Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1905, p. 2

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DutchessPoint, Cae In white or ivory. Sash Curtains ~ to Match. R. McFaul, Kingslon Carpet Warehouse. f aren ~ You will find happiness your home is yours and can keep the worries EASY TERMS--EASY GOST, In future you'll find ness because of our | above may have served satisfactorily as an of his majesty's regular army for at least six wionths ; or ho must have served for at least two years in the field in South Africa, with one of the contingents, one year of such period as a commissioned officer, be recommended by the command. officer whom he served as tH permanent force, not qualified as be attached for duty to a unit of the permanent force for the purpose of obtaining an officers' long: course cerlilicate. In no case, howey- er, will such applicant be attached for 'period than eighteen months, Army Service Army Medicil Corps, Ordnance Corps and Pay be ly considered by the minister militin in militia council. appointments in the porm- t engineers and permanent artil- every alternate commission anent cavalry, mounted in- ry and infantry, will be offered in first instance to graduates of the Royal Military College. ¢ Three commissions will ji given an nually, 'should vacancies exist, to the graduating clase, 1 Ew one in the Canadian permanent infan- try, and each alternate year; (a) One in the permanent field artillery; (bh) one in the permanent cavalry or mounted infantry and one in the per- manent, garrison artillery. - 2 gz E27 T » 5 F : i ¥ There are hundreds of young men belonging to local militia" corps whe are keen for rifle shooting, but whe cannot indulge in that useful praoc- tice because of the non-existence here of a rifle range. Many of these young men are Bisley possibilities,, who would bring fame to Canada and honor to themselves if permitted to develop their shooting ability on the range. In past years, before Barrie field range was closed, Kingston sent many good shots to Bisley, but the old city has been unrepresented on Canadian teams for the past six or eight years, simply becanse of the in- ability of promising rifle shots to practice, Kingston is one of the most important military centres in Canada, and it looks very much like a farce to train men in every phase of soldering except' the one great es- sential--shooting--because go soldier on Department will i : i E f i ! officer has already taken a sec ond course at the school. and others have had it in their minds to do so. However, such proceedings will not 1 permitted in future--a man must pass in one course or go out of the run- ning al t: oe ae The number of men from the R.C. R. now at Stanley Barracks, Toron- to, awaiting for the "route" for Hali- fax is 1156 N. CO. O's. and men. They will commanded by Capt. J. H. Kaye, who will have as his subaltern Liew, and Brevet Capt. J. G. Bor m. It is generally anticipated that the detachment will leave Toronto in the last weok of August. - The 'militia continues to expand, as the formation of a regiment of mount- ed infantry in the district of Assini- boia, to be known as the Assiniboia Mounted Rifles, and of a regiment of infantry in the district of Assiniboia and Saskatchewan, as well as the formation of a regiment of infantry, with headquarters at Port 'Arthur, is authorized - * . . There will not be any difficulty obtaining volunteers from the local permanent corps for transfer to the Halifa® garrison. The opportunity to transfer will be taken advantage by a large number of the local men, who desire bo make a change, - - . in The -local permanent corps of Royal Engineers will leave on August 12th for Point is, Que, to go into camp for four weeks. The units at Toronto, St. John and Fredericton will also be in camp at Levis at the same time. . -. - - Efforts are being made to have No. 1 company of the 47th Regiment trans- ferred from Inverary to Kingston, providing space can be found for the arms, ete, in the armouries, - * Lieut. William E. Logan has been gazetted quartermaster of the 1th Re- giment, Picton, with the rank of cap- tain. David Vanderwater is made pro- visional lieutenant. . *® * * Col. Drury, C.,B., in command of the Halifax garrison, is expected at Tremont Park, next week, to spend a short visit with his family, . . . . Sergt.-Instructor Jordon, "A" field battery, is on furlough. He is in Que- bec visiting his parents. es THE CIVIC HOLIDAY. The Old Boy's Re-union and Turf Club Races. Monday, July 31st: 10.30 a.m.--~Motor boat race, for a handsome cup, under American Power Boat Association. Handicap rules. 11:30 a.m.--Sailing race, for a flag, for yachts of 20-foot class and over. Dinghy race, for a flag the battlefield is valuable only ac cording to his ability to shoot straight, and if this quality is not developed in time of peace, it is too late to attempt it when war is clared. of lth Regiment, which appeared in Whig Thureday evening, regarding the deferred pay, an officer of that corps says the men have not any ground for camplaint; as soon as the militia de- partment forwards the pay, the men will receive all that is due them. It may not he out of place here to make a note of explanation for the giment, It is not generally known RHEUMATISM s Price 266, Murer: joints in a few hours. Positively cures in a few days, It does not put the disease to sleep, but drives it from the system. Cleansing, BABY S OWN SOAP 'Dar' rok mtation on Babys dette aki, de- | In reply to a criticism of a member | benefit of the rank and file of the re- | ~MUNYON. 2 p.n.--Trotting races, - running races, polo-pony novelty race, fair gs- sociation ground, by Kingston Turi club, in connection with circuit of | Eastern Ontario Turf Club Associa- tion, : | 8 p.m.--Concert in market square by | band of 14th P.W.0. Rifle Regiment. Marriage In Balderson. A pretty but quiet wedding took place at St. John's church, Balderson, near Perth, July 26th, when Miss | Mary J. Warren, eldest daughter of | Joseph Warren, was married to E. F. Sturgeon, of Assinaboine, N.W.T., by the Rev. C. E. T. Radcliffe, rector of Camdén East. . Miss Singleton, of | Kingston, presided with ability at the | orgun and was assisted by a large | choir. The church was tastefully de- | eorated Mr. Brownlee | the bride, who was charm- tastefully gowned, assisted by het bridesmaid, Miss Annie FE. farren, similarly 'costumed. H. W. Sturgeon performed the like office for | the groom. The wedding march was | played when the service was concluded. { At the home of the bride a dainty | wedding breakfast was served up. The presents were numerous and costly, in- cluding substantial cheques, testifying [to the esteem and respect for the bride, who is a general favorite in the community, with flowers. gave away | ingly and -- Had Cut Five Bars. It transpires that the convict whose | cell bars were found cut a few days | ago, was confined in the insane ward. | He had cut four bars in his cell door, | and one leading from the corridor into | the building proper. It is surmised | that he intended lying in wait for the night guard, attacking him and secur. | ing the keys that would have given | him the freedom of the yard. Once there, he would have had to scale the walls to secure liberty, but would have had to work under the eyes of the guards on the towers. The eon- viet is serving a {wentv Vear term, being the second one of that duration to which he was sentenced, the first one not having been fully served ont, For "Old Boys" & 'Old Girls." Steamer America will make her own tour of the islands, Monday, Civic holiday, 2.30 pm. Home early. 35¢. ---- Meot our visitors with a big crowd at the armouries' concert, to-night, at 8.30 o'dock. Promenade, free and easy. Harrison Co's. 10th annual August sale, opens Tuesday. Watch their ads. They make some great reductions. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., M 1 rine vous tet co. wma Trusses at Dr. Chown's Drug Store. of Miss Howe intends returning to her home in Schenectady next week, and Miss Katie Gordon will go over with her. Mr. Huntley Gordon will go back to Schenectady at the same time. They have all had a most Geightiul summer outing at Mrs. Ri son's camp, and are i with them a fine coat of Cann a ine envy among 'sons ughters of Uncle Sam. Miss Marguerite Edmison will re- return to Toronto on Saturday, after visiting her sister, Miss Carrie Ed- mison, at "Avonmore." Mrs. Meiklejohn, Dundas, is home for the holidays. Miss Cook is visiting with her brother, Mr. H. Cook; Princess street. Miss Edna Purvis, of California, af- ter three weeks' visit. with her aunt, Mrs. J. G. Elliott, left to-day to spend some time with her grandmother at Lyn. - 5 - - Miss A. Mills, Chicago, is visiting her brother, Thomas ills, banker, University Avenue. Mr. Noble Stacey is here from Mon- treal to spend his vacation with his * parents, Miss L. O'Neil, Chicago, is spending a few days with. Mrs. L. J. Joyce, Charles street, before going t& Brew- er's Mills, whére she intends spending the summer with her uncle, Mr. 5 McCarey. . Mr. David Robb, LP.S., has re turned to his home in Brussels after spending the past week with his sis- ter, Mrs. John Ryder, Patiick street. . - - . Mrs. Conway Cartwright will not be able to reeeive after this date. -. . - - Miss Mabel Mills entertained a few friends Thursday evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Ely. * -. * . Mrs. Low and Miss Edith Low come up, to-day, from Ottawa, Mrs. w going to vikit her son, Mr. Charles Low. Miss Fdith will pay Mrs. Fran- cis Kirkpatrick a visit. Mrs. Wormwith and Miss Wormwith will go up to Picton the first of the wi - ' Mrs. Harry Betts will be home the early part of the week from her most pleasant visit to Mrs. Homiray Irv- ing. { "iiss Ford will go down to Mrs. Richardson's camp next Wednesday. Mrs. C. T. Dickson has gone up to Elora for a visit. Mr. Delmage will leave, early next week, for Niagara Falls, to spend his holidays. . * * Miss Gertrude Whitehead has gane out to Sydenham for a vacation. Mrs. Atkinson will arrive next week from Samia, to stay at "Otter burn." with her sister-in-law, Mre. Al laire Short. 'Mrs. Charles Bate will be up from Ottawa with the Old Boys, and will spend the time with her aunt, Miss Stoughton, at Hales Cottages. Mr. Allaire Shortt is in town from New York. Miss Dorothy Carruthers came home on Tuesday, from London, where she has been visiting Mrs. Betts. Mrs. Weatherbe-Williams and her little daughter, Margaret, have been spending a few days with Mrs. Alex- ander Kirkpatrick. She has taken » house here, and expects to come here to live about the first of September. Many people will remember Mr. and Mrs. Williams, as they spent a few months here some vears ago, and at that time lived on Mack street. Since then thoy have been travelling about going to Mexico, Australia, Italy, and spending two years in England. The have been spending the past winter in British Columbia, and have been for the last two months in Toronto. "Te Cele Mrs. John Strange will leave next week for Portland, Oregon, to visit her brother. Mrs, Mowat and Miss Mowat will accompany her on their wav to the coast, Mr. Eric Kirkpatrick spent last week at Mrs. Carruthers' country home. Mr. Kenneth Carruthers coming back with him from Toronto. Mr. Jack Carruthers has been home on a visit from New York. Mrs. Joseph Walkem gave a little tea, vesterday afternoon, and some of her guests amused themselves playing croquet, Mrs. Adam Shortt gave one of the children's parties which she iv so sue cessful in managing, vesterday after- noon, at "Copeswerth." : Dr. and~ Mrs, Knight go off next week for a little holiday. Miss Zina Porteous has gone to vis- it her mother and sister in the Adir- ondacks, Mrs. James Gunn is en pension with Mrs. McLeod, "Romilly House." te ee Mrs. Herbert Spencer is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Knight, Alice street. Miss Isabel Turner came down to- day, from Belleville, and will remain till Monday, as the guest of Miss Carrie Edmison at "Avonmore," Mrs. Healey left town, yesterday, after her short visit to Mrs. B. W. Folger, Miss Goldie Clarke left yesterday for New York, to continue her work in the hospital. Miss Marjory Clarke will leave to- morrow for a trip to Muskoka, Mrs. Edward Taylor has left for Boston. Miss Amy McGill is in town from The Norning After a heavy and rich meal will be unattended by discomfort or sickness if, before going to bed, you will take Beecham's Pills HIG, SATURDAY. JULY ; > Miss Carter. PN TRAFFIC 1S HEAVY BUSINESS SHOWS GOOD, INCREASE. Toronto, and is with Mrs. Ernest Cun- | ninghsm. . . - Miss Pense has gone up to Toronto to enjoy a Pr time with Mrs. and Miss Elsie Pense will go on Tuesday to Stoney Lake to spend holidays at Crown Attorney Curry's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Welch sailed Interest in Water Travel--Chief on Thursday for home. They have Increase . Between Montreal ed Ng avelling Shrcugh the and Quebec and Montreal and Migs Lols Reyner, Lowell, Mass., Toronto. nurse-in-training, is in the city spend her annual vacation. Miss M. Godwin, Kingston, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Mill er, Mickshurg. Mrs. D. W. Green, of Lyndhurst, and daughter, are visiting Mrs. Archibald Smith, 27 Division street. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McFarland, Montreal, have arrived in the city today. Mrs. McFarland and little daughter will spend some time visit- ing frends. to | Montreal Gazette. > iver and lake traffic has been ex- ceptionally heavy this season" and up to the present date business of 'the K. & 0. Co. show increases of from forty to' sixty per cent., the greatest in- creases being between Montreal and Quebec and Montreal and Toronto. Steamers running between Montreal and the ancient capital have been taxed at almost full capacity since June 20th, and as the carrying ca- pacity of this line has been increased fifty per cent. since the addition Mr. Andrew Shaw and wife, Ottawa; | the new steamer Montreal, earnin Mr. James Shaw, wife and daughter, | have increased correspondingly. The Braddock, Pa.; Mr. William Shaw, | accommodation of the new steamer wife and son of Boston, Mass., are | has been much sought for, and usual- here on a visit to relatives, and also | ly berths and staterooms are all gone of - - - » of to emjoy the re-union festivities, {long before sailing time. Mr. T. E. Langford, M.A, Queen's| On the line from Toronto east the '08, accompanied by his bride, is daily average has been from 200 to spending the honeymoon in the city, | 500 passengers each trip, and aver- guests of Mrs. Frederick Henderson. age considerably in advance of that of Mr. Langford is delighted to note the last year. Westbound there has also progress of his alma mater as evi- | been a great demand for passage. denced by the massive piles erected on | While this was also the rule last year, the campus since his college days, | the western rush commenced at an Miss Lilly Jones, of essa, is re- | earlier date during this summer, s, newing acquaintances in the (Ny. | that the business will show greater re- While in town she is the guest of | sults. Mrs. Frederick Henderson. | The Saguenay line has not had the . . . id same corresponding ratio of increase, but with the addition of a new steam er on Saturday an immediate advance After a trip across the continent to | Vancouver, B.C., Mr. W. Sykes, of the C.P.R. offices, Montreal, paid a short | is looked for. The new steamer is visit to Kingston friends. He re-'| the St. Irenee, turned to Montreal to-day. { While the river and lake travel Miss Sands, of the C.P.R. advertis- | shows large increases this summer, it ing department, Montreal, returned to is not considered by those who watch that city to-day after spending her | over the travellers, that there is any vacation with her father, Mr. H. | great increase of travel in Canada, Sands, Johnston street. | it being estimated that only the us- Miss Grace Loucks, Kingston, is ex- | ual number of summer trippers and pected in Picton, next week, for # | tourists have come to the dominion, but it is quite evident that there has visit with Mrs. C. H. Widdifield. ee | been an increase of interest in water Miss Schyler, of Johnstown, Penn., | routes and with improvement of ser is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Herri- | vice offered, the attention of travel man, Rockwood Hospital. lers has been directed to the pleasures Mrs Harry Mooers and children leave {of the trip through Canada's great shortly, to spend 'the summer at God- | water highway. The hotels in the erich. | Thousand Islands are hardly comfort- Mr. T. B. Caldwell, M.P., and Mrs, {ably filled, in "Montreal there is ne Caldwell, Mrs. Knowles and Mr. B. A. | rush of travel, while at Quebec the C. Caldwell, of Lanark; Mr. and Mrs. | floating summer population has not DW. F. Caldwell, of Appleton, the vet reached any great proportions. Misses Minnes, of Kin ston, and Miss Caldwell, of New York, are at Lake | Temagami to spend a week. iss Lorraine Minnes, the guest of | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Miss McCarthy, of Prescott, for the Rep past week, has returned Bone. | ' orters On Their Rounds. | Float your flags on Monday. Miss Jane Coates, of Na anee, is | : visiting the Misses Dix, Brock street, | Make the re-union at the band con- Miss Madelon Deroche, Kansas City, | rt to-night a "bumper.' is visiting friends in Napanee, Deser.| Are you sorry you paid your hose nto and Kingston, | tax to the water department, ? o " i ngele William Swain, piano tuner. Orders Mr. William McGall, Rochester, N.Y. { received at McAuley's book store. who is home-on his vacation, will There is no need to waste water leave for Garrett's Rest on Monday, | through your lawn hose these days. to enjoy a week's salmon fishing, ° "I> Take your Toronto visitors to the Mra. W. J. Moore, York. street, en- | band concert to-night, a rare. musi- tertained go few friends last evening in | cal treat. honor of her guests, the Misses Oliver |! To-day's INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. rain just gave"a final of Ottawa. | cleaning to_the old town for the old Mrs. William Drury and children, | boys' coming. : Queen street, have gone to their cot. | The new Kingston view book for tage at Lake Loughboro for the sum- | sale at British-American hotel news mer. stand, price 35c, Mrs. Thomas Keyes, Montreal, is vis: Take Methodist church excursion, by iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, | Caspian, August Sth, 5 p.m., to Ro- Bailey, corner of Union and Alfred | Chester and return; $2.50. Seo bills. streets, e The magistrate was given another Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Behan left to | holiday this morning, the cells at thé day at noon for Renfrew where they | Police court containing no offenders. will be joined by Hon. M. F. Hackett, | Popular event of the season, a grand Stanstead, * Que. Thence the party | band, nominal admission, and re-union will make a tour of Manitoba, N.W, | with the old friends, the armouries to- T.," and the Pacific coast. They will | night, at 8.30 o'clock. be absent about six weeks. ® A row of incandescent lights along ---------- the shore of Macdonald Park would be SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. a fine thing for summer. Of course the ---------- young ladies might protest. What Will Be Doing In The Are you subject to neuralgia and Church To-Morrow. | nervous headaches, one 25e. box of Dr. St. George's Cathedral. --Services § Clown Joajache Powders. will sire a.m, 11 am. and 7 p.m. | The Ld in Yori aw i e police are notified that the old Sydenkium pra Methodist Chureh; | boys own the town for the next few preach at both ing, Pastor, wil | days. Any policeman found asresting St. Luke's Church Rev Rural De an old boy will be prosecuted. Taylor, of Aylmer, will preach in St. Does it Seem reasonable that Perry Luke's. on Sunda ening wha 1 Davis' Painkiller could have held pub- St. Andrew' on Ns "e lie confidence for sixty years unless it ey DE rew sg Arch. --Dervie 8 1 really did cure diarrhoea, cholera mor- a.m. and 7 p.m. J, M. Sherlock, Tor- | hus 'and all similar troubles so com- onto, will sing at the moming service, | mon and so dangerous in hot weather. First Baptist church, corner John- | A service, in memory of the late Dr. Sof and Sydenham streets.--Services, | Hertzel, leader of the Zionist Move. {1 am. and 7 p.m. Pastor, Rev. | ment, who died a year ago, will be Douglas Laing, at both services A | i i » . | hel th I H gregati- ordial welcome to strangers, old in fhe. Joos Thre om + ) 4 lI, 8 n, 9s Queen Street Methodist Church. | Go uiday sfterduil, at 0 Rev. W. H. Sparling, B.A., pastor, | Mechani P Ye will preach, 11 a.m., "A Model Con. onics, | Farmers, Sportsmen ! 4 {To heal and soften the skin and re- p-m., "Home, Sweet Sunday school, 2.45 | Mid-week service, Wednesday, gregation'; 7 Sweet Home." om, 8 move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, etc., use The "Master Me- | chanic's" Tar Soap. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers, p.m. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- | Local deulers are in receipt of let tie and Earl streets--Pastor, Rev. M. | ters from re Stati po :, slo, . m growers stating that the Macgillivray, D.D. Services, 11 am. | i west i8 Very & Rev. R. J. Craig; 7.pan, ev. I'M | berry crop in the west is verv small G * on account of the dry weather, and Baluuds, 2D. Stiangers cordially advising them to order at once, They sited to 8 ge : | might ship their patches down east FO Street Methodist Church. -- | on reap the benefit of a change in Pastor, Rev. C. S. Eby, B.A., D.D. climate. Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m.; 10 a. | m. class meeting in the parlor; 3 p.m. | Sunday school open service; 8 p.m. | Wednesday, prayer and praise service, | A cordial welcome to all. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, street.--Rev. David Wright, BA. | © Springhill, N.S. will preach at both | services. Morning anthem, "Lord Pray Thee"; solo, "Hold Thou Tour Of The Islands. Monday, 2.30 p.m., America via the i Canadian and American channels. Brock { Supper on board. Fare 35c. 4 Trusses that We | Chown's. i} 1 My |. 'There was a large attendance at the Hand," Mrs. A. D. Nelson, Evening | pavilion at Lake Ontario Park last anthem, "The Homeland"; quartette, | evening. The company gave a good "Cast Thy Burden," Miss Tough, Mrs. entertainment which was 'greatly ap- Nelson, Rusvell Marshall and A.D. | preciated by the audience. To-night Nelson. Visitors in the city are cordi- will be the last appearance of the ally welcome, 4 present company. do not chafe. Dr. PERSONAL. SHOULD KNOW THAT THE only perfect and safe Vacuum Appli- ance is manufactured and controlled by the Erie Medical Co., St., Buffalo, N.Y., who administer in| Connection with it interior and ex- | terior remedies having a world-wide reputation for weak men. Weite to. day for sealed circulars and proofs. Y.'M.C. A. Notes. 5 Old "Boys" and new ones gre in- | mex vited to join with us in the keeping of the morning watch at seven o'clock | Sunday morning. Also in the Bible study at 4:15 o'clock 'in the afternoon. | 94 Mohawk | Wolfe And Garden Islands. | ----. 'Steamer America on her tour of the y islands Monday, leaves Wolfe Island Grand Union 1 1.30 pm, Garden Island 1.45 p.m and Kingston 2.30 p.m. 35c. -------- Sale Saturday of 81 Bonton corsets for 5c; B0c. tape girdle corsets for Sold Everywhere. Sr Loithia Gablets A most useful as well a pleas- ant remedy for diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gout, Sub- Acute, and Chronic Rheumatism. In 5 grain tablets. 40¢. Bottle. ' ™ Much cheaper and more effective than mineral waters The "Best" Drug Store LT Bost, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street "Phoae 59 in Oblong 11b.and 21bs. Cans. New Laid Eggs & Roasted Veal prepared and sea- soned with care. To Serve slice thin and garnish with watercress. Every can will give salisfaction. Delicious for a cool lunch on a hot day / W. CLARK, MONTREAL. 1608 ts: "MAPLE LEAF" BEST CANNED SALMON pacxen TO-NIGHT | "old Boys' 'and 'Young Girls' *' will be specially welzonie at our -Big Sale of Ribbon, Hosiery, Fancy Collars, and Belts, also Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts. The prices will astonish you. Men's $1 Shirts up-to-date pat- terns, all sizes. Sale price, 75c. Ladies'-Fast Black Cotton Hose Specially priced, 2 pairs for 25c. Piles: of Fancy Collars, just in to-day. Extra special value at 15¢. and 25c. each. See the line of Fancy Fique and Silk Belts, 25c. each. Special Sale of 15c., 17¢. and 20c. Ribbons, in Taffeta 'Silk and Satin, a dozen colors, wide withs. Sale price to-night, 12jc. a yard. Newman & Shaw. I have for sale one of the best Corner Groceries in the city. Call and get particulars. $1,850 for a nice six-room dwelling on Rideau Street, large lot and barn. $900 will buy a six-room dwelling on Pine Bireet, good stable. A. F. BOND. Insurance and Real Estate. 63 Clarence Street - - - Kingston. 35e. New York Dress Reform. ? and Vadis' reoular R1.50 strap shoes Dr. Chown's Drug Store for Trusses, BAGGAGE FREE only $1 at Abernethy's, ~ J pr ety g a GREAT FAIF - The Central Canada Exhibition Will This Year Sirpass ®n Previous Show. -- $86,000 being spent in Enlarging an Beautifying the Grounds and Erectir Grand New Buildings. New Structur to include Large General and Dair Buildings. Dog Show, Horse Racés, Fine Stay Specialties, Military Spectacular (Reli of Lucknow), and Beautiful Firewor! as usual. Also Athletic Events. Thirty-five of the Association's Not Gold Medals this year. Sept. 8th to 16th, 190 For Prize Lists, Entry Forms and » information - write. E. McMAHON, Secretary, - 26 Sparks St., Ottaw: our, Underwear Specials Manchanffee's French Balbrig- BRR .. iv wii ie andl Sui Fancy Ribbed Cotton, 3 colors Brown, Blue, Black, $1,50 Sui Light Natural Wool ... $1.50 Suit White Cashmere, very fine serterrais} iuidaiiveert aon $1.90 Saif Aertex Cellular, a fine cotton NEBR iii cine $E. Si , Silk and Wool, extra fine RE eer y SLT $4.50 Shi Dr.. Diemel's Linen Mesh sense onto Ah iptaRe ah RIAL as $6-Bui (The only Underwear.) Also lot odds and ends consist ing of Wool, Cotton and Fanc Garments, all summer weigh! Special prices. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Ce 114 Princess Street. Sale Saturday of "$1 Honton corse or 76¢.; >. tape girdle corsets Hr oe Vk Dian Rotor Give yourself a tre style, fit and finish wi the largest ever shown TWEED SKIRTS--Ligh LUSTRE SKIRTS--Ev FANCY PANAMA AND made, $5, $5.50, $6 ALTERATIONS FRI The '] Richardson's Linens ture. Being made of P and stronger than you GRASS BLEACHED 1 24, 3, 34 yards lo $1.50, 8, $6, 87.5 REMNANTS BLEACH! lengths, 14 to 3 ya for $1.23; £1.90 for TABLE NAPKINS--Od« tions. HAND EMBROIDERED Very large variety TRAY CLOTHS, 5 0°C EMBROIDERED LI SCOTT HIP-FORMS m and drape gracefully --------------------

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