Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1905, p. 5

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A" exquisite flavor ang Purity Japan tea drinker what "gi. By allgrocers. t. Louis Exposition, 1904, ea 4 th 3Y CO. the 5th ur SALE cess ! R CENT our time to sell. - LN shery, etc., Boys' BY CO., ; and One Price to and Montreal, ingston. MURR tr aa | EP SALE ents -giving |! REN'S FLANNELETTE GOWNS » years to fourteen years, regu- Cc ak. Sc. NELETTE CORSET COVERS . . - 1 I'S . FLANNELETTE DRAWERS ce years to fourteen years, reg wee . . 1% ling Millinery J and Mantle Store. on to the House of Com- Canada for the Electoral of Kingston, held 27th and 3rd November, 1904, FOLLOWING 1S AN AB- [ the statement fyled with irning Officer, in pursuant m 146 of '*'The Dominion Act, 1900," of election expen rough the undersigned agent rray, in connection with said y or on behali of Hon. Willum candidate, viz. : 1 assistance ... ..$256 00 IR wvinin ae .. 282 11 « 68 90 - BY 32 sti iY 5 so 7 50 ams, telephones and WSPADETS wii .iivenns 23 11 $701 48 DAVID MURRAY. re L for said Ion. William Harty J. P. GILDERSLEEVE. Returning. Officer. 1, Ont., 15th January, 1905. FARM FOR SALE. FARM, STOCK AND IM ts, 106 acres, more or less. :~ ploughable land without stump ne. Implements nearly all ne%, orchard, 100 trecs, many bear Between 25 and 30 head of at id horses; good barn, MDC - | stables, 2 wind mills, 1 fof x feed, etc., and one for purl Blacksmith and carpenter shove is near Glenvale, 8 miles ToW on. If sold this monil. Apply 1404 York street -- -- Y. W.C. A. o the Following Dates: 7 _m ~Meeting® pening the riba Lite cox; b; rs. Carr-Harris; s Sptrective subjects. Al w* wvited. n hall above Y.W.C.A. Rogms, 38 > i felegraphed specially to the Whig Ly | ; Dockage rll ec, a hi be ig Dy But It Wouldn't Go in Punkville age May Not Be Charged palpamated Copper meriean Locomo 32 § ' nadian Pacific c. 131 body ela « saponke & Ohio - 183 Peruna is recommended by fifty members of Congress, by Governors, Consuls, Generals, Majors, Captains, Admirals, Eminent Physicians, Clergymen, many Hospitals and public institu- tions, and thousands upon thousands of those in the humbler walks of life. ol -- , o'clock. Members present: Rev, Mr. AARRAASAASSASAAN, TRATES T TLR LUT ATL TTT VAL TRL LLTL TRV LATTA CLVLOVES enn ~ AN EXTENSIVE SHOWING OF THE martest Winter Waists We take the greatest pride in our collect- It has yet to for style, variety and all-round ion of Winter Waist; this year. be equalled moderate pricing, and especially now with The January right. FLANNELETTE WAISTS Special at $1 and $1 25. FRENCH FLANNEL WAISTS -- Special at $1.50 to $2.25. CHAMOIX CLOTH WAISTS--Special at $2.50. SILK WAISTS, in White, Black and colors Special $3. $3 25, $3.50 to $5 - Steacy & Steacy ... TLV VBBVLTARAN STOCK MARKUTS. . | CONGRESSIONAL SIFEECH. ert & Battelle, Members New York | Debating Society. With Duty. k Exchange, 151 St. James Strect, | It wan the festa: i. Judge Hazel, Buffalo, has confirmed Outreal. ! Paul vas 8 regia nn "the decision of the New York apprais- unkville Debating society, G. Wat NEW kins Spurling was making an ear. O° hat dockage may not be charged EW YORK STOCKS i ik Ew Rastyl- an along with the duty o eri - RK ST 8 | nest plea ob, the affirmative side: of k vg with the duty on material ned 11.30 the question, "Resolved, that man' ery act is the result of a selfish mo ion of the collector of customs ¢ tive "1 oo further the at. N : Bucricun Smelting & Relining oo lent Ber: than that, tr. hoster for a review 'of the decision SUR: afinsinge esident, i said, on re . Sugar Hefining . ha ht : by the Yew York appraisers and fourths of the things a man does is Yeu he chile t t beck Itimore & Ohio : hocause he's povious of what some i dieetor to. retain Shagk poklyn Rapid Transit 62 \ lock x. The. pin-headed speak r that had the Boor last on the oth {er sule lied like & pirate when he sail hunilved dollars & St. Paul , 174 I & St 24 A to the G Hall Coal company and i sree the preside of the sorie : y : as of | He he prusitlent, of h riety ory at Kingston, Ont." When uisy x rel A isi | rap tithe ' we gentleman (hey arrived at the port of Rochester puisville Nashville 141 must pot use such langua as that y i fetropoliten Securities | ing he i, "Wi $3 "B - gs tee ullertor of custome, sharged tute tropolitan, Street Ry. 17: vii hy I weanse WASH Un the material used in repairing and Faul & SSM i" parliamenia t Jay x t be par go, percentage of the amount acc ' 106 1 liamentary, Mr. President, vor: pw York Central 441 4 1 (i. 'Watk Spurl y charges used in docking the nasylvan'a ... X 1374 Tate i. Watkins : puling, OOS: When the case was brought to 1 ws bsriieas. a ---- . R04 mg his collar ane rolling wp his hoard of jappraise they decided that ck Island #61 | sleeves, "hut, by pum, Us Gongressic he doekaoe che Tor hold be uthern Pacific oe : 674 {| onal V' ra suthern Railway maf JT y 7 ting |! ---------- ---------------- i : ; 304% The worst cases of rheumatism up On Saturday come to Abernethyv's a ed, Wa-Hoo Tonic will , 35¢. Gib: Shoe Store, if you' want to : son's Red Cross Drug money, House thermometers, 15¢., 200. and Large cau pie peaches, 10c 30-. + Chown's ford. Clearing Cut Prices We oaght to interest every one in need Visit "oar department, see for youtself and you'li-be conivinced that what we say is just a 4 a IIIA (ST ST SE i i "aw TEER TLT TRAITS TTATLL TST TRS Se sess DECISION CONFIRMED. a boat is repaired at a foreign The decision follows the applica < amounting to several The three hoats which the charges 'were wade belong ; THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDA/, JANUARY 14 [was ACCEPTED. PULPIT OF COOKL'S CHURCH NOW VACANT. Rev. Mr. Laird's Resignation Ac- cepted By Presbytery With Re- gret--Rev. Mr. Peck To Preach The Pulpit Vacant. The Kingston Presbytery met in Cooke's church on Friday, at two Peck, moderator; Principal Gordon, Revs. Drs. Macgillivray and Mackie, and Revi, G. Milligan, A. Laird, and R. Laird, and John Murray, cider. The special business was the resig- nation of Rev. A, Laird of the pastor, ate of Cooke's church. The papers were were repd, and comumissioners from the congregation received, viz, from the session, Messrs. Jobu Murray, James Adams and Prof, Fowler, from the managers, Messrs. D. A. Shaw, Dr. Sands, 8S. 8. Corbett and Jame Meh ulla. These all testified to their per- sonal regret, and that of the congre gation, in parting from Mr. Laid as pastor, specially in view of its har mony, progress and good financial po- sition, largely due, to thy pastor's watchful interest and organizing abi lity; but in the citcwsstances, seeing the situation he has accepted is better adapted to his state of health and strength, they would offer no opposi tion to his resignation. Mr. Laird ad hered to his resignation, partly also in the belief that the congregation now required the services of a pastor with greater physical energy than he possessed. Principal Gordon made a few pe marks in the line of the statements uttered, and moved that the signa: | tion he accepted. De. Mackie seconded the motion with the expression of sim ilar sentiments. The motion was ag reed to, to take effect on Sabbath the 15th inst, the moderator, Rev, Mr. Peck, to preach on that day; and de clare the pulpit vacant. On motion of Mr, Murray. Mr. Laird was appointed moderator of the ses. sion. The moderator and Dr. Macgilli- vray were appointed to prepare suit able minutes relating to Mr. Laird's retirement from the pastorate of Cooke's church. His name is retained in the appendix to the roll of preshy tery, while application is proposed to be made to the general assembly, for leave to grant him his full standing as a member of the presbytery, Back To The People. Out of a total expendi- ture of $113,191 872 since 1871, the liberal govern- ments of Ontario have re- turned to the ple $02 685,878, di among ed- ucation, hospitals and charities, maintenance of asylums and public insti- tutions, agriculture and arts, railway subsidies, ad- ministration of justice, col- onization roads and con- struction of public build- ings. EE aE as UPRISING IN CHINA. P44FHIVIEL EFS 44454 F444 4424544444944 + * Powers Are Warned Of Imminent Trouble. St. Petersburg, Jan. M4.--Russia's formal notification to the powers of the imminent danger of a general up rising in China as the result of a Japanese propaganda, which will threaten all foreign interests, couplad with general protest against China repeated violation of neutrality in con motion with Japanese operations, i really a warning to the powers that Russian regards the situation as ox tremely serious and considers that the time has come for joint action by the i powers for the protection of their own interests, For herself, Russia eonsiders that Japan has broken the pledges she made with respect to Secretary' Hay's note at the beginning of the war, and further persistence in the eourse will, he considers, absolve ker from further observance and leave her fr to act for her own protection, | Should Gen. Ma and Chinese troop now move Russia will feel free herself to cross the Liao river into the neu tral zone NOTORIOUS CROOK GAUGHT. Taken At Point Of Pistol By Con- ~-- + stable. Cobourg, Ont., Jan M.A clover capture was made hy Police Constable Roorke, in Cobourg last Thursday night. While on his beat on Division i FASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just Out. A stylish evening bodice of light blue French wousseline, draped over white China silk. The sleoves and yoko are trimmed with white lace and white ribbon brocaded with floral design in blue vehwet ribbon edges the ribbon bands, LATE SOCIAL NEWS, a -- Miss Chalmers, of Kingston, is a guest at the home of her uncle, Me. Simon Chalmers, Smith's Falls. » - - The cagagement is announced of Miss May ks voungest daugh- ter of Mr. J. T. Pennock, to Lieut. Col. Hurdman, both of Ottawa. The engagement is announced of Miss Lilah Hewson, voungest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hewson, Baldwin street, to Dr. Horace Ruther ford Livengood, only son of Dr. T. F. and Mrs. Livengood, of Elizabeth, New Jersey. . . . . Tennyson's "Dream of Fair Women" was capitally. put on by the Levana Society of Queen's on Thursday af ternoon. Miss Lois Saunders read the poem till the dreamer heard the thrill- ing voice of the Trojan Helen, and Miss Bryson, .as the lady tall, and most divinely fair whose beauty brought calamity where'er sho came, stepped on the scene, followed by Miss McFarlane, as Iphigenia, whose "youth was blasted with a curse." came next, and thea the "daughter of the warrior Gileadite."" Miss Tesky. Fair Rosamond, quailing beneath the "dragon eyes of angered Eleanor' was represented by Miss Rées, and the queen herself by Miss Solmes. Phi lippa and Joan of Are, were represen ted by Miss Odell, and Miss Flsie Saunders . . . . There was a jolly curling game, this morning, between mixed rinks mem bers of the Ladies' Curling Club and Queen's students. There will be a re petition of the contest on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday morning, the point matches, for Mrs. Hooper's prize will be begun by the ladies, and on Thursday morning, the rink matches for the elub priz tart HOUR OF VICTORY Is Striking For Russia, Says The Czar. Special to the Whig N saki, Jan. 11. The Japanese transport, Kamakura, from Port Dal' ny. January 11th, with Gen, Stoessel ers, and followed by his retinue, Gen, Stoessel slowly wendad his way toa prectgly situated] bungalow on Inasa Hill, where he will be quartered, The Czar's Message. St. Petersburg, Jan. 4.--Cear Nie holas, today, wsuad an order of the day to the army in praise of the he- roie defence of Port Arthur, by Gen. Stoessel and his garrison. The: order "av "Our enemy is brave and strong and it ix extremely dificult to sustain rear of J. N. Campbell's genefal dry goods store. Hurrving 10 the bac) entrance he forced his way in, and at the point of the revolver "made bis man throw up hx hands, On being conveyed to the police station the en) prit. was discovered to be "Pud' Ag new, a notorious crook, who has al ready served several times in the Cen j tral for similar oficnces in different 'parts of the provinces Wholesale Cattle Thief. Orillia, Ont., Jan. M.A sensation has been caused here by the disap pearance of Alexander MeGrimman, cattle dealer, and manager of the Dalton Cattle company. His books show a shortage of $15,000 10 $20, 000, -MeGrimman was the most expert buyer in the district and was believed by evervone to be thorenghly trust worthy. For twenty vears he bas done business very honorably. During the last year he became loose in his meth- ods. : "Fresh Extracts of Beel," for bed tea. Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store. Dr. Fox of New Jersoy advises wo men not to marry a man till they know his past. This is the hottest ar gument for race suicide we have oi served. There is no doubt of the verdict of the people who have investigated the Fresh Peruna and Ozone at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Lasge can pie peaches, 10¢, Craw- for street the constable uw a man sin the | record of the government. The liberal, administration has ben a good ome.' a distance of 10,000 versts, but Russia is great and pow a struggle at i i | erful We are greatly grieved by the lack of sucer and the painfal Joss ex, but let us not abandon courage. It is in sorrowinl times such ag these that the power of Russia renews it- self. 1am confident as is every . Rus- sian that the hour of victory ix strik ing. God bless my dear army and fleet, in their efforts to crush the enemy, and stistain the honor and the glory of the fatherland." Annual Meeting. The annual mecting of the Storring ton agrienltural society was held at Inverary on the 11h inst. Officers vlected © John Taylor, president; °F. Thompson, first vice president: John Gibson, second viee-pregidomt; Alexand- er Ritchie, soerclary treasurer; direc. tors, Robert Shannon, William Me Garvey, C, W, Slisth, P. Edwards, W, G. Bruce, J. A. Sherman, James Shey- herd, George Aykroyd, M. B, Traves; auditors, 8. A. Lyon, G, W. Leather land. -------- Has He Resigned ? Special to the Whig. Detroit, Mich, Jan. 14.<1t is stated in rveiiway and financial circles, both in New York and in Detroit, that President Ledvard, of the Michigan gan Central railway, had resigned, and that his resignation had been' accept ed, Mr. Ledyard, however, denics this, glthough he dows not go into any de tailed statement. 1 Mr. Ledyard has resigned it is because of the sn nounced intention of the Vanderbilts to bring all three roads under one head. : Miss Florence O'Donnell, as Egypt's queen, enquiring for Mark Antony}| the strongest forwards on the Federal and others on hoard, arrived, here, Piccadilly, Jan, 9. Reeve, C, D, this morning The Russian general] Godfrey; councillors, BK. A. Hamilton, looked well, and walked with a states: oo Iv step. Proveded by a few police offic DISTRICT NEWS. |g SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN| VICINITY NEWSPAPERS. The News Put Into Condensed Shape--The Episodes That Create Talk In The Coilntry Renfrew voted to instal a sewer SYS: | tem and carried the by-law by eighty-, . soven majority. Mortimer William Clark, Lanark, died on Thursday, aged eighty-nine. A widow and eight children survive. Ice racus are to be held in Picton on Monday, January ly und Ath, Purses a ting $00 arc hung up. H. B. eda editor of the Des- patch, was elected a member of the board of education at Campbeliford. Matthew Soper, Nakusp, B.C., son of the late Alonzo Soper, Kitley, is dead, aged fifty-six. He leaves a wis dow. Dr. Edward Richardson, Sturgeon Falls, a Queen's graduate, was marri- od to Miss Mary Elizabeth Behan, of Pembroke, Nirs. Elizabeth Slater, wife of Cap- tain Slater, Belleville, is dead, as the result of an attack of pneumonia last year. A hushumd, and three ehildren survive, Napanee 'council on Monday night re-appointed J. P. Hanley one of its representatives on the hoard of educa: tion, and W. 8. Herrington, K, C,, town solicitor. Mrs. George Gurney died at Water town; N.Y: on January 10th, She was a sister-in-law of Mrs, William Os- borne, Napanee, aml also of Mrs. L. Moore and Mrs, William Gallagher, Dorland. Williams R. McCallum, born in Lan ark, in 1804, who went with his par ents when four vears old to Minnea- polis, is dead. at Grand Forks, from hoa rt trouble; resulting in partial paralysis, Since going to the far western states C. A. Crawlord, Deseronto, has been prospering. He is now general auditor and Dank examiner for the Marcus Daly estate, with headquarters in Butte, Mont, + Samuel Brown, at one time in the Tribune office, Deseronto, but now a successful telegrapher in the great North-West Territorics, is in town on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Brown, Deseronto, On Sunday Samuel Russel announc- ed in. the Presbyterian Sunday school that owing to his early departure from Descronto to reside in Belleville, he desired to resign his position as sup- erintendent of the school, Miss Jane MN. Dowsley, Brockville, suddenly expired on Thursday while sitting in her room. She had heen a sufferer from heart disease for some time, Deceased was a prominent mem: ber of the W, CG. T, Ui, and an active member of the First Presbyterian church. Brockville fears the removal of Geo. MeKay, the popular teller of the Bank of Toronto there, whose transfer is spoken of unofficially. He i one of Hockey team. The man named to sue- ceed him is "Bobby" Gray, also pro- minent in hockey cireles, Latimer Locals. t Latimer, Jan, 12.--A, load of youn, people attended the pie social at r Darling's, Iaverary, on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs, William Mustard, Pame- lia, N.Y., spent Saturday and Sunday the guests of Mr. und Mrs, J, Taylor. Miss Ethel 0'Comor, Murvale, having spent a few doys with Miss Sadie Sherman, has returned home. Misy Pearl Taylor, having taught school at Ardoch the past term, is spending her holidays at her parents' home, as also is little, Miss May, who has been at tending high school at Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs, R. Lyon and daughter, Kd: na, spent a few days at Opinicon. Mr, and Mrs. FE. Caresly of Cataraqui, spent Sunday at P. Edward's. The newly elected councillors are: John Taylor, J. E, Anglin, 8, Makins, and A. Ritchie; reeve, J. Sherman, Hinchinbrook Council. . Duffy, and James Jolivey quali fied; P. Dwire, not present. Cn motion, Dufiy-Jefieey, 820 granted to Kingston General Hospital, On motion Jelirey buffy, J. Hewilton wnd C, Godirey, appointed auditors and J. MeMahon appointed assessor, at $40, J, FE. Campbell appointed manber of hoard of health three years, and Ur, Genge appointed medical officer for 1905, Adjourned to meet at™Parham, Febriary 25th. Potatoes. Crawford's, A ---- TRIAL BOTTLE F tl MASSACRE IN CONGO, . "Whites Said To Have Been Mur. According to pri- . an uprising of natives the trouble is in Mongolia district in the upper reaches of the Congo river, i > ported, all the whites have been mur- Catholic missionaries and nis. siond are said to have The A-Babua tribe of native troops ix said to have mutinied and killed ity 3 been stormed and the posts of - the *° Kasai company destroyed. : 5 ------------------ a ---- Royal Bakin Powder 45 "a pound can 25 cents a half pound can Royal Baking Powder is made from pure grape cream of tartar; is absolutely pure; has received. the highest praise from all authorities on food at home and abroad; is used daily in millions of homes throughout the world. Royal Baking Powder is the most eto! nomical thing in the kitchen,

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