Se ri at Dakar, French West Africa. lodges a protest against the | recent dito over the Inns: matter. Two sisters for rent , dispossessed ter |. New York, snd homeless, commit- "Echkart, the Germen consular agent, | at Urfa, has been severely beaten by ted suicide. Turkish soldiers. Outlaws and officers had a desperate fight near Decth, Nev., and one of the gung was. killed. France does not think the present moment opportune for intervention in Russo-Japanese war, Rev. A. T. Campbell, pastor of the ! Cecil Street Church of Christ, Toron- inthe morning on the beach a short distance from where he had been left the night before and from indications he had evidently died from the results of exposure shortly after he was loft. | The deceased was aged about sixty years, and was well known among marine men by whom he was known as "Shell" Sullivan. He was unmar- ried had two brothers, Robert 1, farmers near Picton. The 1 body was taken back there on Mon- for interment. The crew this morning had recovered from the effects of their terrible experience and were taken back to Picton on Hepburn's yacht, The schooner Annie Falconer was built about thirty-seven. years ago, and ovidently was not sturdy enough to stand the heavy strain, An effort will be made to save the schooner and 1 cargo, » ? A ------ : TORE DOWN PICKETS. Yi Were Placed To Block tre Scenery Entrance. aR agrees with This is i hy ih J ning, pickets were placed Shaneellor, dismissing the appeal narrow strip of land, 5 foot " costs, on the SeArDuLy with . wide, in reat of the Grand Opera s "from. New' York ench need "to I i i i 2 5F A $E7i Int 1 tations, Chancellor they could rank, : x 22 F iY 25 House, in preparation for erccting a , for purpose of blocking the scenery Shitance to She. Shenton, The | narrow ow v Geor; A. MeGowan A J. Small, of Torowto, wos to have mist tho Grand Gpera House company, relative to purchasing the house. It is under- stood that the ercetion of g fence was Lo place a stumbling block in the way of Mr. Small, hen Manager Brannigan reported the 'matter to the opera house stock- holders, this morning, a niceting of the company was held forthwith, and, asting, under le; advice, the direc- ad the pickets removed, so that the scenery entestice might not be blocked. They. claim to have a right of way over the strip of land in ques- tion, and bave had access over it over since . the prosent house was built, Mr. McGowan, however, holds dther- wise. The directors 'are prepared to weet a lawsuit over the question, 'Tn the meantime "the negotiations with Mr. Small for the go of the house have heen postponed until the present Sifheuity, which has arisen, is set- tled, * oHmorraw, p ig | ® Cl TY hail | Pear Railroad Can't Bring Sut Special to the Whig. Mukdon, or i. Since yesterday signs of a serious engagement taking ce within the next fow days have increasing. The Japanese are i y eastward, ng to be ex te sufficient BE al ---- 'Extends Thirty Miles Seaward. London, Nov. 14.--The London Daily A t blockade 'of Port Arthur fow | extends thirty miles seaward. Japan's War Tax Measure. Tokio, Nov. 14.--A draft of the war : measure that ------------ LADY DROPPED DEAD. While Remains Of Edward Short Were To Be Carried Out. While sympathizing with Mrs. Ed- ward Short, Rideau street, while the . | remains of her deceased hushand were he shout ° be carried from the house ide in the i vel to earse on Sunday afternoon, iret ordinary, governmental § 10. by heore il y fell to ® the floor in a dying condition. She * | pissed awav a fqw moments after- wards. M. P. Reid, who was in the house, caught her as she fell. Dr. Bo- gart was summoned, and pronounced death due to heart iscase. Mrs. Low: is was a friond of the family, and had come to help . Short. The excite ment was too much for her. The re- mains were removed to the home of a friend on Division street. Tan. Decision Reserved to the Whig. er ' ta Nove din the supreme ourt. this morning, the question as the Lord' Hinze heard as to Sabbath obser. A tion Jaws was reserved for further : ation. aii Buleene va. Fee; the appeal wos ier Reeve ah po Cases respass| Watson. Tap at 7:30 p. 3 ye » 730 am. in ontreal at 8 a.m. tomorrow, *| prominen® Oneida {of Montgomery, W. 10, announced his resignation. Frapk. Connors, for many years a ' county democrat, has been converted to republicansim, The Jackson brothers, the bandits Va., have been driven to surrender by hunger and cold. Archbishop Chapelle will call on Président Roosevelt, and deliver to him 'a méssage of good will from Pope Pius X. { Samwell Heolewitch, aged thirteen; accused "of forging a check on the Traders' bank, was arrested at Saftillt Ste. 'Marie, + Opposition to compulsory - vaccinar tioh Jleito fierce rioting in Rio Jan: § iero. Troops tharged the mob, kill: ing severak Mrs. Fred. Knapp, Otisco, N.Y., aged | seventy-five, becoming | despondent, took frough on rats.' She was men- tally devanged. } - i Cawthra Mulock, son of the PM.G., had -the hind tire of 'his $10,000 auio blown out near Brockville on his way from Toronto to Ottawa. ae At Dotsan, Ala., Jesse Barfield and Thad Pennington, white men, Sentenced to lifé imprisonment for alleged mur- der in the first dogroe, have escaped. Frank Pugh, convicted at Barrie ns sizes of sending threatening letters to Mrs, Reid, of Orillia, was allowed to go on promising to leave the province. Adolph Weber, aged twenty, has heen ajled by Auburn, Cal., authorities, | for killing his. parents, sister, and young brother, and firing the house. The wark of next session of congress will -be short, as the leaders' pro. gramme: provides: only "for appropria- tions. Business will be rus on ear: ly. h On Sunday New York was entirely cnt off from the south and west by a fierce hurricane; - accompanied hy rain and snow, which. swept the Atlantic coast, There was rioting in Warsaw, which was suppressed hv the troops. Two policemen and eight dvilians are re ported to have been killed and thirty- one injured. The presentation of the king's colors to the Royal Canadian Dragoons, To- ronto, was the principal function par- ticipated in by Lord and Lady Minto on Saturday. Jackson Chandler, an old man of Susquehanna, Pa., being told by do tors that he has only a few weeks to live, has-been superintending arrange ments for his funeral. : The children of Levi Brisson, Rhode Island, who is seventy-one, pum- ber forty-three. He has been married threo times, his first wife giving birth to triplets three times, An attempt was made to kill May- or Fay, Virginia, Minn., by a dyna mite explosion, which wrecked his ros sidence, He has been waging war on violators of the saloon law. . Gen. Mackenzie, ehief of engineers of the United States army, in his an- nual report recomumends the expendi- ture ip the next year of $60,000 on the harbor at Cape Vincent. At, Chicago,, the large five-story building at the northeast corner of Madison street and Wabash avenue, oc- cupied for the ing, King & Co., clothiers, was de- stroyed by 'fire on Saturday night. Thomas Eliot, Newark, N.J., fillad his pipe with tobacco lying loose in his pocket, not noticing that a small cartridge was mixed with it. His quiet Sunday smoke was somewhat disturh- ed when the fire reached the cartridge. At Auburn, Cal., Adolph Weber has been placed' under arrest, charged with the murder of his parents, sister and young brother last Thursday night, and with having set the' family residence 'on. five afterward to conceal the crime, : Isabe Linsenbigler, a rich old Sas- samansville, Pa.; farmer, who vefused to pay a #20 fine, and was' jailed in -{ consequence, paid up when he found his" broakfagt - consisted of bread, and a cup of black coffee, instead of th sausages and cakes he called" for. Played A Cruel Joke, London, Ont., Nov. 11.--A ¢ruel joke [ff trent aroma and detightial | most + part by Brown-{. The World's Best: | There is nothing better Yabroad or at home, than * Seal Brand®™ Coffee. Its-winelike clearness P '71ST YEAR. NO. flavor, are irresistible. In { and 2 pound sealed tins. 4Seal Brand" Coffee "ALL THE COMFORTS OF H( Intqreats us. to the ext obproy the arniture portion of them. part of House Furnishing will' mt you il you examine our stock. Parlor Sets, in best Valours, © nly $22.50; 38 pieces, Silk Se $25 up. Seperate pieces for H n the Eve of rary, and every, reoni in 'the hous conservative prices. ROBT. J. REIL The Lekding Undertaker, 23% Princess Sireel 2 doors above opera house. Telephone ! QUEEN'S Authorized College Cr Smallest size Brooches, i) (first quality), hard enam 3 i An = el, at 25c. each, while ou The goosebone wea- ther prophet (who is said never to fail) says that he will have a long and severe winter, and of course that spells Warm CLOTHES in, no unmea- sured terms. Get the warm Jacket to-morrow and be ready. Get it at the place that offers the best induce- ments. Everything in Winter Coats for women and children. : Fashionable Dress Goods Black: Cord De Soie, 75¢., 8gc., $1. » Black Broadeloths, 75¢, $1, $1.25, $1.40. present stock lasts. SMITH BRO JEWELERS OPTICIAN 350 KING 8T. Farmars" Institute Mew At Joyceville, Nov. 24th, 1 At Glenvale, Nov. 25th, 1 Beginning at 1:30 and 7 Addresses Will pe given by Drummond, Ottawa, Ont, an Gibson, Willow Grove, and others. All are cordially invited. ALEX. RITCHIE, JOSHUA KNIt Secretary, Inverary P.O. Pre NOW NOTICE You may talk as you like, but he biggest, best, and cl p.m. tl bh TURK'S SECOND-HAND ED HOU evenitig, to Mrs. Fi Albree, v street GENERAL SERVANT. NO ing or ironing Apply to Mrs cis MacNee, King street. ------------------------------------------ A SINGLE OR D( , in central location. session now, or by May 1st, &Vhig Office THE LONDON "FREE PI Want . Ads. bring results. want help or want a position for sample copy. x PEOPLE W ING SKILLED from. Eastern Canada are in try the wa advt. columns London Free Press. Colored Broadcloths, goc., $1, $1.27, $1.40. Black and Colored Hopsacking. Black and Colored English Suiting Cloths, 49¢., RELIABLE I a 59¢ 69¢. . I Toad For full lars, address Box 359, Orillia Special Lire of Homespun ) Suitings, 25c. ard 49¢. Fanch Shades in Fine Mohairs for waists, 4gc Fancy Waistings, 49¢., 59¢., 69¢c. French Flannel W: stings, 30 new designs. PARTIES, TO DP 2 MAKING $2,150 A ARE, YOU Jal done with our Work is pleasant, respectat permanent. G. " Marshall London, Ont. ch, copying ng or canvassin furnished. Particulars | 3 ality Co 42nd HAT SUIT OF YOURS TO 2 and clean; jt can be made like new. Also your order work. Thos. Galloway, ta Brock street, next to Bibby's NTS SELL THE Ag hot utensil on' ear ston and surrounding countr Exclusive territory; ais. } distribute dodgers. Cali 37¢ street. AND YOUNG MEN LARIES A 1,000 depyihe &t hb Wailing or canvassing; mal hed. Send addressed st for particulars, 5.8.0 a, on. Fd, orcester, M was played on Harry Watson, of Ham- | ilton, last week. Watson arrived here from Hamilton, having with him a casket, in which he expected to take home the. remains of his brother, John LAST WEEK | =i%- UPRIGHT N = ply to" P.O. Box 42. ----OF THE ~-- Clearing Sale 3 ot OF Ld a : Burt and Packard's Correct shape American made shoes for g otlemen. All $5 Patent Leathers............$5.95. All $5 Valour Call Boots.....,..$3 95. , r As we are confining sur attention in future to the SONS Genuine Slater and the: Crossette Shoes we make this 4 acted on a tele- gram received by im signed, "A Friend," which announced his broth- er's death. Arriving here Mr. Wai- son, could not find his brother, dead or alive, althongh he was helieved to have beon working in this citv, Dili gent search at all the undertaking es- tablishments 'was unavailing. : . Sudder Death At Belleville: Belleville, Nov. 14.--Johu Wallis, one of the city's most respected residents, died * Raturday night Very suddenly from jreurt Toiture. i, ais. who | , was for years ted employee of Nathan i pilin dey goods merchant, Hé was immar- TWO ROUGH-CAST HOUSE ef Bagot and Johnston and 7 rooms, Lot 42 x 7 15 O'Kill. street, 0 GOOD NEW-MILCH CC po +17 iy also "thoroughbre ull, (pedigree), also Driv] ars old, spund.. Appl Gibson, Cor: Queen apd Bi "PINE - COUNTER, WITH ¥ ! hy' top, and . other, Office also a large iron fate. in urements, 5 1t. 8, long. 4 | and 6 ft. Nigh. ¥ al of .Brivish North Alnesica. -------------- 0-14 & LARGE STONE BUILDING h E Frid Princess street, oP fare Ron to 249 Brock ISINESS OFFICE, OPPO: ad , heated by Hot Wa to John A: Gardiner: R and Insurance, 151 Wellin LOST. 2 ¢ AND BLAC A GREY AND. BLACK a "Square and Dar) ! Faker vind turn to sacrifice on other makes. Notice the styles in the window. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE |