Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1904, p. 1

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day 4 rchiefs ! ngle one that is not wor- ched to it. Handkerchiefs ey are universally wanted. universally appreciated. rdkerchiefs" is a wise wo- situation. mstitched Handkerchiefs, ty 25C. : ire Linen Centres, dainty 25C., 35C., 30C., 45¢., 63¢., ed Handkerchiefs, 2oc., 45¢, 12%c.,, 39c, 50C. ntres, 10C., I12}4¢c, -15¢C, L LOT Handkerchiefs, trimmed nnes Lace. These we are White Hemstitched erchiefs A very rchief, with a nar- finely drawn. The 3 5c. each. We are 0 to-morrow at 2145c¢. Each. n-- # SILKS ! For Waists and Gowns Vhite Japan Silke, 3560 \ 49¢. Vhite China Silks, 25¢c., White Mirror Silks, 49¢. Vhite Louisine Silks, 75c., White Habuta Silks, 45c. Vhite Figured Japan ks, 49c. White Crepe de Chene, wy 99C., $1.25. Vide White Chiffon Ruch- <, both pointed and plain Narrow Chiffon Ruchings CARR hrinkable Wool Under- and Combination Suits € a sale with us now, and w good they are for the ) see them the first tim: Boots ah Extra Box Calf Boots, only Men's Lightning Hitch Be Men's Tan * and Black Sater Bo. Boys' Slater Boots, $2.50. . asins Boyt" and Girls', size ; Little Children's, lr ne ge ne. Oil Tanned Moccasins for Boys, $1. \ ee orea-- SHOE STORE _ Fancy Goods Christmas Rush For NECKWEAR * Is Now On-At JENKINS Come and get into it ! Dancing and Deportment WHIG HALL, KINGSTON. Second Term Begins Dec. -15th Tuesday & Thursday, 8 p.m. CHILDREN'S AND YOUNG LADIES' CLASSES™ oy forming; meets 4:30 p.m., same days. PRIVATE LESSONS by appointment. Send for circular. D, ROY MACDONALD. » +AUCTION SALE. Every Afternoon and Evening. I WILL SELL AT 260 PRINCESS Street, the entire stock, consisting of Jewelry, ' Clothing, 3 ' Furnishings, of all de i Sale 2:80, - 7:80. Terms cash. Positively No Reserve. ALLEN, the Auctioneer. rere Y. W. C. A. In planning for Christmas gifts remember the Y.W.C.A. Library Books are always gratefully re- ceived. : ~ "NOW NOTICE You may as you like, but I have the Db , best, and cheapest odd Stoves, Furniture, and Carpets, in this city. Come and see them, and you will be satisfied. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, BUR Princess Sureet. y ee] WANTED TWO STRONG BOYS, AT A Maclban's, Ontario Street, A CANVASSER, APPLY McCANN'S Real Bstite and Office, Insurance Brock Street. he A GENBRAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing. Apply to Mrs. H. F. Mooers, 108 Unjon street. i ------------------------------------------------ A GOOD COOK, MUST HAVE REFER- erences. Apply to Miss Hora, 45 King étreet, in the evening, after 7 o'clock. -------------------------------- eee WORK AS CARETAKER OF OFFICES and housowork by the day, by will- 'ng womun. Telephone Whig Office for afidress. ------------------------------------------------ HELP WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS of all Kinds abound in the London * Free Press." If you want a posSi- tion, write for sample. ONE HUNDRED LADIES, TO LEAVE orders for Tailor-Made-Skirts, $2 for making, for next week only, at Miss K. Sullivan's, 407 Barrie Street. Phone 677. ACTIVE, BRIGHT, agents Wanted, to sell wpices, etc. Over $2,000 a year is being made by agents. G. Marshall & do. London, Ont. HUSTLING teas, coffees, POSITIONS ARE OPEN TO PUPILS in the Blessing Hospital Training School for Nurses. For information apply to Miss M. C. Wheeler, Supt. Blessing. Hospital, Quincy, Illinois. THAT SUIT OF YOURS and cloau: it can be Ike new. 1so your order for new work. * Thof, Galjoway, tailor, 131 Brock street, next Bibby's livery. GENTS, TO SELL THE HAND a fost kitchen utensil on earth. King surrounding country places tefritory; also Suz: te dodgers. Call 376 Ontaric TO PRESS made tc look distribute street. TWO ROUGH-CAST HOUSES, CORN- er Bagot streets, 6 Apply and Johnston and' 7 'rooms, Lot 42 x 73. - 15 O'Kill street. -------------------------------------------------------- BRICK AGE, 83 ALBERT s , Re lo¢ation, near schools. A y ta Mrs. Bryan, 34 Mvergreen Avenue, Rutland, Vt. LOST. SILVER BELT BUCKEE, WITH STAR and "V.R.C.", on Barrie, Union or Univ Aveniie, this morning Hewn r ity return to this office Overshoes ! Overshoes ! The Maple Leaf brand at The Loe kett shoe store. Nona better, few as "A petcetly grand assortment of ladies" and gents' felt slippers at The Tackett shoe store from 350. to *3; Christmas - perfumes, military "hafr DAILY MEMORANDA, City council, 8 p.m. Meeting C.0.C.F. this evening. Queen's conversazione to-night. Kingston rink opens to-morrow aiter- noon. This day in history: Milton born, 1608. The polecat hunter has little difficulty getting on the scent. The sin rises Saturday, at 7:23 am. and sets at 423 p.m, The most generous shoe dealer cannot afford to be a free booter. Even the home rule advocate may tremble before his own cook. The most experienced baker may not know a thing about Browning Somutimes the minor theatres get the major portion of the business. Sale, Saturday, of D. & A. $1 Cor gots, for 79¢. New York Dress Reform. Do your Christmas shopping at home. You cah do fully as well, if you will only believe it. IF YOU COME QUICK Before they are all gone, you can get a very nice Dinner Set OF 97 PIECES ~ Colored English Earth- enware, for $1.75. ROBERTSON BROS. COVERED RINK The rink office will be opened' on Dec 8th, for the sale of season tickets and Skating on Saturday, Dee, 10th Weather and ice permitting Nights of skating; Tucsday, Thursday and Friday. season ticket will be the best Christmas present that you can get for your boy or girl. SEASON RATE Gentlemen, single, : . $4 Lady, single, EME Children, under twelve years, 2 Family of two, . 6 Family of three, . 1. Family of four or five, . eB Family of six or ten, . ee 10s Tuesday evenings. Band Saturday afternoons from 3 to 5 W. BE. BONTER, H. W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Sec.-Treas. Kingston, Dec. 6th. TRY Anderson Bros, and Pure Lard, a Band For Hams, Bacon, choice lot for .. Ohristmas Trade .. Cooked and Fresh Meats, in great va- riety, Chopped Suet, Minted Meat, Su- gar Cured Corned Beef. GROCERIES The very best satisiying prices of everything and at Poultry, Fish, Oysters, and Celery. Come and see. Anderson Bros Cor. Princess and Division Sts. *Phonc 458. Food Facts Always Interest the People Jams and Marmalade, 7 1b. pails, (special), 49¢ Pie Peaches, (special), 3 cans, . 5c. Fine Stewing Prunes, § lbs, . Dried Peaches, 2 Ibs, Fine Table Figs, extra large, per 1b, Borol's Old English Plum Pudding, Wethey or Nicholson's Mince Meat, package, Bc Mixed Peel, Orange, Lemmon and Citron, per Ib. 15¢ Maple Sugar. 1 1b. blocks, | 10¢ Cut loal Sugar, 3§ Ibs Smoked Hams, whole or half, per Ib Turner's Unfermented Wines, Grape, Currant, Raspberry. Cherry, hotties, 25¢ Complete assortment new fruits for Christinas trade F. W. VANLUVEN, 246 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 417. Lively Session Expected. Special to the Whie, Vienna, 'Dec. 9.--The imperial gov- ernment will watch the proceedings of the Hungarian parliament which as- sombled at Budapest, today, with close interest, not unmixed with a feeling of anxiety. Political affairs in the kingdom have been approaching a crisis for some time andi the parlia mentary session is expected to be marked by serious disturbances. Headaches From Colds. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get ¥he genuine call for the full name and look for signature of E. W. Grove, 25e. . Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, large bot- tle, 75¢. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Prints or rolls, ford. The judicial commitice of «the privy council granted leave to appeal in two suite from British Columbia, butter 18e. Craw All the Shipping in Port Arthur Harbor. TORPEDO BOATS ALONE INTACT -- RUSSIAN SHRAPNEL FAULTY. Hore To Prevent Russian Cloncen- tration at Liao' Tishan--Sure They Can Dispose Of Baltic Fleet--Japanese Squadron. Out- side Port Arthur. Special to the Whig. Tokio, Dec: 9.--With the destruction of practically all the large warships at Port Arthur, confidence in the abi- | lity of the Japanese fleet to dispose of the Baltic fleet, if it continues its voyage to the far cast, has become strong, while the retention of 203 Metre Hill, and the apparent immuni: ty of 'the hill from attack by the guns of the other forts, create the belief that the end of the fortress is verv near. "The chief anxiety is whether the pesiegers will be 'able to prevent the garrison from rallying at Liao Tishan where resistance may be made so long as food and ammunition holds out. Unofficial reports ropresent 203 Metre Hill as commanding, mot only the entire harbor, but also the com: munications of the principal forts with Liao Tishan. It is therefore hoped that the Japanese will prevent the Russians concentrating at the latter place. It is stated that the besiegers Are attempting to sink everything afloat iu the harbor. A correspondent with the Japanese forces besieging Port Arthur, in des-| cribing .the®havoe wrought by the fire of the Japanese gnns, 'says that in addition to the warships already nam- od as being sunk or damaged, the gon- boats Giljak, and ' Fusadneck, also have been sunk. The torpedo boats alone are intact. . Russian Shrapnel Fails. Mukden, Dee. 9.--~The Russians con- tinue to bombard the Japanese posi- tion with both heavy and light artil- lery. Thé Japanese response is feeble. The Russians have experieficed much difficulty with their shrapnel, which should have effectually checked the Japanese attacks during the bat- tlefof Sha River, but failed in manv cased. Some consignments of shrapnel sent to the front appear to have been almost worthless from poor c¢onstruc- tion of shells. Repulsed On Sha River. Tokio, Dec. 9.--The Japanese on the Sha River, repulsed a skirmish at- tack at Taitszeyen and Holoingtun in the direction of left wing, before dawn on December Oth and 7th: On Dacem- ber 6th, the Japanese also defeated a force of Cossacks at Hesinchang. " Whereabouts Of Fleet. Chefoo, Dec. 9.--The lightship which was stationed at New Chwang arrived here, yesterday, after having left the station in anticipation of immediate closing of the Liao river by ice. Her commander reports. having seen four Japanese battleships, three cruisers, and ten torpedo boats, outside of Port Arthur. He believes the entire Japanese fleet is now there. No Truth In Story. London, Dec. 9.--The foreign office says there is' no foundation for the gtory that Gfeat Britain has dJffered Turkey money to buy Argentine and Chilian warships in return for conces stons which would permit Britain to erect a second Gibraltar on the coast of Yemen, which would give Great Britain control of the lower entrance to the Red Sea. It is reported from Shanghai that the Russian cruiser, Askold, which was lying disarmed in that port, is coaling, and replacing her machinery preparatory to escape, and join the fleet of Vice-Adniral Rojestvensky. Will Be In Possession This Month. Montreal, Dec. 9.--A despatch re ceived from Victoria, B.C., announces the arrival there of Frederick Villiers; the eminent English war correspond ent, who comes direct from Port Ar thur. He predicts that the Japanese will be in pe sion of the Russian stronghold by , New Year's day. Mr, Villiers says it is generally understood in the orient that Gen. Stoessel would surrender the place, realizing that its fall is inevitable, but that he is co- erced into continued resistance by his officers and especigily by Gen. Falk, who. ig" the real defender of Port Ar- thur. Have It Handy : Anticipate the danger and keep a bottle of Mathiew's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil in the house. Make a note of it and order a bottle, The fall and winter seasons demand it. All druggists. Big bottle 3be. - None So Good. The genuine Slater hockey hoot for boys and men can be bought only at The Lockett shoe store. They are gentiine hox calf and Goodyear welted soles. George Frank Reynolds, a highly os teomed resident of Westport, who was in Broekville hospital for some timo, and was discharged on the high road to recovery, sufierad a relapse while visiting his brother, Samuel Frayne, Iroquois, and died on Thursday. He { ers, in y pe KINGSTON, ONTARIO; RIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 190% TRY 10 SINK i PITE OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Italy has a surplym of $11,600,000, shortly be increased. "The bordgs of Afghanistan are men- aced by Russian troops. Five hundred convicts in Manila re- belled and fifteen were shot. A planter and his whole family were murdered in South Carolina. Fifteen miners were killed by fire damp in a Washington state coal mide. | The Australian federal house adopt- ed a motion favoring an imperial pre- ference, The Porte has yielded to Austria's demand of redress' for' detention of Austria's mails. Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier will re- turn before Christmas, probably about December 20th or 21st. -- Hon. C, J. Mickle has been appoint. od acting leader of the opposition in the Manitoba Jriclature, Messrs, How? pirks & Sons, jowel- Montreal, have decided to open a branch in Toronto. The overdue Canadian Pacific rail way steamer Athenian, has arrived at Yokohama from Vancouver. President Roosevelt has been asked to arbitrate differences' between Pana- ma and Colombia bondholders, The Crow's Next Pass: Coal company has settled its long standing difierence with the C.P.R. over the right of way. Election judges: have set January 24th, as the date for the trial of those reported for corrupt practices in the Sao. } Rhodes scholarships examinations at the Oxford University in England, will be held on January 17th and 18th. : W. E. Badeau, one of the offigers of the Consolidated Stock Exchange, New York, has announced his suspen- sion. The coroner's jury, at Galt, found that Mrs. Barber and her son, George Cathrae, came to their. death from coal gas, The residence of J. R. Graham, 'enelon Falls, was burned to the ground, the inmates escaping in their gight clothes. A most successful test- of New On tario peat as fuel was made in Winni- peg. The peat is manufactured near Fort Francis. g Hon. KJ. Sweeney, M.P.P., who has been two vears in the New Bruns- wicl government without portfolio, has heen appointed solicitor general of this province, It is said that an effort will be made to obtain the services of Major Braith- waite of the Imperial army for the position of director of dperations and staff duties in Canada. Japan has actopled the American: syvernment's 'invitation to participate na second. petite Rion Yo. paki The Hegue provided the rulings of the con- Serene do not affett the present con- ict. RAMPANT MILMOARISM. Outrageous Idea Of Soldiers Duty In Germany. Berlin, Dec. 8-~An unusually scan- dalous case of military justice fills public attention' here. Some days ago at Dessau two pri vate soldiers, named Guenther and Voigt, were convicted of insubordina- tion to a sergeant named Heine, and gentenced to five years' penal servitude and expulsion from 'the army. Heine met the soldiers in a dancing saloon. He was drunk, and insulted some girl friends of Guenthier's. He was asked to apologize. Instead of apologizing he unshéathed his sword and wildly struck omt on all rides. Voigt and Guenther disarmed him, and in the struggle he fell, and while on the floor he injured a girl. These are the facts. At the trial counsel engaged for the prisoners pleaded that his clients act- ed only in self-defence. He was sharp- ly reminded by the prosecution that no such defence could be considered; that it was the duty of the two wol- diers to allow themselves to be killed by Heine rather than raise a hand againgt him; that Heine was sentenced to 'three months' imprisonment only puts the crown on the entire scanda- lous procedure. Feeling here runs high at this travesty of justice, Glidden Resumes World Tour. Spocial to the Whig Vancouver, B.C., Dec, 9.<Charles J, Glidden, a Dloston_gillionaire now on a seven years' tour of the world in a huge automobile, has booked his pass age on the steamer Moana which sails to-day for Homolulu, Arriving at Hon- olulu Mr. Glidden * plans to make a five hours' stdy, during which time he expects to make a husdred mile tour in his automobile. From Honolulu he will go to the Fiji Islands for ten days aptl one hundead miles of tour. ing; thence to New Zealand, with 1, 000 miles of touring; thence to Tas- mania, with one hundred miles, and then to Australia, where, commencing with Adelaide, ha expeots to do 1,000 miles, going then to Japan for 2,000 miles. At Sim « he will Yeave hix automobile and return by way of Europe, attending the Gordon Bennett race. In the hit of next year he ex- pects to go ta ingapore and thence continue his. world Arp. b * Tordmto's Favorite Hotel." The years as théy pasé but add to the popularity of the - Quoen's hotel, Toronto. The hotel has been prac- tically redecorated and refurnished, Every room contains hot and cold water, steam and fong dis- tance telephone. are from '$2.50 per day up, and with bath from 23 up. 100 rooms with baths. The Maple Leaf Forever. The Maple Leal bri of 'rubbers and overshoes in easily the best of was a Mason and an Oddiellow, and a staunch liberal. fag Our snow shovels sillibe disposed of at texpoddingly «ows pris. 1 es just opened out at McLeod's drug store. ' i Claxton & Lawrenson. on. | sll Canadian makes. The Lockett shoo store is the distributing ngency for Kingston and distriet. imma ------ Ip Liquor license fees in Manitoba will | Ty eK ad |) Family slain and Home Burned. AWFUL DEED. RICH - CAROLINA PLANTER, WIFE AND CHILDREN, Were: The Victims--Foolprints Outside Show That Three Men Committed Murder ~-- Bleod- hounds To Trail Them. Augusta, Ga; Dec.' §.<Ben. ~B. Hughes, a wealthy merchemt and planter, of Trenton, 8.C.; and his en- tire family wore murdered and the house burned during Wednesday night. At five o'clock, Thursday morming, the fire was discovered by residents living near the Hughes: home, who raised an alarm. Members of the family could not be found. Iluvestiga- tion revealed the fact that unknown parties, believed by the tracks found to bo three men, entered the house through the rear door, murdered Mrs. Hughes in her room with an axe, then went to the room occupied by the daughters, Emma, aged ninetoen, Hat: the 3 tie, id fourteen, and murdered them in dike manner without the girls awakening. Hughes evidently heard the noise and went from his room into the hall- way where lo was shot down, & re: volver being' found near his side. A special train was sent to Colum- bia for bloodhounds to trail the mur- derers. Citizens are guardi the ground shout the back door the house where the tracks were found 10 prevent disturbing the only means of arriving at a clue. The highest state of excitemer(l pre- vails throughout the: commumity. The tr y resembles the killing of the Hodges family at Statesboro last August. HARPELL'S STORY. He Says Only Nine Boxes Were Drowned. Sheetal to the Whig. elteviile, Ont., Dec. 9.--The criminal libel case of Porter ve. Carman went on this 'morning. Robert Harpell, Har- rowsmith, told of going with Ruttan; at Shibley's request, 'to drown the boxes in Sydenham lake. Nine boxes were sent. Harpell bellowed the other box had been used by Hawkey. Witness told 'of 'meeting 'Reilly, Ruitan ' and Phit Lott in Kingston and' of having been introduced to Phil under the name of "Hughes." Rutten introduced him he thought. John O. Bremmer, won of John A. Bremmer, of the Bancroft Reporter, told of hearing Sam Harryett tell his father that a box was expected and afterwards heard that the box came and was delivered to Sam Harryett, but denied knowing any more about the matter, ------ Year's Output Of Cheese. Montreal, Dec. 9.--James Alexander, a leading cheese exporter, estimates the exports of cheese from Montreal = this year at 2,242,000 boxes, and the stock on hand in this country 575,000 boxes, indicating a total production for the year of 5 146,000 boxes. This, he says, is a decrease of 320,000 boxes com- pared with last season. Of the cheese on hand, he estimates that seventy- five per cent. is held on English ac counts Action For Divorce. Watertown, N.Y. Dec. 9.-By the gorvice of a summons Mrs. Mary H. Frazier has begun an action for an ab- solute divorce against her husband, George H, Frazier. 'The parties to the action sre prominent in local society. Mr. Frazier is wealthy and wag form- erly chairman of the house committee of the Union club. Mr. and Mrs. Fra- zier have separated. The complaint has pot yet boen served. cited Fought In Burning Building. Salt Lake, Utah, Dee, 9.-Locked in a life and death struggle, Christopher Tripp and a masked bandit fought in a burning building at the little town of Murray, six miles south of Tore Neither 'man - relaxed his grip until their clothing was afire. Then both crawled through the dense smoke to the -outer air. Those Worrying Piles ! One ication of Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment will give you. comfort. Applied every night for three to six nights and a cure is effected in the most stubborn cases of blind, bleeding, or itching piles. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures eczema and all itching and burning skin dissases. Tt acts like magic. 36c., at Wade's drug store. -- 15. ------------ A Great Slump. New York, Dee. 9.--Amid scenes of uncontrolled excitement and frentied haste to sell securities, the New York Stock Exchange yesterday witnessed hy owt sensational declind Th prices th ¢3e has known since ths histotic Du than Pacific panic of May 9th, 1901. y % @ For Conservative Clubs. London, Dee. 9. -Williatw Waldorf Astor has donated £2,000 to establish conmervative politieal elif, whire sith do Hot at present exist, and to help existing clubs of the same poli- tieal Jorn that are financially embar- rassed. ' A Our "¢oal oil is the best and our prices are' the lowest. Lemmon, Clax- machinery = at he government, sone week Special to he ms MAS As fia bint ; : And The Machinery Will Be Special to the Whig. LA Toronto, Dee, 9.--Hon. G. P. Grah- aw, provincial seorelary, is negotiat- ing for the ale of the broom muking the Central prison,' which' is owned by the provipee. As the machi and ¢ { ba 0 eontr for 1 A manufacturing of , brooms at prison expires on June 15t next, and in ae- cordance with the promises made LJ 4 ago to re presentatives of organized labor bod- | ies, who or wi Td these odds . oh ing into cow joni with free labor, it will not he renewed, ¢. SIX DAYS" WHEEL. : Position Of The Riders Early This : Morning. Now York, Poe. Aa Ed o'cle this morning, the twe ing team Vanderstuyft and Stol a "Moot 8 Dorion, had covered 1,653 miles fivo laps. Congoltz and Bréton Samuelson and Willigig were one behind, 'The Keggan- an, Neutling, _ ond Kivbe Fogler Jon sivabustys phafud pint. stood at 1,693 miles, three Japs, ¥ uld he surprised to Dubsot and Mozan, Palmer and Aros To Downing and Limberg, had covered 1,653 'miles, two ~ Japs, and Sulking and Rockowitz, 1,606 miles and sight laps. he record for in 1,888 miles, four aps.' " MANITOBA WHEAT, Going Into Detroit For Milling this time Uses Whig. : Detroit, Aon ie. 9. A steamer ih on its way from Lake Superior to thik port with 50,000 bushels of Manitoba spring wheat for a local miller. This is the second ment of foreign wheat deatined for this port and brings inte rominence the Michigan wheat crop, 'he wheat now being ground 'in this city is contributed by Kansas, North-West, - the ! Pacific coast a North-Western 'Canada. wR 4 1t 1s Postponed, - Special to the Whig, - yy hy ie. 0.-It may he authoritatively stated 'that no inter: national bridge or tunnel will he con structed 'across the Detroit' river at present. The Grand Trunk and Michi: gan Central railways which have the chief interest in such an undort feel that they are not in 'a position to assume the responsibility just ye and the project is, accordingly, finitely postponed. . Queen 's Blfocts/ spt i to Q og tumes that 0 i the murdered Servian gleen, were offeved at' Christic's' yesterday at auc. tion, on behalf of the late queédh's sisd ters, who were represented at the walé by the Servian minister. The total sum reslized was $11,675. The reserve price was reached ow overy lot, 'except the wedding dress, on which the re< serve price was 8500. The costume was the late queen's own handiwork, Will Make Cornmeal. Special the Whig, Wondaor, Ont, Teo. 9.~ Thomas Vols Jans & Sons, the largest millers in the city, have, discontinued the manufac ture of flour and hereafter will cond fine their operations to the = produc tion of cornmeal, the high price of wheat precluding the making of flour. pr The cornmeal is being shipped to the! maritime provinces. } > Reached Chatham. Special to the Whig. Windsor, Unt., Mec. 9.--W. J. "en, pets orb EMBROID MANDKE! ; taney r Dainty Peoph Valle susees,™® a Waiots. Strawberry Walerg The National Biscuit Co N.B.--~Rqwntreo's &' lates will Yoo ready day or two. hn £ ® 8 Pull.]| Shopping Bag in'Beéa Lion; lng, owner of Ue rants: tie, He i a Signe Binge schooner. Spudeman which was am o Sieve Linke, Gold Locket, Tham river or oor) dav, ie i | 5 a Suite Tony Pie, have all archved af a hay, § ora Segoe LL. iio, Upheld By Two Votes. Peure Brooch or Ri Paris, Dec. 9a ihe Chigiber of] © 3 Jadie : Chatel Fo Deputies, yesterday, 'the 'government w escaped defeat by the marrow majority or a Watch Fob, or a 5 or a Watch Chains or even a Watch, aL Strop or Cup, of twe votes, 2i6 to 274, on a resolu tion inviting the EO to tele to the superior coimei ne t ! 4 casos of those magistrates who have o Silver Shaving t buen guiliy of making secret investiga-§ © oo a * cia ------ or a Queen's Sous r Refugees Escape Military Service, ly or . Stating a Filo, ie ine London, Dec, 9.--Fight hundred Rus or. a Manicure Piece. : sians, most of whom ullege that they SP Ter a fled from their howes in order to 'es-1 For That Christmas cape military service in Manchuria, have left london for Liverpool on 3) T-- 'their way to America. These refugees are arriving 'at the rate of 150 daily, 3 i atei-- School Burned. Whig. Bor Sacting; ror Doe, 9.--Fird was discovered: in the public school h this morning, and had gained sucl headway that the building was com: pletely destroyed. The sc wel aa a aiid io So Swor fogmalh brick Venewy building. Snowiako 71 ure $378 hun White: potatoes." Crawiord's. Ghee otatols. | 06. buds Ed ou TOF church purposes, LS oe go candles for Ohristiids trees and for hy ie a for 236. bowddir 'at low prices, at Mullins. Quitiornin Ho slun3 Tom logis © Printd or rolls, butter 18. Craw-} 1 ¢ ded R for est isk A Chote Curran 4 Bin tor «Pw test make 'of rubbers, at Aber Now cae. utd F 1 a pothys'. x § 3. 3 Co * Home of the. of ow The Childrens me at oy ed resh. Ege and Butter Hopkinson's Market Square For Saturday Onl Mercy at Loretto, Pa, 'was by fire, ANI' th inmates escaped Ask your Grocer : for 9c. New York Dress Reform. Butter, 18c. Crawlord's, ¥. Aon &ithawrenson, ns Bt Ea of Sala Batartly, Tot Drs A #1 7 Absolutely.

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