§ U 5 ich involve any failure of t 3 he nervous force, BEECHAM'S nearly sixty years, built up i LE REPUTATION. power of the digestive organs like CHAM'S P the Blood of long-standing impurities, brace up the to a high point of vigor, and effectually chase away ptom of weariness and cured tens or thousands in this and every country of the yourself why they should not equally proye a boon to you, Renew the power of digestion by using IECHAM'S PILLS and U. 8, America. = In boxes, 23¢. ILLS. depression. Since BEECHAM" TY THE OLIVER made in Canada. ONG or shorr carriage, in- terchangeable. I use by both great Cana- dian railroads. ye! BLE writing wins. VERY machine guaranteed perfect. EGARDING price, we save you $25, which you don't have to pay in duty. GEORGE ZEIGLER, Agent, M6 King St - - Kingston. Finnan Haddies Fresh Oysters Wild Ducks Kippered Herrings . Poultry DOMINION FISH CO. 63 Brock St. "Phone 520. Wood Burning Outfit Wo Have Them From $1 Up Also An Artistically Framed Picture Our X¥rames are MADE IN KINGSTON and are guaranteed by, the makers, KIRKPATRIGK'S "rue $2,600 od os brick dwelling on- University Avenue. ie ° NODERN mPROVENENTS. b NLY high grade machine 'McDOWALL'S [ Housanos OF INFANTS DIE ANNUALLY who could be saved by the timely of Ceampa, Cholera, Cholera Infantum, Cholera and effectual, Get a bottle from your druggist. Music Bargains Organs from $25 up. Pianos from $50 up. Large stock of Mouth-Organs at cost. All other Instruments and Strings at correspondingly low Mail orders promptly attended to. FERROVIM Builds up the System Strengthens the Muscles Gives New Life Sold by all medicine denlers. Davis & Lawrence Cd., Litd., Montreal. we "MAPLE LEAF" I. CANNED SALMON packen See Our Window Display Furnished Dining-room, two- Last ar thirds of the boarding houses with these, Thase are sellers at Be prices. we furn 5 REID, JAMES RE! AMBULANCE "PRONE 147A. is (ET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantes you satis- factory results. We don't brag, out perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but your best inter- est studiéd. ; W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. LE Consult with Geo. CUE before Morbus and all Summer Complaints, a few days for Toronto, where she E d will resume her studies. Florence diy mother, nurse an guar was the guest of Hee, Ford last i should keep week. Mr. arrager, Smith's Falls, E it. is calling on his lh here. Mrs. very house should have it. Clark, Russell, is visiting" her daugh- Itis harmless, pleasant, reliable | ter. George Lashford left for the North-West to-day. Mesers. Garrett, took place on 13th, at the residence of Mrs. R. Gib- son, when Miss Annie M. Gibson was united in marriage to Drummond Val- lean, Inverary. Miss E. Harris. F. Gibson, brother of the bride. The complete. ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. i jalty of Side- | Boyce. Morven. The popular bride As we sje makin & Fables. _ Diming | was the recipient of a number of fine Shelve, China Closets, at cut prices. presents. Among those who are at- Next week we intend running some- tending the exhibition at Toronto are thing that will interest those at are | apd Mire. n, accompanied by filling up for boarders or roomers in | MI. s <Q Viol i. Bedroom: Sets, odd Dressers and Stands, | Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, of Violet. re new Beds, Springs and and Mrs, D. R. Hicks spent several days with her brother at Mrs. R. Gibson, seriously ill, for some John Garrison are visiting friends at EE Sleeplessness, signs of a run down nervous system. tingly cured when the nerves are josting'y to health and s th. | street, Kingston, Ont. vb hushand Hy auctioneer, states: "For a long time I was a victim of sleep lessness which was accompanied ox- haustion of the nervous system. e have been wonderfully built up in ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Poin In Eastern or ---- People Are Doing And What They, Are Saying. Harlem Happenings. Harlem, Sept. 8.--Mys, still on attending the Brockville fair. Toledo Tidings. Toledo, Sept. 14.--A number from here attended the Brockville fair. Mrs, Pratt is spending this week in Smith's Falls, Rev. Fr. Crowley, Treveylan, was the guest at the presbytery on Wednesday. R. Percival has a num- ber of men employed in erecting a building suitable for a tailor shop or store. Mrs, Fowler, who was quite ill, is now recovered. Mrs. Hart has taken possession of her store, lately vacated by Jordan & Co., and will carry on the business as formerly. The Toledo football team was defeat- ed by the Easton's Corners team on Saturday. Collins Bay Items. Collins Bay, Sept. 14.--Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Glenn, Russell, have returned home after a short visit here with her sister, Mrs. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Guardhouse are attending Toronto exhibition. Mrs. Garrett and her ed, after an extended trip to Toron- to, Niagara Falls and other points, leaving on the beautiful steamer To ronto. Miss Mary Grass will start in Coon and Lashford last week, while on two days' fishing, caught a num- ber of salmon, the largest weighing fifteen pounds. Harrowsmith Happenings. Harrowsmith, Sept. 14.--Our annual fair was considered a great success. Several of our residents attended To- ronto fair and quite a number went to the Tamworth fair last Saturday. Fletcher Cook has gone cast after spending a week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Patterson left on Tuesday, the 6th, for Winnipeg. E. W. Sproule has returned from a busi- ness trip to New Ontario. He speaks very highly of the country. Miss Flora B. Stewart spent Sunday with friends' in Kingston. A. Lemmon and -. Spriges spent Sunday in Harrow- smith. M. C Sproule has roturned from visiting friends in Moontreal. Visitors : Miss Bearance, Kingston, at J. 8, Gallagher's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Callaghan and Stewart, Napanee, accompanied by Miss Myles, aiso Mrs. Currie and Madeline, at 1D. Grave's; the Misses Eleanor and Aonie Ly at W. J. Lyons'. Miss Edith Trous dale is visiting friends in Watertown. A New Blacksmith, Millhaven, Sept. 14.---Walter For- ward, Coldwater, Mich., has returned home after visiting friends here. Miss Helen Emory and Master Gerald Amey are on the sick list. Hugh Mar- shall, Kingston, has rented Elmer Sharpe's blacksmith shop, and takes possession cn Monday next. Miss Mav Hall, Croyden, visited the Misses Fairfield for a few davs reeently. Frank Collins and family attended the wedding of Miss H. Chambers in Bath, last Monday. Myrtle Collins made a charming little flower girl. Mrs. Knapp, Kingston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Horace Rickev, Mys. John Clement is improving nicely, after her serious illness. Miss Laurs Clement is visiting her grandparents. Miss Cora Steele has returned to Rochester, af ter spending the summer with her fa- ther. Rev. Mr. Caldwell, Bath, preach- ed in the school-house Sundav after noon last, to a very large congrega- tionf He is holding services every two weeks, Morven Matters. Morven, Sept. 13.--A quiet wedding Tuesday, September She was assisted by The groomsman was at Erinsville. time, is not improving. Mr. and Nrs, Exhausted Nerves. Health Wonderfully Built Up By Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Inability to sleep is one of the surest It is a symptom which can only be ontreal W. Allen, 306 R. en, n Mrs. aad i I an using Dr. Chase's Neive a 1 bees can now say that I buying. at 95 Clarence street. health. My nerves re site 5 thi al » t i il 0 4 ¢ lie medicie. Jt Ja | Ln E10HN | Musi i : 55 J ' James 1. Smith and Master Arnold have gone 'Crow. Lake, to spend a few 'weeks for 'the later's health. John Raison is the sick list. William Smith and daughter, also Hugh Smith, are daughters, Cora and Iva, have return-, Elgin Events, Elgin, Sept. ~The Methodist Sunday school its annual picnic at Jones' Falls on Saturday, It was as enjoyable as ever for both old and young. John Novmg has moved his family to Gana Horace Judson has moved his ily to Forfar, Funk, Rirst has maved i Perth, Miss va iday on Monday to at- tend Ottawa Normal school. Blanche Halliday bas gone to Westport to learn dressmaking. Mes. W. H. Pear- son returnxd from onto on Satur day. Mr. Raymer, Portland, has mov- ed here and intends opening a tailor shop. At the ann business reoting | of the WMS. in the parsonage | last week, Mrs. Ross Cannon was cho- sen delegate to the branch meeting to be held in Brockville on October 3rd. on Thursday last, Visitors: Mrs. R. Miss Byington, "Portland, at George Warren's. Harold Mustard returnad to Kingston Business Collece on Satur dav. Alden Merrimen's new house is nearing. completion and will be an or- nament to the street. The excursion over the B, & W. given b- St. Paul's congreontion was well 'patronized by our people. Great are going to Brockville' fair. NEWBORO NEWS. The Hunters Report Ducks Scarce --Budget Of Personals. Newboro, Sept. 13.4School opened on the 1st, with A. 8. Morton, Miss Hannah and Miss Wright as teachers, T. C. Freeman removed his family to Kingston last week where they will reside. Hunters report duck very scarce in this locality. The Misses Dunham have rented their house to D. D. Davison and have gone to Carle. ton Place to spend the winter. James Wright is moving from his farm to the village and will live in the house lately occupied by Mr. Davison. A. H. Chester and party, summering at Loon Lodge, Ridegu sks, returned to their homes gross the border lpst week. W. G. Dargavelshd W, H. Stur- geon are attending the state fair at Syracuse, Mr. York, Brockville ix looking after Mr. Sturgeon's business in_his absence, W. E. Pinkerton returned to York- ton, Assa., last week. He was ace companied by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward Pinkerton, who has gone to join her husband. e has secured a fine position and intends settling in the above pamed town. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. "Preston left on Wednesday to visit Toronto exhibition for a few days, thence proceeding to St. Louis, J. T. Gallagher is in Toronto this week. Misses Marjorie and Kathleen Stairs, who have spent the summer here, returned last week to their home in Quebec. They were accompanied by theic uncle, D. B. Oliver, of the Union Bank, who returned to Newboro, on Friday. Misses Mollie Tett and Bessie Lewis returned on Saturday to Hav- ergal Hall and Bishop Strachan schools, Toronto, respectively, B. Tett and son, Harold, left on Saturday for Port Hope, where the latter will at- t tend school. CG. T. Raflerty and party. Pittsburg, Pa., are down for the shooting and are occupying their cotlage on . son lake. Preston Tett has returned from Winnipeg, where he has spent the past year and a hall. Miss Minnie Ryan, nurse-in-training of the State Hospital, Ogdensburg, N.Y., is spend- ing her vacation at home. Miss Sin- gleton and Miss Lou have returned from St. Catharines, where they have spent some time at the Welland, Viei- tors: Miss Sharman, Kingston, at J. R. Kerr's; Miss Mills, Merrickville, at J. T. Gallagher's; Mrs. Yelland at Mrs. William Spicer's; J. L. Mahoney, Boston, at P. McKian's; Miss Elma Kennedy at M. Knapp's. el MARRIED AT WESTPORT. Several Events Of Lecided Inter- est. Westport, Sept. 13.-Cne of our most popular young ladies, Miss Luey Scott, was married to-day to Nr. Parker, Montreal. The wedding took lace at the home of the bride's ather. The bride, clegantly attired in a gown of grey crepe de chine, was assisted by her sister, Miss May Seott, while the brother of the groom ably orformed the duty of groomsman. r. and Mrs. Parker left on the 3:30 traig for their home in Montreal. essrs. Lockwood, Alguire, Luch and B. JJ. McNally left, vosterday, for the North-West, John 'Hamilton, Sr., is visiting his Kingston . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moulton returned on Saturday from Torouta fair Miss Myrtle art retur on Monday 16 her lions n Smith's Falls. Messrs. John Laidlaw and Willie Duncan attending the Toronto fair. I" "A Jory preity redding touk place in ~ pe onl foes wf costs col- | any quantity, and deliver to any 13h, While (he Bridal March was be. | 1eted, apd the reeve and clerk get od" part of the city. | 3 ing played the bride, Miss, Auia. R. y g at ol wire SE ET i LL 3 McCann, and the groom, T. H. Syl- | drains. Bonuses on : rat, marched up the aisle and took their places at the altar steps. The bride, wore a delicate gown of blue organdie and carried a houquet of | white asters. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvat left on the 3:30 train for Montreal bride's who able to Wesley home on Point for his home in Washington, D.C, al- so Dr. Charles for his home in Washington. Mrs, Bor- den will remain for two weeks longer, Mrs. R. E. Horton, who has been vis- birthday the dries, Franti, $7.5; Franklin, $7.25; D. W. Cornell, $1.50; E. Murray, $11.25; T. Maxwell, timber, 36; H. Wenborn, work, 84; B. Farrelly, pickets, $3.50; R. Gough, balance on stone, $1.40; J. Davis, work, $13; R. $5; S. Anglin, lumber and coal, $62. 13; Oldrieve and Horn, cable, $0.55; G. McAlister, work, $24.36; E. Hunter, work, 84; J. Quinn, work, $3.5; G. McCormick, gravel, $7.80; G. Woods $2.50; J. ork, $1; Barrett Bros, op- in work, Nevison, w ting crusher, work, 5p J. Woods, work, $6. 0 motion Ruttan-Smith the clerk to bill 1s ile, Pa., Z we crusher p J nt On motion Ruttan-Smith, the a8 the best grade of oil made clerk tify the Sawyer & Massey | the world. This is ws aq, Rokimmon, of the do : company, agen Sertion, but if you the crusher purchased. | "Sunlight" ge On motion RuttanSmith Mr. McKeg- ! ih ort 8 Bu J 0 give you the muscle and brain to tackle the Our "Vital Question " Cook Book selves a the What-to-eat Problem--Write for it. SECOND CROP OF CLOVER. for the Charles Fi lock and own, is Aug. 12.- cCarey, Vv. fects found in Mrs. Seed is visiting her daughter, uses Loss -- Mrs. Howard, at ev's Lock. Sev- Potato Rot Su Fair A eral from here attended the funeral of . Miss Mary Knowlton, at Singleton, | Chaumont, N.Y, Sept. 12--Many farmers are cutting the second crop of Dousett, Rat Portage, at Mrs. | clover for feeding. School has opened Smith's; Mr. Campbell, Haden; at | With a large attendance and W. B, his brother's; Mrs. Bouser at (. E. Hyde bn Sigain Sénehos of the yin Johnston's; Mr. Hiscock, Seeley's | *chool. Miss Freda iensich 1 Bay, at Archie Mustard"s; Mr, at teacher on Point Salubrious. A. C. (THE ORIGINAL AND Mrs. Geo. Mustard, Burridge, at his | 0Vis, Who has spent the summer op i mother's; Miss Belle Morris at home; Pillar Point has returned to his home { in this village. tatoes rotting farmers will not their own use. The church in the Masonic Hall ofl the Roma Saturday night after a good attend ance. A large sum of money was taken iring of the church. isher is threshing at home. George Johnson is feeder on Fisher's machine, Many cottages are closed, Viritors leaving on account of opening. Miss Jessie Dillenback * leaves this week to attend a seminary at Geneva, tha Clark leaves for Red Creek ty care for her father, Rev, H. J. Hoxie, who is guite ill there, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Johnston, has been sick rheumatism, is a little better, but un pave her home yet. Dr. J, WV of, iting her dau hter, Mrs. Gea of spurious compounds or imitations. The gemiine bears the words ! irendjean, at Altman, has retu 4 8 gL NE" 3 y of her home. Nir. Levi Horten bas ro COLLIS. BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on: the Covanmat Stamp of turned to Cape Vincent after visitin her sister, Mrs. Pennok. Mrs. Richardson visited her mother yester- day, John Carpenter, Leonard Misses Mollie Sherry, and Miss - N. Rose, visited at Jay Warner's Sunday. Mrs. R. Durant and children, Myrt and Freda, at William Johnson's yes terday. Miss Hettie Mrs. Fred. Dillenback, invited the la: dies of the C.E.S. and Rebekkahs to o party at Diefendor on Point Salubrious. freshments were served at joyed hy all. a good yield this year. Born to Mr. and Mr, Grant Ketcham, Sept. 5th, a son. Many farmers are not done habvest- ing vet. Mrs. George Boves is recover- ing from a long term of sickness, Mrs, | Jesse Byam, and Mrs, spent Wednesday at Cape Vincent fair. Mre. Jay D. Warner spent Friday in Cape. Ford building a cottage on his grandmother's brious. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Sloat visited Mrs. Ww. Fisher's. mmiinienen. + 1 ® Pittsburg Township Council, | Sloat's All tions from R. J. Dunlop regarding de- fective culvert. E. Pierce regarding draining of lands in concessions 5 and 6, left over. On mo- tion Smith-Helferty, on the communi: cation of C. decline to rent the town hall to pars ties not resident in the township. Ac- | counts passed : W, and tools, 30.85; T. E. Hughes, £3.71; $8.16; G. A. Wright, belts, ete., 82; lor work, 8. McKane, $6.75, J. Lane, #9; B. McKane, $3; W. Franklin, $4.50; I, $3; $6.25; fences ta James ue, 84.25, T, 25: M. Ellery, 85.18, W. Shortall, $9.25 lery J bride isitely attired in a | Colquhoun, $4.53. a Ration i ran ik Jd carried a ond Monday in : et white roses - rier. oa orn. 'The. biidssiiasl, | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Miss Teresa McCann, sister of the Aids Nature. | ' ES © TTT THE NATO iL 00s VE AE restful sleep at night. Many reports of po- are coming im Many save eno for fair held the members Catholic church closed CRLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLOR OD Y N Es ee-s comms, CHLORODY NE Susie suse CHLORO DYN Eishsatcs Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, school oung ladies' N.Y. Mrs. Mar. £ with muscular who has his summer Salubrious, has left E. Borden, has left bottle. Sold in bottles at 1s, 14d., as. od. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony Sole Masufastrrers :=-J. T. DAVE! -- I ---- { 1 Fra Goons, Diefendorf, and the farm of Mr. Re- three o'-. pleasant time was en: The apple crop is quite Charles Rool Richardson, Water. farm ton Point Salu. parents, D. present. Communica: Petition from every Train, giving all the conveniences of a modern hotel. Double track ensures speed and safety. . . . tari oe Ryan, the caretaker Mitchell, pails sun- J. Corbett, oil, ete, ! i ¥ J: Bully, oh; 4. Por book of particulars, "b.Vanalstine, 81.86 JW DALY, 0. E.Mey ~~ Barclay, work, COAL. OI "Sunlight" is the brand that ; ; J. | has won for us such good repute Smith, work, $1 the od Ol rade ot W. McKane, * ston. hy have just unl Onl oar from the $43.30; and men to ints, The od othe outa, brown tailor-m aids expectoration, ent, the secre suit, with hat to match. They will Sana, i ature reside i$ Smith's Falls. "Sal al healthy