Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1905, p. 4

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: i i i 31 fil i 1 fil 3; ii [ iz i $5 i in Parien. In their manipulat who represented the re as willing that the frau tended to the street rail] companies, but only for a short and then only with the under. the worvice should be fe ! E the church om the school Wwatter. The goverment at Ottawa has been ligious war. Those who knowr Sir Wil: frid 'Laurier have been satisfied that eventually - he would put an end to the villainous rumowrs that have been in circulation, 'He has not spok- en yet. When it is necsssnry to treat a phase of the subject that is dis x | i i F i (FEEEEEEE Hn HE Foi Eh Pl] i £ rfl i! + f national schools, It is said that the chucch authorities 'have in their pos. somdon Joonments establishing the i of the Roblin government to amend the school lgw and re-estab- Tisl. wparate schools under certain conditions," Mr. Roblin is not under the direc ~Jtion of Sir Wilirid Laurier. He is not: serving the liberal canse, knowingly,' in any vespect, and any negotiations ho has had with the church represent. 2 foncern the liberal government and has not been inspired by it. ------ Editorial Notes. Gaing to the governor's reception ? Got an invitation ? You're in hick, ---- Li it so that new walks will not be undertaken until June ¥ Why should the street scraping interfere with walk eondtructioh ¥ Labour is not scarce. aml many men smployed in une service way mot be wanted for the wther. . Hou, Mr. Mathison has figured out the neal deficit in Ontario's finances, been announced ¥eur after year for a of consistency. Oh} The Roblin governnwnt, it is. announced, will not now resign. J bas been wereifully spared the hu miliation -of expose by the lieuten- antgovernor's refosal to authorise a as he could learn, The Xinericon accomntant whom the J Ontario government Imported' from "fran Huron is doing sone great The goverament, honeover, better off had it called Mr. ir] OF revived against the liberals of Ontario. The men who make it for joet that Me. Mardonald dispossd of $1,500.00 (hall: of the alleged sur- plus), while ho. Meld office, that he had wore, amd that Me. Plake's govern. ment voled the balance in railway Jad. The scconnt' was overdapped E301, m0 when Bir Oliver Mowat caine [into poder. ¥ on fire. Its members contemplated an appenl to the people, and its disturb- ing low mt was togbe the attitude of Torenia » ytaric Bay * Don't kiiw, but J. P. Whit: bey carried it up to forty two ma Jonity, a > Montreal vent the Hom. turning back % take another bite at the schol question. 4 Toronte T he Whi free with itd weeps over the departure of Lord Minto that it bas no tears Ww sheud if Dr. Beattie Negbitt goes to Ott : = EB ¢overs that the net debt of the pro- vinee is SLO0.000. We shall soon sce bow Mr. Harcourt will prove that what seems to be a deficit is really a surplus bequeathed by the late gov- ernment. Ottaw another unique trinmph. Never be- fore has an a to give away $100,000 en red such cxtraordin- of¥ obstacles. But in the end vie tury is bound to be, as heretofore, on the side of Mr. Rockefeller. ---- First Complete: Vehicle of the attached to the t valuable dis Coveries made in tombs at Luxor.4 MH Theodore \ rican, who om at Newport, has Jost -Fin® habit 3 nig in Egypt for of | many years. ACT IE as a tourist, but some thirteen vears ago he Became a in Tnfterested and subsequently carried out excava- ions, Es last yenr a tomb in Luxor which had already been rifled, but 'his most Shportant discovery occurred abwut February 13th, when he - the ta of She Kings in Luxor he tomb of a ter of Apienhotep and of the - wife, Queen Thy. ther were unwrapped and searched for jewels and golds in ancient times, but nothing had been disturbed. The tomb | contained coffins covered with gold j leaf, carved and gilded chairs, ala baster Canopoc jars, religious sym hols of fine quality, a JJarge roll wi papyrus, and a complete chariot with wheels, pole aml neck voles, ative, if he has had any, does not | od with gold Jeuf. This is the only complete chariot yet discovered. 1 hax wow arrived at the Cwiro mu-\ seam. : : the pre; &f the Puke of Connbught shortly er its discovery. ee in the history of the Brockville a estport railway was enactec here, . When 3 ook over the line a fow years agoa large number of outstanding claims [© 0 and accounts against the old com: generation, aod nothing else could be pany were exported for the man in the intertst , made the path of the new company band in sicuring - a charter and put up a stiff opposition against jhe gov crument voting a subsidy of £38000, Iie mot a new discovery. It has | 1. the tine according to goverament sten- danl. The upshot/ was that the com- pany was given two years in which to put the line in Seat Slam ond; + y Hon in order to carn subsidy, dissolution without a cause, so far § od a cominisshon wonsisting of W, A. Lewis, A. A Fisher and W. S. Buell {representing the railway company and the creditors, was apppinted to ud dicate upon the claimy of the cpedi- tors, nvestipating the claim of William Robins Sf would le JU 16 Ha assivtance He fs: oor | tor, who Is slat to fave for Scuth f tainly « genins, and a star in hic Ameria : Targe of surveyors, headed be a Sheineer, are at work on the proposed ronts, - J . a ---- will at the altar rail, on Sunday. created 8 profound in St. Mar tin's Anglican church in Montreal, Dissipated John Samford Macdon- ald's surplus * The old change is be- " meurly half a witlion -- --- a---- A Greater Feat. io up to Hudson TRL A Blessing, Indeed. Parliamentary rules fortunately pre- E. Foster from * Short Of Tears. 1 tay government was 8) His Own Troubles. Mr. Rockefeller seers likely to score CHARIOT FOUND IN TOMB. Rind Unearthed. Cairo, April 5. direat importance is N. DAV, a wealthy Am. in Egvptology, found in the valley of ther snd mother of bis The mummies of the father and mo The body of this chariot was cover The tomb was informally opened in eee EXPECT SUBSIDY. ------ - Conunission is Now Setting ms. Brockville, > April 4. Another chap i an American syndicate unpaid, These creditors bark, awaiting the completion of The commission was in session bere va. one of the largest credi- Jmiant," though only six feet seven in jlo do the housework, and the wash- DH. SLOCUM'S the air is full of pneamonia germs, If you have exposed yourself take o id {foie doses rw ateangihey You and prevent the cold write King street, wes. Toronto, Can. RK. E. Mapes was killed by a train he was carrying was not ono of the largest vessel owners on great lakes, a Sead. He pus eighty y sneering at the kaiser, They usual ly get thirty days. should eat eggs, spinach, beans, oats, James H. Huff, colored, of Cleve lend, was shot and killed by William Hill, who rewnted gn insulting remark made to Mrs. Hill by Huf. . A Hamilton man boasted that he changed books at. the public library when he had diphtheria in his amily. An investigation will be made. A nny N.J., house was set on fire by a. sparrow, which wot a mateh mixed in with the materials for its Best under the eaves and ignited it in some way. Cezar Nicholas is reported having spiritualistic seduces conducted in St. Petersburg, for the purpose of con- gulting the first Romanoff on what to b> to the Japs, When visiting Ottawa Normal school Earl Grey - the king had asked for a special report on the class of chil- dren in the schools and their sentiment towards the empire. President RooseCelt has had hand- somely inscribed rifles sent to Sheveefs Mulai Ali und Mulai Hamed of Waz- an, in recogmition of the services ai the time of the Perdicaris kidnapping affair, F. A. Bailey, Johnstown, K.I., six- ty-three yours old, twenty vears aga, famous as "Chang. the Chinese ches tall, for many Years a saloon: keeper. announces: his conversion to Christianity, He is dving of comn- sumption. Mrs. Jennie Sheppard, an old lady of Brooklyn, N.Y., was found dead in her house, surrounded by her pets. of which she had about twenty, including dogs, cats, rabbits and bautams, It was the complainings of the pets that first gave "neighbors an intimation that Mrs. Sheppard was dead. = ------ Grand Discount Sale, W. N. Lemmon, 78 William street, Kincston, will hold a grand display well paper discount sale of fifteen per cent. of all wall papers, borders and room mouldings. It will pay you to visit his store and see the grand dis-lays of 'all new = goods, not old stock. This sale will start on Mondav. April 2rd, and continue to April Sth, you are thinking about getting your house painted or decorated, it will pay you to get prices. \ Kreso. Aldi infectant,; deoderat and gormi- cide, purifier and cleaner. Destrove the germs of disease, vurifies the air, pro- tects from contagion and infoction of all kinds. Stops fermentation and de cay. 2c. pint bottles. Specially re emamended for dog kennels and stables also hotel ver. James B. Mol cod, druggist, corner Princess aid --Mon-- treal streets, Kingston, Ont. Hardest Worked Women. The hardest worked women in Eng- land are the chain makers of Cradiev Heath, Staffordshire. . These women have been known to work at the am- vil for fifteen hours, and then go home ing. They get 4s. or Bs. for every hundredweight of chain they make, which usually takes a day and a hai. --n Childrens' Tams, 25¢. To $1 Men's and bovs' cloth caps, 13c. to SL at Campbell Bros. ------ Miss Christie, of the Cleveland gn: eral hospital, hei been appointed as sistant general superintendent of the Toronto general hospital, cna UT WARNING ! "Look Out. For Germs of Pneu- monia at This Season of the Year" » --~Says Dr. T. A. Slocum. A DANCEROUS TIME DR. SLeCUN'S Pneumonia is brought on by over exposure to cold or damp. This 'veak- ens the body. At this time of the year and as soon as your body is weaken. ed they attack you. of "Peychine." This will at Middleton, but a pail of milk which Capt. Charles J. Magi, Chicago, Berlin tramps, when hard up for a wight's lodging, commit lese whajeste, 'Br. JB. & King, Chicago, says persons anxious ta live 100 years price.' LE ~ . festorsd and the Joy of hn Fly egained | When woman 1% Tid pore. It is usually this way : + She April is Going to Be an . Ideal Month So we say to you, Mr. Man, get ready. Do j now. We will be pleased to have our NOBBY SPRING SUITS and T and we feel that you will agree with that they are Spring Beaut es. fect in cut, stylish ia fabric and withal at 'a reasonable time; head has ached and | oofpend) has slept poorly, been quite rvous, and nearly fainted once er et head dizzy, and heart-beats very fast: then that bearing-down feeling, and during her menstrual period she is you come and see exceedingly despendent. Nothing on you have dyspepsia; you will be all right soon." Serge Suits, blue or black, single or double breasted, $8, 10, 12, 12.50, 13 50, 15: English and Scotch Tweeds, in neat checks ap] overplauds, $10, 12,13, 13.50, 15 and 16.50. English Fancy Worsteds and Cheviots, $10, 12.50, 13.50, 15 tO 17.50. Canadian Tweed Suits, in very pretty checks and stripes, $5, 6.50, 7.50, 8 50, 10 and 12. Spring Overcoat, good rain "or shine, $7.50, 8.50, 10, 12, 12.50, 13 50, i5 to 18.50. driven you to despair, with your nerves all shattered and your courage gone, bat take Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege- table Compound. See what it did for £ Pear Mrs. Pinkham trogbles--inflammation the stomach and THE H. D. BIBBY CO, 8, Cash and One Prics Clothing House, Oak Ful Fancy Vests in our window, Fashionable Fancy Vest GIVEN AWAY-F A FANCY SPRING VEST Will Given Away--FREE--With Every $12 00 Ready-made Suit Purchased in This Store up to Easter Sunday, WE WILL ALSO Give a Fancy "pring Vest With Our $I er-made-- uits. We guarantee that our Europea cutter could make you a Suit or an Ovarcoat as good as any of the best tailors in Kington. % i. . 5 Shurcan Cainpbell, College Rill, You can see the ' Cloths, the Ready-made Suits and the Do not miss this chance to secure a good Sait aid JOS. ABRAMSON, The. Peoale's Clothier 180 Princess St Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. METALS==Lead timony. Aluminum. THE CANADA METAL CO Make Work Easy And Use in everything, in the gallons Household Amonia. ages, Only 10c. and 15¢. package. Sold Only At W. A MITCHELL'S HARDWARE * FOR GENTLEMEN We have at present a complete show SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING ST. For sale by all ists at $1 per v tion d, 179 £2 z F ft ; sr PF BOIS. | "Fred canien souk ut tibon's F. W. Johns, Halifax. N.S., man- ager of the Bank of Yarmouth, was arrested on the charge of making false monthly returns to the government. Jross Drug Store, FOR SPRING CLEANING WIRE WORKS T. PARTRIDGE KLENZINE! The greatest cleaner known. Use it Bath, Dish Water, Washing Wood Work One pound of Kienzine will make five FOR SALE BY TENDER. TENDERS - ARE April 15th, next for the whole or part of the ings Situated om the corner tario Streets, Kingston of the Smith Estate The property has a front 132 feet on Gore St. and about 90 f Put up in one and two pound pack- tension Kitchen and Ton and Dwelling with abou PEARL STICK PINS Xo tender necessarily Aoply to H. P. Smith ing of these goods, small and dainty designs in = Mk, paved with pearls Something really new ure the GRAPE tlerns in whole (rotund) pearls, 'meed pot prove ex ive; we have pretty pins at all prs. ; Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Senssssenecscssscsencd NOW IS-THE WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT If you are tryiog to beat out of poor com A" costes drier will hein 3 A large lot of DRY SLABS for Jo. th,& Co- For Tho Bos JEN TUT US EYE FALE © cheerful, brave, light-hearted 1 po hesrful, ) plunged into that ; of misery, the BLUES, itis been feeling * out of sorts" he doesn't get ** all right," and TD ison t then come the brood- . morbid, melancholy, everlasting CES. : Don't wait until your sufferings have © t 1 s her. Her doctor says: * Cheer | C ¥ 1 1 1 Josephine Rinville, - Mastai, She writes: Suffered for four years with female IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News® of The District on Both Sides of The Line. ' The rate of taxation in Brockville this vear will be twenty-five mills on dollar ue Belleville this year the taxation rate will he twenty-three and one-hall wills, a: against twenty-three and three-tenth last vear. SP" company. Lansdowne, has some of the best qualificd N.C.O's in the district. It will go into camp at Rocklific Park, Ogtawa, June 27th Mmrlow. died this week, aged seventy- sqfho. He was a Mothodist and con S vative, ind leaves one' daughter, | Mrs. Alfred Carlyle. F. C. Nichols, Toronto. managing dimetor of the C. G. E. Co, sent "$000 to the building committee of the Y. W. C. A., Peterboro Robert Stuart, secretary of the American Cereal company, went one better, sending $2,000 : H. W: Perrett, Larrister, Pembroke, has been appointed to succeed' Dr MacKay, as clerk of the surrogute eourt and in other minor legal mat ters, which the latter held previous to resigning to contest North Ren frew in the liberal interests in the late pr cial election For high class candy, go to Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store Strawberries and strawberry rhu barb, at Carnovsky's. : Eggs fell to 10. Crawford's COMMERCIAL. STOCK MARKETS Stock Exchange. 151 St James Street MONTREAL! STOCKS, 7 April 5th 12.30 p.m Canadian Pacific 150 Montreal Street =29 Toronto Street 1101 Twin Uity 118% Detroit United Bh Montreal Power x ]% Dominion Coal Bi Nove Scotia, Com St Lake of the Woods, Com 118 Lake of the Wsods, Bonds 1 Matkay, Companies, PM. X.D Ogilvie Milling, Pid 1 Bell Telephone X. I 1 NEW YORE STOUR MARKETS Supplied by W. F. Dever & To. 1 Market Street. Kingston. April St 0 ius 27% gi wpe 81} 8 P& oh 10:3 108} » Rapid Transit 67 68% n Pacific 149 153 Erie | . 46% i6 Blaois Ceptral 159% 180 Lovisville « Nashville 142% 1434 Metropolitan 1234 1334 Nisourl Pacific joi 30a "w York Central 6 314 Pennsylvania 142} 148 Rock Tstand Mg Sad Reading i 01. od St Paul 1754 175 ar 142% 184] Twin City 131 118 Union Pacific 130 131] '. 8. Steet 36) Se Ty S. Steel, pid 8p WO E 1143 117 Juiy L874 88 CORN May 47% 48 July 473 48

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