To Indigestion tock is too decided to on for next to sell at a v goods, to and 15c. hades, well made and Far a casurement. | DOMINION FISH CO. 83 Broek St. hort Pants. » well made, and trim- 2.45 A SUIT. » A SUIT. 4.25 A SUIT. 05, $2.45, $2.95, $3.45, 00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.60, 50, $1.95, and $2.45. 51.95. THE Everything in Wines and Ales. A 3 ¥ * All the lines pestic Liquors. JAS. M of , )e "ENTS PER PAIR. PER PAIR. IR! over at $2,50--SALE +'Phone 274. 1e $3.50 qualities--dur- at-39¢. and. 60¢..during 11 at cost. , the 25¢. kind to go at gs, usually sold at 26c. itterns, worth from 23c. or range, Coffees, Greens, NOW 29 CENTS of In Plumbing And Hot Water CENTS A PAIR. | Beating go to d plain, usually sold at 'ENTS A PAIR OR 2 s to each customer). vality. * SALE PRICE 66 Broek St. RY i A Little Boy Dies From The Ei- 4 BOUGHT, § fects Of Gin jeaters: soLD, 3 Hartford, Conn., Jan. 10. Jecause ~~ RENTED, Q lof the death of h five-year-old son izes 34 to 44, for 76 REPAIRED. Q | Francis from the efiects of gin-drink lerwear, sizes 34 to 44, 'TS A SUIT. 5 CENTS A SUIT. regular $2.50 per suit aters at 39c., 59c., 9c, OR REAL lars. s, in the latest shapes. \ Build Robust Health start at the foundation of life and health. organs to do their work properly. Food and d nourish if your liver is not working right. order. Constipation cannot ex A short course of Beecham's P and an occasional one will keep BEECHAM'S PILLS | . will do more to build up robust health and maintain it than any other medicine, tinually doing it for thousands all over the world. start now and take BEECHAM'S PI will certainly benefit to a remarkable Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, Sold Everywhere in Canada and U. in box: 25 cents, Turke 12l4c, per Ib. CHOICEST And best assorted stock in the city. ny brand of Scotch or Irish Whis- Imported and Do- cPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. Ed 3 Bargains In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, in or- er to clean out the stock, will If you are in need of good cutter now is the time to Bbuy and save money. BAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. DAVID HALL, "Phone 335. 00000000000 000000000@ TYPEWRITERS ! All Makes, New and Second-hand J. R. C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St., Kingston 00000000 OPBOOOTOOR 'OR INSURANGE Assist your rink cannot Dyspepsia and ns are out of ist if your bowels are free. ills will soon put you right you s0. follow if your digestive orga They have done' this, and are con- If you LLS occasionally you degree. St. Helens, England. 8. America. saab S. For Three Years. Suffered Great Agony. Could Not Stoop or Bend. No disease is so quiet and stealthy in its approach as kiduey disease. That is why it is so dangerous. It may become deep-seated before you realize the danger. It is therefore of great importance to recognize the early warning symptoms, because in its early stage kidney disease is easily curable, "Pain or dull ache in the back is one of the first signs. So are bladder pains, bearing-down pairs, smart- ing sensation when urinating, frequent or suppressed urination, and gravel or sediment in the urine, ete. You cannot be well if your kidneys are not perform- ing their functions properly. In all ordinary cases of any derangement of the |' kidneys, a few doses of DOAN'S KIDNEY: PILLS will put the patient right; in old or chronic cases, the treatment should be persisted in. Mr. Michael A. McInnis, Woodbine, Marion Bridge, N.S., tells of his ex- perience : 'or the last three years 1 | suffered great agony with pain across my kidneys, and was so bad that I could not &loop or bend. I consulted and had several doctors treat me, but I got none the better, On the advice of a friend I procured a hox of that valuable life- giving remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, and to my surprise and benefit I immediately became hetter. In my opinion Doan's Kidney Pills have no equal as a cure for any form of Kidney disease. Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or direct by mail. TaR Doan Kiongy Privy Co., ToroNTO, ONT. -- "Phone 520, PUREST, STRONGEST) BEST, Contales ne Alam, Amovecis, Lime, Phasphates, of any Injoriaot. EW.GILLETT Sourary TORONTO.ONT. HOT STOVE PULVO POLISH AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The only Patented Polish in the World. | No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell. | Contains no benzine or other explosives. PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICE 10c. AT ALL GROCERS Ee ---------------- HORRIBLE CASE. i | | | | | ing, John Garrity, a teamster, has been placed under arrest. The boy's death occurred in the Hartford Hospi : 3 : P {tal to which institution he was tak Q ten from his home on Sunday morning, after the police had learned 'of the case thr th the child's mother, The father aid to have admitted to the medi cal examiner that he had givin the child a quantity of gin, although the oy had not asked for it ESTAT ---- Fresh Huyler's candies at Gibson's this sale 4 FOR 20 1stomer ). Caps. storm front pieces and nN stare from ilk diffed OY ualitics, at 73 CENTS Nhs Red Cross Deng Store A New York philg Opis savs Consult with Geo. CUE before there are 100,000 Rn nig) het New at OF Clarence street. York -- -------------- ---- He freople *_ Wish ude me a Blue formed, a frudh wil Ib wde me once tony ; Hebbon Joa THE DAILY WHICH K TARIO'S DESTNIES Past--What Say The People ? Toronto Globe, To whom shall province entrust the development of New Ontario, to Mr, Ross and his fol lowers or to Mr. Whitney and his fol- lowers ? Shall wo entrust it to the man who was the Oliver Mowat and the untried nign with ec uivocal asso ciafes and offering himself no guaran but the deliberate truth to say that no state ever had better servants than Oliver Mowat and Arthur Hardy. In the midst of transactions at home and abroad that made good men almost despair of popular government, these men showed how 'the public business could be transacted in a businesslike way, without scandal, without waste, without blundering. Public domains, unequalled for richnest: on this conti. nent, were managed with a skill, a scrupulousness and a single eve to the public "advantage that could not be exerlled in 'the hest-managed private business. That that nobody now The people of the province are just coming into the occupancy of a new era of this public domain almost as great a¥hat which has been adminis tered with such magnificent publie spirit for co many Who shall administer it ? We have the apportun ix a sober statement denies, years, nitv of selecting Mr. Ross, who was trained in the school of Mowat and Hardy, and is théir worthy sleeessor, He is saturated with their traditions with the belief that a public office is public ostate a or duspoiled is no whit'less a erime than if the cashier opensd the bank safe to the burglars, His onponents cannot point to one act in the life of George W. Ros: that is inconsistent with high public ideals. But they ask the elec tors to punish him because thers hate been instances of electoral erookedness in a few constituencies throughout the provinee. Amd in pun ishing Mr. Ross for acts over which he had no control and for which he had no responsibility we very much fear that the electors would be pun- ishing themselves. Does anvone sup pose that Mr. Gamey, the hero of eon servative meetings, will po withont his reward ? Mr. Whitney tells us that, with the exception of the premier, My, Gamey ia an abler man than any in the government. 1f that he tre, = in what sort of position, will Mr. Whit ney and the exceedingly medicors gen tlemen with whom he will he able surround himself he the mands of the person who will virtual lv be the master of the administration in case of a Whitney victory ? of his associates will have no dispo- sition to resist him. Dr. Beattie Nes- bitt declared that he is going to stick t to to resist de Some ING? WHO WILL CONTROL ON- Untried Men or Those Who Have Been Loyal, And True In The the electors of this right hand of Sir Mr. Hardy or to trust, that to allow the public the public exchequer to lel WHIG, TUESDA\ HE HAD FAITH And It Was Justified, "In reply to your lotta of recor three of the fifty cent packages, cured entirely," 1 mid Pile Cure at the start, and stuel right to the treatment. fer anyone to me you like soon tell what Pyranad Die done for ne. © 1 rgmain, J. Fleischmém & ville, Tonn," It is a well recognized fact that th hest advertising had faith in Pyra- k i I ca Cure hg C. Kinkaid, Mgr. i Cay -ageney tee of steadiness, strength or capaci-| is that which is known as "word of cing. J. Hughes, Sr, is much better. ty. Of the administrative record of the mouth;™ this rightfully carries mope | C Ellerbeck, of Oxbow, Man, who liberal party in this province there weight than all the elaits which can | has been spending the holidays here, cannot be differing opinions. Even the| he set forth. It = follows that My. | intends leaving for his home next conservative press and conservative] Kinkaitl with his wide acquaintance, | Week. School has re-opened with. J. speakers have paid their tribute of ad-| will largely promote the sdle and use | OVONS as teacher, for anotlier year. miration to Sir Oliver Mowat and Mr. | of Pyramid Pile Cure hecause--ani Mrs. D, Yoemans, of Mountain Grove, Hardy. These gentlemen did not even| here is the vital Ppoint-he knows | 8nd Master Earl are visiting her sis have to wait for that post-mortem] whereof he speaks, and not only ad. | ter, Mrs. E. Hughes. J. Hartman, of justice which is accorded to all, but] vocates its use, but does < with en- | Bedford, and sister, Mary are visiting even in their lifetime, having retired | thusiasm: thig is not to be wondered | J. Hughes. Mrs. George Bishop at from the political strife, they had the | at, and in point of fact can anyone, | her father's, John Hughes. N Eller pleasure, and we presume it was a after reading his letter, doubt that ech hae cancelled The sale of ais pleasure, though long delayed, ~of| this remedy cures ? arm and' will remain her hearing their opponents eulogize them. Pyramid Pile Cure i8 id by drug- "m1 EIR And well they might praise them, It] gists for the low price of fifty cents a Bloomfie otes is not perfervid campaign verbiage, | Package; it is in suppository form, is Bloomfield. Jan. 9.-Rev, Mr. Rae, as good." , JANUAR? 10. . date, will say that 1 am carad - WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- : sound as an dollar. 1 used about ENTS FELL us. ; Was going to write you, hur was hold x £ y INE up 10 see if the piles would give The Tidings From Various Points me any further trouble. | feel no In Esstaa Ontario -- What | signs. of the piles and believe I am You van re Wishing vou much sac at Knox an article can have, applied directly to the paris affected, | Picton, gave a lecture in the Motho- and does its work quickly and pain- | dist church to a large and apprecia lessly; there is no other re medy "just | tive audience. Miss Eunice Mastin was OUR NEIGHBORS ------ Peopls Ars Doing And What They Are Saying. Pleasant Valley Items. Pleasant Valley, Jan. 6. Farmers shave been getting ont wood and fence - timber. Quite a number from here at tended the funeral of Daniel Wood at Harrowsmith on Tuesday last. Mrs, J. A. Hughes, who ha been very ill for the last three weeks. js convales 5 wr he home from Toronto University to A little book describing the causes spend 'holidays at her parents'. The and cure of piles is published by Pyra municipal council for the township of oa mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., and Hallowell for 1905 is: Reeve, T. A. | 8&8 + will be sent free to any address for Morgan, councillors, W, Markland. J. Fd the asking. O'Neil, W. Christy and N. McDonald, i te -- The county councillors for this divi- | | sion are John Mallory and S Edgar Mastin, Curtis Stanton returned home after a two -woaeks' Visit with friends at Detroit and Windsor. Rev, J) and wife, Toronto, spent holic {at Clayton Burr's. The Bell Telephone ompany have just completed putting in telephones for denis: { "hom the following resi T. Owens, Dy 'ahoon, Charles Thompson, I. Edgar Mastin, IL Bedell ® F. 1. Stanton, F Taleatt apd Canifi , Haight. George Rose, LATN'S Couon RENMELY. Lombardy Ladies' Hockey Team. to follow: It is intended especially for coughs, Lombardy, interest was Jan. 5. Considerable manifested at the town tions, John Wood being elect oll reeve for 1905, and Messrs, Kedward Dooher, Robert Niblock, Richard Bass and John MacDonald, councillors. Kd a certyln erro for croup, but, when given as will prevent the uttuck. Whooping con, is given as directed. It contains no opium or other given rx confidently to a baby as to au adults In baying on congh medicine fof ehildron povar be nfsaid There is no dang: r from it, and reli ii is mes 80051 48 the C70U0Y Cougs Bim am, gh is vot dangerous When this r harmful has been organized here, They will have their first practices next Saturday afternoon, The skating rink under the able management of Asa Byee, is be ing well patronized, A jolly sleigh load of voung people from Smith's Falls B:loe Using to Gamey, and Mr. Hanna is in the same boat. Mr. Whitney would he a, mers child against a combination of this kind. ESCAPED FROM ROCKWOOD. George Jarvis, Who Shot A Wind- sor Policeman. Ge rge Jarvis, who last Friday shot a Windsor policeman when detect ed iv a burglary, was the man who escated last summer from Rockwood asylum, where he had been placed af ter his release from the penitentiary where he had completed a third term The greater part of the past seven teen vears he has spent gpehind prison walls, vis Prior to his recent release, was' in the penitentiary ward. When the time of such prisoners has expired, the law requires that they be placed in an asylum. This in the case of Jarvis, who was: trans- ferred- from the penal institution on one hill of Portsmouth to the institu tion for the insane on the other, He had not been there for much more than a month hefore he decided to "elope' and this he succeeded in doing. All attempts to locate him were futile, Jar insane was done visited' the rink, New Year's night. Arthur Garvin, who spent the holiday Season with his parents, Rev, J. and ' I Mrs. Garvin, has returned to bis FRANZ VON VFS studies at Motil University. ' Misses Ake Yonthiul viatinist ha makes his | Annie Breen, Vyna Canlov and Lae ary aot. om New ilogh on Janu J Cauley, why hast ee holiduving at : | their homes herd have returned to TO CUT OUT ROSEBERY teaching duties, Miss Therese Jordan went back«to Westport, ta Liberals See Victory- And Plan | me her studies at the convent Government | there, after snendine a pleasant vac \ York J 8.1 N Ford | ation at her home here. Mr. Chisholm Yew York, Jan, B--LN, Ford, in Jf MH in, will dress oli . i Lis cable to the Tribune, from Lon By al ing in the ror hall Eo i : lon, says: The English ie ro | . ; : ! ow T Hot : on, a) phen the als ofa hardy tonight: The late Rev. Fletcher Sutherland, father of the Se . 4 | EE ---------- .s . whig ministry before it can be i & on : : and Sisters, who at ong source that Sir Henry Campbell-Ban. | Li i Abernethy's Shoe Sale discovery, the "SEVEN nerman and John Morley have agreed W Wisk Ty Sold hia farm tn] GROWER, hd: a beautiful growth of "hair. t Serve ler JO! S iw . " 1 nehmngs, 1 purchase price . . eke liberal or pL ih Hh { being $5,000, Mr. Rird intends moving Pictures showing the correct represe: 3 es : 2 {into Westport, latter expects t5 become prime min | mn Destpor For Sale at al Drugdists, two sizes, 50c and $1.00 per bottle ister after the general election. ---- " : Radicals like Henry Labouchere, ' --~ - » John Buras and Lloyd George. pore: Seven Sutherland Sisters, sok Proprietors sceretly favored this course for many | Cunadi months, on the ground that the lil i v anaciy eral majority will not be large mnaugh | J. 1. DAIMEY, Foreign Masiag to enable the new ministry to dispens, d A 1 fot} with tK& Irish vote and consequently { Recémmanded ard 5-11 | that the prime minister must be a con sisient Gladstoninn, favorable to } rule, What is now stated most positively is that Lord Spencer and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman have a secret un derstanding respecting the leadership of the party and that reversion to the home rale policy will follow the for mation of the new government, home subject has taken definite form since Mr. "Morley"s return from America, and Lord Spence's intimate friends now expects him to receive the pro motion which Mr, Gladstone was pre wired to recommend after his own re kiremenc from public. life Bord "Rosebery's rwards learned 1) partisans assert though, it was Sfiernardy HR tint that wpeither he nor Mr Asquith can he | Fetirned to his ome mn 10-1 take office under a government com ronto raring that he might be ar mitted to the revival of the home fretnd fon glist, he Tod buck a rule cause, and that Sir Edward Grey clothes to Roc wood. hy express. "had this contingency in mind when he Rockwood authorities regarded him B51 took an important comme reial post olin st well when he left that institu which would prevent his acceptance of tion ------mpenesd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ab- solutely Harmless. . The fault af giving children medicing containing injurions substances, is sometimes more disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother ghould know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is per- fectly safe for children to take, 1t con- tains nothing harmful and for coughs colds and eroup is unsurpassed. For | "pset all preconerived ne riptural no sale by all druggists. tious about the Garden of Eden, : « "Eve never ate the apple," she tri : \ utaphantly declared; "it might have Finds Immense Caverfi LoD a quince, but it never in? an Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 10.--Charles apple. There were no apples in the Deutschman, a guide, has discovered Garden of Eden near Revelstoke what he belioves to "There is no indication in the be the largest cave in America. Bible." she went on that! Eve ever The cave. is within two miles of the main line, of the Canadian Pacific railroad, 'and has four entrances, three of which has been explorid. The length is nearly two miles, and in some plac es the depth is 2,000 feet, Tiers of ledges in the interior as- sisted thé éxplorers in descending seyv- eral hundred fect. The cave is studded with millions of crystals, which spar kle like diamonds. Thess are of iron formation. The formation is in blue limestone. any ministerial oflice ples have ever been Kho of showing 'that Fve did' cat the apple still remains undisputed move the grease witn the greatest case EVE ATE A QUINCE, Suffragist Says There Apples In Exben, Were No New York, Jan. 10.--The 'members of the Women's | evislative League held a warm reception at the Murray Hill hotel, beeaus: reaux Blake, the M: Lillie Deve woman suffragise, ate the apple, aml, nioreover, no ap n io grow mn that region." It was in refutation of a statement Mrs. Albert Johnson, wha, in a paper on "Women and the Spirit of the Times," declared the evidence PORN Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans wit Lever's Dry Soap a powder, It will re- The | Geo. W. Mahood, Drug Further Developments May Prove Fatal. There is Cure For You In OR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE i { i | STOVES AT GOST If you could depend on a cold pass ing off of its own accord it would be all very well to let it run its CON The risk is too great, Consumption and pneumonia always have. their beginnings in a cold, If you take prompt means of curing every cold you will never be a victim of these or other fatal lung troubles Did you ever wait to think of that way ? Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is best known on of its extraordinary 'control croup, bronchitis, whooping asthma and severe chest colds As a means of overcoming ordinary coughs and colds, throat and the many, diseases of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs it ha made an enviable reputation for re liability, Pleasant to" take, thorongh and far reaching in action, and certain in its beneficial results, Dr. Chase's Sy rap of Linsead and Turpentine should have « place in every house as a safeguard year. | | Anrong them are four our price before purchasing. 1 recount cough, irritation SOP cv vveaeale seis against consumption and other fatal lung diseases, Mes. J. W. Lloyd, Albion street, Belleville, Ont., states: "I had a very severe cold accompanied with a bad gh and was almost laid up for a timo, 1 tried several remedicd hut with indifievent results. On the advice of a friend' 1 got a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 1 wrpentine and found 'that it relieved the cough: at omen. By the time I bad taken the ons bottle my cold was gone and | ean truthfully recommend it as a splendid remedy for con and elds" eon only - - - Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linsesd and Turpentine, 2c. a bottle, at gl deal. ers or Edmonson, Bates &- To- ee AT ee ronfo. To protect you against imita- Par down in the depth of the earth can be beard the roaring of a stream. Slippers at cost at Abernethy's hyo Store. A i Abernethy's Sho tions he Farrah ind signature of : : Dr. , the fang 88... Grew this Hair » ward Kelly. and cousin, Miss Nellie commas nn $ Dooher. are visiting. friends in Porth] S---- on : RI and Micaville this week. Miss Sarah - Samott left to-day. for an extendod SEVEN SUTHERLA D : visit with Mre. J.J, Cook, Fort Wil & Ham. Some 'of the young people at : 2: tended the Poterhoro-Smith's Falls 2 : i hada mntch at thh latter place, New Hair Grower : Year's night A ladies' hockey tagm : » H tation before and after using n Ofice, 256 Yonge Streot, Toronto iat, corner Princess and Bagot Sts., Kings % , as we er until next "ART GAR- LANDS," the best heating stoves made. Get «. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 PRINCESS STREET. BIG BARGAINS Ladies' Fine Kid Laced Boots. all sizes from 2Y to 7, regular price $2 and $2 2s, re $1.49 ¢ mel e Store 9 Chamberlain Cough Rem A Sofe Medicine for Children = Your Onin of i8 alwurs gus colds, croup aud why cough, and isthe best medicine in the worlddfor these Kisonsos. It hd Sug aad Lay be ven Suthes. ne was entirely bald, after using his SUTHERLAND SISTERS' OVES We have quite a number of Heating Stoves on hand which we will sell at COST do not wish to carry them ov Wa @ a% oping ocly aiody AIR w ton eee SEPPUE®