Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1904, p. 5

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QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS + 4 & i! , can be opened: without ut spilling the contents, placed i in each case. -------- ew ). d artistic tailoring to build our Clothing understand tly, and we have just the elight to wear. 4 ell, smart and tony as it is oves !! Gloves !!: ), Bibby Co., dashors, Oak Hall, Kingston. b - Y -- Bibby Co. | TTT TBTT ET TTT TREBLE ley Says Never Become por Man Ever man we can help you to get antial, reliable Footwear at in. prices. rland & Bro. THAT PROVES. a Try us for your Vill Say cold, wet, nasty storms ad a PAIR OF RUB- buy them now? We of them, fresh from. the 0's. Factory. - They are modern modsia and, in Shoe Store, HRER Sy a c 2e%epatd ie Lane) La] on -- sm. --This is 8 stra - ns No, su 1THi This straight emer, fhe] so. edinm lengh, stripped. * @ We have been making E. T. | Cor 2 iS : E.T. Corset ii carefully ' Tam ont tr i fi | owe Thats why ws an gu @ Corsets MILBURN"S 'Heart and Nerve Pills. and Sinking Spells, Faint and Weak 2 or Pala through the Heart; e y Hands and Feet. There may be many minor tome of heart and nerve trouble, but these are the chief ones. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will Sig these symptoms from the Price 60 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25, WEAK SPELLS CURED. Los Aubin mucous mem nless, and not astrin. gent or poisonous. or sent in plain w ba ors 2. on request. We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133, - Foot of West St. Wood = Coal Fe Hard Wood, Soft Wood and 'Dry Pine Kindling. S. ANGLIN & C0. | TORONTO NEWS. C P.R BRINGS SUIT AGAINST rire INSURANCE Co. Railway Wants $4,700 For Dam- _ ages, Or Return Pf Premiums ~--W. D. Long Given Leawe To Appeal Against McMahon's Judgment. a Special to the Whig bs 'Loronto, Nov. ~The C.P.R.. has begun. suit against the Ottawa Fire Insurance company. In a recent fire the railway company sustained $4, oo damages, but the insurance it is claimed, refuses to settle. The railvay now: demands either the . S$ 700, or, if the policies are invalid, the return of the premiums it has paid, amounting to $21,000. Justice Street, this morning, Ho Osgoode hall, gave W. D. Long, H dion, leave to appeal to the court t of Again ainst the judgment of Jus- +n on ahon, which reversed the order of the official referee, ullowing the sale of the Canada Woollen Mills properties to Mr. Long. In' the meantime the purchase money, $253,- 000, is. to be paid to the liquidator. The case will be expedited in order that the value of the securities may not be lowered. The formal opening of the Macdon- ald Institute, Guelph, will take place during the week of the fat stock show, December 5th, 6th and 7th. Sir Willi MeBDonald, Prof. Robertson and Dr. Mills will take part in the ceremonies. Chancellor Boyd and Justice Teetzel, this morning, gave their decision in regard to costs in the North Norfolk election trial. A. Little, the respon- dent, objected to the payment of E53s witnoss- fees gn the ground that the witnesses wera not called. The con: servative candidate, Dr. Snider, con- tended that as Mr. Little had denied everything, the summoning of the wit- nesses became necessary. Their lord: ships ordered that $230" be paid, re marking that the attitude of the re spondent indicated that there might have heen an accumulation of evi- denco if he had 'mot resigned, A deputation representing the Ham- ilton hospital board waited on Pre: mier Ross, this morning, to ask for assistance toward the building of a new $50,000 wing to the hospital, bas- ing request on the ground that -out- side of London, Hamilton is the only hospital in Ontario Kept up by taxes on the ratepayers. The premier, in promising consideration, said it was a very difficult matter because it would open. the door to requests of that kind from all over the province. The feel- ing also would be engendered among the people, that it would not be ne- cessary to give to hospitals because they were supported by the govern ment: STILL PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. Dr. Mackie Speaks About Rev. Dr. McComb. Rev. Dr. Mackie, in St. Andrew's Church Monthly Circular, just issued, says": "It has been authoritatively an- nounced to' citizens of Kingston that PROBABLE RECOUNTS. Constituencies Where Con- tests Were Close. + Bir Wil according to a Montreal id ry make a holiday trip to-Aalifornia. be no difficulty about finding a seat for Mr. Borden in On- tario if he wants one. 1 It seems to be a foregone conclusion that Hon. N. A. Belcourt, senior mem- ber-elect for Ottawa, will be speaker of t. the new Hon. --_ Aylesworth, may be offer- ed the county of Gaspe, as it is now certain that the solicitor*general will sit for his new county of Nicolet. Majorities in parlianient since con- federation : 1807, conservative, 6; 1872, liberal, 60: 1878, conservative, 68; 1882, 'conservatives, a7; 1887, conserv- Five atives, 41; 1891, conservatives, 31; 1896, liheral, 37; 1900, liberal, 51; 1904, liberal, 64. The new parliament will, in all pro- bability he called together in the' first throw of the opposition means a short at the present, the government has no legislation of first importance to submit. Phe finance minister and one or two of his colleagues will probably hold sittings of the tarifi commission in various parts of the country next summer or fall, so both the manufae- turing and consuming ° classes will have plenty of time to prepabe what representations they. intend submit- ting. In ¢lose constituencies there will no doubt be a recount of the ballots. Here are some of the close ones in Ontario : Brantford, W. F. Cockshutt, conservative, 15 majority; London, Hon. C. S. Hyman, liberal, 18 majori- ty; West Elgin, A. B. Ingram, conger- vative, 22 majority; North Grey, W. B. Telford, hberal. 23 majority; Went- worth, W. O. Sealey, liberal, 17 maj- ority. I---------- Fit J. SAMUEL McCUE, Formér Mayor of Charloftesville, Va. \ convicted of the murder of his wife. The case is one of the most remarkable in the criminal annals of the Old Dominion and because of the prominence of the ac- cused man Th attention, e trial attracted wide-spread pints, Hallowe'en Party. our learned and highly esteemed friend, Rev. Dr. McComb, has become Episcopalian, and is studying for the Episcopalian ministry. What a man's intentions are we cannot know till he thinks proper to tell us. But the facts are that Rev. Dr. McComb is still a Presbyterian, a Presbyterian minister, and a member of the preshytery of Kingston. Should he, however, 'ut any time take the step which he is said to have already! en, it will no more lessen our feféndship and afiection for him than it 'will weaken our faith in the validity of our ministerial orders. We are very sure that in making any such change Dr. McComb will manfully say that circumstances, not convic- tions, moved him thereto. As for his studying for 'the ' Episcopal ministry we venture to say as we smile that that would be a work of supereroga- tion, Just a he is, a man of strong, clear mipd, with-a fine scholarship up to date pnd of good heart, he will be a grelit gain to any church that can keep him, or get him." Y. MC. A NEWS. Large Audience Of Men To Hear W. A. Cameron. Yesterday's meetin, augur well for a successiul week of services. Fully 126 men assembled in the gymnasium at 4:15 p.m; and listened with rapt attention to the deeply spi dual mes- sage cloquently delivered Fg r. Ca- meron. A profound in made upon the hearers, as the sim- ple, old-fashioned gospel truths fell from the speaker's lips. Mr. Cameron is a speaker of more than ordinary ability and - talents. Prof. rander's sola, "There 1s A City Bright," was rendered with much acceptance. To- Was night Mr. Cameron will make. the theme of his address "A Suffering Man." The servive will begin at eight 'o'clock. The 'men of our city should attend theso special services in large numbers. Every noon, from 12:30 to 1:30, a prayer. meeting will be held in the rooms. Christian men interested Fuel Fuel Hard Coal Grate and Egg for your furnace. Stove, Chestout and Pea for your stoves. Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lump for grates 'and efigines. Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut Wood P. WALSH, Mauger. d come to pray, even though for a few iminutes, for the Spirit's bleas- ing on these services, . { COL. SAM HUGHES. Offers: To Vacate Seat For R. L. Bo Special to th ne MX Nov. 7.--Col, Sam Hughes, the member for Vietoria and Haliburton, has laid before the exe- cutive of the conservative association of this riding, an offer to vacate his seat in favor of R. L. Borden. The colonel'x wetion will depénd upon the approval of the party locally, end Mr. Borden's willingness to accept hia offer. ah ----_-- FARMS $4,500 will buy a 200 acre farm, 8 , $1,000 down, balance hills oman on OFRARE' Hg Torey "will buy 50 acres in| To K haston, 4 wiles from city. A ta A, F.BONI All Ministers Re-Elected. Special to the Whig Pome, } ov. 7. ~Definite returns show. that all the members of of the cabinet have been ré-dlegted," The. government hat been victorious 'over the extrem- ists, wba lost twenty 'seats. -------------- Robert Hay. father of Rev. J. Hay, of Rettfrew. died on Tuesday of this sud ANGE XE AND > REAL Ril ESTATE week. He was sightysoven years age. ; ® an The young people of Sydenham were treated last week' toa rollicking good time, the occasion being the Hallowe- 'ert party at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Brown. Mr. Brown is one of the téach- ers of Sydenham High School, and al- though comparatively new, has al- ready found the hearts of the young people and the residents generally. And by active work and co-operation, has become very popular, as has also his amiable wife. And as a host and hostess on the above occasion they were unsurpassed. Their pretty. home was decorated lavishly with festoons of apples and evergreens, and .in every corner were the time-honored large and i small pumpkins, laughing at you from faces cut to resemble every character, and lighted on the inside-. Two large tables were also groaning under their inviting sweetmeats, fruit and cakes. i And before each guest was displayed faney-colored candles, accompanied by long decorated hat pins, a combina- tion found to be very useful when toasting the mallows, which was a part of the festivities, followed by the cracking of a lot of very laughable jokes, found in the centres of a bas- ketful of walnuts, previously prepar- ed, The large party of guests were, by the clever ingenuity of the host and hostess kept constantly busy hunting for hidden treasures, guessing a very cleverly constructed bill of fare, hunt- ing for partners, reading compositions and the like, until the wee sma' hours of the: approaching morning made them reluctantly seek their wraps and vote Mr. and Mrs. Brown, among the best of entertainers. Prizes were given to those who excelled, . A Fine Review. In November North American Re view Baron Kentaro Kaneko explains why "The Yellow Peril is Japan's Golden: Opportunity." Sir Robert Finlay, attorney-genetal of Great Britain, outlines the history of "In- ternational Arbitration.' Congress- man Esch indicates "What Must Be Done to Secure Safety on Railroads?' Fiona Macleod contributes a delight ful study of "The Irish Muse." W. H. Lawton traces a connection be- tween the recent increase in "Suicide and Life Insurance." George W. E, Russell sketches the career of the late English statesman, Sir William Ver- non-Harcourt. Prof. - 0. F. - Lewis gives interesting information about + "The Self-Supporting Student in American Colleges." " A Remarkable Circumstance. Dennis R I, a you man 'of Bloombeldy while ory at Mr. Burr's bern on Tuesday last fell about thirty-five feet and hroke his back at about half past five at night and at eleven o'clock, av, he died. The voung man was working on the same barn a year ago last spring and a scaffold gave way with him and his brother Robert Roudel. and Walter Sharp. Sharp was killed and the others came out all right. On Tuesday the re Juothus were again workin, un'or- tunate mdn fell wh Pr, op ten feet of the spot where he fell before, and at the sawe hour in the day. mk -------------- Men's bigh laced shoes. latest shapes THE DAILY WHIG, LIFE IN Toi week of February. The utter over} session this winter. So far as known | J when. he was quartered in India, and ASSASSINATION ¢ OF BUFFALO MISSIONARY IS FEARED. op In Cuse--Presi- Sends Special Envoy Teo ) -- Shah. Buffalo, Nov, 7.=The assassination of Dr. Jompl P. Cochran, medical _missi nampa Peres church of this city at Ur jp Persia, is feared. os Du fy abate was killed pr "year by. # Sayld and some Kurdich® It later develop- ed that Pinus was mistaken for Rev. Va p Holmes, pastor of the church matter to his Sangre ion Hh Recently word SEE br, Co a life was in S. NM. Cle ment, president: of the Marine Bank of Buffalo, -- at Ho Dashing Alexan der recen A Washington an laid the ma Ae roi President Roosevelt took immediate action, sending & Special envoy. to the shah irom the tic and consul- ar service in + Word has been received that. the ish accomplices the representations by the President's en- voy. The Sayid, however, is about to be released; tions are not wanting,' said Pr. Holmes that Dr. Cochran's life js imperiled. -------- A HAPPY DEATH. Released From Pain' To The Rest Of Paradise. On * Saturday (attamoon death re- leased from ysical pain, borne tiently he thy, till intense suf- i brought on merciful unconscious- ness, Mrs. widow of Robert Deacon, youngest son .of Mr. Deacon, for many years postmaster of Kings- ton. Mrs. Deacon was the daughter , of Dr. Ferris, surgeon of the British army, and was born in the Isle of Man, sixty-four years ago. For some time she kept house for her father many years ago came to Cdnada te keep house for her brother, Charles Ferris, who had to Canada to settle on Lemoine's Point, the pro- perty left him by his aynt, Mrs. fe moine, Hore she met her hushand, who lived but six weeks after "their mar- Hugs. Sines A Jima Mrs, Deacon han av nel ingeton, where she Pn Rersell to young and old by het. kindliness of disposition, her constant thoughtfulness for others, and her cheery ways. She va a nem ber of St. George's cathedral, and a great church worker, and auxiliary woman, She was the possessor of a rich contralto voice, which she was ever ready to use for the delight of her friends, or for the benefit of charity.In his seymon at the cathe: dral yesterday, Dean Smith made a feeling reference to ther life's hr and at evensong, ~ Chopin's fune march was played as a voluntary. The burial service, was said in the cathedral at two o'clock this after- noon. Among the many. beautiful flowers, was a cross sent by the WA, and Churchwoman's Aid, of St. George's cathedral, and a large bunch of chrysanthemums, from the reading club of which Mrs. Deacon has been for many years a member, Besides her two brothers, Charles and Edward Ferris, Mrs. Deacon has left two sisters, Mrs. Sherwood, Prince Albert, NW.T., and Mrs, Frank Dobbs of this city. OFFICIAL RETURNS. Show Harty's Majority Over Gas- kin To Be 538. At noon to-day Returning Officer Gildergleeve made the official returns of the local Dominion election. Har- ty's majority is 532. The corrected figures are: Returns By Sub-Divisions. Har- Gas- Gra- Sub-Divisions. Mi kin. ham. Sydenham, No.1. 16°86 1 we. . 116 63 0 Ontario No. 3... « Q 21 1 " "47.7.7. 190 62 2 St. Lawrence, *" 5 ., .. .. 56-36 0 "" We. wel 32 } Cataraqui, * 7 .. «58 39 2 i" 8. 129 100 2 " "9. uiuidld 61 2 " #10. we: 92°100 4 Frontenac, '11. ,.. ... 68 88 : "1la) wil 44 0 . o" - .. 107 106 2 se . «14: 98 4 . , . 88 60 6 Rideau, i 9 127 3 : sw NA a is - 66 45 2 as w «122 108 3 a " i800 81 1 " " 53 66 1 Victoria, 4 .- « 1 36 10 i " . a 3 43 2 « " » ] 7 0 .t "2 (ad) vu 0 O64 1 Portsmouth, a L107 56 1 2,297 1,735 53 Harty's majority, 532, ---- bd Returns By Wards. 5 Fare Gan Gras Wards. ty. kin. ham Sydenham .. .. .. .. .a 242 119 Ontario .. » 180 83 3 St. Lawrence o 308. 68 1 Cataraqui ., iol 301 10 Frontenac . 453 366 12 Rideau ... ... . 487 401 12 Yictoria... .. .. ... 300 210 13 Portsmouth .. .. .. « 107 58 1 - -- ---- -- 2,267 1,735 53 TEN YEARS LONGER, Sir Richard Thinks Liberals Will Retain Power. Montreal, Nov. 7.--Sir Richard Cart- wright, in 'Montreal, made the follow: ing comment on the result of the elections : "It would perhaps have been better had the result been more evenly distributed, but the fact re mains that with the exercise of ordin- ary née the liberals should he able to remain in powet for at least ten years longer. A remarkable fea- ture of the contest was the fact that the liberals in Ontario wade gains. in the caster section of the Provines, wi in times past ctphatic ties have been given in, favor of the When we purchased the rights to Liquoos we decided to buy the first bottle and give it free to each sick one we learzed of. "We published the offer in nearly every newspaper in America, and 1,800,000 people have accepted it. In ore year it has cost us over ond million dollars to ans pounce asd fulllll the offer. Doz't you realize that a product must have wcnderful merit to make such an offer possible? We hae never asked a soul to buy Liquozone, We have published no testimonials, no physician's endorsement. We hive simply asked the sick to iry it--try it ot our expense. And that is all we ask |i you, it you need i , "Kills Inside Germo. Liquozoneé is not made by compound- ing drugs, vor is there alcohol in it. Its virtues are derived solely from gas ~--largely oxygen gas--Dby & process re- uiring immense apparatus and 14 s' time. This process has, for more than 20 yéars, been the constant sub- Shan 21 of scientific and chemical re- search. The result is a liquid that does what : is & nerve food nd the world to you. Its are ex- hilarating, vitalizing, purl iL it is a germicide so certain that we ublish on every bottle an offer of $1, 800 for a ¢isense germ that it cannot We believe peints wheat is not likely R at present prices. eo buy w on thres cent margins fer Sept. er McMillan & Maguire, § PETREBORO--184-136 Hunter St, Any size or shape. THE CANADA METAL AUSTRIA'S COMING RULER. Archduke Francis Ferdinand Much Talked Pf. Whig, Sienna, Nov. T--The most tatked of person throughout the dual nbire at the present time is Archduke Francis Ferdinand, nephew of Emperor Francis Joseph and heir presumptive to the throne, Attempts are no longer made to conceal the fact that the venerable emperor is fast sinking, and that it is only a question of months and pe haps weeks before the archduke will be called upon to ascend the throne of the Hapsburgs and take up the dif- fienlt task of maintaining order in the conglomerate empire anc preventing it from falling asunder. The archduke, though still far from being popular, has succeeded in rising in the public regard, especially since New Scale W The Williams has the Jongest strings to the scale, largest sounding board, and most powerful action, In loud passages the tones swells : heaviest demands of classical music. « piano to and styles, only $3.50, at Aber pethy's. . pg : conservative cavdidates. Williams Piano Co. BUY SEPTEMBER WHEAT purchasers of Sept. whea! paNSN 80s. 'WiLL show Jon profit befo ofa the, option expires. nd id pi EL i regson ns are a : = 'an zone. It is the way kno./n to ds gives Liguozone | humanity. And that Worth is 80 preat that, after tasting the product for years, through Arg owed, paid troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are rect and uncertain. are destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That is inevitable. "RED-HEAR Is without question, a Superb Tonic for loss © appetite, sleeplessness, or that "run-down feeling," in fact it never fails to "Wind Up Rundown Systems 90c. a 180 ha Sept. In on chen t in lots 6 tor a «-E. Cor. or. King & Yonge Sts. KINGSTON-- Exchange Chambers, CC ---- ---------- Block Tin Pipe & Lead Pio = We make specialties. COMPANY.,, TORONTO. his morganatic marriage four yours ago to Countess Chotek. From rather wild and profligate bachelor oe has been transformed into a model husband. The only fear expressed as to his stive accession to the throne s that | o will be a reactionary ruler, He Tacks. individudlity and is known "to be under the clerical influence of his wife. He is especially unpop with the Hungarians and on more than one occasion he has shown great want of tact by wounding" their national pride, He may be said to be popular only with the Bohemians, who look to gaining ~ their = autonomy under his rule, thanks to the influence of + his wile, who is by birth a Crech. Lever's '{-7. (Wise Head) Disintoc- tant Spap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. illiams Piano. out srong and sonorous, equal 1 de Yet the lightest touch brings the sweet, singing tone that makes the Williarhs a. delightful accompaniment of the voice "I received the pianc and am delighted wich its finish and in excellent one Hon G. W. Ross. Premier of Onuaria. by. Write for copies pf illustrated booklets ou the Bistory and Somructon of Ld., Sshawa, Ont. 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