J = 9, oe iy to doe. # Stn bry at 1 1 ade: i £ k, Oct. 18.2 598 boxes offer- L te, 10%e. a olored hog. bid ; lored sold ile. i cae, ool alle 1,100 cheese, ich, Wanagrs | Wiehent bid, Lhe. 900 sold. a "| 4 PROFESSIONAL HyYeWOTIST SA HH Reginald ~ Brit, a ] t, of Brownville, N.Y., was i youth drowned off the govern- nt dry-dock, "i hw at the hotel for two left a valise and coms io ps a 1 a board bill 25. Enclose \ valise was SE Endowed in 1 | [oper a Lu orrespcudess hypnotism icago. Also a post card, which he had neglected to mail, teense to A. Wilson, Ottawa, Satie wo, the will refer the matter to J. Whiting, but thinks it quite unlikely an inquest will be held, as there are no evidences of foul play. E---- A gr Lady's Visit. A you Jody: from Collins Bay, any deeply affected, called at Cor- Pett' . ndoriaking establishment carly this afternoon, to identily the drown man. She had he ro work. only engui for 4 friend," she said, Having wiring or a i she duelared him not to be the wan whom she knew, How the conflicting story seems to have spread, that Britt was working for a line Bay farmer, is through the fact that . man from that village came to the city yesterday and tried to ship on board some steamer, THE CHEESE BOARD. Only Forty Boxes Sold at Price Pid, 10] Cents. Kingston, Oct. 19. There wore 1,- 181 boxes boarded at the Frontenac Chicas board meoting this afternoon, L070 colored and fia white, There was as large an attendance of buyers and salesmon as at a fammer meet ing. Only forty cheese sold at 105c. For white, 10je, was bid, but refus. wd. Factorics having cheese on sale were Colored-Ari 75; Cataraqui, 70; Emerald, 50; Glenburnie, 80; Glenvale, 100; Gilt Fxlge, 50; Howe sland, boy Hinchinbrooke, 50; Morning Star, 50; Ontario, 50; Pine Hill, 90; Rose Hill, 60; Sunbury, " St. Lawrence, 50: Silver Springs, 90 : Thousand Island, 55; Collins Bay, 60, Whito--Wolfe Island, 63; Glendower, The board adjoumed t6 meet on Friday, the 27th, at 1030 am, on account of the preceding day "being Thanksgiving. 5 HE et '- ---- 7 MONTREAL GRAIN, gfe Rev, James R. Cox, a brilliant min- ister of the Baptist faith, hmving done evangelistic work in Virginia and Ten. and perjury. 8 was ahout to "fd tober Schur wh who Jatsly_ ed a - his first lation, after our suits, his looking EIT DERE stings, coat- or your i a Bhi : all over by sw Fall the liquor in® Lhoys with 'whiskey A Shoat, Phd og of $190,844 over and above all expenditure for thé year is {the great outstanding feature of Can 's postal transactions Felve months ending June 30th. In years there have been surplus- neasce, was lodged in jail at Jones. ig Sent. on the charge of chicken * Congratulations 4 i tion of five h § sent one to each of world, . Poet was ever so Eithop" Sergi" o by- Flaws governing a boy nearly as young dealer who esi but the oppusition In the present there has un mail services, which sions of the service, the i in the he sity to-day. on a Ee Frontenac. RH, a position with the company, Toronto, practice in the city. to, McGill vs, Varsity. port this afternoon, party of friends. Binest Barkley, aged | sium, Consult the Park, has disappeared, annual hall, Fridav, o'ale 0's. the British American adventure on spoils of their hunt they eighteen ducks. Industry, in a adwitted his guilt. thrashing. Tokio, Oct. announces that tho been fixed. A emperor to event. this Brid t, Copn., in ah ry com! He is breast of the matter. Nontroul, Oct. the Dominion pahy, Tron | A syndicate of Mion acres of lumber vei will be known as the Carnegie The four Syrian priests, arrested for , were quite Justified in doing to the decision of act A twelve-year-old hex fond on the streets help) in the magistrate's Sated ' yesterday, On the previous night was discovered in a drunken state in one of the city lahes, where he had been left by two men, Efforts are being made to trace expedition Capt, Rattray, Clayton, N.Y., his trim little yacht Niagara, was in down stairs at the Y.M Belleville, and is unconscious. Internal injury is feared, Are you troubled with your eyes? oyesight specinfist at Chown's Drug Store. guaranteed, Capt. Allen reports that the Begging. Saya, Oct. 13.--Wilfrid W. Comp, the well-known Canadian has signified' his tion of buying» « a complete pil edi- A mid of poems, will - a he out the Knglish- Campbell's poem eh lace i he am I's 8 within of ¢ people, and it is doubtiu) if any other of a forth- 3 edition edition, the Armenian are sufficient, under the Otta- ng. who was ly intoxi- furnished the for the critics have claimed that it was reached by omit. ting the expenditure for the Yukon. statement, however, been so such ommission ; the expenditure for the Yukon and At' exceeded the w-- by $101,040, have been incor: porated with the ontlay for the rest of the dominion, and, notwithstanding this fact and an increase of in the expenditure owing to expan: total receipts exceeded the total disbursements by nearly half a million dollars. This is highly ereditable 10 the late rostmast- er-general, Sir W liam Mulock. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Rov. W. Timberlake, of Gananoque, Renton end son, Harold, are in North Pillar, Westbrook, has taken Office Specialty Dr, McCarthy, of Wolfe Island, has taken Dr, Ryan's residence, and will W. F. Nickle, has been suggested as referee for Saturday's game in Toron with with a house fourteen, fell CA: gymna- Satisfaction buoy belonging to the Bolivia shoal, be: tween Uedar Island avd Long Island public meeting of the Orphans' Home will be held in the city October 20th, at Will the public kindly attend ? Alfred Smith and Josenh Lovell, of three hotel, arrived home last evening after their exciting Belle Island. As ° the brought home It looks quite farcical to advertise for a superintendent of the House of when the conservatives have selected the man they will put it. A Frontenacer says the conservative ele ment have promised him the place, Baltimore, was a pionoer in oe sade again killing birds he hat The Church Militant. He & collection of | On the platform of a railway sta, 'biyds and butterflies 50,- | tion in Shropshire, a young lady ree' AERA 000 specimens, valeed at 2100, ognized a man who had insalted her railway carriage. She pointed him out to a friend, the vicar of a neighboring patish. and Thereupon To Visit Temple of Ise. 19.The Official Gazette or will pro- wed to the Temple of Ise to report the conclusion of peace with Russia, The date of the journdy has not yet ]®*® personal visit of = the temple is a rare Cunliffe Arrested. oper he Oet, fn Five Drone until t itt Pa., the alleged bo fin } of 000 the Adims Ftpress i, wag arcosted here, to-day, said to have made 'a clean Appointed A Director, 19.-E. R, Wood, To- rofto: has been appointed director, of and Steel com- in place of Frederick Nichols. for Vancouver | yd and will erect the largest saw- the offender the | built on the site of a 'temple to Diana clergyman gave the follow a sound |i B26. It was wrecked by the. great otigns has | who octossn 1.__ is anid the Noth York tthe N he! { 7 ig he A at Part Stanley and was dfown- 4 he Russian battleship Pobiedn was ho by the Japanese at Port Ar- thur 'A' company has been formed at Lon: ton, Ont, he ben electric power the Thames. oo Sou atre is to be built in Winnipeg by the Orphan Opera 'com- or Rodarte. formerly of To- ronto, has appointed professor of ish in a Havana seminary. ix Mayor Belleville, has re- Sived an order for five hundred cases of apples to be shipped to South Ai: rica, The congregation of St. Andrew's church, Toronto, has extended an un- avimous call to Rev, T. C. Brown to be their tor: Mrs. Burford, Alvinston, at- tempted to start a fire with coal oil on Tuesday. Her clothes caught fire and she was burned to death. The Hamilton police commissioners fined P. C. Barrett $20 for being ab- gent from his beat on September 29th. He was warned not to repeat the of- fence. Fergus McDonald, who suicided at Port Stanley, was an expert account- apt, living in London, Ont., for many years, He was once a patient at the insane asylum MISS ROSEMARY SARTORIS, Daughter of Nellie Grant Sartoris, and gra nddaught of the late Gen. U. S. ab in reported to he engaged to J. elson, a prowdment St. Louis a MAY REPEAL BY-LAW If City Council Refuses to Abolish Market Tolls. A year ago the Frontenac county council passed a by-law providing for the abolition of talls . on the York sogd after December. 1st, 1906. 'his road belongs to the county and its copncil had the power to abolish the tolls without submitting a by-law to the ratepayers. It was hoped that this action would influence the city council of 'Kingston towards the abolition of market tolls, but the city has not been aflected by the action of the county. Now, there is a movement op foot among the county councillors to repeal this York road toll abolition by-daw unless the city does away with the market tolls, The matter will be discussed at tho comnty council sespion in November, In the meantime Warden Sproule is trying 'to arrange with Mayor McFarlane for a visit hy a county council deputation to the city council nes Monday evening for the purpose of in broaching the matter, and finding out if the city will not reciprocate. McCurdy's Salary. Evidence was put in belore | the legis- lative committee investigating New York insurance scandals showing the salaries of spme of the mgbagers of big financial institutions abroad. The manager of the Bank of England re- ceives a salary of $50,000 5 year; that of the Bank of Germany, a salary of $30,000 4 year. The combined assets, it was shown, of the banks of Eng land, France apd Germany are $2, 224,574,725, while the assets of the Mutual Life are $440,278371. These fighres were presented to combat a statement of the counsel for the Mu tual Life that the assets of the Mu. tugl Life exceeded the combined assets of the three foreign banks mentioned. The salary of Mr. MoCurdy of the Mutual Life is 150,000 a year, and we have bern told that he sits ona £2 000 thai, over a+ $12,000 rug, and rests his feet on. an extravagantly priged cushion, Verily the manager of the Bank of England and the other heads of old coflatry institutions are slow. St. Paul's Cathedral, London, was gration of 1086, and again in en The first stone of the present ed was laid in 1675, and it was practically completed under Sit Chris- hs Wren in 1710, at a total cost of £1,511,209. o "British museum has become pos- of a copy of the New Testament with these words written on the fiyleal in the autograph of our late "f Cor. xiii, 4 and 8, dave su over in an iron net-work, over German empire to celebrate marriage of the kaiser ith Er Fobeary. 21 Mainwell RE i ey we | years. We Toler choir, TERED SNOW NO; DEAD the Yellow Sea, and is supported by 300 huge stone arches, Ths roadway, soventy feet above the water, is en- Pr tions . are being made all the twenty-fifth of thet Wich will oe- nN SPITE OF THE PAPERS' "Tewiskaming RR. Toronto, Oct. 19. --Frod Snow, who injured by =» street car, on , yesterday, is not announcements | In i ; today, and wt that a jury has been em anelled to investigate. Ft has not iniarmation was given to the police. , who is charged wi ter, in connection with the death of C. 0. Rockwood, was re- leased on bail, this morning, by Jus- tice McMahon, at Osgoode Hall. The crown attorney and Police Magistrate Dennison had refused to grant bail, henee the application at Osgoode Hall this morning. Justice McMahon look: ed over the papers filed by counsel, and signed bail order without com- ment. Inspector Smythe, of South Essex, has made a report to the license de- partment, on tho alleged debauchery of indians at Renwick, recently, says that the charges seem to have been true, He satisfied himself, how- ever, that the liquor was not sup- plied from his district. The depart ment. is puzzled, because Inspector Massey, of West Kent, in which Ren- wick is, has not yet been heard from. On his way south on the Temis- kaming railway, yesterday, Inspector | Rogers, of the attorney-general's de- partment, was notified that a man's body was in a construction shack he- side the line. The train was stopped at the place, and tne detective made a hasty examination of the body, which was that of a well built man, about twenty-eight vears of age. In the pocket of a hunting jacket was a bill made out to William Thompson, from Mosler's hardware store at Huntsville. Hurrah ! For Husking Bees. Lapum, Oct. 17.--Owing to the ill- ness of our pastor, Rev, R. A. What- tam, Mr, Coglin, principal of Wilton school, officiated at the service om Wednesday evening, last week. Now that potato digging is over, hurrah for husking bees and apple cuts. The first husking was on Monday evening, at James McGaughey's, Maple avenue. Quite a number here are on the sick list. Mrs. Richard Brown received word, this morning, from her son, John, confined in Kingston General Hospital with typhoid fever, that his ricovery was hopeful. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Love attended, on Tuesday, the funeral of Mrs. Love's niece, Lily Murray Reid, only daughter of John John Reid, Glenburnie. Mrs. Hart- man Snider, Maple lane, was, on Sat- urday and Sunday, guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Clara Lapum. A number from here attended the temperance lecture, in Odessa, Monday evening. We arc glad to hear that the choir, with F. E. Brown as organist, will Fe in their places at the service on Wednesday evening, after a withdraw- al of several months. There is a great demand for turkeys, and they are quits plentiful here. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Adkin Snider, Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Shane, Napanee, with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Vandewat- e; Mr. and Mrs. William Boulton, Camden East, with My, and Mrs. Levi Brown; Mr. and Mrs. R. Curl, Yarker; Mrs, Clara Lapum and Mrs. Stanley Brown, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Rose; Miss Myrtle Clyde, with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown; Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, Harting- ton, with Mr. "and Mrs. Wilbur Love. An ola Will Case. Eccentric during life, William Galla- gher, an old money- -lender, of Dubuque, lowa, leaves behind in his will marks of his strange mind, a mind that bal- fles the lawyers now at work to .de feat its provisions. A Roman Catho- lic and strong temperance advocate, it would be natural for him to appoint a member of his own creed as executor, and he would seek a man of ab- stemious habits, but instead of this, "Cultivator Jack," as he was fa- miliarly called, named six members of the Methodist church as executors, and had three saloon-keepers to wit- ness the instrument. The will gives all his propérty, amounting to $12,000, to a dozen priests of the Roman Cath- olic faith, and his relatives object. Watch The Drain Pipes. Look well to the ways of pipes, now that you're back in your house ! Noth- ing else is so insidious in its harbor- ing of general troubles, and, when a little care will prevent not only um- pleasant vdors, but actual illness, it's mighty well worth looking te, Go over the house every little while --eVery few days if there is even a suspicion of odor about .them--and pour disinfectants down every drain. In the kitchen sink put a little caustic soda, and let the water carry it down; but in using caustic soda be careful not to let it touch your flesh--it will make a bad burn well into the flesh, In Scribner's Magazine Dwight L. Elmendorf traveller and lecturer, de- seribes wonderful Mohammedan shrines in Northern Africa, and illustrates them with marvellous pictures in tint. These shrines were the two great cen- tres of Islamism more than one thou: sand years ago, and their architectur- al effect is beautifpl King Carlos of Portugal 3 is well or ered in Christian names : Carlos Victor Michael wa visit to our Store will demonstrate The work-room | Presents a busy scene Scores orders to he got out this week, still our artists are capable of doing greater work when pi Kindly place your orders in the for- noon. (th ose ho can) i not come any PEA til required. AND SMART DRESSERS No Walking Suit without its accompanying Furs--that is the fashion edict of this season. The fashionable girl is to be the Fur Girl-- the well-dressed matron, she who from the moment the first cold day sets in, is never without her furs. We are now showing an exceptionally large stock of Fine Furs. Collarettes Stoles Muffs In all the new shapes. If not prepared to buy just yet come and look over these New Furs, and if you see some- thing that pleases you may have it placed aside un- Free To-Morrow The New Delineator for November With all purchases of Dress Goods to the va- lue of $2 or over. black, wear. 99¢., $1.25, $1.49. Fancy Waistings in French Flannel designs in tine worsted materials, plaids and other patterns, suitable for fall and winter Broadcloths --Sedan and' Chiffon finish, New fall shades and in Tweed Suitings--25¢., 49¢., '35¢., 69c., 75¢, 99c. New effects and colorings. All Wool Serges for children's wear, 25c. yard. Special make in Cardinal and Navy shades. Many novel Tartan Plaids--A new lot just received of Tartan Plaids, of good quality and very suitable for [ fall. Shirt Waists, Children's Dresses, and Shirt Waist Spits, etc., 25c., 49¢,, 65¢., 75¢. Wet Ladies what you need' SALL'S MILLINERY Weather Shoes for THE LOCH A This is the weather when every lady should have a good, solid CALF SHOE on her foot. Then no catch- ing cold from damp feet. We have a splendid | CALF SHOE, mannish pat" tern, low cut, large eyelit, good sole and low heel. $3.a Pair. Sige ATiaet Gos Just STOR ! A GENERAL YEAR 72. ARGUMENT AND TALK UNNECESSARY IN SELLING JENKINS' OVERCOATS The name "FIT-REFORM" is a guarantee for quality and work- manship and its superior should ers and style are the envy of all Jeading makers. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co STOVES GALORE 30 square Hall Heaters, large stock o Cook Ranges, Pugs, Box and Woo Stoves, also large stock of E Carpeta gu Furniture, Always ready to trade, bu TURK'S SECOND-HAND STOR] 398 PRINCESS STREET. WANTED: FERS, AT ONCE to Mr wke, Frontenn A FEW. CARPEN PLUMBER AND STEAM IFTITER, Af once. Good wages. Apply Box 1068 Belleville, Ont. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THI # I" 0 Miss Brown, 138 Uni vy Avenue. ENE RAL SERVANT ; NO WASH ing or ironing. Apply Mrs. G. ¥ Chown, 20 Barrie stroet. SERVANT. NO WASH ing or ironing. References required Apply to Mrs. . Macnaughton, © West street, FOUR BOYS, WILLING TO WOR] steady. Can earn $4 per week. Af Ry to J. A. Gould & Co., Corne and Queen streets. FEW SMART GIRLS : CAN BAR! good pay and learn the paper bo waking trade, by applying to King ston Hosiery Un. Pe Box Fact ory, King street West. MEN AND BOYS, TO EARN $5 DAY after two months instruction, pos tion guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincit nati, OS SE Louis, Mo., (Free Cats logue.) N TO GET THEIR FAL oats and Suits made vas Galloway's, 131 Brock S Also bring your old ones and ha» them repaired. Style, fit and pri Ru uarantted to please. BLE MIDDLE AGE from 40 to 50. Must 1 st and sober ; No waste Mother and Saughler, ne Apply to Box for an Officers Club, Teo i F IRST - CLASS M. Theobald, DRE Kingsto PIANOS ORGANS, MELODEON i Sewing Machines, new a: id hand, all cheap at 114 Go eet. Joseph George. STORE FIXTURES, ONE LARGE AN three small awnings, large oil blin three show cases, counter scale flee winder, two paper cutteys a twine holder, two signs. All near e wit sell separately or all t gether at a great reduction. Addre Box 16, Whig office. OTHWELL FARM, LOT 88, 18 dion, Ernesttown, un the Ba 3 miles West of Collin Ba ining about 3830 acres. This a splendid dairy farm, well watere with shade groves, "good cow stal and other buildings. The house is large brick residence in first cla order, also a cottage, hoth close the road. At the rear is a swamp | cont ining a large quantity of ced and other markable timber and eo od, To wind on estate t Prone erty will be sold. reasonably. A "Pi¥ to R. Easton Bures, 41 Geor street, Kingston, or to Bed, next farmn to the West or Ls a8 -- TO-LET. Tn re COME TABLE ROOMS, AT 1 Barrie street. FURNISHED DWELLING, STOR and offices. McCann's Real Est and Insurance Office, 51 Brock St. wr G areett street, "occup RE] + milliner. Apply og hie Y oft BRICK SHop AND RESIDENCE, 851 Princess street ; moderate r Possossion November 1st. Apply Stency & Steacy. ---- Sing LE BRICK DWELLING, CORN Earl and Alfred streets. Mod vements. Apnly om prem 3 Karl 1 stréet. HOUSE, ON CENTRE ST.. 8 ROO) good ut buildings and fruit gare fiood lacality, moderate rent. Clormation, apply 'to John E firocer, Market Square. STONE HOUSE, NO. 28 BARRIE ¢ hear park, recently removated Containing modern. mproveme reat $13 a month. Apply to Cruniley. at Crumley Bros. DWELLING HOUSE, 12 ROO m improvemen J ohm of J. W. Neshitt, Corne y en and University Avenue Lilly White Potatoes. Extra white 'mealey dry potat oper Dok. J. Ceawle