover, Wilton, nnd Henry Burley, Odessa, are child ren of the deceased, Mr. and Mrs, W. Galtagher, Portland, gre visiting their reany friends and relatives in this vicinity. "Other visitors: Alexander "Vixon and mother, Camden East, at H. Mille'; Mr. and Miss Sills, Svden. ham, at James Lewis'; Miss Mariorin Simpson, Napanee, at LoL. Gal lagher's: Mrs, Peeples, Watertown, at No A, Asselstine's, Elgin Episodes. Elgin, Nov. 14.--Sawtell Dargavel ig moving into his few residence in the village, A movement is on foot for contributions to build a barn for Wes. ley Topping, who had the misfortune to have his barn and contents des- troyed by fire recently. Mek, A. Prati Michigan, is visiting her friends in this vicinity, Once more the new Eng. lish church will be dedicated the first December, The friends of Miss Sophia Topping will he pleased to know that she is weovering from: her severe ill. ness. Stonecrushers have been at work in the neighborhood for several days, Threshing is about completed for this season. The tax collector is on his rounds again, To-day's storm was a surprise after the heautuful weather of the past few days. The Women's Visionary Soviety, of the Methodist church, will hold an auxiliary tea in the schoolroom of 'the Thurlday "evening. "MG. Tamily, Athens, spent friends here, Mgs, church on Brown and Sunday with Mina Gilbert, Innis Ville, visitdd her mother, Mrs. A Wiltse, for a Tw davs She returned to her home today, taking her moth or with her to spend the winter Mrs Wright Sheldon js visiting Athens' friends. Mise Minnie Cheney has re turned from Toronto Francis Sood and wile, Chantry, spent Sunday Cheney's, at W, ---- Division Court Judgments. Odessa, Nov, '13,~ The ladies of the Methodist = church held their monthly missionary meeting on Wednesday af ternoon, November 1st. Don Thomp fon and Clarence Davy have returned from 4 hunting expedition near Om Pah: not much game. Misses Periy shire and English have organized a literary society. Division court was held in the town hall on F day, the Hoth, Judge Mudden presiding, the bar being represented by H. M De roche, K.C', and J. English, Napance The docket was small, seveFal cases being withdrawn, or settled be + the clerk. The following cases were dis posed of: LUX Currall we oW Plack--Acogunt SEL judgment for plaintiff, with costs. J. Rattan vs George Dillon Account, repairs on farm, 885: judgment for plaintifi for INE and casts, George Dawson vs Robert Grange - Account for tile lav ing, for $10.31. indgment of won «uit Court adjourned us til January 12th, 1906 Philip Oswald leit Monday for Riverside, Cal. A concert. was given in 'the town hall in aid of the W, man's Missionary Society, on Mon {ay evening, by the American Conoert company. The Company consists of Murtha Philena Powell. Soprano: Rob cet Bickle, robusto tenor: Mabel Stan. | fev Leonard, reader and entertainer. Not Just As Good. ¥ When you go ta your draggist to buy "Ozone" ask and demand "Sol tion of Ozone (the coupon kind. )™ This will give You a twenty-five cont package of "Celery King." It will give vou the he Dreparation of | "vone in the world and it gives |' You about" twice as much for money as other brands, of fifty cents, aver twice that much fora dollar and a pack of thel} wellknown remedy "Celery Ring" free, |, We put "Celery King" "coupon in our "Ozone," 'hecause the People Your Sixteen ounces he . Deca "did he dance wit Know "Celery King," because it "pives -- or tance wi h you the worst hotter results with -"Celiry King "and - ler gan sho | w" o because Bo. other fikm oan give | SHS, snaneral, the very "Uelery King" "with Ozone.' It citres, nn that's the reason we give vou a pack- age froe and that's the reason should never buy any other Kind. Ask for "Solution of Ozone (the coupon. king.) Fifty conte und one dollar at vous drug store andd don't take, any other kimi; because if you you Reglan Street People Are Doing And What : He Danced With Mary Todd the to laugh as her husband, andl it soma times happened that he was the point Was at a When the music gawky admirer to his peculiar idiom : dnl, casting a | her friends, © ionsness, ter's Little Liver Pills tabla' They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. MIST mde when Sts. hy OF RACTICAL SCHOOL Modern ers | moderate rates. Day and ing Glasses y 'STOCKPALE popu, urday, six large deer for Ross Peters. Quarterly meeting will be held Violet, Sunday, November 19th. Mrs, Emily Simpkins, accompanied by her nephew and neice, John and Miss Car rie Brown, spent 'Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Brown. Miss Wianifrid Vanalstine, Napanee, is spending a few weeks here the guest of Mrs. T. BR. Hamm, and Miss Martha Hogoboom. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brown, were, on Sunday, guests of Mr. and and Mrs, Cassin Davey, Yarker, . Wil. liam Lapum is spending a few weeks with Levi Salisbury, Camden East. A number from here attended the bell ringers' concerts at Camden East and Yorker, and report them excellent, Foxes are ¢ her have been see and John Brown, popular huntsmen. William Brown has returned home, after spending the summer with Yevi Brown: Visitors : Edward Irish, with Sperry Rikely; Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. J, by both Edwin Bell two of our most Lee, Yarker, with E.. Boulton. Mrs, F. with Mr. and Mrs. B, se: nie Smith, Westbrook, with Mrs, F, E. Brown, ---- Myers' Cave News. Myer¥' Cave, Nov. 15.The hunting season. is slowly drawing to a close, and "from all .accomts, deer were not so plentiful as formerly, at least in this section of the country. After the very high wind on Monday last the weathe: turned very cold, and many small lakes are frozen over. Walter Clark and friend, A. Mill r, were the guesss--of-£--3 the hunting season. he tax collec tor, F. Good, ix again on his rounds. W. Pipe, who left on the 'harvest ex oursion in August last, has returned home. Mrs. John Curtis, who heen visiting friends in Renfrew, re turned home on Wednesday last. E Dellven has gone to work the Rathbun company. on Partridge Creek. C. Smith, of Ardoch, was the guest of his sister, Mes. John Gray, Harlowe, on Sunday last. A, been suffering from = a valescent, and returned at the Big Dipper mine J. C. Mitchell was daughter, Mrs, D. Miss Gertie Moetvegor during has far cold, is con- to. his on Tuesday. the guest of his Gray, on Sunday. Perry, visited Mrs. J. Broadhead, on "Phursday last. Mps. J. D. Rogers. of Harlowe, was a pass enger on the Harlowe stage to Cloyne on Wednesday last. Mes. James Ful ler, of Brockville, has returned to her home, after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. T. Neale. Miss Alice Henny. spent Sunday last at the Cave Rumor says there are two weddings scheduled, -------- ANOTHER LINCOLN STORY. Worst Way. Lincoln was Mrs. almost as ready if her joke Une ovening some time before she married Abraham Lincoln, Miss Todd little evening party, sur. omded by a bevy of young women struck up her tall and approached, aud, much the general amusement, said, in CMiss Todd, 1 want to dance with on the worst way." Miss Todd accepted the invitation, ook full of meaning gt he did. her best to keep lear of Lingoln's reat boots. Final v she returned to her seat, quite ont. of 'breath from her exertions. "Well, Mary." said one of the girls, To be free from sick headache, bil. constipation, ete., nse Car Strictly Vege. : Rev. b. aha Brtiethob H.| quick, sure cure. Address Pyramid vou won't get a ckage of | Fivingstone and i olulia Siw, vue Co. Tim Pyramid Bldg. Mar- "Celery King" Pa 'both of township of Yonge, shall, Mich, Ene : . 48DAY. NOVEMBER 16. --2 NOVEMS or profession any iets : - = he FESS of reais equipment ; competent teach. "Principal. Lapum, Nov. 15.--F, E. Brown, our artist, photographed, on Sat at plentiful here, and a num. Adkin Snider, Odessa; Mr. of Violet, Dellyea, who has. | ork in plain sealed package. once for a trial of 15 T0 BE IM Montreal, Nov: 16.--Hon. Mr. Pre fontaine, minister of marine, stated yesterday that there' was no need for a commission to enquire into the St, Lawrence route, bécause of the wreck bof the. Bavarian. The passage there | was a mile and three-quarters ide. | The further improvements, "he said, in progress and contemplated, are in- tended to make the channel still wider and deeper at its narrowest » and shallowest points in view of the in. creasing size of the ocean steamships. In the: meantinie, given careful navi- ' gation, there is no more reason for accidents between' the sea and Mon- ' treal than between Sandy Hook and New York, where the German steamer Graf, Waldersee was 'aground' for twenty-four hours this week, Mr. Prefontaine repeated his inten- tion" to thoroughly reorganize the pilotage system soon as he ob- taingd control on January Ist. "THere shiny 8 more licensed pilots than are nece asad sO i Erp HON. . AYLESWORTH : Will Have ther's Assistarice \ in North York. J : | Newburgh, "Nov, 1d Our | of the snows paid a couple oNyisits? to our village this week. The dies' Aid concert in the Methodist chyreh, on Tuesday evening, was riot as heat a success financially, as their ormer concerts, the proceeds only amednting 00000 ar) to 855 = The American concerts coh: EE a st mmr. 4 Ne DRO mme, It wad bv; proceeds amounted to nearly $100. he er hy Bickle was ato 43 Mry. Mike Schmerhorn, "ho has heon der difficulties, and consequently, Ly vith. tyhoidfever, in Hotol iy, (nr diffe cold, did sot do himself js mgeton, Feturndd. | Home Sunday, tice, Miss Leonard the elocutionist, nearly well. Ais was good and pleased the crowd. Foxes Are Plentiful. Miss Powell has a fine voice of great range and power which she used to great advantage. Mrs. Lyons returned to her home in Montréal, on Monday after spending a couple of weeks with her uncle, J. W. Courtney. J, 1. Shorey and wife and children, spent Sunday with his mother = Mr, S. Shorey. Miss Elda Haight is spending a few weeks at her home in Cannii. ton. At the Epworth League. on Mon. day evening, Miss Ella Chant save the report of the 'recent E. L. con vention at Camden East, Mise Pearl Wood entertained a large number young people on Friday evening, Mrs. Burdette is very low. P. D. Shorey, principal of the public school, was un abl to attend to his duties on Mon- dav owing to illness. A very success ful L'terary was held in the high school on Friday afternoon. The cheese factory here had ta clos carly) for repairs. The farmers take their milk to the Camden East fac tory. Miss Clara Shorey returned on Sunday . after spending a- few weeks with her brother. J. E. Shorey, Can nifton. Mre, Littlewood left on Mon day to join her husband in Brock "ville, G. A. Aylesworth left. 'on Sat: urdav, for Toronto, to helo his broth: Irish, with Mrs. J, Irish; Mr. and er, Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, in North Mrs. F. Ward, with Mrs E. Simp- | york. y king; Mr. and Mrs. Janes pd Where Is The Hurt. Any deep-seated pain, any strain o: bruise of muscle or tendon will be cured quickest by the use of Smith's White Liniment. "It penetrates deeply into the muscles and tissues and ban ishes pain or inflammation. If vou have backache, muscular rheumatism. lumbégo, otc., try this remedy to-day. Large bottles, 23¢ » at Wade's.. Money back if not sitisfac tory. | -------- Mrs. W. M. Penny, Belleville, is nsk ing-for--tidings 0 her son William, who left, April 10th, to join 'a lum i bering company. under the name Macdonald. He left his employ July, ' Abdominal supporters, all kinds, Dr. Chown's | Rev. L. A. Betts united in marriage , Edward Curry, Athens, and Miss Pearl Kelsey, Charleston PILES CORED QUICKLY AT KOME| | Why Suffer Agony Any Longer When ! You Can Get 2 Quick, Sure Cure For Your Piles by Simply Sead- ing Your Name and Address® of in at Trial Package is Sent Absolutely Free, in Plain Wrapper to Everyone Who Writes. ---- To let a surgeon operate on you for piles is foolhardy. It is suicide The moment you cut into those tender muscles you throw away ten Nears of your life in energy, Kfe-blood and vig or, besides rendering a sure cure of your piles almost impossible, The wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure makes an operation unnecessary. "You care yourself with perfect case, in your own home, and for little expense, Pyramid Pile Cure gives vou in- stant relief. It immediately heals all sores and ulcers, reduces congestion and inflammation, and takes away ali pain, itching and irritation. Just a little of the treatment iscusnally sof ficient to give a permanent cure. Pyramid Pile Cure is prepared in the form of suppositories so they can be applied' directly to the parts with- out inconvenience, or interrupting your Work in, any way. We are sending a trial treatment res of charge, to every one who sends nanie and address. We do this to prove what we say about this won. devful remedy is true. After vou have tried the sample treatiient, and you are satisfied, you can get a fall regular-simed treatment "I Pyramid Pile Cure at yoiir drug- gist's for fifty cents, If he hasn't it, send us the money and we wil] send vou the treatment at once, hy mail, Send Your uname and address this at marvelous PROVED COMMISSION ISNOT wo et : Muedrets. SAYS THE MINISTER. : : mgements. Wreck of Bavarian Not Due to bi ' Tie St. | Narrowness of Passage -- Too . A K El Many Pilots. on entering CHLORODYNE work with less fuel than any other range made. has a larger oven, power- fal water heater and artistic in design. « ELLIOTT 'The Delicious Flavor of Ceylon Tea has made o'her tea. : Lead Packgts Only. Blick, Mixed or Green. Award, St. Loui a place for it attainable by no 25¢., 30¢., 20c., 50¢c. and 80c. per Ib, By all Grocers. 1904. AIRE nly genuine Vichy AFR a FREE HELP FOR MEN i: : is " RESTORINE 1 Mr, Jules ak ter? 'ud vitality, Write for sa nk sec y 5 Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE Co. P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL. AND ONLY GENUINE). Colds, Goughs. CHLORD CHLOR (ALOR CHLORODYNE WENIANTO XTINO is admitted by the profession to ha the most wonderful and valuable rem edy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for COl GHS, COLDS, CONS MPTION, BRONCHI TIS, ASTHMA. i | N foi like a' charm in DIARRHOFA and is the only specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENTERY. efiectually cuts short all EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, TION and SPASMS: attacks of PALPITA is the only palliative in NEURALGIA RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete Always ask for "DR. J. CO ol spurious compounds or COLLIS bettle, LEIS PROWNE'S CHI ORODYNE," imitations, . The genuine bears the words "DR. J BROWNE'S CHLORGDYNE" on the and beware Government Stamp "of ca Scld in bottles at 1s, 134d5,3s, od., and 4s. 6d. each. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, WY OE Range This range will "do more LYMAN BROS, & CO., Limited, Toronto. BN It THOUSANDS IN USE Reliable - Perfect - Economica BROS .. Phone 35. 77 260 ortsses sassrrrs sseerers SHANNON FILES & CABINETS @ Transfer Cases. Card Index Qutfits. Special 'Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors and Dentists. > Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. J.B, C. DOBBS & €0.. 171 Wellington St. Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. Princess Street. PPP IFFIPP4G A5{AN NORTH-WE 9 Saran: REGULATIONS . D RED may sole abo is the B vears of age, ma o oF to of : arter section, 1 ore of ous. personally at oy or the district in bel over one-Qu m may be y fice fc Jsad office is sual be taken may 1 v4 Se may. on app we and 10 esires, e Inter pomestd Sinicler of 'of Immi to somiritssd the ComiT =" the local agent el Of b ine nich the land 18 site we SUC City for some eur BERND DUTIES : A settler anted an eairy for a a tw perform 3 stead a ted therewith under plans idonce. § sonths res _ "the lund in each ears. ne or "mother seu) vl BRODY Person - a howestead entry ps of this Act, re "the vicinity of the ch person as. a b ents of this Act a obtaining vatent 5 jes, the re widence 8 by ich person residing aus yey ¥, lather ay has his parma ; 4 tye a farming land QWne: iy of his homestead, he vicinity of d, re pe { this Act as to Susi Jequireuy 4 hy residence up FOR PATENT 8} gl of three years Agent, Sub-Agent or oF. N : Pi application for, eer must ve HX months' u the settler 10 he - Commissioner of B SE. ds st Ottawa, of his inte wirio ds bdo B%iS OF CANADIAN Nu BIAUESLS NING REGUL RH seal --Uoal lands may be pu us og acre for soft coal aal 3 on dite Not more than 320 acre pe ed by one individual or at the rate of tem ounds shall be coll vy. Royalty ol 3,000 - "free miner's certifice [Fo dvan upon payment in a mn au for an individual Fa soto $100 pes annum for a Cl ing to capital A having discovered .m In place, way locate a claim 1 He oe for recording a claim is § At least $100 must be expended © daim each year or paid to the mini i a thereof. When $50 Se xa yr wd, the locator Jun eh urvey made, and plying i other requirements. chase the laud at $1 en acre. The vives for the paym * a royalty of 24 per cent on the sal ok C enerall rLACER mining claims ge 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, rene my biain two les in w way obta n Fl of - five wiles each years, renewable 1 retion of the Mimster of the In "Te lessee shall have a dredge in ation within one season from e d we lease for each five miles. Rent per annum for each mile of river «yaity at the rate. of Pe ey 'on U er it ex od on the output aft 3 exe CORY uty of the Minister of the In NB. --~Unaunthorized publication twrtisenent will not he paid for The Time Has OC tae without aw r fest comfortab! o wear Rub? with pair So Une or the "other LE ki CUBA LAN Knowing, Have Bought There, you what w le evidence of co Company pro tern Cuba, is fur y intending our prope clusive that h the fertil vie location of t transportation Bartle." Price of Lands, $2! Call or write Prospectus The Cuban Realt Apply to J. 0. HUTTON 311 University Ave., Ki Plumbing and He Hot Water He: a Specialty. Inspection of work invited. will be cheerfully given. offered at for Maps, I have none but the best p) fharastee you first-class wor DAVID H. Brock Street. 'Phon EMBOSSING for Paper and | ENGRAVING ¢ Desides ali classes of L from a card to a vol

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