Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1905, p. 10

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ackets Annually | yur : ~Wetnen's White usa a" - L 'Genuin im £5 whe ne 1 Other will: rub off ; ours won't. only people handling a hal fine of ; . Ramsay's Paint! Best colors, price. Ww. A best quality, and best MITCHELL'S HARDWARE ANTICIPATE WEATHER At will pay you! Coal is cheaper now than it will be when the snow flies. JAMES SWIFT & 00. BE « E fo Fuses ---- Supcrfluous Hair Removed by the New Principle, De INiracle I$ is better Siootrialty, grosses 1¢ docs Err btu Te dos ht bur gt or gor Er cote, wl vo Gopi: tories, Soe break off " + thereby po. are offered Tan Clits Bot: Tol the TO MIS MAJESTY. THE KING SirJohn Power & Son Lea. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. IRISH WHISKEY. Famous for overa =: centuly for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially fecommended by the Medical Profession on account of its peculiar ® "DRYNESS" oken sizes we must part with, so with a big crash, dowa go the prices piece Blas Grey Dress Liven, 88 inebios w le. valds '35c. Sale price eco Piok and White Mixed D, ess Linen, 0% aches wile, value 25c. yards Whig Gronid Priot, wid wide Blas or Black Stripes, 1%je., yards Anderson's Seosch Dress Giogharns in Siriges, fast color, 20c, biscs Novelty Kuok Dress Linen, Blue sad White, valve iéc., now 85e. pisos Novelty Knot Drees Linen; Green and. White, value 456 . now 'piece Pink and White Check Basket Wash Cloth, value 20c.. now 124e. | only Black or Ground with white spit or stripe Eng- at 25¢ , pow 15¢. a yard. ; Shirtings, worth 1%4e. for 9¢, yard ; Fancy Chambrays, Stripe Linen Color Lawns and tins Values were 15¢., 20c, 25¢., 85¢ and 50¢ = yard. : Whists, Dresses or Shirt Waist Suits. Now for be a yard . Undeawear all reduced in price. 3 Huts from 2c. each, aud Trimmed lats all at one-half price Y BROS. e Bargains. Garry. In Sick Ingot Copper, Av.imony and Tin THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. BOLBBPOBLVLLBOVE DH0HH David "Hall. 66 Brock Street. 'Phone 35, Arable, "Don't and then emerg- Ing with shouts of laughter, in which 3 . . jhe was joined by all my savage fol ARKABLE, INSTANCES THE | wonderful talent for mimicking USELOF A RARE TAGULTY. als, 1 Saunhined to employ him. in ' a little Joke of my own, merely as an fet ot retributive. justice. Pon one occasion, when we were Manitoba Lad One of the Most Accom- f lying on the sandy bed of a ravine, Imitators Animals a Hon had come roaring around my plished of Ever bivouacs at night, when the conduct of Me By the Observant Lt.-Col An-| ny Egyptian staff officer, who always drew Haggard--Iindians Best Teach: Jlked tery Dig about Noms, had not a - : remarkably courageous. ors Abyssinian's Imitations That There Was not a man among my Betrayed a Lion Hunter. Bashi-Bazouks who did not laugh at The art of decoying wild animals by | Naor Mustapha a imitation of their cries Is & very prim- fore determined to give him a lesson itive one, practised by savages In all that night when lying on the sand in countries as 4 means of procuring food. | the Khor Ansaba, which, as he well Many, white men excel In ~calling- ant. | K0¥. was & famous piace for. lions. i In fact, before dark we had seen mals and birds, notably the moose their tracks, old and new, in all direc among the larger animals, but it in- | tions : Quiry could be carried far enough it First, however, I wamed the Turkish would probably be found, writes Lt.- sanjak of my mascally bodyguard to Col. Andrew Haggard fn Forest and | %¢¢ Well to the pickating of the animals, i for 1 dia wish to lose a horse or Stream, that the most skillful owe thetr tl on ray 1 lene a aptitude-in, thls respect to the teach- | ci "who hated the Egyptian, grinned ings of untutored savages, whose lives from ear to ear and gave the neces depend upon 'the exercise of this gift. Sary orders. ; An exception to this origin of the After supper, sis we were sit by &rt of calling may. perhaps, be found | the campfire in the shade of an sven In 'the art of using the "hare pipe" hanging' bush-covered bank, I led the which the voice of the hare conversation to the subject of lions. This was employed largely in England Egyptian officer was boasting, In medieval times and was made a as usual, when suddenly my English penal offence In somewhat more mod- servant, who was in the plot, said, as ern days when utilized by poachers in | if in alarm, 'while staring into the the 'pursuit of their nefarious occupa: | thicket: "What's that sound, Mustapha tion. Effendi? Don't you hear something A young lad In the wilds of Northern | crackling in there? I hope it's not an- Manifoba was one of the most remark- other lion, for I am not so brave about able Imitators of animals whom I ever | them as you are." We all listened in- met. My young friend had been in- tently. The. crackling was plainly r from -earflest youth by a | heard--it was coming nearer: it did Swampy Indian in the art, with the sound uncommonly as if a lon might result that, at the age of 15, he could call any tame or wild animal about the backwoods settlement where the lived. = His father, he and. L used to drive together otit on the priltle, t6 some rushy , In search of ducks and geese, which abounded, The ani mals harnessed 16 the buckboard were these mares used, as a rule to follow the buckboard, cantering along be Never shall 1 forget my astonishment one evening when, after having driven & few hundred yards from the Hudson Bay post, his father suddenly stopped the , saying: "Rae, the foals have stopped behind, call them." In- stantly the lad commenced whinnying exactly like a mare. He repeated the ery several times, ending up on each oécasion with two or three little nat ural snorts. The imitation was so ex- act that not only were the foals de ceived and came galloping up to join us, but it was almost impossible to believe that it was not one of the mares that had called them. One evening when out shooting pral- rie chicken night fell upon us before We got back to the wagon, to the wheels of which we had failed to at- tach the mares properly. One of them we found close by, the other had es caped; and as It was a wet, mist night, not & sign of her was to be seen anywhere. Then if was that the boy's accomplishment proved most useful, for while his 'father and I remained by the rd the youth sallied forth into (he foggy darkness, making a sound to imitate the voice of a foal. He was absent for half an hour, but returned triumphant with the missing mare. The way that boy could also imitate ducks and geese was simply marvelous. 'Well do I remember a trick he played one evening in the reeds. He had join. ed me, anknewn to his father, who was standing about fifiy y4its away in the tall rushes, waiting for the wild fowl which did not come. Crouching down by my side, so that he could watch his parent, the mischiévous youth several tmes imitated the cry of wild geese at a distance, then he made them seem nearer, until apparently overhead. The old sportsman was instantly on the alert, craning his neck and peering in all directions for' the fowl. At last, frantic at not being able to see them, the old man shouted out to me, wildly: "Where are othe geese? Where are they? "Here, father," answered the boy, rising from the reeds and bursting into & roar of laughter. It was lucky for him that there was upon that occasion a deep pool be. tween him and his outraged parent which enabled him to make tracks for home before the old boy could get around. y It was once' my lot to come across & native in quite another part of the world who possessed similar accom- plishments. 1 cannot say that while he was with me he put them to any useful purpose, although he certainly afforded considerable variety and amusement during a trying Journey. 1 Wis traveling through the Abyssinian Province of Bogos, with my Egyptian staff officer, an English servant and a bofiyguard of rapscallions who called themselves Bashi-Bazopks. They were & mixed lot--Abyssinlans Beni Ameer, Ameer Arabs, negroes and all sorts, and a merry, undisciplined crew they were indeed. The native that I refer to was #n' Abyssinian, and he was the prin- cipal wag, or bugoon, of the scrowd. The country 1 was passing through was of the wildest description; it was, moreover, full of wild beasts of every Kind. Apart from the troops of hideous grimacing baboons met with on the cliffs of the rocky passes, there were everywhere traces of Jions, hyenas, wolves and Jackals, and these animals, some of which we saw daily, used to make night hideous with their horri- ble howlings. My retainer, the Abys- sinian, was, however, not content with letting us be disturbed by the real howlings of the actual wild "beasts, for he would have his little joke. On several occasions, when we least expected it and were marching along In some narrow jungle clad ravine, the whole cavalcade would be stopped by a terrible noise in the thorny bushes, which frightened the horses and camels and, at times, even the i At one time it would be a wild dog, bark- ing furiously, at another a hyena howling or leopard snarling, and upon 8 third occasion a sound would be 4 hard as of two jackals fighting over A carcass. But nothing had been seen. It was not until one day I had dis- charged both barrels of my rifle into the thick scrub and nearly killed hi that I learned the cause of these dis- neces by my friend, the buffoon, EE er ------------ C. HH POWELL, CARPENTER AND JOBBER, » THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY 103 Raglan Street. HE TR be approach We all made ready to rise, but Mus- tapha Effendi was already on his feet when from this distance 'of only about three yards, in the darkness, a terrific and deafening roar burst upon the startled night. The roar was followed by the horrible gruff cough, several times repeated, which is still mgge ter- rible, as it usually precedes a kill So Nonlike was the sound, although expecting it, I was momentarily alarm- ed myself and grasped my revolver. Others seized: their weapons also, for it seemed impossible that such a volume of sound could come from any throat but that of the veritable king of beasts. In the mi¢antime- where was the great lion slayer, Mustapha Effendi Ramzie? The Sound of flying feet rat- tling over the gravelly bed of the khor was all that was left of him now. So we sent "the lion" in pursuit, which was continued with roar after roar, the sound reverberating on the cliffs and dying away into the darkest recesses of the ravine. Meantime ev- ery soul In camp was convulsed with laughter, as the men poured their favorite "tedge" down their throats and drank to the courage of the Egyp- tion staff officer. But now comes the point of my joke. This practical joke came very near to ending tragically for either the pursuer or the pursued, for suddenly at no great distance up the lion renowned Khor Ansaha, was heard an answering roa, and then n- other, nearer at hand. A real Hon had taken up the challenge, and it was now our turn to be alarmed. Seizing brands from the fire and firing off rifles as we went, a party of us rushed up the rocky defile after the two men; the rest, by my order, rushed to guard the picketed animals, for there was no knowing how many of the brutes there might be about, and Hons often roar on purpose to make the terrified ani mals break away and then seize them. The reports of the rifles, the shouts and, above all, the roaring of the real lion, had soon had their effect in caus- ing the flying staff officer to halt, ter- ror-stricken, between, as he imagined, two leonine foes and the sham lion, to come back faster than he went, all the roar taken out of him. Fortunately by the time we reached poor Mustapha, to find him petrified with fear, the hubbub made by the re- lieving force had driven the lon, which had been all too successfully "called" back to the fastnesses of the hills, From that time forward the crest- fallen staff officer never mentioned the word lion, but the Abyssinian wag, whose imitative skill had called some- thing more tangible than "spirits from the vasty deep" from the dark re- cesses of the mountains, became the hero of thie expedition. CHANGE AT NIAGARA. River Water Let Into' the Forebay-- Beautiful Cascade Formed. The completion of the first portion of the Ontario Power Co.'s works at Niagara Falls was marked by the ad- mission of water to the forebay on i June 20. The big wing dam, the con- "Struction-of which was one of the most difficult and spectacular of the under- takings in connection with the develop- ment, was plerced and the water, which Is fifteen feet deep outside, was slowly admitted. The stream ran down over the great expanse of river bed, which has been ' bare for several years, to the astonish- ment of all visitors, and found its way through the screens, gates and sluices, which will hereafter guide the flow of water. As the tower works and power: house of the company are not compiet- ed, the head gates of the great conduit were closed, and the water stopped when it reached them and began to rise. A corps of engineers watched its pro- gress eagerly, and all went along with- out hitch or difficulty. The water rose rapidly and filled the wide basin, lap- ping around the shores of the new is- lands and finding its way into many queer places' which did not éxist when old Niagara was turned out of his an- cient pathway for a season. For the first and last time the river bed has been laid bare. Now the water has resumed its sway and the great expanse of rock bed is hidden forever. It took a number of hours for the water to fill the basin, but finally it came to the top of the overflow walls and began to pour over in a beautiful cascade, which will henceforth be one of the prettiest sights around the Falls. Visitors will be unable to comprehend the vast work that was necesgary and the immensity of the walls and crete and stone which had to be buiit to turn Niagara from its natural course and make it the , servant of mam. ne The Kongo dwarfs, six specimens of which have been brought to London ¢by Col. Harrison, never reach go | greater age .than farty years. An order for 1000 tons of tale from FRR aoe JULY 29. NEWEST SHIP IN FLEET FEATURES OF THE "TRIUMPH" AS DESCRIBED BY THE ENGINEER. Britain's Latest Type of Battleship Shows Various Alterations -- Elec- tricity Employed Wherever Possible =A Great Battery Containing Ten 75 Inch Guns On the Main Deck-- How Econemy of Space Is Effected. The great length of the Triumph, 436 feet between 'perpendiculars, is very observable as one approaches her when afloat, and gives the Impres- sion of a somewhat low freeboard. Such, however, is not in reality char- acteristic of this 'war vessel Her freeboard at the bow is 21 feet 6 In. but as she has a rising sheer aft, the freeboard at the stern is 19 feet § in. and the height of the centres of the two 10-inch guns forward above the load waterline is 23 feet § inches, the corresponding centre height aft being about two feet less. The height of Centres of the main deck battery 7.5- Inch guns is 13 feet 2 inches, or rath- ér more than that of the main deck battery 6-inch guns of the King Edward VIL, making, however, the: angle heel required to bring the centre of the muzzles to water Tevel rather less than that of the last named ship, in consequence, of course, of the much greater length of the 7.54imch guns. Great Gun Battery. A striking feature of the Triumph is the main deck open battery, contain- Ing ten 75-inch guns. It is enclosed by ji-inch Krupp steel armer on the sides, with diagonal bulkheads of §- inch steel armor at the' ends. gun positions, but there is no longti- the guns in the rear, waich is to be re- gretted. The ammunition is brought up to each separate pesition by electric hoists, which can work with great Fa- pidity, and are an jmmenes improve- ment on the old whip hoisting gear. head railway to be run infor housing inboard, when the vessel is at sea, by a small hydraulie engine, this replac- ing the differenfial blocks and hand chain gear for the inch guns of Ad- miraity vessels. The ammunition also has a hoist for carrying the projec. tiles into posfiion, but, as a matter of practice, we understand that the blue- Jackets prefer to lift the 200-pounder at the point, another at the base. Tele- scopic sights are placed upon the left side of fhe guns, which give the most admirable restits in firing practice. The range covered by them is from 13,000 to 14.000 yards, but the most effective range of the 75-inch gun is rather within tHose limits, Economy In Space. It Is needless to say that, with ten guns of so large a size and the mess tables and all the fittings and gear of the enclosed battery, the space is rather crowded; but the tables fold up, so as to economize room, and the covers of the ammunition hoists are 'compact and well placed. The gun positions themselves have plenty of room. The number of rounds fired from each gun per minute gives an average of five without any difficulty, and the officers on board speak well of the 7.5-inch gun, as being quite as handy as a 6-inch. The 14-pounder guns on board are practically similar to the ordinary 12- pounder gum employed in our Ad- miralty vessels, and will, we under: stand, take the same ammunition. The 6-pounder gun is a specialty, with a breech screw of very simple charac- ter, widening out in. diameter from the breech face to the interior of the gun, 80 that it could not possibly be blown out... Pompoms are employed in the tops, and are not regarded with equan- fmity by the bluejackets, owing to their disagreeable noise and habits of jump- ing. This was found to be the case in South Africa, where many of the guns were put out of action by the smash- ing of the pivot and jaw by which the 8un was secured to the carriage. On the bridge of the Triumph the noise is distracting when these guns are fired. Ventilation Imperfect. The cranes for lifting boats in and out are most serviceable A steam- boat weizhing fifty tons can be picked up, swung round, and dropped into the water as easily as a dinghy, and the hang-over is very far-reaching. It is true that they present a larger sur face to the fire of an enemy than an ordinary boom, but they are in dupli- cate, in case one should be disabled Five large dynamos supply the elec- the ship, and an infinity of motors. All the ammunition hoists are operated by electricity, and many of the other movements on board are similary worked. There is rather a deficiency of pow- er in the ventilating department on board, the fans employed and the ven- tilating trunks being of smaller size than those usually supplied to Admir- alty-built vessels. In point of fact, their absence in many plac: where usually found in our batii os is most conspicuous. The roswt is thet below the armored deck the h-at is intense, and what this part of the ship will be like when she is stationed in the tropics--if ever--it is impossible to conceive. Even in this cool country it is unpleasantly warm down below. And & considerable depth. Comfort For the Crew. The accommodation on board the Tri- umph is excellent Bathrooms, lava- tories, and a capital smoke room are parts of the ward-room officers' attri- palace. In the Chilian navy many of the officers who are in the ward-room in the navy ¢f Grea: Britain belong to the gun-room mess, While on board we were shown the spot where the Triumph was rammed by the heavy Trinity barge. It was beneath the counter. Happily, how- ever, the 8-inch armor plate extending ta the stern, received tha barge's steel stem as it drove inward, and only the upper strake of ordinary plating was crushed up The 3-inch armor plate saved the ship. Tha Triumph ean keep up her tweniy knots with comparative ase, and has done so.--London Engi neer. ------------------ Perfectly pure soda water, pure ice cream, pure fruit syrune. and larwve, thin glasses at Wade's soda fonntain, the Madoc mine has been received by Stephen Wellington, . thr Only one person in fifteen has perfect tric power for all the requirements of | the only workshop is buried down at ! of | One- | Inch' steel screens divide the several | tudinal web of this strength isolating | The guns are Hfted up to the over shell by hand, two men Hfting it, one ! | butes and the gun-room is a perfect.) eyes, the largest percentage of defects prevailing among fair-haired people, inn PSYCHINE Has Made Him a Strong, Healthy Man Ha; Brought Him From a Bed of Lingering lliness Where He Hovered Be- . tween Life and Death. The cause of almost ' organic disease is traced to a weak throat or affected lungs. The lungs being the prim- ary organs in circulation of the blood, if they become diseased the blgpd takes on impurities which aré delivered #0 part of the body. You say You are RUT , DOWN, have STOMACH TROUBLE, KIDNEY TROUBLE, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH, OBSTINATE COUGHS OR COLDS, LOSS OF FLESH, NIGHT SWEATS, CHILLS, AND FEVER. All of the above are the outcome of diseased lungs and are the allies of CONSUMPBTION. | LUNGS MADE STRONG WITH PSYCHINE -- and Subsequent Recovery Through Using Psychine. Mr. Walden says : ** About six years age 1 was taken down with la grippe, then pneumonia and typhoid fever, inducing serious lung trouble, which soon developed into consumption. I had a serious tria| of it, and was under treatment by severa] physicians of Toronto. The disease gained such headway that hospital trea ment was resorted to, but gave me no hope of recovery. 1 also spent some time in the Convalescent Home, but the disease re- turned with increased severity, and | wag regarded as 'a case. [I left the city for the country under the belief that i would renew my strength and make me well. On parting with my brother he said afterward that "he hever expected to see me alive again." While out of the city 1 began using Psychine, and T am proud to say .it has been. a blessing to mie, | was enabled to return home after usir g it for a | short time, and continued the treatment until several bottles had been used and | was able to go about. When I began the remedy my weight had been reduced to 140 pounds--now I weigh fully 210 pounds, Psychine is a wonderful flesh-producer. . | do not know its medical properties- only | that Psychine, and nothing else, has re. | stored me to health, Those who know me are aware of what my condition was and the hopelessness of my case. There is no medicine in the world like Psvchine for | lung trouble, and I am sure if it had not | been for it | WOULD HAVE BEEY A DEAD MAN." A. WALDEN, 7 Cornwall St., Torento, | TRIAL BOTTLE FREE | (Psychine is pronounced Si-keen) MOTORMAN WALDEN, to be seen any day| For sale by all druggists at $1.60 per on a Broadview Ave. car, Toronto. bottle. For further advice and informa. Cured with Psychine six years ago, his | tion write or callat Dr. Slocum, Limi d, lung trouble has not returned. | 179 King Street West, Toronto, Can. IRD) Ives' Metal Beds y- Are Strong and _ Rigid "= | A good brass bed should be hand- some in design, rigid, strong. = Ives' brass beds are made in the best equipped metal works in Canada. The joints in their Brass and Iron Beds are made by the very best methods. They are strong, the bed is rigid. It will last a lifetime;and the longer you have an Ives' Bed the better you will like it. Ask your. furniture dealer to show you an Ives | Metal Bed. THE H.R. Ives Co., LIMITED, MONTREAL. | As a strengthener of body and mind after any WILSON'S INVALIDS' PORT (aa Quina de Perou) Is unexcelled. In addition to its curative contains bodily nourishment, BIG BOTTLE, $I. SIX BOTTLES, $5 ALL DRUGGISTS. EVERYWRERE. Refrigerators! As we have only a few Refrigerators lelt ana uv' not wish to carry them over, we will sell them off This Week at Greatly Reduced Prices. While they last we can give you a good family size that sold for $12, for Niieci.iiiniiieniie... §9, 50 Come early, before they are all picked up. LEMMON & LAWRENSON, 351 and 353 King St. Nine-tenths of caused by badly « ovar-work the di beat the body. But you need nourishing qualit as well.as in win You get them | Bovril contains nourishing prope condensed form, 'the stomach or d { Serve Bovril in any BOVRIL BEEF SALAD. --Some thin neatly cut slices of boiled beef, stone cold, are to be spread lightly with Bovril. Cut it in strips or dice and pour the dressing over, which should be thick aud seasoned well with mstard. mvicar, Te -------- George F. Dalt B.A, M.D,, C.M., M.R.C.S., (Engl: L. R.C. P,, (London). Office and Residence, 64 William § Telephone 878. f WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT fice, gecond ficor. over Mahood's store, corner Princess and ) streets. Enterance oa Telephone 608. WRTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, fic site of New Drill Hall, nea mer of Queen and Montreal Stre -------------- eee | POWER & SON ARCHITECT, | i chant's Bank Building, cormer and Wallington streets. !Phone SMITH, ARCHIT Anchor Building, M 'Phone, 345, MONEY AND BUSINESS Ee LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND. GI Fire lasurance Company. Ava assets $61,187,215. additic which the policy holders hav Security the umlimited labilit all the stockholders. Farm and property insured at lowest po rates, ore renewing old or gu new business get rates from St & Stramge, Agents. PUR POLICIES COVER MORE buildings and contents than any er company offers. Examine the Godwin's Emperi *t Square. CALLING CARD: ENGRAVED FROM _ COPPER PLATI fe | | | f | C8 um, M | The Brith Whiz | NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF |® TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK HEE EEE - WE ALSO DO L STEEL DIE EMBOSSING . Fete ded deb bd ede do dbo becte The Polish that won't wear off, Sold Only at Strachan's Hardw "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." ® Now, while prices ar low, is the time to fil your coal bin with bes quality SCRANTON _COAlL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. ®oo00o > Used cn # Lomed cn A A. nme

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