Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1905, p. 2

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oe, & motion, no acti taken on th Curtains, 100 different patterns. petition bo residents of that street, | Tapestry and Ho was on the petition FH 1 thé "Work this year. On {of _ Christina find no-record of any per- been given Mr. Kelly to ing street drain, and there- fh o g ¥ Newman & Shaw's "Muslin." " There was no session of the police court this Companies 4,7 and 8 "ofthe 14th Regiment, drill to-night. Crawford's wharf* Schooner Trade wind cleared for Charlotte. William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's book store. H t's ideal perfume is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 5 The turnouts at drill of companies No. 1 and 3, last night, was excep- i large. : lice force are arming themselves with batons of the latest design. The Army Service Corps is to have its first drill of the season on Mon- day evening sext, Pratt's headache powders, cure sick headache and neuralgia, 10c. and 25c. packages, at McLeod's Drug Store. "Fresh for Saturday," MoConkey's candies, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 8 5 advised that he be charged for R as taken on Mr. Kellv's claim. Rigney = street, between Bagot and Syden- | ham streets, as bei matter stand for the of the cost, the whole | the citv.would have to stand, | tel Dieu authorities cannot | granolithic walk would | boardwalk $292, and' a | 28 eity solicitor | the walk to be torn up, | away with the risk of ac | Carson favored a cinder | city could not afford to whole of a granolithic | the motion' of Ald. Ross, the | committee decided to have the pres- E street; with. a view to macadamizing it.: They found, AM. Sea Pillar and others, protest- sion street, between Queen and>Prin- | street to the medi- | college entrance was grantéd. Like- | jt was granted the petition for a walk of residents on Bar. | 1 E {rack street between Wellington and i Ridean streets. | The ineer against sell. | engi reported the old lumber from the walks on | 'Unjon street, which are being | by granolithic, The city re- | all such lumber for patching | purposes. concerns that own | nt on the Strenta~tht 3. N. Ww. 'elegraph company, ) elephone | » street railway and the light | i. power plant. The former two paint their poles red and drab; the latter | are not painted at all. It was decided | that the city's poles should be paint. | ed the same as the other two compan- | ies', The city, it seems. has no auth. | ority over the street railway poles. | No action was taken on the petition | Claxton and . others | a granolithic walk on Divi- | sion street, between = Johnston and Brock streets. It was decided to ask | the city council, by a two-third vote, | to insist that a permanent walk be | laid on the block in question, as the | Present one is in a dangerous condi | tion, i AT THE GRAND. A Very Fine Exhibition of | Minstrelsy. ) | At the Grand Opera House, last night, one of the best minstrel shows seen in this city for some times. "was | t on under the management of | Richarcis & Pringle. The members of the pany are. all genuine cdlored | artists with no neeessity "of burnt- | ork application, Part one programme consisted of a number of solos, comic and sentimental, which | were all in a most pleasing | manner by the vocalists, 'The end men and all the comedy work was of | the wholesome variety. The solo mak- | ing the most pronounced hit was, | probably, "Never," sung by Clarence | Powell. In this Jortion, the costumes were also ve! ne. The vaudeville work in the second portion of the programme was also ox Hougiiy good and evoked much | iy magic work of Isaac ! illis was of the first order, while | the mimicry of Harry Fidler and the | acrobatic work of the three Toneys | were excellent. 'To wind up the per- | formance, Jim Jackson at St. Louis kept the audience in a roar of laugh: iE: { { ter, The Atiendane a large and the general satisfaction expressed, | evidenced the fact that good min- | strelsy is still a . favorite entertain | ment in this city. : | Borsalino And Hawes. { Hats re Sold sin %s cn be 4 George Mills & Co. only. oy also show the largest assortment of J. B. | Stetson's famuus hats. ! For Saturday, fresh MoConkey's can- i dies, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Store. : | The premier of Ontario and Hon. R. | L. Borden, BY Juve been asked to | speak at t n_ ceremonies on | June 6th at the grave of Sir John A. | Macdonald, in Cataraqui cemetery. being dangerous. The | reported two months ago on | i works then de- | ent walk torn up and a cinder path | go The engineer reported that the chair- | will man and himself had examined Sixth | Latimer; $20 on the road at Anderson however, that the | board of works could not afford to do | tersea and Clark's corner: $25 on the ork ye ! | corduroy of the Shannon read; $10 on {clined with the explanation that the | suggest the establishment of a teach- | university. In {ot the government and educationists, We have no stale goods to offer. | Everythi fresh, isp and tiz, entry. In view of this 10 | jor cori Sar BPpets, ing, goods delivered to any part of | the city. * 141. W. J. Crothers. complained of : the | the city. "Phone rothers, on the cast side of John- | opouen for the R.M.C. ball and: The evening of June 20th has beta the opening synod service. The clergy- men are removed from the tempta- tions of the festive occasion. The military college employees who occupy the naval cottages have made the grounds, in front of their homes highly attractive with flower beds, several designs being quite artistic. A glance at the officers' lawns and fields opposite, ance well kept, aflords a contrast. ; Yesterday afternoon, Sergt. Neshitt | found: a man named Connolly, lying in | an intoxicated "condition on Brock | street, near the Hotel Dieu, in which institution the man is undergoing treatment. Connolly was kept in ""dur- ance vile" over night, and allowed to this morning. The township council of Storrington, expend $80 on the road west from Knaop's hill; road; $50 $10 on North Shore on the road between Bat- | boundary line near -Edward Smith's. A fumber of local strong men are being spoken of as possible aspirants for honors at the Grand Opera House on Monday evening next when the athletic contests are to take place there. Possible representatives from police force are Police' Constables Arniel and Mullinger, and from the batteries. Sergt.-Major Macgowan and Sergt. Rousseau would make good showings, A well attended special meeting of the trades and labor council was held last evening. President William Mil- lizan occupied the chair and Organizer Flett, who was present, * spoke for about an hour on the subject of or- ganized labor, his remarks being most interesting. At a future meeting of the council committees will he appointed to complete the organization of the various local unions. -------- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About the Harhor. The steamer Alexandria is due down at Craig's to-night. The ooner Voges cleared from Booth's wharf for Oswego, The. government tug Shanly from up the Rideau, coaled at Craig's this moming. Richardsons' wharf: Schooner High- land Beauty from Wellington; schoon- er Metzner eared for Sodus with feldspar. At Swift's" wharf: © Steamers Picton | up last night; Kingston down and up, ! to-day, on first trip; to-night. The steamer Fairmount has left Al- louez, Minn., with iron ore for Sidney, N.S. She will then go to Pilley's 1s- land off the coast of Newfoundland for pyrites to bring back to Washburn, is. Belleville down ---- ens, THE WATERTOWN MILITIA. Invites 14th Regiment for 4th of | July "Doings." An invitation has been sent by the Watertown Separate company to the l4th Regiment, to visit that place on July 4th. The invitation has been de- | trip to Utica has already been ac- cepted for that date. Further particu- lars in regard to the celebration at the latter place are awaited. The re- giment will" parade on Tuesday morn- ing from 9.30 until 2 o"doock, after | which the men will be dismissed. In; the afternoon, there is to be a mon- ster demonstration in which fire bri- gades and bands from all over New York state will take part. The 14th Band have been invited to enter a band competition, for a money prize, | and will probably accept. | -- A Teachers' Oollege. The teachers of Eastern Ontario are of opinion that the present mode of training teachers is inadequate and ers' college affiliated with a strong this college the model, normal, and ical training could be done, under one direction and with | better results than the present way. The matter is worthy the attention and the college authorities at Queen's should" move to get such a valuable institution located here, The univerai- ty qualifications are all to be desired. -- A Good Proposition. The teachers of various counties ah- that if Hastings, Hosiery company. | out Ottawa, have organized a joint i tion and, by resolution, wv. led the formation of an Eastern On- | | tario Educational Association. The | scheme is foasible and it is possible, | Lennox, Addington | |PERTINE | cial line of panting, first FRIDAY, ENQUIRY SHOULD 0 ) HA" E MINISTER OF HEALTH? a J -- Queen's Quarterly. Question By Saying '¥es"--Dr. Will- oughby - Suggested for Posi- , ton. : Toronto World. 4 cen's Medical Quarterly has giv- en new life to the stion of a port- folio of health in Ontario govern- jut jn an' edi , in which Dr. Wil- o is mentioned as an appropri- -- for the position. The idea is strongly favored by Dr. Hodgetts, who is in ¢l that portion of the provincial secretary' department deal- ing with public : At the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Ontario Medical Association, to be held in the Medical Building, June 6th, 7th and Sth, Dr. Hodgetts will give voice to his eonvictions in a pa- per to be read the association, entitled "A Plea for a Provincial Min- ister of Health." It is not generally known that much public money is spent in Ontario gvery year on public health as upon gh ioultury or education. he subject is a large one, viewed upon these merits, but when consider- ed in the light of its vast importance to the public welfare those closely in touch feel it should be directed by a Bte------------ citron THE PRINTERS. -- For the next five months the Whig will be issued early on Saturdays. Adver- tisers are asked to aid by preparing . their copy for the Saturday paper. and leaving it in the affice on Friday. Cler can help by fyling pl Lier notes by 10 a.m. on Saturday. An early paper on Saturday will. be appreciated by all who go out of town for the week end. HELP + * + + * + * * * * + * * + + + + * -------------------- ee special head; instead of forming a part of the many responsibilities carried by the provincial secretary's department. The benefits of such a portfolio are clearly set forth in the organ of the medical college in connection with Queen's University, at Kingston, one of the foremost medical training in- stitutions on the continent. as joHows : "There is new political talk to the effect that : under comsideration the proposal to appoint a minister 'of public health, and place under his control the work of the administration of hospitals, asylums, sanitaria, charitable institu- tions and the inspection of immi- grants. This is something that 'commend itself to the public generally. At present these interests are dis- tributed among various departments of the government, and there is fre- quently lack of coopifation as a re- HK brought together under the administration of a man of experience in his profession cepacity, there would be a great crease of efficiency and economy, "Dr. Willoughby has been mentioned, and, indeed, a more creditable minis- ter for the new department could not be found. He has the confidence of | the profession." will in- | Had An Upset. | Two batterymen had a very unpleas- | ant experience yesterday afternoon, while rowing on Navy Bay, between i Y and Frederick. In some {manner their skiff capsized throwing | the two men into the water. They suc. | ceeded in clin, ing to the bottom of | the boat unti help arrived and res- | cued them from their unpleasant pre- | dicament, | party on board took the men out of | the water and put them ashore at | the Royal Military College wharf, | where they received every attention. One of the men was in an exhausted condition and help came none too soon, -------- An Arrangement Made. _ Yesterday afternoon, the €1Vie committee appointed rangements with the Oriental baseball club and the Polo club regarding the | use of the fair grounds for playing Purposes, met representatives of those clubs--Lieut.-Col. Williams, captain of the Polo club, and Dr. Ross, manager of the Oriental baseball club. It was arranged that each club should use the grounds on alternate days, both flub- representatives expressing satis- | action with this scheme. The polo club will have" the ground put into | condition and boarded, but will not | required to pay rent. * To Visit Brockville Board. Joseph Cramer, the enthusiastic and | enterprising president of the Fronte- | nac cheese' board, with a view to im- | proving the method of transacting | business on the local hoard, will vis- | it Brockville to-morrow to observe the system in use there. If he considers | that an improvement can be made | here, he will recommend a In| any event he will give the menihers of | the board the benefit of his observa- | tions at the meeting next Thursday. i . ------ Two Deserters Over Border. Two artillery deserters went to Cape "Vincent, N.Y., yesterday on the steamer Now Island Wanderer. Their Otter garments were civilian, but they away when the inspector was otherwise engaged, class work- | manship guaranteed and Al fit, {not realize it is the effect of a medi: se Panania Hats. SA ---- cine. For sale by all druggists, | H . ; George Mills & Co. are headquar- i "Black Jack Tar Soap," is sold at! Cedar camphor Me. per lb, at Me- Kingston's Leading Meat Dealer, ters for high grade Panama hats. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | Leod's Drug Store. : r as | editorial remarks referfed to are | the Ontario government has | and of tried business | A sailboat with a pleasure | ¢ Stomach and Liver | agreeable and so natural that you do JUNE 2. : TCHARITABLE . INSTITUTIONS. evar San mem. READY A DESERTE Report Upon Local Resorts. | , : RW. Bruce Smith, or of ADMITTED THE FACT AT BROCKVILLE. prisons, and public charities in On- ta¥io, in his report for 1904, gives some interesting details in connect | ion with | ritable 'institute- | oe iB local Sha " | Immigrant Inspector Lewis, Cape In the local House of Industry. on | Vincent, Writes of the Case-- October lst, 1903, there were 39 per- i sons being cared for. During 1904 | { there were admitted 81 others as in { mates, which made a total of 128 for | the year, of whom 70 were discharged | Tried to Do His Duty--Critic Should Divide His Attention. "It would seem that Immigrant In- spector Lewis hit the nail on the {and six died, so that at the end of | head by not adudtviag Ready to the | the fiscal year, September 30th, there | United States recently. The Brock- | remained 44 inmates. The total stay | ville Recorder says : Ready struck | of the inmates numbered 16,250 days, | with an average stay of 135 days per inmate. The cost of dietaries was £1,202.25, and. expenditure for | Brockville Saturday afternoon and | was sheltered at the police headyuar- | ters until Monday when was given fuel, | a pass to Kingston. He expressed a salaries, ete., $2,448.53. The average | desire to cross from here to Water cost per inmate per diem was .1500. | town, N.Y., and was interviewed by The institution received from all | U. 8. Immigration Juspestor Crawford | sourees, other than the government, | to whom he admitted being a deser- 181,147.57, and from the government {ter from the United States army | $1,137.50. % many years ago." | Of the 120 inmates cared for during | ----- 1 1904, 84 were males and 36 females. | Vincent, N.Y., June 1.--(To | Kingston contributed 89, Frontenac the' Editor) : Please publish the en- county, 17, other counties in Ontario 10, and four .were foreigners. : Receipts were : From the province of Ontario, 81,039.85; City (of King- ston, $800; county of Frontenac, 875; | from inmates. 8144.25; income from | ; roperty, $25.23; subscriptions, ctc.. | have to spread it out so much among i other revenue, $59.09, a total of | the inspector between the = Atlantic $2,187.42. { and the Pacific Oceans. who will 'sure | Food of all kinds used up $1,202.25; | lv reject Mr. Ready, that the propor- | salaries. $193, and miscellaneous ac- | tionate share will | closed clipping for the benefit of « the | person' who writes $0 much criticism | against me for the work I am doing; { it would not be very bad for him to {divide it up with other inspectors. {and I am very much. afraid he will not hurt very counts the balance, $753.28, a total | much. As I have been informed who of $2,448.53. The government grant | the gentlemen i= who is doing the Lior 1904 was. $1,137.50. i writing, it would be just as well for | In the House "of Providence, on | him to look after his own affairs and September 30th, 1903; were 180 in- | not bother gbout mine. I think if he mates; 90 were admitted during the | were man enough to acknowledge it, vear, making a total of 270, of whom | it was not a question of "Old Sol- | 81 were discharged and 21 died, leav- | dier" with him, but one, of national ing a total of 168 in the institution | itv. Perhaps if he would let the Uni- on September 30th, 1904. The total | ted States _government know how stay of inmates numbered 71,731 days, | good. an iminigrant inspector he would | an average of 265 days per inmate. | make, he might stand a show. not, to The cost of dietaries was 88,264.87, | get a position, though if he works { and fuel, salaries, etc., used wp 89.- | along the lines he suggests: 1541.20, The total expenditure, "ex- | I do not think there has been any | elusive of extraordinary expenses, was | thing said about piv work by any | 817,806.07, with an average cost per | United States citizen, 'other than | inmate per diem of .2482. | what the papers have copied from the. | The institution received from all [ Kingston paper; if they have made | sources, other than the government, | any complaint against me, | have | $12,564.87, and fromy the governmen', | 85,021.17. . Of the 270 inmates Sheltered during the year, 132 were males and 138 - . females. Of these Kingston contri- | Made By Board of Works in Re- buted 67, Frontenac county, 33, other jecting Militia Offer. | heard nothing of it.--W. D. LEWIS, { A SERIOUS MISTAKE i 47 igners number- " Sounties, 147, and foreigners n The board of works has made a Rowipts were : From the province | 5¢fious mistake in not accepting the SO) - Fron- | offer of the militia department to pay of Ontario. $5,248.17; countv of Fro { one-half the cost of rebuilding the S188 50; Dn. Ee ro icibalition | retaining wall adjoining the Artillery fom inmates, $2,000; subscriptions. { park on Montreal street and half the te., $4,756.80; sisters carncd, $2,611.58 | C08t of the proposed granolithic walk fe othe To | along the park. The committee was | slow 'in seeing that the offer was | and fromy other sources was received $2,339.34, a total of 817,813.04. Food used up, furnishings, ete., $3,811.38; fuel, ete., $2,909.60, and other expenses brought fact that the city solicitor reported that the government didn't require to { on | Pav anything for local improveni ais, expenditure up 5% $17,305.07. The | such as walks. At its meetny two | Ment gran or 1x was 0 | works ago, the board of works didn't 1.114. | uccept the militia department's offer {as it should have done, but, instead. decided to ask the to build the retaining wall and pay one- half the cost of the walk. Now. the word comes from Ottawa, through the A PURSE OF GOLD. Father Kelly's Looked After. Rev. Comfort Rev. Father Kelly was the recipient | City solicitor, that the matter hax of a very thoughtful and generous gift | been referred to the justice depart from the members of St. Francis de | Ment, and that the government will Sales congregation, Smith's Falls. A | POt pay anvthing towards the walk. ew weeks ago Father Kelly received a The original offer of the militia de gift of a fine horse from his friend, | Dartment fH pade, through Hu James Swift, Kingston. The horse, | ®"¢7€1¢s of Hon. Mr. Harty. e lat ter is now trying to have it renewed, and thus remedy the mistake made ly the board of works. In case it is not, a cinder path will be laid ¢leng the Artillery. park, as the present hoardwalk must be torn up, it hLeing dangerous. -- Men's Summer Hats. Including the new shades in light colored soft felts and the latest cregy- | tidns in straw hats await vour in spection at the big store of George without a carriage, was of not much use however, as Father Kelly does not ride a saddle, so the members of his congregation started a subscription, | and as a result he was presented with | purse containing $142.50 in gold. Father Kelly has already purchased a very handsome covered phaeton, and will also buy a cutter. This is not all, {| however, for Mr. O'Donnell, of Lom- bardy, presented Father Kelly with a fine lap rug, a whip and a pair f driving gloves, and M. Healy pre 88,264.87; 'clothing, | §°PCrous one; gencrous in view of the | | | | | | : : Lon Cool, Mellow Pharoh (Pharoh) L. T. BEST, Chemist ang Optician, 124 Princess St. A common feeling something to tempt vy, When you feel that way IF pal drop ig We've IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO THEN Magic Baking Powder. Gillett's Perfumed Lye, Imperial Baking Powder Royal Yeast Cakes. QGillett's Nammoth Blue. Nagic Baking Soda. (esTasLisnED 1082) EW.GILLETT at TORONTO. ONT. Saturday Specials 500 yards of Dress Muslins, in colors, neat paeterns, former 15c. a yard, Saturday sprvic a vard. 10 inch' Victoria Lawn, fine thread, no filling, Saturday special 10, permar A big snap in Ladies Petticoat 3 and 5 ruffles), or black, fast color, 81 value, on sale at 95 i | Ladies" Fast Black Cotton He on ial at 2 pairs for 2% Mills & Co., hat specialists und in troducers of natty headgear for men | and boys. sented him with a fine set of harness, Father Kelly has now a complete out- | fit, and in order that his horse be | kept in good condition, members of | the congregation have agreed that | they will keep him well supplied with | You, Yeu. | We are looking for you, because we | / « 8 ar est special oats and hay--all of which goes to | can supply the best that is made in| Women ; A Vests gr oy prove 'that the hearts of the people | our line, we keep to the front, no | Oth hi a Be Se... le. each are kind and generous in a good cause, | room for hangers on. Phone 141. W. | UTS BY 005 ' and Father Kelly is certainly deserv-| J. Crothers, | Summer Weight Corsets, extra ing of congratulations. -- | at 50c. "Conti Castile Soap," is sold at | Who Were Jarred ? Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It's Tape Girdle Corsets, all siz The 'Kingston Monthly Bulletin, or- | high-class. pair. gan of the Princess Street Methodist | Sm urch, makes this criticism : { Spevial values in Prints at 6 "The routine of district meeting in | 10c. a yard. connection with a Methodist church | 5 district is always interesting and help- | New goods arriving daily ul. We have never known a layman | of Raincoats just arn who attended the district meeting for | the first time, but realized as never before the need of precision' and con- scientiousness in the working but ofd circuit business. Such meetings ought | to produce purer Christian intelligence | and church loyalty. Doubtless when | some laymen with more than ordin- | ary aggressiveness and possibly with | some axes to grind, capture a lay- | man's meeting for the purpose of ar- | ranging the various district elections | that, are lo take place, it jars the | : = simple-min novice who supposes | ? that all these things are left to Pro- | McFedridge S = vidence, and his weak conscience is in | danger through the conscience of those | Is the place to go when who are evén weaker. Gentlemen * in | You -want something such meetings owe a great deal to one | choice in Western Beef, another, to God and = to the church, ! Pork, Mutton, Lamb, and singleness of purpose, prayer and Veal Poultr > consecration 'are most befitting." | 8 ¢ ouluy, Fou, i Butter, Cheese, Lard, Escaped To A Free Country. Cooked and Smoked Cape Vincent Eagle. Meats, Vegetables of all t is or t y fea white- kinds ; . had military underclothing. The im- gh aq Teed that many N Beubite Kinde, : we also handle migrant inspector at Cape Vincent propagated at the Cape Vincent hatch. arton's Teas and Pie. | tried to stop them from landing, ery and p in the river and. lake kles; a fresh lot just to ! WI TTR fe 0 BSL dem ny | serters, however, hurried themselves into Canadian waters. If Blackwell's i ems Pickles in this is the case Canadian fishermen are . ] : great variety, and Frontenac joined the - Pete] benefited at the expense of Uncle Sam. Kingston weuld be made the orcaniza- | Special Clothing Made-to-Oxder. White Linen Hats. When you want Beef Sion wie, The association could meet Prevost's, Brock street, has a large For bays and girls of all ages.' 2e Tender and" Juicy, and any, | assortment of the latest patterns for up, at Georpe Mille & Co's big hat goods you can depend onl Cinders {Mz orl ork: "Black a be Sh) 1 10 TOR Prints sit. ay A quantity of coal cinders can be | tweeds, etc. All imported goods at | The 1 ive effec in' had free of charge, Apply Kingston | prices to defy competition. Also a spe- | mace ative effect of Chamberlain's Tablets 1s so | [ Piles of Fan Hosiery for : $6.15 Other makes of Ladies' Cotton in tan or black, special and 25¢. a pair. Child sizes, plain and ribhe marked very reasonabl and up. : OU need THE "KESWIGK" been there. "They know how to fix you up. Jy Eggs a la Caraccas--we have vei to om. a person who ceuld'nt relish then, | PRICES ARE MODERATE. Sroen PIII ntrvaang Gillett's Cream Tartar, Qillett's Washing Crystal, MADE FOR OVER 50 vrars. COMPANY SMOKES Juli Athy - Cura Arthur) The King of 10 The o, Ceat Cigars. Cent Cigars, us These two ane ou teaders all other brands. Try rae tars the Slot Machine, « Y,, won't o appointed. Every Ciga; 15 Worth = price and more. v * The "Best" Drug Store, "Phone 59, -- U GANT EAT! ate i at use TED lainty price al 0c, even t tmish, (with Strous SS Newman & Shaw. 000000000000 Scranton Coal FOR JUNE Pid for in June; de- | ® Jivered any time you | ® say. JANES SWIFT & C0. McFedridge, Sseeeesoorest | from Chickering. Orders recel Cor. Bagot and Johnston. Phone 561 | McAuley's book store, Princess piano Swift's § tuner ived at streets PPLE LG0eee EE god Muslin UND nC usli wderwear de onomy of Muslin Under Trae €con( pd dradee. year offering, (ov prices For TEN DAYS gEAR will be sold at! a reduc son of 3 i It mpgs rather that you give with its hoaps of well-made, ars, Chemises, Drawers, Skirts, and WI i right for shrewd bargain buyers. our reliable CRESCENT 2( Trimmed M Our Millinery Floor is a veritable art i the world's hest milliners pass in revie of the men. Every hat has an individuality women. : 0 York Hats, Hats from our own workroom: ork , 4 se them, whether yon wish to buy a the styles. -- Retiring or CRUMLE? From Business The entire: stock of GENTS FURNISHI C N CAPS imust be sold in a gardless of 'cost or value GREAT BARGAIN SA in a life time, which yo day: JOS. SI 102 Princess Street, MONEY AND BUSINESS. mm or grares emmy ERP! NDON, AND GLOBE uv OL 3S Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited Habllity ot all the stockholders. Farm and city Brgherty insured at lowest possible rates. ore renewing oid or giving pew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. S COVER MORE ON os ---- od contents than any otn- « company offers. lxamine them at Godw'n's Insurance Emporium, Mark. o Savare. ARCHITECTS me WM: NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- d floor over Mahood's drug aieocng Princess and Bagot ts. Enterance on Bagot street. me 608. ELLIS ARCHITECT, RE 5d Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- ¢hant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phoue 213. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete, Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone 245. EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N y. will open a studio for music at her horse, D % ) 140 Union St.. on May 11t Call Thurs- mumber of pupils desired. day BEST IN CANADA! A Modern and Progressive School The old reliable Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen street, Kings- lon, Ont., 'Phone 440. " N Spacious Apartments, Complete Equip, ent, Excellent Results. Thorough individual instruetion by competent experienced teachers in every departm 1 Graduates sought after as comanerc rS. in Canada and the Unit States. a Catalogue free. No vacation. Enter at Ay time. Day and evening class 3B. McKAY, H. F. METCAL President. Principal PAGING. AND UPHOLSTERNG Promptly well done:at lowest prices. Couches recovered and upholstered. Mattresses renovafled and cleaned, ad made as good as new. Coverings sold by yard as required. Furniture polished into new. Get ble, T. Fr, Harrison Co. 'Phone 90. i I ------------------ i -------- it os assis *. (THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) t--Sir Richard Cartwright Money 194004 on your order in as early as possi ad City ond crarm . ipal 'ounty Ramtares. or or purchased Ss recolved and interest allowed 8c me Director. P: | Ofies, 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. ® aes

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