+ i even! 'note "years it, is doubt: n has excited keener is wanifested in , of the 8 ---- EE ain El -- -- I A | "wfionTiNG DIOK.* HYLAND, will Who meets Frankl Neil at San Fran ciseé' on Janvdary 81st. 10 cure, 3 3 » * . Francisco Athletic, club to-night. This ag i WW. | Inne VE _ O Trock St. 'Phone 335. et pe ---------------------- S| At Kirkpatrick's 'Art Goll Water Colors , Fravokie im one from seed clare thst Hyland is . i wi * Neil 18 tough and hardy, but lacks tance. Ho rushes in aggressively, hi terrific punch ready, head down, taking what comes and waiting Hor his chance. Hyland, on: i | hand, i a shifty lad, with a head that is sound, good ski punch that is in no manner second to Neil's. All things considered, the battle should pan out to be one of the best ban: tamweight afiairs seen on the coast. 3 s Hockey Notes. Rat Portage will probably win the Manitoba championship. "Chaucer" Elliott will probably re force the St. Andrew's-Milton geme, Best Rule of Health 'And How You Are aided In Care rying It Out By Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills "6A movement of the bowels every "his is the fundamental rule of health, The ome point on which tors are unanimous. But a the dome cons! 3 acti of the and Peter Simin, and threc-mile rac 4 44 Yoronn take, Saturday, avd son won both events. EN ' of the Dawson hoe : fle, of } 4 wished to the Dawson Cup. City hockey team de-, Se Breton at Glace Bay, ing, by a scott ning to end: pea Jle team's showing with '(he Wanderers on Saturday night, at Brockville, when the visitors won by 'three to two, was a greal disappoint: ment to the blgod-thirsty hockey en thusinsts - of Brockville. it is possible "Cully" Robertson's the brutal treatment accorded Duiawe "in Brockville, had some- to do with the leniency shown Pilltown expert. 'Out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom some "n played every posi- o Kansas City team last season, has been sold to Col : _ Capt. Carer, a famous New ¥ horseman, worth a millon at one yime, is dead. He was penniless in his fast years. * Joe Cherry of Saginaw, was knock- $ out in the first round by Harry orbes of Chicago, Friday night at Suginas RA tcholas Smith, one of the greatest 1 iation' football backs that Seot- and. ever produced, died recently in aisley H ital Irom enteric. fever. "The probable dates for the Canadian horse: show. in Toronto, will. be in Faster lh, and it will be held for four days, April 26th, 27th, 28th and Dick Harley of the Toron club, has signed Frank artotte, N.C, Mer. of last last year pounds. He says he hopes be in shape next time, #0 a8 to have no excuscs. At the skating races held in Toron- J. Robson, Toronto, yords, 1 mile. two The contestants to men, with an ordi- Lipton in new ¥ is désignediby a at 103, fect by landing the take off right side team. 1 : ih : | voters, aged eighty-six, J. M. ; han ee ge Er | and Henry Patterson, | been very successful with | SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN VICINITY NEWSPAPERS. The News Put Into Condensed The That Create Talk In The Country And Hereabouts. E. H. Harkness, Bay of Quinte riil- way agent at Tweed, is seriously ill with appendicitis. Mrs. 0. D. Dodge died at her Cape Vincent home, Wednesday, after an illness of several months. The Roman Catholic congregation at Chesterville, presented - Rev. Fr. Quinn, on his leavi for Tweed, with a purse of $200 and an address. The Altar Society alsu tendered him a set of silverware, o J. F. Kelly, Mallorytown, has pur chased a half interest in Thompson's boot and shoe store at Gananoque. Mr. Kelly' will contiane to reside in Mallorytown and carry ~ on his busi- ness there. John Wesley Vandervoort, Belleville, died while dressing, carly on Satur day morning. Mr. Vandervoort came of U. E. Loyalist stock, was seventy- five years old, and was a Methodist and a liberal. Six children survive, Ap ice gorge has formed in' the north channel, St. Lawrence river, near Farran's Point and the water settling back threatens 'to flood Mor- risburg. Efforts are being made to break the gorge with dynamite, South channel is frozen too solid for open- ing. An ash tree was recently laid low in John Belill's camp, Darling, that wai a giant of its species, and the lumbernien of that section wonder if even Farginew can produce its equal. When converted into logs it was found there were five of them, 'the top one measuring seventeen inches and the butt log thirty inches in diameter. John U. Thomson has sold his farm just outside of Gapanogue to his son- indaw, John Bell, Jr. receiving the portion known as the Kidd lot on east side 'of the road. For the bal- ance, 115 acres, the price paid was £6,000. Mr. Thomson bas purchased the brick residence of George McKay anh will move into town. No. 5, Elizabethtown, had two old Earl, Hiram had and y vi NRE] also Manhard, aged ninety-four. It also two trips of father, son randson, who voted in No. 5. | Hiram Manhard, Robert and Jesse F. Earl, Henry S. Farl. Manhard Manhard; also J. M Farl and Hilliard G. | ¥ASHIONSS FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just w he [fanaginn jee races). wi at Belleyil i Next Saturday the 'races at Ottawh will bo insvgu- rated, and the seveh dave' sport pro: ises to be' the'best in the history of Newspa are being chosen for the position of - secretary of the big league clubs. The lgtest is Charles A. Murphy, of the Cincinnati Times-Star, ill be secretary of the New York Clants--not a bad job by any means. A representative British Columbia rugby team will make a tour of Aus. tralia this years ¥ A tialions between the Victoria and Australian rugby unions have ad- ancouver clubs and the | { says the Victoria | | | vanced to such an extent that the | trip is now practically assured. Battling Nelson and Young Corbett will to-day sign drticles for a fight next month in San Francisco. Corbett ime to sign, but Nelson held out in the hope that he might induce Jimmy Britt to be his nent. Since Britt is pow flirting wl Rb, Jubes White of London, be spurn- "The much advertised fight between Sandy Fergueon, Ahe Boston heavy: weight, Jim McCormick, the six- foot Texan, at Hot Springs, Ark., ended in 8 row. They were to have met for twenty rountls, but the mill terminated in the fifth round, McCor: wick threw Ferguson over the ropes in this round. He charged that Ferguson hit him in one of the élinches. In a six-round bout at Philadelphia, Saturday hight, Tommy Murphy of New York was completely outolassed by Abe Attel of Sen Francisco. Under the law no decision can be given in this city, but Attel's skill was so far superior to that of Murphy that there could be no question as to whom the honors belonged. Murphy fought wild- and was unable to avoid the pun- t inflicted by his opponent. ack O'Brien | will 'accept the offer immediately, providing Ball will deposit b forfeit of $5,000 to show he really means business. {course 1 would rather fight Fitz in LETT diL & oh} lage, of Stivy Jean. which bas Lj ts, is menaced by the collapse this country, hut if the match can be pulled off in Pnama, 1 em willing to mentioned. All _ Grenoble, Jan, 81~The Nttle vil. 300 ex- of the hill on which t stands, © & Co M. Dumas, an:engineor sent by the of" government ta 'investigate. declares it {aod that to be absolutely Showing a smart walking skirt of dull blue, brown and green plaid serge trimmed with black fancy braid. broad box pleat extends down the centre of the back to correspond with the front width pleat. ---------- Stomach Troubles And Constipa- tion. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation 1 have ever sold," says J. R. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mich. They are casy to take and always give satisfaction. 1 tell my customers to try them and il not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never had complaint." For sale by all drug: gists. ---------------- Pay Tribute To Kaiser. Berlin, Jan. 31.--The spot where Ewmperor William has killed his fifty thousandth pheasant hes been marked by a beautiful monument in the shape of a pyramid of red granite. The « in- scription on the monument, under an imperial crown, says: "On this place, the 2nd of December, 1902, his majesty the emperor killed a male pleasant, the fifty thousandth of his record." Euchred, - ippiscots's Magazine. \ ~ t was at a prayer abd conference meeting, and Deacon Smith had dozed off into a hall sleep and hall awake condition of extreme contentment when Elder. Jones, who was "leading the meeting," said : "Deacon Smith, will you lead in er 1 Rubbing his eyes, Deacon Smith . ' 1 said : " "Tain't my léad; T dealt !" ET State of Ohio, City of Toledu, aw Lucas County, J. Cheney makes oath that he'is F. J. Che Hall's Catarrh Cure lv. end acts directly on the blood and systom. for BE tate TS ot rs 4 ¥.J. CHENEY & Co. Exclusiveness * «progress » Brand Clothing Is, above all, exclusive. The * Progress » way of buying direct from the mills, enables « Progress" Brand to command patterns and color achemes that * Progress *» Clothing alone can show. The " Progress' vay of tailoring lends a touch of {ndividuality--a distinctive style and elegance--that is recognized at a glance. 3 The * Progress" vay o selling only to the leading retailers, who are financially responsible,~who enjoy the confi dence of 'the best trade--insures the wearer of ; « Progress" Cloffiigg. an exclusiveness which is not obtainable jet makes. Sold by Leading Clothiers throughout Canada. 3 RATA ARANANARNAARA AAR AAANANY PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING is sold in Kingston, - by C. Livingston & Bro only. ~~ WISE PHYSICIAN If asked by a patient how best to avoid Febr- uary Coughs, Colds, Pains, Aches or bodily discomforts, would in most cases advise for out- door wear a good Fur Jacket, Coat, Storm Col- lar or Gauntlets. 3 "uy o Tn Sines 89, 34, 36, 38, 0 inches bust measure. Attend our'BIG FUR SALE. Select a durable arent and have solid comfofy for months to come, $2 to $5 reduction ofi, collars; $5 to $12 on Men's and $10 to $150 Women's Fur Jackets. Customers presenting CASH CHECKS durin February to the amount of one dollar will be mailed, Free, to your address the NEW IDEA WOMEN'S MAGAZINE for one year All patterns 10C. each or 11c. by mail. Sizes 82, 34.86, 38. 0.42 inches bust measure. CRUMLEY BROS. Kingston Agents for New Idea Paper Patterns. eu F ome Fancy China Consisting of Bread and Butter Plates, Salad Sets, Cupsand Saucers, Vases, Muffin Dishes, Cocoa and Chocolate Pots, Syrup Jugs, Must- ards, § o'clock Tea Sets, Biscuit Jars, Celery Dishes, Pin Trays, Bon Bon Bowls, Jar- diniers, China Cake Plates, Bulleon Cups, ete. Fancy Goods, Toys, Fruits and Con- fectionery. oJ: $4 (0 $5.50 Skirls--$2.98!| 29 SPLENDIDLY-TAILORED SKIRTS--the last of | almost as many different lines--go on the BARGAIN TABLE TO-MORROW at this rather startling reduc- tion. Black, Navy, Oxford and Brown are the colors, while materials are fashionable and ser- viceable Kersey and Broadcloths, Some are trimmed with selfestrapping and buttons, others again with pleating and tucks, and at former regu- | lar prices of $4 to $5.50 you'd call them excellent | value. Your choice while they last at $2.98 'SPENCE'S, The Leading Millinery Ceylon Natural C tea everywhere, because of same form as the celebrated lead packets only. By all Given the Highest Award and 6 MONEY AND BUSINESS. Pa IVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Company. assets $01,187,318. which the policy gecurity the unlimited the stockholders. insureg at lowest possi rates. Belore renewing old or giv mew business get rates from S & Strange, Agents. LICIES COVER MORE buildings and contents than any or company eflers. Examine th Gedwin's Insurance Emperinm, MINION FISH 63 Brock St. 'Phoue § We will at are left of our M oys' and Youths' ocke Boys' $1.25 and $1 Youths JERNINGS, King r the Balanc This Month & sale.-of Scotch r Overcoals and °* r $18 to $23 Seotgh Scotch Scotch on fail to see my $1 und $5 y Trouse i is a Loni fide sale, with, wanship guarantes mings arantecd, with § new and up-to-date stock C. WAGCO 1838 WELLINGTON ST »O000C000000000 YPEWRITER GHT, ' NTED, PAIRED. d best mssorted stock i erything in Wines and y brand of Scotch or } the lines of Youpot, ie Liquo