Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1905, p. 1

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t Fruit-a-tives ch ; om of Health. Anged Pale, was a on from _has been S8aty for nowasT ani 1 took 10 med. but 1 followeq 23 10 diet ete, let which accom p. it-a-tives, = : +2, aod Temi" hy r lon i Et Spal! . fais Song andl it-a-tives ne si 1 imply say that the action of Fruit. a very mild and uou-irritatiy no griping is felt ang tn bs : Src, i taking them. + *'O2acl is [Signed] PLORENCE JAMISON, tives" cure Const tioh "just ely Ry nstipa Just as surely qs ® suspicious of your health, don ness. € ** Fruita-tives." sts have these health preserving, pleasant --and worth ten times the luxury of HITED, 1 #n Also the ipati hick had suffered hat itis not t-d-tives every way. t-a-tives e directions me {o take the ite well in ; "t wait for 50¢. to any womay perfect health' OTTAWA. o T'S NE & PORT Ie real merit and sy riorit JOHN LABATTS ALE d PORTER are well own. The claim is "made, ported by numerous dals and testimonials, that y are pure, , wholesome erages, superior to any de on this continent. LAND, reet, Kingston, AGENT, eassock, presented. to him last wi by the ladies of his congregation, De- At a meeting of the Preshyterian sy: nod of Hamilton and London, Rey. Ml, YB. A, Kitchen accepted the call to the ing § Macnab street" church, Hamilton, and by- [ wil be ordained and inducted May dth. The call from Erskine church, ill, | Hamilton, to Rey B. Russell, oi ir- | Hillsburg, was sus ned, of Nearly all the Toronto Anglican churches' at. their vestry ine tinge the | Monday, passed resolutions in favor at J of adopting a hymn hook for 'the Ir, | Canadian church instead of us at the the | present time allowing each church to choose ite awn hymal. There are some or- {half a dozen different versions of the the} hymnal in use in Canadian churchs. ist | The movement now in progress aims 3,- $10" have one adopted and authori b- § 30 that all the ohirrelios will be aft ng in unison, . nd -- ve A Long Session. "e: | Ottawa Journal, ar re It looks as though parlianicat? will rt] grt down te solid business somo time In Mav--ahout the time it was - al | preted "to prorogue when it met in all! January. 3 i=% Shoulder braces, 500. Now York nd Drdss Reform, REI, } Famous Specialist ch time they call. ERSONAL ATTENTION : {frequent galled attention the fact, Sr es fumilx, 0 80 Tor sverige these institutes are i t ry sctice wader the oid nase, they coud sot 3 to thesa concerns with the expectation of re- nes called at their he EERE » wicut one call you seo r, | am me personally. he Treatment Ig a heaven-sent ota EL patie! E 2 and suffer; from; VATE Berve Eames ere y worry, domestic ares. horeavements diss , comtor and happiness ar ble ae enplessDes: "fatigue N nes oapleasts f a; t. The use of narcotics and poisonous, of it are in congtant danger until cured; 5001 tho poison hs organs of the ul n the mouth or tongue, 3 sore ir are cured. ASTE OF POWER, 72. NO. 10 5 \R iy of the dealer, store easy, REFORM" will wear no other. . So fa our Spring Patterns have won great praise, ; uid - se B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Promotors of Progressive Fy For Men. WANTED. TROD BruARLE MEX. ATELY Dress AX EXPERIENCED HOQUSEMAID. "Apply Mrs. McParland, No. 2 Emily ee TY GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA AT "Kent Brothers Mica Works, foot of "Princess Street. Ih JUNIOR SALESMAN, FOR Curtain Department. R. McFaul, t Warehouse. | GENERAL SERVANT ; NO WASH- or ironing ; - Small family. 'Ap- ly, 817 University Ave « A COMPETENT GENERAL SER- Yat. Apply to Mrs. L. L. Hender- so, Cor. Bagot and West Streets. pa ONE FOR PRESS- other for job room. hustlers. Apply at Whig A GIRL FOR GENERAL work and good wages to . Avply to Mrs. B. King. St. Wes HOUSE- competent W, Folger, GOOD PASTURE. from. Fog Bd scraping, preferred. Co. TO-LET. SUMMER COTTAGE, ON AMHERST 5 Island. Apply, W. BH Moutray Stella, eee eae is } ' DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 : é Bt, opposite City Park. Pos- Everybody cannot know everything about a Suit of Clothes--some things wust be leit to the judgment and hon- "Reputation for Square Dealing" is one of our great aids in selling. This, pled with the exclusive styles of "FIT REFORM," make buying at this ; No wonder our customers "sland by us, Bnd once wearing "FIT 1. DAILY MEMORANDA, ---- Yacht Club meets, 8.15 pan. Victoria Day Committee, 8 p.m. Fire and Light Committee, 8 Pam. Wo2 waits upon those who cravingly wait for wine, The sun rises Tuesday at 4.54 a.m., and sets at 7.01 pap. Miss Baker, Victorian nurse, removed to 175 Clergy Street. Phone, ¢09. * Perhaps the lazy man never carries off] the honors because they weigh too much. To spot another man's faults and not detect © your own is a kind of color blind. ness, Y.W. C. A, gyvmnasiom concert, Opera House, May 4th. Tickets 25c. Reserve ) your seat at Uglow"s; no extra charge. This day in history :--Lord Stanley made Governor-General = of Canada, 1888 ; Canadians and Gordons routed Boers at Thabn N'Chu, 1900 : Duke of Commaught horn, 1850 ; Spanish fleet de- stroyed at Manila, 189 Union of Eaogland and Scotland, 1707. TET 1 25¢, Dozen, ROBERTSON BROS.. [& TUESDAY MORNING! At 10 o'clock We will hold our First Fruit Auction Sale at which we wi-l offer TO THE TRADE A Car of Fancy 8 hand Bananas, together with Pines, Cocoanuts, Lemons, Dates, etc. 1 t i © © t In lots to suit purchaser, t THE KINGSTON FRUIT COMPANY 86 Brock Street. 1 SONN-N.- MILLS, Auctioneer. | r CARVING others not so elaborate at less session M s 4 money. We are particular consequences. It is nothing less than Flanagan, 82 FL Miss that all our Carving Setts offering Russia facilities for re fitting are good. Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet, and FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR THRER 2 virtual base of operation in the CaF Ta0stL, : v C JEWELERS 5 al ase of operation in the aro- i hy hom wager corceoence: | SMITH BROS, *™% SEES an | ines. The latest reports that the ships > ' % @utral location. Apply by letter, to 350 KING STREET of the Baltic fleet are going to the PO. Box 32 Kingston, ' : Pacific, whence the vill sei 3 ' a # 8 , nce they will seize an op- NEAT - -- SL : portunity to reach Vladivostok, par- . AE RICK AcuEy, BESE The Highest Grade of tially confirm this report. The Caro- furmace : modern - conveniences : AS, F t lines are far from all ocean routes, meine mDossession. Apply Box 00 wear and the Russians could remain a long . Kk office or on premises. To be Had in "Canada" time, if the cable were cut, before MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, 114 their presence would be known out. St. 12 rooms, hardwood was the expression of a gentleman who | side. 3 's Rood stabling and coach | knows Canadian trade "in regard to our L opose. Possession immediately. A Shoes." hr to Joseph Power or John Twed- 66 Drove Japanese Qut. Wear Allen's"' St. Petersburg, May 1.--Gen. Line b- eee eee ----ceeeeet i QOMBORTABLE: BRICK FARM k 2» Partly furnished, well situated bs shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 milos % of Colling Ba Military Bootmakers, X 84 Brock St. Yiinte: 28 miles on the night of April 29th, simultan. 3 Mmodation. Stage daily to SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. cously attacked the Japanese near the Guneston ad Bath. Also Frame| town of Hunghunian, driving - them @ 8 2 dfosa, H, C. Rothwell, TAKE NOTICE from five consecutive positions, and " : DON'T SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR. | vccupying Tung Husiang. THAT ResSIRABLE FBOPERTY AT niture, Carpets, Gent's Clothes and of Queer an ntario | Boots to the rst buyer that cores i i i treet, lately occupied by Mr. Hen a Ey ey od" You will find the Russian Soldiers Mutiny. oth fafiocery with large yard | difference. Warsaw, May. 1.--Advices received ? celved or dines. Oters Xa be = J. TURK, THE SECOKD-HAND DBALER, |irom Suwalki state that while a regi- - Welker, & Walk . Solicitors, King- 398 Princess Street. ment of reservists were marching » : FOR SALE, Y 3 SEATED © {TOP © aR ARE, ches CANOPYTOP FARR] T&D. Apply at 51 Brock S ade Shs. SOUND ; FINE 'c Pr, Curte™® sold cheap. »- hoi S002, Sion on an 4° Solera street, GAS 3 bavi ASOLINE street, aux LOT, ENGINES AT Dry Docksone 33 H. Power, % and one 4 Power, GEISHA" : 25 condition, new sh. * apply, to J. C . F Culars s Montreal. Kingston, . Bank of W ALFRED STREET, SOLID buildipg, 6 bedrooms, double dining room," and = kite n, improvements, hot water heat. heat and light. Wired for 5 ghting, good cellar full concrete igor. Apply on | + King, City tr Y. W.C.A. Join Our Tennis Club. Auction Sale Thursday, May 4th HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ' WILL. iams Upright Piano, Horses, Cattle, Im- nleaments, at © the residence of Fred Corkey, Front Road, Township Pitts- burgh, 3 miles from City. Sale at 10 o'clock. Terms cash, W. MURRAY, te ve Auctioneer. NOTICE. 1 HEREBYYGIVE NOTICE THAT I will not be * responsible for any debts contracted in my Jame by parties with- itten order. Iu Wy. we "ION CORNELIUS. =i tc FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. THE CHARTER OF THE KINGSTON Ladies' College. Apply, to Aenew, at tha Barne St. TUMBLERS I}: mand of Admiral Lots of Them |X {smranh Bay on April 25th. Up to that time the fleet had not been join- ed by the third Baltic squadron. There is the best authority for stating that Admiral Rojestvensky's vessels = have gone to the Philippine Islands, where expected reach the Pacific will try to reach ranh Bay, many of the sailors desert- J ed. The men complain of harsh treat. : ment, On the way back to Saigon eleven nds apes German transports were seen anchored FRUIT UCTION SALE off Cape St. James, While at Kamranh Bay thé Rus- . OR Slans captured the British steamer, morte CD IN Beatrice, which was carrying an al- ' Tsing Tau, Shantung P. second Pacific squadron, together with invisible from the roads. Weather con- ditions in mn Apnam, (about fifty miles north Kamranh Bay) Thursday. Two eruis- SETTS ers, which had "their decks stacked with coal, signalled the Stettin to Direct imports from SHEF- stop, and questioned her. The fleet FIELD, the home of the|was preparing for sea. world's best cutlers. Many It is reported in certain official handsome designs in cases; quarters that the kaiser has under- taken a move which may have serious through the streets of that town toa the far east, they broke ranks when opposite a Catholic church and en- ing jumped up on a chair, and began to nrge his comrades to refuse to go to the war. part, er of the progressive party and form- er committee appointed to succor the wounded, es- timated the number 6f wounded 000 to 300,000, and killed or who had died of disesse at 150,000. The count warned the people expressed the hope that a continuation of the struggle 1 T®- | national gentiment. Nothing, he add: That Kaiser Will Help Rus- sia Substantially. BRITISH CRUISERS ARE PATROLLING OUTSIDE OF SINGAPORE HARBOR. Authentic Report That Rojestven- sky Has Gone to Philippiness« Two = Pacific Squadrons Near Each Othér--May Go by Pacific to Vladivostok. Special to the Whig. Saigon, May 1.--The correspondent returned to this plaee; to-day, from, Kamranh Bay. All the vessels com- fleet, under' vom: 1 Rojestvensky, left Vice-Admiral Nebogatofi's 'squadron is to be joined by the third. Jaltic squadron, After the junction is flected an effort will. be made to ocean, and then they Vladivostok. = While the Russians were at Kain- eged contraband cargo to Japan. Squadrons Near Each Other. eninsula, May --It is' reported the Russian that he Russian Pacific sc 1 juadron are near he island of Hanan, Britich Cruisers Patrolling. London, May 1.-The British cruise rs, according tothe Daily Telegraph's orrespondent at Singapore, gre pa- rolling outsidé the harbor there, as | hick, wet weather renders the straits ay prevent knowledge of Ad- | Nebogatofi®s movements. Phe steamer, Stettin, which has ar: ived at Singapore, sighted thirty to the Russian = second in. Honkhoei Bay, of rival 'acific squadron itch, in a icholas, says : rssage to Emperor "Two Russian forces, rain which was to convey them to ved the edifice. While they were pray- and singing one of the soldiers The priests thereupon inter- sned and induced the soldiers to de- An Enormous Slaughter. Tokio, May 1.--Count Okuma, lead- foreign minister, addressing the of the progressive party and at 200,- num of ck as a result of the war the » be prepared for a lengthy war, and would: not affect * the at Kowloon ton wire-bound 12 of the British battleships Albion and notable ish far eastern squadron the space of less than five minute "If you cannot t the pudd: and the pastry you live buy a lot of chocolate candy," went on the mighty Russian, without showing a sign of having exerted himself. "But, remem- ber, always get the best vou oan. Cheap sweets are bad for the diges- tion, you know. This, with plenty of hard work, is the secret of my strength." gs ------------------ To Stop Display Of Empty Boxes. Special to the Whig: Washington, D.C., May 1. protests have been roteived by the internal revenue department against the strict enforcément of the law pro hibiting the display of empty cigar boxes in the windows of tobacconists, druggists and other dealers. Not withstanding these complaints orders have been issued that the law shall he rigidly enforced" the country over, the crusade to begin to-dav. . Accord ing to the order it is unlawiul for any dealer to make use of empty cigar boxes if there remains upon the box either the® government revenue stamp, the caution notice required on all boxes, or the brand mark, in cluding the factory and federal dis- trict number. The" department claims that of late vears the use of enapty boxes for display purposes has be come too general, and that it tends to suggest or enconrgge the unlawful refilling of the boxes. Many Norwegian Chorus Coming. Special to the Whig, Christiania, May 1.~The Students' chorus of the University of Chris- tiania departed, to-day, for Americus for a twos. months' ~¥acation, during which they will give concerts in the larger cities. The chorus has had an international reputation for nearly alf a century. Tt has attended many world's fairs and has won applause in Berlin, Paris and other capitals of Europe. This will be its first visit to America. Big Guns Replaced. Hong Kong, May 1.--The dockyard has Teplaced three 45- fi barbette guns Glory. Experts consider this to be a achievement, showing that the Kowloon dockyard is an import- an factor in the efficiency of the Brit- Bowen Is Recalled.; Washington, May '1.~8eeretary 2 of war Vail hos received instructions. Ton: the president to call Minister Dee. ied, should shake the i Solution to | Bowen, now al Cancun, to Washing- i y 'ar. i ticizo ton; to send Mr. Russell, now minis LOST, Sweep By License Board. br Sy -- He Situ 2 iy to Colombia, lo Caraces. and Mir. 7 Khe me re Brampton, May 1.--The sensation of opinion. that efficient and timely ' di Barrett, now minister to Panama, to Maes v evenipi PD TOGETHER. the week Jheoughout the Soupty of | Slomatic skill would have prevented | Colombia. - * St 5 Peel, was the sweep of sliquor licensés he Russian squadron from comi; to to wi area? Sif ratheiral. made by the county board. In all the foam. The count also ny Going To Europe. of ce, eighteen licensed houses were cut off, | (po belief that the occasion for great T to, Ont., Ma¥, 1 Tuesday , pi " z A { 2 dw ib a oron 0, nt., ay. 1.-On uesday, K , BTW and only seventeen remain, some .%ibattles had. disappeared, Was possi- | Sapator Cox. will start rip t a Es 2 FEN | which have to carry out extensive im- ih), 4, support the army throughout | po" i hi health aly w ater Siation und t n their premises within b ind f the war ith th SUrope lor. us i 'ements © Rp : the remainder o he w v e Teturn to n eward for | proveme on | I Ne e ok ---------------- Brock ts d's Store, Cor. King three months. There is considerable $77,500,000 derived from war taxes, That: Lewis I. Zellte"a former con: dissastisfaction expressed at the ac and the sneaker urged a continuance . pap wren » paws | tion of the hoard. Trim Jiractor and ort ron, Short tui) on WHT Nn Tugsda Name of ( 3 . On returning. to 62 Welling. as any one harboring' dog, will blood medicines at Gib- | 7 The temperance people are naturally well pleased, and the hotel-keepers who have been de- capitated are very sore. Simms s------ Ignace Vaderewski has decided to canvel #ll engagements and rotumn . fo Switzerland. He hopes to sail from Tose drug stare. Fresh Oo New York about. May 10th, of national economy and ron 3 3 wailes north of Kamranh Bay and in Riuhknog Bay. near Where Fleet Lies. Mich., is disposing * of his property, real and personal, with the intention of defrauding 'his ereditors, is the Saigon, May b=The Russian squad- is lying ofi Port Dayet, forty Kamranh Bar. utside of tercitorial waters, Russian, 1 cha his y t Prophet Elijah Doig at Zien City. made against him. Zells © and amily will east in their lot with New razor straps. Gibson's Rod Cross drug stove. ; Ont., shot and ki Mrs. Daniel Woods, bery Stromboli is again streams opposite sides of showers The United States the and Greene securing At Bufialo, Capt. A ito the hold of a be A patrol boat for ion yard at Sorel. tended to enable the grant cost of approaches A convention of t called to meet in: F 2nd to, consider the paring for the next ton. Secretary of State 0 enumeration of New be at the task. bills to autonomy that is willing constitutional phase, Russell Penley, hoy living near lately in convulsions, oner's jury said, had A measles cases. Last week 830 Hamilton to Ancaste The celebrated case and 'thrice sentenced lay. Carl Fraenkel, he had left $28,600 and securities in it. 'property. . Gordon Bigelow, National bank iz a real high roller. vouth got started it lars an evening. Buy spring tomies- Cross drug store. I Mrs, Arthur Shiel s, of 8 of lava are the mountain and of red-hot tourists from going near. spend thousands of dollars more, extradition of Up to the present many thousands have been spent. reported. Smallpox has spread ratlimore, Hed her mother, Detective Greer thinks the bank rob- at Lancaster was w S professionals and will try to identify them by a photograph ments of the dead wan. the work of measure- aption. Two pouring down .in stones prevent government will in Gaynor Ibert BE. Huff, one of the most popular and widely known of lake captains, was killed by falling at at the Lacka- wanna: Steel company's docks. « servied in Hud- son's Bay will be built in the domin- The vessel is in- mounted police, to cover the shores of the bay. Stratford is to submit a by-law to a bonus of $25,000 in lieu of right-of way and $10, 000 to cover the and to subway Mary and Huron streets to the p.P.R. he liberal-conser- vative party of Nova Scotin has been Talifax on May question of pre- provincial eclec- Five thousand republicans were put to work to-day under the direction of Brien, to take an York state in- habitants. For two months they will It is said to close the debate on the the government leave the educational clauses subject to legal opinion on the and «opposition seems to be wavering, an yi Atherley,; Ont., died eleven year-old He and a little playmate, the evidence hefore the cot | the been given whise kev by a farmer living near by. epidemis Hamilton. There are several hundred is raging in new cases were from r, the Victim be- ing Miss Pipe, who lives at Summit, of Caleb Powers, former secretary of state of Kentucky to death for the murder of Governor Goebel, is up for hearing at Georgetown, Ky. and the fourth trial. will proceed without de- Now York, owner of howling alleve, sold a safe, forgetting worth of jewelry After a hustle of two days he found the purchaser wh, it him open the safe and get hn. | son of the Pirst defaulter, Milwaukee, who i& blamed for his father's trouble, When this gilded was nothing for him to spend several thousand dol First Trip. : Rideau King will leave for Ottawa, Tuesday morning, May 2nd, at 4 am. at Gibson 's Red resh there: al to the Whi. : a Ont., May 1.--George Tye, publisher of tho Brampton Times, died wi afternoon. Mr. Tye came to Brampton fortygeven years ago and began the publication of the Brampton Times. Owing to HI health he retired from active business lifo three years ago. Mr. Tye was connected, for several years, with the Canadian Press Association and as president of the association for one term. omens A YOUTH DROWNED. Boat, Snecial the random. Ont My 1.--Chardes 8. Sulston, aged seventeen yu drowned, yesterday, at Kilworth, ten miles from I m. His little | bro thers hat blew off and fell into' the Thames, and getting a boat Sulston set out to recover it. The boat was leaky, and, when in midstream, sank, and Sulston being e to swim was drowned. Ernest , 8 com: anion, reaghed the shore with din culty, es TO DEFEND THE FALLS Declares Against Further Cana- dian Power Grants. Niagara Falls, N.Y., May 1.--Earl Grey and Lady Grey arrived hero Saturday. Earl Grey was greatly in- terested in the wer development. "Canada has no _--_-- to issue fran- chises which will be a detriment the dor and grandeur of Falls," he to the further development of power will have to be forcibly demonstrated be- fore additional grants, gro made on the Canadian side." ---- A Great Storm. Seesial to the Whig. ydminster, NNW.T., May 1.-- The heaviest snowstorm and blizzard of \e_season occurred here on® and Saturday. The. storm thirty hours. Snow is heaped up. to a depth of eight feet in places, The mois. ture was badly , as there was practically no snow during the win. : To Bepsal *Suttlaman' i. hg Winnipeg, 1-lt reported that Hon Robart : a po ON: hat dan: sexaion- ure callal ar onco. to repeal the school settlement of 1807. Premier Roblin re. sists * the demafid, but all his col: leagues are against him, = / way to the ouses, died ER mda . Strangled To Death. Sogia to the Whig: oo Sif ho of oi wi . 'he. placed one in. his }--Tho two yeas r of Went Out Upom Water in Leaky | id. "The necessity for a unday y for | ter and the ground was very dry for | TUESDAY; May Charles H. Yale's Wednesday, May 3rd Kirke La Shelle Al h 2 Foxagement of *Cynada's Fava

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