Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1905, p. 10

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4. Bocause upon tasting it and comparing it other brands upon the market it is found to | More Terrible Than War! than war, famine or pes- wiul destroyer, that hydra- annually sweeps away more of earth's in- habitants than any "otheér single disease known to the human race. , a trifling cough," say the careless, as the upon delicate mucous membrane causes them to with an irritable tickling of the hen the irritation settles on the throat, a cough is the vent Bronchitis or Con. Lungs, do not neglect a cough however slight as ling throughout thé d fatal resulta. If on the first 4 cough or cold you doses of SYNOPSIS #- CANADIAN NORTH-WEST : or a TES yumbered section of Dowin - essrved, way be boi § he whole ears of age, to the is sivaated, or if the mucous surface of the 1 TED DUTIES : A settler who would take a fow Dr. Wood's Norway "Pine Syrup you would save yourself a way Pine Sycup containg all the life-giving ies of the pine trees of Norway, anc all Throat and Lung aff fio. Be sure when you ask for Dr, W. Norway Pine Syrup to get agged into taking something else ota, : Miss Lena Johnston, Toledo, Ont. writes: "I have used Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrap for throat troubles afte taking numerous other remedies, and 3 x months residende upon on of dhe lang in each year roo term of years. the father (or mother. If the deceased patent may ch person residing with Inspector, making application for S the Commiss: inion Lands at Ottawa, of his » Ld) ¥NOUSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGULA . Not more than acres red by ne individual or t in advance o for an individual, and per a for a com- ving discovered mineral = $5.00 Cut Glass 'Berry Bowl paid, the locator may, The best five dollars' worth of Cut Glass in Canada--is what» we are able to say of this Berry nd requirements, pur chase the land at + for the payment of cent on the sales. dR mideF may obtaln two for gold of five miles eac ~ And its exceptional value is another proof of how customers bene- fit by Diamond Hall's increased manufactur ty of the Minister of the Interior. pu sement will not be paid "This special bowl is of clearest glass, brilliantly cut, and of full 8-inch di- ameter. We pay express. RYRIE 'BROS. we LAM ITE Dees 134-138 YONGE ST. Stove Polish "HOT YAM' CART. The Polish that wo the Notable Sights of Breakfast Tabi complete without cat is the latest, and peldly enough, . started in thy Ghetto, where the Streets 'are already full of vendors of this new dehicacy. Cooked sweet pots which the man who lives hite upon the street, Gentlemen in Prince Alberts are to be seen alongside of the hiting into sugary lusciousness of the south, where they drop sweetness as The hot tamale nevir got affections of New York ors, but the hot vam, cooked old maimmies down soith coo are come to stay. The strects the cast side are full of 1 & 0) «de Int orvce: "4 Poids 7 Je OLD JOHN CHINAMAN (Continued from Page 9.) size of his family calls for it, when John Chinaman starts to build a model domestic establishment = he doesn't consider it complete withagut the given number of doors. Whether he pequires the means to build as a merchant or scholar it is all thé same. Scholarship and the passing of sexaminations take the place of politics as practiced in' America; merely civil service as sit forth by a non elective dynasty. His Pleasures.. Old Joha Chinaman has no stated business hours. He works when there is work' to do. If hg is a farmer or man of the soil he' gets his crop in, cultivates it assiduously to its fullest extent and then takes his rest while the ctop matures. Of course, there are odd jobs and chores: to do, and regular day; to go to market and other things th engage him, but op the whole he aims to -take things endy as soon as, the green of the rice begins to turn. If he 1s a merchant he opens up store as. soon as he thinks there should be business doing and closes when he thinks it time. If he is a man of afiairs he makes gpd . ceives calls by appointment only. 1, Hong Kong this method of transact ing business is called the "chit book" system. Whenever the rice begins t, turn, or trade grows uppromising, or' the *"'chit hook' is clear of appoint- ments, than it is John Chinaman goes after pleasure, His greatest pica sure seems to lie in conversation with his fellows, and, considering the pau city of newspapers and the meagreness of 'means for communicating at a dis tance, he is wonderfully well aware at all times of all that is going on around him - that promises loss or gain. Every man in China is a walk- | ing newspaper. If he is a laborer his pleasures are few. He cannot afford to'lie off, and he is too tired after work to do much he "is a farmer, | other than sleep. If J during his 'leisure time he builds his hoy a kite, or gues to see a friend, or plays checkers, or just naturally loafs around. He never goes to the big city for pleasure, Hiz-pleasure lies in talk- ing and smoking with friends in th» cool of the mountain side, or in a picnic at the graves of his ancestors. H he is a merchant his pleasure is to adjoum to the club or club gaurd ens, where he meets congenial fellow- merchants, and they all go for a trip to some point _of mutogl interest. A favorite form of amusement for ° the wealthy merchants of Canton is to spend a night on the flower boats on the Pearl river. The boat is chartered for the night and three meals are served. If our men is a banker or a high up official and finds himself free to wek pleasure, he 'may ngage in a game of chess, checkers or cards, or may even blow himself for a bunquig) to his friends; though" the chance re, Af he can, spare. the. time: hewill bas a lives in the country. At any rate, each day at sometime he engages in some pastime regularly and methodi cally. If he is extremely rich he may even employ his own storv-teller. The Chinese are great readers and have man{ books, but from highest to low est they all prefer to listen to the story teller. Kite flying is a favorite amusement. on. the housetops.- of. dons aire would rather cut ths other fel low's kite strifig in a kite duel than to drive a most advantageous bar cain, Another thing the milliongire Chinese derives a great deal of plea- sure from is the inspection of his furs, In Hon Kong there is a Chinese banker who owns possibly one of the finest collections of Russian sables in the world, It is his pride to show them 'to appreciative friends, and he hires a tailor and farrier by the vear to look after them. There are fifteen fully-lined long coats in all, and each is perfect. His Business Life. Fourteen oréfiftecn years ago--there was g fruit seller who squatted by his basket in Wan Look street, Hong hong, opposite the Soy Hing Banking company. To-day he is one of the richest men on earth. So many ac counts havé been told of who the man 1s that in their confhet if is only safe to say by 'common repute he is sup posed to belong to the Wong family, or tribe. A Chinese never does. busi ness ander hisown namg. He adopts a company name, for he nover goes into anything extensively "by himseli. Mis associates must share has interests. He refuses to carry all his eggs in one basket, Fourteen or fifteen years ago the fruit seller, who frequented the docks for his supplies, evolved a plan for shippiug between the South Chine coast and Singapore. With a few of his friends, ' who had gq little money saved, he -formed:a- share and share compmny,® and ' purchasing a vessel, tried the scheme, It worked: To-day, there are aver seventy vessels, 'stoam and sail, belonging to the expanded evolution of the fruit seller's original idén Many others aye controlled by the same company, and | they ply throughout the whale Orient. The com. meree of China js sg well organiz- ed that it is probably the only conn. try in the world where a boycott could be hatched without either official head or tail and make its influence felt in the United States to the point of influencing legislation and conting treaties, Old John Chinaman may not be fully civilized, but he has forgotten more tham some others ever know ab out the commercial valie of retalia- tory measures, A debt is ever patlawed in China. If you owe a thing you owe it till it's pai. If you don't pay it, your heirs and your assigns and your whole re. lationship owe it until it is paid. Cue- tom is stronger than law in China, for, though the law may excuse or nullify a debt, the integrity of Chinese commercial custom' depends upon the perpetual life of an obligation. Bome of the Chinese in Anverica who have picked 'up a little of our law oc- casionally take refuge hehind the pro: visions of our statutes. But if the debtor doesn't owe it in this country t froin a job. Set prices prevail. All a desirable. But, whether or not the 'clerk or a workman may do to in- ; crease his fortune is to gamble. All a | few months or years with a good run of luck, thickly , populated is their cquntry, without luck and an eve ogo the ~ is sufficient. Canton are several enormous statués of the god which are especially "ap- proached by women desiring sons Though these statues are extremely old, they are in perfect condition, ex cept the big toes, which have heen worn away by the faint, touch of Chij- for a son. water routes. The sampan is thé com monest of all the craft which ply in the interior, though large-sized junks may penctrate great distances from salt water on account of their light draught. The junk and sampan' people live on their boats, and .it is a fact that they tie floats to the boy babies «6 'they may be recovered if they hap pen to fall overboard, Very few of the girl babies are so accoutred, tung province, has also a large river population, but there the river folk live on rafts, Four miles of the water front iz deveted exelusively to wood workers and the lumber industry, and the flow of workers of all sorts trav ersing that water front is reminiscent of Nassau stréet, in New York city, at noon lunch hour. The quay. in front of the custom-house in Canton is regular "Brooklyn Bridge rush" at all hours, neck of a bull and fee pans plving in wate highwavs and byways sional for fanding~ and denar tures hy blowing Most towne in the interior have go wall front. There are gate keepers eich end of the town. and i tha Lom foi Aer: ols Philadelphia Record who has jist passed his nineticth birthday, is hale and hearty and ac tive in business; 4 TRabit or Kong, and many a Cninese million Episcopal church yard, where he wich es to be buried. M. Jaluzot, their owner, on the sugar market, i Patrie, and Ec be sold by public action. Skin"Troubles Dr. Chase's Ointment and pure, lightfully soothing and- healing, that it is especially useful in the nursery for the skin troubles of childhood. ne still owes it in China. And it won't be healthy for him to go back there and try to dodge it. ay every. box of his remedies. The blacklist. of China is all power- ful. Avd in no other country is trade unionism so strong, There is no such thing as acquiring | or saving riches well-to-do merchant may do to be- come rich is to take a venture, And , the Chinese gre the greatest gamblers on earth, An extremely poor man may become 'an extremely rich man in a All Chinese believe in. luck. Sd very main chance, none might su Lilt is not considered immoral to indulge in games of chance, and those who never gamble refrain from so doing through a fear of loss alone. evbm-- Odd Facts. 2 Every married man must have a son in China. It doesn't make anv differ ence if. he is the father of a dozen daughters, he must acquire a son if he bas 16 go to the extreme of ad opting one, It is hard to get an edu cated Chinese to admit that jt is ne coessary to the correct form of wor- ship of parents, or to give any ex planation why it is so. Yet all admit that possession of a son is absolute ly something not to be put off or neglected, and say that it is so be cause. it is so. It: must be, and is; that In the temple of the 500 Buddhas in :. mothers fingers as they prayed Most of the travel in China is by The town of Gaw Moon, in Kwang a The well-hred Sey pir has th» of a deer. Sam of a conch shell ER Nr SR RS ai TW hot reheating rifles, DICK WOOD. Constructed His Mohument. J6hn CG; Angelo of Pocomoke, Md. A not »_charaeterigtio ds hig ars. The The monument is in the Protestant ---- ee As a result of the heavy losses of the Paris newsbapers. Presse, o de I'Armee, are to of Children Itching Eczema, Scald Head, In Sonneetion" selves Chafing and All Skin Irrita- tions and Eruptions Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment, is so clean 80 fine: and creamy, so. de For sumburn, piickly heat and cha- Unlike the pore-clogping dnd unsani. |! rs. S.J. Saunders, Prospect, 1 in the old-fashioned way with boiler nd hard rubbing, light Soap is berer than but is best wher used in the S, inlight w ay, To appreciate the simpliciiy-and case of | washing with Sunlight Soap in the way you should foliow directions. od ~unlight | After rubbing on the soap, roll « { Up each | piece, immerse in the water, and £0 away, nlight Soap Sunlight Soap | will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. " Your clothes wll be cleaner and whiter than if washed | Buy it and follow directions 5¢C. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 1g sending 15 ¢ents. Corticelli Silk Co,Ltd, "here is just one silk _thatis always right. 4 9 Color number Home Needlework'is a magazine that every lady should take. Issued 4 Z~ times a year, 96 pages beautifully trated, 50 cts per year. Write for sample -- a RAT P Q Red » Business training ir TINENGC ~~ Bll BOOOAO0O000-0TO0P0O00E Students May | Fall Term $ Enter Any Time Sept. 5th ¢ Kingston ANODERN, PERMANENT, RE- « Established in 1883 .. PHOTOGRAPHS A SPIDER. Anticipating events, He has | Takes } his monument already erected, and it 1: t is - partially the work of his own hands. It 'consists: of the anvil and hammer used in his trade of iron. | ers in existence smith for more than sixty hammer and handle are riveted to the anvil, which in turn is riveted to a marble base, Good Picture of Arachind ' Chicago 4 nest collections of spid collection bulletin of ether; so that it ean fastened spider thus mounted is then ph a come the great difficulty photographs serve mg them to gunned paper or but g of such delicate objects WINNIPES, MAN sents "fiecla" Furnaces Burn Hard and Soft Coal, Coke and Wood. It's) unexpected thatalways hapr e,"' you w IECLA FURNACI FURNACE has a special It is put in place ) rests on top of the ite--makes the most effective wood Pi ich burns soft coal wi amount of smoke and. soot making the HECLA a soft coal burner of the highest efficiency: HECLA FIRE DOORS are big enoug to admit large chunks of wood. And ti smoke outlet is > the highest part of the d you open the door loor, © 1 to add ke comes out. It all iS have dozens of such hel such erthe ordinary furnaces 1an estimate of the cost of i CE ir me. Anyway, write for the HECLA Catalogue CLARE BROS. @ CO., LIMITED MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS PENNSULAR STOVES AND FANGES CLA } PRESTON, ONT. VANCOUVER, B.C has surmounted { His deseription is translated from yuotation from pF "The filaments of the n ; : p delicate that when placed on fing. "it brings quick relief, and by . pa affording a cure for the simpler irri tations of the skin it positively even to greater degree, on tl vents eczema and scald head, the las x ' , glass of itching of which means keen torture for the unfortunate victim. Daler with difficulty; this greater distance of the eye fron . shject. T-proceed in the followin Every | mother should know about ok Proce na i Dr. ChaSe's Ointment. for by its usa |? she can save her children much sufier Ang and discomfort : i 3 i idly Mosquito bites, hives and insect haken behind 4 d A ! shake whine o bites, ivy poison and every form of es i : a . <, : stands out skin irritation and eruption vield details. Th readily "to the healing, soothing in ea fluence of this great ointment, and obi : : A able You can use.it with positive assur : . ance that it will not injure the most | ne delicate skin or hurt the growth of the hair. cover graphed with a licht dew. The prints on which the tographing the spider ) tary powders; Dr. Chase's Ointment | Works beantifies and benefits the skin by making it soft and velvety. News Of Society. aN | ii i ark Col, Ont, writes; "In July, 1903 my little girl, took "what the doctor | Hoot called abscoss on her cheek. The doe tor lanced it. but could not do it any good. By September it had le come a running sore and though we had the doctor again he could do no thing, : : "In December we hegan using Dr Chase's_ Ointment. which has made a complete cure. There has not been. the least return' of this trouble. so we : believe that the cure is permanent Must Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60. ents © a feathartie box, at all dealers, or ¥dmans wm, | Little Bates "& Co." Toronto, To protect you against imitations the portrait | prove and signature of Dr. A. Wo. Chase. the {famous receipt hook author, arc on well slapped The man fc gentleman up. Owl da cider ---------- them in every respect. Ong tal will The the evils of alechol io children ix tg, | be adopted ip the schools of Irel Coal Oil There is nothing as convenient in the heating line as a good COAL OIL HEATER. You can take them any- where and make any room comfortable to Sit in. . x Our Coal Oil Heaters are perfectly free from odor 'or smoke and are safe. : Come in and have a look at them. "We also have the very best American Oil.in the city. All orders delivered promptly. a LEMMON & SONS _ 351 AND 353 KING STREET. *PHONE 388. I : a Fy, Frat friends or relatives suffer w 19 King Street, gaits sel or cay. EBIGSFITOUR Tea Flavor . HE greater body ar T when combined wi pat thinner tea of Ceylon, flavor of Red Rose Tea oes further--requires le: "rength than any brand C Red Rose lea con ««s of Indian tea and 4 richness of Ceylon ted. EDUCATIONAL. ~-- SINGING HR. Larke, A.T.C.M. a New York. { Hermann Klein, New rk te Yocal Instructress St. Margaret's Torpato. Soprano Soloist Syd- dist church. Pupils pre- EN servatory and University Cminations. Concert Engagements. adress : Romilly House, NO MISTAKE i made When you decide on entering 72 Barrie St the > Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. Ask any of the bus men Who have our « of our wetl-pleased st s or professions tes, or any as to the of training. y of our met . A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Modern equipn@®ut ; competent teach mn; moderate rates Day and Evening Classes T. N. STOCKDALY B80 Principal Business Golloge LIMITED $ Q * Head of Queen St,. Kingston - - Ont jal, complete, fhe individual LIABLE SCHOOL. IL F METCALF ne HAVE YOU ANYTHINC T0 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? COME TO IL. KURRAY, The Auctionee FRECKLES Those little pests that boil a nice complexion. New TH PATCHES ne the Tace a dirty, unwashed brown t spots.' SY) PIHPLES AND BLOTCHES © home remedy PRINCESS COMPLEXION PURIFIER fot anvwhors, ex paid. co $1.50 uous H dir, Molen, eto re. vely guaranteed er for treatment. ES 4 -- GRAKAN DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE t., Toronto Church § Estab. 1892 » St. Vitus' Dance, or Fall write for a trial bottle and valua euch diseases to Tie Lrisia C w., Toronto, for you SHRE WHE? nn ad of the whote wheat in "rere der Uday food for e «Qelicions gy a toast with MADE L Seng go the **yie CaNaDy, x SURELDED wit Toronto O

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