--_-- Ro EE oo tn er tr Si at SO RS SRA ATR APR Sih wis D pa a fl * AWoman's Headache [AT NEW BURGH. | troubles peculiar .to women ; UNCLE TOM'S CABINNOT UP] | = "EMINENT SCUTTISH CAT] Sionbles 6oine FROME] TO STANDARD. = | ants Hor pore worth ELIE RMING KING. 4 : ARD. only' five races worth £1, TLEFA NG KING. ; t tL canse simpleif itself, but which enley regatta in 1905 will take LL -- forty calves, 460 Beecham's Pills will quickly re- | Miss Drewry Given Address Ana |Place on July 4th, Sih and Gib Jolin Farquafson Macrae js Un: | 200 fat hoge wire move. There are many ways Purse Public Xi The first 'meeting of the new OHA. | ¥© arg \ ae n- | the East Endl Abattoir to-day. A fair in which women suffer and se--Public Library to Move | . ecutive will be held on Thursday. disputed Monarch of Terra del |irade was done at rather Jower prices . --Movements of Teachers And Bufizglo will have a hockey team, Fuego and Rules Savages With for the cattle, but thete were no Other Citizens. drawn largely from 'the Hufialo la- The es, calves on, the market. Prime beeves 's Backache AWoman $ crosse. elab. Liverpool, Bec, 18cTn ow Kila and wold at 4)e. to 43d. per Ib; good ine- Newburgh, 'Ont. Dec. 13--We ox v8 : . : Eoin prienced. the hrst ve Walter (. Kelly, sporting editor of 3 y e dims, 8c. to die; ordinary me | is another most serious and paeissced + yf first Xe al cold spell of the Buffale Courier has accepted a plaid, and playing « pibroch. of ti: | jiums, 3jc. to 3fe; the common painful ex; ence of many : last week, Saturday in AI umph and his pipes, John Farquhar- 4 s women. dsof women | T2rlicular, being Very scald. jeccher's | position in Cleveland. : . | son Macrae, for of Soutinath but [L100 2c to Seiad the ----. i ousands oO Kenneth Mallon, the Morrisburg for | J © "or ads "del Fuego, strode the to 2c. per Ib. Milch cows sold at $20 Unclé Tom's Cabin company held theo ted to play with to $50 cach, The calves were all'young are taking Beecham's Pills ward, who was ex of the boards at Finkle's Opera louse on Y ~ gw Orut t Liverpool | periodically and find them |Saturday evening, There was a eovd Brockville Fede team has finally a ok. bound once is a oy South veil and sold at $2 to #4 each, Sheep wonderful in relieving the suf- | house, but the work was away below decided to play professional hockey | A morien. TwentY-two years, spent sold at de. to Sie pu Ib, Lambs, 4je. ering. E woman should | Par: Years ago George Burch gave with Calumet, Mich. being wnable 10 | or the most, part among the hostile | go Sle, Good lata of fat hogs Sold at g- very . an. excellent interpretatioc f th further withstand the tempting offers tea ER : © | fe. to near Bic. per Ib. uaint herself with the good nt interpretation o 11st natives of the Land's kad of the from that place. famgus play here, but the company n the that had it in hands Saturday even the crowd. The western continent, : John Farpuharson Macrae clung to his pipes ashe clung to his Scottish accent. When he bad East Buffalo. Fast Buffalo, N.Y., Deo. 12. Cattle With advertising that Harry | | these Pills can do, as Feel has received in Ontario, would it | A Woman's Sufferi ing did not please be. growd,_ Foch fins received fel Cron. vhay. profes Bust, Hubei, N.Y. 4 3- Ca ) scenery was not typical of the places | Mo "A, oY * | no human mpani mtn eWiverse 'wi Hs pts, 8, 3 i slow} . ng represented, and but for the faet that sionals are allowed to officiate, to ap- | his IT Ke Joel oho verse with steady to strong for to choice . ] : 3 { ¥ resound i* the waters : can be avoided by using Marks was a little better than the | point him as a referce in this dis | 6 ho Magellan Strait. * J quality; others, 10c. to 150. lower; rest, the evening would have been a trict ? The nataral curiosity to' sed! "a 0 uiith he left his native heath Stine wears Su to 30.50, hipping, x > B50 to 2; ntchers, b! 10 complete failure, Marks was a pretty Harry Peel would be a great hit | for Argentine, And reared cattle, After 8S; heifers, $2.50 (to $4.25; cows, $2.93 y " ] i fair actor and caused much amuse- | the box office.--London Free Press. f vears he fond > hif ; 'BEEG KAM S ment, but the rest of the caste read | The twenty-fifth annual Oxford- i of he fn hi I Pos to 83.85; bulls, $2.25 to $4; stockers = no life into their lines. The boys in Cambridge cross-country . run took | nd a coupls of thousand sheep, THE | and feeders, 82.50 1p 84; stock heifers, PROGRESS I Ea place at Roehampton Saturday; dis- tance, Ti. miles. Cambridge won, tak- ing the first three plates. The best time was 42 min. 17 4-5 secs. W. EB. Schutt, formerly of Cornell and now a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, was fifth. Judging from the account of a re cent hockey game between Portage the gallery were not slow in express: ing their displeasure. The admission price was very high, 85c. for adults. in merwers of the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. John's church met al hs none ot Mrs. G. A, Ayles- worth on Wednesday evening and pre sented Miss Drewry with an address These animals he trekkal over two thousand miles, with 'the 'aid of a compass and chart, to Southern Pa- tagonia. He watered and fod his flocks and herds hy the way with only five men to assist him, but at the end of a year of hunger awd 'thirst and fail choice, steady; others, $2 to 83 er; good to choice, $45 to $56; dium to good, $28 to $40; common, 820 to $96, Veals-- Receiptg, 1,000 head; 50c, highor; 84.50" to $6.50. Hogs-- Receipts, 25,500 head; active, $1.50 to 82; fresh cows and apringoes, OW me- PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHIN by C. Livingston & B ~~ PILLS See special instructions to women with each box. Prepated only by Thomas Beecham, St. - i Welens, England, ve in: Conada and Us Bs and purse. Miss Drewry, who is leav- | Lake and Pittsburg the players on we iu agnnd inself in possession Gf 10c. to Ibe. higher; heavy, 84.60 to America. in boze- -4 cents. ing lor Torcnio, has bern a faithful | both teams varned their weekly wage | tent y over 80,000 § $4 70; mixed, $4.60 to $5.60; Yorkers, worker in St. John's chupeh and it {with a vengeance. The battle continued | "agi yaacin this land fo 81.55 to 84.60; pigs,' $4.50; roughs, * WANTED. is pleasing to note that those with | until nearly * midnight and Pittsburg he gought ag ee a oy i ye] $1.80 fo $4.10; stags, $3 to -50. BOYS AND GIRLS, TO MAKE $15 A whom she has been associated have | "secured their revenge' by defeating | (vo ch Poren del Fu re and. wethd Shoop - and lambs ~ Receipts; 26,000 week, after school hours. Send | appreciated her services. The Metho- | ast year's United States champions He ; h 8 Bri oR. head; active and higher; native.lambs, name and address. stating age. Ford | dist 5. S. is practisin: for its annual |3 to 1. ; inte oa the Ties, Eton to penetrate $5 to £7.40; a few, B50; Canada Lublishing Co., Indianapolis, U.S.A. | Christmas tree on Christmas eve. Miss At the adjourned annual meeting of dn . o Sl FY, an " he natives re- lambs, $6 to $6.25; yearlings, 85 to. ; = eee | Grace Dougan is taking Miss Eva | (he Western Ontario Hockey Associa- |p." oy he ho rusion. The ta Aonas, | 36.40; wethers, 85.95" to $5.50; owes, v a, TRAVELLING. Shoreys dutha in Bethel public elie ol | tion disbanding for this year, and a De ky is little Ro ay hari $4.75 to $5; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to 85. Tolle while Miss Shorey is atten ing model. | ocolutign to that effect was passed. y EE " Stiey : 3 TCT The ie library is shout to 2 Interest waned as soon as it was »ait for hin ii re aneerin : Chicago. . ; in Srewsry i cleat, Fi] HLL SYS OE place. BOF | known that there wotld be no Senior | 4,0 however, he would ride aw 8 9 Chicago, Dec. 12.--Cattle receipts tainted malt, sour kegs,'e A BONE weeks past the directors have series, and a small element in the Bere oneal 4 tho he oe id away, 80,000. Market, steady; good to prime a /S) : eel that you have selected heen trying to solve the problem of lin intermediate club, that would soon shootin, with dally off ot F . ahd steors 86, stockers a feeders $2.25 Foe, it rettiest Christmas gift in CHRISTMAS AND the hes y a ag nate. Jt i # | or have their men play in one of the eral I hei cartial hie "life. in oy to. $4.10, cows, S1L40 to $4, - The plant includes a perfeat sy ty. Ist us help you iy A 5, ha 0 wo « irectors NAVE | city league teams, was largely respons {4 04 "1 it at last the savages be heifers $2.60 to $5, canners $130. to liv A Ee po pe you- had to work hard to keep it open as | Gio for handing out the knockout | 4 voiarg him with 34 avages began § g.40, bulls $2 to $4.10 calves $3.50 : Marge stall. @ rgware v NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS the general public have aot Li 1 plow. Ply Bt Ray aghaistoned rope and to $7, western steers £3.30 to $4.85, take Sime 16 hetpin - the support they should. he direc : o : : o 3 one ¥ . 2 9 4 = : Pl z New York. Sun: Here is what Prof. | to," the native equivalent for "the Hogs-- Receipts, 35,000; market 10e, olter ls quit on ng's tors have bécn working on a plan to lift the library to a firm {nancial basis, and we have reascn to believe they have succeedid. Your reporter asked one of the directors if h* had anvthing to give out ind be answer ed "not yet." We understand that the building, the library is at present oc higher. Mixed and butchers $4.45 to $4.60; good to choice heavy $4.50 to $4.60, rough heavy $4.35 to $44], light, $4.40 to $4.50, bulk of sales $4. 50 to $4.66, " Bheep--Receipts 25,000, sheep and lambs, strong; good to choice weth- ers $4.50 to $3.25, fair to choice mixed Mike Donovan has to say of the box- et frit ing ability of President Roosevelt : ; "He is a fighter, rather than a spar- rer. He is aggressive, powerful, fear- Jess. There isn't an atom of yellow in his make-up. He has the strong wrists and fists of the true fighter, together with the cool head and perfect con- devil." For some 1904-1905 Round trip tickets ¥ill be sold at Single First Class Fare December 24th, 25th and 26th. Valid returning from destination al Ebony, cars. past the Scottish pioneer has been 'undisputed monarch of Terra del Fuego, where he has amassed a fortune, It is with the bag- pipes. that he rules. CHRISTENED HIS WIFE. nuine Cocobola. et & Manicure Sets on , Sterling Silver Mountings 27 i i - i r before Dec. 27th, 1904, and on Dec. | cupying, 1s longer available. It . "2 a 3 - prices. ? Bist, Jan'y. ist, and 2nd. ® seems oh bl A an lent trol of his temper so necessary lo any 3.00 to $1.40, native lambs, $4.75 to RL al Loria rd fromm destination on OF] publie institution should be so poorly ow .whi would pn ome I Singular Romance Of An English 36:80. ALS ne yatronized. We have reason. t be. PST Wi he gg oven, 1e by te car tant H. B. Taylor Drug Co. ALSO AT Thi d Da however, that a better av is | to prize fighting instead of to politics 1 vi SA Toronto Street Market. Princess Street - - "Phone BV. First Class Fare and One-Thir dawning for. it. We sincerely hope it and he was not handicapped by spec condon, Dee. 13. "Thirty years ago| Toronto, Dec, 19 Wheat, new, per J Dee, 28rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 20th. 31st, | may come soon , tacles, he would sooner or later have we Rev. John Freeman; then vicar of bush., 81 to $1.03; wheat, red, bushi, Jan. 1st, .and 2nd. ' ants Herb. Ball retwn-d on Satur- | made himself champion of the world. oodkirk, near Leeds, christened a 81 to $1.03; wheat, spring, bush., 9c. Valid returping on or before Jan FT day after, a two weiks' visit at her baby git. - i ahs. views! to. 81; wheat, goose, bush., 88¢.; oats, a -- For Pullman accommodation, tickets, home Ocdinsburg. ~ Miss Eva DECREASING BIRTH RATE. a aby girl-is now the viear's]bush.,, 34ic. to 38ic; barley, bush... ATED and all other information apply to Shorey has been appointed assistant of wil ang the happy-ecuple are 41 pres 4be. to 49; rye, bush, Bc; peas, er . . Jf P. HANLEY, "Agent, | Tamworth publiv school, "DR, PRN . sent on their honeymoon in ¥. bush., 70c.; buckwheat, bush., 56e. to ES STENOGRAFHERS, Book. _ CurnetFohnston and Ontatio sor Rose, Tamworth, spent a few days 'Paterfamilas Kingston, Writes The story of the vicar's love is adc; hay, timothy, per ton, 80 to thrie hours work for us in return PEMBROKE & CANADIAN this week with, her sister, Mrs. J. H. to Mail and Empire. pretty one. The girl = whom he had [ 810; hay, mixed, per ton, $7 to $8; $5. ddress, Ford Publishing KINGSTON & Chant. Stanley Hammel has returned "Paterfamilas,"" Kingston, presents christened in time joined the stafiof| straw, per ton, $9 to 810; seeds, al- » Indianapolis, U.S.A. Dept. 68. AILWAYS. after spending the sumer in the | a new phase of the decreasing birthrate his Sunday-sehool teachers, Her at+] ike, No. 1, bush., 86.50 to $7.25; al- 1 I 3 » ' ' 3 Ce -------------------------------------- tractiveritss and brightness won the sike, No. 2, bush., 85 to 85.75; alsike, No. 3, bush., $4 to $4.50; red clover, $6 to $7; timothy, $1 to $1.35; dress ed hogs, 36.50 to $7; apples, per barrel, 81 to $2.25; eggs, per dozen, 95¢. to 300; hitter, dairy, 198° to question in the following rather pain- ful letter : Dear Flaneur,--I have of late notice ed in your page many letgers from correspondents of both sexes on the subject of decreasing marriages ant west. James Watson has returned Lome after spending the summer with his brother in North Bay, Ont. D. A. Nesbitt will preside at the tea-meeting in Enterprise tonight. "The Christ- mas rush has © began: and every day vicar's interest, love. Rut the girl was poor, so he sent her to a good school in the south of England, and when her education was and eventually his hristmas Christmas ! we sce signs of holiday trade in the | decreasing: the birth rate, but in all | completed put the means of travel nt] 21c.; butler, creamery, 22. tp 20c,; . 1 F stores. i L | "the correspondence I have failed to her disposal. Hee L chickens, spring, per 1b, 9. to 10¢; . Sing e are We understand that Miss Franiis | find the experience published of a sin- Finally, he married her: the cere: | ducks, per 1b, 10. to le; turkeys, ® 6 ° Welbanks © has been appoinied as | glo case pf a married man who has | mony being petformed 'at Hove re-|per Ib.,, Me. to 18c.; . cabbage, ' per Good going Dec. 24th and 26th, re- joacher in a schon on of rst on raised a family, I beg to-give mine. soatly, hy a prebendary of the Church | dozen, 25c. to 40e.; potatoes, per bag, 2 : turning until Dec. 27th, 1904. Good l land, AF. anc. re. D. A. Nesbitt, | [ am the father of ten children, four | of England. Thc. to 90c.; cawliffower, per dozen, | €rQ i i i 8h, Creations iy Ladies' Fancy going Dec. Sist, 1904, and Jang 2nd, Mian Peart Nesbitt; Hiss Ruth Lump boys and six girls; I have raised nine By A e 60c. to $1; onions, per bag, $1 to 81. te in price There 1s no part of the ock Collars, 35¢., 50c., 65c., 78c., 1908; valid for return until Jd Bred, | kinu: Muxs Amu; 3, Sutton and F. G. | (,* manhood and womanhood, and T HE WAS WRONG. 35¢c.; celery, per dozon, be, to" 40¢.; 3 1 1 rth much more. 1905. Mitac Jntieneied the mot school At | gught to be able to throw some light 2 Vi. o beef, hindquarters, 87 to $8; beef, fore. passes the kitchen in the use of just : : . Home * in Napanee on wirsday even | on the problem. 1 am now an old man emarkable ase of = Mistaken | quarters, $4.50 to $5; heef, choice, : ¥ 3 stocked Array of Linens, including Fare and One-Third ng William Bradshan purchased a | ij; my geventv-fifth year, and educated Identity. carcase, $6.75 to 87; beef, medium, there is no store in Kingston as well cached Table Damask, in hand- mano ths week, those sine grown-up men and women.| Berlin, Dec. 13.--Qne of the most | Carcass, 85.50. to. 86; mutton, 'per | shen oods as thi 0 Fro one me patterns, 50c. to $1.50. Going Dec. 23rd, 340 90h, 80th, and Grip Quickly Knocke Rocked Out I still have to eatn my own living, | curions cases of mistaken identity on cwt., 85.60 to $6.50; veal, por cwt, g 1S one. m is - 81st, 1904, and Jan. 2nd, 1905; return: . and have to by my own exertions | record comes from Risenbuttel, in [87.50 to $8.50; lambs, per owt, $7 to | . Napkins, 75c. to $1 a dozen. ing until Jan. 5th, 1005. "Some Vogeks {ike during, the ure raise at least on an average of twen- Brith ee o nN $7.50, you will find goods of such patterns an 5 . . : oe ticulars at K. & P. and C.P winter weather both my wife and my- | ty dollars a week to support my wife! The bodv oi .a women who had Ed fr . Oe Dos. Tbs RB Ticket Office, Ontario Street. wf contracted Severs eolds, which |; snl past of my saul. 4 feel the Bue. { commsitecd suicide by drowning her: | ODYSSEY OF A CONVICT nowhere else. When you ask us for a saucepan seys, Tray oths, Doylies, / : speedily developed into the worst | den getting very heavy upon me. Dur- | seif in the-Odar was formally recog- : le . . Sal y fa arked at about half price. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., kind of la grippe with all its miser- | ing all those years: not one of my fa- | nized hy a man as that of his wife, : show itn aluminum, that material which is . bis oh : . Gen. Pass. Agt Gen. Supt. | able symptoms," says J. 8. Egleston, | mily has done anything for me in the| from whom he had separated, after a Daring Escape From Penal Settle ie . . i, a isplay of Ladies Silk Waists is -- Maple Landing, lowa. Knees and | way of work without receiving pay | quarrel, a short time previously, and ments; and clean 3 nickel steel, which is everlasting, > TL TOF QTE ALNAY | Em ot | 2 | EE SAE | me, ey BED ft sverlastiog : \ De le De ot am, Jad yery cooly by my grown-up | 2 some 9 the dircusmtah es in tention of the police that ériminals | Aré shown in two, three and four coated ware, i EL," RK New short line for, Tweed, Napanee, . " ising vinin'a: C - | children that it is my duty to sup-| the case, however; appeared to be seldom reform has never been hetter 5 ¢ s it EL, she Quden of Kid Gloves, Deseronto, and all Total points. 'Trains We began hd Chamix rloiiis Cough port my wife and family as long as I| suspicions, detectives were sent 10 | exemplified than in an arrest just variety that is sure to please. The variety and q = Squalus, for 1; ail colors, leave City Hall Depot at 2:26 p.m. F. rset. Stampach and Liver am able to work. Now, what is the | make further enquiries. -On reaching | made at Marseilles of a notorious : £5 TE . . i rlain's Stomach ang 1.ave os ? My ily se i he | e they found the women who re riz : 3 1 » hen | . CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. i ms 3 De Eun result ? My family sees how hard it | the house they y 'women w scoundrel named Bruzzo. iB c Fic dy is orn ad soon | 10 Lo engl" to Kup the. oll wae Supp 10 oe ann sting | High ears seo mo. en |18 tO be seen throughout our whole line of kitchen sis ul Array © andkerchiefs, all a Thon sii ROB sey out ion TH pe. | from the door; it has been impossible | beside the body which a dozen wit- | tenced for robbery to ten years' hard is. Comei 4 them ; erately priced. ] hose tablets promote s ocal hy ant. for me to save up enough monev to | nesses had certified to. be her own. oid vas Transported to ithe gO0JSs. n and see . : LIVERPOOT. and ion _the howels, liver 2 keep me in my declini OATS 11 She explained that when she saw | French pe oy Tavenne, : ' I Li Wool Mufflers, Neck- ALLAN LINE t 1 [PUSEARY which is always bdustisial when the -- I ey a en np 1 | her husbaend return with the corpse rendly ee Ba A : es, Umbrellas, Mitts and Gloves Rdyal Mall Steam system is congested by a cold or at- | po. Strength left, and thev know | #he had hidden under the bed in or- | gtion, however, before he ancesaded in ---------------- tack of the grippe. For sale by all der to seo how he wonld take her J avading the vigilance of his jailers, he ; 3 Halifax. ned and unlined), Cardigan Jac- From St. Johm, From SA on when they get married they will ex- on. " : ts, ete. Shits. Pat. Pec. at lon' nee" 2%. druggists. pect to be in the same fix, and conse- supposed death. | and reached the trackless foros, For 5 en' i outa, a an. 7 % 9. ) : quently remain single and have a good a month hagdived on nothing but on tockingy Tones: Clouds; Rol Fires On PASSAGE. oly Queen's Alama. time. If heads of large families would Dispels Aches And Pains. roots, and at last reached a port C 4 : Trane $50 amd upward, Second cabin, Liv- | Hamilton Herald Eas i the confide in wou they would no doubt n : . oS where he obtained passage on a boat i ; erpool and derry. $30, $32.50 and Dr, Malloch, who is ,chairman of the : "any cases repeat my experience; There is nothing else to be had that | {ound for Chili, There for a time hs : 4 J §2.50 extra. Third class, local alumni association of Queen'si 4 ith the past ex yerience, if I had will drive away aches, pains and sore- | yw rked in a silver mine 69 and 71 Breck Stree! . winan #18 tg Liverpool, Derry, Beliast, Glas: | Univprsity, has invited the members "yee my life 5 in, do vy ness so quickly and keep them away Becoming homesick he embarked at vow, n at meeting to 'be held in St. Paul's i : ife over again, do YOu _, roy Smith's White Liniment.]v ng, ely ; m---- Sr -------------------- = = j NRW YORK TO GLASGOW. ta o meeling vid suppose I would have such a large 30 surely as Mths n iniment. | Vaiparaizo, on a British schooner, hut 122 Princess st. Mongoligh, Thursday Dee. 22, 11 a.m. | Presbyterian school room next Friday| ¢ inilv:! not much. T would lay by It is one remedy that Hever fails to | before the vessel .sailed h» broke his : For further particulars, apply to afternoon to select a committee tof Jones Eo ny declining years. and | Thre Sprains, swelling, inflammation, } log, and had to be put ashore again. 8 > BARLEY, 5 DBR. co-operate with the presbytery com | 10%, the other fellow 'have the large fa | neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and § This proved the saving of his life, for ph ho ) A E B. Street. mittee in arranging a meeting with | ily and remain poor like thousands | all deep seated aches and pains. Pigla week or two later the vessel went , i LOPLHO0ON Principal Gordon, of Queen's in Janu-| 6" bo fibers of large families. bottles only 25¢. at Wade's. to the bottom with all hands, The finest assortment of Ganong's Fancy Q. 8 8. COMPANY ary, with . view to assisting hn i 5 : When rusro left the, slpuraine X 4 R the work of seeuring the additiona "Ses the large bottle" of French | hospital, to, which he hag aken, o T endowments favored by the general LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. perfume in no ttle of Jianh he modified the spelling of his name Boxes of G. B. CHOCOLA ES. or Nothing alightly, and, thanks to this subter- y TH ; assembly and' trustees. Red Cross Drug Store. B E R M vU D A Why Was This Hymn Sung ? finer in the city. Swift's § X York hy pins iF Captain John Mcleod, a Scotchman | Fuge, persuaded the French consul to : oy igtved w 13 hours fromm Kaw Lh "See the beautiful window' of Kingston, flee. 12--~(To the Edit" | aged thirty, who formerly * lived in | PaY hin passage to Europe, when his ; pes y . ship "Bers | oy Coc perfumes. at Gibson's Red | or) i. Yesterday, in a prominent | Victoria, B.C., is enquired | family, very respectable people living y jan' ty . Sailings every ten ¥ um a a ns € lay, ictoria, B.C., is enquired after. 3 very " 0 ) mdi es aud very five days | Cross Dre Store, church jn this city, that blood-curd- a 1 ' in Marseilles, did all in their power Come and have your pick. Cran On during February, March and April. v. W. S. Rainsford, New York | ling hymn, "Great God What Do 1 to give him a new start, WEST INDIA CRUISES city, has heen compelled to drop all Sen And--Hear,"" was one of those GROWING UP The old Adam was 00 strong, how: ruzzo Was onoe his work and leave for Europe for a which the congregation was asked to ever, and in 1900 A J. REES, Princess more sentensed to-ten years' hardfla. From New York : sing. - The "hy jd be h ! 3 -- rest. = ymn would » harmiess » . 88. PRETORIA. | Sy sms -- | cnough (though its rhyme is faulty There's something the mat- bor in Cayenbe for a long series of ---------- " " , Jan, 4th, Feb. , and Ma onl. 0 and its tune cwerbersome and dismal) i i 1 robberies. the British, French and Danish West in Every Breath of were it not for the blasphemy of the ter with the child that fails Oiee more he ecscaped, and hy de J dies, merara, Porto Rice, Cuba and 1 a : muda. Rates for these cruises, oc~ ' third verse, which asserts that "the | to grow up. A child that | vious paths reached Marseilles - fort- = cupying 27 to 34 days, twenty days in | . day of grace is past and gone," and nicht ago. Between then BL y i i : Tropics, $160 and upwards =. that "all the tears and sighs," of the lav > he has or A 5 for, beau tion of ° ighs," of rows up too much, however, | rest a day or two ago b Cheapest in the LL this af sry "For ester S ure repentant will be "unavailing." This g P wy * | ganized and carried out no fewer then . Sy rates of A - is none of the doctrine of the Church ten daring burglaries. Canadian Coal Qil saeasasannse I4C. per £ without proper filling out of justrated pamphlets giving 3 a'all information, apply to A. largest sense. of England, neither ix it believed pred an 2 > r 14 x y 1 our "line. i E. ofrEhspipar &, 00 Mink You take is Curing you her elrgy. 'and th selection of oh flesh, is almost as badly off. One Of The Ablest. American Headlight Oil ....... 176. . ndwas bee, Canada. to, Ticket a hymn denotes carelessness, a a : . * rtiord. Hencal : PY 8 Secs P HANLEY. and J.P Catarrh. lack of appreciation of the harm done Nothing will help these pale, 90 vt ord Beye Pons, M.1.P.. who has Sunlight 1 a sda 19¢€, x Agents, J. + id ' SRSLEEVE, Kingston. . nes om . A i . DuSy you 11 know GILDER i by the singing of hymns (constructed thin " weedy" children like been ubanimonsly renominated by the ------------------------------------ - I hen 11 » wri er's di postive 0 $1 4 Chester's Cure is composed of Na- |no donbt, wh ne writ ipestiv liberals of Kingston, is ope of the ' : the reason. Lake Outario and Bay of Quintie rae "Ignite a small quantity | apparatus was out of order) that is | o ier Frulsion, Ii Cf Oe inttuire: od Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the and inhale the smoke, As you breathe, | highly censurable.--AN ANGLICAN. cott's Emulsion. It supplies IJ gentleman of high character. He is Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Between Kingston, Picton and Belleville the editor and proprietor of the King- ston Whig, the leading paper of Kaut- orn Ontario, and one of the best journals in the dominion. The liberals the vapor searches out the diseased tis- sues, fills nostrils throat and lungs with its soothing, healing medication, and reaches every part of the affected sur- the rounding out of flesh and the rich inward nourishment Delivered to any JAMES SWIFT & C0. Cash-="""" partor " Toronto's Favors Hotel." Special Prices for The years as they pass but a to . : : bi fost Gurney's Celebrated Souvenir Banges. the popularity of the Queen's hotel, T alcohol, no co- 4 } 3 eiephune 1330 br Stee inion daly. 8 pm for ai oso Barmiess that's child | Toronto. The hotel has been prac: of blood and vital organs |of the Limestone ciiy art debirmined Gd Le otd pee i Biren: ane in te Bay of te | hay 'use it. Many mothers rely on tically redecorated and refurnished. . . 5 ik to elect Mr. Pense 'by an inc "On Tusstay, 'Thurstas and Co | Chester's Cure to cure their babies of | Every rooh colo Wot and cold | which insures rapid growth a | majority. te = Northport and Belleville. i croup. soc and $1.00 water, steam wating and ng po healthy and uniform deveélop- titi] 1 « Col > ad . For further information apply te BE. o ist hasn't it in stock, write | tance telephone. lates are from $2. "A bottle" of Long Green Cologne . i. A BATEMAN B_HORSEN. Sov & F. A GILDER do Sruggiet 2 tam per day end np, and with hath from ment. Sa Xi would fit any Christmas stocking; Be. S- J. HORSEY, 189 Princess 4 . y - ern 3 $ : 5 : 2 ER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, SLEEVE, JAS. SWIFT & Co. Agents. | THE LECMING. MILES CO. 70. WonTREAL ¥3 up 106 rooms with bat he. oh 'on's Re in Ea wats Al xdbass & ¢ bioh sds) #0 LIFE and FIRE INSURANC " - ' : y OER TIA ' i. ean milli 10 viilidissoq a si syed] i . el wal 42 ni evabibaso 8 sd of aassisiv i Shrove' Lnwesund WAIL Ag 80 Cpe BROKER. HENORE | ae a : 24994 bas] | noigiands ait 'to hal) blosall bra i el igi yay wool |i So ash ath af bum av | Cincts'o8 aptf Meas mete a AMA * 5 ' ' : esa . Offica, 61 | -. . ko 1 i wk red a 3 drs