Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1905, p. 14

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"Salada" Black Tea: io : . 286.300 600. and 60c. per pound. At All Grocers. a ad Boe, AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1004, i The "Surtout." The "Surtout" has come into its own as the Overcoat of : Fashion. "Its sniuigness of waist and swecp of skirt," lend a poise--an air--a dignity--peculiarly its own, Fit-Reform "Surtouts" are London's newest, styles--.modified to suit the Canadian taste. $22, $25 and $30. , Th oy Fdlrn Wario ba i of = EK, P. Jenkins, - Kingston. an 7] rere MONEY AND BUSINESS, IN. AND GLOBE avERPogL., towBON AND, Benote 7.915, Iw which 4 3 limited stockholders: hi a Saye, Rok oe . anhine Marks EI I TERR emerge NN ALTTRT o Aievhons 608. and Finterance om Bagot street, ARH ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF a of New Drill Hall, near cers Ber of Quesp and Montreal Strests. POWER & Say RCHITEOT, © chant Brock and' Waliaeton iv 4) PURE AND WHOLESOME. Brak || OME POUND CAN 250 Ceylon Natiiral Green Tea, and you 'will be convinced ~ that it has the same delicious quality that has made i ' : ho etna tremendous issues "THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDA a» ¥ Y, N OVEMBER, 4. : Letter From fae "York. STIR HIS PEN TO STERN DE- NUNCIATION. United States in Midst of Polit- ical Turmoil -- Trinity of Im- | portant Figures in the Field-- | Téddy's Great Welcome. ) | Special Correspondence Latter; No. 1,486 New York, Nov. 3.--While we have been in the United States, enjoying the evening of our Iglian summer, 4 blessed 'season which unites the sum- mer warmth with the winter's dd- vancing frost, and the entire pation is enjoying a prosperity almost un- equaled in' our history, from Europe somes the ery of massacre and war, where oppressed millions are rising 1, crush the long. abused imperial Dower, and it would almost seem as if des potism in government was about je mg destroyed gnd that over is rung { un republic shall rise which may yet | be the marvel of our modern times, { and Russia after long years of sor | rowiul trials and sacrifices, Yor which Bo limit can be named, may have that { blessing which the grandest republic on | Whe earth has to-day in a government, | "of the people, for the people, and by the people." Dreadful news, borne on the lighining's wing, told. 5 story of | massacre and suffering in Russia's an- cient capital, the vy of Moscow. The murderous Cossack is again on daty, and the streets of that imperial city are red with. blood of its suffering people, The revolution is not loeal; it reaches to the limits of the em ire; it gives its best blood to right the wrongs which the down trodden and oppressed have sufferod for ages. The Caucasus is all aflame. From the Cri mea to St. Petersburg there is ng sign of peace, and the life of the czar and his councillors is in deadly peril, It is rumored that the Russian des. pot hag applied to his German broth- er for aid, The despotic tuler of Rus sia will no longer be olerated by the Russian people. Austria can hardly be depended on for aid. Hungary is in rebellion and ite best energies will tax Austria's imperial power, It has heen rumored that the United States has been called upon to aid in the ad- justment of a peril which now threat- ens Russia's throne, The United States has fulfilled all the requirements of humanity and justieo; no more must be asked of her and 1 say, "Hands of," and let the Furopean powers settle it among themselves, | | { { | While | said a moment ago that we were in the enjoyment. of peace, it was i the tion close at hand, are taxing fhe ehergies | of our best men for victory or defeat. In the political drama which is now being acted there is a 'trinity of im portant figures which stand out bold and clear upon the battle field and each one of the contestants is ahso futely certain that the victory is his beyond the power 'of defeat. The three champions are Mr. lying, George B McClelland and William R. Hearst The meetings addressed by cach of the candidates have been the most crowd ed and enthusiastic for years, Mr. Iv in's record is unreproachable: years ago, before the present local politi cians were born he did the city im perial service, There isn't a stain or a blot on his record and his bitterest strects: (Fhoue 313, ¥ IENRY P. "Phone. RAK. E.W.GILLETT oar LIM TORONTO.ONT. See Window Display stamped on every garment, insures "you genuine HEALTH UNDERWEAR the mont erect mas healtinul, most ully comfortable nerves made. y eet 30 MARK "u OF Fancy Parlor Furniture, the most artistic designs. Fancy Mahogany Chairs and Rockers, * fipholstered in all shades, silks. Fancy Mahogany Oval Parlor Tables, Fancy Parlor and China Cabinets, also Fancy Gguches. Rug and Velour Parlor Sets. - | Neduced Prices This Week at 'JAMES REID'S or Square nd you should burs if you want a satisfaction fire. . We are filing orders pow for winter supplies. Have you ordered youre yet y 'Phone No, 133, BOOTH &CO. Fine 'COOKED MEATS. Try Myers' for iy has never questioned his hon | esty, When any. great question of re- | form arose and the city's strong box | wad in danger from the thieves who {had it in charge, Mr. Ivin's, solitary and almast alone, attacked the pang, | defeated their: schemes for robbery; { and when the board of aldermen was { @Vfilty of contempt of court he locked | the whole board up with lgck and key | through the entire night until they | purged themselves of the contempt the foo morning, The average character | of the candidates for mayor is above many former standards. Mr. Hurst is | { well known in the city a a journalist of reputation; he is young, energetic, thrifty and rich; and he is 'not above investing a few of his ducats to aid his success in the coming election. j George B. McCllland, the present | mayor, considering his surroundings, has given us a fairly good govern | ment, There have been herd and there | some slights faults: in his administra- | tion; but the fact of his being the | Tammany candidate will not aid his | fight in the coming election. William | Travis Jerome, the indevendint candi Ldnte for the office of district-aftorney i is fortunate in having received the en- | dorsement of the republican party and | his hoves look 'brighter now than | they did since the beginning of the | fight. One of the most singular bets was made here a few weeks ago by two gentlemen, who had! been acquainted for a number of - years; both of them { were suffering from an incurable coin- faint, and cach felt assured that his fra of life would ~ be exevedingly ; they commenax! battering each {other as to which should die first. {One of the gentlemen spoke up and said : "I'll bet you 8500 that I die | first." "Done," said the other A { mutual friend was hunted up and the stakes were placed in his hands with orders to. give it to the survivor when Ni. o Secrets To Hide We have nothing to conceal; no se- 3 0 ! We publish the formu- | Has of all You will for DARIN' Greater "New RUSSIAN HORRORS stake hole OF io) to tell the sar- vivor of his good fortode in winning $500, but on arriving at his home he was told that the body of the second contestant was - found in the bay abbut two miles from where the other has 81,000 that he doesn't know what to do with. He was forbidden by his indtructions #£t the time the bet was made to pay. the money to anyone but the survivor, It's impossible now to ascertain who died first and for a final settlement the stakeholder will have to hold the stakes until the judgment day. . It is a matter of general rejoicing that our president has made his southern tour and enjoyed the gene- rous hospitality extended to him and enjoved it to the fullest measure of content. Happy man; let him go where he will, he. finds himself perfect ly at home. When he reached his dear old mother's homestead away down south he suddenly discovered that he was one-half southern, all the mother's "family being 'on the southern side during the former unpleasantness. One was a famous admiral in the con- foderate navy. There are several gene: rals, mayors and captains, all dis tinguished fighters on the sothern side. No one could dare question his claim to old southern blood after that! The broadest hospitality was extended to him, presumably by his southern relationship, while in the north he was equally as strong and as a fair sample of the good old fighting stock of the northern Roose- velts, he had only to say, "Ecco Homo," "Behold the man." Up to the time of President Roosevelt's rule, no president of the United Stites had ever been outside of the limits of the union during his term of office, His passage home was upon one -of our warships which, passed outside the mile limit on its way home. He has now visited every state in the union and clinched his record by the an nouncaynent he made that "no man war fit to be president who only ruled a section of the Unitid States." BROADBRIM, a ---- AT CROW! r. SL in Omaha, is. said to have admit. ted that he had intended to kidnapp John DD. Roekefelier and hold him for a ransom of $1,000,004). TORTURING NEURALGIA Suffered For Ten Years, Cursd by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Neuralgia is the king of torturers. A tingling of the tender skin, a sharp sudden' stab from some angry nerve; thin piercing paroxysms of pain that's neuralgia. Cause of the trouble is disordered nerves due to thin wa- tery blood. The cure is Dr. Willigms' Pink Pills, which make new, rich red blood, and thus soothe gnd strengthen the disordered nerves and cure neural gia. 'Among. the thousands who have proven that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure neyralgia is Mrs, R. C. Johnson, of Simpson's Comer, N.S. Mrs. Johp- son says: "For upwards of ten years I was a sufferer from the awful pains of neuralgia. Over-exertion or the least exposure to a cold wave would set me nearly wild with torture. 1 doc- tored with two physicians, but they did not cure me. I thn tried several advertised medicines, but found po benefit, The trouble continued at in tervals: that made life misergble, un- til six or eight months ago when 'a re- lation of mhine brought me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and urged me to try them. T used this box and then got a half dozen more, and hy the time 1 had used' them all trace of the trouble had disappeared, and = as 1 have not since had the slightest at tack 1 feel sure in saying that the cure is permanent." Mrs. Johnson is one of the best known ladies in the section in which she resides, and is a pro- minent worker in the Congregational church, 'Naturally "her family and friends are rejoicing over her' | cure, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made many warm friends in that sec. tion as a result of their good work." It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, pure, warm blood that they have such great power to cure disease. They positively cure 1heuma- tism, sciatica, neuralgia," St. Vitus d nee, partial paralysis, kidney and liver troubles, anaemia, and the * ail ments from which women alone suffer, The purchaser must be careful 16 see that the full ngme, "Dr. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale Peaple," is printed on the wrapper around each hox. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at Hc. a box, or six boxes for £2.50, by writing the * Dr. Willigms Mcdicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Discover Sauerkraut Mine, Chicago Tribune. Phollippeville, in' Algiers, is determ: ined to keep up the repitation for al} ways providing something new. Only a short time ago a winged tortéise wag reported to have been discovered there next came an account of a "carnivers fous stone," whatever that may be. The latest marvel is a mine of sanen' kraut, discovered by workmen whily digging. It wai beneath a small hik lock, and was a compressed mass of vegetable matter, mostly eabbages, with the smell and taste of sauer kraut, but preserving its natural col or, When the repofter left the work 7 : xan dhe death of the other was ascertain ed. Several 'wecks passed and the body of one of the gentlemen was . . found float in South Bay. The SE -- body was recovered. The stake-holder § else or playing under the oblong tab- which means "venerable Then all take |their seats together, There is no rollicall or opening exercises. Some boy, who thinks he knows his lesson, takes his " ) 4 : he. other his k » the poor vaungs: The Cudahy kidnapper, now aOR Wh earont To Ye'con {THE CHILDREN ARE ALLOW ED NO HOLIDAYS. Hall in Temple Used Often As School Room -- Preferably One With /Tablet of Deceased + 'Ancestors -- Ruler and Sticks Freely Applied. : In Chjna,. children have no Satur- days as holidays, no Sundays as rest days. Their school session is. from Six to ten in the morning, at which time all go home to breakfast from eleven to one, when a recess of an hour is granted for luncheon, then from toga! four in the afternoon, when schd8T closes. Usually some hall in a temple is used as a schoolroom, one containing tho tablets of deccased ancestors is preferably chosen, because they are apt to be in secluded spots and are spacious. One side of the hail opens toward "a court, and in the upper right ~ hand' corner You may see a square, wooden table behind which is a wooden chair. This is the throne of his majesty--the schoolmaster. On this table are w riting. 'materials, brushes, India ink and ink well¥ made of slate. After pouring a little water in one of these, the cake of ink is ready for use. Brushes are used in- stead of pens, and are held as paint- or's brushes are. In conspicuous view are the articles used for inflicting. punishment a wooden rule to be applied to the, head of an offender, and sometimes to the hands; also a rattan stick for the body. Flogging with the stick is the heaviest punishnient allowed. For slight offences , the ruler is used upon the palms; for' poor reditations the ruler is used upon the head. The large room is. occupied by the tables and stools of the pupils, chairs being reserved for their superiors. In study- ing the pupils face the teacher and stand - at right angles to him. All lessons are learned by rote, commit ted to memory for recitation the fol lowing day. The boys (for girls are never seen in school other than - those kept by the family) read: from the top Fight-hand corner downward, and then begin at the top with the next line. They read from, what feems to you, the end of the book. All study- ing is done alond The louder a boy speaks or shrieks, the more credit is given to him as a scholar. This studying aloud is the onlv-way the teachers have to make sure their pu pils aro not thinking of something lets which- serve as desks. When the teacher enters' the school- room, it is through the open court. The pupils rise to their feet and ery desk, turns his es. 1 he knows back to him and his lesson, all is well. If he hesitates or, forgets, whack! whack! comes the ruler upon his head. Then with one hand holding the aching spot and his lesson. In the average school the boys' ages range from six: to seventeen years There is no such thing as organizing into classes or divisions. Fach boy studies for himself, ---- The New Land, Review of Reviews. The Irish land purchase act of 1903 was--Epach-making.--H was preceded by a conference between the represen ta- tives 'of landlord and tenant in Dub- lin. The landlords' convention, the of ficial represcmtative of the landlord party, "refused to join in the confer- ence. Typical landlords, such as the Duke of Abercorn, Lord Barrymore, and Col. Saunderson, refused to serve, ridiculing the project as absurd and quixotic. Lord Dunraven led a saner section of landlords, with the result that, 'after a session of five days, the conference agreed to a report, upon which 'the government acted. The of ficial landlords, seeing the reasonable- ness of the findings and recognizing their own folly, succumbed at onee, and fell in with the general tendency for settlement. Substantially, the act accepted the principle of universal sale of the landlord's interést to the occupier. It ignored legal compulsion. But it accepted what was finely called the principle of compulsion by induce ment. It placed $500,000,000 at * the disposal of landlord and tenant and enacted that out of the land purchase aid fund each landlord who sold should receive a: bonus (Latin for gift) of twelve per cent. on the pur- chase money. It appointed a new tri- bunal to administer the act. Aja to this tribunal were given powers 'of re- settling congésted districts by the purchase of grass lands, the enlarge: ment of uneconomic holdings, and the restoration of certain evicted tenants where possible. It was an act sufficient of itself to muke and secure the repus, tation of any statesman. Already in eighteen moaths since it -¢ame into operation land value for $100,000,000 has been sold under. it. ---------- The members of one rich Eugiish family possess twelve yachts, of qa fotal tonnage of 3,000 tons, employ ing 100 men, .and costing fully £10, 000 a year to maintain. TE Of course, you know about You know there'f§ rioting 0 bad for health as a Dis ordered Stomach ot Liver. You know, too, .there is nothing so good for Bad Stomach and Liver as ABBRY'S Sart. > FE It's a habit of health take ABBEV'S Sarr. to men bpd laid bare twenty anlvie yards | of it, and were still" digging, 266 400.00 A BOTS "Wilson's Invalids' Port | Flour that gives half nourishment Pe | double work to digeg is not good flour, xX Cheap and inferior flour gives the digestive organs double work ang half pay--inferior flours contain in. : digestible waste-- --this waste must first by nature,--that means ive work. Indigestibles destroy the nutrimeng of flour, therefore poor flour gives be overcome . extra digest- more work and less nutriment to the system. Royal Household Flour is in a class by itself--it is the only really because it is b electricity. flour--and it is pure purified and 'sterilized pure --it is the most easily Sy and most nourishing Because it is abso- / lutely pure. The moment a woman puts her! hands into knows it is a finer flour t used before. "Royal Household" she han she ever GOOD APPETITE Is necessary to good health. (A BIG BRACING TONIC) Induces good appetite, aids assimilation and sirensth ens the digestive organs} | ALL DRUGGISTS = co BIG BOTTLE; $1 00. EYERYWHERE 7 Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not an- other ge built in which the heat 'may be regulated ran so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is-at all times under the sim control, plest, most positive If you do the cooking of your household you can 'appreciate exactly what this means. M°Clary' Pandora Warehouses and Factories! y) London, Toronto, Montreal Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton Are universal "favorited. Unlike the majority of beverages, they are ABSOLUTELY FREE from car nic acid. gas, being made from the purest of Malt and Hops. They are * positively 'guaranteed. Just what you need, and a trial will prove it : : JAS. McPARLAND, 339 : 339 and 341 King St. Wuwmsn' Phone 274, Gh ny Lemmon & Sons. Sole Agents. il Labatt's Londo Ale and Porter ee YEAR 72. -- BP. Jenkins Clot " oLEVE CLOTH The time is past when rood enough. Men 'of to Re best.© This is the 1 REFORM is in such mand. © OUR ~ OVERCO! Are a revelation to ma last twd weeks have gre the number; still there is "Come and get the best $10, $12, $18 and B. P. J2nkins Clot THE RIGHT For this time of the year is our shoes, Wear "All Military Bootmak 84 Brock St. = Sign of HAVE YOU AN! T0 SELL OUTSIDE SINS: AND YOUR TR COME TO WM. KURRAY, The 800000:000:00000K R. 4. FREE, CON Estimates civen for e Mason Work, Plast Cement Work of all des aay Wiiion Sc 2000000000000 WANTED. A LAUNDRESS, 'AT Hospital. Apply TH Mrs GIRLS, TWENTY-FIVE I Works, fol iros Mica eet ed AN EXPERIENCED Millinery Departune Steacy & Steacy ANE) AMMEDIATELY, ral servant. No } g. Good wage: 4 r of Centre and A COMPETENT GENI vant for a swall woshing or ironing. A Mrs Richa of Alice and BENT EN TO GE Overcoats and Sui Thomas Galloway's, 1 Also bring your old « them repaired. Style, Ruaranteed to please. MEN AND BOYS Ww carn $5 day, after ti #iruction, position Special tuition half p or [ Coyne Bros. Schools, New York, St. Louis, Mo. (Free --- = TO-LET. TWt COMFORTADL r 8, at 144 Barrie OFFICR IN GOOD Ix King street. Rent low Forrest, Gents' Furni THE SHOP ON DIVISI cur Garrett street, oc wmilliper, Boon Apply SHOP 451 Princess Possession AND RES street ; November i Steacy & Steacy. OFFI0R, OVER WA Stove. Cornen King a two well lighted and ¥ to McCann, 51 . ON CENTRE & ood out buildings an Licod locality, moder information," apply 1 'irocer, Market Square I TEE-- FOR SAL) PIANOS, ORGANS, and Sewing Machi second hand, all chea a Street. Joseph (Jeorge ec tt---- THY. ROTHWELL FARM Concession, Ernesttow 3 miles West Laining about 830 8 splendid dairy farm © Jith shade groves, g nd other buildings. ' large brick redidence order, also a cottage 4 the road. At the rear containing a large qu and other -markable t wood, 9 wind up Property will he sold Ply to R. Easton B street, Kingston, or jue, next: farin to: t Keep Up The Los Angeles, Cpl., Nc W. Wilson, who herself birth for, the second ti Mrs. Wilson has two e have. borne triplets, een i "The easy Cod Liver Easy to take, easy to ross kind, 5c, only ¢ Cross Drug Store.

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