Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Sep 1905, p. 2

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DAY. Reporters On Their Rounds. | e-- Visitors From « Many Points-- Families and Citizens Are Re- 'turning Home -- Completed Course at Hospital ail at McDermott C and McConkey's, Thi morning a if : i TH 3 ternoon to . f Mrs, hter returned to- | © day from Capes Ei : Portland. { age resulted. W. Pemberton, Kenilworth House, is HH 1 a if is ] 2 : 5 3 ¢ i | tember 9th. From September 10th ir. hud Mrs. F. Martin are spend. | fomber Sth be daily except ne a few days at the Thousand Island / ous, ee Miss a... Pearl Moulton, Westport, jg | tri-weekly, The Great Star. , the atue of Hirde Will Be Company, that Plays an engage- tember Al | recived at MeoAulev'a hook stor Girls" a | The Hamilton Times says : John F. Keunedy, Portsuiouth, left | ite "Boston, isit her | Watertown, N.Y., ave visiting in King- |, professor. hat Va., and when only sever rs of ston. . when the ie to years liveli- ihr, Ceioke, Renfrew, » the ghest of | Yankee professors to Canadian ones? He commenced by being a news. a ther Hubert, Cooke, Princess | 1p, Montreal Herald's boy and followed that occupation tne | *treet- day in Wheeling, West town and con- : doubt the largest and finest magazin tinued on until he was nineteen Your . James J. Kennedy, Rochester, N.Y. fever issued in this country. when a circus happened along in' want | ** visiting at his home in Ports- publication 'that of talent for o concert side show, | M00 a: Montreal Herald, ay, after visiting three weeks with his thriving in the metropolis. mother, Miss Lola Chapman left vesterday for Ingersoll to resume her kindergar- ten teaching, . uirmg around the ind out if he could secure Lt was informed of Leéch his ability as comic singer, and good dancer, He sought out and engaged him after quite a li Jumeits, as Al was loath public resorts to T the Central pleased to learn that the manage meat of the exhibition has secured thy 8 | famous Royal Canadian Dragoons fo 1 ' Simcoe | the fair, which will be held at Otta high school. wa, September Sth. to' 16th. Miss . Gertrude Little, King street, who 'had: been seriously ill, is slowly feeovering, Miss Sylvia Crowley, Kingston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, B. own mind as his friends were that he could ffl the bill, Anvhow he accepted amd hit both with the management and the entire audience. Ha however, only stayed with the eir- shed by station ta our a short time, when he went with spending the holidays at his home on | n --n Sate, 'a minstrel company; from that he went iversity avenue. | AMONG 2,000 ISLANDS dele, Shisre be pichue he Mrs. I. F. Sowards and son have re. : : the busines. vas while he ers de Setned home ee two months out- | America's Trip Taken is turn at Keith's Theatre in i i jek. Universi ve. | Again, Beton William A. Brady finn Mise Kilpatrick, University avenue, With flags unfurled, : blue sky overhead, the has returned from her outing at Prince Rdward- Teland. y Miss Katie Abramuky visiting at her | ©¥i%8, took sister's in Toronto, for some weeks, | x returned home on Saturday, 2,000 islands, on Saturday afternoon, Charles Comer and wife, Calgary, | Making her famous seventy mile tour. arc home on a vigit to his father, | 1% hun Taoursionists went from George Comer, Division street, | Kingston, and 150 tourists from river Misw. Annie Crellian, Main street, and | TeOrts were also on. the steamer. Af. their beautiful musical ride . | rlease every visitor 18 | fair. J. Mur- | and wil Special excursions will be ee. £ A Light is Needed at a Black quality Church, pet, : es i "Observer" writes thus in regard to an item in the Whig of Friday last: © your jasue last even an Again and and a breezy steamer Ap. n excursion of 350 pas- fengers among the archipelago of i ter passing the pictur ' ager sought him in his. dressing-room Tot voremta port hochestes NY | Codar Taland, the. vient 00: | at Dd ve ya om, he Shree vom: | "Mise Te" a arn raisics | Toons, ad wection of the Thousand week, Leech had to oo on account i to, po d re L training Here the steamer R -- x vou, of the Brady contract, and that ; an : ' : ®1 Mr. Goodwill, B.A, Charlottetown, how Leech advanced from a newshoy P.E.I,, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Kilnatrick, "University avenue. h Mrs. Jobo Wemp and little daugh. | 0Uched at Bound Jsla ter, Bera. of Beverly street, are vis- sand Island Park, $n relatives. in Hamilton and Buf. { and alo. William Neish, part for river points, of New Yorkers. The America gle nd Park. Thou. Murr, Hill Park Alexandria Bay, | tark This trip is bein ---- THE YACHT CLUB CRUISE. Tezpi Was the Winner, g taken over and With acting collector of | "YF 82ain by people iF: who feel that ) | there is rest j e i oe ) Chiriya Second. atoms at Carleton. Place. spent n every motion of the Lan tution i in The result of Saturday's cruise of the holidays in the city with his | Samar. a all who take it ppore- t ing > og. tha. vince my the Kingston Yacht Club resulted ; | family. aa . the Bill JFadianct ~sf «the " river Joe I ivy poor to such gi Toapi (E. C. Gildersleove) first: | Miss Mildred Berry Fin returned | inh A 8 wiv Whivuh Narrow by rh : vel. | home to sananoque, after a pleasant | gall, N woodlan on a and Be Hor's plex Splowdid gift my bh Diam. Brow 2 Sebi; Ham visit with Mrs. C. Lamon, Frontenac sither See, ue the tourist remains he to follow his example. The House of | Were seven entries in the handicap, the | ¥iTeet. 5 decks, or Repos i dy Shasigus Mdainty and substan : ill be thay | Mart heitg : Verona, 233 pom.; James Stewart and family came loons of the Alnerice. + ¢ palace sa- but Industry directors w more than Chiriva i; Cock Robin, Thelma | "Me on Sunday from Coteau, Que, by Cant America. The route taken d on uttered grateful for the legacy. by: Fen left, al Tce 2 Sock Fo Fr Tres where they wero spending the past two | OY Capt. James F. Allen. 81,000 and a cottage to his house- s 3 y, 2.20; % 3 y keeper, and $1,000 each to his bro- ther and sisters. His ostate is valued ; at about $10,000, © Keswick Back From His Vacation. Rev, J. B. Grimshaw, of Union church, ocoupied his pulpit last Sunday after a vacation of a full month spent on the great lakes. While at 'I'wo Harbours, Minn, _ in conversation with the manager of the iron ore dock department of the Du- luth and Tron Range Railway com- pany, he found that trains carrying from 1,800 to 2.000 tons of iron ore arrive every thirty' minutes from the mines which are from fifty to ninety wiles away. There are five docks at Two Harbours, each being 1.388 feet long, 'and sixty-eight feet high.' The ore capacity. of these docks is 188,000 tons, and 10,580 tons of ore is loaded on the boats in less than nine hours. The highest record for one twenty-four hours," shipment is 90,000 tons, who is ip 212. The four Gananoque boats to this season, wonths command of the America bad 3 . 'gives a view of ory, ie . enter were unable to get up. Miss Krupp, Mrs, Hughes and deugh. litarv bev, eal. Sidien, go The run to Stella on Saturday of. | ter. Tatra, Johnston street, have '® | granite, high head) oF or a ternoon resulted : Teepi, Chiriya, | toned from a visit to Hamilton and | v ld eaclands of rock apd Harmony. To McDonald's Cove, | Toronto. "The fou Po i Suciva, Torpi, Harmony. Back to |, Mrs. R. J. Burns. visiting ber sia. the steamer at Ines "rcadily, Stella, Tezpi, Chiriya, Harmony. This | {r-io-law, Mrs. Whicfield, York street, | 00 -- ------. hve the Tei i Puints, the han ain to ber howe in Roches: lumination of Kingston seen as tho ter spe pend the arog | 0, EY IR the vacht club. The yachtsmen re- | have goue to Toronto, epasklod throm ae pe Tights a op ] 8 ' : 5 turned last evening. ingool of Pharmacy night. The arrival Bo » at te h H oT Auer. | early hour, The Funeral On Monday. "The Ways oy The fanoral of the late William | Tho comedy ing, Alfred street, occurred on Mon. | Sent, 1th. . day morning. The service was oon-| Miss Woodburn has completed he, | Delegates Will Be Present From ducted by Rev. W, H. Sparling. The | course as nurse-in-training in the (en. All Canada. casket was covered with flowers, the | oral Hospital, and returned to her | The general synod of the Church of remembrances of many friends. '| be | home in Ottawa. England, in Canada, will convene, in Queen street Methodist church trustee "Joo" Daley, of the Brantford base- | Quebec, on Wednesday. Delegates will sent a fine wreath. The veter- | hall team, has resumed play after be- | be present from the most remote ans of 1866 were present wearing their | ing laid aside for ten days with 4 | parts of the dominiop--ey 'medals. They had served with de- | sprained ankle. (ukon. It is a triennial synod, ang ceased at Prescott, Word was received this morning of | Supreme, The bishops form the upper Messrs. 8. Birch, J. E. Clark, John | the death of Mixx Nellin Keefe. Bax. | house, and the clergy and laity the Walker, R. E. Sparks, J. A. Gardiner ton, Mass.. cousin of Miss Jemnie E. | lower, ang ouly the most important and Col. Go . Interment took | Kennedy, Portsmoutn. subjects are "dealt with, The pro- place at Cataraqui, John King, Ot-| Rev. Father Cullen eompleted the re- | posed revision of the prayer book, tawa, a brother attended the funeral. | treat for the "sisters f the Hot Diey | and the compilation of a. Canadian -------- on Sundav, and left for Saratoga, N. | hvmuoal will come up at this meeting. .. where he resides. The delegates from the dincese of For Painters Colic. re. E. Crumley, Kinston. and Mr. | Ontario are: The { Ontari " t i 2 s J, Vv, i r. : an of ario, nig oe. liane, are. aud. it 2a and Mes. W, H. Crymi Archdeacons Carey and Mucmorine, b rumley. Rochester, Ke : only relieves in an instant, but it | Joe the guests of Col. and Mrs. Gal- | Biogston: Canon Bogart and Bir] prevents the eville : wv, and swing swiftl,. vage. The il. Charles Moxley » to attend the during the com- advance agent of Son," js in the city. drama will be here on ee ------ THE GENERAL SYNOD. -- The bearers were -------- Retreat Of The Priests. Rev. Father Klowder, su r . eral of the' Rodemptosist iol Fl Saturday, and all the clorgy will ho f you want to buy a | bere for the service in connection with Ouse or property of any he Opening of he Sew otgea on Fri : ption, we can let you the money on easy s of payment, and at a te. : " y loway, Toronto, for q few days. Dean Beamish, grants th Se reuraing, ALL Me, 'and Mr. William Glidden, Brock | H. H. Bedford-Jopes, Brockville, The jut § ou use Nerviline regu street, loft on Monday on a two laity will be represented by Edw. J. rly. months' visit fo Omaha and Denver. | B. Pense, MPP, R. J. Carson. R. b Me, Glidden's . daughter resides in Om. Dargavel, App, V. Rogers, J. R aha, arroll, Gananoque, ------ Buy Peruna at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, The genuine sold there, Dr. Chown's Special Iron Tonic Pills, chocolate coated, casy to take, The ------ A New Name Proposed. Watertown, N.Y. Times. In this city 'many people includin, Elgin; and W.'B, Alexander Fokes has returned gto x ap 0 udi the city after spendi the su MARINE INTELLIG . very best toni: you can got; 25¢. and sume who are influential in political teaching school at rah pind S-- ENoE 3c. " affairs, are advocating the appoint: | leaves Tuesday for new duties in Par | What is Going on About the 1 The local Longshoremen's Union | ment of Former Mayor James F, Pap | ham, Harbor fortab) e Home, 80 took part yesterday in the labor de- | pa of this city, as United States con- The marriage is announced of George Booth's wharf: Sch, g A 1 monstration at ( ure. They | sul at Kingston, Ont. Mr. Pappa was | A. Reid and Miss Emma Adeline. go : Schooner Annandale Arch Street, went down on the steamer therengw born in Canada, but has spent most from Sodus with coal. The steamer America js having her wheel repaired and being otherwise put into condition for the fall 'runs ond deuchter of Charles G. Coxwell, both of Tamworth, to take place Sep- tember 2st, F. A. Folger and Ww, nN. Hart are at to G Vv t N i . : : Lape Vincent, his ol fo Jiskened ne. Where Craig's whar : Propeller Lake Michi- ree at -- . fe Sy ortuities | 2% WP, this morning: yacht Where. there are. glowing ppo now, from Thousand Island Park ; Prof, Stafford Kirknatrick is one of Yacht Castanet, from Alexandria Bay. the moorporat, io Kine. «J V wharf: Tug Emerson opment company, with a capital of | "7 the lakes by he tug James Nor. , Sins; tug Emerson tog two b t t lately $500,000, and head office at Toronto. 1 Tewore and Charlotte, PY pen et ---- Swift's wharf : Steamer to-night: with their friends. of his life in this city. Mr. Pappa has many friends in Ki n, and his ap- ¥ in would be well roceived there. ---------------------- ; Hamilton, steamet Picton, down, Rideau King, from Steamer Toronto, up: steamer Aletha, from LAKE ONTARIO PARK Stella fair will be on September |THE LAST WEEK OF THE th. your school Juliplies, extra Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By n prisoner Ww 3 * brought to the penitentiary from ( " George Mills iw in Montreal on a |¥168- His offence was forgery aml his the expasition, men's union enjoyed their holiday a ter by chartering the yacht . of tg Navteins Westport, Ont., is vis. Vo arday and making a trip then a Mrs. BR, E McEwen and children are | V2densburg and return. The firemen had a call yesterday af- Visiting in Owvego, N.Y. Montreal street, a " . coal LJ Nak, mbar left for To- oil stove having exploded in the house . | ronto ex on y McDonald. Very little dam- | Ollie C, all, The steamers Kingston and Toronto . ' 1 en inue i ily servic il Sep- » i es] Notting wis in the 'city Sunday. | continue their daily service until Sep- | character, was fine, and in r | Monday, | and beginning September 18th will be bere ro ME studies Boor | Willam Swain, piano tuner. Orders | My. Hall "The } Kingston Whig expresses its annoy- ment here on Thursday ou. Friday for b to visit a co » the action of the trugtee yours ago, February sou irig-thro | "Me. nd Miu George ¥. Satchwell, | rine apn Enos, College in profo ring an Englishman to a Canadian as can be expected Ontario government prefers "Progress It is a will be of immense "ath . | usefulness abroad, and a credit to the Daniel 1 i the propriétor of the da orman left for Scranton yester. | which newspaper js Lemon circus, "many patrons in this district of He Was Shot By a Watertown, Canada fair will pe The Dra- | N.Y. He was goons have entertained thousands with to Ottawa's great en from the | Thursday and Saturday at 6 am. J. Swift & Co., agents. A restaurant 'on Ontario « who was always in trouble, domestic ed his belonging, ed for Ottawa. l score of eight to seven In a game of baseball on the cricket field yesterday morning. LR : ' ¢ PRESENT SEASON. y_high class candies sold at Sin} Good Vaudeville Being Presented son's Red Cross Drug Store, Huyler's --Pavilion Crowded Last bas Evening--Another One Cent 'a Day for the Children. Notwithstanding counter attractions visit. scntence ten yedrs. the pavilion at Jaks, Putaria Park Ernest & Ji The Brantford baseball team of retained its popularity ast evening Right in harks is ing a lew which "Chaucer" Elliott and "Joe" [as the crowd was simply immense. a Reig! is spending eck's va. | Daley are members may play at the | The new company for the last week 'clock cation in Toro B Weeks Ya Cape Vincent fair next Ey of the season is a good one. Fred. {labor Captain Gaskin is in Toronto view. | The members of the local longshore- Elzor opened the programme with a fine parody on the newspaper press. His monologue work was good. His to | contortion work with re. Elzor could not be excelled. Mrs. Elzor's work was watched with interest and wonder. The audience were delighted with their performance. Mr. and Mrs, colored eomediane avé a good entertainment. Their de- Ben tion of "Old Black Joe," in Se toto an encore gave "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia." Owing to repeated recalls Mr. Hall sang "No Ope Like Mother," and "The Swanee River." possesses a rich baritone voice. Miss Fayette's songs gave much pleasure and she was applauded. Miss Annie Norris presided at the piano and played. the accompaniments with r- | ability, A display of fireworks afterwards took place under the careful manage- ment of William Shea. Dancing was then cngaged in hy a very large pum- ber of young people and continued till G Cc . NY Edition," telling about and illustra- midnight, od " Bristow acted as he was fourteen years of age, after ory hoon, ole oy Nels) ting the development of Canada since prompler and introduced many new which he started to work in a nail friends e days in the eity ~~ with lit beeame 8 united people, is withou factory in his native t figures in his work, which took well. e | Saturday, this week, will be a one cent day for the children and a ma- tinee performace will be given. --r-------------- A YOUTH MURDERED. § N.Y., Italian. 9 b On Sunday morning Charles Bab- r | cocky. formerly of Napanee, was shot .jand irstantly killed in Watertown, N.Y twenty years of age. Frank Fiori, aged twenty, an Italian, I | is accused of the deed. era on Saturday night Babcock and a Vn on friend went to an Italian saloon on all the railways / tq » fair . hy, W % i ) 0 the fair at Otta s va. Particul vil . Sidney W. Day, Cobourc. has ben} on iculars will gladly be furn Aisenal street. The many persons there got quarreling and betting. Ay midnight the saloon-keeper turned off the lights. Babcock and Fiori went out, still having words, and later cliched. Then a shot was heard and Babcock fell with a wound behind the ear. He was dead when picked up. Fiori was run down after some trou- ble. He denied the charges, but later confissed. Death was found: to have resulted from gunshot wounds, one of which was at the base of the brain and the other following the ribs of the It side. A cap which Fiori wore, a light gray checkered one, was found near the scene of the murder. The clothes worn by Fiori are in the pos- session' of the police. Charles Babcock was the son of the late, Walter Babcock and Mrs, Arthur Sarple of No. £2 Factory street, Wat. | + ertown, N.Y. He was born and had lived in the city for the greater part § 4 of his lik, but previous to six years ago had spent some time in Napanee, | | Ont. He is survived by his mother and one sister, Mabel Babcock, of Hen- | derson, TT ---- » Charming Femininity. Famous beauties pay particular at- | B tention to the purity of their blood, knowing that soft, delicate skin, bright eves, and enduring nerves. Thoge whose looks are so delightful, use Ferrozone be- cause it's the exact food needed to | tending purchasers that this tone and stimulate the blood. zone invigorates, braces, makes those dainty, fo pleasant to meet, You'll have the | #" rosy bloom of health, dash and spirit, the satisfaction and oy of true health after using Ferrozone. You should get Ferrozone to-day, Sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. Ferro- vivacious women -- Who'll Be Appointed ? For the position F of medical health officer, now vacant, the most likely one. j= Br. J. H. Bell. The city council will make the appointment, and. the city eouneil is tory. so that only doctors of that political party need apply. Dr. Ross is also men tioned in connection with the posi tion. All those who "are after the appointment are aldermen. wi ¢ to ste ---- Clayton, N.Y., Ana Kingston And Ottawa, Ont. Rideau Lakes' Navigation company steamers leave for Clayton every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sa. turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Of tawa every Monday, Wednesday, Moved To Ottawa. Joseph Nadon, who for years kept treet, and some kind of or otherwise, puck- s yesterday and lonr ---- Wade's glove cloaner, 10. The Crescents defeated the Beavers Vv the close . choicest master- piece of art to whitewashin, g the on the continent combine to pro- duce this resule. return; yacht Idler from tome After the op. | GA 1 feeds,--it | correct Our new FABRICS is now o about it, ---- - Strong and Fresh Are a revelation of richness and deliciousness to the housewife who has always used the "ordinary» Spices. Best's Spices are THE BEST that can be procured anywhere They have the strength apg aroma and fine flavors which NATURE alone can give. Use them once, and you wi never be without them. Cork, - Wax, ete., for at The Best Drug Store 124 Princess Street. Phone 59. Use Snowflake Baking Powder LE ------------------------------------, pickling WONDER OF WONDERS They both agree. Not so amazing when you know the subject under discus- sion. He and she have been talking about lee Cream, and both are firm iy the opinion that Petter's Cream and Ices are the best in town, you know You can buy by plate or gallon, and it is delivered to your home free of charge. L AT T. PETTERS & COMPANY L 84 Princess Street. "Phone 640. LATEST BULLETIN Great excitement among the ladies, owing to the brilliant display of "SWAGGER" COATS for fall: wear hat NEWMAN & SHAW are showing. 'robabilities are that many of these Gems of the Tailors' Art" will I icked up at once by knowing ones. e wite and see these Coats for your- nutritious blood means § self. The above is sufficient notice to in is the place to buy anything new id desirable, What About a pew Dress ? stock of FALL DRESS complete, and it Il delight the eyes of shrewd buyers see the natty goods we show at *h very low prices--much less than e'sewhere, oWman & Shaw you and tell you BEST'S SPICES " y id {at once an ~ Po you attend to tl You should do so. BEE illness, and so prove ther "WORTH LENS LR 6) Canadian National . Exh TORONTO, ONT, Monday, Aug. 28 to Saturday, Return tickets will be sold a Good goipg on Monday Sept. it $5.40, pn. Sept. 1st, 2nd, 3 Sth, Ten, Sth, and 9th. Tickets he accepted on trains, 1, 2, i All tickets valid réturning from on_or before Tuesday. Sept. -12t) Special train will leave Kingst 1.05 am,, with Pullman Car for Teronto, on Labor Day, Sep FARM LABORBRS® EXCURSI 0 Manitoba and' Kssinib a OID: from Kingston S 4th, 1905. ¥ LABOR 'DAY, Monday, Spt. 4 i tickets wi he oni ar" FIRST CLASS Going Dates, Saturday, Sum Monday, Sept. . 2nd, = 3rd, Tickets valid returning from on or helore: Sept. 5th, 1905. Cantral. Canada Exhibition, Otta joi Dates, Sept. 8th, an iin and 16th, $4.15. Days, Sept. 12th, 14th, and 15t All tickets good returning on S . ith, 1905. Br Hates Yariientars, Hiker sr information apply to os. HANTEY City Passenge Kincstong PEMB RAILWAY CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL XHIBITION KINGSTON TO TORONTO AND 7 d 9th, Sept. Sth, 6th, Tth, 8th an . Return limit Sept. 12th, 19 KINGSTON TO OTTAWA AND Se h to 16th, sin Net on" ath and 15th, Return limit Sept. 18th, 19 KINGSTON T0 BAKROWSMITH & nt. TtH and 8th : a amit Sept. 9th, 1905 Train 'will © leave Harrows Kingston 5 p.m. Sept. Sth. KINGSTON TO PARHAM AND 3 3 " 22nd. Sept. 20th, 21st and 2 . Return limit Sept. 28rd, 190! KINGSTON TO RENFREW AND Sent, 25th, 26th, 27th And:asth Return limit Sept. 20th, 1905 HARVEST EXCURSION! $30.00 to $40.50, to points toba Assiniboi Alberta am chewan. Going "i 12th and 'ning Within sixt) LYS. Full particulars at K. & P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Str F. CONWAY, *. A. POL Gen. Pass. Agent Bay of Quinte Ra New short line for Tend, Deserento, and all local poin leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Ki k CANAI NATIO Expo TORONTO, O Return ticketh will be sold at $5.50 26 S Good going Aug. 26th, to § and vail) for return up to and Sept. 15th. 3 Sd ® and berth included ° only on Strs. Kingston and and meals and berth included } on Hamilton Line Strs. Bellevi Picton. tone and Tit particulars Sobly J. P. HANLEY, JAS. SWiky Ticket Agt. re a RO " Lake Ontario and Bay of Steamboat Co., Limi 1000 Islands, R oc and Bay of Quir Taking Effect August Str. North Kin Leaves Kingston at 10.15 Thousand Islands, calling at J Bay and Gananoque. Returnin leaves at 5 p.m. for Roches calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha ¢ ingston daily excel a a oe Picton and in 3 f Quinte Ports. ¥ Fail Iforaation from J. P. Clldersleeve, Jase Swift bai iN HORSRY. Traffic M; ['VERPOOL & ALLAN LINE "V™ 0s ROYAL MAIL STEAM + From Montreal. Fro Bavarian, Fri., Sept. 8, 9 a, Virgitian, ¥ri.. Sept. 15. 4 a. Tunisian, Fri., Sept. 22, 8 a.m MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, Pretorian ... Thurs, Sept. 7, NEW YORK TO GLAS Numidian ... Thurs. 8 MONTREAL TO LONI Sarnfation Sept. 16. Pomerania $40 single. $76 return. Onl passengers carried, called seco J.P, Pissemier Depot. Fp." SLEEVE, Clarence Street. EEE HAVE YOU ANY 0. SELL OUTSIDE OF SINS AND YOUR TRO! COME TO WA, KURRAY, The A

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