mn revolutionized since those days, ory of the waggon shows F 8 E = | § £ : Ottawa acorn stage. To-day |"*8Ya, Trent revs in_the |i Kingston, i gf i Tr is £ 2 = rider: Frank and Dolly Miller in their horse carrying aot; Austin Ki jockey and huddle rider: Her- nd his beautiful Arabi- ing," gh clase ettler and Mlle. : menage act; Fetel Julian in bare-back riding displavs. and mid-air feats include the Bedford. troupe of aNolle and Mel silver wire per- | ated ard sisters, flying Gardner family in a high Sugimote Japanese Id trio of bievolists: the aerial eavers, ete, The trained animal acts ol elephants, sea-lions, Siberian bloodhounds and hears, in an act: Shetland ponies in a drill; Arabian hich jumping horses, races and hippodrome races, entertaining clowns and features that go to make up the ideal circus programme that js Proving a veritable feast of novelties. To-night some spedial features are seven marvelous acrobats, Melnotte, 1 Jolie, the elovated pirle: the MeDonal ny pon At The Circus Grounds. 8 show came in from ly thiy morning, over the The cars were : at the K. & P. station and {the work of unloading the outfit 'and it to the common oppos: ; ber 'of alder heade, + Quite a number of older 8, by an unlimited supply generation, viewed the | process with interest. At the exhibi- place, the tents soon began to The breakfast tent was eration and was pitched 6 rear of the residences on avenue, beneath the shade heltering trees, The | to. denote the posi- and Roles, e s bat him. Phe can- | be lengthened ® men are also the t of the grounds, tion ol the differen ete, is the work of an' ex soon accomplished by skilled in their labor crowd of iuterested « Shortly after ten o'cl ge ators always ock things had gh or rather appearance on the common, before the parade was watched who thronged see the sights, Jett _the grounds. lm? tor all about it. for some time, t of the Misses he: Dr. J, + Lane of Mre. . T. R. junction, islands f bE Flanigan, astbstant clerk, left to-da; . (Dr) O'Sullivan, Peterbor: Vicar-General Y., Advertiser, ing a few holid, near Gananoque. pany's works, Tweed. TR" | treasurer of the Bourd along with Architect errive at Ottawa in a few days. ial army. Thomas G. taught with marked success in ford, Kingston and Brockville, ---- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What Harbor. wk 1. Sowmbany Whart Tu rom C /incent, light; tu cleared down with ph : barges, Swift's wharf : down and up; i= to-night The Steamer her wheel nantlale enters to-morrow. Several boats from Perth is' ship yard, fall and winter, The body found floating in the Lawrence at fied as that lie Reid, drowned on August 7th, moored to He drifted out into the rescue, The steamer Caspian will spend the winter in drydock hes bow: This increased length would im- prove her speed as woll as her ap- pearance, Craig's wharf : from South Bay; from Waupoos; yacht Castanet, from Alexandrina Bay: yacht Wherenow, from Thousand 1sland Park; steamer Alox- andria, up, to-night. The steamyacht Palmedo, of Indian- apolis, has been in Davie' drv dock for repairs. Tt struck a rock in the Ridean and partly filled. The Davis' company put in a new keel and some planking, and otherwise repaired her, The Palmedo leaves for Georgian Bay. ---------------- Only $573 Uncollectable. Tax Collector Bartels has made his return of the tax collections for 1904, In previous years the average annual to the city by uncollected taxes was 81,630. For 1904 the amount un- collectable was $573. It is not likely that the city will ever get its taxes any fuller paid than that, This $573 includes "many statute labor and dog taxes, > Steamer Niagara, York street Miss Carrie Bajus, Kingston, ia the , at Hill- A. Lane and wife, Syracuse, bh Yi, ~ in the city visiting his bro- Like, Belleville, is the A. EK. Hodgson, lower and family and F. are camping among reeks, city to. visit her sister, rs. 0. Dr, Douglas, of Brilliant, Ohio, late ly of Queen's Coll and Kingston, has been a visitor this week, J. H. Sexton, M.A., of Ingersoll, is the new principal of the Kemptville high school. He was formerly of King- Ri Masterus, Prematt, ¢ pia vered e ac- cident roo some montha a. aud Mn. Campbell and family, | who spent the summer with friends in have returned to their home Judge and Krs. McDonald are spend- ays with their daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) W, F. Jackson, in camp P. W. Bramfl: machinist! Kingston, has, ted the position of foreman at the Steel Trough & Machine com- ced Hon. Thomas Tweed, a former King- stonian and now of Medicine Hat, was elected chairman of the first con- the, aibldune _-- Jrrvative convention ever held in Al Property committee, and the Secretary - of Edueation, Storey, have gone off for a day's fishing. Look out for nibbles 1 Lieut. Frank Maynard, India, sailed from England on the 11th and will Mr. Maynard graduated at the Royal Mil itary College three or four years ago, and holds a commission in the imper- Marquis becomes editor- in-chief of the Ottawa Free Press. Mr, Merquis is a' well-known literary man, educationist and athlete, He gradu- from Queen's in 1890, with hon- ors in English, and for some time Strat. ---- is Going on About the Glide ronson two grain-laden Steamer Toronto, steamer Caspian, from Charlottes; steamer Hamilton, down, Ramona goes into Dav- is' dry dock this afternoon to have repaired. The schooner An- and Smith's Falls are likely to come up this fall for extensive repairs. at Dav- which will have a busy St. Massena has been identi of Mathias Charpentier, one of the two sailors of the tug Nel A boy named Darrow fell off a scow the dock at Ogdensburg. stream and would have drowned if the fireman of the steamer Mary had not gone to his likely re and twenty-five foot at the Steamer Waupoos, to be erected on Cedar Island Cedar Island, hut new artil which erection has been made estimates, Ho stated built before the winter be made from this decision. has "recently heen Royal Engineers here ---- MADE A GOOD CATCH And Saved Trouble at Macdonald Park. mind apd activeness, in a foot race) averting «- what looked very serious accident. "Last evening, in Macdonald Park, a horse attached became startle another fourdooted Of a sudden, it sprang forward police were just at the spot and both the ser time in hastening io away. P. C, Mulli and gripped the. horse by its bit. When the strong man of once had hold stop r got there first den gives all ous results had the frightened animal not stopped at once, ---------- A High Tribute. It is a tribute to the ability of Jo. seph been a province. ton, Ont. to erect aid equip a cheese rs & Smith, customs brokers and factory at that place, Cra forwarders, Dawson, Y.T., are 8 flour- | fame us a cheese mak is not con ishing firm, and, keep up Kingston * fined 'to Frontende distiiet. He has credit for energy Success among | manufactured mors prize-winning her sons abroad, | than probably any other mak- James Laturney, chairman of the ing was but natural that October, and remain a sufficient length ough running condition, that up. to the district should factory. ---- Goderich Notes. Miss MacAlpine, teacher, returned to her home at Gananoque on Wednes. day, after spending vacatian in God. erich, where she was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Con. Mur, ohy. The summer school, held in Harbor Park, was a great success. Not a drop of rain fell upon the tent during the week. The death of Rev, Dr. Ure, noted re- cently in the Whig, is. dee ly regretted by all claskes. He had {4 in better t was thought he would from preceding attacks, and day of death was able to write texts ore being. assisted from his resi- dence to the garden, where he breathed his last. Missouri Chief, owned by J. W. Smith, Goderich, won first prize, 2.073 time, at the Saginaw races. He has won prizes at all the Michigan races this season. -------- Successful Students. The following students of Regiopolis "ollege were successful at the July departmental examinations : Complete Matriculation, --J. L. Mad- den, S, J. Quinn, 8, RB. on, P, J. Kennedy, |, Vv. Corrigan, L. RB, Crowley: "T. P. Connor (all but Greek). Part 1. Matriculation. --J. M. Gra- dy, F. X. O'Connor, Junior Teacher -- Joop, Gillen, E. thalen, rally as on the -------- A Much Harder Surface. The new walk laid on the, east side of Ontario street, between Princess and Queen streets, has a genuine concrete surface, as compared to the mortar surface which has been put on most of the other permanent walks. The cost is a little more, but the walk will wear better. The city engineer in- tends putting the concrete surfade on walks in portions of the city where trafic is heavy, ------ Temagami, Fisherman's Paradise. A very prominent Chicago gentle- man, who was in the city on his way from Temagami, says i: "I have vis't- ed every summer and fishing resort in America, and in my opinion Tema- gami for a place to and camp and hunt exceeds them all, and 1 in- tend returning with a party without delay." 3 - "Three Swallows." n Sir John Power and Son's "Thies Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity, the K Distillers. to His Majesty 'RIDAY, AUGUST is. was In the Accuracy was in wa that a fort was . He re- » the British it some military i he made. The en fineers, Y b places, visited The ort, he said, was in i hands of minister of miki tia who alone W its recommenda gun and station was to be erected on this was merely surmise. It might be correct, however, but he could. not say with definiteness, Mr. Harty was also asked about the , provigion for in the that tenders would be asked for. the work of con- struction early this fall and that it was expected the foundations would be began. Lake Ontario Park had definitely been sel- ected as the site and no change would The park surveyed by the P. C. Mullinger, by his presence of (and incidental ly that he could beat Sergt. Snodden was the means of like a to a rig in which a lady was sitting, the actions of beast of burden. and made directly the crowd to- ward the pavilion, But, luckily the ant and his man lost no the run- $hthould be a find for the force the horse gave up. In referring to the matter, Sergt. Snod- praise to his man for the brave act and intimated the seri- that would have occirred Cramer, proprietor of ( ilenvale cheese factory, and president of Fron- tenac Chedse Board, that he should he selected by the board of trade of Ac- er in Canada, Hence it is not surpris- that his reputation was known to the members of Acton board of trade, and when they were in need of an ex- pert to erect and equip a factory it Mr. Cramer should be selegted. He will gO up in certs of time to put a new factory in thor It is strange present time Acton be without a cheese with applause. ly about, enough for the smooth waters, while the pufi-pufis | kept up the part of with a vengeance, there in all its beauty, able stars twinkled overhead. antly lighted steamers passed by and further illuminated the scene, a fitting climax to the 'certs and a night worth waiting for hotel last evening, ficial grew reminiscent and told of the | visit of the circus to Kingston half a century circus travelled by the he and other boys would at three o'clock in the tramp six and eight mile showmen, to the city ers in order that they admission to the performance. things they would perform with pleas- tire that their them to do at how government. on Montreal street, lery Park, after all. fluence of Hon. Mr. H department former offer to works, from Chickering.. Orders received at AN EX-PONEYITE Is Making a Baseball Name fo Himself. "Johnny" Vowinkel, who was a member of the Ponies a couple ol that team was a Ti me aa well of late. After playing the season with : nine, the popular young pitcher National League. NXanv Kingston see that his ability has young man with excellent habits and he is sure to swecved. He cinnatis. The deal was ted through a director consumma- of the Utica cinnati. the fans here, is one of the best-liked Modest and unassuming and at the same time one of the best pitchers in the business, he gained friends easily and many in this city will watch his work in the big league as closely as if he was a local boy. His home is in Oswego and he is Likely In Intermediate. Kingston Limestones have declined to play senior this year. They will still have a team in the junior O.R. F.U. Such is the news from Toronto. The truth of the matter is that the local club has as yet made no step towards reorganization and a meeting is at present unthought of. It is a well known fact, however; that the Lime- intermediate honors and have had the privilege of joining that series tended them by the union. The Tailors Won. ball as compared with the article they generally put up. For the victors, Pitcher Leader amply demonstrated that he has the ear marks of a good one. He is' just the build of the ideal twirler, and under a little c8aching one of the city league teams. To his fine work and the masterly organizing ability and duti- fal coaching of A. Maxwell, their cherished mascot, ¢ the tailors largely owe their success. The nine were made up of the following enthusiasts : Dry Goods.--Parkin, o.: W. Sulliv- an, n.; Coyle, 1b.: Corrigan, 2b.; Ludlow, ss.: J. Sullivan, 3b.; Ryan, r.f.; Roche, c.f; Barry, Lf. Tailors.--Jackson, a. Leader, p.; O'Brien, 1b.: G. Smith, %.. Derry, «. 8.: McKee, 3b.; F. Tucker, 14; AH. Holder, o.f.: W. Robertson, rf. Umpire, "Jack' Lappin gave entire satisfaction. When the game was call- ed, the score stood 13 to 8, in favor of the "seamsters." - -- CLOSING CONCERT. -- Of the 14th Band in Macdonald Park. At Macdonald Park last night last, but not by any means the least. of the summer series of band con- was given by the 14th band. An ideal night would be expressing it mildly, and the citizens literally thronged the shore and listened to the music. Each number was received The colored yuartette, the with megaphone attachment, were present and between the band pieces they sang quite frequently, On the usual. Skiffs The breeze was just fresh the sailors to glide over the programme moon was and innumer- The series of con- ---- The Circus 50 Years Ago. In front of the The & government of- Then, of ago. course, the highway, and be out of bul morning and S to meer the They would accompany it and get attached as help- might get free Many mothers couldn't get home. One time the monster. But that was noth- -- The Offer Renewed. An artificial stone walk will be laid arty, the militia has agreed to renew its which wanted the not required to pay anything The government's offer | the retaining as the place is not in a -- At Lake Ontario Park. gave great pleasure. The dane. | boys was loudly ap- Miss Estelle sang well and | | To-morrow ast appearance of the pres- Henry Cunningham, piano tuner McAuley's book store, Princess street. the Utica | has | by Cincinnati which means | his elevation from the state to the | fans have followed' Vowinkel's carver | with interest and they are proud to | been recog- | nized. He is a fine pitcher and a fine | will leave | Utica September 4th to join the Cin- | Association and Agent Grimm, of Cin- {1 A | things in "Rip," as Vowinkel is known to all | players. who have ever played here. | r Y | Providence, success, but few take our pick. that a C a son of Coroner many, but not one too few. "Chris." Vowinkel, who is also well- { 1 e \ x known to many here." | last evening seriously interferec | the attendance at Lake Ontario Park, cum powder at drug store. Stones are considered good enough for | are sold there, ex- \ Rowe's circus to morning. Qui visited the G them unloading. street evening : "If With All Your Hearts," (Elijah); and, by request, "I'he Beau- tiful Isle of Somewhere' Blaud's Iron Tonic forming upc m Fritz Morris Magazine, is rapidly In the city turned out well to listen to splendid Methodist proceedings opened Prayer was Hicks, chair, spoke Ff churches doing great good of which the cities reap the benefit; Mork expended Hy the small cause outvied the the city churches, and that the work merited humor was relished ably Austin Rishworth, A duet P. and WM, Mooney, selections on a capital machine, mani pulatad by F. W, and Rev, J, B. | meeting, Refreshments were served in | the interval, moved by Rev. J, M, ed by R. D. | and all those It was | water were even more small craft than | and canoes floated lazi- | Brilli- | a successful social concert. The ceedings were highly entertaining being enjoyed hy all | pastor pronouncing British-American | win Bagg, Lyn, and himself Brockvillian, is dead, in aged thirty-three, drowned in the Oak Point disaster of I888, Mr. Bagg Chemical company, name great responsibility. is felt for his ston and Miss whom live in Buffalo. by a wife and a son. official was detailed | to feed a hippopotamus, the first ever brought here, and he spent a couple hours chopping up vegetables to serve to the ing, in prospect of a seat at the show | in the afternoon. { | and Saturday at 6 | Apply for tickets to the board. James Swift & Co., -------- cursion along the Artil- | Be. Through the in- | { from on Sunday Pay one-half the cost | struck out for his native os of building the walk and the retaining | ville, wall. This offer, it will be remember. ed, was not accepted by the board of | vernment | to pay more, when, according to law, it was for a walk, was then withdrawn. be laid in the fall, and wall built, safe condition for traffic. | He ig perfectly harmless, King" - | Ozone you buy you will ne § The walk will | "Celery King.» & well to te | remedy to Ozone. tion | Each bottle contains about twice | much . for The pavilion at Lake Ontario Park | brands, bosides whi last evening was again crowded. The | tains a coupon en Sully family, with their amusing com- edy, ing of the little plauded. i was encored. Mi | package of "Celery King" Money on the Ozone pnd also ss Dolly Bland, with | otherwise have to buy. her singing and illustrated pictures, | was much admired. i peated applause. will be the | ent company. She received re. | these night | (the coupon kind,)" | one | cluding the upon for the pack i | "Celery Kit" - ther king and if your druggist DBridgeburg, Ont. J -------- come ---- THE DAY'S EPISODES ' LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. . Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. New & Shaw's "Silk. wan s', spring lamb chops, 124c. a lb. The gospel car was the attraetion on the market square last evening. 'the man who takes tune to think always has time enough to talk=--if he wants to. 2 For tan and sunburn use McLeod's | Witch Hazel Cream. Prejudices are the most convincing Drei the world--to those who hod them. The annual retreat of the order is in progress this week at the House of There are many different kinds of of us are able to The cynical bachelog, rises to remark man can have one wife too The band concert gt Mcdonald path with The more money a man has the more he gets to believe in the impos sibility of expressing | crete terms. piety in con- The office of justice of the peace may satisfy some of the tory workers, but the most of them f more substantial. want something Why is it so many people buy tal- Gibson's Red Cross Answer--The best goods By order of the president, E. Walsh, the Triple Link Club, has been closed, out, of respect to the late John Bullis, who 'was an ardent member, Granular effervescing salts, a fresh The tailors and the dev goods men | 3ssortment in quarter-pound and one got their respective baseball nines or- pound Lote, Vichy, Kissinger, Ci anized again yesterday afternoon jor | ® Latha, X : 2 friendly ec, The lads were away off | 80v, and 75c. Moldod's Drug Store. color, howover, and played very poor | Eighteen cars' brought Norris = & the city carly this a number of persons "R. station to watch John M. Sherlock will sing in Queen Methodist church, on Sunday (Fearis), many people buy Pills at Gibson's ed Cross drug store? Answer The "hy is it so genuine are sold there, 100 for 25 One of the finest illustrated and in- articles of recent date is that the world's great clocks, hy in the Technical World Chicago, which publication going to the front. eee A CONCERT GIVEN Portsmouth Methodist Church' Last Evening. people of Portsmouth and the a concert in the Portsmouth churcks last evening. The with sssstepny offered by Rew, J. B. B.A. Warden Platt occupied the and fulfilled his duties well. He the importance of small The that the members of a members of support, His quiet fund of by the audience. were solos and recitations. rendered by Miss E, Perley and by Misses also gramophone There Coates, Prof. Pike Hicks addressed the A vote of thanks was Shayer, second- Anglin, to the chairman who had contributed to pro and were closed by the the benediction. ------ Herbert Bagg Dead. Herbert, second son of the late Eq a former New York, His brother waa was with the General and had won 4 for himself in go position of Much sympathy sisters, Mrs. R. John Fmma Bagg: both of He is survived ------ Jones Falls And Return. "Rideau King" every Wednesday am. Fare 50c. Purser op agents, Excursion Bulletin. Saturday, 5 a.m. and i to Watertown, 30 p.m., America's 2 pm, ex $1.25 retum; tour of islands, John Hurley, H who wandered away Kingston asylum town, Relle- and has been captured there, A Two-For-One Shot. You muse Ozone with it. When use "Celery Whatever kind of which is 4 Companion The purest form of Ozone is "Soln- of Ozone (the coupon kind.) as money as other ch each bottle en tithing yout, Your his free, This save > "" 1 get King," which you would No other brand of Ozone contains coupont. "Solution of Gzone is fifty cents and dollar at your drug store, in- Take no other kind, . does not carry +» Write to the Public Drug Phosphate Soda, 20e., Cotton Pair to clear at ; » . ® Quality is right KODAK With you on your vaca. tion. Something is sure to happen which will he either amusing, interes:- ing or both. We have them at prices just to suit your purse. Come in and let us Show you them. WE DEVELOP FILMS. SATURDAY SPECIAL BARGAINS ammn A i LACKS' Men's Suits at $5, $7.50, $9 and $10, Seperate Vrousers, $1, $1.25, $2.75 and $3. Men's Working Pants $1.55, 82, 10 doz. pairs Moleskin Pants, sizes 34 to 40. Regular price, $1. Special 3 Fine Shirts, 39¢., 50c., 65c., Toc a beauty at 79c.) Also Shoes special Trunks reductions on Boots and Valises, ete ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Styeet. NEEDING ANY SILK ! Read About Our Offer A special lot of Black Silk came our way at a very low price and on Saturday we make you the fcllowing big offer :-- 195 yards of Black Peau de Soie Silk, a rich lustrous shade, full 20 inches wide, will not cut, a really beautiful Silk that never sells at less than 69c. to 75c. a yard. : For a Saturday Special, 50c. a Yard. 3 Table Linen Snaps 72 inch Unbleached Table Linen, every thread Linen, neat pattern, sold in all stores at 50c. a yard. Our Saturday's Price, 39¢. a Yard. 66 inch Damask, white a yard. Saturday Sale Price, 40c, a Yard. Mercerized Table makes a beautiful cloth, worth regular 60c 5 pieces of 72 Damask, elegant snowy white, table. Satin and inch quality fit\ to: adorn any You have' often paid $1 a yard for Linen not as good, but to advertise our Linen de- partment we sell it on Saturday Morning at 69¢. a Yard. Cotton Hose 20 dozen Ladies' Fast Black Hose, regular 20c. a 2 Pairs for 25¢. Newnan & Shaw. POUL 0000000 $4.50 TOW. IT'S A BARGAIN ! Look at the size next time you are down town. If it suits your stove it's certainly a saving. : JAMES SWIFT & CO. 0000000000000 TAKEA 'Phone 59. . efi's $3. for § We are \. Men's $3.50 splendid ch: shoes at a wi Men's F Welt, Men's Welt, $2.49. fall we Men's T fords, value See Ou Before iH, Suthe: Special Sale of We have about 35 p: High Laced Shoes, made which were regularly sold f Now Send for sworn Canadian testimonials receive De. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.( : TEMPTIN : ON MEN ® Mostly large sizes @ and Tan Calf. Nut a pair in the I @® @ Our price while the @e® McDERMOTT'S 20 R09 9LOOOE Honest COAL § That is the kind we sell--The kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire. 3 We are filling orders now for { winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone No, 138, BOOTH &CO. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quint Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands -- Rocheste Taking Effect June 24th Stes. North King and Caspia Lea Sally, except Monday at Ts nkston, di ousand Island: A Bay and Gananc Snsiig At staat leave at ter, XY. calling +o c Deseronto, Belleville and in mediate Bay of Quints ports: » STR. ALETHA--Leaves Kingston of Hays at 5 p.m., for cton and interm fat: inte ports. * Wail EI from J. P. Hanley, Th P. Qildersiceve, Jas, Swift & Agents, E. B. HORSBY, Trafic Manager