Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1905, p. 5

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/y, SIR! we want to ask you a question, were not on the suits ip nr not think that they cost more price: tickets on .the clothing © reason than to prevent people price is higher than it is, d of Clothes looking more expensive than "f years old, and # | AY P WR NE We > UNUSUAL _ ACCIDENT WILL PROBABLY END YOUNG (MAN'S LIFE. -- Gas Company Hasn't Reduced Scale Sufficiently to get Fran- chise--Earl Inspects C. P. R. Shops--Has left for New York. 3 Special to the Whig. 2 Montreal, May 12. --George R. Reid, a young. Grand Trumk locomo- tive fireman, is in the general hos- pital, in a d9ing condition, as the result of an unusual accident which bappened while he was west on his. engine - this 'morning. Near La- chine he thought he saw something on the track, and to get a better view, out of the side of the locomotive. His head struck a pole, injuring him so serigusly that he can scarcely recover. He is twenty-three resided in Point St. Charles. . A special meeting of the board trade was held, of to-day, for the pur- pose of discussing their disposition to extend the Hontreal Gas com- peny's franchise fifteen more years, in considergtion of a sliding reduction in the price of gas to $1 per thousand cubic feet for illuminating, and ninety cents for stove gas. The proposition at Chown's drug store. ford's Corsets steel filled, 300. New York Dress Reform, "Fresh seidlitz powders," at the Red Cross Drug Store. H and H soap for cleaning carpets Wilham Swami, piano tuner. Orders received at Mcduley's 'book store. { If you want style for $1.50, see our The other day patent. Oxfords, plain toe, light sole. | at a London The Lockett Shoe Store. | tress. She Once more you can get 2 pairs of | rament 5c. cashmere socks for a quarter. S urday only at Roney & Co's. Fineapples, 12{c., 5c, 17. Craw- This afternoon the civic finance committee Was to meet again re- garding street railway matters. "Toilet waters and powders," the best kind at the Red Cross Drug Store. - ; A huge bon-fre | of rubbish on Up- per Johnston street, about | nine o'clock, this moming, looked from University avenue and Alfred street very much like a burning building. Princess - Strept - Methodist church tea, evening of May 24th at the par sonage, Fair View, north side of Vie toria park, Public cordially welcomed. Admission, 26c. -Remember the date. Butter rolls 18¢. Crawford. The Watertown,. N.Y., "Aut fer 100 years ago from {her parish in ex- ordinary shilling, which exchanged for ~ from twelve , it appears, to be efMcacious, had to be worn in & bag hung round 1 seven times seven corners of Great 2 inst the = SATURD -- ene SPECIALS ~~FOR-- All Day and Evening Prices that will make us friends instead of money. Soft Colored Shirts, sizes 12% to 163, regular 75¢. goods. Special Saturday, 49c. each, Pure Wool Black Cashmere Socks, regular aoc. and asc. Special Saturday, 2 pairs for 26c¢- Saturday, 3 for 25c.. Boys' Blue Serge Short Pants, sizes 22 to 28, regular soc. Special Saturday, 29c. per pair. Double Fold Collars, regular 1sc. each. ~ Special . . 4 . Club members who were to have come . t hat we have just the Suit you' TE Tp itt | Rent Tio SL ta 20 Per Cent. Discoun : ng a yuicient tion, and a mo wost. as far as Ni Falls, h ed to show 'it to you any day : tion 'of James Crathern and J. J. 4 ETI tri gr a or t ate ha { : ow! Am 4 at it. ms MeGill was adopted to the ofiect that | L010 eit Tr TF ater Th A | (Oot Satie and @semed singularly of- On all Men's, Young Men's, Boys' and Children's reduction proposed was altogether a . > s displace: too small in the face of Toronto's Speaks for. themselves, 'Olepver'a! Neacioys. belts are commonly worn Suits. $7.50 SUITS. dia ighty i soaps," nothing better made, get them | Charmed : Ly eighty cent gas and the legislature Gi ' in Lancashire for the cure of rheuma- 4 r | pounds making, for seventy-five cents, gas in a1, Sibeon's Ryd Cross Drug Store, tism. In Durham & cord round the 3 ' eed effects, $10.50 SUITS. potion Ne ok i his suite spent the | concluded the sale of household effects | loins is supposed to word off toothache. | Two lines of Men's Showerproof Coats, Tw "al rey al 8 sa S Ie . ~ ». - F > : 3 Se } ech most of today. inspecting rn exten< | of Miss Folger, who is shorily to re Eo a perfect fitters and very swell, regular $10. Special 12, $13 AND $15 SUITS. Dear Mrs. sive Angus shops of the Canadian | 10ave for "England. Two days were shire women Whur ate 1 ig babies * Being Pacific railwny in tbe east of the | Tequired in which to dispose of the | Wear around TRB BECKS SVS! SO 0 Saturday, $7.26 each. had exp 1 was Jeity, being conducted there by spe- Soba ae. tienda aml -- good He W 8 a Shia 1» wearled. + : : cial train. Ilia excellency leaves, thia ; PLceS . a 1 tion they im- ' : DJF NECKWEAR. glo my, of evening, at seven clock, for New | The fourth quarterly board meeting taking ot Tneartn | The above lines are all new goods. UCR SALE OF HATS. ). BIBBY CO.,, | flaberdashers, Oak Hall, THAT SATISFY" Guests to Tea? Meats in the pantry, you can never different kinds -- made ready for Meats anned EREN © critical buyer uses to describe the kind 0 nr spring stock is made right on our premi roughly shrunk bafore it is made ito b st Canvas and Heircloth in every suit, He i | ih 53 ob 7 fi: Lo 8 gE E i if I Mss. Pinkh free. Address, Lynn, Mass. New Owners Will Take Possession & in September. p, May 11.--The sudden death §D. J. Sullivan, New York, will be ived with much surprise and regret the many who know him, around and country. He was the son of je late Dennis Sullivan, formerly a grocer, but had been living with 'sisters in New York for several A. Chalmers has sold his lease Glénora flour mills, to W. H, w and N. Mactin, retaining pos until Séptémber. John Pringle been appointed janitor of the pub- 3 & ed He oa EY adjourned vestry meeting of St. y Magdalene's' church, held Wed- flay in the parish house, was well ded. The secretaries of the vari- [8 working societies read their most islactory reports. In a closing ad- the vicar spoke of the success- ar just passed and stated there been eighteen baptisms, thirty- e confirmations, five marriages and ty funerals. Refreshments were ved by the ladies, after business #88 completed. Mrs, Kirby and Miss (hithy have left for Montreal, whence y sail Saturday for England, to jie gone all summer. Gerald Despard, loronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. Mrs. W. P. Despard, Paul street. Mev. Canon and Mrs. Loucks, Kings- fla, have arrived in town for a week's visit. J. Carrington, Kingston, been in town for a few days on While a bilious attack is decidedly i ant it is quickly over when snamberlain's Stomach and Liver Yor! 'LAMB TAILS "BETTER OFF." Sheep Thrive Better Greater Results. During the lambing season the shep- is confronted with the question of docking, Many consider it a cruel practice and argue that the sheep's tail is for a good and useful purpose hould mot be cut off. But the sheep that is docked is far better off during the summer months than the undocked one. The tail is a dirt gatherer and when théré is an ac cumulation of filth it attracts the depredations of flies, in some cases causing death, Breeders find it a great advantage to have all the ewes well docked. The lamb crop is always more satisfactory where the ewes have been docked. Lambs that have been docked al- ways sell for mire money and the fleece is worth more in sheep that have no dirt gathering - tail. Just when is the best time to dock is always a question with many farmers. It should be done sas soon as possible after:the lamb gets on its feet and can walk. What instrument to use is of little importance, so long as it cuts the tail ofi clean and quickly. If the operation is done whil¢ the lamb is young emough there is prac- tically no danger of death from loss of blood. 1fit is done after warmer wea- ther comes on there is a danger from flies, but this can" be obviated by the use of oil of tar on the wound. Some growers recommend searing the wound with 'a hot iron, which may be all right after the lamb has become older ore docking, but from experience the conclusion is safe that there is little danger when the docking is done at an early age, which also means be- fore flies get bad. The comfort and safety of the lamb depend much upon this surgical operation. The flock own- er and the flock are better off when the tails "are all off. Wanted To Use Front Door. The mistress of a household is im- pressed by various changes that are taking place in the relations between domestic servants and their employ- ers. "One. must be pi red for such and Yield} Bates chosen to i of Queen Street Methodist church was held, last evening, with a good at- tendance of board members present. Rev. Dr. Antlifi presided. The dele- attend the district meeting here next week were: E. Botterell and W. J. Crothers. Other regular business was transacted. HOME MISSION CIRCLE Of Sydenham Street Church Gave "At Home." The sum of $40 was realized by the "At Home" given in the schoolroom of Sydenham street church, on Thurs- day evening, by the girls of the Home Mission Circle. The hall was very prettily decorated; and the pro- gramme, jn charge of Rev. W. T. G. Brown, very good. A vote of thanks | its head, put between was passed to Mr. Back for kindly | gnd butter and given to a dog. Then lending a Mason & Risch piano. Upon | it the latter in eating it should cough-- it solos were played by fis Shaw, naturally he will--the complaint will Miss Mary Chown, Miss Eva Richard- | be transferred to the animal and the son, and Miss Alice Johnston. Miss | child will recover. Bailey and Vis Edith Mills contribut- | In Seshiss it is by 30 roy songs. An interesting = paper on a young to i. . J was read by Miss Gladys Beal. afew moments With its head inside Receiving those who came were Mrs, from thrush. Elmer Davis, and Hise Mamie Anglin, superintendent am ident of the circle, and Miss Eliott, deaconess, | 18 _subatituted for the frog. Miss Jessie 'Sherman collected the ad- | Sometimes trees take the place of mission fee. Refreshments were served | Shimals. Thus a certain 'old oak st by the missionary study class, at a | Berkhamstead was ilong Samons joe table which was prettily decorated in | the Cre of gue fhe URAKEIICH green and white. Pastry was sold by | wea simple, but otk . the Misses Mabel Richardson, Susie | o Anglin, Dunlop and Edith Chown, at | peag of the patient to the tree. a very pretty green and white table | peasantry cure thache Sweets were in charge of the Misses | eh the gums I iron Eva Richardson, Dora Oldrieve, | nail, which is then driven up to the Marion Hewton, Haycock and May | head in an elm tree and there left. They Choyn, their colors being yellow and | also profess to believe that a shrew white Delicious cakes found ready | mouse. touched by a sick person and sale, their vendors being the Misses | then pegged up alive in a hole pre- Florence Hiscock, Edith McCartney, | viously bored in an alder tree, will Lulu Roney, and Alice Johnston, and | carry off the disease from the patient. the table being done in pink and Dickens Phrases. white. Since Shakespedire no writer has | "made language" to the extent that | Dickens has done, and the number © Lisi Road, May 10.--Recent | common colloquialisms taken from his ave delayed farmers in planting. The| novels and which everybody uses every little daughter of Robert McKay hap-| day is the outstanding proof of th¥ §c- pened with what might have been a cess with which he has appealed to the serious accident; while playing around | imagination of the nation. a washing machine full of boiling watl-| How often one hears "Barkis is will- er, she pulled out the plug, and was! in'," "Beware of widders" "Oliver 8 and their offspring period, The cords u] % from mother to d'are esteemed in propor- thelr to t mose-bleeding wear a skein of scarlet thread : with nine knots gc the patient is a that the thread be put on and the knots tied by a wo- man, while if the patient is a woman. then these services must be rendered by a man. ¥ ¥EfS iH i ; ! : Perth Road News. Remember these prices are for Saturday only. Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street. he warvelious German Remedy discovered by 1t is controlled is this country by the WF Company, a concern which has the medical wed Iryes d, "his wrearment has ~ud old, when the best are sufiering from diseases of Lhe general! aren Sthtud,«xhausing drains mesvuus dei y Lotres 's treatment sent free with 8 filed wih oth rgb ee i other trecuments, I his re ly Th ths French and German armies. and the soldiers. In. these countries are models of strength and vitality, Write 8 sample sent securely Lenled ia plain wrapper, Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal 090209 E9090EEEOSEO CEOE® GEO {ROYAL SHOES} FOR MEN C In Patent Colt Calf and the popular shades @® of Tan. ® The material used in their construction is the finest that can be secured, and for beauty and style nothing stands in the way of our shoes. s@®e® eve @ e ® B, F, oh dan Bas to mass ie We Eras AY, Pass. Agt. worn out, spd while we are paying more [0 ot. charge our customers any more for them ds, inferior work and inferior fit elsewhere ts are used. For sale by all drug- EOP E@9T severely burned about the body, but| Twist asks for more" "Codlin"s the experiences: as that which I had with | Loo medical aid and tender nursing | friend, mot Short" "E: dom't believe a young person yesterday, who had 9® Prices, $4.50 a Pair. ® POWER & SON ARCHITECT, chant's Blackburn magistrates havo come t our own Tailor-made Suits, 4. hem in Our Window. latest patterns in cloths in, our fo your measure suits, $15, The People's Clothier, | Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. gents for HEADLIGHT UNION-MADE fo the conclusion that the sale of eed potatoes on Sundays is ET ---- Awaken the Liver You Remove the Cause of In- » when in health, filters 8 the blood, where it is pois- it into the intestines. advertised for a position as wiitress, etc. Among various stipulations the young lady made while I was under examination was this. "I suppose may have the privileges of the front door. 1 always had them in Detroit. Upon my admitting with ponfusion that I had never heard of such a thing: and didn't know what it meant | she rejoined, patiently. 'Oh, yes. You see, it's this way. If a friend should call to take me out in an automobile I shouldn't like to go out the back door, | should wish, occasionally, to use the front door." "' The woman who wanted y' and the young lady from Detroit, did not reach an under- standing. Cremation In Germany. Statistics for the German empire show a further increase in the number of cremations, there having been cre- mated 1,381 bodies in 1904, against is much improved. Ira Darling has | there's no such person," "Let me put disposed of his village residence to S.| my lips te it when I am so dispoged." F. Darling. The Wilmur Sabbath school; "Waiting for something te turn up," 1 re-opened Sunday last, with a large | "A trifile wearing," "The la: is a hass," attendance, the superinjendent, Herm. "The demnition bow-wows,™ and so on. an Buck, looking refreshed after his, Not & few actual words have come rest. George O'Neil has moved his fa-| from Dickens to the dictionary--Pod- mily to the village, and, accompanied | SNaPPery, Pickwickian, Pecksniffian, by his son, has left for Alberta, N,W, | Bumbledom, and many others. "Dolly T. The Richardson mica mine has| YArden." the pretty heroine of "Barna- again opened. Mrs. J. C. Sears, ill for | DY, Rudge." has given her name to a some time is convalescing. Miss Lake | ee Mr; Ico Halter. the A ifs Sydenham, has been engaged as teach! pave beco u Hoek, E aneric is os er for the Maple Leaf school. Visitors; | oe ne om mon ns, G. W. Orser, at Samuel Scars'; Herm- | . an Buck, at J. Stoness'. A Steady Eye Upon Ireland. i The official eye which is now being Desert Lake Paragraphs. kept on Ireland is rather. unsteady. Desert Lake, May 10.--Our former; Which recalls a good story, says The cheese maker, D. Abrams, has opened | Westminster Gazette. When Lord Carn- the factory again for the season. | Walls was Viceroy, an address from While clearing up land J..C. Murphy | Kilkenny was presented to him at Dub- met 'with a very serious accident: as | lin Castle. One of his eyes, owing to he was trimming a tree, the axe slip- | some natural defect, was always oscil- ped, cutting his arm badly. S. Keech ARE in its socket. Ou this oecaston $ McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE & $oP® ED INIDIC VICOEE@ IE OEES WRIA Wel, Ripe Bananas, 15c. dozen Large Pineapples, 2 for 25c. Strawberries and Tomatoes Ry A. J. REES', Princess St. RAARARARAARARASARAR F Bank Baildi Wellington HEGRY P. SMITH, Anchor Bi p h L 1,074 bodies in 1908, an increase of through here on a business | he OT8aN was more than usually rest- | ==----------------- = samp ® 28 per cent., and double the number| {rin last week. i ' isk cremated in 1901. The Gotha crema- iE ob a a om Bow N ew A rrivals Fuel Fuel Cc tory had 301 incinerations; Hamburg! der Verona, who. died suddenly of ap-| AT Hard Coal Bl, Jona 189, hog j55, Heidel Ld pendicitis. E. H. Snook, delayed in| Pc ol Grats and Eee t . bach , Maniheim 74, Eis-| Sydenh: k ick i = lor your i much, and enbich 54, and Karlsruhe 46. OF the comet Micros File wort Tone Mon | DY Into an uncontrollable ot of aust. | Vg, 1 Luven's: Stove Caertant" 30d Fa" Toe. your Of paying too fort of bodies. cremated 808 were males and| have returned after visiting friends at! to tell ' "did hear of its| lots of them. cheap, by the Soft Coai also have the com i m females; 1,060 were of the Evangel- | pork Road. Miss Walroth spent Sun-| match, except Mayor Coventry's | gor or by the bunch Ol : knowi what you buy ical; 142 of the Catholic, and 108 of| jay at her home. William Deyo spent complimen Elizabeth: "When | pine Apples, Naval Oranges Sopnat for your grate. * d by get Jewish faith; 44 were Freethinkers | (ho past week at home. Mise Alma the Spanish Armada attacked your Ma- | p..eh Table Figs. per 1b. 10¢. els aa for grates and engines. thoroug ly good, § Men's and 37 were of undetermined religious| Spook is visiting. relatives at Perth | Jesty, ecod, they caught the wrong SoW | 1.10. per 1b. 8c, packages. be. 10c, thing a e your next pairo views, Road. George Hopkins, is at his fath- | by the ear." Select Raisins, 4 lbs. 25c. Also Cut & Uncut Wood rds at the Sawyer nv er's. Archibald Morey paid his par -------------- Cleaned Currants, 4 ibs. 25c. : a Irish Forethought. ents a flving visit after an absence of Beauties of Tasmania. wetted] APP gallon tins, each; ile. ---- ore. Px several vears. A. Abrams, Hartington Tasmania, which is now being Raspherrigs, per tin, 10¢ r ] : - St ; . . og i contemporary tells a |i at his mother's. George Amey ig for the first time by Lord Northcote, | Chipped Beef, in tins, 15c., in glass, P. WALSH, BaRmACKST. 0-80-00 COG OO000C0000000 Our selection 18 © story of &n exhibition of forethought | visiting 8. Deyo. 7! Governor-General of the common- |20c. 2 ots in Tan Calf an Irishman. At a cortaein lecture | wealth, is known as the "Circassia of | Veal Loaf, in tins. 15¢ ee . 2 E ; than Hu k Co or! there was a little disturbance, and The Brownies Are Here. i She colon and BY reason S¢ the surpass Avother lot white Patotoes finest Try Myers for & m OSS ng p , " a i ul ow quality. ; y x ay i Chocolate or Blas at the, doctures * fo a ak, n We mean of course the brown stiff | them -----y found their way into the se- | Butter, good supply. low prices. Fin COOKED 5 ? --OR ? See our swell line right I see only had a Bit of stoking | 86d soft hats so popular among swell | lect pages of Dod and | tt, but] Green Onions, Rodishes, Lettuer, © 5 - ar coe and $3.50. plaster." y ah sticking | dressers, in the Jorge Sites, No itv} many more have gravitated to Mel- | Rhubarb, cte. MEATS. ¢ Crests and Designs on Pap~ 3 Harn' 24 aie? Gab them in Hawes', rsalino, al tet-| bourne and Sydney hotels, where they , ---- ' Hotes oit, sir said a muscular | oop makes, George Mills & Co., hat | are said to command twice the salary F. Ww. VAN LU VEN. 5 : [ oy Packet dein' the Saturday micnt | specialists. | of the average barmaid. on account o 246 Princess St. 'Phone 417 3 rr Shoe or my pocket agin' the Saturday night. | their superior atiractiveness. Ta 1 In' proportion ss nations get more | & . : S J. W. L.. Forster, the Toronto ar- | Roosevelt will make a tour of the | Wao rejoins in the nt amas ad I have lived to know . that the se- | corrupt more disgrace will attack to] Q ea gist, is at work n a portrait of | south some time before the convening | 1 t Ho Ga ot | cret of happiness is never to wllow { poverty; and more respect to wealth, | 9 : ; Son. R.-F. thei , speaker of | of congress in the fall of this year. and tae Gore Yecent years be- | your energies to, stagnate.--Adam n. "12 EO COMI 35 for Fc. | at Gls ed Gross, Drug Store | Sama a considerable sXUUELAE Of Abies ae sorkinge, ankiots, ston Yamada air, rr. Bageoe : 12 bananas 23c, Crawford, 2 Covent e Drug Store. : ; Jas. Crawford, . Chown's drug store.

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