Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1905, p. 2

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which has been Tybies i hould 0 = le 'ea good Of these, $10, $12, w to #5 » is what you fo ttern goes right th . it best nade and costs $1.95 to OU yard. sore LINOLEUM hos a great BORE to the fnlaid. : QOilcloth In good lor the Wo have in Block designs, Some of thes FS. ure like carpet patterns and are yery much, F. HARRISON G0 '8 Yours--Take It | alright, Man came to Pther day; said he want. buy a piece of property. he earned $40 a month could spare $10 of Preferred to buy if he could " than to rent. We had . dom house, price suited its kind ties for educa | tional its pupils phers and completed their The rooms well lighted and tool school vinces. Terms classes very mex begin the affections of world production has many of them "Florodora" ber 18th, ing their regular vance, this vear, in Kingston, i rangements can strumental, cony, two MeDermott of. the Connolly Iron. and modern and in Ontario, in attendance from four different pro for of Monday, H. F. Metcalfe, principal. ed to live forever Ard, the latest music, voeal twowteps and selections from est operas, will be on sale at We On motion of Ald. Givens, it was de- |! business possesses as complete facili- od in every way"the A material interests of There ix a phenomenal this college for col as stenographers and other business colleges. has beth so great ave accepted positions as stenogra- teachers before courses, wf ventilated. It is the | have not heard from Elliott Bros, best apuip.d | whether they have accepted or uot) Students are now | would not accept such a contract, - hy application for made. The chairman suid that no word had yet been re etived as to whether sanction bad been given. The request had been better received since full details were hey 2 | market, private residences | Weather. : igh | What is The tu + | light. pany, New York, to supply specifica wift's wharf: tions and an engineer to su | row 'Charlotte ; the fection, ut a cost ol. ha. sccepted. separator wil built here by a local firm: tenders will | be called ov that: work at ----.. ed total cost the separator wil {onto is the 1 close to $1,000, The expenditure must | season. or at be made or the city will have to stand a suit for damages. seraped. Returni The Sehool | will lie up for the ite | Montreal, culver Joy In out issue inatitutic { | You have published 5 'paragraph head- institution. of "Contracts for Fire Hose," stat- or that the contract had been award- as follows : 250 feet Keystone Lose, | ule. per foot, demand op | that mpetent young men | Paid 85c. a foot the teach in | tone fire hose, which was supplied The an | here at 820. 1 wish you would publish that young pen | the fact that Keystone hose is sold at | nO matter risliets. | contract, are commodious, bright, | and void, day and evening erate. Night classes World F September 18th. | is sufficient "Florodora,"" On Monday. It may be said that no play of re cent years has won as firm a place in the English speaking A famous as "Florod, three years in London, ova." Runn been leading modistes in Paris. In the new there are two sextettos, the "Pretty Maiden" sextette and a sextette of English dancing girls. Will | be at the Grand on Monday, Septem Will Be Heartily Welcomed. We understand the teachers of len nox and Addington, instead of hold- convention be made wit anthoritivs and railway. ------ Poor Old Bump. He bumped himself to disgrace; He tried to bump on the Union Jack, Rut bumped himself out of place, The above is from t Call And See Him Sunday. i and four vears he pen of an ar- of "Love's ete. But in dng Jo: | oa equalled im { Thompson, Grace Back Richard | polive foroe { week, after ¢ in Na: | vears. His old home, was will spend two days | siting the schools and Queen's University, if satisfactory ur | wonderfally b the | Nevilles of | his | Walsh and "Jack" Williams this year, dent Englishman and reader of the Whig: : Contrary Of Music. | be without For ome week, September 16th to! that is if and in- | ting including' new waltser, | shale" (hn the lat- | 13¢. per | the present one | ¥. A Folger, Jr., general superin- teadent, Kingston and Pembroke rail. way, Kingston, Ont., was born Sep. tember 17th, 1863 | ' of the | 'anndu | Sold at a Jn have | ity for 5c. seated | and | brushes at ! store, The present trip of the steamer Tor- | come to Kingston, and enter the gov- | crament dry dock ta have her bottom | #0 the extensive alterations already © | noted in this tion of stability as shown by twenty. | we years of successful work. It has the confidence of the business men of Canada and the United States. Itis | purely * a business school wel courses pare yi men a wo men igi ig No other educational ----n LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Would Not Accept Contract. 8a. a foot for 30 feet or 50,000 feet. It is the best hose on the Canadian Individual | market, and we do not cut the price, instruction is given in all departments by a staff of experienced as you have stated is null | PAUL R. HANSON, Manager. Mme. Schumann-Heink's name alone opera by the authors of "The Wedding | Day," "Brian Boru," "Dolly Varden," prima donna comedienne, Manager F. C. 3 given her a supporting company in America, this tremendous successful | and orchestra which have never heen musical comedy hay been enjoyed oy millions. "Florodora'" hae been aptly | named "The evergreen musical come dy," for if ever a play seemed destin | it i= "Florodora." For this season's tour an entirely new in this country. The principal members of the company Schumann-Heink comprise : | Irving, Reginald Roberts, f Neal Unicel Vassar, Ci built together | Clark, Edna o A : 3 ing. | lionel Robsarte, W, with the latest tages in costing, | Pierson, Wilired Thompson, D'Aubigne. This well balanced with an orchestra of | opera house, soloists, will | Grand on Tuesday, Septeh posite the site of the British Whig of- {fice of those days. He found the city j ors Nicholas Phelan, spends his sum- mere in Kingston, and in winter he He tried to bump on the captain, | resides with his son in Erinsville. He vidted Marlbank and was delighted with the great dredging outfit there. He says the marl is very white, of his brothers is engaged there, ---- Only One Vacancy. namely, that 'they will both be back {in time to again enter college. From i y vacancy «+» 260 Princess St. | James Macdonnell goes to Oxford and will be sadly i Hugh, will be at Queen's this year and {in the game. Thongh {he bas long wished to | may possibly be filling | during the coming winter. ---- Davies' Ceylon Teas. ---- | See our stock of combs and noticed that the bottom is seldom far from the eat ty The rut Foresters have or- ! the sanctum sanctorum | yy Fhy, pustor, 10 a.m., class-meet. $ Alds ganized at Clayton, N.Y., a new high 4 inguon » 'Peelers. He dropped into ing; 11 am. and, 7 p.m., public ser NeCang Tore Ko: | court for New York. fort J Yaeant armchair, propped his | vite. The pastor prenches ot both mor nn, Foye, Sem Good *' maid Noid, "that Wiggs | °°% against the table, and calmly vices. 2.45 p.m., Sunday Bible school; North American" oe 1 5 pulled away on his cigar, a most un Wednesday, 8 p.m., peaver meeting. has sheen secured "gh SA saarast stunt ot, terol individual, Calvary Congregational Church, Rev, 10 use its poles for the! ~M It'S true that the good die young.' "Well T > t gamed for breath. (pp Windroes, pastor.--Morning ser- cost would be $400, and | There were no offenders to answer i Vd like to have your job," | ica at 11 o'clock. Subject, "A Call $60. What the | the court this . The police: | "ere his first words on resovering him- | (6 the Sysirit Filled Toe Sunday was the chance | Claim rainstorm evening | *}- "Say you never heard in YOUF | school at 3 o'clock. Evening service at the end of u | 9rove all their friends in doors, lie of a policman or a reporter dv- | 01" gGock. Subjeet. "The Gospel for nt of its own, | Just arrived, rice and molas- | M2, did you, now "he dontifiued. "1 | the Needy." members of the | 96% kisses at Gi 's Red Cross drug never did. Of course | eould explain | Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- store, the situation from a bobby's point of | jie and Earl streets--Pastor, Rev. M. as the city would have its | There was a good sized Saturday | View, but now 1 see belore me a living | Macgillivray, D.D. Services, 11 even with the threatoning All kind of produce was plentiful, and prices were practically same as a week ago. Oh, w ! what makes this glove so tannery, | Joha os ' telegraph poles. Without the | 1 uinty cacnicd she - | "I'd be intoxicated too," said he, "Were I a glove upon that hand." Brantfords beat the Syracuse crack team at the Cape fair, 4-0. hore on Monday, The Trusts and Gu lindted, 14 Kin to, forwards will forms and gives sug- gestions free of charge to those siring information in regard to draw- | i= ing a will, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Going on About the cannot understand.' They play street west, Torur- Harbor. i + | Craig's wharf: Yachts Castanet and ation of overdrawn bank account, no! Idler from Alexandria Bay. expenditure on capital account will be | Edmond and barge Colum- made, | bia, coal-laden, cleared from Booth's Mr. Campbell submitted tenders fof | whart for ratus wired to | Fx the a in the | Bedford Mills, M. T. company wharf: SS. West A | mount and consort, , in order to abate the { due to-morrow from Fort William with The tender of | 296.000 bu shels of oats: she will make this Tuesday, the steamer will to Toronto, she for the winter and wnder- paper. Sept. M.--(To the Edi of September Sth, to Elliott Bros., also Montreal city council for 5,000 feet Key- what size of order, <0 the as our company, (which ------ amous Prima Donna. guarantee of the excellence Lottery," the new. comic addition to this world: and operatic Whitey comic opera productions supporting Mme, Frederic Dow Claire Meantz, N. Cripps, Hal . A Starin, John Slavin, Tekla Fara, exceptionally organization, Metropolitan olay at the r 19th, singing To His Old Home. Phalen, of the Goderich » revisited Kingston, last an ahsence of twenty-two situated op- improved. He visited the Erinsville, to whose family wife belonged. His fath- One to rumors Queen's will pot the services of "Marth they decide to eater the rena. Une i thing is sure, outlook there will be ¢ nly on the hoekey team. missed. His brother, a goal player play point, so that position wholesale price, 40%. qual. Black, green and mixed. l hair Gibson's Red Cross drug see the . Brantford ingston ball tea. on arantee company, de- Minnedosa, are tug Glide up Steamer Toronto, | steamer Aletha, from 180, was | bay ports; steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa; steamer Hamilton, up, yes- | terday SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES, What Will Be Doing In The Church To-Morrow. . Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock | stivet~F ipal Gordon will conduct | morning service and Prof. Glover will OF POLICEM ¢ Se i : T OF E WHAT PART gris Th m------ : Can't Please Everybody Though {preach in evening. Sunday school | and Bible class at 3 p.m. You Try le Are | Sydenham Street Methodist' church Often Unreasonable -- Some Rev; C. E. Manning, pastor. «ill preach at 11 am. and 7 pm. beter esting and helpful - services. obliging { ushers and a hearty welcome ijof sl". Brock Strect Methodist chureh.--Rev. Humorous Answers. Moy hig man walked eisurely into "The Root of the Triumphant Life' + of the second ' 7 1,0 "How to Conquer the Inevit- | able." Sunday school and Bible class, | 3 p.m. Strangers made welcome at all Answer to the question' as far as it | concerns the party part." 3 "Get out with vow" retoncd the scribbler, "our work 'is never done. | the services. When you fellows are enjoying healthy | Queen Street Methodist church--The sleep, and ali nature is wrapped in | pastor. Rev. W. H. Sparling. B.A. deepest slumber, we burn the midnight i will preach at 11 a.w. amd 7 pm. All oil, and rake our brains to pieces, all | welcome. Sundmy school, 2:45 p.m; for the good of an inconsiderate pub- | mid-week praver service, Wednesday. lic, and that you fellows may have |8 pm. Morning anthem, "God Is something to read as you sit loung- Love," Mr. Manhard and choir: solo, ing about here." Several nearby arti- "When The Tide Is Going Out," Miss cles were hurled at the soribe's head. Sparks. Evening anthem, 'Praise Ye "But really, in all earnestness, what | The. Lord:" solo, "My Redeemer And the hardest work, connected with | My Lord," Miss Cairns. the job of a policeman 7" questioned | -------- the reporter to several of the wearers Y.M.C.A. Sunday Notes. Men of praver are invited to join of the bie and the baton seated | around. The answers were not by anv | with us at the morning watch service means the «ame in all cases, hut hard- | at 7 a.m. The general secretary's Bible Iv one of those anestionsd failed to | class will be held at 3 o'clock in the include amono his hardest tasks the afternoon. . The 1.15 o'dock men's attempt to please an exaotine public. | meeting will be opened for the winter From all accounts it would appear | with an address, from Rev. T. B. that Kingston is not a particularly | Windross, on a converted politician. A hard nlace for a policeman. The city | large number of men should be present is particularly free from 'the disorders | to hear him. amrant in many largér centres. Strikes, riots, and panics hove heen PERSONAL MENTION, heard of Hut that's about all. The ---- foreign element ? Well, all the trouble | Movements Of The People--What they give is an occasional rm to! They Are Saying And Doing. members of the force that ome in| Miss Addie Snyder, Kingston, is sionificant little family onarrel mav' be y; n : n isiting at her uncle's, L. S. Clarke, settled or mix-ups adjusted. To 1 er day a voliceman requires a good head | rs. R. E. Genge is visiting her sis- more than mere size and brute | ter, Mrs. William Carleton, Water- strength, [tawn, N.Y. "Doing good service with the PW | Migs Lizzie knowledow that it will not meet with | home after anpreciation from the wublic is the | Gananoque. hardest work of a policeman." said | Miss Meda Kerrin, Kingston, is one officer. who has spemt man vears | visiting at her grandfather's, 1. S on the free. "Ag a noliceman's work | Clarke, Napanee. M to nrevent trouble be often has| W. K. cNeil, graduate of Queen's verv little to show for his services, | College, is science master in Quebec nl" even on the force he may not | city high school. meet with appreciation." | Michael Mallon refurned home yes: ere also are a few other Answers | terday after a pleasant visit to his bv the jokers of the foree to the ques- | son in Smith's Falls. tion. {| Mrs. Denneoy and her daughter "Waiting for the end of the month." | Fdi Cornwall, are "visiting Mrs: "Putting in the time." | William Cook, Rideau street. McArdle has returned visiting with friends in "Tring to keep a clear mind with { Miss Cohen, Montreal. and Miss regard to superior officers.' | Sproule, Harrowsmith, have retarnel "Meeting the unexpected. situations | home after being the quests of Wiss ® our greatest difficulty," said anoth- er of 'the preservers of law and order, "The usual routine duties are not so hard to perform, but no matter how | in Morley, Alta., where he has secured long a man has been on the foree, | a fine position. He speaks of the grand there is always the possibility of com- | scenery, to the west, the Rockies; to- ing suddenly upon a new situation. No | wards the east nothing but prairie and book of rules, however, large can cov. | @ river, er all cases which may arise, and itis | just in meeting the new set of circum. Stances tha t a policeman's hardest | The young man who has an oppor- work lies." . | tunity to secure a good business edu. "I believe its in dealing with people | cation, and negleets to grasp it, will, who want to call a policeman for | in after years, soundly berate himself every little trouble that 'our hardest | for his folly. ' Parkin for a few days. Carew Roche's many friends will be rleased to know he is safe and sound -------------- A Few Items That Count. work lies," echoed » thoughtful blue-| The Frontenac Business College, coat, corner Barrie and Clergy streets, is Another man finds his greatest diffi- | the best equipped and most up-to- culty in the change of meal time and | dat sleeping hours demanded by the inter- | ern Ontazio. We train the mind to changing of day and night duty; an-/| think, the eve to wv and the hand to other in dealing with the winter wea: | act. We make something besides ma- ther, when his greatcoat mav be soak. | chines out of our pupils. We do not ed through with rain and then frozen | offer life scholarships. Our success de- stiff that it can stand alone by the pends upon our having graduates time he reaches the station. A police- | ready for positions in the quickest man must not rm "ack for his rub- | time postible. We do not promise bers. He wears whatever is on the or- | mpre- than we can do, but we always der shest, and walks his beat at times try to do more than we promise. Day sweltering and with aching shoulders, | and evening classes. Call, write or under the weight of his greateoat or | 'phone 680 for particulars and rates. again shivering for lack of it." | T. N. Stockdale, Principal. Strange to sav there is possibly not & man on the force who considers his hardest duty to be in facing the dan- | gers to life, or in the aotual dealing | (jecided to introduce here what are with tough characters. These are | known as prepaid gad meters. Cus merely incidents of his work, which he ! tomers can have them in their houses takes ae a matter of course. | on application, instead of the general One man has vet to smswer the re- | meter. They are operated just like a porter's question. "Nick" Timmer gum machine. You drop a quarter in man ponders in his heart and no | the slot and that much gas is sup- doubt his reply will be worthy of sep | plied. No biil comes into the custom- arate and outstanding comment. jer. He pays at onee for what he uses. At present, only ten of these meters will be got if there is' a demand for them. The committee has also found it necessary to add twenty more gen. ¢ business training school in East- Prepaid Gas Meters. The light and power committee has Napanee Model School. | The model school class this year at | Napanee is said to be an exception- | ally promising one, and consists of the following : Roy Scott, GG. H. | Brooks, J. C. Gibson. L. A" Wagar, E. C. Brisco. W.. Anderson. H. 8. | Winters, Taura M. Anderson. Evelyn Clark, Celia B. Vandervoort, Otta | Sills. Napanee; G. A. Snider, Athens: ing Surveyors Out. Smith's Falls Record. i Surveyors are out on the Kingston, Smith's Falls and Ottawa railway and searching out this matter. Each of brothers from Lanark county. The es bee and eastern Ontario, and the sur rogate pointed Arthur Burgess, er brother, Robert, is abpealing to Os- goode Hall against the appointment. He alleges that the bers of the family favor his appoint ment in place of his brother. tral meters, as customers are increas- | ( 11th, at phine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bh. C. Snyder, Godirey, was united in mar- riage to J, A, Ta Ean J. Fenton, rector of church, Parham. The bride, a charm- ing voung lady, was tastefully gowned in white crepe de chene, with chiffon and dainty wreath of RICH SILVER FIND BUT KINGSTON, NOT MON- TREAL, AS CREDIT. Article in the Hardware Monthly That Gives a Chance for the Real Facts to Become Public. The Hardware Monthly of 'Canada, published at Montreal, had the fol- lowing in a recent issue : "Evidences of Canada's mineral wealib are always cropping up. The latest find is reported from Cobalt district in Coleman township, where rich silver deposits have been discov- ered. The mines were originally dis- covered by a French-Canadian black- swith named Larose. He was working on the construction of the Temiskam- ing railway, and found the ore in a cutting. He sent samples of clean solid silver specked with bismuth to King- ston for assay. The assayers reported the ore merely rich in bismuth. La- rose did pothing with his discovery. When samples Sere assayed in Mont- real, the extraordinary mineral wealth of the Cobalt district was discovered. "This caused very little excitement and the richest properties were quietly bought up by keen sighted Americans. The first carload shipped to New Jer- sey for refining averaged 1,800 ounces of silver to the ton. Thayer was worth sixty cents an ounce, so that shipment was worth $1,080 per ton. sides this the ore ran about 10 per cent. Cobalt which is worth sixty cents a 1b." The above statement needs a few modifications before it can be consid ered sceurate, as follows : l.--Larose's samples were sent to the bureau of mines, Toronto, and then to Kingston. They were not sent to Mont- real. 2.~These samples were nickel ore, not silver ore. They were not reported as rich in bismuth by a Kingston as sayer. Bismuth was not discovered in the ores until it was noticed by Pro- fessor Miller of the burean of mines, about pine months after Larose's dis. covery, 3.--Kingston men were on the ground with Larose a few davs after his samples were sent out and in No- vember, 1908, there were 1.500 lbs. of the ore in Kingston, including some picees of native silver weighing several pounds, An 4.--The discovery was reported and divonssed in Kingston in November, 1902, and caused excitement enough to send three parties of prospectors from Kingston before the snow was off in the spring. The wave seems to have juet penstrated to Montreal. 5.--Larose sold his property to a group of Canadians, who still hold it. A second property, also very rich, the Hebert, was acquired by another group of Ontario men who held it un- til last summer and then sold it to New York men for a large sum. A third is still awned by Messrs. McKin ley & Darragh, Canadians, who dis- covered it, In addition, Messrs. Long- well, Trethewey, Wright, Glendinning, Foster, Drummond, and others, are young Canadians, owners of some of the richest nroperties, who woitld re sent being classed as Americans, -------- GUILTY OF NETTING ---- In Loughboro Lake Where Fish- ing is Now Poor., Complaint has been made to the dis- tiict fishery inspector that netting is going on in Loughboro lake, Formerly that lake was noted for the large quantity of black bass, salmon and white fish it contained. Now the fish- ing is poor, and netting is the cause. Just the other day, a party who was trolling on the lake caught hold of something heavy. He pulled it up, and discovered it to be a net. The guilty parties will surely be punished if caught. It is said that the fish are packed into boxes and shipped across to New York state, via Kingston Mills and Gananoque. The fishery over- seers thus have a duty to perform in BROTHERS AT LAW. Them Want to Handle An Estate. worth almost 230,000 is a dispute between two An the estate stake in tate is that of the late C. A, Burgess, the well-known restauranteur i Que eourt judge of Lanark ap a brother of ceased, to he administrator. Anoth other ten mem- Married In Kingston. A pretty wedding took place in St. worge's cathedral, on September 10:30 a.m, when Miss Del Goodfellow, Parham, was performed by Rev. St. James' prettily and trimmings of wearing in her lace and hair a orange blossoms. Lots of Underwear for See the 81.25 Self-Opening t i Are You Up to the Mark? If not feeling as well as should, do not make the mis. take of letting your health take care of itself. Resort to Beecham' Pills Sold Everywhere, In boxes 25 cents, ------ Special Sale 8S co 3 Rubber Goods 207, Discount for Ten Days yon This is an excellent opportunity 1, secure a Hot Water Bottle or Foun. tain Syringe (a household necessity) at 20 per cent. less than any other time. Don't make the "old one" (, Buy. a brand new one. You will need one before the winter is over anyway Look over our stock and select yours at once. All goods guaranteed. The Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street. 'Phone 59. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY, (ESTABLISKED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money leaned on City and Farm N Municipal and unty Debentures. Moi purchased deposits received aren allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director, Office. 97 Clarence Strest. Kingston. Glance Over This List For TO-NIGHT Pretty. Hose Supporters at 25c. a pair, made with plain and frilled clastic, has four straps, with nie- kle mountings, rubbe: posts that will not tear or even soil the most delicate garment; Colors, Black, White, Pink, Pale Blue, Cardinal Extra special at 25¢. a pair. Spe ial value in Corsets at 5c. a pair, made of good quality cou tille, strongly supported through out, giving comfort as well as graccfulness to the wearer; has s't of Hose Supporters attached: all sizes in white or dove shades 95¢c. value for 75¢. a pair 10 dozen Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, seamless, 19c. quality. To night, 2 pairs for 25c. Sce the line of Ladies Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose on sale to-night at 25c. a pair. Usually sold at 33 a pair. La and fall wear dies' and Children's, all sizes makes, at popular prices. Received this week : 50 pices of New Dresden Ribbons in an end) iety of dainty colorings, 1 vard, a Umbrella that we will sell to-night for $1 It's a good one. Newman & Shaw y, -- 00000000000 KENTUCKY GANNELL * swnmer, to Open ley, Bath teen women Twelve are wen and fif- | | ---- Marriage At Montreal. | At Montreal, on 12th inst. at St. | Patrick's church, by Rev. Father Cal- | laghan, Lorretta Swift Johnson, nurse at Vernum hospital for insane, daug- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E, Johnson, | Portsmouth, was married to Frank E. Bouermun, of Bristol, England. The wedding was private owing to sad bereavement, in the death of her uncle, Dr. Jobason,. of Chicago. - | Bacon Sale. § 150 sides breakfast bacon, wholé of | part side, 13, Ib., at Davies'. { -- Brantfords. A large stock of fountain sv ringes, combination and hot water bottles, at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. "Chaucer" savs he has the fastest | company will hold a meet bunch of ball players in Ontario - the! day to discuss the F. C. Mears, J. F. Paul, F. R. For- { it is said that the work of construe- ley. Elsie M. Moore, Myrtle 1. McGill, | tion will begin in the spring. Jt is un- Loise Babcock, Mattie Welbanks. | derstood that the government is under Bernadetta Kenney, Mary B. Frine, | promise > revote the subsidy to this Newburgh: Eva Harrison, .Auna M. [Tine at the next session of parlia. Larkin, Anastosia (Sullivan, Dose mont. Meantime the work is to be ronto; W. D. Coglon, Edith M. Lind! pushed. Belleville For The Federal. A Belleville despatch says that a first class hockey team in that city is a probability for next winter. There is talk of a team in the Federal league, if admission can be obtained. There is no doubt that Belleville could support a team in that organization, for there i= no better hockey town for the size in Canada. No Change Of Service Yet: Today, according to the agreement with the city, the street railway com- pany had the right to hegin a twenty- minute service, but did not do so. In the meantime the present service is to be continued. The directors of the ing on Mon- guestion of a re- | arrangement of the service. Four 10c. cigars for 23¢., at Gib. | son's today She was assisted by Miss Susie Good. fellow, sister of the groom, who look- ed pretty in a similar costume of pale blue, with hat to match. The grooin wag supported by H. CU. Spyder, bro- ther of the bride. After the conclusion of the ceremony wongratulations bei received, the bridal party = entered cabs and drove to the Cite Hotel for digner. The many valuable presents reccived from her friends far and near testify to the hich esteem in whirk the bride is held. Her travelling suit wns navy blue, pearl oth trimwed with white brosdeloth, with white silk blouse and jaunty hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Goodiellow left on n wedding tour and on their retum will reside at Parham where the groom is engaged in a prosperous business, ' Davies' Order Service. Onaers placed with our outside sales- pa TON FOR OPEN FIRES We have a lot of fine selected lumps for sale. Any quanity de- men on delivery service will receive prompt attention ; your request JAMES SWIFT & CO. | Iso delivery at; TEV CU 0090000000000 Fe Gold in the | Builight The week has bedi $019 replete with «At Homes i. Every day ha brought its fanetion large or small and social season * has made very bright beginning. . . . . With its French windows throw wide, and its rooms flower-filled, ""Ot terburn,"" was en fete, on Thursday when Mrs. Allaire Shortt was "A Home," hetwéen. the hours o fiv and sever. A very happy thought i is of this pleasant Staten Island wo man, whom Kingston welcomes ever her house to al those who have called upon her, in stead of acknowledging the courtes: by the perfunctory returning «¢ visits, and its a much appreciated dq parture from stereotyped custom. Re ceiving with Mrs, Shortt, were he mother, Mrs. Low, and Mr. Allair Shortt's mother, Mrs, William Short of Sarnia. The Rev. William Shortt was also presént, and another membe of the family present to make the a fair go off pleasantly, was Mrs. Af kinson, also of Sarnia. Mrs. Allair Shortt's cousin, Miss Annie Archer, clever New York artist, may be coun ed too, as one of the receiving grou and her paintings, of many a bit al out Kingston, which were in 'the ha and in both dining-room and drav ing room, received much admiring a tention, In the tearoom were Mi Crisp and Miss Hattie Crisp, | charge of the tea und coffee, with Mis Constance Cooke ensconced in a con er, cutting ices. Besides the men, wl were indefatigable in waiting up everyone, were Miss Muckleston, Mi Annie Mucklestpn, Miss Ethelw; Loucks, Miss Frances Macaulay, ar Miss Mildred Cooke, assisting the pri cipals. The tea table was centred | an arrangement. of pink and white a ters, and = there was, besides mai handsome dahlias, a verv artistic co binations in the drawing room--Blac cved Susans, in a vase of deep brow Among the guests were: Canc and Mrs! Loucks, Canon and Mr Gront, the Rev, and Mrs, Herbe Grout, Delhi, N.Y.; Canon and Mr Cooke, Mrs. Herbert Horsey, Mi Mildred Cooke, Mr. Alfred Cooke, tl Rev. J. 0. Crisp, Mr. and Mrs eph Walkem, Mrs. Bates, Miss. Ba Mrs. Betts, Mr, Clive Betts, Mr. ar remy Taylor, Mr. and Mr , Miss Alexander, Mrs. R. Vas on Rogers, Miss Rogers, Mrs. Brow field, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Mi John Maegillivray, Mrs. Hiram Ca vin, Miss Marion Calvin, Mrs. Voig Mrs. Clarke Hamilton, Mrs. Broa well, New York; Mrs. Pense, Mi Macaulay, the Misses = Macpherso Mrs. Boak, Mrs. Skinner, Miss Ski ner, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. F.\ Albree, Mrs. James Gildersleeve, Mi Gildersleeve, Miss Mabel Gildersleey Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mi Etta add Miss Kathleen Kirkpatric Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Miss (Goin Miss Annie Daly, the Misses Gibso Vrs. Richard Waldron, Sr., t Misses Waldron, Mrs. W. St. Pier Hughes, Mrs. Wrenshall, the Miss Wrenshall,, Mrs. Herbert Spencer, Mi Mona Knight, the Misses Fairlie, I and Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Chambe lain Irwin, Miss Katie Wilson, Mi Ada Temple, Toronto; Mrs. Gamsb Miss Gertrude Strange, Miss (rock Miss Katie and Miss Minnie Gordo Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Miss Agnes Ms: morine, Miss Marion Arnoldi, Toro to; Miss Mudie, Miss Lyman, Mr, RF. Harvey and Mr. FRdwa Dobbs, and Mr. Edward Birkett. * * * * Mrs. Robert Sears throp Sears gave a "At Home" at lovely 'Heathfield vesterday The very bad weathe which looked all afternoon as if might be worse prevented many pe ple from being present, and caus them much disappointment. 'T house was a garden with its weal of flowers. All the rooms downsta were thrown open, and every ava able spot had its blaze of color, its restful bit of green. The hall w done with delicate greens and whi the drawing-room was pink, pink ters, pink dahlias, pink-shaded ligh being used in carrying out the col scheme. But the dining-room glowi with its welcoming red, was the pr tiest place of all. Salvia, in a hu bowl, centred the table, an re shaded candles and other scarldt flo ers made the room very beautif Virginia creeper, and other vines tra ed hither and thither, and add careless grace to the warmth glowing color. In the drawing-roc the guests were received by Mrs. Rc ert Sears,' who ware a handso black satin; Mrs. Winthrop Sea wearing black net, with jet, and 1 and Mrs, W; very delight guest of honor, Miss Campbell, Baltimore, in white tafieta silk, wi pink rogebuds. Mrs. Waller, M Winthrop Sears' mother; pouted cof in the dining-room, and Mrs. Geo) pr ------------ James Kingston's New The Opening on th Big Bargai In Ladies' Rain Hosiery and Glov Goods, also in! Blankets. It will pay you to go if you require any of the JAMES 180 Well

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