Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1905, p. 12

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Sabi Su 3 ing' 8 a IO. 30 Sunday: Returamg, JG. al ay or unday. A . . T.R.; Monday. Fare, 0. ng Also Rory ate to Toronto and Charlotte turday or Sunday, re- turning Monday. LEA 2 GOING EAST, Wednesd and Fri- days acd Sundays, at 4.80 . J. SWIFT & CO. Freight Agents. 0 QUEBEC TT WITHOUT STR. "ALEXANDRIA" Leaves & Co's. whart every , at 6.30 Sm, a areal unt Fridays' at 19 mrdinny: Quinte, for Charlotte and gent Steamer NIAGARA" Open or. yt a to: W." Q. Rho i" i, i + Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands -- Rochester Stes. North King and Caspian ve Ki except _THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, J ULY 29. ~~ Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and |: ylold Juleals to our wonderful bome re- hedy-Acnetine and Dermo-Nervine. Don't you want to be one of the thousands they have cured ! Positively no failure, Consultation invited at office or by mail, no expense. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Moles, Warts, Runturoq yoins, indi. cated pel DL y our method of Kieotro- ysis Our BOOK eXpial nn itall, Come during the summer for treatment. Send lc. for Booklet "K * and sample of Cream. GRAHAM DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 802 Church 8t., Toronto Estab. 1008 FERROVIM A Splendid Tonic Builds up the System Strengthens the "ea Muscles Gives New Life Sold by all medicine dealers. Davis & lawrence Co., Ltd, Montreal, WILSON'S FLY PADS HALLIDA ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of Motors {and Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. "Phone 94, DADBRIN'S New York. : } (LIST OF CRIMES GREATLY AUGMENTED BY THE FEARFUL HEAT. Crazed) Young Woman Kills Her Baby--A Fearful System of Black: Mail "Carried on--The Price of 'Fads and Fancies." Special Correspondence, Letter, No. 1,471 New York, July 38. --After a severe trial T have come to the conclusion that exevssively hot weather is not provocative of a virtuous life. Thepe Mere 'days of the week just passed whieh would have provoked the great- est. saint that ever received canoniza- tion to use bad language. The weath- er wag simply terrible, the strongest nerves could make no fight against it; you felt you were beaten down by a Power greater than any you could Summon to your aid; you could do nothing but sit and howl that any change would be better than your eset a JOHN F. STEVENS, The now ¢éhief Sngineer of the Panama 'anal. present existance, One may judge how bad things were when delicate women and children fled from their homes to find some comfort in the public parks or anywhere where 4 breath of fresh air could be obtained, This dreadul hot spell has not only increased the death rate, but several crimes have been added to the eriminal calendar that are shocking to think of and ter. rible to relate, When the thermometer stood over ninety in the shade, a beautifiil young woman, aged twenty- five, having a fine boy nineteen months old whom she adored--affect- ed undoubtededly by the heat,-- be- came jealous of her husband, a hard- working, decent young man, There was no ground whatever for her jealousy ; the husband worked hard and provid- ed bountifully for his home, but the excessive heat of the weather unhal- anced the mind of the jealous wife and she deliberately planned her husband's murder. She purchased a large carv- ing knife and intended to kill kim when asleep. The wife and the ehild occupied one room and the father laid down on a lounge in another room. The unfortunate wife made several stealthy visits to the room where she thought her husband was sleeping, but finding him "awake, she returned to her own, took the child she loved beyond any other earthly thing, and plunged the large carving knife in the child's breast, killing him instantly. The husband who was dozing in the next room heard no sound, but he had a sense of impending danger. He went to the room where hia wife and ohild were and found the boy lying on the bed, dead." The unfortunate woman did not seem to realize: the terrible crime she had committed and it was some minutes before they discovered that she had attempted to kill herself also, Desperately wounded, the wretch- ed woman was inhumanly thrown in- to a hot cell at the police station in- stead of being taken to the hospital, This fearful crime can be traced al- most solely to the heat from which we have been suffering during the week. . Crime is not a pleasant subject to write about at any time but among the crimes of record, blackmailing is ona of the meanest and most contem- tible. A sort of semi-society paper is pub- lished here under the title of "Town Topics." It is supposed to give sharp eriticisms on prominent society peo- ple and it proposed to make them known to the world through a volume entitled "Fads and Fancies."" Saints are not plentiful in Greater New York, while the crop of sinners is most bountiful and many of our society peo: ple, whose lives have heen like Caes- ar's wife, beyond suspicion, are found, on close investigation, to be badly smurched, A slenth-hound who seems to have had the peculiar faculty of black-mailing, was employed to take charge of this work. When a victim wae marked down the sleuth called on thé individual spotted and gave' the party to understand that he knew of some peculiar circumstance in hie life which would not look well in cold, hard, double-headed type and which the publisher intended' to display in "Fads and = Fancies," but if the vie tim would subsoribe to one or more volumes of this interesting book, no EE -------- TOBACCO HABIT Dr. McTaggart's tobacco remedy re moves all desire for the weed in a fow days. A vegetable medicine, and only requires touching occasionally. Price LIQUOR HABIT Marvelous results from 'taking : his remedy for the liguor habit. Safe and in- expensive home treatment : no hypoder- mie 'injections, no publicity, no loss of time, from business, and a cure certai the tongue with it $2. +known crook whom Peabody had sent 1 to state's prison twice before and who | Tweed. mention would be made of the Tlit- tle coming. The minimum price of a single volume was fifteen hundred dollars, --the maxinium price, as much as they could get. The widow of the late C. P. Huntington subscribed for twenty volumes, and her cheque, spot cash, for ten thousand dollars is in evidence to mark her appreciation of "Fads and Fangies." The amount ex- torted from these "unfortunate victims was almost equal to the stealings of the Equitable Life Assurance company, Our energetic district attorney, Mr, Jerome, is in town to examine the hooks of "TI'own Topics" and when the list of names is made public, of per- sons who have been terrorized by this infamous gang, it is expected that it will be one of the most fearful shocks 4hat society has experienced for many years, One of -the most laughable things that occurred to our " for many a day took place in Central Park, on Thursday last. Frank Peabody, a de tective, attached to the central police station has been for years a terror to all sorts of evil doers. The word fear is not in his vocabulary, and he is never happy unless he is getting a double hook or a straight punch on some burglar or highway robber. He was Som a hoon-fellow last week and could not sleep. There had been a number of hold-ups in our park, sev- eral of them being accompanied by serious assaults, About two o'clock in the morning he jumped into his run- about and thought he would take a spin_ through Central Park and pick up any waif or stray who happened to lie in his way. He reached a lonely part of the park, where the foliage was thick, when a man suddenly jumped from the bushes and seizing his horse's head demanded without further parley all the loose change he might have al- out his clothes, When Frank Peabody hands his very hard cash to a high- way robber he generally wants to know the reason who. The robber had him "dead to rights": he held the bridle with 'one hand, while he covered Peabody with his revolver with the other; the detective whipped out his gun and blazed away at the robber; the pistol missed fire and before he could give him a second shot the highwayman hurled a soda water bot- tle, which he had held as a revolver, at the officer and made a dash into the bushes with Peabody close at his heels. The officer finally knocked him down, slipped -the handcuffs on him and going back to where hjs horse was standing carried him to head- quarters. He tumed out to he a" well had only heen out about seven weeks, The sensation of the week in the concerns of the Equitable Life Assur ance company, has been the payment of Mr. Hyde's personal cheque for $635,000. He declares that the Equit- able Life Assurance company hae no- thing to do with it; that it is his private and personal affair and as an evidence of his truth he hands over this vast sum of money which for several years was thought to he an as- set of the Equitable Life Assurance company. It is a startling revelation and we shall expect to know more ab- out it when Mr, Henderson, the exam- iner, gets the hooks, =BROADBRIM. ------ ALWAYS FRESH #00D. Crisp and Easily Digested, Malta- Vita Goes Straight From its Huge Ovens to the Many Who Eat It. The Malta-Vita Pure Food Co., of Toronto, Ont., has adopted a success- ful method of keeping the public al- | the perfect food. When Malta-Vita comes from the ovens, it is the crispest, most de- licious food in the world, containing only one per cent. of moisture, The other 99 per cent. is food--brain and bone and nerve and muscle food--and most easily digested because 'the gela- tinized starch of the thoroughly cook- | ed wheat has been converted, by fine malt extract, into - maltose (malt sugar). No other food preparation contains such a high degree of food quality and such a low degree of moisture, The Malta-Vita company limits or- ders from every wholesale dealer to a quantity which the company knows can be disposed of quickly in the wholesalers territory, The wholesaler, in turn, makes only such shipments to grocers as he knows they will be able to handle satisfactorily, Thus the grocer's supply of Malta Vita is always as fresh and crisp as when it comes from the ovens in the big factory at Toronto--always the kind that melts in the mouth. | Malta-Vita is so deliciously refresh- | ing and satisfying that it should be in every home. It is the only perfect food. Best for children and best for grown folks, At all grocers pow 10c. Same high quality, same big package as when sold for 15c. . ---------------------- Admiral Togo's Reward. London Truth. asked what reward was to be given to Admiral Togo by a country that he had saved from Russian con- quest. The answer was that ho has its approbation and spiritual fellow- ship. with all whe lost their lives cheerfully under him, When he dies he will be classed as 4 national hero. Tp the annual three. days' festival of the boys of Japan his likeness will be placed, with those of other departed eroes on altars set up and decorated by the little follows. They will vener- ate it, talk of Togo's achievements, and wish to follow his example. He has been already rewarded with his | high grade, to which he rose through | his services from the humble condi | tion. of cabin boy. = An adequate pen- | sion will he granted him, but none of those emoluments and dignities that are lavished in Europe on highly sue cessful generals and admirals, or on their families, who are thus turned in- { to perpetual parasites. Were they of. | fered to Togo he would be ashamed | 'to-aecept them, and would remind his grateful countrymen of the mikado's virtues. : The death of Fdward Leveck, occur red at South River on Tuesday. De- ceased about twenty-five vears of age, is a brother of Mre. Charles Carleton, on. Address or consult Dr. McT rt. 75 Yonge street, Toronto Canada. 7 hat invigorating drink, Coca-Cola. ways supplied with fresh Malta-Vita, ) re | thracite strike is impending. ng ea Successful All Odds and Must be Clea ed, and made to fit, at price prices here for want of s Suit or Raincoat, to come i Ba ok ed Fe Quoth Bruin, "*Tis bad-ski! I'll be bound, For steppe by steppe I'm losing ground. Internal troubles also gall, . But this Red Feather smooths them And burdens hard to Bear," says he, "Are carried through with ami-tea." 4 Treat from Ceylon Black, Green or Mixed One Price--40 Cents. ST =. Clothing Sale Ever Held in Kingston. SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, AUG. 5 Ends Left After the Big Rush red Out, Regardless of Cost. From now till August 5th you can buy High Grade Clothing, finely tailor- s never heard of before in Kingston. We cannot quot: pace, but would ask you if you are thinking of a New n and see the values we are offering. The goods have to be seen to be appreciated. | 'No "Marking Up" Here For Sale Purposes. Everything just as advertised, or your money back (if you want it). MINERS MAY STRIKE. a Great Anthracite} Strike is Pending. Snecial to the Whig. New York, July 29 --Reeent declines in anthracite coal roads stocks have revived the rumors of pending labor troubles in the and there are many wellsinformed persons who believe that another great an Believed mining distriets, Presidents of the eval carrying roads ridioule the rumors and assert that they feel there is little danger oi a strike. The principal basis for this be- lief rests upon the fact that the agree ment entered into after the memora ble strike of a few years ago does not expire until April of pext! year, The union, it is stated, would not ruth- lessly break the agreement hefore its expiration, Despite these optimistic de clardtions, however, it is well-known that the labor union leaders have heen very active this season in the anthracite districts stirring up the miners and creating enthusinem for the labor cause. Picnics and other public gatherings have been held at which the cause of the miners was' discoss ed, Incidentally efiorts have been made to have the members of the union pay their dues, and the delinquents have been urged to pay their arregrs, Those who profess to see in the activity of the union signs of prepara tions for another anthracite struggle niaintain that a . great contest will ocour next.vear. leaders ---------- Age Adds To Its Popularity. Fifty years ago Putnam's Corn Ex: tractor was introduced. Its sale has been enormous. Why ? Because its the only painless remedy for corns, warts and buniops. Doubtless, you've proved this yourself. ---------- P. K. Newton, Tweed, has received notice of the cancellation of his. 'ap- pointment gs issuér of marriage li censes, Unly pure fruit syrups used at Wade's soda fountain; Chamberlain's DiarrhoeaRemedy || The Store That Roney & Co., "osm pos 127 Princess St, COSTS NO lea We have been at it, same address, since 189° | Also Stencils, Steel Stamps, Co'pany Seals. Rub- ber Alphabet Séts for printing price cards, White Enamel Letters, &c. Write us, we'll do the nest. C. W. Mack, 9-11-18 King St. W.. Toronto. Special for Men We have placed on, sale all our Heywood Tan Boots for Men. These are all high grade American $5 Shoes, made in the very newest styles 'and toes, Blu- cher cuts and Balmorals. Any Pair Now $3.50 The name Heywood is a guarantee of fit, style and workmanship. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. LITTLE . © NIGHT BEAUTY LAMP ¢ Will Stand or Hang A splendid lamp for Halls, Batlt-rooms, 'Ba: e- ments, Bedrooms, etc. One filling of ordinary coal oil will burn 40 hours. The original at' Wade's soda fountain. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. CALL" Final Week of the Biggest and Most Urose arng swore. Davies" New England hb Try it.

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