Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1905, p. 3

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on 10 "Best" Drug Store Artist Materials Do you paint? If you we have all you require the line of Brushes, tbe: Paints, Cahva 8, retchers, Water Colors, >, of the well known RAMSAY STANDARD. . T. BEST 124 Princess Street. hone 59 for your wants. SIDERDOWN COMFORTERS Do you Want a Bargain in an Eiderdown Comforter ? We have 11 Eider- own Comforters, full ize of 6 feet by 6 feet, est Eider filling, made » London, England, 'he best quality of Satin nd French Sateen on the 2verse" side. These are orth $13.50 each. Your hoice while "thay last vill y 2. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. PEP0P0000000000000000000000000000000000000000600060060¢ : ADIES', FAIR, /ill 'find especially atirac- lines in Summer Dress erials, such as Pique, ting, Chambray, Ging- , Linen Foile, also Stripes, ts ond Checks, in White Colored effects. ething extra swell in New hot Silke, in very desira- e tints at $1 per yard, oherd Checks in Mercer- *d Gingham, very popu- . for spring wear at +++ 25C, per yard, man & Shaw, PIANO TUITION AY NEWMAN, 271 King St., West ren given special care in primary dvanced pupils thoroughly in theory and practice Terms ite. Telephone 638, or send postal Swifts Scranton $ Coal We recommend our ove size. Particularly y and bright. Suit- le for furnaces when xed with egg. MES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 135, MS 4 LY + : : leansing lather for washing cut glass, giv- pm briliancy and sparkle. Sunlight Soap is best for every cleansing purpose. * Buy Sunlight, "Your money back for any cause of complaint. unlight Soap is & pure, evenly balanced soap. It makes a 11S TRAVELLING. RAILWAY EIA [EIXTHET Reduced Fares $46.30 to Pacific Coast March 1st to May 15th, 1908. Second Class Colonist fares from Kingston " toria Vancouver, Bont land aie = : ven. $46.80 pls Trai hson, Borland _ Nelson: Trail Rot : : "$43.80 Apacouda, Butte, Helena, Sait $43.30 Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo $43 30 San Francisco, Los Angeles $48.05 Tourist Sleepng Cars leave Kingston Tuesdays and Thursda¥s at 2.26 a.m For the accommodation of passengers pelding: First or Second Class Tickets te Chicago and West thereof as far as the Pacific Coast, nominal charge is made for berths, which may be resorved in advance, For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Railway System. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Outario streets. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, $46.30 Vancouver, From March ist to Victoria | way 15th, 1905. Seattle Tacoma | SECOND CLASS Portland FROM KINGSTON. Very: Low Bales 'to many other Western Points Full particulars at KX. & P. and C. PR. Ticket Office,. Ontario Strect. F.CONWAY., F. A. FOLOER, JR. Gen: Pass Agt. Gen. Supt, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deséronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 3:25 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. ALLAN LINE "v2rogi: Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John, From Halifax Parisian, Sat. Feb. 25; Mon. Feb. 237 Sicilian, Sat. Mar. 4; Mon. Mar. 6 Bavarian, Sat. Mar 11; Mon. Mar. 13 Ionian, Sat Mar. 18 Mon. Mar. 20 RATES of $50 aud upwards, according and accommodation; Second erpool and Londonderry $Y, acco extra ; Accommodation, Liverpool, fast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian Thurs. Mar. 2, superior 10 a.m First Cabin, $40 and up--Second Cab- in. $35--Third Class, $27.50. For further particulars apply to a a JANLEY, Agent, WG. T.K. City Assenger . ey i- SLEEVE, Cla P SiMDER ce tm A FOR THE WIN. "HE BERMUDA rraCSt unknown, malaria impossible From New York, 48 hours by tonal lew twin screw steamship ** Bermudian,' " lings 25th Feburary and 6th tnd 25th March and weekly thereafter FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO - WEST INDIES -- 80 days trin. About 20 days in tropics oonilings from New wk to ne Ww rd and Leeward 1s nnd i" Bnd Demerara every Inte apuby on a Be further particu OUTE TS) 00 aay A UTERBRIBGE & Quebec SS. Co, 89 Alsadway, © New ~ York: ARTHUI ol Fo Secretary, Quebec, or P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- SLEEV E. Ticket Agents, Kingston. ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, OF fice site of New Drill . Hall, near cor and Montreal Streets. POWER a son , ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank : : wd" Waligton siruns: Spier, Brock RENRY ote Png SMITH, ARCHITECT, Rovare hor | Bulging, Market MONEY AND BUSINESS, HvERPoOL, LONDON AND GLOBF THE p aN re RONTEN AC LOAN & INVEST. Proce riety. (Established 1863.) Cactwrigis | Oo Right Hon. Sir R. J. _--- wht Money loaned on City : ait AT abortion, Municipal smi by hentures origages pur. ot anya Posty received whe inter. od. 8 ( CGI, Muwnaging, rector, ce, 97 © tan Dee, 97 Clarence Street LONDONDERRY PASSAGE--First Cabin, to steamer | Derry, Bel- Can Bat Anything Now. How many Dyspeptics can say that ? Or perhaps you are dyspeptic and don't know it. Have you any of these symptoms ? \ Variable appetite, a faint gnawing feel ing at the pit of the stomach, unsatisfied hunger, a loathing of food, rising and souring of food, a painful load at the pit of the stomach, constipation, or are you gloomy and miserable? Then you are a dyspeptic. The cure is careful diet; avoid stimulants and narcotics, do not drink at meals, keep regular habits, and regulate the stomach and bowels with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, ~ Nature's specific for Dyspepsia. Miss Laura Chicoine, Belle Anse, Que., says of its wonderful curative powers :-- 'Last winter I was very thin, and was fast losing flesh owing to the run-down state of my system. I suffered from Dyspepsia, loss of appetite and bad blood. I tried everything I could get, but to no purpose ; then finally started to use Burdock Blood Bitters, From the first day I felt the good effect of the medicine, and am now feeling strong and well again. I can eat anything now without any ill after-effects. It gives me great pleasure to recommend Burdock Blood Bitters, for I feel it saved my life." * Bick Headache and relievaall the troublaa inci dent to a bilious state of tho system, such ae Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinesf, Distress after eating, Pain in the Bide, Bo, While their most yewarkablo success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pilla are equally valuable in Constipation, enring and pre. venting thisannoying complaint, while they aisg correct all disorders of tkectoma mulate tha liver and regulate the bowels, Even if they only Ache thay won suffer from { nately their goodness does notond hera,and thosy who oncetry them will find these little pills valu. able in so many ways that they will not be wil. Jing todo without them. Dut after allsick head ACHE Te the hane of so many lives that hers In whare we make our great boast, Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pills aro very Small abd maken d CARTER HED'CINE CO., New York, Sal BL Swed Doss. Small Brisa 6 CALLING CARDS COPPER PLATE Wiig 7h Ls ~ She | NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF 8 TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK . PEEP ERE SE 4 WE ALSO DO i STEEL DIE EMBOSSING 2 Ahh AEP E EEE APE A FARMER DEAD HE WAS HIGHLY ESTEEMED IN NAPANEE! Was Liberal in all His Ways-- Mrs. Charles Lane at Rest: Married in Chicago--General Items, pane; Feb, 20. Une of Napanee's respected citizens, Marcus Johu- ston, died Saturday morning, after bul a few weeks' illness, aged sixty- five years, Deceased was born in the township of Ernesttown in 1840, son tthe late Conrad Johnston, one of the pioneers of this county, Mr. John ston lived upon his farm until about ten vears when he removed to Napanee, with his brother-in law, R. ). Wright. He was looked upon as one of the best farmers in the coun tv, his premises always showing marks of much neatness and prosperi tv. His last appearance on the stroet was on January his vote for the reform candidate, M. S. Madole. In politics he was a life- long liberal, and a consistent member of the Methodist church, As a citizen he will be greatly missed for his lib- crality to all good causes. He was un- married. Two sisters, Mrs. R. J. Wright, with whom he has lived con- tinuously for forty-seven years, and Mrs. J. Bell, Morven, survive. Funeral will take place Monday afternoon. The remains will be placed in the Fastern cemetery vault and later interred in the family plot at Marven, Sunday- morning at 8 o'clock, Mrs, Charles Lane, another of our most respected residents was called home. Deceased was known to nearly every one in Napanee; her maiden name was Lucinda Taplin. She was born at Ad dison, 'Leeds county, aga, Aller yosiding on Brockville for some vears, 'after her marriage she-removed with her fami ly to Napanee, and resided in the house= on Bridge street, now aceupied bv R. J. Wright, until after her hus band's death about fifteen vears ago. \ family of ten children were born to cightyv:five vears her, two died in their infancy. The fa niily are: Henry, Napanee: Freeman, Buffalo: Charles, Chicago: Mrs, John R. Scott, Virgil: Mes. (Dro) Gray, Winnipeg : Mrs. Dingman, Toronto; Mrs. McBurney, Buffalo, and Miss Clara, at home, who so tenderly watched over her clining vears, She able and devoted mother. a truly Christian woman, a member of the Methodist church, The sorrowing fam ilv have the sincere sympathy of very many friends in the h our of their mother in her de was asmost ami- sore affliction. The funeral will be announced to-day. A wedding of interest to Napanee ans took place in Chicago. Tuesday, February 14th, when Miss Maude Mil ler Holden. granddaughter of Mrs. Miller, of Stratheonn. was united in marriage to Gordon Groves, a lumber merchant, Chicago, The wedding took place at her father's residence and af ter a honeymoon in western states they will return to Chicago, and take up housekeeping. The bride is well known in Napance, having spent hor girlhood days here and attended - the Collegiate Institute, FF. B. Thomas ix spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. Thomas, Dundas street, Florence Ming. who has spent the past eight months visiting friends in Chevboygan, Chicago. Detroit, Toron to and Lindsav, returned home Satur dav. €. H. Edwards, principal of the public school, is laid up with an at tack of tonsilitis RN. C. Warner, Denver, Col, arrived in town. Saturday, to spend'a few davs with his mother of the past put the trains out of husifiess brothers, week nearly The G hours late on Friday and the B, of Q their service and Fhe storm R. was and railway and en line open by Saturday ahandoned train deavored to keep the running the Saturday snow plough was one of the quietest Saturdays that Napanee has seen in manv a day The farmers were una ble to come to town. The market only numbered half a dozen rigs, Men Of The Day. Lieut.-General Sir. William Gustavus Nicholson, K.C,B., who has heen ap pointed to be Governor of Gibraltar, mm succession to F Marshal Sir George White, V.(., fought in the Aighan campaign of 18789, and accompanied Lord Roberts on the fa mous march to Kandahar, savs the Loudon Star. When Arabi Pasha's re bellion broke out he joined Lord Wol vs force, and was present at the of Telvl-Kebir. Later he was with the expedition in Burm nd in the Tirah operations on the lidian frontier, Nicholson I on the staff in the recent South can war Gen being present at berg, the actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Zand River, and near lohanneshurg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill. He was promoted major-general for distinguished service, Paarde en ------ Barlow visited ona and strongly Sit Thomas Strathe Lord advised him » attempt to voyage to Canada I later in the year, The Hardest Test How the New Scale Williams Piana stands iL The hardest test of piano excellence is the constant use to which the instru. ments are subjected in a Ladies College. Inexperiencec Jones are liable to be careless and vet the high class Col. leges demand the best class of musical instrument in order that their pupils may have correct musical traini e following letter is in addi to a large number of similar ones from other colleges "After a thorough examination of the New Scale Williams Piano, and havin, tested two of the make in our Music, I am pleased to report that we 'are pleased with the instrument and are sat. isfied that it will meet our needs. "We find the inst t well made, the action good, with the latest im. provements in bracing, and every. thing suggestive of dufability . Its well strung and has a clear, tone which is very pleasing. Vou are at liberty to send us two more instruments at your earliest convenience." C. R. FLaNDRRs, Prin. Stanstead College The Williams' Piano Co., limited, 25th, when he cast' a fapm near] THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY $0. CENTENARY. One Humbréd Years Ago, Free Schools OYened In New York. , Whi. Ss Yorke Fab. In oll the pub. lie schools of Greater New York and also in the City College and Normal College special oxercises were hold, to-day, in eelebration of the conieny] ary of the partment of education of New York. ft is just one hundred voars singe the first free public was ostal 1 in the metropolis During the eighteenth century the only free schools in New York were those condueted by various religions organizations for the benefit of the children 'of their adherents. To take away the stigma attaching to "char ity schoold,™ and to provide instruc tion for these to poor to pay for it, a meoting. of public spirited citiztm was held om Februaiy 10th, 18505, in the house of Jobn Murray, in Pearl streot. Be Witt Clinton was the pro minent figare. They formed them selves dato the Free School Society of Now York." On May 19th. 1806, the fiest free school under the auspices of the society was organized in an old mansion on Bancker street. 1 began its career with an attendance of forty pupils. Today one of the many scare. of schools in the wetro: polis has accomodations for 2.500 boys. and girls. The expenses of the public school system during the first vear of ita existence totalled R300, us eo ved with the present expendi et S22000.000 annually, which hoo! does not include the many million spent on the erection of new school buildings. FAS N'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just + Ladies. ; Pe A dainty shatinee of white China silk or French mulle, trimmed with thread msertion. It is held in at the waist behind a strap of the same material, By And By. Chicago, Chropicle The chili» hs will cease tb blow, And all this wintry weather go, Hy-and-by. And all thy Violets will bloom And 1ill the' woods with sweet perfume By-alid-by, The little birds will flit and wing And warble "us they greet the spring Hy-andeby. That tired feeling, too, will tome When cvervone Will say, 'oh hum By-and-by. The hens will all begin to lay And eggs grow cheaper every day Hyv-ahd-by And we shall mow the deep delight That comes when kind mosquitoes bite By-and-by. The coal will then decrease in price And we will have to pay for ice By-and-by. gh we will not shovel sno 1 WA grassy lawn to mow Hy.and-hy, ------ The Reporter Succeeded In New York on one occasion an ne porter made several vain attempts to see J. Pierpont Morgan, both at his future--he know ir the t w threatening the lives bas. heen adjudged in sent to Kmgston been arr of his family sane and will be to Levi Lafay, vourably known in after a fought, office and his residence. Finally his | lunetown, on February 1th. an in opportunity came. He was interview | teresting valentine wedding took place ing another Tnancier and incidentally | when Walter TT. Sheflield. Athens wa came into possession of the latter united in marriage to Mi Lela Wai cart. He kept it; then, going 0 | ren. Junetown, Morgan's residence, he sent in his own A pretty hotse wedding took place card in company with that of the! 0 Tue sday, February 14th, at the financier. The ruse was successful, {home of Mr, and Mrs. M.-H. McCrea, and he was shown into Morgan's pre Merrickville, when their danghter sence. When the reporter had stated Dora Adelaide, was united in mar his renson for = the eall the financier riage to J, M. Edgar, Toledo said 1 "Do vou know, voung nan Her bmperial Majesty the Empre that at least tem reporters have tied | of Germany wore A VOry sumptious to see me today with reference 10 gown at the first court held this year this guestion 2 1 have declined to se white hrocaded satin: thickly "em any of them.' The reporter smiled | jroidered in goid, the train of pup and replied. "Yes, 'wir, 1 know that, | (olvet, bordered with sable and group for 1 was the whole ten." He got his | of outvich festher Interv Renfrew council soi tment Dy isk Murphy. high school trustee: PP. J An Armful Of Joy Campbell, member of the board of Care vather and grief is a bubble health: Dr. Wade, medical health oflie Arinfu « na world full o" trout! fer; H, Finlayson and John Anderson Bright ax Of skies member of the library board; howma With de Ear mean- | Henderson, ©. K. Grigg, and P', O'Dea ing hs, nxsessors at $125, ruary ldth, Calvin Parliament in hi ast, p there are loving arms hold. | eighty seventh vear The deceased wuss in fast : born in Ameliashurgh township and n Sp IU cat always lived there. He is survived by other's dear breas And tha swent Pitlow he's loving J Ive sons and one daughter, David and the best George and Mrs. Cunningham, of Da : kota, Samuel and Wendal, of Chi Blue skis I babiniest blossoms above cage antic at hoa. Dxctscd Wap a Roser playmates and lities to love | Methodist and a life-long reformer im Jacob Moore, an aged and life long w resident of Napanee, passed away on In | Monday, aged eighty four years 1st 1 th 1 these earth | Monda ag 4 W 3 # Hi with roves Friday he suffered a slight stroke «of --- paralveis which combined with in : irmitiex of old age caused his de ings! lum. firmi | : Sent To K ton Asy . mise. Besides his widow he leaves sn Belleville, Ont: Feb, 20.Peter] owy family of three, two sone snd Thompson, of this eity, whe served | © 000 py are © Lewis, of six months in jail on a charge wade arney, of Rochester, and by his daughter, and who hax since + Woods, of Quebec, On every bottle of Liguosons we of- fer $1,000 for a disease germ that jt cannot kill. Wa do this to assure you that Liquozone does kill germs, And it is the caly way known to kill germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. Any drug that kills germs is a polson, and it cannot be taken in- ternally, Medicine is almost helpless in any germ diccase. It is this fact which gives Liguozone its worth to humanity; a worth co great that, after testing the product for two years, throush physicians and hoapitale, we paid $100,000 for the American rights, And we have spent over one million dol- lars, In one year, to buy the first bot- tle and give it free to each sick ome who weuld try it Acts Like Oxygen. Liguozono 13 not made by com- pounding drugs, nor is there any alco- hol in it. Its virtues are derived sole- ly from gas--largely oxygen gas--by a process requiriay immense apparatus and 14 days' time. This process has, for more than 20 years, been the con- slant subject of scientific and chemical research. The result {3 a liquid that does what oxygen does. It is a nerve food and blood food~iha most helpful thing in the world to you. Its effects are ex- hilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet it is an absolutely certain germicide, The reason Is that germs are vegetables; IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The District On Both Sides Of The Line. William Hart, was united in marringe Toronto The 3500 debt on Albert College Sunday school, Belleville, has been en tirely cleared off, Fred Ferrier, North Flnsley, sold to T. A. Moodie a Chester White bog that weighed 610 pounds A quiet wedding was solemnized at Picton on January 30th, when Miss Margaret Hart, daughter of Capt Mrs. John O'Sullivan, long and fa Renfrew, is dead, prolonged illness, hravely The wedding of Miss Frances, daugh ter of Stephen Coffer, to Frederick J. Buckley, occurred on Monday, at St Charles church, Read. C. E. Shortt, Green Point, reevived a bad cut on his face by the falling of a tree. It is healing up nicely but will likely leave a bad scar Messrs, Charles and Arthur Chadd, Chicago, called to Picton to the hed side of their mother, who died on Wednesday, are snow-bound in Tren ton, re. Joseph Spencer, Picton, is ill with pariinonia Mew Spenoer is in the eighty-third year of her age and it is hardly expected that she will recover, Two Brockville boys, George Sim mons, and Robert Rusland, have heen arrested for stealing $100 from Mes Glazier, for whom they were shovel ling snow : George Bates and his wife, living at Avimier, Ont. have just celebrated their sixtyfourth wedding anniver sary: They were married at Mallory town A meeting of farmers for the pur pose of raising ¥10,000 (6 start' a Milford was held canning factory on Wednesday Halli the required amount wa ithacribed on the spat On February 1st, Rev, A. L. Geen united in marriage at St, Mark's church, Gerow Gore, Prince' Edward George Lockhurst and Miss Estella Aflie, two popular voung people of that district At the residence of Jacob Warren here died in Ameliashurgh on Fel asylum, Great Snap For One Week, Prevost fifty all = 87,50 to 89, Brock atreet, has laid aside tweed snits, worth vhich he will offer at 85 por suit. A great bargain. x ee Sol eo ' The Canadian postmaster general has ordered that, owing to the liabi lity of celigloid ta explode or catch fire, certgin ghdohx, in future articles" Topde" frogs. dt Will only he paves thrangh the. gnpils when pack ed in tin boves with elowe fitting Hide "Satisfactory results' in eye testifig Oshawa, at Chowne. gu. Money enough to buy a box of pills ? Then be thankful! It means so much to have a box of Ayer's Pills always in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, and you need have no fear of bilious attacks, indigestion, sick - headaches, constipation. rerms are killed. rect and uncertain. attacks! the germs, wherever they are. Aud} when the germs which cause a disease! are destroyed, the disease must end! That 18 inevitable. and forever. our i and Liguozone--like an excess of oxy. gen--i3 deadly to vegetal matter. Liquozona goes into into the bowels and into the blood, to go wherever the blood goes. No erm can escape it and mone can re- ist it, The results fre inevitable, for a germ disease must end when the Then Liquozone, acting as a wonderful tomie, quickly restores a condition of perfect health, Diseares which have resisted medi- cine for years yield et once to Liquo- zone, and it cures diseases which medi- cine never cures. Half the people meat--wherever you are--can tell you of cures that wero made by it Germ Diseases. These ate the known germ diseases. All that ghedieine al la for these, troubles to help Nature overcome, the germs, and such roxults are indl-, tho stomach, srreseas wil be iy suppl COMPAR Prices, Styles and Values ! That's our clarion call to the costs §oc. and §1. ovonone ty 0 and @* CUT OUT THIS : offer " ERnsay My disease is. 4 cesesranaiun » Give full address--write -- COUPON out | ve, Chicago 3 SetaesrasiansrinrrETRT TREN or tal not using Only a few more" days now to take advantage 25% DISCOUNT SAl | Will End Tuesday, February 21st. Positively No Sale Goods Exchanged After Tuesday, Feb. 21st. If you have failed to visit. our sale do so to-d We will save you 25% on your shoe wants. for a test, hops. sick and medicine. John Labatt's ETI ISA PRIME Made from tested natural s water, selected barley malt a blend of the choicest growths Undoubtedly better for the convalescent than any JAS. McPARL AND, Agent. ®ve CJ ) ® Sold for sixty years. L.5Ar%S% £ 209503 0000806 : They're : Coming! Within a short time we will place before ® you our New Spring Shoes. You will find our stock will be replete with the finest products of the best Canadian and American factories. finer assortment or greater values to offer than we will have for this spring season. McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE. LY er. | WE MAKE TO ORDER. THE CANADA METAL CO : 00 ®C0e® @ We never had a Block Tin Pipe & Small Tubing

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