Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1905, p. 9

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"HE COUPONS. e exchanged for Toilet an get their TOILET List. /€ no use for. ---- mething you need and Re ee HC, 2000 ONTO, CANADA. -- S a magazine take. Issued 4 es beautifully ite for sample ,Litd, St. John's, PQ. fi Mhese Sales have heen a great success MADE IN m------------ A : CANADA On Dominion Day, 1905, a large and splendidly equipped factory was formally opened at Niagara Falls Centre, Ont, for the manufacture of SHREDDED WH EAT siscurr Caradian Shredded Wheat Company, Limited, Niagara Falls Centre, Ont. Toronte Office; 32 Church Street. -------- the many gestions :-- bargains. These are a few SParlor Setts, 5 pieces, $25. ancy Rattan Rockers, $4.50. iG olden Finished Sideboards, $7.50. Bolden Finished Chairs, 60c. ancy Velour Couches. $6.50. @'ancy Tapastry Couches," $5. fhe above is limited. Open at nights. AMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, *Phone 147. hose Eyes, the. Windows of {thefSoul, L Tell their story 'of unalloyed bliss. EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC! ~~ MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY" OF WATERTOWN, N.Y. will audio for music at her home, 140 ton Lien A limited number of pupils Call Thurs- y 3 SUMMER SESSION For Teachers and others during Jaly and August KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED Head of Queen St.; Kingston; Ont. All ropa subjects taught. Students admitted at any time. Expert professional teachers in charge. Write for catalogue and terms. . B. MeKAY, H, F. METCALFE, President. Principe). Ottawa Ladies' College One of ; the hest equipped most efficient of Tadies Colleges in: this country. Preparesfor the UNIVERSITY and for LIFE. ALL DEPARTMENTS Music, Art, Bloeution, Stenography, Domestic Science, Physieal , Culture, ete. FINISHING COURSES arranged for Definite aim to develop intelligent. and refined Christdin Womanhood. WRITE FOR CALENDAR - ~ Containing Particulars. MRS. GRAYT BEEDHAN, Lady Principal. REV. W. D. ARMSTRONG, N.1., D.D., President. ST. AGNES' SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Elmpool, Belleville, Ontario, Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario Thorough * ¢ourses in English, ages, Music, Art and Physical and Langu- Culture. Conservatory. of Music Bxaminati held oF ina obi. c aminations Pupils token from the Kindergarten to the preparation fon m le 'ersities. I'he succéss" éf the sc SB ool has justified a large addition to the building, 'contain ing six §lass tool 8, piano rooms, gym- nasi, inhi Noll #nd sleepin p= DATION. The. building is heated. B eam" and lighted BF @as and electricity, The gronhds exignd over five acres. For prospectus and further informa- tion, apply to. MISS F. E. CARROLL, Lady Principal 8, thus we contribute to the happiness | Jof the thousands or more strictly speak- | Ping our delicious soda does so. Tt is un- | absolutely pure of choice flavors "oy THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 20. --_---- NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. spen a week with his mother, Mrs. | | gpending J. R, Medley has left on ay | trip to England in eare of a load of cattle for W. Reid. Miss C. F. Barrett | has left on a trip to 'the lower pro- vinces, Arthur Murray has secured a position as in Toronto. V. Fowler has retu: from Gananoque, after spending a few days. R. Patter- son has returned from Massena, NY, after a few weeks' visit with his par- ents. Messrs. J. Keenan, Glenbumie, | and J. Slavin, Montreal, spent Sunp- | day as the ts of Mr. and Mrs. | Lg H. Fit, Mr. and Mrs. | 1 and hamily, Kingston, are rusti- | cating in J, R. Bamett's Grove, on | the beautifol banks of the Rideau, W. Stantion, Barviefield is visiting {riends here, Edward Clark is spending a few days in Barriefield, | Re Por | i The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Maberly Tidings. Maberly, July 27.--Samuel Hughes has sold his farm and is going to the west. Thomas Strong, seriously ill, is improving. Raspberries are scarce in this locality, Mr. Moore paid for the months of May and June in the cheese factory, Tuesday, and the farmers are wearing a smile, - as this is a good year for. cheese, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. "McPhail, at Mr. Briggs'; Miss Killings and Miss Grant at William! uchanan's. Piccadilla Personals. i Piceadilla, July 27.--A. Snider got | his hand broken from a severe kick | from a horse. A number of young folks attended a lawn social at Harrow- | smith. Isaac Campsall has moved his | - family to New Liskeard, New On! Bath Briefs. tario. Charles McKnight also went t,, | Bath, July 27.--Frank Keller, Buf-' New Ontario. H. Hickey has returned | fale, N.Y. is visiting at John For- | from visiting at Escott. Mrs, J. o- rester's, Misses M. and A." Howard, of Nicholas has returned home after vis- Renfrew, are visiting at Thomas How- iting her father in Kingston. Miss ard's. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Rowse, re- Frankie is visiting at W. Trusdale's, tuned home, on Wednesday, from Harrowsmith. D. Godfrey, Sault Ste. | Belleville, where they had been attend- Marie, is at his mother's. Miss Mont- ing the Belleville Old Boys' reunion.!gomery, Kingston, visiting at J. ! They report a grand time, Miss Mary Campbell's, returned home yesterday, Nash, Orillia, also Miss Olive Nash,' Mr. gnd Mrs. Garrison, Camden East, are spending the holidays at Dr.'are at S. Snider's. Many from Bed- Nash's. Mr. Allbright and family, Ro- ford attended the excursion to St. chester, N.Y., who have been stopping Anne,' yesterday. Mr, Thompson's chil- | at the Bay View House, for a few dren, from Arden, visiting at G. Kit. weeks, have returned home, Miss Flor- Fon 8, have returned home. Mes. GF, ence Davy, West Virginia, also Wil- Benjamin, Kingston Mills, is at J. J liam' Davy, Watertown, N.Y., are vis- 8. iting at' Mrs. P. R. Davy's. George er, Deseronto, are visiting at lamts Harper, professor, of Pembroke Zon. Kelle. 8. Patterson, visited at M J. servatory of Music, spent a few days Leslie's an Sunday. Miss Annie Hill here with his father, James Harper. has ¥oturned after visiting her sister, Mrs. "Thomas Sigsworth, Hartington. er, i The Late William Blair. : Westport, July 25.--William Blair, in : Eagle Hill Jottings. ; failing health since last October, died Eagle Hill, July 21.--Haying 1s the on July 13th, aged seventy-three | Order of*the day, R. A. Ferguson is years, He was born in Bradford town. | busy at the MoChestney farm, with M., ship, but 'for a' great many years re-!| Ready; A. Armstrong, R. Pettefer and sided on the farm where he died. He! Edward Villueff assisting, George Fox married Mise Annie Forrester, who, ! who has been spending a few week: with a family of eight, survive, They | in Alherta, is home, Miss F.C, are: Frederick, Washington Territory; ] art, teacher, of Actimolite, Stew- 15 resumang Mrs. Ira Vandewater, Mrs. S, McCapn, | her duties this week, Thomas Fergu- Mrs, H, Campsall, Harrowsmith, Min-| #on is still very ill, Mre. Chatson and nie, Ida, Jessie, Birdie, John, at' $on, Frank, of _Dembigh, passed home, The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a. eon-| servative in politics. Rev. Hugh Fer- guson, assisted by the Rev, Mr. Staf- ford, conducted the funeral service at the house on Saturday moming. The late Mr. Blair was a much respected citizen and his death is deeply re- gretted. through on Tipitwiay last en route Tor Kingston and Brockville. The Misses Lane of Denbigh, returned from Napa- nee on Tuesday. Thomas Irvine has been visiting friends at New Liskeard, Mrs. Chappel and daughter, Marjorie, of Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., are spend- ing the summer months with Pettefer. H, Pettefer, of the Golden Fleece Mine, Flinton, is again, Some' from this vicinity at- tended the party at W. McCoy's, of Shake Creek. Visitors : Miss Hazel Pettefer and Mrs. Chappel at James Igvine's ; Mrs, A. Armstrong and Mr. apd: Mrs, George Fox, at T. Fergu- oul C. Fritsch of Denbigh, at Au- ,Kittner's; R. Pettefer at M. 8. ' Perth Pointers. : Perth, July 27.--We are having plen- ty of rain; much needed. Quite a num- ber from here intend to take in the excursion to the Thousand Islands te- morrow, Berry picking is in- full swing and lots of bepries, Our Nompole a , tory is coming ahead, aly, Th Pret mesball 'olahy's peel, | endeavoring to arrange a ball game with the Cuban Giants of Chicago, a team of colored players, now touring Canada. Mrs. George Fournier, Al thorpe, spent 'a week. with friends in town, Mrs. J. A. McMillan and little Misses Stelie and Leora, Smith's Falls, 5 oo. ---------------- #3 "THINGS THEATRICAL. Notes About Plays, Players and Playhouses. George E. Stoddard has completed a new musical comedy called "The McCann's. Mx. and Mrs. William Turn- | *! wager, The silver Mrs, | at home | {a piece of shirt-tail about miles from Louisville." Just write 1 is: CANADA a ha POST CARD ne hme WELL SEND THE CURE don't know about Gin Pills--the wonderful cure for Kidney Troubles--the healing, soothing pills that never fail to make the Kidneys well and strong. We want you to know about them--to try them--to see for your Pethaps you self that they do cure all We are giving away 100,000 boxes of GIN PILLS, free to sufferers. Won't you write us for Gin Pills are a certain and speedy cure for Inflam. mation of the Kidneys; Gout and Rheumatism, caused by uric scid in the blood; Catarrh of the Bladder; | Painful and Suppressed Urination ; Gravel or Stone in the Bladder; Bed Wetting; Pains in the Back; Swollen Hands and Feet; and all other dtiey and Bladder Troubles. BOLE DRUG CO., Dept. 9, YES FET LTR ave Kidney Diseases, : a box, and ¢yre yourself? Each Gin Pill contains all the medicinal . of one and a half ounces of best Holland gin, without the alcohol, and combined with other curative agents of recoguized value, - 3 Don't put this off. If you have any of these trons bles, don't run the risk of Bright's Disesse or Chronie Cystitis, Write for a free sample. Winnipeg, Man. ** Burning " Urine ; VEST-POCKET OBITUARIES. Journalists Who Can Express a Great Deal. "A man in Maryland the other day |ate fifteen dozen raw oysters for = trimmings on his lcoftin cost $12.25." | It is impossible to state the name of | the humorist who originated the ghove | manner of describing a fatal oeour- rence; but it seems to be quite gener [ally followed by American newspaper | paragraphers nowadays. It is a deli {cate way of putting it, and reads much better than when one says : "He |died amid the most horrible and excruciating agonies."' The whole story [is told gnd e reader's - sensibilities are not shocked. This style of paragraphing affords an opportunity for exercising the in- genuity. Variety, freshness, and 4 | cheerful, mot to say vivacious, face | tiousness can be mingled with the | briefest notices of fatal casualties that otherwise may be. neglected by | the reader or very briefly glanced et. {Here gre a few selected examples : | "A young man .in Louisville examin {ed a keg of damaged gunpowder with a red-hot poker, to see if it was good, It is believed by his friends that be has gone to Europe, although u mun | has onal some human bones and twenty "John Smith, Jr., in Nebraska, \ -} aix houest, okie' Guacks aad fo when you J t-te Me Tore, rgan, "pain ; SLEEVE, Clarence Str rivalled t i always delightful to the palate. most select and purest juices used. T. PETTERS & CO, 184 Princess Street. "Phone 649. Only Strawberries and Cream The , finest, purest cream is required for such a delicious dish. THAT is the only kind of cream we supply. It's always fresh and tasty. Delivered anywhere in the city. 'Phone 567. Kingston = Milk Depot, Cor. Brock and Bagot Streets 80000008 00000030000000 Clean, Honest That is the kind we sell--The kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire. ' Weare filling orders now for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet? 'Phone No. 148. : BOOTH &CO. CEMENT WALKS, We will be pleased to furnish estimates and construct your cement walk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mellqubam, | 15 Nelson Street. » ted Dr. Brock's gSiebrated Female Periodical Pil Ahpeat for da. The hen > Drug Store has secured sole agency for tris great Jamedy. $1, Failed on receipt of price 124 Princess St., Kingston, Ont, Bees srsvssscssscccssncal LIVERPOOL and : ALLAN LIN LONDONDERR! 2 . From Montreal. From Quebec. Unisian, July 98. 9 a.m. July 28, 10 p.m Victorian, Aug. 4, 4 a.m. Aug. 4, 4 p.m. Bavarian, Aug: 11, 9 a.m. Aug. 11, 10 p.m RATES OF PASSAGE-- 'irst Cabin, bool and Londonderry. $42.50 and up- Yards. Third Class, $27.50 'and $28.75, to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow. London, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. .. Thurs, "July 27, (daylight.) the first time in ¢ ana Royal Mail Steamers. $75 and upwards. Second Cabin, Liver Corinthian , NEW YORK TO GLASGUW. Parisian ...... Thurs. Aug. 8, 12 noon. MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE Sarmatian, Aug. 5. Poweranian, Aug. 19, _ $40 single, $76 return. Only one class Passengers carried, called second cabin, ® HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City J.P, GILDER. ety refreshing inthe -highest degree and | McGill Universit ' C COLLEGE "oven" | "| A Residential College for the 3 Oss ssisesssane ROYAL VICTORIA Women Students of McGill University. Next Session Opens' 20th September For particulars of matriculation, scholarships, courses, degrees, terms of residence and other infomation address THE WARDEN Royal Victoria College, Montreal, ---------- McGILL UMIVERSITY' MONTREAL, SESSION 1905-1906, Courses in Art®] Applied Science (Civil, Mechanical; Electrical, Mining and Rail- road Engineering ; Architecture, and Practical Chemistry), Law and Medicine Matriculation Examinations and Exa- minations for Exhibitions and Scholar ships, will be held on the 11th Septem- ber, 1905. Lectures in all Faculties will begin on the 20th of September. Particulars of examinations and copies of the Calendar containing full infor- mation as to entgance, eourses of study. scholarships, foes, ete., may be obtained on application to * J A. MICHOLSON, M. A, RECISTRAR. TORONTO CONSERVATORY } OF MUSIC } EDWARD FISHER. Mus. Doc. Musical Director. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH. o register if possible dur- 4 >. Students should previous week. SEND FOR New Calendat. SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, F. H KIREPATHICK, PhB, Principal. - SPECIAL CALENDAR. SANITARY = PLUMBING ! 'When you are in need of plumbing or seating work of any kind, we can giv you what you, want at prices that will suit you with werkmanship and material wuarant to be the very best. We . a0 'estimiles on 'plumbing or heating wor ork. Jobbing werk solicited and promptly attended to. £ : A & J. JAMIESON. "PHONE 287. : ' also spent a 'week with friends hero. John TT. Noonan, who left Perth some Moon Maiden,' | said he could handle o rattlesnake the months ago for the west, arrived home last week, after a most successful trip, and enjoying good health. Mrs, | Londc Me- | pleasant day at Ali pany of eighty fun-makers has re-open- A. Ta Charlton and Millan spent a thorpe last week, Mrs. J. H. Point Road Pointers. Point Road, July 27.--The recent dry weather has heen a great hoon to the farmers. The hay field has the largest crop- in a number of years. €. Kin- caid has purchased a new hay loader, J. Bailey and son, Thomas, ° are MAKES MEN ~ SOUND AND STRONG Detroit Specialist Making Men's Diseases a Speciality for Years, Will Accept Your Case, Qiving It Individual Treatment. You may Use it in the Privacy of Your Own Home. eu You May Pay When You are Cured, A Detroit Specialist who has 14 diplomas and sertificates from medical colleges and state boards of medical examiners, and who has a vast exper lence in doctoring diseases of men, is positive he fan cure a great many so called incurable cases; ¥ DR. 8. GOLDBERG. 'The possessor of 14 diplomas and certificates, ho wants no money that 8 Dot carn, n order to convince patients that he has the abil- ty te doas he says, Dr. Goldberg will accept your mse for treatment, and you peed not pay one senny until a complete cure has been made; he wants to hear from patients who have been unable hf cured, as he guara: tees a itive cure for ul chronic, mervous, bloud and sk'n diseases, which he accepts for treatment, Ie not only cures he condition itself, but lik~wise all the complica. dons, such as rheumatism, bladder or kiddey roubles, blood poison, physical and nervous lebility, lack of vitality, stomach trouble, ctc. he doctor realizes that it isone thing to make Haims and another thing to back them up; so he 14s ruade it a rule not to ack for money unless het ures you, and when you are cured, he feels sure hat you will willingly pay him a small fee. It jeems, "herefore, thatit is to the best interests of tveryons who suffers to write the doctor confi. fentially and lay your case before him, which will 'eccive careful attention, and a correct dixgnosis of your case will be made free of charge; if you ave lost faith write him, as you have everything © gain and nothing to lose; you must remember sat one penny need be paid until you are cured All Bcincs for patients are prepared in his swan laBoratory to meet the requirements of esch individual ease. He will send # booklet on the subject, which cantains the 14 diplomas and ¢er- tificates, entirely free. Address himusimply Dr. 8. Goldberg, 208 Woodward Ave , Roon Detroit, Michigan. Medicines for Canadian pax is | woman's role in Marie Doro will be in William Gil- | same as a snake-charmer. The churlish lette's company next season. She is | ness of the undertaker in demanding now playing with William Collier in [pay in advance delayed the funeral nm. * "The four days.' "Richard Strongarm, better known | as the 'champion trunk smasher of | Missouri," found a box last week York Herald Square theatre, {marved 'dynamite, handle with care.' Amy Ricard has been engaged by | 'Ha, ha!" said he, 'dynamite,' in Harrison Grey Fiske for the leading | scornful voice, as he seized it by th Edith Ellis Baker's | handle, braced one foot against the new comedy, "Mary and John," | load, and yanked it on the platform. Joseph Sheehan will continue with | He never came back." : Heary W. Savage's English Grand | "A circus rider in Arizong tried to Opera company next season. He will | turn three somersgults on horseback be a member of the '"'Parsifal" com- | the other day. The manager sent back pany. {to New Orleans for another somer- (Ew Ne, 1H » "" The title of Maxine Elliott's play {sault man. : J pial has been changed from "My Girl Joe" | A man warned his wife in Chicago to "Her Great Match." Miss Eliott is | not to light the fire with kerosene. due to return from abroad in a few | She did not heed the warning, Her weeks to begin rehearsals, | clothes fit his second wife remarkably Charles Frohman has gnnounced that | well. 3 William Gillette will play in Paris af A small boy was hanging around ter his London. season feom now @ circus in Brooklyn the other day, ! ' 2 » " rd WR a . on each summer will sdg'g Frohman | When he opened the lid of a box star on the Paris hoards. si .é marked 'boa constrictor." That small Augustus Thomas from | hoy doesn't hang arqund any more Paris Sunday on the Ameri { (Aecuses. ; . ; 2 can liner Moltke, bringm@ With him | "A boy in Canada disregarded his Rollicking Girl," with com- | ed and continue their run at the New a " the two new comedies ® 88 has just | mother's injunctions not to skafe on finished for Lawrence ay and | the river, as the ice was thin. His John Drew ; YY | mother does not cook for as wany as "Fantana" is te stay pls New she formerly did. York Lyric theatre: ing : ~of "going | "In Massachusetts the other day on tour, as the manageplét® announc- | man thought he could cross the track ed. The time booked for "Fantana" | in advance of a locomotive, The ser- on the road will be filled hy De Wolf rio at the grave were very impres. Hopper in I Blysin. ho. 1 sive. Estelle Wentworth, who has been | em + : studying for the past season with | Three applications of Peck's Corp Signor La Marca, has just completid | salve will cure hard or soft corns, arrangements with the Shubert Bros. | 15c. ot Wade's drug store, a . to play the Princess Donna role with | Balloonists says that birds' flight is De Wolfe Hopper in hi new piece. | limited to 1,315 feet above the sur- Ethel Barrvmore will return from | face of the earth. Europe the middle of Angust. She will | season in Septembe . htm Je will i we aT i When You Feel Out of Sorts day," appearing later in "Alice Sit by the Fire' with her brothers, Lionel for the Symptoms Torpid Liver and Biliousness. ] and Jack. s | Look "The Tenderfoot" will open .its seq. | son at the Great Northern theatre, | Chicago, on Saturday, August 5th, of The cast will be heudal_by Oncar L. | Biliousness is caused W the failure Figman and Ruth White, who are of the liver to filter the'bile and oth quite' well known to local, theatrego- | ers through their "The Burgomaster Lulu Glaser arrived , er poisonous impurities from With | blood, The result is a clogging ; J | poisoning of the whole system. in New York | Indigestion, headache, languid, mel the connection and Saturday from Europe. She spent her ancholy feelings, irritability of tem. entire vacation in Pariz and said she per, constipation, alternating with felt thoroughly rested and eager _ to | Joosonens of the bowels, pains in the behin rehearsing to-day for "Miss | mules and hones and a pale, sallow Dolly Dollars," the new musical com complexion are among the symptoms. edy that will he seen for the first y Fortunately there is prompt and cer tain cure for biliousness and torpid liver in Dr. Chase's Kidnéy-Liver Pills. One of the novelties which Lew Dock Thay, cure hy thoroughly cleansing stader, who appears with his minstrel = (he filtering and excretory systeras and company at the Wicting. next Satur | awakening the action of the liver ta day matinee and night, will introduce, | renewed encrgy and activity. is "the album of minstrelsy" This When vou feol out of sorts and no skit tells, the history of minstrelsy | tice any of the syn\ptoms of torpid from its inception to the present time. | liver and biliousness put Dr. Chase's time at the New York Knitkerbocker on September 4th introducing the characters, songs and | Kidne ey-Liver Pills to the test, and dances which have made this form of | you ; will then nnderstand why ¥this entertainment popular. great medicine is considered indis- ------ | pmsable m the great majority of Pp -- i | homes, It requires more' than 100 gallons | * Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one of oil a year to keep the largest I, tients sent from Windsor, Oat, consequently there is'no duty to be paid, ~~ ¢ pill a dow, 28c. a box, at all dealers, TELEPHONE TALKS. {kn TO TELEPHONE USERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC, -- Tue Bert TeLerHONE CoMPANY OF CANADA has been operating for twenty-four years. Its operations were at first confined to the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, but later it also undertook business in the Northwest, The amount expended by the Company during this time in building up its system is $10,558,686.79, over $3.00 per head of the population of the country served. Considering that large sections of these Provinces are sparsely settled, that there are large areas where the Bell Company does not operate, but which are served by other Companies, the amount invested will compare favorably with any other country. Tae Bewe TeLernoNe CoMPANY OF CANADA has secured from invéstors this large sum of money upon the record of its management. While scores of other "telephorie 1 organizations both in this country and the United States have either failed to pay dividends or gone to the wall, involving the loss of millions of capital, the stock of this Company has always been sold at par or upwards. The Company has survived the keenest, competition in important centres,~all of which is a practical endorsement of the Company's management, Is it not an advantage to telephone users and to the boikd commercial interests. of Canada, particularly ig this . period of national development, that so important a factor ; as the local and long distance telephone service should Be ii in the hands of a' strong company which commands the 3 confidence of capitalists? Confidence and cash go hand in hand in the up-building of a telephone system, and both are an absolute necessity to continuous develop- ment. It is certain that the development of the next ten years will exceed that of the past twenty years. It is essential that the confidence of capitalists shall be maintained 'if the requirements of this growing country are to be met. This cannot be unless returns upon the investment are assured by reasonable rates, careful administration and an energetic and continuous policy. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. IT WILL PAY YOU To Look in Qur Windows 'and See the Bargains WeAre Offer- ing in Summer Footwear. E VERY BUSINESS MAN Should have a SMALL SAFE for ivate use. Personal affairs are ter under your own control. 'We Have a Complete Line, ; kept & 3 J.B. C. DOBBS & 00., 171 WRLLINGTON STREET, comotive in smooth running order, or 0, Bates & Co., Toronto, + 1 Typewriter and Bicycle Repairers.

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