» Prices: 8. C. Wers & Co. 307 25¢. S0c. §1 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can. DON'T | Of buying your Christmas gifts with- out seeing our display :-- | Manicure Sets, $1 up. | --Toilgh Sets, in ebony, stagware, and cocobola. wash | --Sewing Sets, 30c. up. , | --Shaving Sets, $1.25 up. | oF apa a ly 1} --Hand Mirrors, 35c. up. Y --Writing Sets, Collar and Cuff t Cases, Neckgie Cases, Glove and r Handkerchief . Cases. i No trouble to show goods. : : » , i -| The H. B. Taylor Drug Co. 0 s| 124 Princess Strest - - "Phone BW. l ---- e Wood's Fhnosphodine, y a, The Great Faglish Ll fis od, : = n r re ne recommend " the onl 'medicine op teat' Be ot] d mapntly sree a1 forma of A croous oak: aq wd all effects of abuse or excesses ; ao creaainy we of Tobusco, Opium or Stimulants, Merta e- | wd Brat Worry, all of which lead ofits, i, or eo in is p- a g re *h r- d- of ed he ut on n- nd 1 i - | II NN rd a 2 LVS 5 les } of res -ldiild viaus re to it Brought a load of exquisite patterns ne in all. kinds of Linens 'to this store this week, including , TRAY CLOTHS, > SIDEBOARD SCARFS,T ge ar i hb by TABLE COVERS, nd TEA COSEYS, irs 'he TABLE NAPKINS, w DOYLIES, ete. the °re | See the beautiful display of HAND- ry KERCHIEFS at 2c. and upwards, re- ---- the | rs. D. J. aw, ah- en 122 Princess St. and Dua 7 an i | #0000000 40009 ru en- e 9 28 Sw Che the : ted | to m= ~|$ SCranton ' A to tel, a ar od d i _ There are varieties 50 in coal, and not all om are good, X . We sell but ONE ¢ kind. VORP , » lief It's for you to judge ach quality. ! wii Ta b «| o JAMES SWIFT & 00. of g Telephone 138. ") 000000606 «| G.A. BATEMAN in hat | ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Re- LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE pre, BROKER. Office. 61 Clarence strest. pins addvess 0 Sedenhaw 08 ety, * Don't suffer from cold feet, when we - at Bro sel hot water bottles from He. to $2.50. Wade's. drug store. Coughing is an outward sign of | a eae: Cure the disease with Hound trip tickets will he sold at Co : Single First Class Fare December, 24th. 25th _and 20th, Valid. returning {rom destination on ok sheigre Dus. 37th, 1308. and on Dec, co from destipation on or 8rd, 1905, teiore Jan'y. 4 4 --ALSO AT--- 3 : First Class Fare and One-Third Pec. 28rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st, Jan. 1st, and 2nd. . Vatid voturning on or before Jan. 4th, dor Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply te Ji P, HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston -and Ontario' streets Comer dan a EINGSTON& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:89 p.m.=Express, for Ottawa, Mons treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver. Rene Duluth, St. frew, Sault Ste. Marie, lu Pav', Winanipeg, Vaucouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. & pm-+sLocal for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. east and west. 8:10 a.m.---Mix2d, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 p.m., arrive fu Ottawa at 5:00 p.m. Feterbaro, 512° p.m. Toronto, 7 30 p.m; Boston, 7:30 am; St. John, N.B.; 11:58 sam. Full parficulars at K. & P. and C. T.R. 'Titket 'Office, Ontario Strect. F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Supt. ¥. CONWAY. Gen. Puss. Agt BAY OF QUNTE RLWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanée, opto, and all local points: Trains Jeave City Hall Depot at @ 25 pow. I. CONWAY, Agent ¥. Q. Ry. Kiagston. eee | Q. §.'S. COMPANY Reached in 48 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship "'Ber- mudian"', 5.500 tons. ! days ih January, and every five days during February, March and April. WEST INDIA CRUISES From New York 8.8, ** PRETORIA." 3,300 tous, sails ! 'Jan. 4th, Fey. 9th, and March 22nd, to the British, French and Danish West In- dies, Demerara, Porto Rico, Berm! Cuba and uda. Rates for these cruises, oc- cupying 27 to 34 days, twenty days in the Tropics. $180 and upwards For beauty ef scenery and perfection of ! climate 'this trip is unsurpassed. For , jllustrated pamphlets giving rates of ot and all, fformation, monly to A OUTE GE 30., Agents. 8% Hany New York: A. AHHRN, See'ys, Quebec, Canada. or to Ticket] Agents, J. FP NLEY, and J. P CILDERBLEE , Kingston. | I ALLAN Ll NE ERP ONDONDERRY Royn»i Mail ARteamers. From St. John, From Halifax. Corinthiah, Sat. Dec. 1Q, Mon. Dec. I2 Parisian, Sat. Dec. 17, Mon. Dec. 19 Sicilian, Sat. Dec. 24, Mon. Dee 26 Ionian, Sat 81, Mon, Jan. 2 RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin- $50 and upward. Second cabin, Liv- erpool and Londonderry, $30, $32.50 and $35: London, $250 extra. Third. class, $15 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glas vow, London. ¥ NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. . Mongolian, Thursday Dec. 22, 11 am Reduced rates by above Glasgow ser- vices on application, etc. Py HA YX. Agent, assenget Depot. . SLEEVE, Clarence Street. G.T.R. City P. GILDER- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quintie Steamboat Co., Limited. Tuesday, Thursd and Sa a steamer at nto, and Belleville. x further information apply te E BP. HA ANLEY J. P. GILDER- N . gents. iB, JAS. SWIFT & Co. A MONEY AND BUSINESS. LONDON AND GLOBE Available ou. NEWLANDS, A BOT, OF- 1. oe; second floor gl drug « Princess t i AR . Soe of Drill , near cor . f Queen and Montreal Streets. ARCHITECT, MER- Pat il corner Boos 'Phone 213 Sailings every ten § RY. P. x OT, y or Building, Me re 'Phoown ' r the work. Nothing ove, voi vy Srey Whe NE EC ST BR The Mooney Way There's nothing too good to 'g6 into MOONEY'S CRACKERS. The best flour: that Canada mills, the best butter and cream that Canada's famous dairies can produce, and the best equipped bakery in Canada, to convert them into the best crackers you ever ate-- Mooney's perfection Cream Sodas They are good eating any time and all the time. Crisp, inviting, toothsome. A di n fc i At 0)(0 all Gro- HOT STOVE PULV POLISH AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, No Smoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives. PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other, PRICE 10c. AT ALL GROCERS FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE Consult with Geo. CUE 'before buying, at 08 Clarence street. Severs resesaserassrenl JOHN H. MILLS THE LEADING AUCTIONEER. Berra nnsan FASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just Out. A chic little two-piece frock of gray and red checked wool cloth, trimmed with red taffeta silk and gray bone buttons, It is worn with a white flan nel shirt waist. Harvest Home, Town Topics his is the brink of winter, but the harvest home as well, the bounteous yield of orchard and field the jarm storehouses swell; heaped in the barn and cellar till the bins can hold no more, in crib: and in shed and on nails overhead, and upon the attic floor, pumpkin and squash and vel low grain, (gold that the farmers (nd), and safely stored from the cold and rain apoles of every kind; tons of hav in the monster mows, stacks of fodder to feed the cows, bags ol cranberries, ood and round, bushels of nuts the hovs have found everything to add to, the cheer of winter nights that are so near. Doxology Discarded. Chicago, Dee. 8.~The Doxology has been discarded at the University 'of Chicago. The faculty has agreed with the students that college songs do more to reed a true veligious and college spirit' than the chanting of the tenets of Christian belief,. and yesterday at all. chapel services in the junio# college the eollege song *'Alma Mater" was substituted for the Dox- ology. . The gist of the recommendation of the students to the professors was that a college spirit was the aim of the morning chapel services. Bathroom Behavior. For the benefit of persons. who don't know how to behave when visiting the bathroom of a hotel or a friend's house, these rules have been carefully compiled 'and are respectiully submit. ted 2 Wipe the soap dry and put it in its dish, : : Ieave the bath tub clean. : the basin, speckled, Hang up the fowels, An Emergency Medicine. third: the time required bv nha man has weight, science, and ponent's anatomy. scheduled called off. matched to meet Jimmy Britt on De: Corbett a return match. Nelson. says 4 100-yard Wipe: the marble around the face, of Don't leave the mirror splashed and For sprains, bruises, ns, soalds | (his remedy most helpful to me. My and sitailar injuries, there Js nothing | nervous system has been toned up, the so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. |paine in my back have entively disap- It soothes ths wound and not only | neared and I feel better in every' way. gives instant relief . from pain, but causes the parts-to: heal iy abe my'! Sy 2 pr EE Ey Lr WONDER FROM THE CHI- AGO SECTION. Sporting Notes. his Jefiries must look to his laurels for mystery, but a new heavyweight wonder has been ' }im and heard scovered out in Chicago. The new height, speed and in a try-out in a gym- he nasium there made a punching bag of | wrestlers Billy. Stift and practically put him { jpjulging in a ten-mile | cross-country | ®) out in less than two rounds. Experts | jog cach day to work off all superflu. | 8 who saw the pérformance pick the | gue flesh. It was said in town last ewcomer as a formidable opponent w Jefiries. Ra The new boxer hails from Auburn, | Hawkey, a brother Nl, and answers to the name of Jim hy McDonald. He is 0 feet 2} inches tall, weighs 190 pounds, is and handles himseli easily. dependence is a straight left, followed by a crashing right which trimly built, op is fill on hook or swing, is delivered with coolness or | udgment on exposed spot of (his op- The Curley Supples-Mike Ward bout for this month, has been . i cers i According to a San Francisco des | ghe one poblished last week was not walt | \ patch, Battling Nelson, the hurricane quite eorrect ¢ Honorary presidents, Cs fighter, from Chicago, who stopped | Hon, William Harty, 4--J. B. Ponse, IY Young Corbett a few nights ago oni M.P.P, William : BAG honorary Bs, rms the Pacific Coast, and who is now | vice-presidents, €. ' Bermingham, 4. cember 20th, has consented to give | K he would be only too glad to meet Corbett again, whether he wins or}? loses with Britt. Nelson states that in the event of his defeating Britt he will take an Corbett in two weeks' time if he can get into shape. Q A Judge's Downfall. Agents and attorneys for the Ameri- can FProtiing Association who have been investigating the contested | 4 world's record of 1.593¢, credited to Crescens, at Wichita, Kan., on Oectob- | ¥ or 19th, 1903, are authority for the statement that a sensational affidavit has heen forwarded to Secretary Knight, and will be presented at the meeting of the board of appeals of the association, which meets in Chi- cago next TFuesday. A. C. Jordan, who was starting judge on the oeca- gion, is alleged to have made oath that there was an understanding be- tween himself and George H. Ketch- um, owner of Cresceug, that the horse 1 minutes, regardless of the time made | should be given a mark under two. Officials of the fair association where the trial was held, as well as Stearns, the "official timer," any knowledge of the facts set forth in gordan's affidavit. {++, has returned to Washington after a lengthy campaign on the cinder paths of the British Isles during the past athletic season. As soon as he has reenperated, it is said, he start for Australia to run a special match race with Stanley Rowley, the Antipodepn sprinter. Row ley, whe is good for about 10 15 se onds for the 100 yards, is now in England, and will start for kangaroo land as soon as he learns that Dufly leaves America. It is expected that an enormous crowd will go to see the race and that the prize will be ®alua- ble. After the tussle with Rowley, Duf- A Lively Contest. tween Sergt. Rousseau of "A" Bat- tery, and Walter Kelley, Chicago, pro- mises to be a red hot contest. Both men are practically unknown in King- ston, but the friends of both have en- tire confidence in their man, judging from their work in the past. Rous- sean 8 considered at the battery a marvel of strength, and learnt many Can't Afford 11 Health Cure Is' Cheap At Any Price-- Benefit Certain if You Use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Only the wealthy can afford to be invalids, They alone can bear the expenses of constant attendance by doctors and high-salaried nurses. Your time is your capital, and, whe- ther your daily task is in the home or abroad, you must make every day count, or prove a burden to yourself and friends, Weakness is the greatest source of ill-health. Weakness of the blood and nerves, weakness of action of the hia, lungs and digestive organs, Chase's Nerve Food is well suit- ed to the needs of a multitude of peo- ple because it overcomes weakness, '} first weakness of the blood and nerves, and through them the weakness of the organs of the body. + may require a dozen or mote box- es of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to moke vou strong and well and send the thrill of health through your shrivelled arteries and wasted nerves. Because Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is a creator of blood and nerve force you can be positive that each box of it is at least doing vou some good. Prove this by noting vour increase id weight as new, firm flesh and tissue is being added to the body. 5 J. W, Groves, a soldier, living at 28 Johnston street, Kingston, Ont. ctates : '1 have suffered a great deal with pain in my back and my nerves have been very umiteady. Since hav- ing used several boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 1 can say that I found " sat. atndied.. : W. J: MURRAY, The Auctiorieer has past two ternoon working out with fellow i s he is in the best of condition and are A Judge Who Agreed To a Fraud- ' confident of bis 'ability to 'defeat his ulent Act---A Sprinter Back youn r opponent hand 3s Jooked " -- 3 Kelley, on the © er hand, is looked From a Campaign -- General {upon as somewhat of a "dark horse," tirely. He has been vale with night that key, 3 terday and to-day, with 3100 to bet His chief Adoo will referee the contest, end it The following list of officers of the Regiopolis Hockey. handed in, with a Mel. Mowat, Dr. J. atone Gravolle; seeretarystreasurer, play a shorter schedule next second practice of the season on Mon. fessional Pittsburg team plied to' the government for incorpora: tion, with a capital of $25,000. ably arrange a game with the Dawson City Stanley 'eup team next month. with his stable of steeplechitse horses, who have been campiigned in the east. into a charge m cally ont: of Mr. | however, that games disclaim | for the championship trophy. strong this year af 4 and one man who will be greatly Home From A Campaign. missed on the line up will be Doe. Arthur Dufiy, the champion sprin- Gilbert, ' nor, in his first basemen and batsmen in the busi: ness, will he will | ext night, was well forward line, George's, was out with "the team. an attempt to break the world's record distance in the seconds. fy intends to make a complete = tour | team to be groupsd with. Woodstock of Australia and New Zealand. Galt, and-a numbde of the teams ant The wrestling bout which is to take pects then tq be in faster company, place this evening at Ontario hall be. pad that the gate "wedeipts will he etter. 28 3 » hae LER beret Whe Spies ing yom; ioc "where he formally lived, He Been training steadily for the months, spending every aif: | at the" RM.C. gymnasium, several of his husky His friends state that : previous record being shrouded in those « who have seen him talk, consider that is not travelling on his shape en: pen training ai Glen: se of the amateur in: that vicinity and has heen EEE PIER EEPEe) odds. would he. giyen on the battery, but young of Joseph Haw- the wrestler, was in the eity yos- neseain at Kellev at even money, Nelson Me expected that Ontario Hall will be ed to-night when the wrestlers step "the mak ------ Regiopolis Hockey Club. Clu: has been note stating that Harty, E. . 1. Fallon; president, Glad- vies president, Wal or Pp. ecany, Fi Murphy; oran; captain, (B. N. Steacy, -------- Sporting Notes. Trving Ardagh will play with the t. Georges again this season. The American Baseball League Season. fave their will (Queen's hockey team will ay next at noon. Black, who plated with Guelph last ear, loft this week to join the pro: The Toronto Baseball CH has ap- The Toronto St. Georges will prob: Nat Ray has weturned to Toronto The Quebec R Union will inquire apainat the ama- eur status of Mike Shéa, an Ottawa 'ollege hali-back. The Toronto Bank League is practi business! Tu is likely, will be played will not bo a= they were last, The Varsity team A brother of the famons Roger Con day: 'one of the greatest tried by Newark, NJ. He. is a catcher. second practice, Tuesday aftended. The team light, but™"Will have a speedy Burns, of last year's St. season; Varsity's looks Franke Kramer was unsuccessful in a mile, in New himself, but rode the record time of 24 4-5 for one-ynarter of York, hoki by It is the desire of the London hockey of London, rather tham with ; Ailsa Craig and St. Mary's. London ex- Varsity had over thirty men in uni form at their first 'practice.' Among those, out were Robert and Hall, goal; Boyd, Rroadioot, Kiley, McGowan, Crawford, Sherry, Patton, = Main, Chitty," Southam, Toms, Sherwood, Montague, Kennedy, Pettigrew, and Nealands. "Billy" Taylor and Roy Brown, of last season's Brantford lacrosse team, have left that city, Bofind for Sault ! Ste. Marie, where they will figure on the professional team this winter. It was hoped in Brantford that they world remain there, hut the 0. H. A. precluded that possibility, Ottawa Free Press § Both the Feder al Hockey Leagte nd the Quebec Rugby Union met last Saturday even ing in Montreal, and, strange to re late, the question of amigteurism did not crop up. Fo 'those who knew, the amateor status of the" three leading sports in Canada is nothing short of pathetically ridieulons, © +% Althpugh the Wisnipeg, Manitoba University hockey todim have not . 2 a great dedl of time lefts toiprepare for their eastern tonrd: as.'they intend leaving soon after. Christmas, they fully expect to be able to take a strong and representative: septette. It was originally intended ta play none but college garies, but am ents are now under way which dl make the trip much more extensive. Dr. Kearns, of Ottawa College, is to be congratulated on bik seleetion as president of the Quebée Rughy Foot ball Union for the season of 1905. He is a young man who hes long since made his jitark on the as one of the foremost martershacks in Can: ada and fhat he. is A ly versed in everyvimn, ini 3 th p of rugby. al post goes, FL) for Ra guidance of the union's affairs is a fact which requires 'vo mentioning to thos who know him best as" Beaney Kearns, Ottawa. Citizen. : How To Do It. Toronto World. a prat s It is May Irwin, who is coming to Toronto shortly-Ao the city where she was once a choir githk-who is respon- sible for this story. Ancinfant © was squalling in a railway ear and a pas- senger suggested that the mother should spank it. "I'm not go- ing to kit omg full 'stomach," replied the mother. "Nobody asked vou 10," was the response, "but turn it over." 2 ; bn You can buy best wringer made for $2.50. solid ubbiss rolls and double gear, warranted, at Simmons Bros' yellow hardware store ie B 3 "bin the blood and expels them from the WHIG, TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. ATTIC ToT J 0 Men's Mufflers. Men's Bath Robes. Men's House Coats. Men's Neckwear, Men's Suspenders. Boy's Lined Mitts, Roy's Ribbed Hose. Boys' Underwear, Damask Sets. FANCY HALF HOSE, 25¢. to SPECIAL PRICES oh Men's parison. much to fee that one can scarcel all. The decorations are very att course the most powerful magnets are the Cl mas stocks. Everything for Everybody ST E A CY ' S- oF ERYTHING i wo i PEPE EF IPE PIE EIIIOPNEE FIRES a oe ar Buy Your Christmas Presents We'll store them for you and deliver when you say. Here are a few suggestions. Our stock is now at 'its best, as it and you have time to make selections leisurely. : FANCY. SILK AND EMBROIDERED SUSPENDERS, 50. to 82. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, initial, plain, hemstitched and favcy borders, We. to 4 } NEW NECKWEAR, diet from New York, exelisive patterns and styles, latest déwigns, 186 {a el IN GLOVES AND MITTS, Mocha, kid, reindeer, sete., from 43c. to $4.50. NEW UMBRELLAS, latest novelties in handles, 90c. to $3.50, # PisN NEW MUFFLERS, Tatest shape shown iNew York, something entirely' new. SPECIAL CUT PRICES on all Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats from now wmtil Christmas MEN'S FALL DRESS SUK. Keep us in mind. We are not looking for big profits. - We invite Roney & Co., 127 Pring Fe " Kingst 5 Everything is emblematic 0 CON Muslin Bedroom Sets. Beautiful Silks : 3 Lengths for waists or drodaes, 1. over will bo delivered in hoxes suit; for gift giving. Fancy Doylies. Thaoro Linen Reeves, Bath Robes. Ladies' Dressing Jackets, ht Blouse Waists. Exquisite Waistings In fancy and plain materioli of | mobairs, albatrors, French Vault, viyella, Tandy' volvers; ote. sii ; Sitk Rkirts, Fur Neck Plies, Silk and Lace Neckwear, PEACE OSEERS wa ap 65¢. & EHS id 8 and Boyd! Site. © _-- PAYS HONOR TO POET. He Is Still Full Of Energy And Vigor. Special to the Whig. Christiania, Dee. 8cThe seventy-se cond birthday of Bjorstjerne Bjorn son. the Norwegian poet, dramatist and novelist, was widely celebrated throughout the country, to day. The city wps decorated with flags, and a congratulatory address from tle peo ple of Denmark was smi to Ialy, where the famous poet is spending the winter, Deapite his seventy-two years, Rjorn con istill full of energy and vigor. | Fis mow play, just published, is pro nounced by' the critics 10 be equal to any of his former work, It is called "Daglannet," and in it Bjornson's strong subjectivity has recived a power, 'a color and a life, which lifts the picce to the authoritative sermon on beauty and goodness. The play will be produced at the National thea- tre here early in February and it will also be given this season in Sweden, Denmprk, Germany snd other ¢olin- tries. Bjornson writes that he will return to Norway in tha spring and will bring with him a new story, which be believes will interest literary circles, A Safe Rheumatic Cure. In the effort te find something that would cure rheumatic affections, harsh and harmful remedies have -oftery bhétn used. This is totaily unnecessary, as has been proved by the results from Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure, which is a safe. und harmless remedy. It cures because it does precisely what is re- quired. to cure in the most natural ° way. It assists the kidveys and liver to perform their functions properly, It neutralizes the poisonous elements system. Yenrs of success has proved its merits. This is the preparation that cured Almond Joslin, olfe Ts- land, and hundreds of others. In bottles, 0c, at Wade's drug store, -------- Sale Of Draga's Jewels. Special to 'the Whig, in. ec, Considerable pub- lic interest is manifested in tha aue- tion sale began here, to-day, of the jewels and costumes that belonged to the murdered Queen Praga of Servia. Une of the articles to be sold is bracelet given to the queen by czar as a wedding present. Fond) { a the The very latedt invention in. tooth 'Poushes, "the Dr. Horsey (OFiental) fibre tooth brush. For sale at Wade's treatment. Sold by all druggists. I hope that othe who see this st . ke ia Hah g H het A fhe, har FA OL ding store. AL a a a 8 Np ATL is smokeless and odorless; has a safety burner which makes it 'absolutely safe a sible' to explode; is clean, sweet and free in five years as the day' purchased; made int sizes, $4 to $7. 3 A = Me believe purchuaurs of Sept wheat nelow lik Wheat is not oh 4 . PEERED pO SiR eas sols 4 gi, 0B We Make Brass Ca THE CANADK METAL 00 ny 7 May Increase at Both Ends. Jed product. good in the The' reo mmtial 4 ah farmer SannoL increase the onic case. as. the ots ma price "of his butter," says | Se ---- Hoard's Dairyman, "but he can 4 A Purely Vi " crease the tiveness 'of his cows, | Putham's Corn: and decrease the cost of production ds by making a little effort to know bet. ter and do better." Tt is possible, as the Dairyman says, to d cost of production; it is also possible. to in: crease the price. There is a difference ver's {Wi {Wise B® oi He. asin OB #8 the difference. is, all. iy ; he tanta And