2 es pot por EN ther, | yesterday ad '| coanut 20e. "He ap assefts that tiers is some talk among the officers and men that teads to the belief that the Japanese mean to try to earry the inner forts and citadel this 8 onth, hh." 21.--A patch, eid this rrr Oo 34 iseria He on resumed the FY ceive of Ruronr 8 : Camden Fast: Rep. © tions to this | army" and x sob, 140 TITER ECER, , and y IN. BETEIE IE; ction, ott made his claims in the an guithuoriied interview fe at national he: dog tts: Ee ly Parker wi he 3 dy ted=worse ! red: a non ar Bryan" ol and 1 ctor Yeott, i New York te for Roosevelt 50,000 to 78, i ity, and does not § ive Par E a single one of the dou ul states even hat he the city to the tent it does at present, and preven- e. Crawford romith a itt Hix 3 ny iy. tne. His Ash, le, ns farm. nveyed to] and fifty-five men Russicn Killed and telegraphs that there no fighting yesterday; armies ne their respective . positions. There are continual reconnaisances on from Post Arthur, brought to left there C hich 4 rake To Junk, a flores hombard- which baggan Octobér 16th was Ap . ing without pa rrp. t bu n dam- ro IS he arbor also had been "hit by shélls. ' The Japan- mai now posted at T have Miaced guns ibre ¢n Lunkiada Moun- ig [he Russidng continue making sorties successfully and inflicting heavy losses on the Japanese. the Whig. 0h Oct, 21. don R. 0 for aughter, on a John Rud: nd sentenced to be hanged on bar 22nd, has forwarded a pes ition: to the minister of justice, ask: \ th sentence be. com- d a ie i pment, The do: 1 natures. A re- samen a new "trial is made as an ternative, Sevlem---- Daughter Of Colonel Suicides. New Ygek, Oct, 21~Lillian Wat- ki twenty, op poison, yester- a and She was the daughter of a Britis! a on and was #0, that she could not endure life, Bhe was very musical, but she did not know the meaning of work, She worked at packing cracker boste r 87 week. Her brother, who b with her took a ace at 88.50. Then the bitter fight or tet began, but the girl could not Sp the hardships of her lot and to kill herself, Unearths Fraud. Naw York, Oct, 21.1 had a man in my office yesterday who voted for phone times in the last election, and' I'm going to see that there will be no tition of this incident this year.' th these words Gov. Odell prefaced She statement that he and George W. Morgan superintendent of electibng, are son the trail of the : repeater' and to 'wipe out his heretor fore do ishing industry. ab, To i As Arbitrators. ¥ 5 a or "91.--Hon. Edward Blake and Donald Macmaster left here ofor N dland, via Syd- ,8., where ate (o act as | Arators in the dispute between the Interests and the New- church are: Rev, I. will address meetings on November ed, » at Garden Tsland on' neaday and week. ia w 31 on Thar Rows J equal, 256. Mahood tor, prints; 18a, Crawford's. "Homoo and duliet" will he pre- sented at he Grand on November 3rd. "returns will be annaun- ted during le evening. Butter, hits, I8e. Urawlord's, te Sh of Queen's ptudents decided to ap- Ts sefiate "with a view to se cuting the retirement of 'a professor. Butter, prints, 1%. Crawford's. RS shina Ee i Pensé full ¢ on at on Thutsday evening wpon the lia an hor' west and foreign mis: ip A 'woenically spectacular revival of ith > 4 has "heen niatle by anager urray in wl iss Marie Wainwright appears as Viola. So be presented hare on October For Bo. you ean purchase any of the following at McLeod's "Drug Store: camphor ite, lanoline, carbolie tooth powder, English earbolic soap, cold cream. MeLeod's Drug Store. Butter, prints, 18e. R Crawiord'i. Cobking butter 15¢. per Ib., best co- b., 3 packages corn starch 25¢., two 1'Ib. tins choice baking powder ce. at Mullins, corner John- ston and Division streets. The names of the clergy spoken of for' the dmcumbency of St. Luke's 3. Forneri, B.D. Merrickville; Rev, E. 8. Radcliffe, D. Wright. Butter, prints, Mee. Crawford's. Mrs. Martin, Garden Island, was brought to the eity to-day, to under- fo an operation for appendititia. The eration will be jormed at* the Rin ngston General Hospital. Butter, prints, 1%. Crawford's. Fleven crates of prize fancy fowl were shi dl to-day by Dominion Ex- ress 16 St, Louis for the poultry ex- ibit there. --. shi yd were L H. Breck, and id, of this eity, and the dy _--" like prize-winners., Butter, prints, 18. Crawford's. Rev. Matthew E. Wilson, agent of 'the Tible Society, is in the vicinity of Kingston, lecturing in its interests. He at Wolfe Island | November 2nd. Addresses were deliver- ed in Inverars Mh Perth road on Wed: hursday evenings of this 'TO-MORROW'S TEAMS Thrée Kingston Clubs Will Have Games. Queen's held a, finial light practice at the campus this afternoon, and both teams had a e turn out, The teanis to play against McGill , and Cadets 1. were tobe picked after the prastive and the probable line-up will Seniors.-- Macdonnell, full back; Wil- liams, Walsh and Richardson, halves ; Duron or Sritten, quarter ; Gillies, Donovan, Thom scrimmage; the wi will be soy from Patterson, Bailey, Kennedy, Timm, Cameron, Dobbs and Britton, who was spoken of as a probability for quarter. Some further change may be made in the back division, but the Jist given is the probable choice, The Intermediates have lost two good players in E. Sutherland and Curtin, who is suffering from an in- jury. Their team against Cadets to- morrow, will probably be: Fee, full 'back; B. Sutherland, Stra- chan, Gleason, halves; Reid quarter; Templeton, Malloch, May, scrimmage; the wing line will he chosen from Mec- Lellan, Clarke, Spankie, Sloan, Os- wald, "Aikens, Livingston and Rice. The Cadets have been working hard this week and have been taking ad- vantage of "Chaucer" Elliott's coach- ing Jor the past two prdctices, "Chau- cer" says the Cadets are plaving the fastest kind of ball, and he fully exr pects to see them win to-morrow's game, The Limestones will hold their final practice to-night at the rink and the team will probably be the same as played last Saturday. Laird has re- covered from last week's injury and will be in the game as large as life. Island Where Women Shun Men. Kansas City Journal. On , small island in the Greek archi- pelago there is , colony which is com- posed entirely of women, It is a sort of religious order which: considers it a disgrace for one of its members t} aven.lock at 5 man. When 4 fisherman approaches the island the women pull the grey cowls of their cassocks over their heads and turn their backs. Fro- RTE HEE Imported, RE The Woo men, iot vegetarians, grow their own products. Only the matron, who 18 annually elected head of the colony, is over allowed to leave the island. The others Sempiprciliore all their lives, taking their turn tilling the soil, wash- ing and housel Fair 'Warning. Your last chance for peaches and ne A will re- feree the end ill match to.mor row. Butter, prints, 18¢. Crawford's. Wonder whether « the Historie Ringsion" Betionke 5 ho merit of a high NEWSY ITEMS Fi FROM MANY QUARTERS OF EARTH. -- Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little -- Of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. : The Dowager Empress of Russia is serionsly ill. The Artmours werg, trapped in the wheat market. The engagement of the Russian Rd Cross funds was subjected to serious criticism. Sir Richard Cartwright addressed a large meeting at Fort William . on Thursday. President Lucius Tuttle, of the Bos ton '& Maine explained the reasons for railway wrecks. James Cook, Alvinston, Was run down by 4 train while walking on the track and: killed. The New York republivans have formed a political club in the house' where Roosevelt was born. Charles. Parsons, head of many rail- ways, and prominent financier, is dead at New York, aged seventy-five years. von G. Landon, Staatsburg, N. has been appointed. third secre ay of the Americanvembassy at Bet- Despondent on account of jealousy Graves, Néw Haven, Conn. shot himself, but will probably re cover, The New York city hoard of esti- male gnd appointment gnnounced that the budget for 18905 amounts to $110; 500,000; Fhe funeral of the Bishop of Huron will take place at London, on Satur- day morning. The remains being tak- en to Toramto for interment, Oséar E. Shaul, aged forty-four, su- pervisor of the town of Columbia, committed suicide by blowing the top his héad off with a shotgun. Gerslion Marx, Colchester, Conn. has been convicted of murdering his farmhand, Pavol Rodecki. He is said to he sispeutet of other murders. Hon A. G, Blair has received many invitations to addross political meet- ings in different parts of the country, but in every case he has declined. George Joggers, under sentence of Geath in the county jail at Néwton, N. for murder, committed suicide hy 3 chloroform and earbolit: acid News has Bern received brooke, of the death at Goshe of Mre. Dumbell, wife Dumbell, former rector of St. church. With 326 persons pn hoard, the Span- ish line steamer Buenos Ayrés is four days overdie at Havana, for which port she started from New York last Thursday. "Mont" Tennes, a Chicago tirfinan and bookmaker, was held wp in an street. filled with passersby and robbed of $700 in money and diamonds valued at $1,500. Capt. Henry M. Seeley, Boston, was appointed inspector of hulls and The- odore L. Merserean inepector of boil. era in the steamboat inspection ser- vice at New York. Tony AM, forty years of age, ofl} St. Johnsville, N.Y," a railroad track han} was killed by a train. Wound tightly about his legs and tied with strings was found curré néy amount- ing to $120, By the collapse of a scaffold on the third floor of a new building at the Larkin Soap Works, Bufialo, a A work- man named Strieger, wai almo: in- stantly killed and "four others,_inju od, one probably fatally. Marrying a third wife at Sioux Ia., when out of jail on Lond si ned by his second wife, after prosecution by hin first wife, is charged against Wellington W. Bassett. of Syracuse, N.Y., Booneville, N.Y., and Hornick, Ia. Dr. H. G. Hatch, Quincy, 111, advo- cates the killing of degenerates. Dr, J. B. Ransom, New York, opposed Dr. Hatch's homicidal 'views, saying : "I do not believe we had better take in- to our hands the functions of the Al mighty." It is reported that fresh disturh- ances have ocurred <in Santo, Doming, and that the custom house at Porty Plata 'has been or will be taken pos- session of by an American répresenta- tive. Similar action is expected at Monta Christi. Adem ¥agelhart, a veteran of the Franco-Prussian war, - inconsolable for the loss of his son, and exiled for wounding an officer he believed killed hi¢ son, pinned all his medals on his breast," including one Sedun tro and shot himself dead in a New ¥ tenement, Mrs. Ray Singer, a young Now York womdn, ran out 'of her house in 3 delivinm of fever, fled from imagin- y pursuers, and gushing into a dis- an building, closed...the door. A spring lock snapped and she was a Jrischer for four days, till scarchers und her, A Typewriter Record. Trenton, Na, Oct. 21.--Mrs. Mar- garet Cunningham, steno; or in the office of the Monti dein here, has broken the world's record for "practical work on the typewriter. She write 21,089 words in six and one- half hours without an erro¥; or 3, 21 words an hour; 100,000 strokes "on keys required; wade 2 strokes per minute. x I 340,900 In Dues. Bpecial to he we Ottawa, Uct. a. Application has been made for probate of the will of the late Alex. Lumsden, ox-M.P.P. The estate is valued at $935,042 of which | Ontario hid get about $40,000 in suc- 'Died Of Typhoid Fever. Special to the Whig. Jamestown, N.Y., Oct. 21.--Miss a +f mie W. Taylor, a nurse of Guelph, Ont., died of typhoid fever here vester- day. Her body was = removed to her home esterday afternoon. 5 ', Saturday Only, D & A 81 corsets for 79. New York ss Reform. Butter, prints, 18¢. Crawford's. "New life and strength" each box of Blaud's Tron Tonic Pills, 100 4 for Je. Gibson's Red Cross drug wel cider. Grawford, Ba PAE SNR atic If not, do not overlook our immense assortment. We have all that is new in eolor, in weave, in style, in finish. It saves a great deal of time ana trou- ble to buy your suit ready-to-wear. Suits nicely finished at $8.75, 950, 107s, 11.15 12. 2.50, a1 13.75) 14.50, 14.75, 15.75, ~ Shirt Wais Flannellette, made with side pleats and the new sleeve, in neat pat- terns, at 75C., 9oc., 95¢;, $1.25 $1.40. ' p » French Flannel, in a variely of patterns, made with tucks and the latest sleeve, at $2.75, $2.95. Lustres, in Black, Navy and Cream, in a large range of prices. Bedford Cord, in Cream and Black. Specialat - $2.99. Black Sateen Waists at all prices. 0 TT Heel Boots For Large 'Girls Genuine Dongola Kid, sizes 23% 10 5, $1.25 & pair. Still Better Dongola Kid, same sizes, $1.50 and $1.79 a pair. Selected Dongola, very fine, same sizes, $2. Genuine Box Calf. with good soles, same sizes, $1.50 and $2. "The same shoes In smaller sizes come cheaper Ours Are All Solid. - London Ale - and Porter They are 'made from the best le Me) material grown, and cost more to be produced, ¢ to you is nothing extra. | have the best? : i JAS. McPARLAND, Agent. re ------------------ Block Tin Pipe & . Any size or shape. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, TORONTO 6 Pleces Suits silk' $45. for $30. 5 Pi , Suites Va ent shade, $35, for $2 Good variety of Pai $250. We sell the best tain Pens, and a to put right a fa or Bent . Points, experience during sell have our at charge, breakages cepted. SMITH JEWELERS 360 KI IF YOU WANT T Furniture, or Carpet: 1f you want to sell is all I want, and TURK'S SECOND aes Prince A GOOD G ply in th avenue. OFFICE BOY WII n of ~ shortha) R. McCann GENERAL SF family. No w ply to Mrs. Wi Gore street. A YOUNG MAN, G¢ » a FoR ALL INTELLIGEN secking pleasant ary or commissi write now to M importers, Londo AGENTS, TO 8I fest kitchen uten ston and surrou Bxclusive territ distribute dod, ® it. Ey SALESMEN, TO beer faucet attac ing hig money proposition, rig Novelty Works, Chicago ELP -- MALE man to travel weekly, and ex be steady. sober, es Address Ma Buffalo, N.Y. OVERCOATS, TO and Clean, to have goods. please. T. Ga Brock street. A TEACHER FO Collegiate Insti History, Readin ary, $700. Ap John Macdonal Board of Educa LADI AND ¥( $20 sa 1,000 ¢ A "LARGE MAN cern about to o in this section, res! ansible ma Salary #1, E00 first class crs +$2.500 cash. Address Manuf Chesman Comp MEN 'AND WOME and adjoining sent and adver house of solid 1 ary to men $3 $12 to $18 we . vanced each M. from Jo Nendasad urn uid A Co., Dept Seago, 11 TO FIRST CLASS R Apply 1680 Ki convenient to HOUSE, ABOUT improvements west Pi of + Lhis of MAT! WEALTHY a cumbered, gen feels need of ship and wife 1.714 Chestny phia, Pa. a ---------- ---- A GOLD BR Sticks and 10 er will return i -- [3 LADIES: WHE pound, box, at Mullin' Buy fresh foc son's: Red Cros Bn wT et ROE a