Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1905, p. 5

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the other day ). BIBBY CO, S, where [ you are lookin e have it, uit for business, dress or any > young men who ¢ middle-aged men dh » . for boys and little toddle ashery. of course. er Underwear ight fitting Underwear. N, trou) 50c. a "garment. » S0c., T5¢. a garment rarment. Be ready for him. cy Hosiery t line of at A5e Men's! , Sec, Hosiery and Te. ;ollars, 2 for 25c¢. ummer Shirts | effects, Something r eyes. in towp special © at (0c, iq IF aman cay, 8 for a Suit of, Dee he be re fo Is i He in getting and & D. BIBBY Co, 1d Haberdashers, Oak Ball, FREE HELP FOR ME which will positively cure lost manhood is ** The "iy ph ced the marvellous German Remedy discovered by 4 TRE It is controlled in this country by the 17 Company, a concern which has the hig' medical wed. "This wreatment has cu young id old, when the best known reatedies have Ifyoune suffering from diseases of the genera: aslost manhood, exhausting drains, nervous Sebili © hr Medic standing in ty = thousands of mes, failed iy So of abuse, this femedy can and willcure you to stay cure, 'Lhe headache, pimples, varicocele, pain in the back asf , failing memory, disappear Somplerely in the worst cases iy to two week's treatment or return your money. Thousands of tes Bl pondence treated sirictly: confidential. > day" 8 treatment sent free with a book of rules for healt ~ and advice. failed with other treatments, We make the honest off stimoniag, FIVE h, diet Our greatest successes have been those who have 1his remedy is regubuly wel in the French and German armies, and the soldiers in thew countries are models of strength and vitality, Sample sent securely sealed in plain wrapper, Write fa CINE CO., P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montresl EE ---------- urday Onl Duck Shirts. Good value a RDAY, 37%c. n Pants. Y. 75c. s in Blue, Black and Grey out bibs. Y. 65c. t Regular price, $1. ' Regular price, goc. Prices Are For Saturday Only e them in our window. , The People's Clothier wen wea Bedden's and s and Crawford's Crooriss. re All Right Ladies' Chocolate 0xfo Gibson Tie, $2. Ladies' Chocolate 0xfo $1.50. pds, pds, er Shoe Store CREAM ! is made from Pure Cream, Uf ; and flavor. Served by the dish ze bricks required. S, Princess St JPERATION AVOIDED. EXPERIENCE OF MRS. Lenk . : THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, WITH TREASURE. BRITAIN. TREATY T0 BE ¢ STRENGTH- ENED OPON RENEWAL. AND JAPAN|\ raoveo Carri $1000 in Coin Sewed i His Clothing. The life secrot of a hawker who literally padded with gold and Bis |THE ELECTION CASE was SUPREME COURT RESERVES JUDGMENT. Was Told That an Spareion Was | was revealed in an unexpocted manner | Be prisable. How She Escaped It 3 Nottingham, England. The man, i | -- , ---------- g | Relations With France--Under- ly Rv gory by ae: SS wen D.R.O. Was the Offender--Appeal ous» hin les ome nt | | standing Between the Two | theft (which proved to be groundless) | Case, Hulbert vs. Peterson, fering With ova i the very | Mitigated Friction: During Pro- [and while he was being searched at | Allowed With Costs, by the that 35 Ope Wnife and ihe operain gress of the War the, pofies station he was Hacovered | Supreme Court. ol ii fo be wearing two pairs of trousers. | ikes terror to her heart, an om, June 2.--Li Lansdowne Sti , r + inner | Special to the Whig. pital are fall of women coming sion, Jue 1 gy : Stitched in the lining of the inner | Bitava, June 2.--Tn the supreme where an operation | , but when one con- t number of cases of | omb trouble Lied by E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Lyi after physicians have advised yo rajions, no woman should submit to Ue without first ying the Vegetable Compound and ting 'Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free. Mrs. Robert Glenn, of 434 Marie St., Otfawa, Ont, writes: nkbam. Dear Me. Pi Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ok widel; known that it does pot There are cases is the only resource siders the ovarian an! troubles for nearly three three Jools, and the doc- tors told me b an opera- tion: ido that unit suse this, I tried your Vegetable sand I am only too that I did so, a th, saving methe pain of an operation - a sim lis attending the same." Ovarian and womb troubles are Stead the increase among women the monthly periods are very painful, r too frequent and excessive--if you if in-or swelling low down in the left side, bearing down peins; leucor- rhea, don' t neglect yourself : try Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. POPE PIUS IS SEVENTY. He Celebrated His Birthday This | Day, Special to the Whi ; . Rome, June 9. J 'ope Pius X. was seventy years old to-day, having been porn in the village of Risse, in the diocese of Theirso, on the 2nd of June, 1835. Since his accession to the throne of St. Peter he has changed little, those close to him say, though | naturally it has been necessary ior | him to make some change in his | habits and modes of living in order to conform to the restrictions. imposed upon him by his high office. Stories to the effect that his holi pess fails to realize the dignity of his high office are wholly without fonds tion. His brother and sisters, nice and nephews, when calling on him | have never overstepped the mark of decorum, although the contrary has been stated. Three maiden sisters, An ma, Maria, and Rosa, who lived with their brother, then Bishop Sarto. in Venice, have since been living in Rome occupying a little apartment in the Corso Vittoria Emanuele. Now that the hot weather has set in they will be sent by the pope to pass the. sum mer in Castle Gondolfo, which, unlik. the vatican, is an actual Possession of the popes. The palace there has immense grounds and com mands hoth the Mediterranean and Chambers worked for Lake Albano. It is about an hour's before any other eve rests upon them, | gx vears on Wolfe Island. During the | journey "hy rail from. Rome. and this rule should be sacredly guanl- first year of his pastorate in Picton iy ed.) 1 have known families in which | ho married Jessie McAuslan, of Pres Found A Cure For Dyspepsia. letters were not in the least treated as voit. His family consists of Willinm Mrs. 8. Lindsay, of Fort William, { private: property, so Hist An ex Chambers, a lawyer in Los Angeles; Ontario, Canada, who has suffered dor if A fami dt) her oe ap A grid Rive Chambors, Ja To TIT vor Tey doapotr absence wight find that or ig Angeles: Mrs. H. A. Lavell. of Smith's sia and great pains in the. stomach, had heen reac oo Comilenter, on V| Falls, Ont., and Mrs. J. E. Miller, of War adhond be ae. doagmot vo ake half a dozen persons, before she saw | Vancouver, B.C. His son and two of | Chamberlain's. Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and says: ** fiid that they have done me a great deat of good. IT have never had any 'suffering since I began using them." | I troubled with dyspepsia or indiges tidh why not take these tablets, get | well and stay. well? For sale by all druggists. '""Three Swallows." Sit John Power and Son's "Three Swallows' over a century. Of highest of purity. the King. standard Distillers to His Majesty Professor Edward of the School Wi Applied Science, McGill, has been ap- Pointed professor 8t the University Castile soap, .10e. owen, cakes, MoLeod's Drug Store. McLellan, © chief editor of the Helites Morning Chronicle, has been Appointed post-office for inspector Nova Seotia: er -------- Mr. Rogers, Deseronto, Ont States That Dr, Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills Are the Best Medi- | Hne He Ever Usad--OCnred Him f Dyspepsia. William, Rogers, carpenter, Deseron- to, Ont., states: Ir. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills --- medicine I ever used, as they fered oo th and had to ing .awful with dyspepsia, ife wag scarcely worth livin Yse of Py, 2 oem] to remove the cause of any ouble for they 'have completely cur Right me. I can recommend them most V as a cure for dyspepsia." The Edmanson, Bates & Co:, Toronto. { 8 | for ovarisn or womb operations. . | Lord Lansdowne referre {to Sir Edward's speech. He said there temporal | Irish Whiskey, famous for | 6f- civil engineering of New Brunswick. per lb. or 25c. "I wish to say that are tired me of dyspepsia. I suf- | ate be very"eareful of what [| and {o-diet myself so much that | Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills! on Thursday, which, taken in' conjunction with the one made by Sir Edward Gray, in which he said the liberal party keenly real- made a speech, of gold and silver coins, the parcels varying in value from 85 to $20, coins had been wrapped in paper, then covered with pieces of old canvas, and ized the obligation for maintaining | stitched to the trousers round the the Aug lo- Japanesg_ alliance, makes 1t | waist. The whole formed a lumpy | Eecticatl clear that the government, | hand of metal. There was $360 in whichever party is in power, when the {time for a renewal of the treaty ar riven, will so strengthenf it as to es- tablish virtually a complete alliance. approvingly gold and 8620 in silver. Gregory related a of bis possessions, and investigation by the police proved it to be true. The money represented the savings of fourteen or fifteen -years, and © the hawker has carried his treasure about with him day and night. Many of the coins had, by rubbing one against | another; become quite worn. The trea- sure belt weighed over forty pounds, and although Gregory is a slightly- romantic story { had been at no time, either on the part of Japan or Great Britain, sn) [ question whatever of withdrawal from the alliance. He said: "I may ven | ture further to say that, in our opin- | ion, when the time comes to consider a renewal of the agreement, the only | built and by no means a robust man, practical question will be whether "it | he had carried his burden with ap- | shall be renewed in its present form or | parent uncondern. whether we should not seek some | means of strengthening and consolidat- ing it. The alhance has been a potent instrument for peace, and if it should prove possible to so modify it that it should not only prevent the Spread of a conflagration. . when a conflagration bas 'begun, 'but prevent a "conflagra tion taking place at all, I believe that all lovers of peace would rejoice at such a consummation." Referring to the good relations with France, which, he said, even more firmly based, Lord Lansdowne stated that he believed that when the mner history of the anxious months through which they had been passing was written it would be seen that the good employed by commercial travellers to convey samples about the city. He had "put money aside regularly every week, but had never denied himself proper food. He proudly stated that during the last sixteen years he hac not spent a penny upon intoxicating | drink or tobacco. But the .most astonishing part of | Gregory's story was that during all these years he had beén staying at a common lodging house in the poorest part of the town. He slept in - a room in, which three or four other casual lodgers were at times accom- modated, but his secret was tiever dis covered. He secured ga certain im were ynderstanding between France and | munity from | suspicion by throwing Great Britain had been the means of | the outer pair of trousers on the bed. greatly mitigating the friction and | Asked why he did not bank his money trouble which are inevitable when a | and so derive some income from it. great war is in prog He declared emphatically that neither the alliance with Japan nor the understanding | with France was designed for a selfish, aggressive purpose. Great Britain did not dssire to deprive others of what belonged to them, or to conspire with other powers. Her only object was to secure peace and to restrict to the nar- rowest possible compass the terrible {evils of war. the thrifty hawker answered had never had much and preferred to have his about him. It was his hobby, as other people had theirs. faith in banks, just A JUBILEE EVENT. An Interesting Gathering Held in Picton. Picton Times, Going To Regina. Thomas 8. Perth Road, June 1. pair were found a number of parcels { court, to-day, judgment was delivered Tho | lowing the appeal with costs. that_he rohey | . : In St. Andrew's church, Picton, Rev, Chambers, of Los Angeles, | of the | case, Sealey vs. heard. returning officer at oue of the pol places pla n the case of Hulbert vs. Peterson, al The appeal in the Wentworth election Smith, was then During the election the deputy Tih back the cad a mimber on the allots corresponding to number placed opposite the names of the voters receiving the ballots. close of the These the declared | unted by him at Il, and Scaly before bhllots were On a scrutiny the county court judge thedd numberad ballots were rejected, with the result that the respondent, Smith, was doc laked elect od upon the throwing out of these bal o petition, The man explained that he had been | * | | { | { | elected. | lots, A lition was filed in contesta- tion of the.lection, and also a cross each party claiming the at. The trial judges held that the elec tion was void, and tha{ neither can- didate had been elected. The appellant argued that ballots could not be spoiled except oi ae- count of marks placed thereon by the voter himself, or by some pervon-aet | ing on his behalf. Aylesworth, K.C. | appeared for the appellant, Lynch Staunton, K.C., and Duff for the spondent. - Judgment was redvon, | and the court adjourned til Monday. PRESERVING MEAT. H. The Use of Saltpetre Destroys Nutritious Qualities. The old method of pickling" meat in | a strong saltpetre brine is still gen erally used by farmers in putting up their annual supply of meat. This me thod- produces a strong flavored and rather dry and indigestible product, There is a popular impression that saltpetre is a powerful preservative, and that salted meat will not keep without it. In fact, saltpetre is not a preservative at all. 1t is a strong as | tringent, hardening the uicat fibres, | expelling the natural juices and de creasing the nutritious qualities of the meat, When taken into the Juman body in quantity, salipetre acts as a powerful irritant to the mucous mem A-number from, | California, celebrated the fiftieth anni- | branes of the stomach, bowels, and { here attended the Victoria day cele: | versary of his ordination by conduct- | kidneys. Death has been caused hy | bration in Kingston. School was | ing the services. Sunday, May 27th. | large doses of this substance, and its closed last 'week, - our teacher, Miss | This long lapse of time has left the | use upon meat is unnecessary and un Minnie Gunner, being present at the | veteran . minister with a vigorous desirable. A much better and safer | teac hers' convention' in Kingston. | ;pind, ready utterance and a clear | substitute is cream of tartar potas | Quarterly services, held in the Free | voice. His sermons were full of the | sium bitartrate. | Methodist church, Sunday. were con- [eager earnestness of early gaturity | Of recent years manufacturing chem | ducted by Rev. Mr. Burnham. Rev. | nq the strong convictions of ripened | ists have not been backward in offer J. Waddell Jeft for Ottawa to attend experience; a strength to every listener ing to farmers and butchers. various the Methodist conference. Sherman | 5 warning and an inspiration. The | meat preservatives, sold under fancy | Babeock. has been very ill the past congregation of St. Andrew's appre and misleading names, at exorbitant two. weeks.) J. S. Roberts has added | oioted the coming back of one of its | prices. These patent' meat preserva- to the appearance of bie store by a early ministers in so long a journey | tives and coloring matters are nearly | coat' of paint. Mrs: 1. Roushorn _ is to preach in the church of his youth. | all injurious to Ith, and should be | visiting friends er before leaving Mr. Chambers was born in Belfast, let severely alone, | to join her husband in Regina, N.W. Ireland, but was brought to Canada To make a good, mild, and whole T. Miss Bessie Roberts has returned. by his parents, when but six' months | some meat pickle, take the following s | after visiting frie nds © in Kingsten. old. In Prescott he grew up and re- | materials for cach pne hundred pounds | Visitors : Miss Clark and John Don ceived his elementary education. From | of meat : ! nell, Kingston, spent a few days at J. Knox College, Toronto -he graduated Common salt, eight pounds; brown | Donald' 8: Miles Orser - spent Sunday after five years of study, in 1854. Op | Sugar, two pounds; cream of tartar I at 3 Linds x Lake Opinicon; Ns. May 23rd, 1855, he was ordained and | tWo ounces; water, four gallons, ' }C Nolon, rome. iy Mie St il inducted into the pastoral charge of | Directions : First boil the water for | cock's: 3 are n Se og An by! Ston the Picton congregation. In 1858, be | fifteen minutes, and then stir in the | are at W. Ennis', Maple Leaf. ing called ts Storingion, he began a Fig wr, od So of tartar, Keep ; pastorate there which lasted twenty- | hot until all dissolved. Let the pickle | ~ Opening Letters. . six years. He was appointed clerk of | cool before using. I'he question sometimes arises, whe- the Presbytery of = Kingston, which Pack the cut meat as solidly as | ther husbands and-wives have aright | ho0t he filled with unexampled dili- | possible in a clean barrel, Place the [to~open one another's letters. This | gence for twelty-two years, until in larger pieces at the bottom. No piece they must, of course, decide for them- | 1q9] he went th California, owing to | *hould measure over six by twelve selves, but if there is a right which | {he precarious condition of his wife's | inches. Pour on the eooked pickle and belongs to any one, §t is the right to | health, After the long pastorate at | completely cover the meat. Cover open and read one's personal letters Mr. Storrington. [it herself. This shows a beautiful de | grap of confidence, but all the same it is not guite fair. Every one from the grandmother to the little child should University. On Monday evening. the jubilee | vices were continued in St. Andrew his daughters are graduates of Queen's I tight, except the chimne¥, This shonyld I ser- 's the and set away in a cool, The meat may remain until wanted for 3 remove from pickle ter six weeks, and drain for a ot + or two before smoking. To smoke green hickory wood. Those who like flavor may add a few chips of sass fras. or Juniper berries, The smokehouse must be dark and air barrel tightly, dark, dry place, in the pickle use, to be smoked, use some ye ting. covered with wire mosquito net The "skippers" which damage farm cured meat most often attack the { have the pleasure and priyilege, ~ 88 | church. A tea was given by the La- | meat in the smoke house, The parent wi as the right, to open a petsonal dies' Aid Society. The public meeting | of the "skipper" is a fly which infests letter before any one else sees it. in the church began with devotional | meat houses, but which may easily be { exercises by the Rev. W. W. McLaren | kept out by means of wire netting and | Feeding Young Pigs. and - Rev. Henry Gracey, of Ganano- well-closed © framing. | Wo have never found anything more | que. Congratulatory addresses were | After smoking until a" light brown | satisfactory than skim-milk and .mid made by Rev. Henry Gracey, William | color is attained, wrap each piece of dlings for voung pigs after they dre | Guthrie, of Sunbury, and Walter | meat in the smokehouse, Then wrap eaned, - though I believe a few oats '| Mackenzie, of Picton. The clerk of | meat in brown paper and inclose in | mixed with this ration is rather an | Kingston Presbytery, Rev. W. I". Wil- bags made of unbleached muslin, Ti 1] advantage, writes Prof. Day. of the | kins, of Trenton, presented an ad- | or sew thes rely; then dip the Fi ).A.C. When skintomide vest avail- | dress handsomely embossed, on behalf | bags for two minutes into a thick lime able, the middlings. are better scalded of the presbytery. and allowed to stefy for several hours hearty congratulations was made p! g before feeding. We have never been | Mr. Chambers, who was full of grati- able, however, to secure as good re- | tude for the kindness heaped upon sults when 'skim-milk was not avail- | him. able. As the pigs become older, we usually introdege a little ground Marine Notes barley inte their ration, and the The MJT. compady barge Towa is in * | proportion of barley is usually in Davis' dry dock for Tepairs. creased until it is at least half of the | Tp Hartrick, Portsmouth, has | total ration fed. All our hogs are purchased a new gasoline launch which | fed either roots or kitchen refuse in 15 capable of making fast time. | addition to the meal ration, as we Thé steamer Pierrepont has gone up earthern jars, find a variety of food of this h neh 3 to the government, dry dock what. to | pecially the addition of a bulky fcoc undergo her annual "house cleaning." is heneficial (to the digestive organs. The steamer Dorothy which | was | : towed here yesterday from Farran' lL Not On Her Life. ] Point to have her machinery repaired { An Irish woman walked mio A {will likely leave to-night for the west, | large department store. The : foos: She has' a cargo of dynamite, but | walker. who was «very bow-leggec hardly enough to wake up the town | asked her what he conld do for' her. Belleville. } She told him that she would like to of Belleville Special to the Whig London, June 2 at the Epsom Downs was won hy W. ridden by | old lady; "I'll die first." | 12}jc Pineapples And 15c. Large quantities of pineapples, 124c. Large and fine. Crawford. track, Lass, Jones. | and 15c. ---- bers | The Lockett shoe store has a few Two For Strawberries. | eo Japanese bath slippers which Before buying elsewhere, see indigmtion, ilmemeo bY which | £0 ported with other Roods. They | large, doop ed. luscious JOR can'be so promptie i She coh | | are light-and eool, 25c. a pair. r Delaware. at Carve ¥ cured as by . Chase's Kid ig Dip Hip special = corset, 65c. New Cora red ready-made. ave Liver pig, 1NeY" | york Dress Reform. orsety or o hi = b on Hot Tv | a Chase's Kidneyv-Liver Pills ps Pineapples; large - assortment, at description. oe ny orm, , 3 on ose, ec. a box, at all dealers, | Crawiord « 18¢. Crawford, Crawford's. | Rolls of butter, Reply to these Mi [ook at Hee handkerchiefs that were Butter, Butler, Butter. vertised. : jms walk this way, ma'am," said e butter for Saturday, 2 pounds | the floor-walker. ! for 35c., at Carnovsky's. The woman looked at his legs. : | "No, sir," indignantly replied the Won By Cherry Lass. The Oakes stakes, to-day, Hall Walker's Cherry | i or ochre wash. to which has been add by [ed a little salt and some liquid glue it The water used in making this wash | should have been boiled. Instead of bagging the smoked meat, it may be packed solidly and deeply in clean, | dry oats or chafi It is not gene meat and sa and sound du rally known that fresh may he kept sweet the cooler months by boiling or frving until about half cooked, and then packing solidly into Pour over the packed tik completely cover meat hot lard ed. Cover the jars and get away in a leool, dark, dry place. A---------------- . First Patent In China. . The Chinese government, according to Gorman papers has granted its first patent. It is for an electric lamp, the inventor of which is an inhabitant of Nanking, the old capital of the Chi | nese empire, who calls his lamp the "bright moonlight," and asserts that lit is far superior to foreign glow lights that hitherto have been sold at Shanghai and other Chinese cities. 12}c. Pineapples And 15c. Large quantities of pineapples, 12}c. and 15. Large and fine. Crawford. The Lockett <hoe store is showing some splendid solid leather kit bags. the | basket and steamer trunks that they luscious berries from | have just received from "Brooks." of England. Special quality in summer dip hip corsets, 65c, New York Dress Reform Natural gas is, being used for the first time in St. Catharines, JUNE 2. A Well Dressed Foot Marks the gentleman. A man cannot pay too much attention to We dress the foot with good substantial skoes in the most up-to-date fashions and at prices that come within the scope of any We call special attention Shoes at $3 50, $4| "and $4.50 in Velour Calf, Ta i' and Patent Colt, al his shoes. purse. to our Men's Russian sizes and There is J. H. Sutherland & Bro. |g== THE LEADING SHOE STORE. + for You Here. Il widths. Shoe Satisfaction When the Cook does not come everything goes right if the e panty is stocked with Laing's Canned Meats 40 different kinds -- for break- fast, luncheon, dinner and tea. Sub- stantials and delicacies. A tasty dish to tempt every appetite. No trouble to prepare. Most of them. ready to serve when the can is opeded, Tut in half a dozen cans of Corned Beef, The first test will prove the ecorofily aud convenience of Cambridge Sausage and Soups. Laing's Canned Goods. Your grocer has all kinds, Ask for Laing 5 The Laing Paching @. Provision Montreal, Company, Limited. Drain 'Pipes and Fittings FLUE LININGS, round, square and oblong. CHIMNEY TOPS. All of the very best quality VITRIFIED SALT GLAZED. SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO CONTRACTORS. We have a car arriving next week and for delivery direct from the car we will make SPECIAL PRICES. "McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. ® ® ® ® ® : a | Rolls of butter, 15¢, Crawford, 209900 CHOOEEEEEOEO OCOEE OC $3 WOMEN'S TAN BOOTS AND OXFORDS FOR $2. ® 70-MORROW (Saturday) Only All this season's styles and the best American SEE OUR WINDOW. makes. 2b McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE 0900 $00 0900E® ©96CPCO CSOs CE 09006® 09 Pe0 CEOS « LABATT'S ALE & +4: BATTS ALE & PORTER The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE and PORTER are well The claim is made, rted by numerous als and testimonials, that they are purg, wholesome superior to any made on this continent. known. Sup beverages, JAS. McPARLAND, WILL SELL - "Bou NORTH WEST Wihnipeg - = $000 | SHES FES Jeelimm {EE ee) ET ose 7» BE | Bb . : Going June August 14th. doing June Adunt 28th Goine 27th, 15th, returning until 164 topover will be allowed on apication conductor, at Wolf River, den, Ont., and intermediate stations, a al nipeg, or any point west thereof. Extension of time A months can be Ghtained on 5 for each month on oy tovrist car, actomm on, ali other ach ape) , Johnston & J uly a sTON& [PEMB RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH : CANADIAN PACIFIC Ho X # Gelng June 18th, returning Au on bo He 27th, returning AY guat Mh 15th, refurniog until Sept: i rs at K. & P. and © ph Rite Otel Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, vA FOLURR, dha 16th Gen, Pass. Agt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanes, QUERES STEAMSHIP CONPANY 'a River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latitndes win Screw 88. 'Campana,' win ectrin: Tighe. electric. bells and Wik modern comfort. NTREAL ON SAILS FROM et 10h 1 wl "Tao and 28th a 8th Se bomber, for nll t Ga Gaspe, Mal Bf -- re a» Cove, Grand River, Pe immerside, PEL, and Char- lottetown, PEL 3 Bermuda. Summer Excursions, $35 and spears, bv the new Twin Screw SS. "'Bermud- NON. une, fan." 5,500 tons. Salling farta ow from New York, from 7th June, October. Tomparature cooled ve ith breezes seldom rises above RO degrees. Princess Hotel open the year round, o The finest trips of the season for henlth and comfort. ARTHUR ANERN, Secretary, Quebec For tickets and Matetoumy apply to J. BY, or J. GILDER- Ticket . Agents, Kingston, P. HANL! SLEEVE, Ont. Daily Line Ca Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Bttimers KINGSTON & TORONTO LEAVE KINGSTON: BAST--Daily, except Monday, GOING at 6 am GOING WEST--Daily, except Monday, at 6 p.m, reaching Charlotle same evens ing at 10.15, and Toronto following morning at 6.45. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. FAST, Wednesdays and Fris and Sundays, at 4.830 pa. GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 11 80pm. J. P, HANLBY, oJ. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent Freight Ageuts. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co, Limited. 1000 Islands-- Rochester WING Taking Effect' May 28th , Str. North King Loaves K n on Sundays. at 10.15 or ound, Islands, calling at A iesandrin Bay and Gananoque. Re- rnj steamer leaves at 5 p.m. for Y., calling at. Bay of Quinte ports. | Str. Aletha Sven Kingston daily except Suuday. 8 p.m. for Picton and iar. oy of Quinte ports, calling at Deseron- to and Belleville 2 Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturday Full information om J. P. Hanley, J¢ P. Gildersleeve, Jas, Swift & Co. Agents. i. K. HORSEY, Trafic Manager. ---- Sr ---------------------------- ALLAN | LINE © Rr ONDONDRRRY Mall Steamers. a Montreal. From Tunisian, June 2, 8 a.m. June 2, 2 p.m. Victorian, June 9, 8 a.m. June 9, 6 pun. ec Bavarian, June 16, 8 a.m. June 16, 3 pm, RATES OF PASSA GE~First $75 and Up¥urds, accord ine i steamer Yerpou London~ $45 $7, 50 accord Long on $2.50 extra ; Tied a Toss $27.50-- Virginian, Victor. lan MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Mongolian ..... Wed. June 7, oan MONTREAL TO LONDON AVRE. Sardivian Sat, Boke 10, . NEW YORE TO GLASGO! Parisian ing to steamer, AGENT, King Street, Kingston. ~~. J. P. HANLRY! Ant. + Passenger "SLEEVE, Cinfonca Street,

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