Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1905, p. 3

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FLY TIME) The flies are. here again something new this year en ry stay where they alight. hh Vampire Spiral Fly RiCatcher - Sunmeniod from Rasoliers, ete. Will take care of all the usually select these spots for chandelipry. flies whic, a4 mee place. 'We have them in active yge ie X enquire when next you are jp, Tr They sell for 5c. each and ar; worth ten times the price. tsi ~AT-- The "Best" Drug Store, L. T. Best, Chemist and Optician, "Phone 59. MITCHELL'S OLD STAND Toronto Island Breakwater Extension INTENDING CONTRAC please take notice that OE) the steel piling mentiomed in the i cation for the extension of the ete island breakwater, the department ot piblic works | will "also receive sep, 9 tenders to construct the work with the steel piling manufactured by The toile States Steel Piling company 35 nd WILL, to street, Chicago, 111. Ono or des need ace VB wll ompany the two tenders By FRED. GELINAS Secreta Departinent of Public Works ary June 22nd, 1905 wed... Cracker-Jack Ottawa Bargains For Saturday White Cotton 30 yards of White Cotton, wide, made with fine thread, a good serviceable that you will pay 10c¢ stores, full 37 in. round even quality for in most a special bargain to us we pass it on to yon in the same way. Saturday morning, but being per yard TiC Cotton Bowels dozen Bleached Toweis, with and without colored border slightly damaged and therefore ed "seconds" hy the mak sult being that we got th less than half the price. Cotton term the. re- regular wholesale Four lots as follows - fowels worth a pair. 124c. a pair, for Ge. Towels" worth a oair 18¢c. a pair, for 8c, "Powels worth 25c. a pair, for 10c. a pair, Towels worth 85¢. a pair, for 15c. a pair, gwman & Shaw. ALE BY TENDER HIE RE SIDENCE AT PRESENT pied by F. Rees, 82 Ontario et. The oe 'contains ten rooms, an extension kitchen, and modern im- vemen The cellars are concreted property has a frontage of 66 feet Ontario street and a depth of 149 nders for this property will be re ed till noon 80th Jure. The highest ny tender not necessarily accepted W. G. CRAIG & CO ngston, 21st June, 1905. NOW Is a good time - to buy your WINTER COAL! There's a Saving! AMES SWIFT & GO. Telephone 185. LIVER! L, --Solid Oak Polished Extension Tables. ' ~Solid Oak . Polished Dining " Chairs. a ARCHITECTS: ------ NEWLANDS, ROHITECT, OF- mb NEWLA Mi Ua store, corner streets. Enterance om Bagot street. Telephone 608. oT, ELLIS ARC OF. WRTHUR, of New Drill near cor per of Queen and Montreal' Strests, SON ARCHITECT, MER POWER & ok Building, Brock and Nellaston streets. L 213 IENRY Po 8) 'SMITH, "« ARCHITECT, Sauare ee 5. MONEY AND BUSINESS. aONRoR AND GLOR Fire Company. FAA nssets $61, TET, 216. In addition to which ho! hav we volley ho) 1 bility for al ol wecurity a lders. Farm and. city all nsured a t lowest possi rogers ; wing ola Of giving new m & Agents. ---- POLICIES COVER MORE ON VU aildings and contents than any oth- or CO! them at Godwin's ce Emperium, Marks ot. Sguare. EDUCATIONAL, MUSIC! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y. will open a studio for music at her home, 140 Union St.. on May 11th. A limited number of pupils desired. Call Thurs days. SUMMER SESSION For Teachers and others during July and August KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED | Burdock Blood Bitters "Doctors Said That' Lumps and External Swellings Would Turn to Running Sores. Mrs. Jacob Kaehler, Zurich, Ont., says that Saved Her from Many Years of Suffering. She writes: --** Now imagine how joyous: and great was my surprise when a friend of mine told me that Burdeck Blood Bitters would cure me, so that the lumpe and external swellings, which the doctors told me would turn to running sores, would disappear. I took her advice, and Burdock Blood Bitters has saved me from years of suffering. . It is with the greatest of pleasure and with a 'thankful heart that I give this testimonial, knowing that: k Blood Bitters has done so much; for me, and you are at perfect liberty to use this for the benefit of others similarly afflicted." Burdock Blood Bitters is the best blood giedifine on the market to-day] and is composed entirely of roots, herbs, barks and berries. Mead of Queen St., King Ont. All commercial subjects taught. Students admitted at any time, Expert professional teachers in charge. Write for catalogue and terms. . B. McKAY, H, F. METCALFE, President. Principe' This Week Dining=room Furniture --Solid Oak Polished Sideboards. These are a few specials we are clos- ing out. Yours, JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Princess Street = = Kingston. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT 5 SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City wnd Farm Boot, Mogiosal md | Couy Deposits recelved and interest allowed S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence Street. Kingston. IF YOU WANT A HOME OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With Real Estate CURE relievoall the troubles inek Rel hog wi ato of the eyStom, such ag istreas pri Er Pain nh iD She Bide "rie no SICK yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ave Bante Ee nstipation, curing and pre- venting thinanzoying complaint. while they also correct all disordors of t hestomach stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. aca if they only ens Bthe bane of so many lives that here in whem 'Wwe make our great boast, Our pillocarci. whue thers do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and ery easy to fake. One or two make a docy- They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by' their gentle action lease all who Bee them. - In vialsat 25 cents ; five for $1. Jy druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. fo l. fod Don foul Bn Wood's P »ivol matorrhoea, Im; Kffects of Abuse or Bx all of xr lead to Consumption, os Hx to? 8 One wil eae, Se six wil » . Refi by sts or mailed" in plain gackageon pier ioe. Write for Pan Dhlet: Use Big @ for unnatural diac inflammations, i, or lcotations or sent in plain wrappes, by express, prepaid, for on 00. ors bottles 82.75. Circular sot on request, GEORGE ZEIGLER, & Insurance 57 Brock Street. RONEY can say that I have no doubt but that { kociation, } THE DAILY {FINAL STATEMENT 'AS TO THE VICTORIA DAY DEMONSTRATION. A Detailed Statement of the Re- ceipts and Disbursements--The Auditor's Certificate--The List of Subscribers. The statement of reevipte and dis- bursemente of Victoria Day celebra- al, 875.50. Horse Races.--J. H. Ashley, $20.25; W. W. R. Acton, special, 870; F. McCue, gpecial, $30; F. McCue, #90; M. Cor- key, $10; 8. Elliott, $20; D. i. or 3 B10; fee, Intérnational Trotting = As- $10. Total, $369, Bands.--14th Regimental Band, $100, Deseronto Band. and' expenses, $57.65, Gananoque band and expenses, £71. Brawley, $683.75; R.-Aoton, $15; Total, $228.65, Balloon.--W. Allen, $47; 8. Conley, $3: T. McFadden, 81. Total, $51. Kingston Canton, 875. Fire Brigade expenses, $16.80. | { Reception to yachtsmen, J. S, Hen- flerson, $2630; T, X. Total, £35.80. Printing and advertising--Whig Pub- fa Co., 888.35; . News & Times, 80; W Jac kson, 814; Freeman; $25; J. Lewers, bill posting, $45; R. ro bill posting, $10.41; T. C. Wil- | son, horse hire, bill posting, ®I5.75; R. W. Allen, bill posting, $10.50; sun- dry outside bill posters. £21.90; sun- dry outside paper advertisements, $15.49; J. McParland, expenses, 31; total, £330.40. Other expenses--R. E. Wilson, 820; A. E. Harding, $5; L. 8, $2; M. Foley, $2; sundries, carts and cabs, $4; pay list, ticket takers, ¢onstables, cte., $45.25; grams, ete., $15.89; R. 0. V. Bartels, treasurer, 850; J. Ballantyne, service, $10; H. Attwood, service, 22: W. H. Miller, auditor, 85; J. M. Shaw, secretary, £125; J. M. Shaw, bonus and expenses, 275; Globe Ticket Co., $880. Total, 74.59. Total disbursements, $1,638.24; bal- ance in bank, $205.81. Rogers, $9.50. postage, Uglow, $6.65; Laidlaw & don, C. | sellers and | tele- ! LT Petre Co., M, Bateson, BF. Hoag. John * MoKao, A. J. Rees, R. J. Carson, Macnee i Minues, H. W oJ, McD. Mowat, rl . Daley, H, tan Jenman, 0, 2 Saunders Bros. R. Perry, w.. 5 Carnovsky, W. KE. Hop inson, G 'Hague, A. Tuttle, Np non, E. iter, , B, Crews, orge ik y a E Jenking, 1. Beet, . J. Baker, x: at Co, da] Bank. $2-Dr. Hanley, Dr. Abbott, J, Na- ge Zeigler, M, A. orion tion committee, 1905 : dwick, R. Craw- ford, W, H. rtson, Nicolle & Receipts. Co., Ontario Powder oe W.-M. ! Subscriptions, per list, $792; race | Pritchard, W. J. Paul, A. Harding, entry fees, Sa; privileges, five candy T. C. Jenkins, Capt. Gaskin Smith booths at $3 each, $15; grand stand Bros., pe angrier . R, Me booth, $1,350, Cann, PF. berg, Howland Gates and Stands.--3,109 adults . at | Bros, H. 2 E. Urwall, Ww. 250., $799.75; 314 children, at 15v., Jackson, W W. Gibson, J. B. Mo $47.10; stands, $110.70. Total re-|Gall, D. Reeves Carroll, A. Wag- ceipts-from all sources, $1,844.05. Ne Dwyer Bros, Newman & Shaw, R. Uglow & Cd., KF Roney, John Disbursements. T weddell, Mahood. Bios. A. Strachan, Aquatic Sporte-- Men's skiff race, 3 Warwick Bros., fa to, Dalton prizes, $10; boys' skiff race, 3 prizes, & Sons, H. SI wo M. Kirk- $6; launch races, P. B. Crews, for 2 |patrick, D. pence, cups, $50.65; M. J, Conway, laying Sutherland, RW, Coates, G. W. Ma- out race course, $10; Dalton & Sons, hood, O. J, 7 B. Molsod, | $1.45; J. Routley, 40c. Total, $81.50, © Mo M.. Pappas, J . ii, Hs Jervas, Base-ball. --Gananoque team, $35; Or- R 3: Reid, id, D, Fit MY Prk hill ientals; $32 W. Varney, umpire, $5; > J. Routley, 83; W. Cornam, Hc. Tot- Reid, H. 5 Price. B. Spence, D. J. McDermott, J. Reutle G. W. H. H. Day, R. Boyd, . A. Mcliquham, Ball, F. Harrison, ro Mitchell, B. F. Webster, ey. J ald, T. F. gunk, Lyons, ¥ Somerville, ©. Lane, J. Si Huyck, J. Horas. T. Lambert, iJ. 'Abratson, w. Sawyer A. O'Brien, W. J. Keeley, Tho, Mills, W. Anslie, J. Zacks, ¥ Grim. Sind, F. W. Vanluvan, A. Hunt, . Blakley, P. Thompeon, %, Healey, Kelley, A." BE. "Herod, McDermott Pie R. H. Elmer, Anderson Bros., { Miss M. Dutton, LE. Abramson, J. Gil' . Nisbit, B. Prevost, Me- Kelvey & Birch, T. G. Ockley, J. Ww alkens, P. G. Wilmot, i. W. Murphy, J. Forrest, ¥. Armstrong, C. WW, Wright, W. ¥. Goutdier, T. X." Rohers, A. Reid, D; J. Millan, 8. S. Corbett, John Morris, A, E. Elmer; Dn. Eves, J. Eves, P. Tawle EB. McFadden, = C. Diamond, "Rlleh, R. Downie, J. H. ond Ro OUTRAGE ON FINLAND. Finlanders Excited Over Persist- . Finland, June 23. Considerable exo ent hus heen caus- ed here over persistent reports which are confimually = heard to the effect that the. Russian government has decided to seize Finland's special reserve fund, amounting to $12,500, 000, for war pupposes, According to the laws of Finland thie fund is sacr- ed until all other resources of Fin- land have been ekhausted and it 'is needed for her own use. It is easy to understand why the pechle have been aroused by the that Russia in- Helsingfors, This is fo certify. that the treasurer has produced vouchers for all pav- ments. made by him, and that the balance, $205.81 is on deposit in the bank at three per cent. interest. I . checkel tha =u' scription lists and gate receipts and find them as here reported. (Signed) ave a'so W. H. MILLER, Auditor. 1905. June 22nd, List Of Subscribers. $25.--Bajus' Brewery, John Fisher, Thousand Island & River St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. $15.--Randolph Hotel, tel, C, Millan. £10--Mayor Windsor Ho- MacFarlané, W. Dunni- gan, James Spence, G. A, McGowan, Alex. Tyo, W. Marshall, Hunt Bros, J. 8. Henderson, E. Halliday, British- American Hotel, J. MoParland, Rig- ney & Hickey," L. Martin, W. Telfer, K. & P. Railway Co., B. of Q. railway Gordon, J. Adams, Albion Hofel, W. R. McRae & Co., C, D. Horne, W. H. Crothers, Crumley Bros., R. T. J. Rigney, E. Wilson J. Paradise, 1. brookiyn has forty cemeteries and 3,000,000 graves. R. Waldron, F. Steac Vs Rees Lockett, Bros, J. Hiscock, J We have a large stock of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' FINE SUITS, RAIN highest grade of Clothing in the market, and at prices that no other dealer cah touch, Come With the Crowds to ~C0., (The Store That Sets Co., L. 0. & B. of Q. Steamboat Co.; { gio and great pains. in the stomec H. D. Bibby, British Whig, News and | og advised by her druggist to take Times, Abernethy Bros., E. Beaupre. | Chamberlain's Stomash and Liver $5. James Norris, P. Devlin, John|aphlets. She did i sor and says: "I Potter, Lakeview House, P. A. Hafi- ner, .J. Harty, D. Kerr, L. L. Hender- gon, 8S. Oberndorfier, T. C, Wilson & Son, Woods' Fair, R. H, Tove, W. J, Guess, Steacy & tends to take it own use. Struck Tt Rieh. Two young Canadigns, "David Dun- lap and Nosh Timniins, Mattawa, Ont., recently registobed: at 'a hotel in New York. They 'had little personal baggage, hut did bring two freight cars which they had" sidetracked in Jersey City. Forty» tons of rock were in these cars. It hat been mined by Dunlap and Timmins in Northern On tario, between Lakes Temiskaming and Temagami. When the two Canadians left for home they 'had sold the rock for 875,000. They had struck a silver and nickel ming, which promises to prove, one of the richest in the world. They have obtained complete owner- ship of the property, and declare they would not sell for $5,000,000 Found A Cure For Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, Ontario, Canada, who has sufiered quite a number oftyears from dyspep- find that they have done me a great deal of good. 1 have never had any suffering since T began msing them." I troubled with dyspepsia or indiges- tion why not taka these tablets, get well and stay wl? For sale by all druggists. 2 PICTON | POINTERS kim, 1. 1 ©. IDEATHIOF A LADY AFTER A ter a lingering illness of many weeks, from cancer of LONG ILLNESS. 'Likely to Be Bountiful Purses for the Dairymen--Dr. Dingman's Appointment--Given the Posi. tion of Organist. Picton, June 22.-Tuesday night, af- the stomach, there passed away at her home, East Main stréet, Miss Mary Elizabeth Stortts, aged about fifty years. Of the fam- ily sarviving her, besides a mother aro three brothers, © Martin, George and Fred, and one sister, Carrio. Re- wom muss was celebrated this move: ing in St. Gregory's church, burial h! ing place in Mount Olivet ceme- surrounding country looks beautiful-~the crops give promise of a fimo yield, while pasture is oxcellent. This, ther with the price of cheese arc working factors towards a boun- tiful purse for the dairymen. "Pho ro- cent heavy: Suina : have somewhat dan aged corn on low land, but it is not 3 the loss will be ox- $onsive; Within the Peak few days home-grown strawberries have been shown on, the market, retailing at pe and one-half cents x. Throughout tk the public tehoch there is an wie of chicken-pox. A case of scarlet fever, of a mild nature, is roported on the Bloomfield road. 8. A. Johnson's store, pianos and imple- ments, has passed into the hands of ME" Tones: Mr, Jehu will travel for a piano firm. Mrs. 8. B. Gearing went to Brighton, Wednesday, to at- tend the funcral of her sister, Mrs. Northrup. Dr. 'Harold W, Dingman, Toronto, a former Pictonian, whe is visiting in town, will leave, Saturday, for Sagi-. naw, Mich., where he will enter St. Mary! o hospital a8 house physician. Dingman is only a this year's gra- duate of Totonto University, and is an exceptionally clever young man. H. A. Humilton was in Kingston for the R.M.C. ball, Mr. Merser, Detroit, is spending his vacation in town. A jolly narty of yoome people given for Dr, Dingman, down to Hallo- well Wills on, the yacht Salva, Wed- pemlay, remaining there for supper. W. Hendricks, Walla ' Walla. Wesh.. and G. W. Morden, George- town, Pa; two former masters: in the Picton High School, are in town for the summer. Dr. Charles Clarke, Col- lingwood;, is in town on a week's visit. Mrs. Wilham Jafiray, who hae been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gillospie, returned to-day to Toronto. Miss Allan, after a few days spent in town, has returned to Lindsay. Mrs. Graham and three children, of Owen Sound, and Miss Allan, Stroud, Eng., are the guests of Mrs. T. BE. Owens, Bloomfield. Early Wednesday morning af the. 7. Chalmers, Adolphustown, were ity married by Rev. W. L. Armi- tage. Prof. Johnstone has been ap: pointed organist and choir makter in the Main Streot Methodist church. WHOLESALE LYNCHING, Eleven Cattle Thieves Lynched by Tartars. Odessa, June 28.--Advices received here from Simferopol tell of the lynch- ing of a band of eleven cattle thieves near there by Tartars living in that locality, 'The Tartars have been an- noyed for months "by the cattle thieves and at last decided to take matters into their own hands to ex- terminate the thieves. An xpGdition against the robbers resulted Yn the capture of eleven of the band, includ ing the leader. Fully 1,500 people took part in the lynching Clothing Made-To-Order. Prevost, Brock strect, is showing tho finest. assortment of the latest pattern in his order department. These goods are his own importation, and for style and pattern have no equal. It will pay you to seo his goods at prices to defy competition. Christy's Celebrated Hats Are to he had Campbell Bros. Sustory, Miss Margaret E, David aud | in Kingston at Armour's tar soap, Be. cakes. Mec- Leod's drug store. OUR MONSTER CLEARING SALE is the mest successful Clothing Sale ever held in this city. our store duting the past tew days, have all made purchases, and gone away satisfied that we advertise. Another case of our *Ragsious Balbriggan Underwear at 69c. per suit, opened to-day. Soft Front Colored Shirts, for Men and Boys, at 39c., the same as shown by others at 75¢: & \ vi iB 2 the Pace) Ny Sign of the Big Cotton Front. Boys tweed knickers, for 300. Livingston's, Saturday. COATS, etc., and it will pay you to visit our store before you purchase. ; ; se. We can show you the. 127 size, 28 to 33, The hundreds of buyers who have vid = are doing as we always do--viz--j just as we for Dressi-and Blouse Waists, ean iful | and fine, materials. Ai goo yar alt $ FIRST COMMONION Patent Leather and shia Siippornias the Girls. Prices, $r $1.25 and $1.50 Patent Leather and Kid Low Shoes for the Boys. Prices, $1.25, $1.50 and © ga, TTT recommended for'what is as SMOKING CHIM make a chimney draw with the a direction. No. 4, 42 in. high, 18 in base, 9 in. flue McKELVEY & BIRC 69 and 71 Brock Sth Kingston. * NEW SNEED Pearled Puffed Rice, 30c. pound: : TRY-IT AT ; A. J. REES', Princess St PRINCES ol fay Ld ha

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