Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1904, p. 4

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* Opifr por Orem FICISING MR. GRAHAM. psorva print will have it Graham has a guilty HE DAILY WHIG. Dicar ¢ Lott's teangreasions. worked for Lott in several of his wi gin when the council for the year closed ita labours. There would he still the liability to change, with the coun- oil, and it is this continuity in service which is aimed at by the appointment af ane auditor. ha There i something more, The audit Charles : ist, at Cave Springs, ay $12,500, unrest in Northern to be more danger. Boxer uprising. i Edward Toland elections % eturn of twenty-one and wine conservatives. Lack of rain brought a water famine Thorold, as the + wightiorhoed is de- pendent on wells its ly. e It is stated that the t Simp: . Toronto, will in all dy Mr. Hunt. will, it is from political life. Temperance, in session oronto, adopted the report of the leg lation committee intimating that while the liberal plank was the best yet it did not far enough. A fire; which broke out at Fast Ta- was, Mich, from an overheated stove in Miss J, Felcher's millinery store, "| destroyed a business block owned by od, was of a miler Agi now, desired and provided {oF by the by-law which, when passed, will be the best of its sort, will be of accounts Before they are paid, and the books and records of the cily. Every detail must be enquired into. Every item | mmat be authorized by repgrt. of Feso- : have examined into the facts gees 2 x $%8 f2.5: ba o 10 imagine man listeuieg it bounden. duty of the it machine to do him all the injury THE FACTS UNDER COVER. David Russell, who is better known now that he has been mixed up in the Mir incident, has threatened to sue tlie Motvtreal Herald for libel because 4 is the one responsible paper which as presumed to open up fully a very The Herald, h lution of the council before it can be paid, All irregularities will be guarded and, as explained by the [la who introduced the by-law, the: larger business enterprises of the council demand this check and supor- The conclusion of most men who is this: That permanence in procedure is de sired; that if it cannot be had in two men, appointed at the pleasure of the comcil, it should be had in one, 'who can be named the permanent au- ditor; and that an intelligent and in dependent man, with larger powers, will be a great aid to the council and a protection to the city. -------- EDITORIAL VIEWS, A contemporary says that politics in Quebec are mixed. Yes, very much mixed. . David Russell says he persuaded Hon, Mr. Blair to resign his position as chairman of the railway commis sion, How did he do it? Britain lost 22,000 lives in the Boer war, the United States lost 32,000 lives in the same time by murder and homicide, The contrast is remarkable. The Bricklayers' Union of Toronto is objecting to the substitution of concrete for brick and stone in found- ations. Put disapproval of the inno- vation will hardly stop it. Ottawa imported a chief of the fire department some years ago and profited by it. It can now import a chief of police and get something which it very much requires, ---- Mr. Ross is right. The people who talk temperance sometimes do not vote it. Toronto, for instance, voted for prohilfition in the plebescite and returned a solid tory delegation. The Hamilton Herald has not been reading the papers. Jo the Globe, when the thing was first mooted, Mr. Ross denied that he know anything about the coalition Mr. Whitney talked of. Se -- The council of Ottawa seeks to pre- vent Mayor Morris from becoming «a mayoralty candidate by declining to tario legislature, on Samuel Anker. Loss $12,000. ! Liberals were nominated for the On- Wednesday, as follows : West Lambton, ' F. F. Par. dee; North Renfrew, Dr. McKay; Rus sell, Thomas Racine; Ottawa, George 8. May and D. J. McDougal. . With five of her crew seriously ill, and the report that six others, had died during the voyage, the tramp steamér Conladon, from Java, is held by the = guarantine officials at New York, in'the belief that cholera exists on the vessel. 3 Patrick Trainor, a bri wyer, of Charlottetown, P.E.L, was found in a shallow pond. He was one of the most eloquent speak- ers in the provinos. It is thought he may have fallen in an epileptic fit brought on by intense excitement. Of the 200 talesmen called in the trial of Nan Patterson jor the murder of Caesar Young, New York, ninety- five had been examined and so many others excused various reasons that only a score remain from whom to draw the last juror. Instructions were issied that no women shall be adhitted to the court room during the trial. y SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Faithful To Him. Chicago News, had Even when a woman knows her hus- band is lying she 'keeps right on ask- ing questions. Chicago News. Now, Let's Be Good. Detroit Tribune Earl Grey is on his way to take charge of the non-penal colony oper- ated by King Edward to the north of t young Full of Heitoment. Toronto Globe. Nobody pays any attent®n to the Mail and Empire .these days. Ever since the liberal convention it has been standing on its head. £ Work Long Hours. Toronto Star The saloon, keepers are among the most industfipus classes of our popu lation. You never hear them clamoring for an eight-hour day. Getting Back. Montreal Herald. The conservatives having kindly ex- joned a few bogus ballot-boxes, the iberals show a disposition to work the limelight on) the bogus bomb- shells. A Sad, Sad Tale. Toronto News. : Here we have a story of political buecaneering as bad as the bogus bal lot boxes. In neither case do we know the range of the conspiracy or the number of persons involved; and in both the folly of the enterprise is on a par with its guilt, The Perils Of Kidney Disease. Experience proves kidney 'trou- little sym| ook: Jn boxes 28¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. | field, Que., for | Makes vou nervous | makes you dy ders INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. RY ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. This is a great grit town, Great Nberal arharing, wasn't 'it ? How do yon stand with od Santay Shop early, and as often as you can. : $10,000 retiring sale at Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson's. There was a blank docket at the police court this morning. Royal Arcanum meets on Thursday night, Election of officers, Kingston liberals are hound to stand by the Hom: G. W. Ross. William ain, piano waner, 'Orders received at McAuley book store. Gananoque council has granted $25 to Kingston General Hospital and $10 to "Hotel Dien, Dr. Hugh Laidlaw, a recent grad- uate of Queen's, is in the city, the nest of his brother, (. Laidlaw, B. Belleville wants to be made a model school centre when schools are con- spliduted. Kingston is after ga similar thing. Bey Cunningham, plano tuner from Chickering. Orders received "at McAuley's book store, Princess street. The Frontepae Cereal company has received an rer for two carloads of their breakfast food product to be shipped to Australia. Don't fail to get your agateware and tinware at Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson's great reduction sale, now on. ~ Miss Roxy Hinckley and Norman Hinckley - are spending a fow da i the eity with Capt. and Mrs. ley, University avenue. The steamer Pierrepont took th» tng Emerson's place in an attempt to bring the government steamer Aber- deen up through the ice-coated canals. The tories are inconsistent. They wonld wipe out the liberal party be- canse of some over-zealous aet of men in the ranks, hut they would Lug a leader who swallows Gamey ! lee Manager Flanagan and Scere tary Bonter, of the Kingston skating rink have been employing their spare time during the past Fv days in beantifying the interior appearance of their office at the rink. Fresh paint has heen liberally applied, giving evervthing a now gud cleen appear ance. Neatly Tan group photo- graphs of the difierent hockey teams will adorn the walls, IT WAS NO DREAM. Even Though Nearly Incredible. "For twenty years 1 suffered with piles, sometimes being confined to my bed for days at a time. The relief re- eeived from doetors, both in the Un- ited States and Mexico was temporary and more frequently I received 18 re- lief; other medicines had no effect; it was a contihual drag; I was fit for nothing. 1 finally tried Pyramid Pile Cure; first application was magical; 1 could not believe 1 was awake next morning. I experienced a relief 1 had not known for twenty yeaps-- "One box cured me, but not . lieving myself cured" 1 hought two more and they are still in mv trank. I first nsed this femedy in July. 1902; have had no pecasion to use it since. The world should know of Pyramid Pile Cure,'I have no words to express its merits." E. A. Leonard. Nuéva Calle n Antonio de las Huertas No. 5, y of Mexico, Pyramid Pile Cure is in the form of a suppository, whieh | is admitted to be the best form of treatment for piles; it comes in direct contact with the painful tumors and does its work quickly and painlessly, It is sold by druggists generally, for fifty cents a package and there is no other remedy "just as good." Write Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., for their little book describing the cause and cure of piles, as it is sent free for the asking. ONTARIO WINTER FAIR. Most Successful Opening Of Mac- donald Benefactions, Special to the Whig, Guelph, Unt, Dec. B.--~The Ontario winter fair, which opened here on Monday last, has continued to draw larger crowds each day since, The show is one of the largest ever held on the continent, and a finer collec- tion of stock has not been previously seen under ome roof in Canada. The judging has been almost completed, and the awards show that no one sec- tion has a monopoly of the good stoek. raised in this country, The sweepstakes go to Jobn Brown & Sons, Galt, for the best beef animal, and to F. R. Duck & Son, Port Cre- dit, for jthe best three export hogs, and to dir George Drummond, Beacons- the best four lambs, any breed, grade, or eross. The form- al opening of the Macdonald Institute of Domestic Science, and the Macdon- ald Consolidated Rural School for Ontario, recently erected in connection with the Ontario Agricultural College, took place yesterday. President C. G. Creelman, of the 0. A. C.; presided at this function, and addresses were given by James Mills, railway commissioner, and Dr. James W. Robertson, Ottawa. During the afternoon a large portrait of Sir William Macdonald was unveil- ed by Dr. Mills. * If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Certer's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia and nervousness tie; either one ren- you miserable, and these little pills cure both. ; Ga A tooth brush that won't wear ont, m~ Silston's, Red Troms, Pra Store. . Si 'yner. left this afternoon for New York to take a hospital course. He may eventually scttle DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local lcations, as they cannot reach. the diseased Porton ST sg tim wr ne Apollina Bottled only at the Spring, Neuenahr, Germany, 'and only with its own Natural Gas. X 4 The Lancet, Fan. 3 1904 ATV VLL HTL LLL VLA VLSI ¥The H. D, Bibby Co. ° Headquarters for TOURIST OVERCDATS--This season's favorite coats. WENTWORTH'S SUITS--Suits as swell, smart and tony as it is possible to make. ' BOYS' OVERCUATS AND REEFERS. BOYS' NEW CAPS, NEW HATS, NEW GLOVES, SUITS. NEW MITTS, NEW SHIRTS, NEW COLLARS ARRIVED TO-DAY and Boys. An elegant range of FANCY SWEATERS for Men OUR NEW YORK NECKWEAR AND SCARFS in all the newest shapes are simply handsome, NEW UNDERWEAR AND SUSPENDERS. CARDIGAN COATS AND FANCY VESTS. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. VTRUVVLLLT BTV LALTTLVV LAV DLVLLVRVON 'HRISTMAS CHOCOLATES | The finest assortment of Ganong's Fancy Boxes of G. B. CHOCOLATES. Nothing finer in the city. Come and have your pick, A J. REES, DISASTROUS FIRE. Did Serious Damage At Bay. Special to the Whig. . north ay, Unt., Dee. 8.--Firel.: ke out at two o'clock, this morning, in the basement of the large Insiness block owned by John Ferguson and occupied by the following tanants : First floor+Torrance & Parks, gro ceries, ete; McCluskey & Lindsay, coal and wood office; R. J. McLeod, barber; M. L. Foley, real estate office; J. Ferguson, real estate office; George L. Fennell, lumber. Second floor---J. McNamara office; William Martin, in North OOms, odge rooms, us different societies. The building was burned to ground, nothing being saved hy of the tenants. The total loss is timated at about $30,000. The build- ing was covered by insurance. While the tenants were partially insured, Torrance & Parks, groceries, will be the heaviest losers: The fire had gain: ed great headway before being dis- covered and was shortly beyond con- trol. It was only by hard work the firemen succeeded in saving the ad- joining buildings, the Queen and Paci- fic hotels and C.P.R. freight t shieds. sy His Denial Holds Good. Toronto News. ' Hon. George P. Graham has re pudiated all connection with of Kiow- ledge of the bogus ballot box#,' and his denial must hold good unless some evidence is produced against him» It is not evidence against hint to' say that he was organizer for the: esstern district of Ontario, or that lv and Lott called upon him at Brockville, or that Lott spoke with him at $he Rus- sell House, All these are acls quite compatible with innotence, and of no importance one way or the other, un: less some incriminating testimony is produced also. od A Steamer Growided. I Special to the Wh Ow, ig. Owen Sound, Dec. '8.--About mid- night, the steamer Germanic grounded on Schaw Point in a snow storm. Aid was sent out to her at daylight :Jand the steamer was pulled off wWith- out any serions damage having. been TA oa Ha . SS Princess St. FRAUD UPON FARMER. Pays Northern New York Farmera In Bogus Checks. Syracuse, N.Y., Dec. 8.~Upon the | statement of Simon Bummer, of Schenectady, who is under arrest here charged with grand larceny, Chief of Police Wright claims to have evidence of a gigantic swindle invdlving hun+ | dreds of thousands of dollars, A Brummer has, so the chief says, laid bare a scheme for defrauding farmers which netted its originators large | sums of money. The company bought | farm produce, giving in payment w | worthless cheques, and its operations Hg | a period of veral months. During that time the concern opened stores in almost every city in the state. At Schenectady and East Wor- chester the farmers are said to have * been defranded out of from $12,000 to $15,000 . In this city their gains were not so great. At Watertown they bled { the farmers of the Northern part of | the state. In Onconta they beat a co- operative creamery company out of 8000, and along the Hudson they were equally successful, operating at Kingston and Hudson. The main office of the Ss com pany is said to be in New York, and the store in that city is believed to be run legitimately. Tn each city the company operated under different names, Bummer was to have been examined this afternoon, but an adjournment wae taken until Friday. . A Certain Cure For Croup. When child shows symptoms of croup there is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be There is one preparation that' 'an al It has been ways be depended upon. in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz.: Chamber: lain's Cough Remedy. M. F. Comp- ton, of Market, Texas, says of . it, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthf say it alwavs gives prompt relief." For. sale by all druggists. p Special this (reek at Prevost's, rock street, in his order department. A_ beautiful TARY OF imported pant- ings, made to order for $4 & pair; worth 5. Special line of overcoat: FITTIN( from Austria -- semethin from what is seen in the "store, and something tha to become the most pop wares for Holiday Gifts, 3 +, Quosa Ne. 17030 5 1. PERPETUAL : CALENDAR Plain Polished Brass height, 5 inches $1.00 Prepaid to any, address. Our Catalogue illustrate #iticles of Desk fitting ibove, ranging in price cents to five dollars, Ses MAIL ORD are filled promptl) we guarantee satisfa HENRY BIRKS AN JEWELLERS Phillips Square, M Ready for Use in An we offer somet for old or young in legted holiday stock. CHRISTMAS P As Morris Chairs. for com Writing Desks, in Oa 1 .50. ones Rattan or Cobb $2} 1v 310. fldren"s Rockers, on {idren's High Chairs lildren's Toy Setts, dies' or Gentlemen's are for sugg Buy early an purchases. : Store open evening JAMES THE LEADING U il > 4 Hockey Boots The season is here new pair ? We have <sgomething cheap 1

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