Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1904, p. 5

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' [IAN] { SER p u buy your Clothing 1 very cheap. for we sell Clothing for + se it 'is worth--sell wool ave but one , the in plain rice is mark at ' a Another lot of 15¢. Dres in the same value for nd rader, We are proud JOB LOT OF BLACK WOO! half price .... : Jo to some honorable 1 putation for straight- tains only this winter's Sy A possibility of making a rice as low as you can for anywhere, © ; Tailored, Perfect Fit. [ERS FOR 7s: WHITE wort 2 aon BLANKE cot x 86, dor"... i ¥ MEN'S OVERALLS, special at MEN'S WOOL SOX, 2 pairs for THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK O} prices, much Jower than * SATURDAY Of all the "Broken Assortments" the "Loft Overs," the "Little Buds" the "0dd Things at Cut Prices, the Lot Are:-- LADIES' FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS, regular $1.95, MEN'S RIBBED UNSHRINKABLE SHIRTS, MILL ENDS OF FLANNELETTE, TOWELLING, TABLE LINENS 60 yards of LADIES' COSTUME CLOTH, worth $1.95, to clear 8 |OURLETTER BOY -- ALD. KING TELLS IS SIDE OF THE CASE. The By-law in Regard to O'Kill by the Electors--How the Matter Was Handled. oh for Si Se egular 8c. for 30¢c. cach -, nde, 69% 2e CDRESS GOODS REMNANTS at Largain prices. aturday 50c. yd, Goods al 25¢. vd , GLOVES, in Ladies' and Children's sizes, Tait ...10¢. a pair, LADIES' COATS af very low any other storerin the city. Our stock con- styles HORSE BLANKETS, worth $1.25, for TR, slightly soiled, worth $5, for . cn IS, £2.85 $1.50 I ni BAT AA ewman & Shaw to do the - 2 52g es Low sents to old and: young; LL Boots or Rubbers.' ; or, Rubbers. Warm Shoes. ii ors, Fina Shoes. e you care for happier--by mak- ivé apd to give £ x \ i wo 4 w : 2 38 Shoe Store. Warrant extraordinary value that is : store fairly bristles with the are everywhere apparent. ; community, and we: are m : tn LADIES' $2.50 AND $3. Kid, from $2 10 OVERCOATS REDUCED = formerly sold at $5.50. 125c¢. and 15c. per Ib. ¥ 4 Ee 8 J i A sre EL SOMINION FISH 63 Broek St. 'Phone A THE FRONTENAC 'y riies, Municipal and .. Mortgages © MeG street, Pst Office. loaned on City and $3.50. urkeys! C0. 520. & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ABLISHED 1863) v J. Cartwright Farm County purchased fotsived and inlerest allowed TLL, Managing Director. Kingston I ---- Band Family of Nights of wd Friday. Manager. PRICES Eorles on which he Cures {our »_ @® Evening and Dress Shoes Every lady and gentleman needs a pair of EVENING SHOES of the very latest style. PATENT LEATHER AND VICI KID SLIPPERS, with one, two and three straps, high heels, at $175, $2, BENTLEMEN'S DANCING SHOES, Patent Leather and Vici NTLEMEN'S PATENT COLT SHUES, all the newest styles, heavy and light soles, at $3.50, $4, $4.50 AND $5. COVERED RINK vay, but he never tells about it af terwards. He haw Leen the friend of SEASON RATES the toiler for the past quarter of a $4. | century He has the best interests of Yentiemen Shale: = "" "q | the workingman at heart. --~WORKING Lady, single, a= Iman Children, under twelve years, - ' ¢ hildron, avor 12 and under 16 years, 2 A Word For Mr. Knapp re Cwm ot = 2. Kingston, Dee. 30.--(To_ the Edit- Fully OF or five 8 Jor): Being a ratepayer of the city, Pawily of a : 10. Land a close ohserver of the different six or ten, skating; Tuesday, uelday evenings from 3 to Band Saturday afternoons past veut SON e { ww he had at his com 3. BON' UICHARDSON, amount of money Rk ¥. 5, BONIER, 3. W. RI Sec Treas. | mand ahd while he has given general CU ee sick and wders 10 packets, 10¢. ¢ Drug Store. Thursday will sdil next year. nervous headache, 1 am leased to see in your columns, on Thursday evening, a reference to the by-law in connection with the pro- posed extension of the O'Kill street sewer, It. is unfortunate that thas not {enable the electors to vote intelligent ' {lv an the question. One point should | {be made clear. The coudeil's duty, { when their own judgment coincides, is to carry out the recommendation of J le board of health and to adopt the plan proposed by the engineer. Grant- * ing that, if the bylaw to carry the proposed cost by debentures is not ad- 'opted by the ratepayers, the council of 1905 will have to provide the am. ount in the budget and raise it as ee of the 1905 taxes: Whether it is wise to impose that burden in one I year insteatl of distributing it in ths { annual payments of $207 called for by the by-law is in reality the question {before the ratepayers Will you let me correct you slightly in your general reference to the ques frien; You say the counvil did not shirk it as its predecessors did, Lut {took hold of the matter. That the !city engineer was instructed to pres {pare plans and that when he had done 80 and had estimated the cost the fin- "ance committee thereupon' recommend: jd the present hy-law. You proceed to credit Ald, Bassam, *"'the. energetic re presentative of Vietoria Ward," with {a leading part in the matter, and you | claim for him the gratitude of the the electors. Now far he it from we tu make light of the energetic work done by my good friend, Ald. Bassam jn {any direction. But are you quite fair to me? The fact is in the first place that the engineer's 'estimate was prepared lat my instance, and with my assist ance on the spot in 1901. The board of works of that year, however «(of which by the way, 1 was not a member), considered the cost, #2800, prohibi- fory, and defegred action. It is tie that subsequent 'councils have not re- opened the question and the expense | has been the reason. Let us ses how the present sitgation arises. The ques- ; Hon was revived by. a petition pres ented this year to council. On June 120th, 1904, the board of works, (of } which once more I am not a mem ber), presented gq report of which clause 7, was as follows: "On the { communication of William and R. J. Robinson in reference to the O'Kill { street wewer, your committee beg leave to submit herewith a communication jfrom the city solicitor and ta report (that it is unable to recommend the | necessary extension of the sewer un- | less council provides the funds for the { same, estimated by the city engineer at £2,500." The solicitor's report was to the effect that the money could be raised as now proposed or paid out of the ordinary taxes. The report was signed by five aldermen, including "the energetic representative of - Vie toria Ward" above named. If adopted i this would have effectually burked the | whole question again, but (I quote from the minutes): "It was moved in amendment by Ald. King, seconded by Ald. Meek, that in place 'of clause 7, of the hoard of works report the fol lowing be substituted: "That in the op inion . of this council, the improve ment of the mouth of the O'Kill street sewer recommended by the city engi- neer proper and necessary and should be immediately undertaken, and that the finance report at the next meeting of council making provision for the necessarv cost. Carried. The re port as amended was adopted." At the next meeting on July 4th, the finance committee had not yet ful ly considered the matter, but at the meeting on July 18th, they recom- mended and council adopted the pro- posal for the present hy-law. Yours truly, FRANCIS KING. W. G. Craig a Faithful Friend. Kingston, Dec. 30.--(To the Edit or) = 1 would say to the poor work ingmen of Kingston that the man, for them to choose as mayor is William 3. Craig, for they could not have a niore faithful friend. 1 know this too well. and my advice to my comrades all over Kingston is to vote for him on Monday. Mr. Craig is the kind of man who puts his hand down into his pocket and helps in that substantial works carried on in the city for the last four or five years, | consider we have not had a yore capable man as chairman of the board of works than Alderman Knapp has been during the ; the small 5 Considering satisfaction, he of over X00, instead of the year previous having a deficit of over gp.s00, It shows what can be done , iving a great deal of ! the best tears THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, i furthering the hire ry lo brought forward | opposition was | bs in She interest ol educa he | or ! be returned who are interested in not Waving Hour} ot Kaueation oon Sewer Should Be Considered pupils, but by and jodgmen ie nsy Kingston, Dec. 30.--(To the Editor): !eation.--SYDENHAM WARD, more lived been published before this to * ward but that makes it all the | Board of Education should be taken to think of him having hers in the dominion and tion. It is to that in the interest of our tem Prof, Martin will 1 helleve that all. those the trolled by the ts of experience sapport Prof. Mar- in, who bas no axe to grind, but is sired solely by his interest in edu- Preference Will Not Increase British ° hy . Prof. Adam Shortt, of Queen's: Uni: An Elector's V ew.' Susily_send a bupet on Pecherth tinl singston, Deg. 30-~(To the Editor): | Trac tween tain : anada, Tos be true that Dr. Anglin has | before 'the American Asso: Chicago, this afternoon ciation, in U , this n. He first pointed out that this prefer. | entinl trade is one into which theery enters merely as one of the factors in a concrete wituation. At first sight, he pointed out, it t soem strange that Canada should have any difficul- ties about preferential trade with thirty years in Sydenham more remarkable that he has not before of- fered his servives to the cause of edu cation ! When four years ago Martin accepted the position upon. the board it was difficult to get up any for i of ability," and eT a for Tn of. Martin has | Britain when she apparcatly origin proved himself to be one of the most ated the sehatne, rst pat it into Br vigorous snd enthusiastic members Hoe. and hig if Su ified i an d the clectors of Sydenham ward should by. - Bn th ) Hod anc think twice before casting a vote wi growing opposition on par of special interests. Prof. Shortt summarized the recent tariff history of Canada in connection with 'the advent to power of thelibe- ral party in Canada, and its policy itt dealing with he tariff, "in. order to show whence arose the present situa. tion and what are its leading char acteristics. He showed how the Tbe rals reduced the tariff in 1897 and 1898, how, the wording of the prefer- ence was changed from the general to against him in this eontest. The se lection of tives upon our sorionsly and eleetors should not though tlsly promise to vote for the first man who asks for your frunshize without k ithe merits ° case. at ducking abil business should get the encouragement of the public appreciation. Prof. Martin has lived six years in Sydenham ward, two-thirds of which time he has = de} ho particular and the reduction speci voted to the cause of education. 1 sce golly limited to the Hritish spire, no reason for a change --ELECTOR. | (hough important sections - such ax Australia, have not yet availed thew: selves of it. Thus, showed that the Canadian preference on. British im- ports was the outcome of no bargain -------------------- PITH OF THE NEWS. pila The Very Latest News Culled From ornot. Goodyear Welt smooth insole, flex All Over The World. AM. Muraviefl, Russian minister of justice, has withdrawn his resignation. Hon, James Sutherland, minister of public works, is improved in health. Hon. George Shea and J. A. Clift have been appointed to the Newfound- land executive council. { " Ottawa wind np the year with a de- fieit of £2,000 in general funds, and £17000 in water works funds. The stone cutters on the new Cana: dian Pacific hotel at Winnipeg are on strike over the use of "stone plan ers. F. W. Egan is appointed - superin- tendent of 'the western division i G.T.R.. with office at Detroit, Mish, vice Mr. Brownlee, transferred. with the British government and of no theories as - to the advantages of inter-imperial * trade. Tt was under: taken entirely in the interests of Can: ada, apd as, under the conditions of the time, the only advisable direction in which to carry out the oft-repeat- ed pledges of the. liberal party. As soon as it was ' perocived that the preference was by no means to accomplish the promised ruin of Cana: dian industries, © the ' conservatives shifted their centre of attack, and made a vigorous assault upon the government . for having gratuitously granted to the mother country a valuable concession without cxacting any sacrifice in return. Under the influence of subsequent events it has William O'Brien, New York, who |o0ime to suit the tactics of the liberal rave testimony - against Policeman party to accept the conservative in- allon. who shot Robert Brennan, | tetpretation of the preferential tariff last May, bas been shot in revengeshe | 8% @ sacrifice made by Canada in may die, fevor of whe mother country, and thus pose as more loyal than the cons sorvative party. While exacting noth: ing from Britain, the liberal govera- ment may gracefully decline to. eon. cede further preferences until Britain has returned the /complioient. Fue- ther, without breaking any bargains the government may modify or with: draw any part of the preference where. ever it has a tendency to unduly sti- mulate the importation of British goods, This! was actually accomplish: ed last scssion in the case of tex: tiles. As to the result of the preferential tariff, it by no means had the effect anticipated by either friends or foes. Except in the textile trade and - some sections of the metal industries the preferential treatment of British goods did not specially stimulate importa tion. The significant fact is that in spite of the preference, British imports have failed to increase at anything like the same ratio as those from for. vign countries. In fact the prefer. ence has not arrested the downward tendency of the share of Britain and Senator Baker, Sweetsburg, has taken a $10,000 libel action against Hon, My. McCaskill, for alleging bri: bery and corruption in, the Brome election trial, The United States senatorship for New York state has been settled, and the nawe of Senator Depew will be the only one that will be presented to the republican vavens. S. "A. Alexandroveky, former Rus: sign commissionvr-gencral to the "St. Louis exposition, has resigned his po- sition as head of the Red Cross in the field on account of criticism. I'he insurance people money in Ottawa last year. There were no seri: ons fires except two, the city: post office and one at Rideau Hall, last March, both of which belonged to the government and were uninsured. The Toronto Roller Bearing com- pany, limited, has engaged Hon. A. G. Blair, K.C., as its counsel to take up the work of organization of kin- dred companies in the United States, Great Britain and in foreign lands. G. U. Jones, of the GT.R.. having resigned to accept an position as the ft ol the empire in Canada's general manager of the Central Ver. | Imports. 5 i mont Fo ARpAY . Brown This, Prof. Shortt proved by: tables of figures, The reason for this ix that the chief imports we could: get from Britain * dre her manufactured goods, but Canddian manufacturers object to sacrificing any part of the home mar- loos is appointed superintendent of the middle division with office at Toron to. Report speaks of the projected be throthals of King Alfonso and Prin- cess Victoria, youngest daughter of ket to British competitors. Canadian the Duke of: Connaught, brother of | manufacturers frankly declare * that King Edward, and of Luiz Phillipe, adequate protection to Canadian industry means the virtual abolition of any real preference to Britain. Prof. Shortt quoted portions of Mr. Chamberlain's addresses showing that he was fully alive to the significance of a preference which involved as a basis adequate protection for the col onial manufacturer. The speaker claim Crown Prince of Portugal, and Prin- Margaret, eldest daughter of the Duke of Connaught. Senor Avellaneds, son of a former president of the Argentine Republic, who resides in Paris. and ix an officer in the Argentine arnry, was sentenced to one month's imprisonment, a fine COSA of Sof. (8100) and 10.0006, (82.000) od that if the present preference of damages for an automobile accident } one thied had wot enabled Britain to in Paris last June. even hold her own with forvign coun tries, she would have less chance of doing so when the tariff was raised all round, A detailed study of Can adian trade with' Britain and her leading foreign competitors, especially Budget From Sharpton. Sharpton, Dec. 30.~The annual school meeting took place Wednesday. chairman and E. Tay D. Karin was the United States, reveals 0 Joc FU : ws, reveals the true i sertar 1 Bw ced | hoy he, th pent. Ji ference mor any other that is at all within the range of practical politics can greatly increase the proportion of British goods imported into Canada, Canadians and Americans live un dot similar conditions, and hence when we do not use Canadian, we generally desire American goods. Un: less Canada sacrifices to Britain bodi- ly those industries in which her goods are capable of supplying our markets, there is little else that we can put in her way by fiscal arrangement. On the side of Canadian exports to Britain, the latter takes Bity-cight per cent. of the total, without any sacrifice, but simply because she finds it profitable to do so. That export trade can still be increased, but Can ada has no need whatever to clamor that extra burdens be laid upon = her fellow citizens in Britain for its bene appointed imditors, "Engineer Sharpe, injured in a GT.R: accident, is. a son of A. Sharpe, of this place. The en gineer is improving nicely. 'I'. Sharpe, Dakota, is visiting his father, A. Sharpe. The county and township candidates are busily canvassing, but no matter who is clotted, taxes are sure to be always high. Miss Mabel Bell, daughter of ¥. W. Bell, was unit ed in marriage to Mr. Miller, of Na panee. The abolition of toll gates again comes in for a great deal of discussion. A great many gv slegyo the toll gates where they @re, and let those who travel the road pay for them: that the country bas as yet a large debt on hand and that the county council should be chary of as- suming new burdens. The trustees have engaged Miss English (sister ol pre i - bv a chairman g aie . ' Now is your opportunity to ob his pF the city and becoming fa- | vious Lucker) 0 Semel: Jor She ne fit. tain that long-wished-for Piano, miliar with the work that is going § year. cureity ol wi ; Y1 In conclusion Prof. Shorti said: 0 large stock, including } ,. A chairman of the hoard u many: "Our natiobal future, with its many ur Violins Mouth Organs, | works like 'Alderman Knnppp, shuld ------------ problems and pousibilities, in opening Organs, 1S) . is selling Jeet the hearty support of every / A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. opt before us with such attractiveness Sewing Machines, etc, 9. duce. | tor. in the ward, as a reward for itching, blind, bleeding or rud- | and 'with such responsibilities that at cost. Call and see our in faithfulness. ~ELECTOR ing piles. Your druggist will refund | while it is our obvious poliev to main: ts ag money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure tain good velations with all the world, men. Support Present Trustee. you in six to fourteen days. 50c. it would be the height of folly to tie Kingston, Dec. 30. to the Editor): ---- ourselves up under any hard and fast is yo ore are to be . . : : + 3 i OWA LL'S a. tent J : a : Oh Tr mimbers ok and Mrs, Haney Claes Thun ios rer ge gin Bd conten i celel , ie golden r Cine. mi x : . « board of education, Showing asburg, ral ing circomatances these might 471 PRINCESS STREET. of she oti ph taking more ins | ding on December 21st. An old-fashi- Shang al po som ie wight MES er that in this very important matter. § oned dimer was partaken of w Ty verv short' time. A country in our He Sol i) Sdsbn cotumed 1 Sydenham ward hrs there 18 a sniy.five people, wad the rent t position must, in the light of itsigwn Capt. John MeCulongh ne {oontest 1 find that Peol.. Iva Martin, foveninig sien "oi experience and thet of its neighbors, --atiay to his home in Napanee a [SSRIS] "ably represented us for] SChanie yoste and protectors' Ine retain a perfectly fusible command of ter completing the sale of his ased a | the past four years, is being oppure HE io De Sore its policy and relationshing. In that ter the Laura D. He has purch Katie [by Dr. Anglin. Why this opposition ? ®d ros 1 cost is. our sdling position we shall be in line with the half interest in the schonner Prof. Martin is recognized as one oor very best traditions Anrlo-Baxon These also, jie now, on fancy goods and per on, F. G i | we know we 'can interest the NIGHT SC Has opened the door to success for th of bright, ambitious young men and women. F Januery 3rd this door will stand wide for the young man or woman in Kingston wishes to prepare for better things SESSIONS ARE SET FOR Monday, Wednesday and From 7:45 to 9:45 O'clock. With new equipment, bright, clean surre ings, capable Fifty Registered a Per Cent. will be allowed. Full particulars cheerfully given. Call, or 'phone No, 680. FRONTENAC BUSINESS GOLLE Barrie and Clergy Streets = = Kingston, W. H. SHAW, . President. Canadian Coal Off ,......... 14 American Headlight Oil ........ 17¢. per gallor Sunlight .... oe... ¥edsisuis. . 190, per gallon. Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the world Sin Special Prices for Cashe->"""* 21% ue 189 Princess S. J. HORSEY, aly, wards the Mother Country, in . Peter Walker ir are | Special 4 bes are, wat wiih we retain | Dutton. Ont toe. liberal co of 'west share, but which we can tain | with true Dritish respect, when they largest appeal to the obligations of honor, not to the obligations of req " be able to | one. who bas shown Qwhile a mem i nih " no: 7 of the that not only tion | The best slabs in the city are to terms upon which we shall Mc- Othe om is essential in hed at Breck 8 Booth 5, chwep, retain our respect affection loy: |

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