Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1905, p. 2

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To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah- druggists refund the money - Lit tails to cure. E. W. Groves signa i ture is on each box, 2c. Know A Good Thing. great many men insist that their . These celebrated hats are be had in Kingston onlv at Campbell { Bros,, the style centre for men's hats. Married In Montreal. of Miss Lily Griffith, and g John Wilson MeContall took place ursday ternoon, 'lock, - Dow, Method Kingston some years ago. r.: fr ! i Hil i ili H fl £ £ ° ; £ iE rl i I 5 F i F i F at i fs i A CB Thursday National league--At Boston, 5; f L AL, Filed ia, 3; Pitts. burg, 4. At yn, 7; At New York, 4; St. Louis, 0. At Toronto, 4; Bui- treal, 3; Rochester, 0. the , 2; Baltimore, 1. sey City, 3; Providence, 1. : i § E i F | i i f= § : ¥ f £ is i £ 825 $ 3 E i fy Received By the Staff. BE 5 2 22 i : f i : £ , who is to command adian forces of that garrison, was met . Irving, . D Humphreys, C50. 63rd Regiment; i" i rg : 1) i ,0.C.; Lieut.-Col. Lieut.-Col. Twin- ede, i t £ I 4 ¥ if g fl ie : » Flowers, 1st. C. A. He visited and inspected the brigade headquart- ers at the armories. Prevosts' Smoke Sale. The keenest and most fastidious buy- d if i 8sy Fy i "| i if ; i fied bed i "| Prevost's smoke sale this week, Why ? * them. 'Come to the all this week. A large stock and great assortment. £4 ¥ rE F i 8 "| Smith Wouldn't, Nesbitt Didn't division revealed one or unique circumstances. N, Smith, liberal member for the Soo, declined to vote. He was in the house ix i } ¥ ] i i i F 3% EF pr ry. On the other side of the Beattie Nesbitt was absent and was not paired. H first to declare that he would "stand by Gamey." ii: ; kad LE] <2 i Can Produce The Real Staff. n regard to the staff used b _ [bugle major of the old Royal Cana- dian. Rifles, said to have been dispos- 'led of at a sale here during the past i military man says he real staff. The other, he claims, is not the right one. father was bugle major of the Royal Canadian Rifles, and used is still in possession of the fa- if 3 iL Em Fe SLFEED --- = i i 1 Feel : way ownership. A company could not make the line pay, and apparently it is either no street car service or ne operated at the expense of the city. in these davs of great popularity of municipal owner: ship, Kingston is not evidencing any great yearning for ils own street railway. pr ® gs 3 will be no R. & 0: boat down 2 i Strangely enough g 11 t clerk at Swift's. wharf | Lake Michigan i a chance to run i i | TF i : | FH ffs 3% E The last night and cleared with a barge, e steamer Argyle leaves here on on her route between SIE A, t Swift's % ennie is at wift's with of the gasoline launches, built & Sons for a Toronto Junc- has been s0ld to the Gan- How To Ward Off 01d Age. i Al { 5 i - off the approach I i tet F : i fil: i § E £ ¥ A Final Settlement. The differences between the masons | and contractors have amicably arranged and the to return to work this morning with favorable weather. The masons have =, 7 3 fb three and one-third cents to thirty- seven oents per hour, The other two a to apprenticeship for them elsewhere. In a physical and partnership have been allowed to nd tand as they were, both si ing concessions bo other clauses. The settlement afiects | Where a about fifty local left the city and éccured re for the season. GUARD BYRNE'S DEMAND To Be Represemted at tion By Counsel i of | E ET § 3 f [ g i F ii E To Settle Difficulties. . iy Og di 5 i most look for rug and loyal | baseball | defenders of its national honor? To! the farm boys. From where else should the country secure that sterling worth fed on | ability and integrity of - character | but in last Saturday's games, | needed in our legislatures and execu- uali from playing the league £ two of the teams, the Lakeviews and | live offices. It is as true as gospel | Newman & Shaw. Beavers, di the injuncti Fa ? E 13 > i] : g § led for to-night to settlé some difficulties which have arisen. At a former meeting several i 5% ele i mE? i Ful were i : iF 4] | | E: E : it i i # i £7 ¥ fH i i it | : £7 5it : | {i i ik 2 i Ho fy 7s oh fi i ih [HE ul 2 i | ; i "8 Z§ Aw iz THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES ANDI THINGS $ | | ! i | Vicinity--Other Brief Items of | Archbishop Gauthier returned. to the Don't miss the specials on sale, Sat- urday. Roney & Co. at the police court this "Chinese Furniture drug store. Corneli rmingham is home from England, whither he went on a busi- ness trip, Fine ripe tomatoes, very best ban: anas, and fine cocvanutls. "Phone 141; W. J. Crothers. Companies No. 1, 2, and 3 of the drill last nigh Whatever you see in our ads, for store. See Livingston's adv. The mason contractors are expect: demand an eight hour day. The Imperial steam laundry has se- cured the contracts with all R. & 0. boats, touching at Kingston this season. : i enry Cunningham, ' piano tuner from Chickering. Orders received at McAnley's book store, Princess street. William Bruce, the Gananoque man in hospital, having had his arm' an putated used to work in the locomo- 'tive works. He was one of the striking machinists. A new 32 chocolate Bluchér out Ox- Lockett Shoe Store. Bert Derry is suffering from a lame ceived recently, while moving a heavy piece of furniture. Sweet seeds, in mixed and sep- arate colors, dwarf and double. At Chown's, drug store, J. A. Stuart, B.A. of Queen's Uni- versity, has gone to Consecon, and taken ch of the church for the summer months, The late Dr. McNish, of Cornwall, gave a three months' course of lec tures on the Celtic language and lit- erature at Queen's University last session, . "Chinese Furniture drug store. runaway act on Ontario street, yes- before any damage was done. {issued a fine wall chart with refer {ence maps of the world, on a black 'ound, and Canada up-to-date. The and coats arms of "all na- tions are. given. Altogether 'the ch are unique and a credit to all cerned. | gains. Come Saturday. Roney & Co. An actress singing body Give Me a Kiss," at Watertown 'N.Y., was surprised i Telephone Co., gaining the - stage stepped behind Miss Turner and ans kept up until an extremeiv early hour turning out for that excitement The Farm Boy. | Interest To The People. i Newman & Shaw's ""Purse- ers,' | | city last evening. | 'There was no business transacted | morning. | Cream" --no- | thing better for furniture. Chown's | 14th iment had fine turn-outs at | ight. Saturday Right sale, you'll find in our | ing that next year their employees will i ford for ladies, just received at The | Presbyterian. Cream"--no- | thing better for furniture. Chown's | A spirited pair of horses belonging to F.'W. Albree, Emily street, did a terday afternoon, but were stopped The St. John, N.B., Telegraph has arte con- dt is well known that when we ad- | vertise specials, they are real bar "Won't Sune For Saturday. when William Livingston, an employee of the Bell An attendant at Rockwood was mur ied to a city young woman, and the Per. m | newly married couple were serenaded | until an early hour, the entwe village | price, viz :--7c., 10: the Cook 1f your baking is not satisfactory, Use Snowflake Baking Pow For all _your Baking and YOU WILL BE HAPPY It is pure, and is used and recom- | mended 'by hundreds in Kingston, Fresh every week. 25 CENTS A POUND. | Only At The "Best" Drug Store, LP. BEST, Chemist and Optician. | 124 Prineess St. *Phone 59, Quick Delivery. foot, the result of an injury he re-| { ¥ Every owner or occupant of land TUL ttn ht dt holdin now required to cut the weeds growing | on the highways adjacent to his land. The statutes of 1904 provide for this. NOW IS THE WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT you are heat out of poor coal. ou is band-screened and uni. Tr ™m. a A_onéton order will bring you A 'large lot of DRY SLABS for § sale. Booth & Co. "Phone 188, RE I FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. THE SHARTER OF ZhB KINGSTON ies" ollege. ply, to Mrs, { Agnew, at the College, Barrie St. "Purse: Openers" wered her appeals. The audience and] those on the, stage applauded for ten The most successful way of warding | minutes. The song was not finished Id 'age is to, The usual maintain a vigorous digestion. This | Portsmouth was can be done by eating only food suit- | nesday evening, the ed to your age and occupation, and | one for general rejoicing, which was | pair. when any disorder of the stomach a i pears, take a dose of Chamberlain's | stomach and liver tablets to correct | ried it. if you have a weak stomach or - {ave troubled with will find these Tablets to be just what you need. For sale by all druggists. Lace Curtains for 25¢c. a pair and up. peaceful serenity of | disturbed on Wed: occasion, heing Special line at 98¢., worth $1.25 a pair. Special line at $1.25, worth $1.65 a -| Special line at $1.75, worth §2.50 « Brass Extension Curtain Poles at hall 7 c,, 15¢., ready to put up. Brass Curtain Pins, 5c. a doz The farm is a good place on which | Striped 'Scrim for Curtains, 36 inches to raise a hoy--a ood place to de- | wide, extra special at 7e., 10c., 124c. a i . h o fg Pp : yard, { velop him physically, to teach him morality and decency of conduct. But | Art Muslin, regular 8c., for 5c. a vard. it could not be expected that these | boys would all, or even a respectable | Job lot of Lace and Insertion at less { minority of themi, remain on the | | farm; neither would it be best that than half price, 3c. a yard. The $1.25 Black Sateen Petticoat, on they should. There is an urgent need | Saturday, 98c. | mite, where are the nervy, pushing $1.25 White Crochet Quilts, double bed aggressive citizens of the future to | Pre. 98. aud | come from if not from the farm ?| our Saturday prices, on Whitewear re the bank, the great corpor- { will surprise you. Skirts, Corset Covers ation and the commercial concerns to | G0%ens, Drawers and Waists all at cut | s Ratan | prices. { obtain mon of the requisite 'energy | | and ability to plan and conduct our See the line of Ladies' Tan and Tack {great modern business enterprises if | Cotton Hose, on Sale Saturday, special | not from the farm ? Where does the | ®t 19¢. a pair, perfectly fast colors. BILIOUSNESS. F 75 iE | that if a perennial crop of well-born, { -- and led | Brand as it is, would go straight to y to-morrow afternoon at the | the wall inside of two generations. rin Portsmouth And Barriefiel Deliveries will (be made without extra charge, contrary to previous announce= Don't Blame apy Put a piece of this {13 pail of water over nigh | through in the morning. E Wn thrown open for entry. Put almost any oth vessel and one hour will c Consider the. differe weather, and to your pur * Quick-Oak " Sole | i * The Slater Shoe," becats: | control the supply of tha Every genuine " Slat cg £-G. LOCKETT, The Canadian HOMESTEAD REG . Auy even numbered section of Dominion 1 ies, excepting 8 and 36, which has no Wood lots for settlers, or for other : my person who is the sole head of afami ) the extent. of one-quarter section of 160 ac ENTRY may be made personally at the Ic receiva authority for some one to un for a homestead entry. HOMESTEAD A settler who has been granted an entry Wislons of the Dominion Lands Act, and t $oaditions connected therewith, unde on & #1) At lease six months' residence upon ar suring the term of three years. It isthe to bring 15 acres under cultivation, Gand 20 head of cattle, to be actually accommodation, will be accepted instea £48) If the father (or mother, if the father make a homestead entry unde th land to be taken is situated, or if Sion to the Minister of the Interior, O Winnipeg, or the Local Agent for ba in the vicinity of the land entere fo | RUirements of this act as to residence prior person residing w th the fatheror n (8) If a settler was entitled to and has o ents of this act as to residence mtisfied by residence upon the first homester Nenily of the first homestead. f { the settier has his permanent reside i the vicinity of his homestead, the require Stighed bv residence upon the saidland Bat 10 indicate the same township, or an i Shir Accommodation, and have hosides avails himself of the provisions ate 80 acres of his homestead. or substity 8 second entry is restricted by law Jute, 1889. Every homesteader who fa Is homeetead law is liable to have his ent: 3 Toe: upon their first homsteads to enti APPLICATION FO ud be made at the end of three years, b d Ipspector. Before making appl 8x months' notice in writing to the co Wa of his intention to do so. INFORMAT Newly arrived immigrants will receiveat it say Dominion Lands Office in Manitoba Fine of OI as to the lands that are open for Penses, advice and assistance in ec Bo Ta the land, timber, coal and Lands in the Railway Beit in Brit fen U0n to the Secretary of the Departn oner of Immigration, Winnipeg. Mas Agents in Manitoba or the North-West W. W. CORY, Dep er addition to Free Grant Lands, Wrchase Ousands of acres of most desirabl ftom railroad and other corporations Lawn Mowe) We repair old Mowers a ones. We send 'for the any repairs necessary : time, saving you all w your Lawn. Mower does Possibly your refrigerato US and we will put it in | CKELVEY 69 and 71 Bro 20000000000 DO TINNING GF If , THE CANADA METAL i

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