Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1905, p. 10

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J ews, % ' ve in the cleanliness of hody, in kindness to men, woman animal, "in truth because it makes i g : : o t § i £ 3 the chatity that ins does not dnd hat be mercy as I hope for » if BE" in moral courage because 1 a brute, in righteousness because it and best line between "in patience because it is to geoure results. that kind of industry vacation, J lieve in that sort £ : 3 oS : of economy money for a good pur it in obedience heganse it is way to leatn hole to com- "in self-control 1 a n con! heeatise in justica because I believe I cultivate as his suppo! ot! main wr boda ar dpe winter, either in mature, natural state are very fly, . COUNTRY'S GARDENERS. Every Family Has a Oarden-- "Friendly Contests Over Flow ers And Vegetahles--Nothing Is Wasted--All Love Outdoor Life. Most American travellers in Ger- many, says the American Agricultpr- int, to the principal cities, and see " aa devi gio art, . architecture, and scenery as , and return without having the to stop at the hy Ioarn of the real home life of the people. No existing ide books lead to such roads, Meck- burg-Schweriu, with its sister state Strelitz, is only twenty-eight Gorman miles long and fourteen broad, 'but it is one of the most fertile agricultural districts existing. The finest breeds of farm animals, tho richest crops of in, fruit and wo xe, aise re. Husbandry in ts bran is studied from long experience, and when wo. consider that all_farm land has been for = centuries cultiva- gh. To vests) are LON, Marshall, "of the Kingston (Eng.) 00}, fs the latest apostle 'dress 'as applied to boys. mnar. se 8 national: "abolition of waist fag of flannel shirts and flannel knicker- ;* then Jersey over: is idea has caught s are advo- Sel of boys' health and physical ent, The waist coat offers no Protection to the most vulnerable part of the body, ihe back, while it prevents the expansion of vin ano school these re- were rodh and ar al around. increase of chest measuremen was noticed Rithin three rit For summer Mr. Marshall suggests blazers instead of jackets. Soho¥ boys ought to be so clothed as to encourage them to take active exercise in cold by sit ting down in class in a state of per spiration. * A physician recently denounced of productiveness, must be some rea- keeps it up to so family has a ¢ day 5 women, 1 villages, where a minister ro ides, who always has u hig farm t5 rt, his wifs is the leading spirit in the . In places per] the wife of the | 'master or forester takes the fenco th runs in the middle, If the next to it, because close nothing will grow. All out in straight lines, no turn whatever. Garden land may not he wasted, and grass grows in the meadows Particular stress is laid on such vegetables as can be preserved for the or fried. Nothing is wasted, even the roso leaves are gathered before drop- ng, and exchanged at tho drug store or something necessary. Privet hedges much used. The green. which feeds on the leaves, is the Spanish fly; the children are eager to pick them off and sell thoms they are used for making fly blisters, The garden of the more wealthy peo ple and noblemen's estates are laid out in English style, walks and the tarf dotted with beau- tiful" flower . The women are all good housekeepers, - take a personal interest in all matters, hod 29 the garden, and help, often, to gather the vegetables for dinner. All sumwer, in fair woather, before and after school hours, women, accompanied by their servant girls and children, go with little handbaskets or waggons con- taining a lunch a-gardening. They work, enjoy outdoor life, A air and healthy rocreation. -------------- Poor Man ! Cincinnati po mmercial-Tribung, Wo may talk of man's strength, his gen- jus and power, And how he van force other mortals to cower, or thise things it's easy to prate by the our; But it's queer, ever since this old plan- ot Whaat a poor weak woman can do to a wan. She Soimty inte his office to sell him « An affront, fom a male that he never Dut i she wust do is to give him a Aud he buys every one that he possi- Just because She's a Woinah and. he is & Wan. He Shines home at night, tired out with 8 Wo! And anxious all further endeavor to But his dresé suit ROS on with a frown 2 a 3 3 For his wife for the evening's concoct- "a plen, And he goes--she"s a woman and he's but a man, She walks into the stanchest and strong- est of banks: dent's office her beauty she . And draws several thousands and pays hit in thanks, She oughtn't to do it. but really she can, . Because she's a woman and be is a 'When he Wants to be naughty she makes him ave For her sake a coward will try to be ve, She makes him right gladly perform as rte emi Ro. . whole route from Beer- sheba n Bich shat woman and he is a man. A Different Liniment. strongest part of od by the pert, "and all be of uniform thickness." '"T'éo much care cannot be taken of the said another authority, as the spinal column, which: is the continuation of the gan. of cathartics and pills violent nature, lowed by 'a reaction arden and the | Te4mOUS, ter what the i can ied upou to cure~to stay fully against fortune is it, the path rung | thot he has heen: with eurved [} as ind pulmonary complaints in men, and especially eld- erly men. The back of the waistcoat is thinner than the front. In the human body the region between the shoulders is 'the one most. protection. The lungs there most easily as- sailed hy yet the chest, the the frame, is afiord- waistcoat, a thicker and warmer covering than is the back. Beveral medical officers of health have joined in an "'anti-vest" crusade. They believe, however, that the waist- coat should be reformed rather than abolished, ' They coat thick in front and with only a thin lining "at trap in winter. x should have a waistcoat lined at the that a waist- back is hoy , a death and man back with said one ex- » year round it should back, brain, dominates every other or- Pills And Piles. A prolific cause of Piles is the use of a drastic, is always fol- on account of the properties they con- There are other causes, but no mat- cause 'or what the kind 5 dt's Hem-Roid that removes it's an internal remedy lead. Often there is a friendly con- | the causes of ching, , Bleeding tout to see who shall have first on or_Suppurating Piles. : and carrots for the table; of courss, | A guarantee goes with each package everything grows in open air. On joOntal a month's treatment. Whitsunday all try to bave the first | It can bo obtained for 81 at drug Jlettuce, and, if possible, a young gists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Shicken of pigeon for dinner. Gene- Niagara Falls, Ont. -------- end he Barden 8 slow to the haute, The man who struggles unsuccess- t to feel robbed of the deci- Some folks show o testy nature as soon as they are put to the test. The crook is so called because he hasn't a straightiorward way. . A OER SE ITS ST SEY What Sulphur Does For The Human Body In Health And Disease. The mention of sulphur will recall to many of us the ear! days when our mothers and pu our daily dose & thers gave sulphur and mo- asses Avery spring and fall. It was the universal spring and all "blood purifier," tonic and oure- all, and mind you, this old-fashioned ly was not without merit, The idea was good, but the remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to be taken to get any effect, Nowadays we got all the beneficial oficets of sulphur in a palatable, con- centrated form, so that a single grain is far more effective than a table- spoonful of the crude sulphur. In recent years, research and ex- periment have proven that the best sulphur for medicinal use is that ob- tained fram calcium (calcium Sulp- bide) and sold in drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, They are small chocolate-coated pel- lets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly con- centrated, effective form. Fow people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur in restorin, maintaining ily vigor os health; sulphur aoty directly on the liver, and excretory organs and puri fies and enriches the blood by the prompt elimination of waste material. Our J atdiothers knew this when they us with sulphur and mo- lasses every spri nd fall, but the erndity and imp ty. of ordinary flowers of sulphur were often worse than the with the modern re- ations of which H { : E g £ 4 i = & : 1 ' a Pal | Acard the Postman on our street); Say, (GRANBY. RuBBErs can't be beat \{ Iz In them | tramp and tramp about J - D HE 7 A pair of GRANBY RUBBERS will wear as long as two pairs of ordinary rubbers and. they lock well all the time. GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE [RON ANNUAL TEA. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900, Neaoes we FOO Infants, ¢ Invalids, ¢ Nearly 80 Years' Established Reputation. 4 DR. BARNARDO 'Given In The Methodist Church, Battersea. Battersea, Jan. 10.--The annual tea- meeting, 'in connection with the Me- thodist church, was held in the Orange Temple on January 2nd. A bountiful and excellent tea was served ahout | eight o'clock, and after every appe- ! tite had been fully satisfied the in- tellectual feast was put on. The lat- ter was composed of choruses by the choir, duets by Misses Lizzie An s and A. Holder, Miss Maggie Clark 1 i W. Merriman, Miss Richards and Har- | old" Merriman. Recitations by Misses | Ida Hugheson, Chellie York, A. Hold- er and Pearl Richards, and addresses i 5 he "We have already used Neave's Fdod in two of by Bev, 5 A Bell Rey, Je. Rech our Homes (Rabies' Castle and the Village Homey, ards and ouncillors J. E. nglin SAVS and I have no hesitation 4n saying it las proved very and C.. Sleeth. After singing "God DID satisfactory. July 27th, 1901. Manufacturers: JOSIAN R., NEAVE & CO., FORDINGBRIDGE Save the King," the audience disper sed, well satisfied with the first tea- meeting in the new Orange Temple. A social was held the following Wednes- day evening, which was also well at- tended, and much enjoyed. James Bell, Sydenham, and Carman Bell, Belleville, have returned to their stu- dies, after spending their holidays at the parsonage. Joseph and David Robb and 8. Anglin, Queen's College, and Earl Lake, K.C.I, also spent their vacation at home. Misses Ida ENGLAND. Wholesale Agents: THE LYMAN BROS. &Co., Ltd., Toronto & Montreal. MEN and WOMEN Who desire solid comfort will find more to the square inch if clad in good reliable Furs than in any oh hia York nd Lema | iver article of wearing apparel. Just when they are year. Miss Campbell, Sunbury. hae | MOSt wanted down go our prices. It means considera- shoo fo i. Davia York, Laing ble loss to the seller, but in this case our loss in your PN Pons Maibroperty in te Yi gain, Ta sell quickly we quote reductions :-- family to Jones' Falls. They will be much missed from the village, as they Women's Black Astrachan Fur were good citizens. Ben Knapp and- 1 $25, now $15 Women's Men's Brown Coats, | > | $20, for $14.50 Russian Cali Fur Coats, Black y Russian Dog Coats, : mi mother, late of the Carrying Place, | $27, now $23. ® cd only Man's Brown Dyed Wombat have moved to their new residence in Women's Black Astrachan Fur Coats, | 02% $25, now $21.50. the village, lately purchased from D. $35, now $37.50. Men's Black Russian Dog Coats, $19, York. 8S. J. Lake, of the "Granite,' Sy omen's Black Astrachan Fur Coats, { now $15. is slowly recovering from the injuries 33, pow A i Lath. . Coat 1 only Man's Curley Cloth Rubber-lin- Fy L.A: men's lac aran Lam! oats, s } R! er-li ho. recently seceived nt the XK. er $50, now $41. phara oi ed Coat, size 40, $18, now $12 ailway crossing, Stephen Lake, Pic Ww , . ton, has been visiting friends in this 00 ey nek Bokaran Lamb Coats, al Natural Wombat, no white spots vicinity. " Other visitors have been : | Women's Black Bokaten Lomb Coats, | S00 Row 324. Rev, Mr. Richards, and wife, Inver- | $65, now $44. Men's Fur-lined Cloth Coats, $3750, ary, at W. Merriman's; C. Hartley Women's Black Persian Head Fur | now $30. . and family, Secley's Bay, at J, Mil- | Coats, $37, now $27. 1 only Furlined Coat, extra grade, and Yamily, Seeley's Bay, at J, Mil- Women's Black Persian Head Fur Size 42, $75, now $55. F { b 0. ler's; F. R. Anglin, Brewer's Mills, at Coats, $40, now $80. Men's Coonskin Coats, $50, now: $40 W. J. Anglin's. a Near Seal, size 84 only, $40, now Men's Coonskin Coats, $85, now $49. 3 $91 bi Women's Fur Coats, from size 34 to x . 1 Brown Dyed Wombat, size 36, $35, | 44 bust Cured His Mother Of Rheumatism |now $20. Men's Fur Coats from 42 to 50 chest. We also offer the biggest and best vel- ues in Children's and Women's Cloth Coats, Ulsters, Skirts. CRUMLEY BROS. BIG REDUCTION SALE In order. to reduce our immense stock of ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, SHADES, FIXTURES, etc, we offer for 30 days any goods in our store at Wholesale Prices NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A BARGAIN |. BRECK & HALLIDAY. WE DO TINNING "My mother has been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism," says W. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsyl- vania. "At times she was unable to move at all. while at all times walk- ing was painful, I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after a few applications she decid- ed it was the most wonderful pain re- liever she had ever tried, in fact, shbs is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional ap- plication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by all druggists. ------------ Anti-British Demonstration. No battle flags, blare of trumpet or stirring "call"to arms marred two hours' quietude at the peace meeting in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday af- Yernoon Jat the Marquam theatre, But no er had a set of resolutions ( béen read commending President Roosevelt 'for endeavoring to nego- tiate arbitration treaties with a num- ber of European nations' than about forty-five people, some of them demo- crats, and led by M. 8. O'Shea, start od a demonstration against the reso- lation. They termed it "an indorse- ment of Secretary's Hay's pro-British policy." Then a voeal row reigned. Dr. J. R. Wilson, was accused of presiding over "a packed meeting organized hy a cheap British element," and his rul ing was questioned but sustained. "Reprobate England," "Pass no treaty except with France," "To h---1 with the newspapers," were sample cries. of the disgruntled element. The di ncy was that although the protestors howled against Great Bri- tain, the only resolution read did not mention that country's name. About 1,000 people, men and women, com prised the andiepce, and the anti-Bri- tish element Yas outtoted by over ninety per cent. ------------ Palpitation 'of the heart, nervous ness, tremblings, nervous headache, feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are ve 1 Nat. Wallaby, size 88, $25, now $19. Women's Cloth and Fur-linedCapes at wholesale prices. lieved by Carter's Tron Pills, made Of fren and Copper. ay oe the blood, : nerves and THE CAN AD A MET AL co. = 5 Toronto: FARR ENC FT OCCUPIE! Th dis | [TIRES In Eficct Oct. 2nd, 190 Trains will leave City Pépot Johnston Street GOING EAST GOING No. 8, Mail, 1:48 4m. No. 2, Fast Express, 2 No. 16, Local, 8:16 a No. 6 Mail... 1:00 p No. 4. Fast Express, 1:00 p.m. No. 12, Locs), 7.08 p.m m. m Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, run daily No. 5 and 8, run daily, exc day Nos. 6, 7. 11, 12, 15 and 1 except Sunday. | For Pullman accommodation, and all other information apply J. P. HANLEY, Corner Johnston and Untarig KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CA PACIFIC RAILWAYS, " etm TRAINS LEAVE KINGST 12:89 p.ov~Express, for Otta treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.: Boston, Toronto, Chicago," Denv frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duh ¢ Pav', Wisnipeg, Vancouver, i Portland, and San Francisco. § pm.--Local for Sharbot f vounecting with C.P.R. east and 9:10 a.m --Mix2d, for Henfrew rmediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston a BE P.m., arrive in Ottawa at 50 BE Peterboro, 512 p.am.: Toront p.m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m. St. Ef N.B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. P.R, Ticket Office, Ontario Stree F. CONWAY. F. A. FOLGER. . Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen New short line for Tweed, N Dascronto, and all local points leave City Hall Depot at 2:25 p CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., King FOR THE WIN- TER Gu TO BERMU Frost unknown, malaria From New York, 48 hours hew twin screw steamship Wuilings imp by ** Berm 10 aays during J ery five days dering February, mad April, 1905 FOR WINTER CRUISES GO -- WEST INDIE BU days (rip. About 20 days in Special to Bermuda, ico, slands apd Cub al cruise Windward 1 and > Agents. Kingst LLA N LIN LIVEKPOOL and f LONDON E: Royal Mall Rteameors. L From St. John, From 1} @rinthian, Sat. Jan. 14, Mon. J isian, Sat. Jan. 21, Mon. Ja Sat. Jan. 28; Mon J, Sat. Feb 4 Mon. | iS OF PASSAGE and upwards, according accommodation; Secor ol and Londonderry hd $35. London $2.50 lass, $15, superior crpool, Derry, Belfas? fon. First to = NEW YORK TO GLASGOW ongolian Thurs, Feb 2, Ef First Cabin, $40 and up--Secon In. 827.50-Third Class, 815 For further particulars, apply 1 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R Depot. J.P. Ql RY. ¥ Clarence Street TAMMERE

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