y 2 i : 4 ; : oats for Fy very thread and every fog qual. e-realy made look about ¢ Touches" that hou S-------- a: A -- S_-------------- m-- MA ts, in good quality English , in° Whipcords 50, 7.59, 8.75, 75 15, 16.75, and Covert 9:59, 10, 10.5, 14.75. igh Time at Winter Underwear. [is 'than a cold. If you buy now tion of choosing from an up- ent, its Vests and Drawers, 250, Four special makes. Vool Unshrinkable Vests and 9¢c., $1.25. ests and Drawers -- White er wear, 25¢., 39¢., soc. ; White 'ool, 75¢., 90c., ggc. s Underwear. ests and Drawers, all sizes, 4 t from Natural Wool prices to 75¢., and from 15c. to 250 kable Vests and Drawers, 6 e is having an unusually large sidered by long odds the best the money. o-Morrow Delineator for vember ses of Dress Goods to the va- v lot just received of Tartan quality and very suitable for , Children's Dresses, and Shirt y 25C., 49¢,, 65¢., 75¢. --Sedan and Chiffon finish, 19. New fall shades and in +» 49C., 35¢C., 69c., 75C., 99C colorings. - children's wear, 25c. yard. Cardinal and Navy shades. French Flannel. Many novel worsted materials, plaids and suitable for fall and winter ' GAINS AT IT SHOE STORE YEAR 72. NO. 242 THIS W We Will Show Some Beau- tiful Brass and Iron Beds. DAILY MEMORANDA, See The Fur values, at Campbell Bros. Board of Education, 8 p.m City Property Committee 4 pm Wednesday. "Too Proud To Beg.' Grand Opcra New Patterns, Artistic House, 8.15 p.m. The sun rises Wednesday at 6.17 a.m Designs. and, sets at 5.13 p.m : To-morrow will he the festival of St Our leader, regular price $3.50, | Luke, the evangelist 2.50 Many big sins have a way of getting | for 8 1 {in with mighty smal} keys Bra: re ar $4.50 Withholding affection is one of the Iron and ss, regular § * | most wasteful economies in life for $3.50. - Our worst enemies are the friends who 5 have failed to find, us profitable Brass and Iron: Beds, with | 'N, married woman is ever as hapwy high posts, $6.50, for $4.50. | as she thinks her husband thinks she is | Sometimes even a fool makes a safer ; § {friend than the! man wh knows too Others from $10 and $12 to $35. friend v ¢ ¢ : This is the festival of Ktheldreda, Hercules Spring Beds, the best | (hV virgin ' and abbess, Anglican cal made for $2.50 to $4.50. ender, y It is better for a man to be anchored te Marshall Sundary Mattress, the |his wife's apron strings than stranded : on the har only Vag made for sold ("'yi. Furtan has moved her dressiitak comfort, for ing parlors, to 870 Princess street y " opposite the Y.M.C.A Ostermoor Mattress, for $15. Hon. John Macaulay, one of King- ston's founders and most worthy men, | Felt Mattress, $12, others for |V°™. October 17th, 1792 | All are cordially invited to the Linen $2.50 up, Shower, in aid of Hotel Dieu Hospital, from 8 to 7, Oct. 19, 1905 This day in history :--Chopio, died, Robt. 5 Reid. 1849 : Burgoyne, surrendered, 7 of born, Duchess Edinburgh e S10VES GALORE 30 square liall Heaters, large stock of Cook Ranges, Pugs, ox and Wond Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and Furniture, Always ready to trade, buy or sell. TURK'S SECUND-HAND STORE 8908 PRINCESS STREET. WANTED. i CED HOUSEMAID. | McParland, 2 Emily | IMAL SERVANT ; NO WASH- | or ironing. Apply 'at 125 King | Handsome shapes, del - [cite tints and very low in PLUMB H, AND STEAM TITER, AT once. Gog es. Apply B 163, : nt 3 Peteville ony. hee Ply Boz2065 price. Don't fail to see them, whether you want one or not. ..ROBERTSON BROS. NO WASH- Mrs. G. Y RAL SERVANT ; or ironing. Apply n, 20 Barrie street, & Chow 00D RELIABLE GIRL (OR Wi- man). Apply in evening, Mrs. B. W, Robertson, 161 Earl street. ;» COAT MAKERS AND il helpers. Apply to Miss Ogg. 215 N' Princess street, opposite Opera | House, ---- Gee pia: 3 vs. FOUR BOYS, WILLING TO WORK | * steady. Uan earn $4 per week. Ap- A A ply to J. Gould & Co., Corner King and Queen streets | At 2:30 pu AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL blacksmith; + Steady empioment. | § t d 0 t 7M Apply at once to Trousdale, | a ur a y Cc . $ Verona, stating terms. | edi : ? letie Grou A GENERAL SERVANT, TO GO TO Queen's Ath tie G 0 nds Delhi, N.Y. State : healthy situation West side aud stand, 5H0¢ Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Grout, | East side, 25c.; Bl 10¢. extra 257 Brock street, Kingston, Ont i -------------------------- SERRE ------ pn . . MECHANICS, FIRST-CLASS CAR- New Goods Arriving Daily riage woodworkers ; also first-class carriage blacksmith. State waves N. O'Neill's, Carriage Works, George- This week we received our Fall towy Ont. . . -- ne importation ol YOUNG LADY AS CASHIER FOR one of our Toronto Stores. Apply | Cairns MARMALADES by letter to Mr. Moffat, The Win 1h Co.. Limited, 24 Queen St. | Celebrated We Toronto Mem pi goni asdim-------- Apricot Marmalade, MEN AND BOYS, TO EARN $5 DAY, Green Fig Marmalade, after two months instruction, posi tion guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co Ginger Marmalade, Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincin- ; i nati; O., St. Louis, Mo., (Free Cata- Green Fig and Ginger, logu Ginger and Pineapple GENTL Also Black Currant Jam, MEN TO GET THEIR FALL Overcoats and Suits made at Red Currant Jelly. Thomas Galloway's, 131 Brock St Also bring your old ones and have them repaired, Style, fit and price Jas. R.edden QQ Co. fuarantsed to please. Importers of Fino Groceries TD Practical Optical Work PIANOS, ORGANS MELODEONS p and Sewing Machines new and Prescriptions for . glasses carefully second hand, all cheap at 114 Gore | pILLED. street Joseph George - mre mest sms All styles of mounts and frames al- 8 FIXTURES, ONE LARGE AND | ways in stock, with repairs. small awnings, large oil blind, ¥ show cases, counter scales Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS. coffee grinder, two paper cutters and | ES FITTED. twine holder, two signs. All nearly new. Will sell separately or all to Prices for above work moderate, gether at a great reduction. Address Ea SMITH BROS deen -- - oy THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 88, 1ST Jewelers ) Opticians resttown, on the Bath road 3 miles West of Collins Bay containing about 830 acres. This is a splendid dairy farm, well watered, | with shade groves, good cow stable and other buildings. The house is a large brick residence in first class order, also a cottage, both close to the road. At the rear is a swamp lot Concession, 350 King Street. Phone 666 W " Marriage Licenses Issued YOUR FEET containing a large quantity of cedar Carry the entite weight and train of and other markable timber and cord | your bedy, and they should be pro wood. To ond up an SstaLe Ys cared for and have the comfort of property will be sold reasonably »- : " or ply to R. Easton Burns 41 George | fect fit. 'Shoes a trifle larger of stroet, Kingston, or to T. D. Fair- | than you have heen wearing may be just 3 , next farm to the West of Lot, | what vour feet need 38 TE ---------- 'Wear "Allen's" | Military Bootmakers, | 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. COMPFORTABL Barrie street. FURNISHED DWELLI STORES | and offices. MoCann's Real Fstate and Insurance Office, 51 Brock St. AL ESTATE BARGAINS IN THE SHOP ON DIVISION "REE RE OCTOBER BULLETIN bear Garrett street, occupied by 3 dt | I Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. | Present an opportunity to PRICK - OR RO. { make money. Read It. HOCK SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO. | . , RETATR AND an Princess street | moderate rent | SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AS AGENCY Jossession November 1st. Apply to | Bteacy & Steacy: | -- . DWELLING HOUSE. 12 ROOMS; | ------ aaa niodern improvements, 341 Johnston | . Street, suitable for boarding house 'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN . En r . W. Nesbitt, Corner of | MR. CONWAY IS IN CHARGE Of *hnston and University Avenue. The Johnston Tatloring Co., while Mr { shnston ia ill. Those looking at cloth LOST. | Serr ans | A PEARL BAR, ON OCTOBER 13TH, | Reward for its return to this Office | The Johnston Tailoring Company GOLD LION PIN, IN OR IX FRONT! oo. oo vol SED: date of Whig Hall, on Friday night. Re-| [Friends of Halden Love, M Real ward Tor its return to this Office i of Capleton Place, but now in North ee ctsin e aeini'h Dakota, will deeply regret that he LADIES DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING, { has lost his evesight An acerdentgl Tiednesday evening, between Opera | gunshot wound, when hunting Hote ud, BQ Sydenham trent hx troved the sight of one gye, soma time stroets. Reward for return to 30 ago, end now the other has lost all 1 power, and the doctor has to relin Sydesoam street, ------------ | quith his profession, ; Poof, iron and wine, as a fonic, has All that's geod in flour, workman- ni A shit, machinery, 'efc., is used in the | no equal. 50c. hotties at Gibson's i ; Red Cross drug store; making of Toye's bread, asked to call again ; orders prompt attended to. New customers asked to KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1905 pS [HE MIKADO ' 1 Issues Rescript At Conclu- sion Of Peace. BEMGN ANCESTORS | ARE GIVEN PRAISE AND GLORY OF VICTORY. Desires Establishment of Neigh borly Relg!ions--Admonisties Tlis Subjects Against Vaia- Glorious Pride and coms- mands Attention to Yawful Vocations. THE MIKADO OF Tokio, Oct. 17.-The terday, issued a reseript JAPAN emperor, in to the conclusion of peace ves | reference | His majesty records the glorious success achieved by the army and | navy, the diligent performance of their duties by the civil officials, and the cheeviul manner in which the na tion has born the heavy burden of expenditure, and adds: "The resalt in in, a gt measure, due to the be nign spirits of our ancestors, as well as to the devotion to the civil and military officers, and. the seli-denying | patriotism of our people." Conthuing, the emperor savs : "We have oxamined the terms agreed upon by the plmipotentiaries, and having | { found them to bein entire, conformity to our will. we have accepted - and ratified them, Peace and glory thus having been secured, we are happy to invoke the hi ng of the benign spirits of our ancestors, and fo be able to bequeath the fruits of these great deeds to our posterity. It is our earnest de to share the glory with our people and long to enjoy the blessings peace" with all na tions. Russia is again a friend of Japan, and we sincerely desire that the good neighborly relations now re- | tablished shall become both inti mat wr In concludin e emperor admonish es his subject mst manifestations of vainglorious pride; and command them to attend to their lawful veea tons, and to do all that lies in their power to strengthen the empire MEDALS AWARDED By the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission. Detroit, Mich. Oet. I7.--A Pittsburg spatch says the last investigation into entitle the partic in the fund. Ten awards among them n Mickael A. Do Quel who Mi fund made public cases supposad to Carnegie hero cammisszion, night, to ipants share were made, | silver medal to of 1901 venteen a ship laborer April 25th, Kastner who resend I vear old student I cide a Se attempted sui into the river where five feet _ d . Another medal Arthur N.Y. 4or his Detroit, who Unt, by plunging ho water w wed filled with floating ice ward vas a bronze to Gots Lancastor Mrs. Webster halk ros fell the Jertie, 1904 from the night of er July on | 6th i HYDE NOW READY will Return to New York Accept Subpoena. J et 1 ta face By Untermyer, it that Mr the next accept a committees the city not Mr. Hyde hat been visit in and near Boston to James Hazen the insur personal jeden gators his Samuel night Hy day subpoena He is an v would in or two propary to from the legislative expected in Wednesday ing friends cently re Picked Up A Barge. Southampton, Ont, Oct, 17. During the gale, on Sunday night, the tow barge Jenne umber loaded for Tonawanda, broke from steamer United Lumberman, off Pres que Jsle. Mich The Jennette drifted across Lake Huon, arriving off this port, yesterday aftemoon, with ber canvas and deck load gone. She was immedintely. picked ap and towed into the } the tng Frank G. Me Aulay. away thor by Governor Hogg Seriously Ill. Fort Worth, Tex, Oct. 17.--Former Governor James 8. Hogg in ill at an hotel here of He was going y a health resort and bad to drops 1 stop iis physicians is applied at survive, but he declines time has come he will go. si once he cannat saying if his remedy -------------- where voor are Ir, Chown's JOst your glasses guaranteed a piriect fit, ! drug store | overflowing with later than | the | unless a Jwevere | | CLERKS FROM SCOTLAND, | | i { i Bank of Commerce Advertised for Fifty Lads. Montreal, Oct. 17. -The Canadian lank of Commerce has established a | {new precedent for Canadian banks, | and has advertised in Glasgow, Scot- Nand, - for fifty junior bank clerks, at fa salary of £30 a vear | A leading official of the bank stated {that the bank had been notified that a number of lads were already on their way to Canada. He added that the rapid extension of the branch sys tem by difierent bunks had made it impossible to get a suflicient number of bank clerks in Canada, and the ex perience had been that Scotch lads, when secured "early enough, made good bankers. Other Canadian banks are also negotiating to bring out a number of English and Scotch boys A BIG LIBEL SUIT. | Harmsworth Suing Pearson's | Papers for $250,000. London, Oct 17 Alired Harms worth's hibel suit for $250,000 damag es against C. Arthur Pearson's papers, the Standard and the Daily Express, is the newspaper sensation of the week. Pearson published 5 copy of a { writ alleged to have been served on Harmsworth, by a Captain Peanmont, | and his wife, claiming annulment of 4 bond signed by the captain agreding to sell his shares in Harmsworth's paper, | Answers, for $40,000, on the ground | that it had been ofitained by misre | presentation and duress Beaumont also claims damages proportionate | to what his 'interest, would now be | worth in Harmsworth's publications | | | Sir if he had not sold iit. This claim is computed at $2,500,000, + 4 MAY SUCCEED FULFORD. ? "+ - | + Ottawa, Oct, 17.--The f& | 4 death of Senator Fulford 4 4 leaves another opening in 4 | 4. the upper chamber. It (3s 4 | % more than likely that it i» | 4 will be filled by the ap- & | {4 pointment of Mr. Com-~ | 4+ stock, who for a time re- 4{ presented Brockville in the ! + commons previous to the i | 4 general election of 1800, | + + | THE PRINCE'S FUNERAL | view Passed Over With Perfect Ordec-- | Police Absent. Moscow, Oct. 17 Prince Troubetskoy, of | liberal lead The funeral the er and rector of Moscow University, {who died suddenly in St. Peters. | burg, October 12th, took place here, | yesterday, and passed off in pedect Enormous crowds witnessed the | The police were conspicuous ly absent, the students took con- | trol of the proceedings, The ordinary life of Moscow was at o standstill dur. | ing the funeral ex which lasted | almost the entire day. Thousamds of | people lined, the alcng the | route of the proc ceremony. and streets ession, TWENTY-FIVE ARE LOST, | Seeking Shelter Crowd Into Harbor. 17. ~A terrible north t rl by wing in } Many damaged, and twen known to have heen Vessels Hamburg, Oct wed storm, ae hail, has 1 Sen for four « foundered or ar ty-live sailors ar lest The harb rain and the North vessels nve | to shel » has been com r of Coxhaven is filled vessels seeking {er The coasting 1 pletely suspended + + + A DEPENDENCY. 4 + mae + » London, Oct. 17.,~Baron + | 4 Hayashi, in an interview at + 4 Oska, declared that Korea 4 was now practically a de- 4} pendency of Japan and 4+ that sufficient capital ani 4+ wise foresight would make 4 it the source of considor- 4 able wealth Shot At His Murderer. 17.~After he had Leen ooh Toscano dunng Chicago, Oct | stabbed by ¢ : a fight last night, Vito Fegilo, fifty vears old, drew a revolver and | fired at Toscan As he dell in the street, Foliga's two sons, Petro, twean- ty years ofl, and Anthony, fourteen years old, wl witnessed the fight | both drew revo and fired several | shots at the ! l'oscano was dead when the police arrived, Vito Foyilo was arrested and taken to a hospi found that he suffer | sealp wounds and | The sons es tal. where it ed from two large wa two wounds in the lace, | caped Soldiers' Monument Mutilated. Opdensbury Oet 17. Yesterday some malicious individual Troke the barrel off the gun held by the heonze one figures in the ssl monument recently unveiled here {ent Fairbanks, The bar- of solid bronze and has a junk dealer or The desecration arousal much | | { | soldier of the | thers by Viee Pres rel was mae either been soll to thrown in the river of the monument has wdignation { ea -- i Captured A Burglan, Montreal, Oct 17.-A duel took place in Westmount Park, early this morning, between Frank Mooney, a well-dressed burglar and a policeman The burglar was shot in the arm and | { side, in all nine shots being fired, The { man had a kit with him. He is evi | dently a stranger and is now in the Western hospital. "When vou require 8 tonic," hay a bottle of hed, son's there. | of Manning, the adviser of Presidents ib Bewspaper | fore, and the amazement of the offici- | al world at his feet was added to by | the fact that, in defiance of all court | czar 3' him any ed President Kruger. Then in IR08, he | sheteh of Nicholas in | one hundred dollars per months be al- | swindler, iron and wie at Gib- | Kewl Cross deng store, 50. [Gibson's Red Cross drag store. wl Or els | Wade's : oe, a AN ODD TASK Put Upon Stead By The Czar. 10 HOLD MEETINGS TO DISCUSS CURRENT PO- LITICAL QUESTIONS. Stead Has a Most Favorable Re- gard for the Monarch -- He Had An Interview With Alex- ander II, Which Created In- terest. London, Oct. 17.~One of the most extraordinary appointments ever of- fered a brildant journalist has just been given by the czar of Russia to W, 1", Stead. The noted journalist has been received several times by the Kussian ruler. Reeantly Mr. Stead had an audience with Ewperor Nicholas at Peterhof and was authorized to organize pub- lic meetings to discuss ourrent politi cal Guestions. A letter has been ro- ceived here from Mr. Stead, who is now in Russia, in which he mentioned that he was alceady Rolding meetings, W. T, Stead is a man who has done many astonishing things. Leaving the I'yneside for London when a young man, he joined the staff of the Pall Mall Gazette, At one time he edited his paper from jail, In the course of his carcor he has chatted familiarly with Pope Leo XIII and been the friend of Cecil Rhodes, the confidante McKinley and Faure, He was editor of which whipped a Glad: stonian government to action and to the reform of the British navy, and he struck a sensavional blow for puri ty of London streets, Then more than seventeen years ago, he added to his journalistic Taur els by interviewing the czar of all the Russine, Alexander III, No Russian emperor had ever been interviewed be- etiquette, Mr, Stead closed the inter "It is perfectly monstrous, You don't mean to say that you dismissed the said the British ambassador, "Well, 1 don't know about that," re plied Mr. Stead, "but 1 knew the em- press had been® waiting for Junch for half 'an hour." As 1 had put all the questions 1 wished to ask, I got up, thanked the czar for his patience and kindness, and said 1 would not detain longer," In later years, Mr. Stead interview interviewed the present czar, and was most favorably impressed by the char acter of that monarch THE DAILY BRITISH BARTON MYSTERY. May Lead to Identification of Victim, clue which they think may lead to the identification of the mu woman in the Hamilton mystery. She may prove to be a lady lately arrived from England, which would account for the difficulty in tracing ber. Mrs, Warren, 15 Dean St,, called on Detec tive Wallace and told him that she had information which might aid the detectives, On September 24th, Mrs. Warren arrived in Quebec from Eng land and came on to Toronto. There was a young woman on board the steamer with whom she struck up an acquaintance. This woman said she was coming out to Bartonville, near Hamilton, where she would weet and marry a young man, whe bad been in Canada for about a year. The des eription in the papers correspond with the apnoarance of this youne woman, Mrs. Warren went to Hamilton to view the remains, . Ss HUSBAND SHOOTS WIFE. Then He Uses Gun to End His Own Life. Buffalo, N.Y.. Oct. _17.~Nathaniel L. Richmond, a well-to-do farmer, who lived at North Collins, near here, shot and killed his wife, Y, a8 she lay asleep in bed with her two- year-old baby He then shot himself and died soon alter. Melancholia is said to be the cause. The baby, which was by its mother's side, was deluged with blood but unharmed. The shots awakened Richmond's other children, who reached his side just in time to see him breathe his last, WHAT WILL BE DONE With the Immigrants Coming to Our Shores. Toronto, Oct, 17.-~ Of the four hun- dred odd immigrants who arrived from England and Scotland, between Saturday and Monday, about eighty have 'obtained farming positions, through the Ontario bureau. This practically exhausts the applications receivod from farmers for hired men. What is to become of the remainder of the immigrants and the several hund- red others now on the Atlantic and the others to follow during the win: ter promises to be a problem, WENT ON STRIKE, County Magistrate Was Called and He Acted, Port Stanley, Ont, Oct, 17.+The vernment shunpig Vigil eke phoned for the county police mugs trate, Frank Hunt, but ere Mr. Hum arrived the strikers thbught better of it and went to work, The magistrate arrived anl after considering their go tion in going to work, fined the men one dollar and costs each and so the incident ended, The "I thank God for his life, Ii he be { spared to Russia, that young man | will go far," said Mr, Stead, wroty a most flattering character | the Review of | Reviews, and is said never to have had | of Esperanto, and a vehe ment critic of London plays, his lat- advocate est offort being a vigorous denunecia tion of "The Spring Chicken." Now he ix adviser to the czar, an organiz er of political meetings in a country that seems on the verge of revolution, USED BANK NOTES. Wrapped $162 in Newspaper to Take to Bank. Watertown, NY. Oct, 17.Truman Berow, a driver for the J. 8, Briggs bottling works, lost $1602 by a care lows inadvertance of his wile, It seems that Mr. Berow had $162 in bills which he intended placing on deposit in one of the banks this morning. He vrapped this money up in a newspaper that lay in the. kitchen of his resi dene: Mrs. Berow had occasion to build a fire in the kitchen range and used the | newspaper. money and all, for a starter, When Mr. Berow asked for the | paper in which he had placed the | he found that it bad gone in smoke money WANT ALIMONY To Be Collected From Dead Man's Estate. Detroit, Oct, 17.A request to col let alimony from a dead man's ew tate ix the umigue petition filed in the probate office by Mrs, Louise Ander: son, divoreed from her husband seven yours ago. Mra, Amderbon asks that lowed from the estate, which amount has been unpaid since Antlerson's death, four months ago. Her attome y claims alimony should congtitute « lien upon the estate. The will was pro bated in Ontario and the administra Frank Mamon, is said to hold twelve thousand dollars worth of real estate in Detroit tar, Sent Up For Nine Months. He | He | THE MAYOR RESIGNS. Will Begin Again and Pay Debts. , Winnipeg, Oct. 17.-A despatch from his original impression changed. In | Nelson, B.C., says that John Hous | cent years he has descended from | ton has written the Tribune, from these heights, Ho has dabbled in spiri- | Goldfickds, Nevada, announcing his tualism, edited "Borderland" and | ™signation as mayor, to take effect Letters From Julia" (a "spirit" | on October 26th, Mr. Houston says he | friend). Wo has been a pro-Boor, an | i% dead broke, but will pay his debts in time, He will never return to Nel wom, but will fight his way up in Ne vada, A LAD'S ACT Caused the Lo Barns, Ottawa, Oct. 17.--Because his little six-year-old son sot fire to dried leaves, Andrew Findlay, who lives near Manotick, is minus his barns and outbuildings amd his crops. He lost 200 bushels of oats anid over 200 tong of hay. A high wind was blowing and bams on adjoining farms caught, but of His Father's wore easily axtinguished, The loss is $1,000, No ingurance. Mr, Calvert Denies It. Ottawa, Oct. 17-The Free Press publishes a paragraph tending to give the impression that W, 8, Calvert, chief liberal whip, was a competitor with Mr. Aylesworth for a cabinet po- sition. This Mr. Calvert denies. He states that he came to Ottawa on de- partmental business, and in no sense to urge his claim to political prefer. went. The appointment of Mr. Ayles worth in the best that could be made, and he warmly endorsed it. Where's The ItaMan ? Toronto, Oct. 1. Luigi Zilli, a "young Italian, has been missing for nine days, and his friends arc much concerned aver his protracted absence. There are fears that he may have met with foul play, Wants To Enter Wihni Winnipeg, Oct. 17.The Mid rail way line iw wegotinting for the right of way into the eity over the Cana: dian Nogthern railway line from the United States boundary. Rev. W. H. Sparling, president of Montreal conference, is in Montreal attending a meeting of the i committee of the conference. He will Montreal, Oct. 17.--~Frank McCool, a who collected water rates from many citizens a few months ago, on falsn pretences, was sentenced nine months imprisonment to-day. Fermoy fair, this year, was better than previous: vears. Over 200 head of cattle were purchased by Messrs, Whitmarsh Bros, Westport. E. J. Stewart, B.A. - barrister, who has been practising for some time in | the west, will locate in Renfrew, Large 10c. Hotties of ammonia at return on Wednesday. The light and power committee was enlled to weot this afternoon, The street lighting question was to be disougsed in connection with the by- law. More nourishment in a loaf of Toye's | bread than in anything else that costs | twice as much, Toronto, Oct, 17.--~The police have a | Horo you'l find the wo best linens org Appr Te Mg agents, ¥ Special Towels, hemmed, 23c. pair. Old Blesch ¢ fino. huck, ot nality, Toe Pillow Capes | at very spo DISCOUNT STAMPS CASH BALES, Steacy's. MARRIED, HLLER-ATTWOOD.~In St. Cathedral, on Tuesday, Octo Tone ALL SHIELDS. --In St. 'Albert, Andrew Shields, son-in-law ¥ McDonald, Oolborne street, Sn October Tth, at the age y= ree. Funeral took place on Monday, Octobpr copy.) (Toronto and ROBT. J. "Phone 877, 223 Princess St. TO-NIG Lincoln J. Ca Too Proud to: he Seasons r FOR SALE CHEAP, A GOOD HORSE, SUITABLE FOR delivery wuggon. purpose. where a ediua 'tout § , Ww 1 This is to vse while our ti)