Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1905, p. 6

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3 gato Surrounded, Had to Surrender, London, June 16.--Following is Ad- i s official report of = the Sea of Japan: "Our or- Was at 1.55 pm. We west for a short time, f the % 8 of the enemy. raed street, left this lowed our course, while the divisions Cruiser squadron and the division : by the younger Togo, fol- ) that. the Canadian will build this Nummer he from Golden. B.C. to row previously planned lowed a course The Cheese Markets. y opened fire at 2.08 p.m. within six thou- sand metres. Then we = o ; cheese were boarded. i & t-- - 1 £ veered gradually to the . an iffegular vertical , States that the number of fr . Jupe 10th as being' eleven and left. the lin r only seventeen are mem- cruisers appeared in sof the various syndicates, while ho, are. visited by the 3 Sack that is being ecomplished by' the loyment of instructors w¥ th prtionate showing 'by these official vor of the instruction: Mr. Publow has visited nearly tire sections wu says the quantity of June cheese be equal to that of the same th last year, and of betfer qual- | ess. Kniaz i and the Aloxander Squvined Therefore, wo su sult of the battle expected SHEL EEL FEET 44%» lock wo had al- red in front of the enemy's h Our. course. being the enomy beaded north, around our rear. Our main 7 gli ie ens Lh Dib oki morning tis a blue serge with mohair trim- ings, and Austrian knots of that ork On and, the Bank Street following the same ng the enemy south- then changed to the mptly turned sixtecn suit, By 4.40 o'clock course and pressi ward. The enemy color is a scarlet | points to ar. The sample is | cruisers following to enemy seemed to be hea later we lost sight of hi smoke and mist. "By 430 o'clock TOR was again ste { #earch of the main . Te the members of 4 dilapida The remainder of the order bering about thirty-five, will be mished about the 28th inst. Has Been Arrested. swindler who took ot in Prescott and Ogdens- 1, has been cau police, Whe Saught by our main squad- - aming northward in squadron sank the U of the enemy's ships and opened fire, changed his course westw, 'he man is known ugh it is said to thed is to solicit orders for suits and an advance of from $1 to 85. suits never came. Murray will be cruisers, pur- southward. o'served I.. approach the Ad- and overturn and sink, our destroyers and and south. Find- r main squadron suing the enemv the I ing them placed, ou let loose their horde "I ordered all my ble at Ullen Island dm tack of Admirals Dew the Russian rear Ma Admiral Togo deci shine, Kamimura vision, and the x re a companied by . [Watertown Old Boy's ReUnion. y ter celebration, Tuesday, June [by the 14th Battalion Band, leaves Kingston; § a.m;, ado a Fare for the only 81.25, ships . to assem- desoribes the at- a and Uriv upon events of Sunday, ares that his batt. 's eruisers, Uriu's di- younger Togo's divi- mpletely enveloped Admiral Ne- ---- Who Will Be Responsible, ear rails on some streets ly in bad condition for safe traffic of vehicles, Should accidents oe- ill have to foot the bills for city or the bondholders. ofly through the non-operatiomr e Japanese commander-in- of the surrender and ral Nebogatoff and his tan their swords. Accepted Resignation. St. Petersburg, J completed, except Rainfall is abundant. The races Langdon, N.D., were largely attended, but were a failure owing to a heavy rain on both days, and Tile company have installed engine of 150 horse power, and will commence operations at an early date, Harry Lee, Kings ton,' Ont., is a visitor at Byron Lee's. "The Soo line is building a road from Thief River Falls to Renmare, N.D. A large number of town sites are laid out and the line will open out a vast tract of country. W. Briden, Gretna, Men., is recovering after a long ness of typhoid Harvey leaves for Mr. and Mrs. W MeMo- leave to-morrow into their present bad It's Our Hobby. To always have the nicest and new- une 16.--The names Admiral Birilefl,| who is return: m Valdivostok, and of Admiral Chouknin, commander » are mentioned amo: ccoed Admiral Avel- Buckeye Java hats at $2. They are made. Campbell those likely to su an. Teas ror-- or accepted the resigna- "Straw Hats. Duke Alexis in tho fol. old summer, time." x hat specialists. to h lities ancl the largest stock. | --------e Butter And Potatoes. H you want the finest potatoes or grass butter, 18¢. Crawford. ¢ "His imperial majesty, E ities, sclected you, in 1881, mmediate collaborator in the work of renovating and strengthen Since then, for twenty- ) labors to the develop- ment of our naval g of the personnel of the in proportion to the resources it was possible to accord you for that pans Soap, a powder. It ielding to your repeated re- _ consented to reliove istration of the floct artment g the resignation of the rank of grand sion of my gratitude for very "expression of _romai | well wigher with e May End Operations. , June 16 ~The lntest us ] ant indicates Juat de b ny season is nn n 3 I the OPE Comin the military operatic come to a standstill : orcign Mini may er The Annual Statement. plenipotentiaries. : values ustom Clothing for Ones ia of the Merchants Bank but this warm idly. Come early to fh nt a olive at Niagara season Toronto, the ! Pe GLAD TIDINGS. London, June 16.--The Japanese correspondent of ay Telegraph at rainy season has started in Manchuria, and the mud in the roads is knee-deep will not interfere with military lad tidings of which may' within a few Thomas F. Ryan, New York, has purchased 502 shares of stock in the Equitable Life Assurance from Mr. Hyde for $2,500,000. Young People's Association Methodist church, Ottawa, will conduct their annual ex- ton on July 18th. men with good ma- terials needs -enly encouragement. 1 my bakers ingston--and they do." ted boardwalk on the north side of Wellington street (tween Earl and Gore streets, has at last been torn up, and will be replaced with a cement one. A special meeting of the Board of Education will be held night to hear the report shall on the recent O.E.A. and to revise the by-laws. i June practice at Pampelu- fri gunner carclessly drew a t into. a powder explosion injured "ght adjacent magazine marvelously escap- 'ed destruction. The biggest event ever held in Wat- ertown, will be the Old Home Week J Celebration. All the old boys will be there. Will. you ? Special éxcursion. ac the 14th Battalion Band, Tuesday, June 20th, leaves 5 a.m., retuming leaves. Watertown €140 p.m. Round trip, £1.25, Queen's' University authorities want crossings on University avenue, one leading to the physiologi- cal building and another to the Grant Hall. The latter has been built. If the cigy do°s not feel like paying for the other, the university authorities will From North Dakota. Walhalla, N.D., June 12.--Seeding is some late barley, Made A Fine Record. Spocial to the Whig. t June 17.--An mail, by the Virginian, was delivered in this city, this morning. making tho record of sevom he davs from Moville h delivered at Rimouski, yesterday, at 4.15 p.m., and came direct to this city by train, beating the record by the route, Afraid Of The Horses, Shacial to the Whie. i Detroit, Mich.,, June.16.--So certain does it seem that Dyment's Tongol and George Hendrie's will garry off the prize jn the stakes, to-morrow, the opening day he Highland Park meeting, that field of starters been reduced tt Women Disrobe And Die. Freeport, 1l., June 16.--~The bodies s a t, and Pocka ir onc and later they walked he vor, leaving their Hlothing EE -------- Will Say Nothing. 1 to the Whig. treal, Juss. 1.~The. Grand Phers "case is still ielag the management and, u neither side was ? pared to make a statement as io the in corsets. (ordered or ) of every description. New | The Reform, Potatoes, the finest, Crawford. n, next Wednesdny, Matters That Interest Everybody "has returned to ; spending a very t on Tuesday for e she will spend welatives and friends, Ry JL morning for Syracuse, .X., on an extended visit to her 'Kane and Miss Bertha t , for Watertown, to. spend two weeks with friends M. R. Davis, government hull returned. to-day af tout of. Muskoka and Parry damage to the steamer Argyle Scout buoy explosion. wi which the marine depart. of new flags r'the 'White Squad- which, this season look FFE E4 467650 +094 The Mayo Brick fever, 0 ET ENE ere EE -------------- ------ INEWS. --Notes From All Ower--Little And Remembered. The Russian cruiser, Don, is coaling at Anisterdam, The Iiternational Waterways com- onto, last, night. German. steamer Tetartos, was sunk by. the cruiser, Don, though she had no contraband on board, Rex. Susan Diamond was committed for trial, at Madoc, on a charge of poisoning her son's wife. Civic census now being taken for the city of Winnipeg show indica: tions of a population of 100,000. Much. apprehension is felt in govern- ment, oi in London as to the crisis betwen Germany and France oh the: Morocco question, "Rev. Mr. MeClure, Hillsbury, - has received a call to the pulpit of the Christian Workers' church, Toronto, and has accepted. Albert Edward Pocock, a real estate agent, of Reading, was arrested in | Montreal, 1 sentenced to five years for. the PE and theft "of title s A fire djd 817,100 damage in a block on Tecumseh street, Toronto, * oocu- pied by the Palmer Piano company as a storage for lumber, the Fairles Mill- ling company. as a shipping room for 'a Ber mill, and the J. Gillespie Mill com y. The Totonto Anglican synod, at its session, this morning, a re solution approving of the adoption of a new hymn hook for Canada. It also decided fo ask the general synod to krevise the book of common prayer, so 'as to make it more suitable for ser- vices in Canada. Mr. Smith, the Toronto chauffeur, who struck Lenton Williams, while : jrunning his auto along College street, Toronto, last Wednesday oring, the accident resulting in Williams' death, police court on the 'charge of man- slaughter, today. The provincial government has ap- pointed \ . Ellis, Toronto, and Lieut.-Col. Clarke Raymond, Welland, to the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park commission, to succeed A. W. Campbell," deputy commissioner of public works, and James Bampfield, Niagara Falls, who have resigned. FINE REMEMBRANCE. ---- Rev. Dr. Tucker Presented With $121 By Congregation. Last evening about 100 friends of Rev. Dr. Tucker, of Princess Street Methodist church, most of them mem: bers of that congregation, assembled at the home of Dr. Tucker, Mack street, to show their appreciation of the services he. has rendered the church. Prof. 'Pike was called to the 'chair, and short, appreciative ad- ldresscs were delivered by Rev. S. Shibley, Rev. D. N. Morden, and W. Short, their remarks bearing upon Dr. Tucker's character and work. At the conclusion of the address, Mr. Gould handed Dr. Tucker an envelope containing $121, contributed by the congregation as a token of their appreciation of his zeal, energy and good work, rs. Pike also made a few remarks in behalf of the ladies. During the evening the church choir NRT a few choice selections, which added" greatly to the pleasure of the occasion. : Before the evening closed dainty re- freshments were served. Deep, regret is expressed by the congregation at Dr. Tucker's removal from Princess street church. Very Very Warm ! Special to the Whig. Montreal, June 16.--Yesterday's re- jputation as the warmest day of the summer to date was put out of busi- ness, to-day, when the thermometer went a couple of degrees higher, touching eighty-six before moon and Lholding at those figures for several hours. The = situation was not much relieved in the way of breezes. Up to noon, however, no fatalities had been reported. Ready To Meet All. Patrick Hunt, who recently won the straight. pool championship of the city, in the course of an interview, to- day, stated that while he is not look- ing for professional honors, he is pre- to defend his title against all- comers who are bonafide. residents of the city. He is a modest champion, but his backers think he has no local superior in this game of skill, Profits Would Be Meagre. It is said that Mr. Campbell's report on the paying ability of the strest railway will not show that much can be made out of the road, in fact the profits would be meagre. The report will show what changes in system are necessary and what concessions the city will have to give in order to get the line opened again. -------- After A Re-Vote. C. F. Gildersleeve is in Ottawa in day Jeonnection with the Kingston, Smith's Falls & Ottawa railway. A deputation 'waited. upon the government to-da 'and ul a revote of $3,200 a mile towards the copstruction of ninety-five miles of line frém Kingston. LA great many nwnwet getting thei ds into our 'mew summer hats. appreciate our nobby styles and superb values. Men's straw sailors, 25¢. to 83, at Campbell Bros., the house of quality. | Early Closing. The clerks in the dry goods houses are wondering if their employers will follow the onstom of previous years, and close at five o'alock daily. "They ope so. Bananas And Butter. i. The butter is just as good ag we sold you last Saturday, 2 Pounds Be. bananas are the best of the sen. fon ut the price 2 dozen 25¢., at Car- novsky's, THE WORLD| mission concluded its sitting, in Tor- [I be . e va. gig ; : ! Shirts and Dra Made from fine, soft Egypt- ian Cotton and properly fin- " ished, all sizes to fit small medium or large men. 2 Qualities. 39¢c. Each --AND-- 50c¢. Each. Special Bargain TO-MORROW MORNING PAIRS MEN'S SUMMER CASHMERE SOX All Black, seamless feet, sizes 10 inch, 10% inch, 11 inch. regularly at 20c. pair. f iwas released when he appeared in the | Yours To-morrow Morning 1215¢. Pair. Men's Soft Front Shirts ) Neat designs of Imported Percales, _16 1-2. Regular values 65c. Special To-morrow 50c. MENi'S BRACES, 135c., 20c., 25c., 35¢., 45c. MEN'S COLLARS, all the new shapes, 12 1-2c. each or 69¢. half dozen. Men's Unlaundried White Shirts Linen bosoms, properly made and of Montreal. 'Regular value 75c. Special To-morrow, 55c. each. We have secured direct from. the manu- facturer a lot of ladies' very fine Tan Rus- sia Calf Blucher Oxfords, extension sole. These shoes are worth $2.50, We have put them on a table marked $1.50 A PAIR. Allsizes, 24 to 7. T SHOE THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE \ 3 "YEAR 72. NO. 141. mm -------- YEA Special Sales 3. Ne: Dressers and Wash Stands . : ASSO! d Stand, Solid mahogany Rik Beer ad large regulag, price $65, now 20, large pir mirrors. | Solid Mahogany Dressers, $15, for $35. Pras and Tron Bed to Match from $35 to $2.50. y ke cdg 1 Solid iarter-cut Oak Dr esser ant = BY oa from $10 to $25, polish fin- ish. > Robt. J. Reid, 922 Princess St., Next to Opera House Telephone 577. MILITARY FOOTWEAR We make to order every- thing required. Absolu- tely correct in style and pattern, Wear "Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 48 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boor: Cut Glass A Most Attractive Showing The result of the RIGHT KIND of goods properly displayed. For brilli ancy and purity of color our CUT GLASS is unsurpassed. We sell onl) THIS KIND aud respectfully ask that you see our excellent values, whe SMITH BROS. . 880 King Street. J. §. Smith, Issuer of Marriage License ------------ ---------------- -------- SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE," ACCIDENT, CARGO. ESTs PROMAE PAID: LOWEST, R4 proved risks Office, Opposite Ontario Bank RS a St Ee -------- MEDICAL George F. Daltor B.A, M.D, CM. M.R.C.S., (England Lu R.C. P,, (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Stree Telephone 878. WANTED. Ep ---- A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY T Mrs. Chas.' A. Low, 199 Brock St A YOUNG MAN TO DISPENS Sola Water, at Wade's Drug Store eet et mete GIRLS TO SPLAT MICA. AT KEN Bro's. Mica Works, foot of Princes Street. ---- etnies AN ASSISTANT HOUSHKBEPE fnediately. Apply, Mrs. W. ? Gordon, 457 Printess St o $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY, REA Estate. 5 or 10 years. Apply to . A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington "St. ee ee -- A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERA bousework. A good home for stead reliable! girl. Apply 45 Willinm St testi ---------- AT OSCE, A' GENERAL SERVANT Ro, washing or droning Apply Mrs. William T. Minnes, 107 Go Street, ty tt--------------------eessss geese ENFRGETIC - WORKERS EVER ®here to destribute circulars, samp! and advertising matter. Good pa No canvassing. Cooperative Advert ig Co., New York. ct t-------------- EXPERIENCED FIRST CLAS dressmaker to take charge of sho Must be reliable. State salary ¢ fuetoq and; experience to Mrs. >arvinh, Sydenham. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THE Spring Suits made up at Galloway 131 Brock street, next to Bibb; livery ; style, fit and price guarante to please ; pressing and repairing dc promptly. EE ---- MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUM ing trade. We cannot supply dema for graduates. $4.50 to $5 ver di Eiht weeks completes course. Fie Bhs i, Address, for On Ogue, C res., Co., Plum Schools, *Picinnatt, 0., St. Lov No. © Employment guaranteed money refunded. rE ---------------- TO-LET. COTTAGE, ON TREMONT PAF o"nosite Gananoque. Apply to W. Albott, Gananoque. Ont. FINE OFFICE AT 346 KING STRE) front room, newly furnished. Ap to J. P. Forrest, 348 King Street ee sess? + pms DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND 1 furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Cann's Real Estate Agency, rock Street. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Corner of Queen and Ont Streets, . lately "oeshpied by Mr. } erson as a grocery with large eg thulidings. NR be or Jurehase, poly Walkem & Walkem, solicitors, K EE -------- LOST. r-- A PEARL ORPSOENT BROOCH, Friday afternoon, on Princess "between Clerey aud University Ave Finder kindly return to St, Andr Marige, I A A AAA RA BLACK crore Cape. TUBS: morning. between Princess St. Lricket Field, by wav of Welling or Bagot Sts, Finder Kindly re jo A. Strachan, Hardware, Pri

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